hudson.model.Label Java Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: From docker-plugin with MIT License | 6 votes |
@DataBoundConstructor public DockerTemplate(@Nonnull DockerTemplateBase dockerTemplateBase, @Nonnull DockerComputerConnector connector, String labelString, String instanceCapStr ) { this.dockerTemplateBase = dockerTemplateBase; this.connector = connector; this.labelString = Util.fixEmpty(labelString); if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(instanceCapStr)) { this.instanceCap = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } else { this.instanceCap = Integer.parseInt(instanceCapStr); } labelSet = Label.parse(labelString); }
Example #2
Source File: From ec2-spot-jenkins-plugin with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void givenEC2CloudsWhenOneCanCoverCapacity_shouldDoScalingForFirstOnly() { when(snapshot.getQueueLength()).thenReturn(2); when(state.getLabel()).thenReturn(label); final EC2FleetCloud ec2FleetCloud1 = mock(EC2FleetCloud.class); clouds.add(ec2FleetCloud1); final EC2FleetCloud ec2FleetCloud2 = mock(EC2FleetCloud.class); clouds.add(ec2FleetCloud2); when(ec2FleetCloud1.canProvision(any(Label.class))).thenReturn(true); when(ec2FleetCloud2.canProvision(any(Label.class))).thenReturn(true); when(ec2FleetCloud1.isNoDelayProvision()).thenReturn(true); when(ec2FleetCloud2.isNoDelayProvision()).thenReturn(true); when(ec2FleetCloud1.provision(any(Label.class), anyInt())).thenReturn(Arrays.asList( mock(NodeProvisioner.PlannedNode.class), mock(NodeProvisioner.PlannedNode.class) )); Assert.assertEquals( NodeProvisioner.StrategyDecision.PROVISIONING_COMPLETED, strategy.apply(state)); verify(ec2FleetCloud1, times(1)).provision(label, 2); verify(ec2FleetCloud2, never()).provision(any(Label.class), anyInt()); }
Example #3
Source File: From docker-plugin with MIT License | 6 votes |
protected void should_connect_agent(DockerTemplate template) throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException, TimeoutException { // FIXME on CI windows nodes don't have Docker4Windows Assume.assumeFalse(SystemUtils.IS_OS_WINDOWS); String dockerHost = SystemUtils.IS_OS_WINDOWS ? "tcp://localhost:2375" : "unix:///var/run/docker.sock"; DockerCloud cloud = new DockerCloud(cloudName, new DockerAPI(new DockerServerEndpoint(dockerHost, null)), Collections.singletonList(template)); j.jenkins.clouds.replaceBy(Collections.singleton(cloud)); final FreeStyleProject project = j.createFreeStyleProject("test-docker-ssh"); project.setAssignedLabel(Label.get(LABEL)); project.getBuildersList().add(new Shell("whoami")); final QueueTaskFuture<FreeStyleBuild> scheduledBuild = project.scheduleBuild2(0); try { final FreeStyleBuild build = scheduledBuild.get(60L, TimeUnit.SECONDS); Assert.assertTrue(build.getResult() == Result.SUCCESS); Assert.assertTrue(build.getLog().contains("jenkins")); } finally { scheduledBuild.cancel(true); } }
Example #4
Source File: From kubernetes-plugin with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Pass the given pod templates list into all filters implementations. * * @param cloud The cloud instance the pod templates are getting considered for * @param podTemplates The initial list of pod templates * @param label The label that was requested for provisioning * @return The pod template list after filtering */ public static List<PodTemplate> applyAll(@Nonnull KubernetesCloud cloud, @Nonnull List<PodTemplate> podTemplates, @CheckForNull Label label) { List<PodTemplate> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (PodTemplate t : podTemplates) { PodTemplate output = t; for (PodTemplateFilter f : all()) { output = f.transform(cloud, output, label); if (output == null) { break; } } if (output != null) { result.add(output); } } return result; }
Example #5
Source File: From ec2-spot-jenkins-plugin with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void should_not_keep_planned_node_if_configured_so_jenkins_will_overprovision() throws Exception { ComputerLauncher computerLauncher = mock(ComputerLauncher.class); ComputerConnector computerConnector = mock(ComputerConnector.class); when(computerConnector.launch(anyString(), any(TaskListener.class))).thenReturn(computerLauncher); final EC2FleetCloud cloud = spy(new EC2FleetCloud(null, null, "credId", null, "region", null, "fId", "momo", null, computerConnector, false, false, 0, 0, 10, 1, false, false, false, 0, 0, false, 10, false)); j.jenkins.clouds.add(cloud); mockEc2ApiToDescribeInstancesWhenModified(InstanceStateName.Running); getQueueTaskFutures(1); tryUntil(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { j.jenkins.getLabelAtom("momo").nodeProvisioner.suggestReviewNow(); verify(cloud, atLeast(2)).provision(any(Label.class), anyInt()); } }); }
Example #6
Source File: From kubernetes-plugin with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void podTemplateWithMultipleLabels() throws Exception { PodTemplate pt = new PodTemplate(); pt.setName("podTemplate"); pt.setLabel("label1 label2"); ContainerTemplate jnlp = new ContainerTemplate("jnlp", "jenkins/jnlp-slave:3.35-5-alpine"); pt.setContainers(Collections.singletonList(jnlp)); cloud.addTemplate(pt); SemaphoreStep.waitForStart("pod/1", b); Map<String, String> labels = getLabels(cloud, this, name); labels.put("jenkins/label","label1_label2"); KubernetesSlave node = r.jenkins.getNodes().stream() .filter(KubernetesSlave.class::isInstance) .map(KubernetesSlave.class::cast) .findAny().get(); assertTrue(node.getAssignedLabels().containsAll(Label.parse("label1 label2"))); PodList pods = cloud.connect().pods().withLabels(labels).list(); assertThat( "Expected one pod with labels " + labels + " but got: " + pods.getItems().stream().map(pod -> pod.getMetadata()).collect(Collectors.toList()), pods.getItems(), hasSize(1)); SemaphoreStep.success("pod/1", null); r.assertBuildStatusSuccess(r.waitForCompletion(b)); }
Example #7
Source File: From yet-another-docker-plugin with MIT License | 6 votes |
@Nonnull public List<DockerCloud> getDockerClouds(Label label) { List<DockerCloud> provisionClouds; //create a random list of docker clouds and prioritize idle clouds List<DockerCloud> availableClouds = getAvailableDockerClouds(label); if (availableClouds.size() > 0) { //select available clouds based on label which have potential capacity LOG.debug("Picking from available clouds."); provisionClouds = availableClouds; } else { //if there's no available clouds then fall back to original behavior LOG.debug("Falling back to getting all clouds regardless of availability."); provisionClouds = getAllDockerClouds(); } //randomize the order of the DockerCloud list Collections.shuffle(provisionClouds); //sort by least loaded DockerCloud (i.e. fewest provisioned slaves) provisionClouds.sort(new DockerCloudLoadComparator()); LOG.debug("Least loaded randomized DockerCloud: " + ((provisionClouds.size() > 0) ? provisionClouds.get(0).name : "none available")); return provisionClouds; }
Example #8
Source File: From jenkins-nomad with MIT License | 6 votes |
@DataBoundConstructor public NomadSlaveTemplate( String cpu, String memory, String disk, String labels, String remoteFs, String idleTerminationInMinutes, String region, String priority, String image ) { this.cpu = Integer.parseInt(cpu); this.memory = Integer.parseInt(memory); this.disk = Integer.parseInt(disk); this.priority = Integer.parseInt(priority); this.idleTerminationInMinutes = Integer.parseInt(idleTerminationInMinutes); this.remoteFs = remoteFs; this.labels = Util.fixNull(labels); this.labelSet = Label.parse(labels); this.region = region; this.image = image; readResolve(); }
Example #9
Source File: From remoting-kafka-plugin with MIT License | 6 votes |
@Override public Collection<PlannedNode> provision(Label label, int excessWorkload) { Set<String> allInProvisioning = getNodesInProvisioning(label);"In provisioning : " + allInProvisioning); int toBeProvisioned = Math.max(0, excessWorkload - allInProvisioning.size());"Excess workload after pending Kubernetes agents: " + toBeProvisioned); List<PlannedNode> provisionNodes = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < toBeProvisioned; i++) { PlannedNode node = new PlannedNode(name, Computer.threadPoolForRemoting.submit(() -> new KafkaCloudSlave(this)), AGENT_NUM_EXECUTORS); provisionNodes.add(node); } return provisionNodes; }
Example #10
Source File: From docker-plugin with MIT License | 6 votes |
/** * Multiple amis can have the same label. * * @return Templates matched to requested label assuming slave Mode */ public List<DockerTemplate> getTemplates(Label label) { final List<DockerTemplate> dockerTemplates = new ArrayList<>(); for (DockerTemplate t : getTemplates()) { if ( t.getDisabled().isDisabled() ) { continue; // pretend it doesn't exist } if (label == null && t.getMode() == Node.Mode.NORMAL) { dockerTemplates.add(t); } if (label != null && label.matches(t.getLabelSet())) { dockerTemplates.add(t); } } // add temporary templates matched to requested label for (DockerTemplate template : getJobTemplates().values()) { if (label != null && label.matches(template.getLabelSet())) { dockerTemplates.add(template); } } return dockerTemplates; }
Example #11
Source File: From ec2-spot-jenkins-plugin with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void should_keep_planned_node_until_node_will_not_be_online_so_jenkins_will_not_request_overprovision() throws Exception {
ComputerLauncher computerLauncher = mock(ComputerLauncher.class);
ComputerConnector computerConnector = mock(ComputerConnector.class);
when(computerConnector.launch(anyString(), any(TaskListener.class))).thenReturn(computerLauncher);
EC2FleetCloud cloud = spy(new EC2FleetCloud(null, null, "credId", null, "region",
null, "fId", "momo", null, computerConnector, false, false,
0, 0, 10, 1, false, false,
false, 300, 15, false,
2, false));
// provide init state
cloud.setStats(new FleetStateStats("", 0, "active",
Collections.<String>emptySet(), Collections.<String, Double>emptyMap()));
List<QueueTaskFuture> rs = getQueueTaskFutures(1);
final String labelString = "momo";
verify(cloud, times(1)).provision(any(Label.class), anyInt());
Example #12
Source File: From blueocean-plugin with MIT License | 5 votes |
@Test @Ignore
public void replayRunTest() throws Exception {
WorkflowJob job1 = j.jenkins.createProject(WorkflowJob.class, "pipeline1");
job1.setDefinition(new CpsFlowDefinition(
"node('remote') {\n" +
" ws {\n" +
" git($/" + sampleRepo + "/$)\n" +
" }\n" +
WorkflowRun b1 = job1.scheduleBuild2(0).get();
sampleRepo.write("file1", "");
sampleRepo.git("add", "file1");
sampleRepo.git("commit", "--message=init");
WorkflowRun b2 = job1.scheduleBuild2(0).get();
Assert.assertNotEquals(new PipelineRunImpl(b1, null, null).getCommitId(), new PipelineRunImpl(b2, null, null).getCommitId());
Map r = request().get("/organizations/jenkins/pipelines/pipeline1/runs/3/").build(Map.class);
assertEquals(r.get("commitId"), new PipelineRunImpl(b2,null, null).getCommitId());
Example #13
Source File: From jenkins-nomad with MIT License | 5 votes |
public NomadSlaveTemplate getTemplate(Label label) {
for (NomadSlaveTemplate t : templates) {
if (label == null && !t.getLabelSet().isEmpty()) {
if ((label == null && t.getLabelSet().isEmpty()) || (label != null && label.matches(t.getLabelSet()))) {
return t;
return null;
Example #14
Source File: From ec2-spot-jenkins-plugin with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void givenEC2CloudWithDisabledNoDelay_shouldDoNotScale() { when(snapshot.getQueueLength()).thenReturn(10); when(state.getLabel()).thenReturn(label); final EC2FleetCloud ec2FleetCloud = mock(EC2FleetCloud.class); clouds.add(ec2FleetCloud); when(ec2FleetCloud.canProvision(any(Label.class))).thenReturn(true); when(ec2FleetCloud.isNoDelayProvision()).thenReturn(false); Assert.assertEquals( NodeProvisioner.StrategyDecision.CONSULT_REMAINING_STRATEGIES, strategy.apply(state)); verify(ec2FleetCloud, never()).provision(any(Label.class), anyInt()); }
Example #15
Source File: From remoting-kafka-plugin with MIT License | 5 votes |
public Set<String> getNodesInProvisioning(@CheckForNull Label label) {
if (label == null) return Collections.emptySet();
return label.getNodes().stream()
.filter(node -> {
Computer computer = node.toComputer();
return computer != null && !computer.isOnline();
Example #16
Source File: From ec2-spot-jenkins-plugin with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void givenEC2CloudWhichCannotProvision_shouldDoNotScale() { when(snapshot.getQueueLength()).thenReturn(10); when(state.getLabel()).thenReturn(label); final EC2FleetCloud ec2FleetCloud = mock(EC2FleetCloud.class); clouds.add(ec2FleetCloud); when(ec2FleetCloud.canProvision(any(Label.class))).thenReturn(false); Assert.assertEquals( NodeProvisioner.StrategyDecision.CONSULT_REMAINING_STRATEGIES, strategy.apply(state)); verify(ec2FleetCloud, never()).provision(any(Label.class), anyInt()); }
Example #17
Source File: From ec2-spot-jenkins-plugin with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void givenAvailableSameAsRequiredCapacity_shouldDoNotScale() {
final EC2FleetCloud ec2FleetCloud = mock(EC2FleetCloud.class);
verify(ec2FleetCloud, never()).canProvision(any(Label.class));
Example #18
Source File: From kubernetes-plugin with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public PodTemplate getTemplate() {
// Look up updated pod template after a restart
if (template == null) {
template = getKubernetesCloud().getTemplate(Label.get(getLabelString()));
if (template == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Not expecting pod template to be null at this point");
return template;
Example #19
Source File: From yet-another-docker-plugin with MIT License | 5 votes |
public List<DockerCloud> getDockerClouds(Label label) {
return getInstance()
.map(cloud -> (DockerCloud) cloud)
Example #20
Source File: From ec2-spot-jenkins-plugin with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public Collection<NodeProvisioner.PlannedNode> provision(
final Label label, final int excessWorkload) {
final Collection<NodeProvisioner.PlannedNode> r = super.provision(label, excessWorkload);
for (NodeProvisioner.PlannedNode ignore : r) provisionTimes.add(System.currentTimeMillis());
return r;
Example #21
Source File: From jenkins-parallels with MIT License | 5 votes |
@Override public Collection<NodeProvisioner.PlannedNode> provision(Label label, int excessWorkload) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Going to provision " + excessWorkload + " executors"); Collection<NodeProvisioner.PlannedNode> result = new ArrayList<NodeProvisioner.PlannedNode>(); final ParallelsDesktopConnectorSlaveComputer connector = getConnector(); for (int i = 0; (i < vms.size()) && (excessWorkload > 0); i++) { final ParallelsDesktopVM vm = vms.get(i); if (vm.isProvisioned()) continue; if (!label.matches(Label.parse(vm.getLabels()))) continue; final String vmId = vm.getVmid(); final String slaveName = name + " " + vmId; vm.setSlaveName(slaveName); vm.setProvisioned(true); --excessWorkload; result.add(new NodeProvisioner.PlannedNode(slaveName, Computer.threadPoolForRemoting.submit(new Callable<Node>() { @Override public Node call() throws Exception { connector.checkVmExists(vmId); return connector.createSlaveOnVM(vm); } }), 1)); } return result; }
Example #22
Source File: From kubernetes-plugin with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Returns the agents names in provisioning according to all implementations of this extension point for the given label. * * @param label the {@link Label} being checked. * @return the agents names in provisioning according to all implementations of this extension point for the given label. */ @Nonnull public static Set<String> getAllInProvisioning(@CheckForNull Label label) { return all().stream() .flatMap(c -> c.getInProvisioning(label).stream()) .collect(toSet()); }
Example #23
Source File: From jenkins-test-harness with MIT License | 5 votes |
public Collection<PlannedNode> provision(Label label, int excessWorkload) {
List<PlannedNode> r = new ArrayList<PlannedNode>();
if(label!=this.label) return r; // provisioning impossible
while(excessWorkload>0) {
Future<Node> f = Computer.threadPoolForRemoting.submit(new Launcher(delay));
r.add(new PlannedNode(name+" #"+numProvisioned,f,1));
return r;
Example #24
Source File: From ec2-spot-jenkins-plugin with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public Collection<NodeProvisioner.PlannedNode> provision(
final Label label, final int excessWorkload) {
try (Meter.Shot s = provisionMeter.start()) {
return super.provision(label, excessWorkload);
Example #25
Source File: From pipeline-utility-steps-plugin with MIT License | 5 votes |
@SuppressWarnings("unused") // used by stapler public ComboBoxModel doFillLabelItems() { ComboBoxModel cbm = new ComboBoxModel(); Set<Label> labels = Jenkins.get().getLabels(); for (Label label : labels) { cbm.add(label.getDisplayName()); } return cbm; }
Example #26
Source File: From jenkins-parallels with MIT License | 5 votes |
@Override public boolean canProvision(Label label) { if (label != null) { for (ParallelsDesktopVM vm : vms) { if (label.matches(Label.parse(vm.getLabels()))) return true; } } return false; }
Example #27
Source File: From kubernetes-plugin with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void testInstanceCap() { KubernetesCloud cloud = new KubernetesCloud("name") { @Override public KubernetesClient connect() { KubernetesClient mockClient = Mockito.mock(KubernetesClient.class); Mockito.when(mockClient.getNamespace()).thenReturn("default"); MixedOperation<Pod, PodList, DoneablePod, PodResource<Pod, DoneablePod>> operation = Mockito.mock(MixedOperation.class); Mockito.when(operation.inNamespace(Mockito.anyString())).thenReturn(operation); Mockito.when(operation.withLabels(Mockito.anyMap())).thenReturn(operation); PodList podList = Mockito.mock(PodList.class); Mockito.when(podList.getItems()).thenReturn(new ArrayList<>()); Mockito.when(operation.list()).thenReturn(podList); Mockito.when(mockClient.pods()).thenReturn(operation); return mockClient; } }; PodTemplate podTemplate = new PodTemplate(); podTemplate.setName("test"); podTemplate.setLabel("test"); cloud.addTemplate(podTemplate); Label test = Label.get("test"); assertTrue(cloud.canProvision(test)); Collection<NodeProvisioner.PlannedNode> plannedNodes = cloud.provision(test, 200); assertEquals(200, plannedNodes.size()); podTemplate.setInstanceCap(5); plannedNodes = cloud.provision(test, 200); assertEquals(5, plannedNodes.size()); }
Example #28
Source File: From amazon-ecs-plugin with MIT License | 5 votes |
public synchronized Collection<NodeProvisioner.PlannedNode> provision(Label label, int excessWorkload) {
LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Asked to provision {0} agent(s) for: {1}", new Object[]{excessWorkload, label});
List<NodeProvisioner.PlannedNode> result = new ArrayList<>();
final ECSTaskTemplate template = getTemplate(label);
if (template != null) {
String parentLabel = template.getInheritFrom();
final ECSTaskTemplate merged = template.merge(getTemplate(parentLabel));
for (int i = 1; i <= excessWorkload; i++) {
String agentName = name + "-" + label.getName() + "-" + RandomStringUtils.random(5, "bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz0123456789");
LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Will provision {0}, for label: {1}", new Object[]{agentName, label} );
new NodeProvisioner.PlannedNode(
new ProvisioningCallback(merged, agentName)
return result.isEmpty() ? Collections.emptyList() : result;
Example #29
Source File: From docker-plugin with MIT License | 5 votes |
private StrategyDecision applyFoCloud(@Nonnull NodeProvisioner.StrategyState state, DockerCloud cloud) {
final Label label = state.getLabel();
if (!cloud.canProvision(label)) {
LoadStatistics.LoadStatisticsSnapshot snapshot = state.getSnapshot();
LOGGER.log(FINEST, "Available executors={0}, connecting={1}, planned={2}",
new Object[]{snapshot.getAvailableExecutors(), snapshot.getConnectingExecutors(), state.getPlannedCapacitySnapshot()});
int availableCapacity =
+ snapshot.getConnectingExecutors()
+ state.getPlannedCapacitySnapshot();
int currentDemand = snapshot.getQueueLength();
LOGGER.log(FINE, "Available capacity={0}, currentDemand={1}",
new Object[]{availableCapacity, currentDemand});
if (availableCapacity < currentDemand) {
Collection<NodeProvisioner.PlannedNode> plannedNodes = cloud.provision(label, currentDemand - availableCapacity);
LOGGER.log(FINE, "Planned {0} new nodes", plannedNodes.size());
availableCapacity += plannedNodes.size();
LOGGER.log(FINE, "After provisioning, available capacity={0}, currentDemand={1}",
new Object[]{availableCapacity, currentDemand});
if (availableCapacity >= currentDemand) {
LOGGER.log(FINE, "Provisioning completed");
LOGGER.log(FINE, "Provisioning not complete, consulting remaining strategies");
Example #30
Source File: From yet-another-docker-plugin with MIT License | 5 votes |
* Get a list of available DockerCloud clouds which are not at max
* capacity.
* @param label A label expression of a Job Run requiring an executor.
* @return A list of available DockerCloud clouds.
protected List<DockerCloud> getAvailableDockerClouds(Label label) {
return getAllDockerClouds().stream()
.filter(cloud ->
cloud.canProvision(label) &&
(countCurrentDockerSlaves(cloud) >= 0) &&
(countCurrentDockerSlaves(cloud) < cloud.getContainerCap()))