Java Code Examples for
The following examples show how to use .
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Example 1
Source File: From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Process the FQCN attribute * * @param entry The entry to read * @param objectType The type of schema object * @return The schema object FQCN * @throws LdapInvalidAttributeValueException If the attribute does not contain a valid value */ private String getFqcn( Entry entry, String objectType ) throws LdapInvalidAttributeValueException { // The FQCN Attribute mFqcn = entry.get( MetaSchemaConstants.M_FQCN_AT ); if ( mFqcn == null ) { String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_16034_ENTRY_WITHOUT_VALID_AT, objectType, MetaSchemaConstants.M_FQCN_AT ); if ( LOG.isWarnEnabled() ) { LOG.warn( msg ); } throw new IllegalArgumentException( msg ); } return mFqcn.getString(); }
Example 2
Source File: From ldapchai with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 6 votes |
public String readStringAttribute( final String entryDN, final String attribute ) throws ChaiOperationException, ChaiUnavailableException, IllegalStateException { activityPreCheck(); getInputValidator().readStringAttribute( entryDN, attribute ); try { final EntryCursor entries = entryDN, ChaiConstant.FILTER_OBJECTCLASS_ANY,, attribute ); final Entry entry = entries.iterator().next(); final Attribute attr = entry.get( attribute ); return attr == null ? null : attr.getString(); } catch ( LdapException e ) { throw ChaiOperationException.forErrorMessage( e.getMessage() ); } }
Example 3
Source File: From directory-fortress-core with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Method wraps ldap client to return attribute value by name within a given entry and returns as a string. * * @param entry contains the target ldap entry. * @param attributeName name of ldap attribute to retrieve. * @return value contained in a string variable. * @throws LdapInvalidAttributeValueException When we weren't able to get the attribute from the entry */ protected String getAttribute( Entry entry, String attributeName ) throws LdapInvalidAttributeValueException { if ( entry != null ) { Attribute attr = entry.get( attributeName ); if ( attr != null ) { return attr.getString(); } else { return null; } } else { return null; } }
Example 4
Source File: From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Test method getString() */ @Test public void testGetString() throws LdapInvalidAttributeValueException { Attribute attr1 = new DefaultAttribute( atDC ); assertEquals( 1, attr1.add( ( String ) null ) ); Attribute attr2 = new DefaultAttribute( atDC ); attr2.add( "a" ); assertEquals( "a", attr2.getString() ); Attribute attr3 = new DefaultAttribute( atPwd ); attr3.add( BYTES1, BYTES2 ); try { attr3.getString(); fail(); } catch ( LdapInvalidAttributeValueException ivae ) { assertTrue( true ); } }
Example 5
Source File: From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void testAnonymizeModify() throws Exception { String ldif = "dn:,ou=Email,ou=Services,o=acme,dc=com\n" + "changetype: modify\n" + "replace: cn\n" + "cn::QUNNRSBJbmMuIExlZ2FsIFRlYW0=\n" + "-"; LdifAnonymizer anonymizer = new LdifAnonymizer( schemaManager ); anonymizer.addNamingContext( "o=acm,dc=com" ); String result = anonymizer.anonymize( ldif ); List<LdifEntry> entries = ldifReader.parseLdif( result ); assertEquals( 1, entries.size() ); LdifEntry entry = entries.get( 0 ); assertTrue( entry.isChangeModify() ); assertEquals( 1, entry.getModifications().size() ); Modification modification = entry.getModifications().get( 0 ); assertEquals( ModificationOperation.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, modification.getOperation() ); Attribute attribute = modification.getAttribute(); assertEquals( "cn", attribute.getUpId() ); assertEquals( 1, attribute.size() ); String value = attribute.getString(); // We can only test the length and the fact the values are not equal (as the value has been anonymized) assertEquals( "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA".length(), value.length() ); assertEquals( "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", value ); }
Example 6
Source File: From ldapchai with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 5 votes |
public Map<String, String> readStringAttributes( final String entryDN, final Set<String> attributes ) throws ChaiOperationException, ChaiUnavailableException, IllegalStateException { activityPreCheck(); getInputValidator().readStringAttributes( entryDN, attributes ); try { final EntryCursor entries = entryDN, ChaiConstant.FILTER_OBJECTCLASS_ANY,, attributes.toArray( new String[attributes.size()] ) ); final Entry entry = entries.iterator().next(); final Collection<Attribute> attrs = entry.getAttributes(); final Map<String, String> returnMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for ( final Attribute attr : attrs ) { final String name = attr.getId(); final String value = attr.getString(); returnMap.put( name, value ); } return returnMap; } catch ( LdapException e ) { throw ChaiOperationException.forErrorMessage( e.getMessage() ); } }
Example 7
Source File: From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Test public void testLdifParserRootDSE() throws Exception { String ldif = "version: 1\n" + "dn:\n" + "cn:: YXBwMQ==\n" + "objectClass: top\n" + "objectClass: apApplication\n" + "displayName: app1 \n" + "userPassword: test"; try ( LdifReader reader = new LdifReader( schemaManager ) ) { List<LdifEntry> entries = reader.parseLdif( ldif ); assertNotNull( entries ); LdifEntry entry = entries.get( 0 ); assertTrue( entry.isLdifContent() ); assertEquals( "", entry.getDn().getName() ); Attribute attr = entry.get( "cn" ); if ( attr.isHumanReadable() ) { String cn = attr.getString(); } assertTrue( attr.contains( "app1" ) ); attr = entry.get( "objectclass" ); assertTrue( attr.contains( "top" ) ); assertTrue( attr.contains( "apApplication" ) ); attr = entry.get( "displayname" ); assertTrue( attr.contains( "app1" ) ); attr = entry.get( "userPassword" ); assertEquals( "test", attr.get().getString() ); } }
Example 8
Source File: From directory-ldap-api with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public ObjectClass getObjectClass( SchemaManager schemaManager, Entry entry, Registries targetRegistries, String schemaName ) throws LdapException { checkEntry( entry, SchemaConstants.OBJECT_CLASS ); // The ObjectClass OID String oid = getOid( entry, SchemaConstants.OBJECT_CLASS, schemaManager.isStrict() ); // Get the schema if ( !schemaManager.isSchemaLoaded( schemaName ) ) { // The schema is not loaded. We can't create the requested ObjectClass String msg = I18n.err( I18n.ERR_16030_CANNOT_ADD_OC, entry.getDn().getName(), schemaName ); if ( LOG.isWarnEnabled() ) { LOG.warn( msg ); } throw new LdapUnwillingToPerformException( ResultCodeEnum.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM, msg ); } Schema schema = getSchema( schemaName, targetRegistries ); if ( schema == null ) { // The schema is disabled. We still have to update the backend if ( LOG.isInfoEnabled() ) { I18n.err( I18n.ERR_16031_CANNOT_ADD_OC_IN_REGISTRY, entry.getDn().getName(), schemaName ) ); } schema = schemaManager.getLoadedSchema( schemaName ); } // Create the ObjectClass instance ObjectClass oc = new ObjectClass( oid ); // The Sup field Attribute mSuperiors = entry.get( MetaSchemaConstants.M_SUP_OBJECT_CLASS_AT ); if ( mSuperiors != null ) { oc.setSuperiorOids( getStrings( mSuperiors ) ); } // The May field Attribute mMay = entry.get( MetaSchemaConstants.M_MAY_AT ); if ( mMay != null ) { oc.setMayAttributeTypeOids( getStrings( mMay ) ); } // The Must field Attribute mMust = entry.get( MetaSchemaConstants.M_MUST_AT ); if ( mMust != null ) { oc.setMustAttributeTypeOids( getStrings( mMust ) ); } // The objectClassType field Attribute mTypeObjectClass = entry.get( MetaSchemaConstants.M_TYPE_OBJECT_CLASS_AT ); if ( mTypeObjectClass != null ) { String type = mTypeObjectClass.getString(); oc.setType( ObjectClassTypeEnum.getClassType( type ) ); } // Common properties setSchemaObjectProperties( oc, entry, schema ); return oc; }
Example 9
Source File: From MyVirtualDirectory with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void add( AddOperationContext addContext ) throws LdapException { Dn name = addContext.getDn(); Entry entry = addContext.getEntry(); // Not the responsibility of MyVD to verify schema //check( name, entry ); // Special checks for the MetaSchema branch if ( name.isDescendantOf( schemaBaseDn ) ) { // get the schema name String schemaName = getSchemaName( name ); if ( entry.contains( OBJECT_CLASS_AT, SchemaConstants.META_SCHEMA_OC ) ) { next( addContext ); if ( schemaManager.isSchemaLoaded( schemaName ) ) { // Update the OC superiors for each added ObjectClass computeSuperiors(); } } else if ( entry.contains( OBJECT_CLASS_AT, SchemaConstants.META_OBJECT_CLASS_OC ) ) { // This is an ObjectClass addition checkOcSuperior( addContext.getEntry() ); next( addContext ); // Update the structures now that the schema element has been added Schema schema = schemaManager.getLoadedSchema( schemaName ); if ( ( schema != null ) && schema.isEnabled() ) { Attribute oidAT = entry.get( MetaSchemaConstants.M_OID_AT ); String ocOid = oidAT.getString(); ObjectClass addedOC = schemaManager.lookupObjectClassRegistry( ocOid ); computeSuperior( addedOC ); } } else if ( entry.contains( OBJECT_CLASS_AT, SchemaConstants.META_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_OC ) ) { // This is an AttributeType addition next( addContext ); } else { next( addContext ); } } else { next( addContext ); } }
Example 10
Source File: From MyVirtualDirectory with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void add( AddOperationContext addContext ) throws LdapException { Dn name = addContext.getDn(); Entry entry = addContext.getEntry(); // Not the responsibility of MyVD to verify schema //check( name, entry ); // Special checks for the MetaSchema branch if ( name.isDescendantOf( schemaBaseDn ) ) { // get the schema name String schemaName = getSchemaName( name ); if ( entry.contains( OBJECT_CLASS_AT, SchemaConstants.META_SCHEMA_OC ) ) { next( addContext ); if ( schemaManager.isSchemaLoaded( schemaName ) ) { // Update the OC superiors for each added ObjectClass computeSuperiors(); } } else if ( entry.contains( OBJECT_CLASS_AT, SchemaConstants.META_OBJECT_CLASS_OC ) ) { // This is an ObjectClass addition checkOcSuperior( addContext.getEntry() ); next( addContext ); // Update the structures now that the schema element has been added Schema schema = schemaManager.getLoadedSchema( schemaName ); if ( ( schema != null ) && schema.isEnabled() ) { Attribute oidAT = entry.get( MetaSchemaConstants.M_OID_AT ); String ocOid = oidAT.getString(); ObjectClass addedOC = schemaManager.lookupObjectClassRegistry( ocOid ); computeSuperior( addedOC ); } } else if ( entry.contains( OBJECT_CLASS_AT, SchemaConstants.META_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_OC ) ) { // This is an AttributeType addition next( addContext ); } else { next( addContext ); } } else { next( addContext ); } }
Example 11
Source File: From openmeetings with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private static String getStringAttr(Properties config, Entry entry, String aliasCode, String defaultAlias) throws LdapInvalidAttributeValueException { Attribute a = getAttr(config, entry, aliasCode, defaultAlias); return a == null ? null : a.getString(); }
Example 12
Source File: From mamute with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private String getAttribute(Entry entry, String attribute) throws LdapException { Attribute attr = entry.get(attribute); return attr == null ? null : attr.getString(); }
Example 13
Source File: From guacamole-client with Apache License 2.0 | 3 votes |
/** * Returns the identifier of the object represented by the given LDAP * entry. Multiple attributes may be declared as containing the identifier * of the object when present on an LDAP entry. If multiple such attributes * are present on the same LDAP entry, the value of the attribute with * highest priority is used. If multiple copies of the same attribute are * present on the same LDAPentry, the first value of that attribute is * used. * * @param entry * The entry representing the Guacamole object whose unique identifier * should be determined. * * @param attributes * A collection of all attributes which may be used to specify the * unique identifier of the Guacamole object represented by an LDAP * entry, in order of decreasing priority. * * @return * The identifier of the object represented by the given LDAP entry, or * null if no attributes declared as containing the identifier of the * object are present on the entry. * * @throws LdapInvalidAttributeValueException * If an error occurs retrieving the value of the identifier attribute. */ public String getIdentifier(Entry entry, Collection<String> attributes) throws LdapInvalidAttributeValueException { // Retrieve the first value of the highest priority identifier attribute for (String identifierAttribute : attributes) { Attribute identifier = entry.get(identifierAttribute); if (identifier != null) return identifier.getString(); } // No identifier attribute is present on the entry return null; }
Example 14
Source File: From guacamole-client with Apache License 2.0 | 3 votes |
/** * Returns the identifier of the object represented by the given LDAP * entry. Multiple attributes may be declared as containing the identifier * of the object when present on an LDAP entry. If multiple such attributes * are present on the same LDAP entry, the value of the attribute with * highest priority is used. If multiple copies of the same attribute are * present on the same LDAPentry, the first value of that attribute is * used. * * @param entry * The entry representing the Guacamole object whose unique identifier * should be determined. * * @param attributes * A collection of all attributes which may be used to specify the * unique identifier of the Guacamole object represented by an LDAP * entry, in order of decreasing priority. * * @return * The identifier of the object represented by the given LDAP entry, or * null if no attributes declared as containing the identifier of the * object are present on the entry. * * @throws LdapInvalidAttributeValueException * If an error occurs retrieving the value of the identifier attribute. */ public String getIdentifier(Entry entry, Collection<String> attributes) throws LdapInvalidAttributeValueException { // Retrieve the first value of the highest priority identifier attribute for (String identifierAttribute : attributes) { Attribute identifier = entry.get(identifierAttribute); if (identifier != null) return identifier.getString(); } // No identifier attribute is present on the entry return null; }