org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.GitAPIException Java Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: From netbeans with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override protected void run () throws GitException { Repository repository = getRepository(); File workTree = repository.getWorkTree(); org.eclipse.jgit.api.SubmoduleStatusCommand cmd = new Git(repository).submoduleStatus(); for (String path : Utils.getRelativePaths(workTree, roots)) { cmd.addPath(path); } try { Map<String, SubmoduleStatus> result =; GitClassFactory fac = getClassFactory(); for (Map.Entry<String, SubmoduleStatus> e : result.entrySet()) { File root = new File(workTree, e.getKey()); statuses.put(root, fac.createSubmoduleStatus(e.getValue(), root)); } } catch (GitAPIException | JGitInternalException ex) { throw new GitException(ex); } }
Example #2
Source File: From gitflow-incremental-builder with MIT License | 6 votes |
public LocalRepoMock(File baseFolder, TestServerType remoteRepoServerType) throws IOException, URISyntaxException, GitAPIException { this.baseFolder = new File(baseFolder.getAbsolutePath(), "tmp/repo/"); new UnZipper().act(templateProjectZip, this.baseFolder); remoteRepo = remoteRepoServerType != null ? new RemoteRepoMock(baseFolder, remoteRepoServerType) : null; git = new Git(new FileRepository(new File(this.baseFolder, ".git"))); if (remoteRepoServerType != null) { try { configureRemote(git, remoteRepo.repoUri.toString()); } catch (IOException | URISyntaxException | GitAPIException | RuntimeException e) { close(); throw e; } } }
Example #3
Source File: From nano-framework with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public GitPull quickPull(String... args) { if (!ArrayUtils.isEmpty(args)) { for (final String arg : args) { if (StringUtils.equals("stop", StringUtils.lowerCase(arg))) { return this; } } } if (enabled) { try { return dir().pull().copy().clean(); } catch (final IOException | GitAPIException e) { throw new org.nanoframework.server.exception.GitAPIException(e.getMessage(), e); } } return this; }
Example #4
Source File: From writelatex-git-bridge with MIT License | 6 votes |
@Test public void pushFailsOnInvalidProject() throws IOException, GitAPIException, InterruptedException { MockSnapshotServer server = new MockSnapshotServer(3870, getResource("/pushFailsOnInvalidProject").toFile()); server.start(); server.setState(states.get("pushFailsOnInvalidProject").get("state")); GitBridgeApp wlgb = new GitBridgeApp(new String[] { makeConfigFile(33870, 3870) });; File testprojDir = gitClone("testproj", 33870, dir); assertTrue(FileUtil.gitDirectoriesAreEqual(getResource("/pushFailsOnInvalidProject/state/testproj"), testprojDir.toPath())); runtime.exec("touch push.tex", null, testprojDir).waitFor(); gitAdd(testprojDir); gitCommit(testprojDir, "push"); Process push = gitPush(testprojDir, 1); wlgb.stop(); List<String> actual = Util.linesFromStream(push.getErrorStream(), 2, "[K"); assertEquals(EXPECTED_OUT_PUSH_INVALID_PROJECT, actual); }
Example #5
Source File: From mcg-helper with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public static boolean cloneRepository(String remoteUrl, String branch, String projectPath, String user, String pwd) throws InvalidRemoteException, TransportException, GitAPIException { File projectDir = new File(projectPath); UsernamePasswordCredentialsProvider provider = new UsernamePasswordCredentialsProvider(user, pwd); try (Git git = Git.cloneRepository() .setURI(remoteUrl) .setBranch(branch) .setDirectory(projectDir) .setCredentialsProvider(provider) .setProgressMonitor(new CloneProgressMonitor()) .call()) { } return true; }
Example #6
Source File: From proctor with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Nullable private Set<String> parseStagedTestNames() { try { final Status status = git.status().call(); return Stream.of( status.getAdded(), status.getChanged(), status.getRemoved()) .flatMap(Set::stream) .distinct() .map(s -> parseTestName(testDefinitionsDirectory, s)) .filter(Objects::nonNull) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); } catch (final GitAPIException | NoWorkTreeException e) { LOGGER.warn("Failed to call git status", e); return null; } }
Example #7
Source File: From WebIDE-Backend with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
@Override public RebaseResponse process(Repository repository, String message) throws GitAPIException, IOException { try (Git git = Git.wrap(repository)) { git.commit() .setMessage(stripCommentLines(message)) .setAmend(true).setNoVerify(true).call(); getRebaseFile(repository, MESSAGE_SQUASH).delete(); getRebaseFile(repository, MESSAGE_FIXUP).delete(); createFile(repository, MESSAGE, message); RebaseResult result = git.rebase() .setOperation(RebaseCommand.Operation.SKIP) .runInteractively(handler) .call(); return new RebaseResponse(result); } }
Example #8
Source File: From jphp with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Signature public Memory resolveCommit(String revstr) throws IOException, GitAPIException { ObjectId objectId = getWrappedObject().getRepository().resolve(revstr); if (objectId == null) { return Memory.NULL; } LogCommand command = getWrappedObject() .log() .add(objectId) .setMaxCount(1); Iterable<RevCommit> call =; for (RevCommit revCommit : call) { return GitUtils.valueOf(revCommit); } return Memory.NULL; }
Example #9
Source File: From zeppelin with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private void pullFromRemoteStream() { try { LOG.debug("Pulling latest changes from remote stream"); PullCommand pullCommand = git.pull(); pullCommand.setCredentialsProvider( new UsernamePasswordCredentialsProvider( zeppelinConfiguration.getZeppelinNotebookGitUsername(), zeppelinConfiguration.getZeppelinNotebookGitAccessToken() ) );; } catch (GitAPIException e) { LOG.error("Error when pulling latest changes from remote repository", e); } }
Example #10
Source File: From studio with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public void resetStagingRepository(String siteId) throws ServiceLayerException { Repository repo = helper.getRepository(siteId, PUBLISHED); String stagingName = servicesConfig.getStagingEnvironment(siteId); String liveName = servicesConfig.getLiveEnvironment(siteId); synchronized (repo) { try (Git git = new Git(repo)) { logger.debug("Checkout live first becuase it is not allowed to delete checkedout branch"); git.checkout().setName(liveName).call(); logger.debug("Delete staging branch in order to reset it for site: " + siteId); git.branchDelete().setBranchNames(stagingName).setForce(true).call(); logger.debug("Create new branch for staging with live HEAD as starting point"); git.branchCreate() .setName(stagingName) .setStartPoint(liveName) .call(); } catch (GitAPIException e) { logger.error("Error while reseting staging environment for site: " + siteId); throw new ServiceLayerException(e); } } }
Example #11
Source File: From super-cloudops with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void uploadTest() throws GitAPIException { Netty4ClientHttpRequestFactory factory = new Netty4ClientHttpRequestFactory(); //factory.setConnectTimeout(10_000); //factory.setReadTimeout(60_000); //factory.setMaxResponseSize(1024 * 1024 * 10); RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate(factory); FileSystemResource resource = new FileSystemResource(new File("/Users/vjay/Downloads/logo.png")); MultiValueMap<String, Object> param = new LinkedMultiValueMap<>(); param.add("deviceId", "123424"); param.add("file", resource); String recv = restTemplate.postForObject(uploadUrl, param, String.class); System.out.println(recv); /*MultiValueMap<String, String> map = new LinkedMultiValueMap<>(); map.add("id",id); HttpHeaders header = new HttpHeaders(); // 需求需要传参为form-data格式 header.setContentType(MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA); HttpEntity<MultiValueMap<String, String>> httpEntity = new HttpEntity<>(map, header);*/ }
Example #12
Source File: From gocd with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
String getMergedConfig(String branchName, RevCommit newCommit) throws GitAPIException, IOException { MergeResult result = null; try { checkout(branchName); result = git.merge().include(newCommit).call(); } catch (GitAPIException e) {"[CONFIG_MERGE] Merging commit {} by user {} to branch {} at revision {} failed", newCommit.getId().getName(), newCommit.getAuthorIdent().getName(), branchName, getCurrentRevCommit().getId().getName()); throw e; } if (!result.getMergeStatus().isSuccessful()) {"[CONFIG_MERGE] Merging commit {} by user {} to branch {} at revision {} failed as config file has changed", newCommit.getId().getName(), newCommit.getAuthorIdent().getName(), branchName, getCurrentRevCommit().getId().getName()); throw new ConfigFileHasChangedException(); }"[CONFIG_MERGE] Successfully merged commit {} by user {} to branch {}. Merge commit revision is {}", newCommit.getId().getName(), newCommit.getAuthorIdent().getName(), branchName, getCurrentRevCommit().getId().getName()); return FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(workingDir, CRUISE_CONFIG_XML), UTF_8); }
Example #13
Source File: From vertx-config with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testWith2FileSetsAndNoIntersection(TestContext tc) throws GitAPIException, IOException { Async async = tc.async(); add(git, root, new File("src/test/resources/files/regular.json"), "file"); add(git, root, new File("src/test/resources/files/a.json"), "dir"); push(git); retriever = ConfigRetriever.create(vertx, new ConfigRetrieverOptions().addStore(new ConfigStoreOptions().setType("git").setConfig(new JsonObject() .put("url", bareRoot.getAbsolutePath()) .put("path", "target/junk/work") .put("filesets", new JsonArray() .add(new JsonObject().put("pattern", "file/reg*.json")) .add(new JsonObject().put("pattern", "dir/a.*son")) )))); retriever.getConfig(ar -> { assertThat(ar.result().getString("key")).isEqualTo("value"); assertThat(ar.result().getString("")).isEqualTo("A"); async.complete(); }); }
Example #14
Source File: From gitflow-incremental-builder with MIT License | 6 votes |
@Test public void singleChanged_buildUpstream_modeChanged() throws GitAPIException, IOException { MavenProject changedModuleMock = addModuleMock(AID_MODULE_B, true); MavenProject unchangedModuleMock = addModuleMock("unchanged-module", false); MavenProject dependsOnBothModuleMock = addModuleMock("changed-and-unchanged-dependent", false); when(mavenExecutionRequestMock.getMakeBehavior()).thenReturn(MavenExecutionRequest.REACTOR_MAKE_UPSTREAM); setUpAndDownstreamsForBuildUpstreamModeTests(changedModuleMock, unchangedModuleMock, dependsOnBothModuleMock); addGibProperty(Property.buildUpstreamMode, "changed"); underTest.act(); verify(mavenSessionMock).setProjects(Arrays.asList(moduleA, changedModuleMock, dependsOnBothModuleMock)); assertProjectPropertiesEqual(moduleA, Collections.emptyMap()); assertProjectPropertiesEqual(changedModuleMock, Collections.emptyMap()); assertProjectPropertiesEqual(unchangedModuleMock, Collections.emptyMap()); assertProjectPropertiesEqual(dependsOnBothModuleMock, Collections.emptyMap()); }
Example #15
Source File: From writelatex-git-bridge with MIT License | 6 votes |
@Test public void pushFailsOnInvalidFiles() throws IOException, GitAPIException, InterruptedException { MockSnapshotServer server = new MockSnapshotServer(3869, getResource("/pushFailsOnInvalidFiles").toFile()); server.start(); server.setState(states.get("pushFailsOnInvalidFiles").get("state")); GitBridgeApp wlgb = new GitBridgeApp(new String[] { makeConfigFile(33869, 3869) });; File testprojDir = gitClone("testproj", 33869, dir); assertTrue(FileUtil.gitDirectoriesAreEqual(getResource("/pushFailsOnInvalidFiles/state/testproj"), testprojDir.toPath())); runtime.exec("touch push.tex", null, testprojDir).waitFor(); gitAdd(testprojDir); gitCommit(testprojDir, "push"); Process push = gitPush(testprojDir, 1); wlgb.stop(); List<String> actual = Util.linesFromStream(push.getErrorStream(), 2, "[K"); assertEquals(EXPECTED_OUT_PUSH_INVALID_FILES, actual); }
Example #16
Source File: From netbeans with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override protected void run () throws GitException { Repository repository = getRepository(); File workTree = repository.getWorkTree(); org.eclipse.jgit.api.SubmoduleInitCommand cmd = new Git(repository).submoduleInit(); for (String path : Utils.getRelativePaths(workTree, roots)) { cmd.addPath(path); } try {;; } catch (GitAPIException | JGitInternalException ex) { throw new GitException(ex); } }
Example #17
Source File: From nifi-registry with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void assertProvider(final Map<String, String> properties, final GitConsumer gitConsumer, final Consumer<GitFlowPersistenceProvider> assertion, boolean deleteDir) throws IOException, GitAPIException { final File gitDir = new File(properties.get(GitFlowPersistenceProvider.FLOW_STORAGE_DIR_PROP)); try { FileUtils.ensureDirectoryExistAndCanReadAndWrite(gitDir); try (final Git git = Git.init().setDirectory(gitDir).call()) { logger.debug("Initiated a git repository {}", git); final StoredConfig config = git.getRepository().getConfig(); config.setString("user", null, "name", "git-user"); config.setString("user", null, "email", "");; gitConsumer.accept(git); } final GitFlowPersistenceProvider persistenceProvider = new GitFlowPersistenceProvider(); final ProviderConfigurationContext configurationContext = new StandardProviderConfigurationContext(properties); persistenceProvider.onConfigured(configurationContext); assertion.accept(persistenceProvider); } finally { if (deleteDir) { FileUtils.deleteFile(gitDir, true); } } }
Example #18
Source File: From git-client-plugin with MIT License | 5 votes |
private void doInit(String workspace, boolean bare) throws GitException { try { Git.init().setBare(bare).setDirectory(new File(workspace)).call(); } catch (GitAPIException e) { throw new GitException(e); } }
Example #19
Source File: From spring-cloud-release-tools with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private FetchResult fetch(File projectDir) throws GitAPIException { Git git =; FetchCommand command = git.fetch(); try { return; } catch (GitAPIException e) { deleteBaseDirIfExists(); throw e; } finally { git.close(); } }
Example #20
Source File: From spring-cloud-release-tools with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public static void setOriginOnProjectToTmp(File origin, File project) throws GitAPIException, MalformedURLException { try (Git git = openGitProject(project)) { RemoteRemoveCommand remove = git.remoteRemove(); remove.setName("origin");; RemoteSetUrlCommand command = git.remoteSetUrl(); command.setUri(new URIish(origin.toURI().toURL())); command.setName("origin"); command.setPush(true);; } }
Example #21
Source File: From fasten with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void cloneRepoWithoutExtensionWithSlashTest() throws GitAPIException, IOException { var repo = Path.of(baseDir, "f/fasten-project/fasten").toFile(); var path = gitCloner.cloneRepo(""); Assertions.assertEquals(repo.getAbsolutePath(), path); Assertions.assertTrue(repo.exists()); Assertions.assertTrue(repo.isDirectory()); }
Example #22
Source File: From copper-engine with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void change2BranchesTest() throws CopperException, InterruptedException, IOException, GitAPIException { wfRepo.setBranch("1.0"); LockSupport.parkNanos(1000000000 + CHECK_INTERVAL_M_SEC * 1000000); // wait for workflow refresh"Workflow1", "foo"); String result1 = (String) channel.wait("correlationId", 1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); assertEquals("V1.0", result1); wfRepo.setBranch("2.0"); LockSupport.parkNanos(1000000000 + CHECK_INTERVAL_M_SEC * 1000000); // wait for workflow refresh"Workflow1", "foo"); String result2 = (String) channel.wait("correlationId", 1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); assertEquals("V2.0", result2); }
Example #23
Source File: From WebIDE-Backend with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
@Override public void sync(Workspace ws) throws GitAPIException { Repository repository = getRepository(ws.getSpaceKey()); try (Git git = Git.wrap(repository)) { git.submoduleSync().call(); } }
Example #24
Source File: From smart-testing with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private Collection<TestResult> applyLocallyFromTags(Collection<RevTag> tags) throws GitAPIException { final Set<TestResult> combinedTestResults = new HashSet<>(); final List<RevCommit> stashesToApply = new ArrayList<>(); stashesToApply.add(git.stashCreate().setIncludeUntracked(true).call()); for (final RevTag tag : tags) { final ObjectId tagId = tag.getObject().getId(); git.cherryPick().setNoCommit(true).include(tagId).call(); stashesToApply.add(git.stashCreate().setIncludeUntracked(true).call()); combinedTestResults.addAll(testResultsExtractor.expectedTestResults(tagId)); } applyStashChangesLocally(stashesToApply); return combinedTestResults; }
Example #25
Source File: From git-client-plugin with MIT License | 5 votes |
@Test public void initJGitImplThrowsGitException() throws GitAPIException, IOException, InterruptedException { String fileName = isWindows() ? "\\\\badserver\\badshare\\bad\\dir" : "/this/is/a/bad/dir"; final File badDirectory = new File(fileName); assumeFalse("running as root?", new File("/").canWrite()); GitClient defaultClient = Git.with(TaskListener.NULL, new EnvVars()).in(badDirectory).using("jgit").getClient(); assertNotNull(defaultClient); JGitInternalException e = assertThrows(JGitInternalException.class, () -> { defaultClient.init_().workspace(badDirectory.getAbsolutePath()).execute(); }); assertThat(e.getCause(), isA(IOException.class)); }
Example #26
Source File: From writelatex-git-bridge with MIT License | 5 votes |
@Test public void canCloneARepository() throws IOException, GitAPIException, InterruptedException { MockSnapshotServer server = new MockSnapshotServer(3857, getResource("/canCloneARepository").toFile()); server.start(); server.setState(states.get("canCloneARepository").get("state")); GitBridgeApp wlgb = new GitBridgeApp(new String[] { makeConfigFile(33857, 3857) });; File testprojDir = gitClone("testproj", 33857, dir); wlgb.stop(); assertTrue(FileUtil.gitDirectoriesAreEqual(getResource("/canCloneARepository/state/testproj"), testprojDir.toPath())); }
Example #27
Source File: From jbake with MIT License | 5 votes |
private void cloneJbakeWebsite() throws GitAPIException { CloneCommand cmd = Git.cloneRepository(); cmd.setBare(false); cmd.setBranch("master"); cmd.setRemote("origin"); cmd.setURI(WEBSITE_REPO_URL); cmd.setDirectory(projectFolder);; assertThat(new File(projectFolder,"").exists()).isTrue(); }
Example #28
Source File: From gitflow-incremental-builder with MIT License | 5 votes |
@Test public void singleChanged() throws GitAPIException, IOException { MavenProject changedModuleMock = addModuleMock(AID_MODULE_B, true); underTest.act(); verify(mavenSessionMock).setProjects(Collections.singletonList(changedModuleMock)); }
Example #29
Source File: From gocd with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void shouldNotUpdatePipelineConfigInCaseOfValidationErrors() throws GitAPIException { GoConfigHolder goConfigHolder = goConfigDao.loadConfigHolder(); String digest = entityHashingService.hashForEntity(pipelineConfig, groupName); pipelineConfig.setLabelTemplate("LABEL"); pipelineConfigService.updatePipelineConfig(user, pipelineConfig, groupName, digest, result); assertThat(result.toString(), result.isSuccessful(), is(false)); assertThat(result.httpCode(), is(422)); assertThat(pipelineConfig.errors().on(PipelineConfig.LABEL_TEMPLATE), contains("Invalid label")); assertThat(configRepository.getCurrentRevCommit().name(), is(headCommitBeforeUpdate)); assertThat(goConfigDao.loadConfigHolder().configForEdit, is(goConfigHolder.configForEdit)); assertThat(goConfigDao.loadConfigHolder().config, is(goConfigHolder.config)); }
Example #30
Source File: From git-merge-repos with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public List<MergedRef> run() throws IOException, GitAPIException { fetch(); List<MergedRef> mergedBranches = mergeBranches(); List<MergedRef> mergedTags = mergeTags(); List<MergedRef> mergedRefs = new ArrayList<>(); mergedRefs.addAll(mergedBranches); mergedRefs.addAll(mergedTags); deleteOriginalRefs(); resetToBranch(); return mergedRefs; }