bdv.viewer.ViewerOptions Java Examples

The following examples show how to use bdv.viewer.ViewerOptions. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File:    From paintera with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private static ViewerAndTransforms create(
		final GlobalTransformManager manager,
		final CacheControl cacheControl,
		final ViewerOptions optional,
		final ViewerAxis axis,
		final Function<Source<?>, Interpolation> interpolation)
	final AffineTransform3D globalToViewer = ViewerAxis.globalToViewer(axis);
	LOG.debug("Generating viewer, axis={}, globalToViewer={}", axis, globalToViewer);
	final ViewerPanelFX viewer = new ViewerPanelFX(
	final AffineTransformWithListeners displayTransform        = new AffineTransformWithListeners();
	final AffineTransformWithListeners globalToViewerTransform = new AffineTransformWithListeners(globalToViewer);

	return new ViewerAndTransforms(viewer, manager, displayTransform, globalToViewerTransform);
Example #2
Source File:    From paintera with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public ViewerPanelFX(
		final List<SourceAndConverter<?>> sources,
		final int numTimePoints,
		final CacheControl cacheControl,
		final Function<Source<?>, Interpolation> interpolation)
	this(sources, numTimePoints, cacheControl, ViewerOptions.options(), interpolation);
Example #3
Source File:    From paintera with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * @param manager manages the transform from world coordinates to shared viewer space and is shared by all {@link ViewerPanelFX viewers}.
 * @param cacheControl shared between all {@link ViewerPanelFX viewers}
 * @param optional Options for {@link ViewerPanelFX}
 * @param bottomRight bottom right child
 * @param interpolation {@link Interpolation interpolation} lookup for every {@link Source}
public OrthogonalViews(
		final GlobalTransformManager manager,
		final CacheControl cacheControl,
		final ViewerOptions optional,
		final BR bottomRight,
		final Function<Source<?>, Interpolation> interpolation)
	this.manager = manager;
	this.topLeft = create(this.manager, cacheControl, optional, ViewerAxis.Z, interpolation);
	this.topRight = create(this.manager, cacheControl, optional, ViewerAxis.X, interpolation);
	this.bottomLeft = create(this.manager, cacheControl, optional, ViewerAxis.Y, interpolation);
	this.grid = new ResizableGridPane2x2<>(topLeft.viewer, topRight.viewer, bottomLeft.viewer, bottomRight);
	this.queue = cacheControl;
Example #4
Source File:    From paintera with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * delegates to {@link #PainteraBaseView(int, ViewerOptions, KeyAndMouseConfig) {@code PainteraBaseView(numFetcherThreads, ViewerOptions.options())}}
public PainteraBaseView(
		final int numFetcherThreads,
		final KeyAndMouseConfig keyAndMouseBindings)
	this(numFetcherThreads, ViewerOptions.options(), keyAndMouseBindings);
Example #5
Source File:    From paintera with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * @param numFetcherThreads number of threads used for {@link net.imglib2.cache.queue.FetcherThreads}
 * @param viewerOptions options passed down to {@link OrthogonalViews viewers}
public PainteraBaseView(
		final int numFetcherThreads,
		final ViewerOptions viewerOptions,
		final KeyAndMouseConfig keyAndMouseBindings)
	this.sharedQueue = new SharedQueue(numFetcherThreads, 50);
	this.keyAndMouseBindings = keyAndMouseBindings;
	this.viewerOptions = viewerOptions
			.accumulateProjectorFactory(new CompositeProjectorPreMultiply.CompositeProjectorFactory(sourceInfo
			// .accumulateProjectorFactory( new
			// ClearingCompositeProjector.ClearingCompositeProjectorFactory<>(
			// sourceInfo.composites(), new ARGBType() ) )
			.numRenderingThreads(Math.min(3, Math.max(1, Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() / 3)));
	this.views = new OrthogonalViews<>(
			s -> Optional.ofNullable(sourceInfo.getState(s)).map(SourceState::interpolationProperty).map(ObjectProperty::get).orElse(Interpolation.NLINEAR));
	this.allowedActionsProperty = new SimpleObjectProperty<>(DEFAULT_ALLOWED_ACTIONS);
	this.vsacUpdate = change -> views.setAllSources(visibleSourcesAndConverters);
	LOG.debug("Meshes group={}", viewer3D.meshesGroup());
Example #6
Source File:    From BigStitcher with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public static void main( String[] args )
	new ImageJ();
	SpimData spimData = twoAngles();
	// crashes for version 2.0.0
	// with version 2.2.0-SNAPSHOT it crashes when calling the brightness dialog, silently
	// doesn't rotate afterwards spimData, "Test 32bit", null, new ViewerOptions() );
Example #7
Source File:    From SPIM_Registration with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public ViewSetupExplorerPanel( final ViewSetupExplorer< AS, X > explorer, final AS data, final String xml, final X io )
		this.explorer = explorer;
		this.listeners = new ArrayList< SelectedViewDescriptionListener< AS > >(); = data;
		this.xml = xml.replace( "\\", "/" ).replace( "//", "/" ).replace( "/./", "/" ); = io;
		this.isMac = System.getProperty( "" ).toLowerCase().contains( "mac" );
		this.selectedRows = new HashSet< BasicViewDescription< ? extends BasicViewSetup > >();
		this.firstSelectedVD = null;


		if ( Hdf5ImageLoader.class.isInstance( data.getSequenceDescription().getImgLoader() ) )
			final BDVPopup bdvpopup = bdvPopup();
			if ( bdvpopup != null )
				bdvpopup.bdv = getSpimData(), xml(), IOFunctions.getProgressWriter(), ViewerOptions.options() );

//				if ( !bdv.tryLoadSettings( panel.xml() ) ) TODO: this should work, but currently tryLoadSettings is protected. fix that.
					InitializeViewerState.initBrightness( 0.001, 0.999, bdvpopup.bdv.getViewer(), bdvpopup.bdv.getSetupAssignments() );

				// do not rotate BDV view by default
				BDVPopup.initTransform( bdvpopup.bdv.getViewer() );

				setFusedModeSimple( bdvpopup.bdv, data );
Example #8
Source File:    From paintera with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Will create {@link ViewerPanelFX} and populate with {@code sources}.
 * @param sources
 * 		the {@link SourceAndConverter sources} to display.
 * @param numTimepoints
 * 		number of available timepoints.
 * @param cacheControl
 * 		to control IO budgeting and fetcher queue.
 * @param optional
 * 		optional parameters. See {@link ViewerOptions#options()}.
 * @param interpolation
 *      Get interpolation method for each data source.
public ViewerPanelFX(
		final List<SourceAndConverter<?>> sources,
		final int numTimepoints,
		final CacheControl cacheControl,
		final ViewerOptions optional,
		final Function<Source<?>, Interpolation> interpolation)
	super.getChildren().setAll(canvasPane, overlayPane);
	this.renderingExecutorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(optional.values.getNumRenderingThreads(), new RenderThreadFactory());
	options = optional.values;

	threadGroup = new ThreadGroup(this.toString());
	viewerTransform = new AffineTransform3D();

	transformListeners = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();


	this.renderUnit = new RenderUnit(

	this.widthProperty().addListener((obs, oldv, newv) -> this.renderUnit.setDimensions((long)getWidth(), (long)getHeight()));
	this.heightProperty().addListener((obs, oldv, newv) -> this.renderUnit.setDimensions((long)getWidth(), (long)getHeight()));

	// TODO why is this necessary?
	transformListeners.add(tf -> getDisplay().drawOverlays());

	this.state = new ViewerState(numTimepoints);
	state.addListener(obs -> requestRepaint());

Example #9
Source File:    From 3Dscript with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 4 votes vote down vote up
public void openBDV(File xmlFile) throws SpimDataException {
	options = ViewerOptions.options();
	viewer =, xmlFile.getName(), new ProgressWriterIJ(), options);
Example #10
Source File:    From BigStitcher with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public static BigDataViewer createBDV( final ExplorerWindow< ? , ? > panel , LinkOverlay lo)
	if ( AbstractImgLoader.class.isInstance( panel.getSpimData().getSequenceDescription().getImgLoader() ) )
		if ( JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( null,
				"Opening <SpimData> dataset that is not suited for interactive browsing.\n" +
				"Consider resaving as HDF5 for better performance.\n" +
				"Proceed anyways?",
				JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION ) == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION )
			return null;

	boolean allViews2D = true;
	final Collection< BasicViewDescription< ? > > viewDescriptions =
		(Collection< BasicViewDescription< ? > >) panel.getSpimData().getSequenceDescription().getViewDescriptions().values();
	for (final BasicViewDescription< ? > vd : viewDescriptions)
		if (vd.isPresent() && vd.getViewSetup().hasSize() && vd.getViewSetup().getSize().dimension( 2 ) != 1)
			allViews2D = false;

	final ViewerOptions options = ViewerOptions.options().accumulateProjectorFactory( MaximumProjectorARGB.factory );
	if (allViews2D)
		options.transformEventHandlerFactory(new BehaviourTransformEventHandlerPlanarFactory() );

	BigDataViewer bdv = panel.getSpimData(), 
											options );

	BDVPopup.initTransform( bdv.getViewer() );		
	// if ( !bdv.tryLoadSettings( panel.xml() ) ) TODO: this should
	// work, but currently tryLoadSettings is protected. fix that.
	BDVPopup.initBrightness( 0.001, 0.999, bdv.getViewer().getState(), bdv.getSetupAssignments() );

	FilteredAndGroupedExplorerPanel.setFusedModeSimple( bdv, panel.getSpimData() );

	minMaxGroupByChannels( bdv, panel.getSpimData() );
	colorByChannels( bdv, panel.getSpimData(), 0 );

	Set<Class<? extends Entity>> groupingFactors = new HashSet<>();
	groupingFactors.add( Channel.class );
	groupingFactors.add( Illumination.class );		
	groupSourcesByFactors( bdv, panel.getSpimData(), groupingFactors );

	FilteredAndGroupedExplorerPanel.updateBDV( bdv, panel.colorMode(), panel.getSpimData(), panel.firstSelectedVD(), ((GroupedRowWindow)panel).selectedRowsGroups());

	ScrollableBrightnessDialog.setAsBrightnessDialog( bdv );

	bdv.getViewer().addTransformListener( lo );
	bdv.getViewer().getDisplay().addOverlayRenderer( lo );
	bdv.getViewerFrame().setVisible( true );		

	return bdv;
Example #11
Source File:    From SPIM_Registration with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public static BigDataViewer createBDV( final ViewSetupExplorerPanel< ?, ? > panel )
		BasicImgLoader il = panel.getSpimData().getSequenceDescription().getImgLoader();
		if ( AbstractImgLoader.class.isInstance( il ) || StackImgLoader.class.isInstance( il ) )
			if ( JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( null,
					"Opening <SpimData> dataset that is not suited for interactive browsing.\n" +
					"Consider resaving as HDF5 for better performance.\n" +
					"Proceed anyways?",
					JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION ) == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION )
				return null;

		BigDataViewer bdv = panel.getSpimData(), panel.xml(), IOFunctions.getProgressWriter(), ViewerOptions.options() );
//		if ( !bdv.tryLoadSettings( panel.xml() ) ) TODO: this should work, but currently tryLoadSettings is protected. fix that.
			InitializeViewerState.initBrightness( 0.001, 0.999, bdv.getViewer(), bdv.getSetupAssignments() );

		// do not rotate BDV view by default
		BDVPopup.initTransform( bdv.getViewer() );

		ViewSetupExplorerPanel.updateBDV( bdv, panel.colorMode(), panel.getSpimData(), panel.firstSelectedVD(), panel.selectedRows() );

//		final ArrayList< InterestPointSource > interestPointSources = new ArrayList< InterestPointSource >();
//		interestPointSources.add( new InterestPointSource()
//		{
//			private final ArrayList< RealPoint > points;
//			{
//				points = new ArrayList< RealPoint >();
//				final Random rand = new Random();
//				for ( int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i )
//					points.add( new RealPoint( rand.nextDouble() * 1400, rand.nextDouble() * 800, rand.nextDouble() * 300 ) );
//			}
//			@Override
//			public final Collection< ? extends RealLocalizable > getLocalCoordinates( final int timepointIndex )
//			{
//				return points;
//			}
//			@Override
//			public void getLocalToGlobalTransform( final int timepointIndex, final AffineTransform3D transform )
//			{
//				transform.identity();
//			}
//		} );
//		final InterestPointOverlay interestPointOverlay = new InterestPointOverlay( bdv.getViewer(), interestPointSources );
//		bdv.getViewer().addRenderTransformListener( interestPointOverlay );
//		bdv.getViewer().getDisplay().addOverlayRenderer( interestPointOverlay );
//		bdv.getViewer().removeTransformListener( interestPointOverlay );
//		bdv.getViewer().getDisplay().removeOverlayRenderer( interestPointOverlay );

		return bdv;
Example #12
Source File:    From SPIM_Registration with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public static Pair< BigDataViewer, Boolean > getBDV( final AbstractSpimData< ? > spimData, final Collection< ViewId > viewIdsToProcess )
		final BDVPopup popup = ViewSetupExplorerPanel.bdvPopup();
		BigDataViewer bdv;
		boolean bdvIsLocal = false;

		if ( popup == null || popup.panel == null )
			// locally run instance
			if ( AbstractImgLoader.class.isInstance( spimData.getSequenceDescription().getImgLoader() ) )
				if ( JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( null,
						"Opening <SpimData> dataset that is not suited for interactive browsing.\n" +
						"Consider resaving as HDF5 for better performance.\n" +
						"Proceed anyways?",
						JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION ) == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION )
					return null;

			bdv = spimData, "BigDataViewer", IOFunctions.getProgressWriter(), ViewerOptions.options() );
			bdvIsLocal = true;

//			if ( !bdv.tryLoadSettings( panel.xml() ) ) TODO: this should work, but currently tryLoadSettings is protected. fix that.
				InitializeViewerState.initBrightness( 0.001, 0.999, bdv.getViewer(), bdv.getSetupAssignments() );

			final List< BasicViewDescription< ? > > vds = new ArrayList< BasicViewDescription< ? > >();

			for ( final ViewId viewId : viewIdsToProcess )
				vds.add( spimData.getSequenceDescription().getViewDescriptions().get( viewId ) );

			ViewSetupExplorerPanel.updateBDV( bdv, true, spimData, null, vds );
		else if ( popup.bdv == null )
			// if BDV was closed by the user
			if ( popup.bdv != null && !popup.bdv.getViewerFrame().isVisible() )
				popup.bdv = null;

				bdv = popup.bdv = BDVPopup.createBDV( popup.panel );
			catch (Exception e)
				IOFunctions.println( "Could not run BigDataViewer: " + e );
				bdv = popup.bdv = null;
			bdv = popup.bdv;

		return new ValuePair< BigDataViewer, Boolean >( bdv, bdvIsLocal );
Example #13
Source File:    From paintera with GNU General Public License v2.0 3 votes vote down vote up
 * Will create {@link ViewerPanelFX} without any data sources and a single time point.
 * @param cacheControl
 * 		to control IO budgeting and fetcher queue.
 * @param optional
 * 		optional parameters. See {@link ViewerOptions#options()}.
 * @param interpolation
 *      Get interpolation method for each data source.
public ViewerPanelFX(
		final CacheControl cacheControl,
		final ViewerOptions optional,
		final Function<Source<?>, Interpolation> interpolation)
	this(1, cacheControl, optional, interpolation);
Example #14
Source File:    From paintera with GNU General Public License v2.0 3 votes vote down vote up
 * Will create {@link ViewerPanelFX} without any data sources.
 * @param numTimepoints
 * 		number of available timepoints.
 * @param cacheControl
 * 		to control IO budgeting and fetcher queue.
 * @param optional
 * 		optional parameters. See {@link ViewerOptions#options()}.
 * @param interpolation
 *      Get interpolation method for each data source.
public ViewerPanelFX(
		final int numTimepoints,
		final CacheControl cacheControl,
		final ViewerOptions optional,
		final Function<Source<?>, Interpolation> interpolation)
	this(new ArrayList<>(), numTimepoints, cacheControl, optional, interpolation);