org.jivesoftware.smack.roster.RosterEntry Java Examples
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Example #1
Source File: From vicinity-gateway-api with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Retrieves a contact list of the current XMPP user. * * @return A set of object IDs from the {@link org.jivesoftware.smack.roster.Roster Roster} for this * connection. In case of error it just returns empty set (not null). */ @Override public Set<String> getRoster() { Set<String> rosterSet = new HashSet<String>(); if (connection == null || !connection.isConnected()){ logger.warning("Invalid connection in descriptor for username '" + objectId + "'."); return Collections.emptySet(); } Collection<RosterEntry> entries = roster.getEntries(); for (RosterEntry entry : entries) { rosterSet.add(entry.getJid().getLocalpartOrNull().toString()); } return rosterSet; }
Example #2
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public TransferGroupUI(String groupName) { setLayout(new VerticalFlowLayout(VerticalFlowLayout.TOP, 0, 0, true, false)); setBackground(Color.white); final Roster roster = Roster.getInstanceFor( SparkManager.getConnection() ); final RosterGroup rosterGroup = roster.getGroup(groupName); final List<RosterEntry> entries = new ArrayList<RosterEntry>(rosterGroup.getEntries()); Collections.sort(entries, entryComparator); for (RosterEntry entry : entries) { final UserEntry userEntry = new UserEntry(entry); userEntries.add(userEntry); add(userEntry); } }
Example #3
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Switches all users to Offline and Creates a Reconnection Group */ private synchronized void switchAllUserOffline(final boolean onError) { SwingWorker worker = new SwingWorker() { @Override public Object construct() { mainPanel.add(_reconnectpanelsmall,0); _reconnectpanelsmall.setClosedOnError(onError); final Collection<RosterEntry> roster = Roster.getInstanceFor( SparkManager.getConnection() ).getEntries(); for(RosterEntry r : roster) { Presence p = new Presence(Presence.Type.unavailable); moveToOfflineGroup(p, r.getJid()); } return true; } }; worker.start(); }
Example #4
Source File: From Smack with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Adds a roster entry to the packet. * * @param rosterEntry a roster entry to add. */ public void addRosterEntry(RosterEntry rosterEntry) { // Obtain a String[] from the roster entry groups name List<String> groupNamesList = new ArrayList<>(); String[] groupNames; for (RosterGroup group : rosterEntry.getGroups()) { groupNamesList.add(group.getName()); } groupNames = groupNamesList.toArray(new String[groupNamesList.size()]); // Create a new Entry based on the rosterEntry and add it to the packet RemoteRosterEntry remoteRosterEntry = new RemoteRosterEntry(rosterEntry.getJid(), rosterEntry.getName(), groupNames); addRosterEntry(remoteRosterEntry); }
Example #5
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Removes a contact item from the group. * * @param item the ContactItem to remove. */ private void removeContactFromGroup(ContactItem item) { String groupName = item.getGroupName(); ContactGroup contactGroup = getContactGroup(groupName); Roster roster = Roster.getInstanceFor( SparkManager.getConnection() ); RosterEntry entry = roster.getEntry(item.getJid().asBareJid()); if (entry != null && contactGroup != offlineGroup) { try { RosterGroup rosterGroup = roster.getGroup(groupName); if (rosterGroup != null) { RosterEntry rosterEntry = rosterGroup.getEntry(entry.getJid()); if (rosterEntry != null) { rosterGroup.removeEntry(rosterEntry); } } contactGroup.removeContactItem(contactGroup.getContactItemByJID(item.getJid())); checkGroup(contactGroup); } catch (Exception e) { Log.error("Error removing user from contact list.", e); } } }
Example #6
Source File: From Zom-Android-XMPP with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
@Override protected void doSetContactName(String address, String name) throws ImException { Contact contact = getContact(address); contact.setName(name); Contact[] contacts = {contact}; notifyContactsPresenceUpdated(contacts); // set name try { RosterEntry entry = mRoster.getEntry(JidCreate.bareFrom(address)); // confirm entry still exists if (entry == null) { return; } entry.setName(name); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ImException(e.toString()); } }
Example #7
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Switches all Users to Offline and Creates an Icon in the CommandBar */ private synchronized void switchAllUserOfflineNoGroupEntry(final boolean onError) { SwingWorker worker = new SwingWorker() { @Override public Object construct() { _reconnectpanelicon.getPanel().add(_reconnectpanelicon.getButton(), 0); _reconnectpanelicon.getPanel().revalidate(); _reconnectpanelicon.setClosedOnError(onError); final Collection<RosterEntry> roster = Roster.getInstanceFor( SparkManager.getConnection()).getEntries(); for (RosterEntry r : roster) { Presence p = new Presence(Presence.Type.unavailable); moveToOfflineGroup(p, r.getJid()); } return true; } }; worker.start(); }
Example #8
Source File: From desktopclient-java with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
/** * NOTE: on every (re-)connect all entries are added again (loaded), * one method call for all contacts. */ @Override public void entriesAdded(Collection<Jid> addresses) { if (mRoster == null || !mLoaded) return; for (Jid jid: addresses) { RosterEntry entry = mRoster.getEntry(jid.asBareJid()); if (entry == null) { LOGGER.warning("jid not in roster: "+jid); return; } LOGGER.config("entry: "+entry.toString()); mHandler.onEntryAdded(clientToModel(entry)); } }
Example #9
Source File: From Smack with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Sends a roster group to userID. All the entries of the group will be sent to the * target user. * * @param rosterGroup the roster group to send * @param targetUserID the user that will receive the roster entries * @throws NotConnectedException if the XMPP connection is not connected. * @throws InterruptedException if the calling thread was interrupted. */ public void send(RosterGroup rosterGroup, Jid targetUserID) throws NotConnectedException, InterruptedException { XMPPConnection connection = weakRefConnection.get(); // Create a new message to send the roster MessageBuilder msg = connection.getStanzaFactory().buildMessageStanza().to(targetUserID); // Create a RosterExchange Package and add it to the message RosterExchange rosterExchange = new RosterExchange(); for (RosterEntry entry : rosterGroup.getEntries()) { rosterExchange.addRosterEntry(entry); } msg.addExtension(rosterExchange); // Send the message that contains the roster connection.sendStanza(; }
Example #10
Source File: From desktopclient-java with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
public boolean removeFromRoster(JID jid) { if (!this.isConnected()) {"not connected"); return false; } Roster roster = Roster.getInstanceFor(mConn); RosterEntry entry = roster.getEntry(jid.toBareSmack()); if (entry == null) {"can't find roster entry for jid: "+jid); return true; } try { // blocking roster.removeEntry(entry); } catch (SmackException.NotLoggedInException | SmackException.NoResponseException | XMPPException.XMPPErrorException | SmackException.NotConnectedException | InterruptedException ex) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "can't remove contact from roster", ex); return false; } return true; }
Example #11
Source File: From desktopclient-java with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
public void updateRosterEntry(JID jid, String newName) { if (!this.isConnected()) {"not connected"); return; } Roster roster = Roster.getInstanceFor(mConn); RosterEntry entry = roster.getEntry(jid.toBareSmack()); if (entry == null) { LOGGER.warning("can't find roster entry for jid: "+jid); return; } try { entry.setName(newName); } catch (SmackException.NotConnectedException | SmackException.NoResponseException | XMPPException.XMPPErrorException | InterruptedException ex) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "can't set name for entry", ex); } }
Example #12
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Handles the ?remove URI * * @param uri * the decoded uri * @throws Exception */ public void handleRemove(URI uri) throws Exception { // BareJid jid; try { jid = JidCreate.bareFrom(retrieveJID(uri)); } catch (XmppStringprepException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } Roster roster = Roster.getInstanceFor( SparkManager.getConnection() ); RosterEntry entry = roster.getEntry(jid); roster.removeEntry(entry); }
Example #13
Source File: From mangosta-android with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void removeAllContacts() throws SmackException.NotLoggedInException, InterruptedException, SmackException.NotConnectedException, XMPPException.XMPPErrorException, SmackException.NoResponseException { Roster roster = Roster.getInstanceFor(XMPPSession.getInstance().getXMPPConnection()); if (!roster.isLoaded()) { roster.reloadAndWait(); } for (RosterEntry entry : roster.getEntries()) { roster.removeEntry(entry); Presence presence = new Presence(Presence.Type.unsubscribe); presence.setTo(entry.getJid()); XMPPSession.getInstance().sendStanza(presence); } }
Example #14
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Updates the users presence. * * @param presence the user to update. * @throws Exception if there is a problem while updating the user's presence. */ private synchronized void updateUserPresence(Presence presence) throws Exception { if (presence.getError() != null) { // We ignore this. return; } final Roster roster = Roster.getInstanceFor( SparkManager.getConnection() ); final BareJid bareJID = presence.getFrom().asBareJid(); RosterEntry entry = roster.getEntry(bareJID); boolean isPending = entry != null && (entry.getType() == RosterPacket.ItemType.none || entry.getType() == RosterPacket.ItemType.from) && entry.isSubscriptionPending(); // If online, check to see if they are in the offline group. // If so, remove from offline group and add to all groups they // belong to. if (presence.getType() == Presence.Type.available && offlineGroup.getContactItemByJID(bareJID) != null || ( presence.getFrom().toString().contains( "workgroup." ) )) { changeOfflineToOnline(bareJID, entry, presence); } else if (presence.getType() == Presence.Type.available) { updateContactItemsPresence(presence, entry, bareJID); } else if (presence.getType() == Presence.Type.unavailable && !isPending) { // If not available, move to offline group. Presence rosterPresence = PresenceManager.getPresence(bareJID); if (!rosterPresence.isAvailable()) { moveToOfflineGroup(presence, bareJID); } else { updateContactItemsPresence(rosterPresence, entry, bareJID); } } }
Example #15
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Updates the presence of one individual based on their JID. * * @param presence the users presence. * @param entry the roster entry being updated. * @param bareJID the bare jid of the user. */ private void updateContactItemsPresence(Presence presence, RosterEntry entry, BareJid bareJID) { for (ContactGroup group : groupList) { ContactItem item = group.getContactItemByJID(bareJID); if (item != null) { if (group == offlineGroup) { changeOfflineToOnline(bareJID, entry, presence); continue; } item.setPresence(presence); group.fireContactGroupUpdated(); } } }
Example #16
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Called when NEW entries are added. * * @param addresses the address added. */ @Override public void entriesAdded(final Collection<Jid> addresses) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater( () -> { Roster roster = Roster.getInstanceFor( SparkManager.getConnection() ); for (Jid jid : addresses) { RosterEntry entry = roster.getEntry(jid.asBareJid()); addUser(entry); } } ); }
Example #17
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Adds a single user to the ContactList. * * @param entry the <code>RosterEntry</code> of the the user. */ private void addUser(RosterEntry entry) { ContactItem newContactItem = UIComponentRegistry.createContactItem(entry.getName(), null, entry.getJid()); if (entry.getType() == RosterPacket.ItemType.none || entry.getType() == RosterPacket.ItemType.from) { // Ignore, since the new user is pending to be added. for (RosterGroup group : entry.getGroups()) { ContactGroup contactGroup = getContactGroup(group.getName()); if (contactGroup == null) { contactGroup = addContactGroup(group.getName()); } boolean isPending = entry.getType() == RosterPacket.ItemType.none || entry.getType() == RosterPacket.ItemType.from && entry.isSubscriptionPending(); if (isPending) { contactGroup.setVisible(true); } contactGroup.addContactItem(newContactItem); } return; } else { moveToOffline(newContactItem); } // Update users icon Presence presence = Roster.getInstanceFor( SparkManager.getConnection() ).getPresence(entry.getJid()); try { updateUserPresence(presence); } catch (Exception e) { Log.error(e); } }
Example #18
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void removeContactFromRoster(ContactItem item) { Roster roster = Roster.getInstanceFor( SparkManager.getConnection() ); RosterEntry entry = roster.getEntry(item.getJid().asBareJid()); if (entry != null) { try { roster.removeEntry(entry); } catch (XMPPException | SmackException | InterruptedException e) { Log.warning("Unable to remove roster entry.", e); } } }
Example #19
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void loadRemoteKeys() { for (RosterEntry entry : Roster.getInstanceFor( SparkManager.getConnection() ).getEntries()) { SessionID curSession = new SessionID(SparkManager.getConnection().getUser(), entry.getUser(), "Scytale"); String remoteKey = _keyManager.getRemoteFingerprint(curSession); if (remoteKey != null) { boolean isVerified = _keyManager.isVerified(curSession); _keytable.addEntry(entry.getUser(), remoteKey, isVerified); } } _keytable.addTableChangeListener(new TableModelListener() { @Override public void tableChanged(TableModelEvent e) { int col = e.getColumn(); int row = e.getFirstRow(); if (col == 2) { boolean selection = (Boolean) _keytable.getValueAt(row, col); String JID = (String) _keytable.getValueAt(row, 0); SessionID curSelectedSession = new SessionID(SparkManager.getConnection().getUser(), JID, "Scytale"); if (!selection) { _keyManager.verify(curSelectedSession); } else { _keyManager.unverify(curSelectedSession); } } } }); }
Example #20
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void loadVCards() { // Load vCard information. final Roster roster = Roster.getInstanceFor( SparkManager.getConnection() ); for (RosterEntry entry : roster.getEntries()) { SparkManager.getVCardManager().getVCardFromMemory(entry.getUser()); } }
Example #21
Source File: From mangosta-android with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public HashMap<Jid, Presence.Type> getContacts() throws SmackException.NotLoggedInException, InterruptedException, SmackException.NotConnectedException { Roster roster = Roster.getInstanceFor(XMPPSession.getInstance().getXMPPConnection()); if (!roster.isLoaded()) { roster.reloadAndWait(); } String groupName = "Buddies"; RosterGroup group = roster.getGroup(groupName); if (group == null) { roster.createGroup(groupName); group = roster.getGroup(groupName); } HashMap<Jid, Presence.Type> buddies = new HashMap<>(); List<RosterEntry> entries = group.getEntries(); for (RosterEntry entry : entries) { BareJid jid = entry.getJid(); Presence.Type status = roster.getPresence(jid).getType(); buddies.put(jid, status); } return buddies; }
Example #22
Source File: From mangosta-android with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public HashMap<Jid, Presence.Type> getContactsWithSubscriptionPending() throws SmackException.NotLoggedInException, InterruptedException, SmackException.NotConnectedException { Roster roster = Roster.getInstanceFor(XMPPSession.getInstance().getXMPPConnection()); if (!roster.isLoaded()) { roster.reloadAndWait(); } String groupName = "Buddies"; RosterGroup group = roster.getGroup(groupName); if (group == null) { roster.createGroup(groupName); group = roster.getGroup(groupName); } HashMap<Jid, Presence.Type> buddiesPending = new HashMap<>(); List<RosterEntry> entries = group.getEntries(); for (RosterEntry entry : entries) { if (entry.isSubscriptionPending()) { BareJid jid = entry.getJid(); Presence.Type status = roster.getPresence(jid).getType(); buddiesPending.put(jid, status); } } return buddiesPending; }
Example #23
Source File: From Yahala-Messenger with MIT License | 5 votes |
public List<RosterEntry> getEntriesByGroup(Roster roster, String groupName) { List<RosterEntry> entriesList = new ArrayList<RosterEntry>(); RosterGroup rosterGroup = roster.getGroup(groupName); Collection<RosterEntry> rosterEntries = rosterGroup.getEntries(); Iterator<RosterEntry> i = rosterEntries.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { entriesList.add(; } return entriesList; }
Example #24
Source File: From Smack with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public static void cleanUpRoster(OmemoManager omemoManager) { Roster roster = Roster.getInstanceFor(omemoManager.getConnection()); for (RosterEntry r : roster.getEntries()) { try { roster.removeEntry(r); } catch (InterruptedException | SmackException.NoResponseException | SmackException.NotConnectedException | XMPPException.XMPPErrorException | SmackException.NotLoggedInException e) { // Silent } } }
Example #25
Source File: From Smack with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Creates a new roster exchange package with the entries specified in roster. * * @param roster the roster to send to other XMPP entity. */ public RosterExchange(Roster roster) { // Add all the roster entries to the new RosterExchange for (RosterEntry rosterEntry : roster.getEntries()) { this.addRosterEntry(rosterEntry); } }
Example #26
Source File: From Smack with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Sends a roster entry to userID. * * @param rosterEntry the roster entry to send * @param targetUserID the user that will receive the roster entries * @throws NotConnectedException if the XMPP connection is not connected. * @throws InterruptedException if the calling thread was interrupted. */ public void send(RosterEntry rosterEntry, Jid targetUserID) throws NotConnectedException, InterruptedException { XMPPConnection connection = weakRefConnection.get(); // Create a new message to send the roster MessageBuilder messageBuilder = connection.getStanzaFactory().buildMessageStanza().to(targetUserID); // Create a RosterExchange Package and add it to the message RosterExchange rosterExchange = new RosterExchange(); rosterExchange.addRosterEntry(rosterEntry); messageBuilder.addExtension(rosterExchange); // Send the message that contains the roster connection.sendStanza(; }
Example #27
Source File: From desktopclient-java with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public void entriesUpdated(Collection<Jid> addresses) { // note: we don't know what exactly changed here for (Jid jid: addresses) { RosterEntry entry = mRoster.getEntry(jid.asBareJid()); if (entry == null) { LOGGER.warning("jid not in roster: "+jid); return; }"entry: "+entry.toString()); mHandler.onEntryUpdate(clientToModel(entry)); } }
Example #28
Source File: From desktopclient-java with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public void onRosterLoaded(Roster roster) { Set<RosterEntry> entries = roster.getEntries();"loading "+entries.size()+" entries"); mHandler.onLoaded( .map(KonRosterListener::clientToModel) .collect(Collectors.toList())); mLoaded = true; }
Example #29
Source File: From Smack with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private static void notInRoster(XMPPConnection c1, XMPPConnection c2) throws NotLoggedInException, NoResponseException, XMPPErrorException, NotConnectedException, InterruptedException { Roster roster = Roster.getInstanceFor(c1); RosterEntry c2Entry = roster.getEntry(c2.getUser().asBareJid()); if (c2Entry == null) { return; } roster.removeEntry(c2Entry); }
Example #30
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (e.getSource() == addingGroupButton) { new RosterDialog().showRosterDialog(); } else if (e.getSource() == chatMenu) { if (activeItem != null) { SparkManager.getChatManager().activateChat(activeItem.getJid(), activeItem.getDisplayName()); } } else if (e.getSource() == addContactMenu) { RosterDialog rosterDialog = new RosterDialog(); if (activeGroup != null) { rosterDialog.setDefaultGroup(activeGroup); } rosterDialog.showRosterDialog(); } else if (e.getSource() == removeContactFromGroupMenu) { if (activeItem != null) { removeContactFromGroup(activeItem); } } else if (e.getSource() == renameMenu) { if (activeItem == null) { return; } String oldAlias = activeItem.getAlias(); String newAlias = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(this, Res.getString("") + ":", oldAlias); // if user pressed 'cancel', output will be null. // if user removed alias, output will be an empty String. if (newAlias != null) { if (!ModelUtil.hasLength(newAlias)) { newAlias = null; // allows you to remove an alias. } BareJid address = activeItem.getJid().asBareJid(); ContactGroup contactGroup = getContactGroup(activeItem.getGroupName()); ContactItem contactItem = contactGroup.getContactItemByDisplayName(activeItem.getDisplayName()); contactItem.setAlias(newAlias); final Roster roster = Roster.getInstanceFor( SparkManager.getConnection() ); RosterEntry entry = roster.getEntry(address); try { entry.setName(newAlias); final BareJid user = address.asBareJid(); for ( ContactGroup cg : groupList ) { ContactItem ci = cg.getContactItemByJID(user); if (ci != null) { ci.setAlias(newAlias); } } } catch ( XMPPException.XMPPErrorException| SmackException.NotConnectedException | SmackException.NoResponseException | InterruptedException e1 ) { Log.warning( "Unable to set new alias '" + newAlias + "' for roster entry " + address, e1 ); } } } }