com.mongodb.client.model.ReplaceOptions Java Examples

The following examples show how to use com.mongodb.client.model.ReplaceOptions. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File:    From morphia with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
protected <T> void saveDocument(final T entity, final MongoCollection<T> collection, final InsertOneOptions options) {
    Object id = mapper.getMappedClass(entity.getClass()).getIdField().getFieldValue(entity);
    ClientSession clientSession = findSession(options);

    if (id == null) {
        if (clientSession == null) {
            options.prepare(collection).insertOne(entity, options.getOptions());
        } else {
            options.prepare(collection).insertOne(clientSession, entity, options.getOptions());
    } else {
        ReplaceOptions updateOptions = new ReplaceOptions()
        MongoCollection<T> updated = collection;
        if (options.writeConcern() != null) {
            updated = collection.withWriteConcern(options.writeConcern());
        if (clientSession == null) {
            updated.replaceOne(new Document("_id", id), entity, updateOptions);
        } else {
            updated.replaceOne(clientSession, new Document("_id", id), entity, updateOptions);
Example #2
Source File:    From core-ng-project with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public void replace(T entity) {
    var watch = new StopWatch();
    Object id = null;
    try {
        id =;
        if (id == null) throw new Error(format("entity must have id, entityClass={}", entityClass.getCanonicalName()));
        collection().replaceOne(Filters.eq("_id", id), entity, new ReplaceOptions().upsert(true));
    } finally {
        long elapsed = watch.elapsed();
        ActionLogContext.track("mongo", elapsed, 0, 1);
        logger.debug("replace, collection={}, id={}, elapsed={}", collectionName, id, elapsed);
Example #3
Source File:    From quarkus with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private static Uni<Void> persistOrUpdate(ReactiveMongoCollection collection, Object entity) {
    //we transform the entity as a document first
    BsonDocument document = getBsonDocument(collection, entity);

    //then we get its id field and create a new Document with only this one that will be our replace query
    BsonValue id = document.get(ID);
    if (id == null) {
        //insert with autogenerated ID
        return collection.insertOne(entity).onItem().ignore().andContinueWithNull();
    } else {
        //insert with user provided ID or update
        BsonDocument query = new BsonDocument().append(ID, id);
        return collection.replaceOne(query, entity, new ReplaceOptions().upsert(true))
Example #4
Source File:    From quarkus with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private static Uni<Void> persistOrUpdate(ReactiveMongoCollection collection, List<Object> entities) {
    //this will be an ordered bulk: it's less performant than a unordered one but will fail at the first failed write
    List<WriteModel> bulk = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Object entity : entities) {
        //we transform the entity as a document first
        BsonDocument document = getBsonDocument(collection, entity);

        //then we get its id field and create a new Document with only this one that will be our replace query
        BsonValue id = document.get(ID);
        if (id == null) {
            //insert with autogenerated ID
            bulk.add(new InsertOneModel(entity));
        } else {
            //insert with user provided ID or update
            BsonDocument query = new BsonDocument().append(ID, id);
            bulk.add(new ReplaceOneModel(query, entity,
                    new ReplaceOptions().upsert(true)));

    return collection.bulkWrite(bulk).onItem().ignore().andContinueWithNull();
Example #5
Source File:    From quarkus with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private static void persistOrUpdate(MongoCollection collection, List<Object> entities) {
    //this will be an ordered bulk: it's less performant than a unordered one but will fail at the first failed write
    List<WriteModel> bulk = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Object entity : entities) {
        //we transform the entity as a document first
        BsonDocument document = getBsonDocument(collection, entity);

        //then we get its id field and create a new Document with only this one that will be our replace query
        BsonValue id = document.get(ID);
        if (id == null) {
            //insert with autogenerated ID
            bulk.add(new InsertOneModel(entity));
        } else {
            //insert with user provided ID or update
            BsonDocument query = new BsonDocument().append(ID, id);
            bulk.add(new ReplaceOneModel(query, entity,
                    new ReplaceOptions().upsert(true)));

Example #6
Source File:    From rya with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public void update(final RyaDetails oldDetails, final RyaDetails newDetails)
        throws NotInitializedException, ConcurrentUpdateException, RyaDetailsRepositoryException {
    // Preconditions.

    if(!newDetails.getRyaInstanceName().equals( instanceName )) {
        throw new RyaDetailsRepositoryException("The instance name that was in the provided 'newDetails' does not match " +
                "the instance name that this repository is connected to. Make sure you're connected to the" +
                "correct Rya instance.");

    if(!isInitialized()) {
        throw new NotInitializedException("Could not update the details for the Rya instanced named '" +
                instanceName + "' because it has not been initialized yet.");

    if(oldDetails.equals(newDetails)) {

    final MongoCollection<Document> col = db.getCollection(INSTANCE_DETAILS_COLLECTION_NAME);
    final Document oldObj = MongoDetailsAdapter.toDocument(oldDetails);
    final Document newObj = MongoDetailsAdapter.toDocument(newDetails);
    final UpdateResult result = col.replaceOne(oldObj, newObj, new ReplaceOptions());

    //since there is only 1 document, there should only be 1 update.
    if(result.getModifiedCount() != 1) {
        throw new ConcurrentUpdateException("Could not update the details for the Rya instance named '" +
            instanceName + "' because the old value is out of date.");
Example #7
Source File:    From LuckPerms with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
public PlayerSaveResult savePlayerData(UUID uniqueId, String username) {
    username = username.toLowerCase();
    MongoCollection<Document> c = this.database.getCollection(this.prefix + "uuid");

    // find any existing mapping
    String oldUsername = getPlayerName(uniqueId);

    // do the insert
    if (!username.equalsIgnoreCase(oldUsername)) {
        c.replaceOne(new Document("_id", uniqueId), new Document("_id", uniqueId).append("name", username), new ReplaceOptions().upsert(true));

    PlayerSaveResultImpl result = PlayerSaveResultImpl.determineBaseResult(username, oldUsername);

    Set<UUID> conflicting = new HashSet<>();
    try (MongoCursor<Document> cursor = c.find(new Document("name", username)).iterator()) {
        while (cursor.hasNext()) {

    if (!conflicting.isEmpty()) {
        // remove the mappings for conflicting uuids
        c.deleteMany(Filters.and( -> Filters.eq("_id", u)).collect(Collectors.toList())));
        result = result.withOtherUuidsPresent(conflicting);

    return result;
Example #8
Source File:    From LuckPerms with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
public void saveGroup(Group group) {
    try {
        MongoCollection<Document> c = this.database.getCollection(this.prefix + "groups");
        c.replaceOne(new Document("_id", group.getName()), groupToDoc(group), new ReplaceOptions().upsert(true));
    } finally {
Example #9
Source File:    From LuckPerms with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
public void saveUser(User user) {
    try {
        MongoCollection<Document> c = this.database.getCollection(this.prefix + "users");
        if (!this.plugin.getUserManager().shouldSave(user)) {
            c.deleteOne(new Document("_id", user.getUniqueId()));
        } else {
            c.replaceOne(new Document("_id", user.getUniqueId()), userToDoc(user), new ReplaceOptions().upsert(true));
    } finally {
Example #10
Source File:    From mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public Publisher<UpdateResult> replaceOne(final Bson filter, final TDocument replacement, final ReplaceOptions options) {
    return new ObservableToPublisher<UpdateResult>(com.mongodb.async.client.Observables.observe(
            new Block<com.mongodb.async.SingleResultCallback<UpdateResult>>() {
                public void apply(final com.mongodb.async.SingleResultCallback<UpdateResult> callback) {
                    wrapped.replaceOne(filter, replacement, options, callback);
Example #11
Source File:    From Shadbot with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public Mono<Void> insert() {
    LOGGER.debug("[LotteryHistoric] Insertion");

    return Mono.from(DatabaseManager.getLottery()
            .replaceOne(Filters.eq("_id", "historic"),
                    new ReplaceOptions().upsert(true)))
            .doOnNext(result -> LOGGER.trace("[LotteryHistoric] Insertion result: {}", result))
            .doOnTerminate(() -> DB_REQUEST_COUNTER.labels(LotteryCollection.NAME).inc());
Example #12
Source File:    From redtorch with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
public boolean upsertTick(String dbName, String collectionName, List<TickField> tickList) {

	if (tickList == null || tickList.isEmpty()) {
		return false;

	List<WriteModel<Document>> writeModelList = new ArrayList<WriteModel<Document>>();

	long beginTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
	for (TickField tick : tickList) {
		Document filterDocument = new Document();
		filterDocument.put("unifiedSymbol", tick.getUnifiedSymbol());
		filterDocument.put("actionTimestamp", tick.getActionTimestamp());

		Document tickDocument = tickToDocument(tick);
		ReplaceOptions replaceOptions = new ReplaceOptions();

		ReplaceOneModel<Document> replaceOneModel = new ReplaceOneModel<Document>(filterDocument, tickDocument, replaceOptions);
	}"更新插入Tick集合,数据库{},集合{},数据转换耗时{}ms,共{}条数据", dbName, collectionName, (System.currentTimeMillis() - beginTime), tickList.size());
	beginTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
	todayMarketDataDBClient.getDatabase(dbName).getCollection(collectionName).bulkWrite(writeModelList);"更新插入Tick集合,数据库{},集合{},数据库操作耗时{}ms,共{}条操作", dbName, collectionName, (System.currentTimeMillis() - beginTime), writeModelList.size());
	return true;
Example #13
Source File:    From redtorch with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
public boolean upsertBar(String dbName, String collectionName, List<BarField> barList) {

	if (barList == null || barList.isEmpty()) {
		return false;

	List<WriteModel<Document>> writeModelList = new ArrayList<WriteModel<Document>>();

	long beginTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
	for (BarField bar : barList) {
		Document filterDocument = new Document();
		filterDocument.put("unifiedSymbol", bar.getUnifiedSymbol());
		filterDocument.put("actionTimestamp", bar.getActionTimestamp());

		Document barDocument = barToDocument(bar);
		ReplaceOptions replaceOptions = new ReplaceOptions();

		ReplaceOneModel<Document> replaceOneModel = new ReplaceOneModel<Document>(filterDocument, barDocument, replaceOptions);
	}"更新插入Bar集合,数据库{},集合{},数据转换耗时{}ms,共{}条数据", dbName, collectionName, (System.currentTimeMillis() - beginTime), barList.size());
	beginTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
	todayMarketDataDBClient.getDatabase(dbName).getCollection(collectionName).createIndex(Indexes.ascending("actionTimestamp", "unifiedSymbol"));
	todayMarketDataDBClient.getDatabase(dbName).getCollection(collectionName).bulkWrite(writeModelList);"更新插入Bar集合,数据库{},集合{},数据库操作耗时{}ms,共{}条操作", dbName, collectionName, (System.currentTimeMillis() - beginTime), writeModelList.size());
	return true;
Example #14
Source File:    From redtorch with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
 * 更新或插入数据
 * @param dbName
 * @param collectionName
 * @param document
 * @param filter
 * @return
public boolean upsert(String dbName, String collectionName, Document document, Document filter) {
	if (document != null) {
		ReplaceOptions replaceOptions = new ReplaceOptions();
		mongoClient.getDatabase(dbName).getCollection(collectionName).replaceOne(filter, document, replaceOptions);
		return true;
	return false;
Example #15
Source File:    From quarkus with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private static void persistOrUpdate(MongoCollection collection, Object entity) {
    //we transform the entity as a document first
    BsonDocument document = getBsonDocument(collection, entity);

    //then we get its id field and create a new Document with only this one that will be our replace query
    BsonValue id = document.get(ID);
    if (id == null) {
        //insert with autogenerated ID
    } else {
        //insert with user provided ID or update
        BsonDocument query = new BsonDocument().append(ID, id);
        collection.replaceOne(query, entity, new ReplaceOptions().upsert(true));
Example #16
Source File:    From quarkus with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
void replaceOne() {
    ReactiveMongoDatabase database = client.getDatabase(DATABASE);
    ReactiveMongoCollection<Document> collection = database.getCollection("test");

                    .insertOne(new Document("id", 1).append("name", "superman").append("type", "heroes")
                            .append("stars", 5))
                    new Document("id", 2).append("name", "batman").append("type", "heroes").append("stars", 4))
                    .insertOne(new Document("id", 3).append("name", "frogman").append("type", "villain")
                            .append("stars", 1))
                    new Document("id", 4).append("name", "joker").append("type", "villain").append("stars", 5))

    Document newVillain = new Document("id", 5).append("name", "lex lutor").append("type", "villain")
            .append("stars", 3);
    Document newHeroes = new Document("id", 6).append("name", "supergirl").append("type", "heroes")
            .append("stars", 2);

    UpdateResult result = collection
            .replaceOne(new Document("id", 3), newVillain, new ReplaceOptions().bypassDocumentValidation(true))
    UpdateResult result2 = collection.replaceOne(new Document("id", 2), newHeroes).await().indefinitely();
    UpdateResult result3 = collection.replaceOne(new Document("id", 50), newHeroes).await().indefinitely();

Example #17
Source File:    From mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public Publisher<UpdateResult> replaceOne(final ClientSession clientSession, final Bson filter, final TDocument replacement,
                                          final ReplaceOptions options) {
    return new ObservableToPublisher<UpdateResult>(com.mongodb.async.client.Observables.observe(
            new Block<com.mongodb.async.SingleResultCallback<UpdateResult>>() {
                public void apply(final com.mongodb.async.SingleResultCallback<UpdateResult> callback) {
                    wrapped.replaceOne(clientSession.getWrapped(), filter, replacement, options, callback);
Example #18
Source File:    From immutables with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Uses <a href="">replaceOne</a> operation
 * with <a href="">bulkWrite</a>. Right now has to convert
 * object to BsonDocument to extract {@code _id} attribute.
private <T> Publisher<WriteResult> update(StandardOperations.Update operation) {
  ReplaceOptions options = new ReplaceOptions();
  if (operation.upsert()) {

  List<ReplaceOneModel<Object>> docs =  operation.values().stream()
          .map(value -> new ReplaceOneModel<>(new BsonDocument(Mongos.ID_FIELD_NAME, toBsonValue(keyExtractor.extract(value))), value, options))

  Publisher<BulkWriteResult> publisher = ((MongoCollection<Object>) collection).bulkWrite(docs);
  return Flowable.fromPublisher(publisher).map(x -> WriteResult.unknown());
Example #19
Source File:    From mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public Publisher<UpdateResult> replaceOne(final ClientSession clientSession, final Bson filter, final TDocument replacement) {
    return replaceOne(clientSession, filter, replacement, new ReplaceOptions());
Example #20
Source File:    From mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public Publisher<UpdateResult> replaceOne(final Bson filter, final TDocument replacement) {
    return replaceOne(filter, replacement, new ReplaceOptions());
Example #21
Source File:    From ditto with Eclipse Public License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private static ReplaceOptions upsert() {
    return new ReplaceOptions().upsert(true);
Example #22
Source File:    From edison-microservice with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public V createOrUpdate(final V value, final long maxTime, final TimeUnit timeUnit) {
    final Document doc = encode(value);
    collectionWithWriteTimeout(maxTime, timeUnit)
            .replaceOne(byId(keyOf(value)), doc, new ReplaceOptions().upsert(true));
    return decode(doc);
Example #23
Source File:    From stitch-android-sdk with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Replaces a single synchronized document by its given id with the given full document
 * replacement. No replacement will occur if the _id is not being synchronized.
 * @param nsConfig  the namespace synchronization config of the namespace where the document
 *                  lives.
 * @param documentId the _id of the document.
 * @param remoteDocument   the replacement document.
private LocalSyncWriteModelContainer replaceOrUpsertOneFromRemote(
    final NamespaceSynchronizationConfig nsConfig,
    final BsonValue documentId,
    final BsonDocument remoteDocument,
    final BsonDocument atVersion
) {
  final MongoNamespace namespace = nsConfig.getNamespace();
  final ChangeEvent<BsonDocument> event;
  final Lock lock =
  final BsonDocument docForStorage;
  final CoreDocumentSynchronizationConfig config;
  try {
    config = syncConfig.getSynchronizedDocument(namespace, documentId);
    if (config == null) {
      return null;

    docForStorage = sanitizeDocument(remoteDocument);

    config.setPendingWritesComplete(HashUtils.hash(docForStorage), atVersion);

    event = ChangeEvents.changeEventForLocalReplace(namespace, documentId, docForStorage, false);
  } finally {

  final LocalSyncWriteModelContainer container = newWriteModelContainer(nsConfig);

  container.addLocalWrite(new ReplaceOneModel<>(
      new ReplaceOptions().upsert(true)));
  container.addConfigWrite(new ReplaceOneModel<>(
      CoreDocumentSynchronizationConfig.getDocFilter(namespace, config.getDocumentId()
      ), config));

  return container;
Example #24
Source File:    From stitch-android-sdk with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Replaces a single synchronized document by its given id with the given full document
 * replacement. No replacement will occur if the _id is not being synchronized.
 * @param nsConfig   the namespace sync configuration of the namespace where the document lives.
 * @param documentId the _id of the document.
 * @param document   the replacement document.
private LocalSyncWriteModelContainer updateOrUpsertOneFromResolution(
    final NamespaceSynchronizationConfig nsConfig,
    final BsonValue documentId,
    final BsonDocument document,
    final BsonDocument atVersion,
    final CompactChangeEvent<BsonDocument> remoteEvent
) {
  final MongoNamespace namespace = nsConfig.getNamespace();
  final ChangeEvent<BsonDocument> event;
  final Lock lock =
  final CoreDocumentSynchronizationConfig config;
  final BsonDocument docForStorage;
  try {
    config =
        syncConfig.getSynchronizedDocument(namespace, documentId);
    if (config == null) {
      return null;

    // Remove forbidden fields from the resolved document before it will updated/upserted in the
    // local collection.
    docForStorage = sanitizeDocument(document);

    if (document.get("_id") == null && remoteEvent.getDocumentKey().get("_id") != null) {
      document.put("_id", remoteEvent.getDocumentKey().get("_id"));

    if (remoteEvent.getOperationType() == OperationType.DELETE) {
      event = ChangeEvents.changeEventForLocalInsert(namespace, docForStorage, true);
    } else {
      if (remoteEvent.getFullDocument() != null) {
        event = ChangeEvents.changeEventForLocalUpdate(
      } else {
        // We can't compute an update description here since we don't know what the remote full
        // document looks like. This means that if rules prevent us from writing to the entire
        // document, we would need to fetch the document to compute the update description, which
        // is not something we want to do. One potential option to get around this would be to
        // change the server-side logic for replaces to add a "merge" argument, that would
        // translate the replace sent by this client to an update that only modifies the fields
        // it has the permission to see.
        // See STITCH-2888
        event = ChangeEvents.changeEventForLocalReplace(
  } finally {

  final LocalSyncWriteModelContainer syncWriteModelContainer = newWriteModelContainer(nsConfig);

      new ReplaceOneModel<>(getDocumentIdFilter(documentId), docForStorage,
          new ReplaceOptions().upsert(true)));
      new ReplaceOneModel<>(CoreDocumentSynchronizationConfig.getDocFilter(
          namespace, config.getDocumentId()), config));

  return syncWriteModelContainer;
Example #25
Source File:    From quarkus with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public Uni<UpdateResult> replaceOne(ClientSession clientSession, Bson filter, T replacement,
        ReplaceOptions options) {
    return Wrappers.toUni(collection.replaceOne(clientSession, filter, replacement, options));
Example #26
Source File:    From quarkus with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public Uni<UpdateResult> replaceOne(Bson filter, T replacement, ReplaceOptions options) {
    return Wrappers.toUni(collection.replaceOne(filter, replacement, options));
Example #27
Source File:    From quarkus with Apache License 2.0 2 votes vote down vote up
 * Replace a document in the collection according to the specified arguments.
 * @param filter the query filter to apply the the replace operation
 * @param replacement the replacement document
 * @param options the options to apply to the replace operation
 * @return a {@link Uni} receiving the {@link UpdateResult}
Uni<UpdateResult> replaceOne(Bson filter, T replacement, ReplaceOptions options);
Example #28
Source File:    From mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams with Apache License 2.0 2 votes vote down vote up
 * Replace a document in the collection according to the specified arguments.
 * @param filter      the query filter to apply the the replace operation
 * @param replacement the replacement document
 * @param options     the options to apply to the replace operation
 * @return a publisher with a single element the UpdateResult
 * @mongodb.driver.manual tutorial/modify-documents/#replace-the-document Replace
 * @since 1.8
Publisher<UpdateResult> replaceOne(Bson filter, TDocument replacement, ReplaceOptions options);
Example #29
Source File:    From mongo-java-driver-reactivestreams with Apache License 2.0 2 votes vote down vote up
 * Replace a document in the collection according to the specified arguments.
 * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation
 * @param filter      the query filter to apply the the replace operation
 * @param replacement the replacement document
 * @param options     the options to apply to the replace operation
 * @return a publisher with a single element the UpdateResult
 * @mongodb.driver.manual tutorial/modify-documents/#replace-the-document Replace
 * @mongodb.server.release 3.6
 * @since 1.8
Publisher<UpdateResult> replaceOne(ClientSession clientSession, Bson filter, TDocument replacement, ReplaceOptions options);
Example #30
Source File:    From quarkus with Apache License 2.0 2 votes vote down vote up
 * Replace a document in the collection according to the specified arguments.
 * @param clientSession the client session with which to associate this operation
 * @param filter the query filter to apply the the replace operation
 * @param replacement the replacement document
 * @param options the options to apply to the replace operation
 * @return a {@link Uni} receiving the {@link UpdateResult}
Uni<UpdateResult> replaceOne(ClientSession clientSession, Bson filter, T replacement,
        ReplaceOptions options);