org.jxmpp.jid.EntityBareJid Java Examples
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Example #1
Source File: From xyTalk-pc with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
public static void sendMessage(String roomId, String content,ExtensionElement ext) { EntityBareJid jid = null; try { jid = JidCreate.entityBareFrom(roomId); } catch (XmppStringprepException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } Chat chat = ChatManager.getInstanceFor(Launcher.connection).chatWith(jid); org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.Message message = new org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.Message(); message.setType(; message.addExtension(ext); message.setBody(content); try { chat.send(message); DebugUtil.debug("chat.sendMessage::" + message.toString()); } catch (NotConnectedException | InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } }
Example #2
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private void openChatRoom(int row) { String jidString = (String)resultsTable.getValueAt(row, 0); EntityBareJid jid = JidCreate.entityBareFromOrThrowUnchecked(jidString); Localpart nickname = jid.getLocalpart(); TableColumn column; try { column = resultsTable.getColumn("nick"); int col = column.getModelIndex(); String nicknameString = (String)resultsTable.getValueAt(row, col); if (!ModelUtil.hasLength(nicknameString)) { nickname = JidCreate.from(nicknameString).getLocalpartOrThrow(); } } catch (Exception e1) { // Ignore e1 } ChatManager chatManager = SparkManager.getChatManager(); ChatRoom chatRoom = chatManager.createChatRoom(jid, nickname, nickname); ChatContainer chatRooms = chatManager.getChatContainer(); chatRooms.activateChatRoom(chatRoom); }
Example #3
Source File: From Smack with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Constructs a new AgentRoster. * * @param connection an XMPP connection. * @throws NotConnectedException if the XMPP connection is not connected. * @throws InterruptedException if the calling thread was interrupted. */ AgentRoster(XMPPConnection connection, EntityBareJid workgroupJID) throws NotConnectedException, InterruptedException { this.connection = connection; this.workgroupJID = workgroupJID; // Listen for any roster packets. StanzaFilter rosterFilter = new StanzaTypeFilter(AgentStatusRequest.class); connection.addAsyncStanzaListener(new AgentStatusListener(), rosterFilter); // Listen for any presence packets. connection.addAsyncStanzaListener(new PresencePacketListener(), new StanzaTypeFilter(Presence.class)); // Send request for roster. AgentStatusRequest request = new AgentStatusRequest(); request.setTo(workgroupJID); connection.sendStanza(request); }
Example #4
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Returns a ChatRoom by name. * * @param roomAddress the name of the ChatRoom. * @return the ChatRoom * @throws ChatRoomNotFoundException if the room was not found. */ public ChatRoom getChatRoom(EntityBareJid roomAddress) throws ChatRoomNotFoundException { for (int i = 0; i < getTabCount(); i++) { ChatRoom room = null; try { room = getChatRoom(i); } catch (ChatRoomNotFoundException e1) { // Ignore } if (room != null && room.getRoomJid().equals(roomAddress) && room.isActive()) { return room; } } throw new ChatRoomNotFoundException(roomAddress + " not found."); }
Example #5
Source File: From Smack with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Fires event to listeners. */ private void fireEvent(int eventType, Object eventObject) { AgentRosterListener[] listeners; synchronized (this.listeners) { listeners = new AgentRosterListener[this.listeners.size()]; this.listeners.toArray(listeners); } for (int i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) { switch (eventType) { case EVENT_AGENT_ADDED: listeners[i].agentAdded((EntityBareJid) eventObject); break; case EVENT_AGENT_REMOVED: listeners[i].agentRemoved((EntityBareJid) eventObject); break; case EVENT_PRESENCE_CHANGED: listeners[i].presenceChanged((Presence) eventObject); break; } } }
Example #6
Source File: From Smack with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Removes a conference from the bookmarks. * * @param jid the jid of the conference to be removed. * @throws XMPPErrorException thrown when there is a problem with the connection attempting to * retrieve the bookmarks or persist the bookmarks. * @throws NoResponseException if there was no response from the server. * @throws NotConnectedException if the XMPP connection is not connected. * @throws InterruptedException if the calling thread was interrupted. * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown when the conference being removed is a shared * conference */ public void removeBookmarkedConference(EntityBareJid jid) throws NoResponseException, XMPPErrorException, NotConnectedException, InterruptedException { retrieveBookmarks(); Iterator<BookmarkedConference> it = bookmarks.getBookmarkedConferences().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { BookmarkedConference conference =; if (conference.getJid().equals(jid)) { if (conference.isShared()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Conference is shared and can't be removed"); } it.remove(); privateDataManager.setPrivateData(bookmarks); return; } } }
Example #7
Source File: From jxmpp with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public final boolean isParentOf(Jid jid) { EntityFullJid fullJid = jid.asEntityFullJidIfPossible(); if (fullJid != null) { return isParentOf(fullJid); } EntityBareJid bareJid = jid.asEntityBareJidIfPossible(); if (bareJid != null) { return isParentOf(bareJid); } DomainFullJid domainFullJid = jid.asDomainFullJidIfPossible(); if (domainFullJid != null) { return isParentOf(domainFullJid); } return isParentOf(jid.asDomainBareJid()); }
Example #8
Source File: From Smack with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private static MUCUser.Decline parseDecline(XmlPullParser parser) throws XmlPullParserException, IOException { String reason = null; EntityBareJid to = ParserUtils.getBareJidAttribute(parser, "to"); EntityBareJid from = ParserUtils.getBareJidAttribute(parser, "from"); outerloop: while (true) { XmlPullParser.Event eventType =; if (eventType == XmlPullParser.Event.START_ELEMENT) { if (parser.getName().equals("reason")) { reason = parser.nextText(); } } else if (eventType == XmlPullParser.Event.END_ELEMENT) { if (parser.getName().equals("decline")) { break outerloop; } } } return new MUCUser.Decline(reason, from, to); }
Example #9
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public void decorateRoom(ChatRoom room, Map metadata) { EntityBareJid roomName = room.getRoomJid(); Localpart sessionID =roomName.getLocalpart(); RequestUtils utils = new RequestUtils(metadata); addRoomInfo(sessionID, utils, room); addButtons(sessionID.toString(), utils, room); // Specify to use Typing notifications. GroupChatRoom groupChat = (GroupChatRoom)room; groupChat.setChatStatEnabled(true); Properties props = FastpathPlugin.getLitWorkspace().getWorkgroupProperties(); String initialResponse = props.getProperty(INITIAL_RESPONSE_PROPERTY); if (ModelUtil.hasLength(initialResponse)) { Message message = new Message(); message.setBody(initialResponse); GroupChatRoom groupChatRoom = (GroupChatRoom)room; groupChatRoom.sendMessage(message); } }
Example #10
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private void startConference(Collection<ContactItem> items) { final ContactList contactList = SparkManager.getWorkspace().getContactList(); List<Jid> jids = new ArrayList<>(); for (ContactItem item : items) { ContactGroup contactGroup = contactList.getContactGroup(item.getGroupName()); contactGroup.clearSelection(); if (item.isAvailable()) { jids.add(item.getJid()); } } Localpart userName = SparkManager.getSessionManager().getJID().getLocalpart(); final EntityBareJid roomName = JidCreate.entityBareFromOrThrowUnchecked(userName + "_" + StringUtils.randomString(3)); DomainBareJid serviceName = getDefaultServiceName(); if (serviceName != null) { ConferenceUtils.inviteUsersToRoom(serviceName, roomName, jids, true); } }
Example #11
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Appends the given ChatTranscript to the transcript file associated with a JID. * * @param jid the jid of the user. * @param transcript the ChatTranscript. */ public static void appendToTranscript(EntityBareJid jid, ChatTranscript transcript) { final File transcriptFile = getTranscriptFile(jid); if (!Default.getBoolean("HISTORY_DISABLED") && Enterprise.containsFeature(Enterprise.HISTORY_TRANSCRIPTS_FEATURE)) { // Write Full Transcript, appending the messages. writeToFile(transcriptFile, transcript.getMessages(), true); // Write to current history File final File currentHistoryFile = getCurrentHistoryFile(jid); ChatTranscript tempTranscript = getCurrentChatTranscript(jid); for (HistoryMessage message : transcript.getMessages()) { tempTranscript.addHistoryMessage(message); } int max = SettingsManager.getLocalPreferences().getMaxCurrentHistorySize(); writeToFile(currentHistoryFile, tempTranscript.getNumberOfEntries(max), false); } }
Example #12
Source File: From Smack with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private static MUCUser.Invite parseInvite(XmlPullParser parser) throws XmlPullParserException, IOException { String reason = null; EntityBareJid to = ParserUtils.getBareJidAttribute(parser, "to"); EntityJid from = ParserUtils.getEntityJidAttribute(parser, "from"); outerloop: while (true) { XmlPullParser.Event eventType =; if (eventType == XmlPullParser.Event.START_ELEMENT) { if (parser.getName().equals("reason")) { reason = parser.nextText(); } } else if (eventType == XmlPullParser.Event.END_ELEMENT) { if (parser.getName().equals("invite")) { break outerloop; } } } return new MUCUser.Invite(reason, from, to); }
Example #13
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Handles the presence of a one to one chat room. * * @param p the presence to handle. */ private void handleRoomPresence(final Presence p) { final EntityBareJid roomname = p.getFrom().asEntityBareJidIfPossible(); ChatRoom chatRoom; try { chatRoom = getChatRoom(roomname); } catch (ChatRoomNotFoundException e1) { Log.debug("Could not locate chat room " + roomname); return; } final Resourcepart userid = p.getFrom().getResourceOrNull(); if (p.getType() == Presence.Type.unavailable) { fireUserHasLeft(chatRoom, userid); } else if (p.getType() == Presence.Type.available) { fireUserHasJoined(chatRoom, userid); } // Change tab icon if (chatRoom instanceof ChatRoomImpl) { // Notify state change. int tabLoc = indexOfComponent(chatRoom); if (tabLoc != -1) { SparkManager.getChatManager().notifySparkTabHandlers(chatRoom); } } }
Example #14
Source File: From Smack with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void addUser(final EntityBareJid userJid, final String password) throws NoResponseException, XMPPErrorException, NotConnectedException, InterruptedException { RemoteCommand command = addUser(); command.execute(); FillableForm answerForm = new FillableForm(command.getForm()); answerForm.setAnswer("accountjid", userJid); answerForm.setAnswer("password", password); answerForm.setAnswer("password-verify", password); command.execute(answerForm); assert command.isCompleted(); }
Example #15
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public void presenceChanged(Presence presence) { BareJid jid = presence.getFrom().asBareJid(); ContactItem item = contactGroup.getContactItemByJID(jid); if (item != null) { item.setPresence(presence); if (presence.getType() == Presence.Type.unavailable) { contactGroup.removeContactItem(item); } else if (presence.getType() == Presence.Type.available) { Icon icon = PresenceManager.getIconFromPresence(presence); if (icon == null) { icon = FastpathRes.getImageIcon(FastpathRes.GREEN_BALL); } item.setIcon(icon); } } else { if (presence.getType() == Presence.Type.available) { EntityBareJid agent = presence.getFrom().asEntityBareJidOrThrow(); String nickname = SparkManager.getUserManager().getUserNicknameFromJID(agent); if (nickname == null) { nickname = agent.toString(); } ContactItem contactItem = new ContactItem(nickname,nickname, presence.getFrom().asBareJid()); contactItem.setPresence(presence); contactGroup.addContactItem(contactItem); } } contactGroup.fireContactGroupUpdated(); }
Example #16
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private MultiUserChat createGroupChat(String roomName, DomainBareJid serviceName) { String roomString = roomName.replaceAll(" ", "_") + "@" + serviceName; EntityBareJid room = JidCreate.entityBareFromOrThrowUnchecked(roomString); // Create a group chat with valid information return MultiUserChatManager.getInstanceFor( SparkManager.getConnection() ).getMultiUserChat( room ); }
Example #17
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Joins a conference room using another thread. This allows for a smoother opening of rooms. * * @param roomName the name of the room. * @param roomJID the jid of the room. * @param password the rooms password if required. */ public static void joinConferenceOnSeperateThread(final CharSequence roomName, EntityBareJid roomJID, String password, final String inviteMessage, final Collection<EntityBareJid> invites ) { final JoinRoomSwingWorker worker = new JoinRoomSwingWorker( roomJID, password, roomName.toString() ); if ( invites != null && !invites.isEmpty() ) { final InviteSwingWorker inviteSwingWorker = new InviteSwingWorker( roomJID, new HashSet<>( invites ), inviteMessage ); worker.setFollowUp( inviteSwingWorker ); } worker.start(); }
Example #18
Source File: From Yahala-Messenger with MIT License | 5 votes |
@Override public void invitationReceived(XMPPConnection conn, MultiUserChat room, String inviter, String reason, String password, Message message) { final EntityBareJid roomBareJid = room.getRoom(); if (!manager.getJoinedRooms().contains(room.getRoom())) { joinRoom(roomBareJid); //List<String> usersJids = getRoomParticipants(roomBareJid.asEntityBareJidString()); //DbHelper.addRoomToDb(roomBareJid, "", null); } }
Example #19
Source File: From Zom-Android-XMPP with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public void grantAdminAsync(ChatGroup group, Contact contact) { String chatRoomJid = group.getAddress().getAddress(); if (mMUCs.containsKey(chatRoomJid)) { MultiUserChat muc = mMUCs.get(chatRoomJid); try { EntityBareJid contactJid = JidCreate.entityBareFrom(contact.getAddress().getAddress()); muc.grantAdmin(contactJid); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
Example #20
Source File: From jxmpp with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Get a {@link EntityBareJid} from a given {@link CharSequence} or {@code null} if the input does not represent a JID. * * @param cs the input {@link CharSequence} * @return a JID or {@code null} */ public static EntityBareJid entityBareFromUnescapedOrNull(CharSequence cs) { try { return entityBareFromUnescaped(cs.toString()); } catch (XmppStringprepException e) { return null; } }
Example #21
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void calculateNumberOfChats(AgentRoster agentRoster) { int counter = 0; // TODO: CHECK FASTPATH for (EntityBareJid agent : agentRoster.getAgents()) { Presence presence = agentRoster.getPresence(agent); if (presence.isAvailable()) { AgentStatus agentStatus = (AgentStatus)presence.getExtension("agent-status", ""); if (agentStatus != null) { counter += agentStatus.getCurrentChats().size(); } } } FastpathPlugin.getUI().setTitleForComponent(FpRes.getString("message.current.chats", counter), this); }
Example #22
Source File: From Smack with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@SmackIntegrationTest public void mucTest() throws Exception { EntityBareJid mucAddress = JidCreate.entityBareFrom(Localpart.from("smack-inttest-" + randomString), mucService.getDomain()); MultiUserChat mucAsSeenByOne = mucManagerOne.getMultiUserChat(mucAddress); MultiUserChat mucAsSeenByTwo = mucManagerTwo.getMultiUserChat(mucAddress); final String mucMessage = "Smack Integration Test MUC Test Message " + randomString; final ResultSyncPoint<String, Exception> resultSyncPoint = new ResultSyncPoint<>(); mucAsSeenByTwo.addMessageListener(new MessageListener() { @Override public void processMessage(Message message) { String body = message.getBody(); if (mucMessage.equals(body)) { resultSyncPoint.signal(body); } } }); MucCreateConfigFormHandle handle = mucAsSeenByOne.createOrJoin(Resourcepart.from("one-" + randomString)); if (handle != null) { handle.makeInstant(); } mucAsSeenByTwo.join(Resourcepart.from("two-" + randomString)); mucAsSeenByOne.sendMessage(mucMessage); resultSyncPoint.waitForResult(timeout); mucAsSeenByOne.leave(); mucAsSeenByTwo.leave(); }
Example #23
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Returns a Collection of agents available to receive either an invitation or transfer request. * * @param roster the AgentRoster of the workgroup. * @param roomName the name of the room to check. * @return collection of available agents. */ private Collection<EntityBareJid> getAvailableAgents(AgentRoster roster, EntityBareJid roomName) { final Set<EntityBareJid> availableAgents = new HashSet<>(); final Iterator<EntityBareJid> agents = roster.getAgents().iterator(); while (agents.hasNext()) { EntityBareJid agent =; if (PresenceManager.isAvailable(agent)) { final Iterator<String> agentsInRoom = SparkManager.getUserManager().getUserJidsInRoom(roomName, false).iterator(); boolean alreadyExists = false; while (agentsInRoom.hasNext()) { String userid =; if (agent.equals(userid)) { alreadyExists = true; } } if (!alreadyExists) { availableAgents.add(agent); } } } return availableAgents; }
Example #24
Source File: From jxmpp with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void bareFromThrowTest() { final String notABareJid = ""; try { EntityBareJid jid = JidCreate.entityBareFrom(notABareJid); // Should throw fail(jid + " should never been created"); } catch (XmppStringprepException e) { assertEquals(notABareJid, e.getCausingString()); } }
Example #25
Source File: From jxmpp with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void entityBareFromUnescapedTest() throws XmppStringprepException { EntityBareJid entityBareJid = JidCreate.entityBareFromUnescaped(""); // Tricky question. Currently yields ''. Domainparts are U-Labels, so this may be correct, even // if it is not a valid DNS label/name. Domainpart domainpart = entityBareJid.getDomain(); assertEquals(Domainpart.from(""), domainpart); Localpart localpart = entityBareJid.getLocalpart(); assertEquals(Localpart.from("foo"), localpart); }
Example #26
Source File: From Smack with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@SmackIntegrationTest public void mucDestroyTest() throws TimeoutException, Exception { EntityBareJid mucAddress = JidCreate.entityBareFrom(Localpart.from("smack-inttest-join-leave-" + randomString), mucService.getDomain()); MultiUserChat muc = mucManagerOne.getMultiUserChat(mucAddress); muc.join(Resourcepart.from("nick-one")); final SimpleResultSyncPoint mucDestroyed = new SimpleResultSyncPoint(); @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") DefaultUserStatusListener userStatusListener = new DefaultUserStatusListener() { @Override public void roomDestroyed(MultiUserChat alternateMUC, String reason) { mucDestroyed.signal(); } }; muc.addUserStatusListener(userStatusListener); assertTrue(mucManagerOne.getJoinedRooms().size() == 1); assertTrue(muc.getOccupantsCount() == 1); assertTrue(muc.getNickname() != null); try { muc.destroy("Dummy reason", null); mucDestroyed.waitForResult(timeout); } finally { muc.removeUserStatusListener(userStatusListener); } assertTrue(mucManagerOne.getJoinedRooms().size() == 0); assertTrue(muc.getOccupantsCount() == 0); assertTrue(muc.getNickname() == null); }
Example #27
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Returns the Unique Identifier of the user. * * @return the unique id of the user or {@code null}. */ public EntityBareJid getUserID() { if (getMetadata() == null) { return null; } final String userID = getFirstValue("userID");//NOTRANS return JidCreate.entityBareFromUnescapedOrThrowUnchecked(userID); }
Example #28
Source File: From Smack with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public static EntityBareJid getBareJidAttribute(XmlPullParser parser, String name) throws XmppStringprepException { final String jidString = parser.getAttributeValue("", name); if (jidString == null) { return null; } return JidCreate.entityBareFrom(jidString); }
Example #29
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void reconnectionSuccessful() { final EntityBareJid roomJID = chat.getRoom(); final String roomName = tabTitle; isActive = false; EventQueue.invokeLater( () -> { ConferenceUtils.joinConferenceOnSeperateThread( roomName, roomJID, password ); closeChatRoom(); } ); }
Example #30
Source File: From Smack with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@SmackIntegrationTest public void test() throws Exception { URI uri = new URI(""); UserTuneElement.Builder builder = UserTuneElement.getBuilder(); UserTuneElement userTuneElement1 = builder.setArtist("Yes") .setLength(686) .setRating(8) .setSource("Yessongs") .setTitle("Heart of the Sunrise") .setTrack("3") .setUri(uri) .build(); IntegrationTestRosterUtil.ensureBothAccountsAreSubscribedToEachOther(conOne, conTwo, timeout); final SimpleResultSyncPoint userTuneReceived = new SimpleResultSyncPoint(); final PepEventListener<UserTuneElement> userTuneListener = new PepEventListener<UserTuneElement>() { @Override public void onPepEvent(EntityBareJid jid, UserTuneElement userTuneElement, String id, Message message) { if (userTuneElement.equals(userTuneElement1)) { userTuneReceived.signal(); } } }; utm2.addUserTuneListener(userTuneListener); try { utm1.publishUserTune(userTuneElement1); userTuneReceived.waitForResult(timeout); } finally { utm2.removeUserTuneListener(userTuneListener); } }