Java Examples
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Example #1
Source File: From Tomcat8-Source-Read with MIT License | 7 votes |
private NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> mockSearchResults(String password) throws NamingException { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> searchResults = EasyMock.createNiceMock(NamingEnumeration.class); EasyMock.expect(Boolean.valueOf(searchResults.hasMore())) .andReturn(Boolean.TRUE) .andReturn(Boolean.FALSE) .andReturn(Boolean.TRUE) .andReturn(Boolean.FALSE); EasyMock.expect( .andReturn(new SearchResult("ANY RESULT", "", new BasicAttributes(USER_PASSWORD_ATTR, password))) .times(2); EasyMock.replay(searchResults); return searchResults; }
Example #2
Source File: From spring-ldap with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testSearch_Name_AttributesMapper_DirContextProcessor() throws Exception { expectGetReadOnlyContext(); SearchControls controls = searchControlsOneLevel(); controls.setReturningObjFlag(false); BasicAttributes expectedAttributes = new BasicAttributes(); SearchResult searchResult = new SearchResult("", null, expectedAttributes); singleSearchResult(controls, searchResult); Object expectedResult = new Object(); when(attributesMapperMock.mapFromAttributes(expectedAttributes)).thenReturn(expectedResult); List list =, "(ou=somevalue)", controls, attributesMapperMock, dirContextProcessorMock); verify(dirContextProcessorMock).preProcess(dirContextMock); verify(dirContextProcessorMock).postProcess(dirContextMock); verify(namingEnumerationMock).close(); verify(dirContextMock).close(); assertThat(list).isNotNull(); assertThat(list).hasSize(1); assertThat(list.get(0)).isSameAs(expectedResult); }
Example #3
Source File: From dragonwell8_jdk with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
boolean compareToSearchResult(String name) { boolean successful = false; switch (status) { case LdapClient.LDAP_COMPARE_TRUE: status = LdapClient.LDAP_SUCCESS; entries = new Vector<>(1,1); Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes(LdapClient.caseIgnore); LdapEntry entry = new LdapEntry( name, attrs ); entries.addElement(entry); successful = true; break; case LdapClient.LDAP_COMPARE_FALSE: status = LdapClient.LDAP_SUCCESS; entries = new Vector<>(0); successful = true; break; default: successful = false; break; } return successful; }
Example #4
Source File: From MaxKey with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public boolean create(Groups group) throws Exception{"create"); try { Attributes attributes = new BasicAttributes(); attributes.put(new BasicAttribute("objectClass","groupOfUniqueNames")); attributes.put(new BasicAttribute("cn",group.getName())); attributes.put(new BasicAttribute("uniqueMember","uid=dummy")); String dn="cn="+group.getName()+",dc=groups,"+ldapUtils.getBaseDN(); ldapUtils.getCtx().createSubcontext(dn, attributes); ldapUtils.close(); } catch (NamingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return true; }
Example #5
Source File: From spring-ldap with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testNoChangeMultiAttributeOrderDoesNotMatter() throws Exception { final Attributes fixtureAttrs = new BasicAttributes(); Attribute multi = new BasicAttribute("abc"); multi.add("123"); multi.add("qwe"); fixtureAttrs.put(multi); class TestableDirContextAdapter extends DirContextAdapter { public TestableDirContextAdapter() { super(fixtureAttrs, null); setUpdateMode(true); } } tested = new TestableDirContextAdapter(); tested.setAttributeValues("abc", new String[] { "qwe", "123" }); ModificationItem[] mods = tested.getModificationItems(); assertThat(mods.length).isEqualTo(0); String[] modNames = tested.getNamesOfModifiedAttributes(); assertThat(modNames.length).isEqualTo(0); }
Example #6
Source File: From spring-ldap with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testGetStringAttributesWhenMultiValueAttributeExists() throws Exception { final Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes(); Attribute multi = new BasicAttribute("abc"); multi.add("123"); multi.add("234"); attrs.put(multi); class TestableDirContextAdapter extends DirContextAdapter { public TestableDirContextAdapter() { super(attrs, null); } } tested = new TestableDirContextAdapter(); String s[] = tested.getStringAttributes("abc"); assertThat(s[0]).isEqualTo("123"); assertThat(s[1]).isEqualTo("234"); assertThat(s.length).isEqualTo(2); }
Example #7
Source File: From jdk8u_jdk with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
public static Context getURLContext( String scheme, Hashtable<?,?> environment) throws NamingException { return new DnsContext("", null, new Hashtable<String,String>()) { public Attributes getAttributes(String name, String[] attrIds) throws NamingException { return new BasicAttributes() { public Attribute get(String attrID) { BasicAttribute ba = new BasicAttribute(attrID); ba.add("1 1 99"); ba.add("0 0 88"); // 2nd has higher priority return ba; } }; } }; }
Example #8
Source File: From spring-ldap with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testGetAttributesSortedStringSetExists() throws Exception { final Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes(); Attribute multi = new BasicAttribute("abc"); multi.add("123"); multi.add("234"); attrs.put(multi); class TestableDirContextAdapter extends DirContextAdapter { public TestableDirContextAdapter() { super(attrs, null); } } tested = new TestableDirContextAdapter(); SortedSet s = tested.getAttributeSortedStringSet("abc"); assertThat(s).isNotNull(); assertThat(s).hasSize(2); Iterator it = s.iterator(); assertThat("123"); assertThat("234"); }
Example #9
Source File: From spring-ldap with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testLookup_String_AttributesMapper() throws Exception { expectGetReadOnlyContext(); BasicAttributes expectedAttributes = new BasicAttributes(); when(dirContextMock.getAttributes(DEFAULT_BASE_STRING)).thenReturn(expectedAttributes); Object expected = new Object(); when(attributesMapperMock.mapFromAttributes(expectedAttributes)).thenReturn(expected); Object actual = tested .lookup(DEFAULT_BASE_STRING, attributesMapperMock); verify(dirContextMock).close(); assertThat(actual).isSameAs(expected); }
Example #10
Source File: From spring-ldap with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testGetCompensatingModificationItem_AddExistingAttribute() throws NamingException { BasicAttribute attribute = new BasicAttribute("someattr"); attribute.add("value1"); attribute.add("value2"); Attributes attributes = new BasicAttributes(); attributes.put(attribute); BasicAttribute modificationAttribute = new BasicAttribute("someattr"); modificationAttribute.add("newvalue1"); modificationAttribute.add("newvalue2"); ModificationItem originalItem = new ModificationItem( DirContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE, new BasicAttribute("someattr")); // Perform test ModificationItem result = tested.getCompensatingModificationItem( attributes, originalItem); // Verify result assertThat(result.getModificationOp()).isEqualTo(DirContext.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE); Attribute resultAttribute = result.getAttribute(); assertThat(resultAttribute.getID()).isEqualTo("someattr"); assertThat(result.getAttribute().get(0)).isEqualTo("value1"); assertThat(result.getAttribute().get(1)).isEqualTo("value2"); }
Example #11
Source File: From spring-ldap with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testLookup_String_ReturnAttributes_ContextMapper() throws Exception { expectGetReadOnlyContext(); String[] attributeNames = new String[] { "cn" }; BasicAttributes expectedAttributes = new BasicAttributes(); expectedAttributes.put("cn", "Some Name"); when(dirContextMock.getAttributes(DEFAULT_BASE_STRING, attributeNames)).thenReturn(expectedAttributes); LdapName name = LdapUtils.newLdapName(DEFAULT_BASE_STRING); DirContextAdapter adapter = new DirContextAdapter(expectedAttributes, name); Object transformed = new Object(); when(contextMapperMock.mapFromContext(adapter)).thenReturn(transformed); Object actual = tested.lookup(DEFAULT_BASE_STRING, attributeNames, contextMapperMock); verify(dirContextMock).close(); assertThat(actual).isSameAs(transformed); }
Example #12
Source File: From spring-ldap with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testChangeMultiAttribute_SameValue() throws Exception { final Attributes fixtureAttrs = new BasicAttributes(); Attribute multi = new BasicAttribute("abc"); multi.add("123"); multi.add("qwe"); fixtureAttrs.put(multi); class TestableDirContextAdapter extends DirContextAdapter { public TestableDirContextAdapter() { super(fixtureAttrs, null); setUpdateMode(true); } } tested = new TestableDirContextAdapter(); assertThat(tested.isUpdateMode()).isTrue(); tested.setAttributeValues("abc", new String[] { "123", "qwe" }); ModificationItem[] modificationItems = tested.getModificationItems(); assertThat(modificationItems.length).isEqualTo(0); }
Example #13
Source File: From spring-ldap with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testRemoveMultiAttribute() throws Exception { final Attributes fixtureAttrs = new BasicAttributes(); Attribute abc = new BasicAttribute("abc"); abc.add("123"); abc.add("456"); fixtureAttrs.put(abc); class TestableDirContextAdapter extends DirContextAdapter { public TestableDirContextAdapter() { super(fixtureAttrs, null); setUpdateMode(true); } } tested = new TestableDirContextAdapter(); tested.setUpdateMode(true); tested.setAttributeValues("abc", new String[] {}); ModificationItem[] mods = tested.getModificationItems(); assertThat(mods.length).isEqualTo(1); assertThat(mods[0].getModificationOp()).isEqualTo(DirContext.REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE); Attribute attr = mods[0].getAttribute(); assertThat((String) attr.getID()).isEqualTo("abc"); assertThat(attr.size()).isEqualTo(0); }
Example #14
Source File: From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Converts an {@link Entry} to an {@link Attributes}. * * @param entry * the {@link Entry} to convert * @return * the equivalent {@link Attributes} */ public static Attributes toAttributes( Entry entry ) { if ( entry != null ) { Attributes attributes = new BasicAttributes( true ); // Looping on attributes for ( Iterator<Attribute> attributeIterator = entry.iterator(); attributeIterator.hasNext(); ) { Attribute entryAttribute =; attributes.put( toJndiAttribute( entryAttribute ) ); } return attributes; } return null; }
Example #15
Source File: From spring-ldap with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testGetCompensatingModificationItem_AddNonExistingAttribute() throws NamingException { Attributes attributes = new BasicAttributes(); BasicAttribute modificationAttribute = new BasicAttribute("someattr"); modificationAttribute.add("newvalue1"); modificationAttribute.add("newvalue2"); ModificationItem originalItem = new ModificationItem( DirContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE, modificationAttribute); // Perform test ModificationItem result = tested.getCompensatingModificationItem( attributes, originalItem); // Verify result assertThat(result.getModificationOp()).isEqualTo(DirContext.REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE); Attribute resultAttribute = result.getAttribute(); assertThat(resultAttribute.getID()).isEqualTo("someattr"); assertThat(resultAttribute.size()).isEqualTo(0); }
Example #16
Source File: From spring-ldap with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testPerformOperation() { LdapName expectedOriginalDn = LdapUtils.newLdapName( "cn=john doe"); LdapName expectedTempDn = LdapUtils.newLdapName( "cn=john doe_temp"); Object expectedObject = new Object(); BasicAttributes expectedAttributes = new BasicAttributes(); RebindOperationExecutor tested = new RebindOperationExecutor( ldapOperationsMock, expectedOriginalDn, expectedTempDn, expectedObject, expectedAttributes); // perform test tested.performOperation(); verify(ldapOperationsMock).rename(expectedOriginalDn, expectedTempDn); verify(ldapOperationsMock) .bind(expectedOriginalDn, expectedObject, expectedAttributes); }
Example #17
Source File: From spring-ldap with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testSearch_String_SearchControls_ContextMapper_DirContextProcessor() throws Exception { expectGetReadOnlyContext(); SearchControls controls = searchControlsRecursive(); Object expectedObject = new Object(); SearchResult searchResult = new SearchResult("", expectedObject, new BasicAttributes()); singleSearchResultWithStringBase(controls, searchResult); Object expectedResult = expectedObject; when(contextMapperMock.mapFromContext(expectedObject)).thenReturn(expectedResult); List list =, "(ou=somevalue)", controls, contextMapperMock, dirContextProcessorMock); verify(dirContextProcessorMock).preProcess(dirContextMock); verify(dirContextProcessorMock).postProcess(dirContextMock); verify(namingEnumerationMock).close(); verify(dirContextMock).close(); assertThat(list).isNotNull(); assertThat(list).hasSize(1); assertThat(list.get(0)).isSameAs(expectedResult); }
Example #18
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Verifies that org.jivesoftware.openfire.ldap.LdapManager#getRelativeDNFromResult( * can handle a result that contains multiple RDN values. */ @Test public void testGetRelativeDNFromResultMultiValue() throws Exception { // Setup test fixture. final SearchResult input = new SearchResult( "cn=bender,ou=people", null, new BasicAttributes(), true ); // Execute system under test. final Rdn[] result = LdapManager.getRelativeDNFromResult( input ); // Verify result. assertEquals( 2, result.length ); assertEquals( "cn", result[0].getType() ); assertEquals( "bender", result[0].getValue() ); assertEquals( "ou", result[1].getType() ); assertEquals( "people", result[1].getValue() ); }
Example #19
Source File: From spring-ldap with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testSearch_AttributesMapper() throws Exception { expectGetReadOnlyContext(); SearchControls controls = searchControlsOneLevel(); controls.setReturningObjFlag(false); BasicAttributes expectedAttributes = new BasicAttributes(); SearchResult searchResult = new SearchResult("", null, expectedAttributes); singleSearchResult(controls, searchResult); Object expectedResult = new Object(); when(attributesMapperMock.mapFromAttributes(expectedAttributes)).thenReturn(expectedResult); List list =, "(ou=somevalue)", 1, attributesMapperMock); verify(namingEnumerationMock).close(); verify(dirContextMock).close(); assertThat(list).isNotNull(); assertThat(list).hasSize(1); assertThat(list.get(0)).isSameAs(expectedResult); }
Example #20
Source File: From hottub with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
public static Context getURLContext( String scheme, Hashtable<?,?> environment) throws NamingException { return new DnsContext("", null, new Hashtable<String,String>()) { public Attributes getAttributes(String name, String[] attrIds) throws NamingException { return new BasicAttributes() { public Attribute get(String attrID) { BasicAttribute ba = new BasicAttribute(attrID); ba.add("1 1 99"); ba.add("0 0 88"); // 2nd has higher priority return ba; } }; } }; }
Example #21
Source File: From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Create the Trigger execution subentry * * @param apCtx The administration point context * @param subentryCN The CN used by the suentry * @param subtreeSpec The subtree specification * @param prescriptiveTriggerSpec The prescriptive trigger specification * @throws NamingException If the operation failed */ public static void createTriggerExecutionSubentry( LdapContext apCtx, String subentryCN, String subtreeSpec, String prescriptiveTriggerSpec ) throws NamingException { Attributes subentry = new BasicAttributes( SchemaConstants.CN_AT, subentryCN, true ); Attribute objectClass = new BasicAttribute( SchemaConstants.OBJECT_CLASS_AT ); subentry.put( objectClass ); objectClass.add( SchemaConstants.TOP_OC ); objectClass.add( SchemaConstants.SUBENTRY_OC ); objectClass.add( SchemaConstants.TRIGGER_EXECUTION_SUBENTRY_OC ); subentry.put( SchemaConstants.SUBTREE_SPECIFICATION_AT, subtreeSpec ); subentry.put( SchemaConstants.PRESCRIPTIVE_TRIGGER_SPECIFICATION_AT, prescriptiveTriggerSpec ); apCtx.createSubcontext( "cn=" + subentryCN, subentry ); }
Example #22
Source File: From spring-ldap with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testAuthenticateWithErrorInCallbackShouldFail() throws Exception { when(contextSourceMock.getReadOnlyContext()).thenReturn(dirContextMock); Object expectedObject = new DirContextAdapter(new BasicAttributes(), LdapUtils.newLdapName("cn=john doe"), LdapUtils.newLdapName("dc=jayway, dc=se")); SearchResult searchResult = new SearchResult("", expectedObject, new BasicAttributes()); singleSearchResult(searchControlsRecursive(), searchResult); when(contextSourceMock.getContext("cn=john doe,dc=jayway,dc=se", "password")) .thenReturn(authenticatedContextMock); doThrow(new UncategorizedLdapException("Authentication failed")).when(entryContextCallbackMock) .executeWithContext(authenticatedContextMock, new LdapEntryIdentification( LdapUtils.newLdapName("cn=john doe,dc=jayway,dc=se"), LdapUtils.newLdapName("cn=john doe"))); boolean result = tested.authenticate(nameMock, "(ou=somevalue)", "password", entryContextCallbackMock); verify(authenticatedContextMock).close(); verify(dirContextMock).close(); assertThat(result).isFalse(); }
Example #23
Source File: From carbon-identity with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Convenience method for creating principals. * * @param cn the commonName of the person * @param principal the kerberos principal name for the person * @param sn the surName of the person * @param uid the unique identifier for the person * @param userPassword the credentials of the person * @return the attributes of the person principal */ protected Attributes getPrincipalAttributes(String sn, String cn, String uid, String userPassword, String principal) { Attributes attributes = new BasicAttributes(true); Attribute basicAttribute = new BasicAttribute("objectClass"); basicAttribute.add("top"); basicAttribute.add("person"); // sn $ cn basicAttribute.add("inetOrgPerson"); // uid basicAttribute.add("krb5principal"); basicAttribute.add("krb5kdcentry"); attributes.put(basicAttribute); attributes.put("cn", cn); attributes.put("sn", sn); attributes.put("uid", uid); attributes.put(SchemaConstants.USER_PASSWORD_AT, userPassword); attributes.put(KerberosAttribute.KRB5_PRINCIPAL_NAME_AT, principal); attributes.put(KerberosAttribute.KRB5_KEY_VERSION_NUMBER_AT, "0"); return attributes; }
Example #24
Source File: From alfresco-repository with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
private LDAPInitialDirContextFactoryImpl getMockedLDAPSearchResult(boolean withEmail) throws NamingException { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> mockedNamingEnumeration = mock(NamingEnumeration.class); when(mockedNamingEnumeration.hasMore()).thenReturn(true).thenReturn(false); BasicAttributes attributes = new BasicAttributes(); attributes.put(new BasicAttribute("sAMAccountName", "U1")); attributes.put(new BasicAttribute("givenName", "U1")); if (withEmail) { attributes.put(new BasicAttribute("mail", "")); } SearchResult mockedSearchResult = new SearchResult("CN:U1", null, attributes); mockedSearchResult.setNameInNamespace("CN:U1"); when(; InitialDirContext mockedInitialDirContext = mock(InitialDirContext.class); when(, anyString(), any(SearchControls.class))).thenReturn(mockedNamingEnumeration); LDAPInitialDirContextFactoryImpl mockedLdapInitialDirContextFactory = mock(LDAPInitialDirContextFactoryImpl.class); when(mockedLdapInitialDirContextFactory.getDefaultIntialDirContext(0)).thenReturn(mockedInitialDirContext); return mockedLdapInitialDirContextFactory; }
Example #25
Source File: From keycloak with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public void add(LDAPObject ldapObject) { // id will be assigned by the ldap server if (ldapObject.getUuid() != null) { throw new ModelException("Can't add object with already assigned uuid"); } String entryDN = ldapObject.getDn().toString(); BasicAttributes ldapAttributes = extractAttributesForSaving(ldapObject, true); this.operationManager.createSubContext(entryDN, ldapAttributes); ldapObject.setUuid(getEntryIdentifier(ldapObject)); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debugf("Type with identifier [%s] and dn [%s] successfully added to LDAP store.", ldapObject.getUuid(), entryDN); } }
Example #26
Source File: From spring-ldap with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testRemoveDnAttributeSyntacticallyEqual() throws NamingException { BasicAttributes attributes = new BasicAttributes(); attributes.put("uniqueMember", "cn=john doe,OU=company"); DirContextAdapter tested = new DirContextAdapter(attributes, LdapUtils.newLdapName("cn=administrators, ou=groups")); tested.setUpdateMode(true); tested.removeAttributeValue("uniqueMember", LdapUtils.newLdapName("cn=john doe, ou=company")); ModificationItem[] modificationItems = tested.getModificationItems(); assertThat(modificationItems.length).isEqualTo(1); ModificationItem modificationItem = modificationItems[0]; assertThat(modificationItem.getModificationOp()).isEqualTo(DirContext.REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE); assertThat(modificationItem.getAttribute().getID()).isEqualTo("uniqueMember"); }
Example #27
Source File: From openjdk-jdk8u-backup with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
public static Context getURLContext( String scheme, Hashtable<?,?> environment) throws NamingException { return new DnsContext("", null, new Hashtable<String,String>()) { public Attributes getAttributes(String name, String[] attrIds) throws NamingException { return new BasicAttributes() { public Attribute get(String attrID) { BasicAttribute ba = new BasicAttribute(attrID); ba.add("1 1 99"); ba.add("0 0 88"); // 2nd has higher priority return ba; } }; } }; }
Example #28
Source File: From openjdk-jdk9 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
boolean compareToSearchResult(String name) { boolean successful = false; switch (status) { case LdapClient.LDAP_COMPARE_TRUE: status = LdapClient.LDAP_SUCCESS; entries = new Vector<>(1,1); Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes(LdapClient.caseIgnore); LdapEntry entry = new LdapEntry( name, attrs ); entries.addElement(entry); successful = true; break; case LdapClient.LDAP_COMPARE_FALSE: status = LdapClient.LDAP_SUCCESS; entries = new Vector<>(0); successful = true; break; default: successful = false; break; } return successful; }
Example #29
Source File: From fess with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public void insert(final Group group) { if (!fessConfig.isLdapAdminEnabled()) { return; } final Supplier<Hashtable<String, String>> adminEnv = this::createAdminEnv; final String entryDN = fessConfig.getLdapAdminGroupSecurityPrincipal(group.getName()); search(fessConfig.getLdapAdminGroupBaseDn(), fessConfig.getLdapAdminGroupFilter(group.getName()), null, adminEnv, result -> { if (!result.isEmpty()) {"{} exists in LDAP server.", group.getName()); modifyGroupAttributes(group, adminEnv, entryDN, result); } else { final BasicAttributes entry = new BasicAttributes(); addGroupAttributes(entry, group); final Attribute oc = fessConfig.getLdapAdminGroupObjectClassAttribute(); entry.put(oc); insert(entryDN, entry, adminEnv); } }); }
Example #30
Source File: From openjdk-jdk9 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
public static Context getURLContext( String scheme, Hashtable<?,?> environment) throws NamingException { return new InitialDirContext() { public Attributes getAttributes(String name, String[] attrIds) throws NamingException { return new BasicAttributes() { public Attribute get(String attrID) { BasicAttribute ba = new BasicAttribute(attrID); ba.add("1 1 99"); ba.add("0 0 88"); // 2nd has higher priority return ba; } }; } }; }