Java Examples

The following examples show how to use You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File:    From fasten with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Create a call graph instance given a class path.
 * @param classpath Path to class or jar file
 * @return Call Graph
public static CallGraph generateCallGraph(final String classpath)
        throws IOException, ClassHierarchyException, CallGraphBuilderCancelException {
    final var classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
    final var exclusionFile = new File(Objects.requireNonNull(classLoader

    final var scope = AnalysisScopeReader
            .makeJavaBinaryAnalysisScope(classpath, exclusionFile);

    final var cha = ClassHierarchyFactory.makeWithRoot(scope);

    final var entryPointsGenerator = new EntryPointsGenerator(cha);
    final var entryPoints = entryPointsGenerator.getEntryPoints();
    final var options = new AnalysisOptions(scope, entryPoints);
    final var cache = new AnalysisCacheImpl();

    final var builder = Util.makeZeroCFABuilder(Language.JAVA, options, cache, cha, scope);

    return builder.makeCallGraph(options, null);
Example #2
Source File:    From NullAway with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
private void analyzeFile(String pkgName, String inPath, boolean includeNonPublicClasses)
    throws IOException, ClassHierarchyException {
  InputStream jarIS = null;
  if (inPath.endsWith(".jar") || inPath.endsWith(".aar")) {
    jarIS = getInputStream(inPath);
    if (jarIS == null) {
  } else if (!new File(inPath).exists()) {
  AnalysisScope scope = AnalysisScopeReader.makePrimordialScope(null);
      new FileOfClasses(
          new ByteArrayInputStream(DEFAULT_EXCLUSIONS.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))));
  if (jarIS != null) scope.addInputStreamForJarToScope(ClassLoaderReference.Application, jarIS);
  else AnalysisScopeReader.addClassPathToScope(inPath, scope, ClassLoaderReference.Application);
  AnalysisOptions options = new AnalysisOptions(scope, null);
  AnalysisCache cache = new AnalysisCacheImpl();
  IClassHierarchy cha = ClassHierarchyFactory.makeWithRoot(scope);

  // Iterate over all classes:methods in the 'Application' and 'Extension' class loaders
  for (IClassLoader cldr : cha.getLoaders()) {
    if (!cldr.getName().toString().equals("Primordial")) {
      for (IClass cls : Iterator2Iterable.make(cldr.iterateAllClasses())) {
        if (cls instanceof PhantomClass) continue;
        // Only process classes in specified classpath and not its dependencies.
        // TODO: figure the right way to do this
        if (!pkgName.isEmpty() && !cls.getName().toString().startsWith(pkgName)) continue;
        // Skip non-public / ABI classes
        if (!cls.isPublic() && !includeNonPublicClasses) continue;
        LOG(DEBUG, "DEBUG", "analyzing class: " + cls.getName().toString());
        for (IMethod mtd : Iterator2Iterable.make(cls.getDeclaredMethods().iterator())) {
          // Skip methods without parameters, abstract methods, native methods
          // some Application classes are Primordial (why?)
          if (shouldCheckMethod(mtd)) {
            Preconditions.checkNotNull(mtd, "method not found");
            DefinitelyDerefedParams analysisDriver = null;
            String sign = "";
            // Parameter analysis
            if (mtd.getNumberOfParameters() > (mtd.isStatic() ? 0 : 1)) {
              // Skip methods by looking at bytecode
              try {
                if (!CodeScanner.getFieldsRead(mtd).isEmpty()
                    || !CodeScanner.getFieldsWritten(mtd).isEmpty()
                    || !CodeScanner.getCallSites(mtd).isEmpty()) {
                  analysisDriver = getAnalysisDriver(mtd, options, cache);
                  Set<Integer> result = analysisDriver.analyze();
                  sign = getSignature(mtd);
                  LOG(DEBUG, "DEBUG", "analyzed method: " + sign);
                  if (!result.isEmpty() || DEBUG) {
                    nonnullParams.put(sign, result);
                        "Inferred Nonnull param for method: " + sign + " = " + result.toString());
              } catch (Exception e) {
                    "Exception while scanning bytecodes for " + mtd + " " + e.getMessage());
            analyzeReturnValue(options, cache, mtd, analysisDriver, sign);
  long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
          + " >> time(ms): "
          + (endTime - analysisStartTime)
          + ", bytecode size: "
          + analyzedBytes
          + ", rate (ms/KB): "
          + (analyzedBytes > 0 ? (((endTime - analysisStartTime) * 1000) / analyzedBytes) : 0));