org.eclipse.lsp4j.LocationLink Java Examples

The following examples show how to use org.eclipse.lsp4j.LocationLink. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File:    From lemminx with Eclipse Public License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns the location of the local xs:element declared in the given XML Schema
 * <code>targetSchema</code> which matches the given XML element
 * <code>originElement</code> and null otherwise.
 * @param originElement the XML element
 * @param targetSchema  the XML Schema
 * @param enclosingType the enclosing type of the XS element declaration which
 *                      matches the XML element
 * @param grammar       the Xerces grammar
 * @return the location of the global xs:element declared in the given XML
 *         Schema <code>targetSchema</code> which matches the given XML element
 *         <code>originElement</code> and null otherwise.
private static LocationLink findLocalXSElement(DOMElement originElement, DOMDocument targetSchema,
		XSComplexTypeDefinition enclosingType, SchemaGrammar schemaGrammar) {
	// In local xs:element case, xs:element is declared inside a complex type
	// (enclosing type).
	// Xerces stores in the SchemaGrammar the locator (offset) for each complex type
	// (XSComplexTypeDecl)
	// Here we get the offset of the local enclosing complex type xs:complexType.
	// After that
	// we just loop of children of local xs:complexType and return the
	// location of
	// xs:element/@name which matches the tag name of the origin XML element

	// Get the location of the local xs:complexType
	int complexTypeOffset = getComplexTypeOffset(enclosingType, schemaGrammar);
	if (complexTypeOffset != -1) {
		// location of xs:complexType is found, find the xs:element declared inside the
		// xs:complexType
		DOMNode node = targetSchema.findNodeAt(complexTypeOffset);
		if (node != null && node.isElement() && node.hasChildNodes()) {
			return findXSElement((DOMElement) originElement, node.getChildNodes(), true);
	return null;
Example #2
Source File:    From lemminx with Eclipse Public License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public CompletableFuture<Either<List<? extends Location>, List<? extends LocationLink>>> definition(
		DefinitionParams params) {
	return computeDOMAsync(params.getTextDocument(), (cancelChecker, xmlDocument) -> {
		if (definitionLinkSupport) {
			return Either.forRight(
					getXMLLanguageService().findDefinition(xmlDocument, params.getPosition(), cancelChecker));
		List<? extends Location> locations = getXMLLanguageService()
				.findDefinition(xmlDocument, params.getPosition(), cancelChecker) //
				.stream() //
				.map(locationLink -> XMLPositionUtility.toLocation(locationLink)) //
		return Either.forLeft(locations);
Example #3
Source File:    From lemminx with Eclipse Public License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public CompletableFuture<Either<List<? extends Location>, List<? extends LocationLink>>> typeDefinition(
		TypeDefinitionParams params) {
	return computeDOMAsync(params.getTextDocument(), (cancelChecker, xmlDocument) -> {
		if (typeDefinitionLinkSupport) {
			return Either.forRight(
					getXMLLanguageService().findTypeDefinition(xmlDocument, params.getPosition(), cancelChecker));
		List<? extends Location> locations = getXMLLanguageService()
				.findTypeDefinition(xmlDocument, params.getPosition(), cancelChecker) //
				.stream() //
				.map(locationLink -> XMLPositionUtility.toLocation(locationLink)) //
		return Either.forLeft(locations);
Example #4
Source File:    From camel-language-server with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public CompletableFuture<Either<List<? extends Location>, List<? extends LocationLink>>> getDefinitions(Position position) {
	if (textDocumentItem.getUri().endsWith(".xml")) {
		String camelComponentUri = parserXMLFileHelper.getCamelComponentUri(textDocumentItem, position);
		if (camelComponentUri != null) {
			CamelURIInstance camelURIInstance = parserXMLFileHelper.createCamelURIInstance(textDocumentItem, position, camelComponentUri);
			if (camelURIInstance != null && "ref".equals(camelURIInstance.getComponentName())) {
				Set<PathParamURIInstance> pathParams = camelURIInstance.getComponentAndPathUriElementInstance().getPathParams();
				if(!pathParams.isEmpty()) {
					String refId = pathParams.iterator().next().getValue();
					return searchEndpointsWithId(refId);
	return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(Either.forLeft(Collections.emptyList()));
Example #5
Source File:    From n4js with Eclipse Public License 1.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void testDefinition_04() throws Exception {

	TextDocumentPositionParams textDocumentPositionParams = new TextDocumentPositionParams();
	textDocumentPositionParams.setTextDocument(new TextDocumentIdentifier("n4scheme:/builtin_js.n4ts"));
	// see position from test above
	textDocumentPositionParams.setPosition(new Position(838, 15));
	CompletableFuture<Either<List<? extends Location>, List<? extends LocationLink>>> definitionsFuture = languageServer
	Either<List<? extends Location>, List<? extends LocationLink>> definitions = definitionsFuture.get();

	File root = getRoot();
	String actualSignatureHelp = new StringLSP4J(root).toString4(definitions);
	assertEquals("(n4scheme:/builtin_js.n4ts, [838:15 - 838:21])", actualSignatureHelp.trim());
Example #6
Source File:    From n4js with Eclipse Public License 1.0 6 votes vote down vote up
protected void performTest(Project project, String moduleName, DefinitionTestConfiguration dtc)
		throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, URISyntaxException {

	TextDocumentPositionParams textDocumentPositionParams = new TextDocumentPositionParams();
	String completeFileUri = getFileURIFromModuleName(dtc.getFilePath()).toString();
	textDocumentPositionParams.setTextDocument(new TextDocumentIdentifier(completeFileUri));
	textDocumentPositionParams.setPosition(new Position(dtc.getLine(), dtc.getColumn()));
	CompletableFuture<Either<List<? extends Location>, List<? extends LocationLink>>> definitionsFuture = languageServer

	Either<List<? extends Location>, List<? extends LocationLink>> definitions = definitionsFuture.get();
	if (dtc.getAssertDefinitions() != null) {
	} else {
		String actualSignatureHelp = getStringLSP4J().toString4(definitions);
		assertEquals(dtc.getExpectedDefinitions().trim(), actualSignatureHelp.trim());
Example #7
Source File:    From lemminx with Eclipse Public License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public List<? extends LocationLink> findDefinition(DOMDocument document, Position position,
		CancelChecker cancelChecker) {
	IDefinitionRequest request = null;
	try {
		request = new DefinitionRequest(document, position, extensionsRegistry);
	} catch (BadLocationException e) {
		LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed creating TypeDefinitionRequest", e);
		return Collections.emptyList();
	// Custom definition
	List<LocationLink> locations = new ArrayList<>();
	for (IDefinitionParticipant participant : extensionsRegistry.getDefinitionParticipants()) {
		participant.findDefinition(request, locations, cancelChecker);
	// Start end tag definition
	findStartEndTagDefinition(request, locations);
	return locations;
Example #8
Source File:    From lemminx with Eclipse Public License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Find start end tag definition.
 * @param request   the definition request
 * @param locations the locations
private static void findStartEndTagDefinition(IDefinitionRequest request, List<LocationLink> locations) {
	DOMNode node = request.getNode();
	if (node != null && node.isElement()) {
		// Node is a DOM element
		DOMElement element = (DOMElement) node;
		if (element.hasStartTag() && element.hasEndTag()) {
			// The DOM element has end and start tag
			DOMDocument document = element.getOwnerDocument();
			Range startRange = XMLPositionUtility.selectStartTagName(element);
			Range endRange = XMLPositionUtility.selectEndTagName(element);
			int offset = request.getOffset();
			if (element.isInStartTag(offset)) {
				// Start tag was clicked, jump to the end tag
				locations.add(new LocationLink(document.getDocumentURI(), endRange, endRange, startRange));
			} else if (element.isInEndTag(offset)) {
				// End tag was clicked, jump to the start tag
				locations.add(new LocationLink(document.getDocumentURI(), startRange, startRange, endRange));
Example #9
Source File:    From lemminx with Eclipse Public License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
protected void doFindDefinition(IDefinitionRequest request, List<LocationLink> locations,
		CancelChecker cancelChecker) {
	DOMNode node = request.getNode();
	int offset = request.getOffset();
	// DTD definition is applicable only for <!ELEMENT and <!ATTLIST
	if (!(node.isDTDElementDecl() || node.isDTDAttListDecl())) {
	// Get the parameter which defines the name which references an <!ELEMENT
	// - <!ATTLIST elt -> we search the 'elt' in <!ELEMENT elt
	// - <!ELEMENT elt (child1 -> we search the 'child1' in <!ELEMENT child1
	DTDDeclParameter originName = ((DTDDeclNode) node).getReferencedElementNameAt(offset);
	if (originName != null) {
		DTDUtils.searchDTDTargetElementDecl(originName, true, targetElementName -> {
			LocationLink location = XMLPositionUtility.createLocationLink((DOMRange) originName,
					(DOMRange) targetElementName);
Example #10
Source File:    From lemminx with Eclipse Public License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
protected void doFindTypeDefinition(ITypeDefinitionRequest request, List<LocationLink> locations,
		CancelChecker cancelChecker) {
	ContentModelManager contentModelManager = request.getComponent(ContentModelManager.class);
	DOMNode node = request.getNode();
	if (node == null) {
	DOMElement element = null;
	if (node.isElement()) {
		element = (DOMElement) node;
	} else if (node.isAttribute()) {
		element = ((DOMAttr) node).getOwnerElement();
	if (element != null) {
		Collection<CMDocument> cmDocuments = contentModelManager.findCMDocument(element);
		for (CMDocument cmDocument : cmDocuments) {
			LocationLink location = cmDocument.findTypeLocation(node);
			if (location != null) {
Example #11
Source File:    From lemminx with Eclipse Public License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
protected void doFindDefinition(IDefinitionRequest request, List<LocationLink> locations,
		CancelChecker cancelChecker) {
	DOMNode node = request.getNode();
	if (!node.isText()) {
	// Definition is done in a text node, check if it's a entity reference
	DOMDocument document = request.getXMLDocument();
	int offset = request.getOffset();
	EntityReferenceRange entityRange = XMLPositionUtility.selectEntityReference(offset, document);
	if (entityRange != null) {
		String entityName = entityRange.getName();
		Range range = entityRange.getRange();
		searchInLocalEntities(entityName, range, document, locations, cancelChecker);
		searchInExternalEntities(entityName, range, document, locations, request, cancelChecker);
Example #12
Source File:    From lemminx with Eclipse Public License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public static void testDefinitionFor(String value, String fileURI, LocationLink... expected)
		throws BadLocationException {
	int offset = value.indexOf('|');
	value = value.substring(0, offset) + value.substring(offset + 1);

	TextDocument document = new TextDocument(value, fileURI != null ? fileURI : "test://test/test.xml");
	Position position = document.positionAt(offset);

	XMLLanguageService xmlLanguageService = new XMLLanguageService();

	ContentModelSettings settings = new ContentModelSettings();
	xmlLanguageService.doSave(new SettingsSaveContext(settings));

	DOMDocument xmlDocument = DOMParser.getInstance().parse(document,
	xmlLanguageService.setDocumentProvider((uri) -> xmlDocument);

	List<? extends LocationLink> actual = xmlLanguageService.findDefinition(xmlDocument, position, () -> {
	assertLocationLink(actual, expected);

Example #13
Source File:    From lemminx with Eclipse Public License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Search the given entity name in the local entities.
 * @param document      the DOM document.
 * @param entityName    the entity name.
 * @param entityRange   the entity range.
 * @param locations     the location links
 * @param cancelChecker the cancel checker.
private static void searchInLocalEntities(String entityName, Range entityRange, DOMDocument document,
		List<LocationLink> locations, CancelChecker cancelChecker) {
	DOMDocumentType docType = document.getDoctype();
	if (docType == null) {
	// Loop for entities declared in the DOCTYPE of the document
	NamedNodeMap entities = docType.getEntities();
	for (int i = 0; i < entities.getLength(); i++) {
		DTDEntityDecl entity = (DTDEntityDecl) entities.item(i);
		fillEntityLocation(entity, entityName, entityRange, locations);
Example #14
Source File:    From lemminx with Eclipse Public License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
protected void doFindDefinition(IDefinitionRequest request, List<LocationLink> locations,
		CancelChecker cancelChecker) {

	// - xs:element/@type -> xs:complexType/@name
	// - xs:extension/@base -> xs:complexType/@name
	// - xs:element/@ref -> xs:complexType/@name
	DOMNode node = request.getNode();
	if (!node.isAttribute()) {
	DOMAttr attr = (DOMAttr) node;
	BindingType bindingType = XSDUtils.getBindingType(attr);
	if (bindingType != BindingType.NONE) {
		XSDUtils.searchXSTargetAttributes(attr, bindingType, true, true, (targetNamespacePrefix, targetAttr) -> {
			LocationLink location = XMLPositionUtility.createLocationLink(attr.getNodeAttrValue(),
Example #15
Source File:    From with Eclipse Public License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void testDefinition() throws Exception {
	URI fileURI = openFile("maven/salut4", "src/main/java/java/");
	TextDocumentIdentifier identifier = new TextDocumentIdentifier(fileURI.toString());
	DefinitionParams params = new DefinitionParams(identifier, new Position(10, 22));
	Either<List<? extends Location>, List<? extends LocationLink>> result = server.definition(params).join();
	assertEquals(1, result.getLeft().size());
	String targetUri = result.getLeft().get(0).getUri();
	URI targetURI = JDTUtils.toURI(targetUri);
	assertEquals("jdt", targetURI.getScheme());
	assertEquals(JDTEnvironmentUtils.SYNTAX_SERVER_ID, targetURI.getFragment());
Example #16
Source File:    From lemminx with Eclipse Public License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns the location of the xs:element declared in the given XML Schema
 * <code>targetSchema</code> which matches the given XML element
 * <code>originElement</code> and null otherwise.
 * @param originElement the XML element
 * @param children      the children where xs:element must be searched
 * @param inAnyLevel    true if search must be done in any level and false
 *                      otherwise.
 * @return
private static LocationLink findXSElement(DOMElement originElement, NodeList children, boolean inAnyLevel) {
	for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) {
		Node n = children.item(i);
		if (n.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
			Element elt = (Element) n;
			LocationLink location = findXSElement(originElement, elt);
			if (location != null) {
				return location;
			if (inAnyLevel && elt.hasChildNodes()) {
				location = findXSElement(originElement, elt.getChildNodes(), inAnyLevel);
				if (location != null) {
					return location;
	return null;
Example #17
Source File:    From lemminx with Eclipse Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public static void testTypeDefinitionFor(XMLLanguageService xmlLanguageService, String catalogPath,
		Consumer<XMLLanguageService> customConfiguration, String value, String fileURI, LocationLink... expected)
		throws BadLocationException {
	int offset = value.indexOf('|');
	value = value.substring(0, offset) + value.substring(offset + 1);

	TextDocument document = new TextDocument(value, fileURI != null ? fileURI : "test://test/test.xml");
	Position position = document.positionAt(offset);

	ContentModelSettings cmSettings = new ContentModelSettings();
	// Configure XML catalog for XML schema
	if (catalogPath != null) {
		cmSettings.setCatalogs(new String[] { catalogPath });
	xmlLanguageService.doSave(new SettingsSaveContext(cmSettings));

	if (customConfiguration != null) {

	DOMDocument xmlDocument = DOMParser.getInstance().parse(document,
	xmlLanguageService.setDocumentProvider((uri) -> xmlDocument);

	List<? extends LocationLink> actual = xmlLanguageService.findTypeDefinition(xmlDocument, position, () -> {
	assertLocationLink(actual, expected);

Example #18
Source File:    From camel-language-server with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private CompletableFuture<Either<List<? extends Location>, List<? extends LocationLink>>> searchEndpointsWithId(String refId) {
	try {
		List<Node> allEndpoints = parserXMLFileHelper.getAllEndpoints(textDocumentItem);
		for (Node endpoint : allEndpoints) {
			String id = CamelXmlHelper.getSafeAttribute(endpoint, "id");
			if (refId.equals(id)) {
				return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(Either.forLeft(Arrays.asList(parserXMLFileHelper.retrieveLocation(endpoint, textDocumentItem))));
	} catch (Exception e) {
		LOGGER.error("Cannot compute defintions for "+ textDocumentItem.getUri(), e);
	return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(Either.forLeft(Collections.emptyList()));
Example #19
Source File:    From lemminx with Eclipse Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public static void assertLocationLink(List<? extends LocationLink> actual, LocationLink... expected) {
	assertEquals(expected.length, actual.size());
	for (int i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) {
		actual.get(i).setTargetUri(actual.get(i).getTargetUri().replaceAll("file:///", "file:/"));
		expected[i].setTargetUri(expected[i].getTargetUri().replaceAll("file:///", "file:/"));
	assertArrayEquals(expected, actual.toArray());
Example #20
Source File:    From lemminx with Eclipse Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private static void fillEntityLocation(DTDEntityDecl entity, String entityName, Range entityRange,
		List<LocationLink> locations) {
	if (entityName.equals(entity.getName())) {
		TargetRange name = entity.getNameParameter();
		locations.add(XMLPositionUtility.createLocationLink(entityRange, name));
Example #21
Source File:    From n4js with Eclipse Public License 1.0 5 votes vote down vote up
/** @return string for given element */
public String toString(LocationLink locationLink) {
	if (locationLink == null) {
		return "";
	String str = Strings.join(", ",
	return "(" + str + ")";
Example #22
Source File:    From camel-language-server with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
void testRetrieveNoDefinitionWhenEndpointContainsNoId() throws Exception {
	CamelLanguageServer camelLanguageServer = initializeLanguageServer(ENDPOINT_UNMATCH_ID);
	CompletableFuture<Either<List<? extends Location>,List<? extends LocationLink>>> definitions = getDefinitionsFor(camelLanguageServer, new Position(5, 22));
Example #23
Source File:    From n4js with Eclipse Public License 1.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Compute the definition. Executed in a read request.
protected Either<List<? extends Location>, List<? extends LocationLink>> definition(OpenFileContext ofc,
		TextDocumentPositionParams params, CancelIndicator cancelIndicator) {
	URI uri = ofc.getURI();
	DocumentSymbolService documentSymbolService = getService(uri, DocumentSymbolService.class);
	if (documentSymbolService == null) {
		return Either.forLeft(Collections.emptyList());
	XtextResource res = ofc.getResource();
	XDocument doc = ofc.getDocument();
	return Either.forLeft(documentSymbolService.getDefinitions(doc, res, params, resourceAccess, cancelIndicator));
Example #24
Source File:    From lemminx with Eclipse Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
protected void doFindDefinition(IDefinitionRequest request, List<LocationLink> locations,
		CancelChecker cancelChecker) {
	DOMNode origin = request.getNode();
	XMLReferencesManager.getInstance().collect(origin, target -> {
		LocationLink location = XMLPositionUtility.createLocationLink(origin, target);
Example #25
Source File:    From camel-language-server with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
void testRetrieveNoDefinitionWhenEndpointContainsNotMatchingIds() throws Exception {
	CamelLanguageServer camelLanguageServer = initializeLanguageServer(ENDPOINT_WITHOUT_ID);
	CompletableFuture<Either<List<? extends Location>,List<? extends LocationLink>>> definitions = getDefinitionsFor(camelLanguageServer, new Position(5, 22));
Example #26
Source File:    From lemminx with Eclipse Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private static LocationLink findLocalXSAttribute(DOMAttr originAttribute, DOMDocument targetSchema,
		XSComplexTypeDefinition enclosingType, SchemaGrammar schemaGrammar) {
	int complexTypeOffset = getComplexTypeOffset(enclosingType, schemaGrammar);
	if (complexTypeOffset != -1) {
		// location of xs:complexType is found, find the xs:attribute declared inside
		// the
		// xs:complexType
		DOMNode node = targetSchema.findNodeAt(complexTypeOffset);
		if (node != null && node.isElement() && node.hasChildNodes()) {
			return findXSAttribute(originAttribute, node.getChildNodes(), true);
	return null;
Example #27
Source File:    From lemminx with Eclipse Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private static LocationLink findXSElement(DOMElement originElement, Element elt) {
	if (XSDUtils.isXSElement(elt)) {
		if (originElement.getLocalName().equals(elt.getAttribute("name"))) {
			DOMAttr targetAttr = (DOMAttr) elt.getAttributeNode("name");
			LocationLink location = XMLPositionUtility.createLocationLink(originElement,
			return location;
	return null;
Example #28
Source File:    From camel-language-server with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
void testRetrieveNoDefinitionWhenOnAnotherPlace() throws Exception {
	CamelLanguageServer camelLanguageServer = initializeLanguageServer(SIMPLE_DEFINITION);
	CompletableFuture<Either<List<? extends Location>,List<? extends LocationLink>>> definitions = getDefinitionsFor(camelLanguageServer, new Position(6, 22));
Example #29
Source File:    From n4js with Eclipse Public License 1.0 5 votes vote down vote up
/** @return string for given element */
public String toString4(Either<List<? extends Location>, List<? extends LocationLink>> definitions) {
	if (definitions == null) {
		return "";
	if (definitions.isLeft()) {
		return Strings.join("\n", this::toString, definitions.getLeft());
	} else {
		return Strings.join("\n", this::toString, definitions.getRight());
Example #30
Source File:    From camel-language-server with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
protected CompletableFuture<Either<List<? extends Location>,List<? extends LocationLink>>> getDefinitionsFor(CamelLanguageServer camelLanguageServer, Position position) {
	TextDocumentService textDocumentService = camelLanguageServer.getTextDocumentService();
	DefinitionParams params = new DefinitionParams();
	params.setTextDocument(new TextDocumentIdentifier(DUMMY_URI+extensionUsed));
	return textDocumentService.definition(params);