Java Code Examples for org.jivesoftware.smack.roster.Roster#getInstanceFor()
The following examples show how to use
org.jivesoftware.smack.roster.Roster#getInstanceFor() .
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Example 1
Source File: From mangosta-android with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public void addContact(String jidString) throws SmackException.NotLoggedInException, InterruptedException, SmackException.NotConnectedException, XMPPException.XMPPErrorException, SmackException.NoResponseException, XmppStringprepException { Roster roster = Roster.getInstanceFor(XMPPSession.getInstance().getXMPPConnection()); if (!roster.isLoaded()) { roster.reloadAndWait(); } BareJid jid = JidCreate.bareFrom(jidString); String name = XMPPUtils.fromJIDToUserName(jidString); String[] groups = new String[]{"Buddies"}; roster.createEntry(jid, name, groups); roster.sendSubscriptionRequest(jid); }
Example 2
Source File: From desktopclient-java with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
public boolean removeFromRoster(JID jid) { if (!this.isConnected()) {"not connected"); return false; } Roster roster = Roster.getInstanceFor(mConn); RosterEntry entry = roster.getEntry(jid.toBareSmack()); if (entry == null) {"can't find roster entry for jid: "+jid); return true; } try { // blocking roster.removeEntry(entry); } catch (SmackException.NotLoggedInException | SmackException.NoResponseException | XMPPException.XMPPErrorException | SmackException.NotConnectedException | InterruptedException ex) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "can't remove contact from roster", ex); return false; } return true; }
Example 3
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Removes a contact item from the group. * * @param item the ContactItem to remove. */ private void removeContactFromGroup(ContactItem item) { String groupName = item.getGroupName(); ContactGroup contactGroup = getContactGroup(groupName); Roster roster = Roster.getInstanceFor( SparkManager.getConnection() ); RosterEntry entry = roster.getEntry(item.getJid().asBareJid()); if (entry != null && contactGroup != offlineGroup) { try { RosterGroup rosterGroup = roster.getGroup(groupName); if (rosterGroup != null) { RosterEntry rosterEntry = rosterGroup.getEntry(entry.getJid()); if (rosterEntry != null) { rosterGroup.removeEntry(rosterEntry); } } contactGroup.removeContactItem(contactGroup.getContactItemByJID(item.getJid())); checkGroup(contactGroup); } catch (Exception e) { Log.error("Error removing user from contact list.", e); } } }
Example 4
Source File: From Smack with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public static void trustAllIdentities(OmemoManager alice, OmemoManager bob) throws InterruptedException, SmackException.NotConnectedException, SmackException.NotLoggedInException, SmackException.NoResponseException, CannotEstablishOmemoSessionException, CorruptedOmemoKeyException, XMPPException.XMPPErrorException, PubSubException.NotALeafNodeException, IOException { Roster roster = Roster.getInstanceFor(alice.getConnection()); if (alice.getOwnJid() != bob.getOwnJid() && (!roster.iAmSubscribedTo(bob.getOwnJid()) || !roster.isSubscribedToMyPresence(bob.getOwnJid()))) { throw new IllegalStateException("Before trusting identities of a user, we must be subscribed to one another."); } alice.requestDeviceListUpdateFor(bob.getOwnJid()); HashMap<OmemoDevice, OmemoFingerprint> fingerprints = alice.getActiveFingerprints(bob.getOwnJid()); for (OmemoDevice device : fingerprints.keySet()) { OmemoFingerprint fingerprint = fingerprints.get(device); alice.trustOmemoIdentity(device, fingerprint); } }
Example 5
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public TransferGroupUI(String groupName) { setLayout(new VerticalFlowLayout(VerticalFlowLayout.TOP, 0, 0, true, false)); setBackground(Color.white); final Roster roster = Roster.getInstanceFor( SparkManager.getConnection() ); final RosterGroup rosterGroup = roster.getGroup(groupName); final List<RosterEntry> entries = new ArrayList<RosterEntry>(rosterGroup.getEntries()); Collections.sort(entries, entryComparator); for (RosterEntry entry : entries) { final UserEntry userEntry = new UserEntry(entry); userEntries.add(userEntry); add(userEntry); } }
Example 6
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void loadVCards() { // Load vCard information. final Roster roster = Roster.getInstanceFor( SparkManager.getConnection() ); for (RosterEntry entry : roster.getEntries()) { SparkManager.getVCardManager().getVCardFromMemory(entry.getUser()); } }
Example 7
Source File: From mangosta-android with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public HashMap<Jid, Presence.Type> getContactsWithSubscriptionPending() throws SmackException.NotLoggedInException, InterruptedException, SmackException.NotConnectedException { Roster roster = Roster.getInstanceFor(XMPPSession.getInstance().getXMPPConnection()); if (!roster.isLoaded()) { roster.reloadAndWait(); } String groupName = "Buddies"; RosterGroup group = roster.getGroup(groupName); if (group == null) { roster.createGroup(groupName); group = roster.getGroup(groupName); } HashMap<Jid, Presence.Type> buddiesPending = new HashMap<>(); List<RosterEntry> entries = group.getEntries(); for (RosterEntry entry : entries) { if (entry.isSubscriptionPending()) { BareJid jid = entry.getJid(); Presence.Type status = roster.getPresence(jid).getType(); buddiesPending.put(jid, status); } } return buddiesPending; }
Example 8
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Handles the ?remove URI * * @param uri * the decoded uri * @throws Exception */ public void handleRemove(URI uri) throws Exception { // BareJid jid; try { jid = JidCreate.bareFrom(retrieveJID(uri)); } catch (XmppStringprepException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } Roster roster = Roster.getInstanceFor( SparkManager.getConnection() ); RosterEntry entry = roster.getEntry(jid); roster.removeEntry(entry); }
Example 9
Source File: From Smack with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public static void cleanUpRoster(OmemoManager omemoManager) { Roster roster = Roster.getInstanceFor(omemoManager.getConnection()); for (RosterEntry r : roster.getEntries()) { try { roster.removeEntry(r); } catch (InterruptedException | SmackException.NoResponseException | SmackException.NotConnectedException | XMPPException.XMPPErrorException | SmackException.NotLoggedInException e) { // Silent } } }
Example 10
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Returns the presence of a user. * * @param jidString the users jid. * @return the users presence. */ public static Presence getPresence(BareJid jid) { if (jid.equals(SparkManager.getSessionManager().getBareAddress())) { return SparkManager.getWorkspace().getStatusBar().getPresence(); } else { final Roster roster = Roster.getInstanceFor( SparkManager.getConnection() ); return roster.getPresence(jid); } }
Example 11
Source File: From Smack with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public void iotScenario(XMPPTCPConnection dataThingConnection, XMPPTCPConnection readingThingConnection) throws TimeoutException, Exception { ThingState dataThingState = actAsDataThing(dataThingConnection); final SimpleResultSyncPoint syncPoint = new SimpleResultSyncPoint(); dataThingState.setThingStateChangeListener(new AbstractThingStateChangeListener() { @Override public void owned(BareJid jid) { syncPoint.signal(); } }); // Wait until the thing is owned. syncPoint.waitForResult(TIMEOUT); printStatus("OWNED - Thing now owned by " + dataThingState.getOwner()); // Make sure things are befriended. IoTProvisioningManager readingThingProvisioningManager = IoTProvisioningManager.getInstanceFor(readingThingConnection); readingThingProvisioningManager.sendFriendshipRequestIfRequired(dataThingConnection.getUser().asBareJid()); Roster dataThingRoster = Roster.getInstanceFor(dataThingConnection); RosterUtil.waitUntilOtherEntityIsSubscribed(dataThingRoster, readingThingConnection.getUser().asBareJid(), TIMEOUT); printStatus("FRIENDSHIP ACCEPTED - Trying to read out data"); IoTDataManager readingThingDataManager = IoTDataManager.getInstanceFor(readingThingConnection); List<IoTFieldsExtension> values = readingThingDataManager.requestMomentaryValuesReadOut(dataThingConnection.getUser()); if (values.size() != 1) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected number of values returned: " + values.size()); } IoTFieldsExtension field = values.get(0); printStatus("DATA READ-OUT SUCCESS: " + field.toXML()); printStatus("IoT SCENARIO FINISHED SUCCESSFULLY"); }
Example 12
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Updates the users presence. * * @param presence the user to update. * @throws Exception if there is a problem while updating the user's presence. */ private synchronized void updateUserPresence(Presence presence) throws Exception { if (presence.getError() != null) { // We ignore this. return; } final Roster roster = Roster.getInstanceFor( SparkManager.getConnection() ); final BareJid bareJID = presence.getFrom().asBareJid(); RosterEntry entry = roster.getEntry(bareJID); boolean isPending = entry != null && (entry.getType() == RosterPacket.ItemType.none || entry.getType() == RosterPacket.ItemType.from) && entry.isSubscriptionPending(); // If online, check to see if they are in the offline group. // If so, remove from offline group and add to all groups they // belong to. if (presence.getType() == Presence.Type.available && offlineGroup.getContactItemByJID(bareJID) != null || ( presence.getFrom().toString().contains( "workgroup." ) )) { changeOfflineToOnline(bareJID, entry, presence); } else if (presence.getType() == Presence.Type.available) { updateContactItemsPresence(presence, entry, bareJID); } else if (presence.getType() == Presence.Type.unavailable && !isPending) { // If not available, move to offline group. Presence rosterPresence = PresenceManager.getPresence(bareJID); if (!rosterPresence.isAvailable()) { moveToOfflineGroup(presence, bareJID); } else { updateContactItemsPresence(rosterPresence, entry, bareJID); } } }
Example 13
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Copies or moves a new <code>ContactItem</code> into the <code>ContactGroup</code>. * * @param contactGroup the ContactGroup. * @param item the ContactItem to move. * @param move true if the ContactItem should be moved, otherwise false. */ private void addContactItem(final ContactGroup contactGroup, final ContactItem item, final boolean move) { ContactItem newContact = UIComponentRegistry.createContactItem(item.getAlias(), item.getNickname(), item.getJid()); newContact.setPresence(item.getPresence()); newContact.setIcon(item.getIcon()); newContact.getNicknameLabel().setFont(item.getNicknameLabel().getFont()); boolean groupHadAvailableContacts = false; // Do not copy/move a contact item only if it is not already in the Group. if (contactGroup.getContactItemByJID(item.getJid().asBareJid(), true) != null) { return; } if (!PresenceManager.isOnline(item.getJid().asBareJid())) { contactGroup.addOfflineContactItem(item.getAlias(), item.getNickname(), item.getJid(), null); } else { groupHadAvailableContacts = contactGroup.hasAvailableContacts(); contactGroup.addContactItem(newContact); } contactGroup.clearSelection(); contactGroup.fireContactGroupUpdated(); //Updating group title final ContactGroup oldGroup = getContactGroup(item.getGroupName()); final boolean groupAvailableContacts = groupHadAvailableContacts; SwingWorker worker = new SwingWorker() { @Override public Object construct() { Roster roster = Roster.getInstanceFor( SparkManager.getConnection() ); RosterEntry entry = roster.getEntry(item.getJid().asBareJid()); RosterGroup groupFound = null; for (RosterGroup group : roster.getGroups()) { if (group.getName().equals(contactGroup.getGroupName())) { try { groupFound = group; if (!groupAvailableContacts) { SparkManager.getContactList().toggleGroupVisibility(groupFound.getName(), true); } group.addEntry(entry); } catch (XMPPException | SmackException | InterruptedException e1) { Log.error(e1); return false; } } } // This is a new group if (groupFound == null) { groupFound = roster.createGroup(contactGroup.getGroupName()); try { groupFound.addEntry(entry); if (!groupAvailableContacts) { SparkManager.getContactList().toggleGroupVisibility(groupFound.getName(), true); } } catch (XMPPException | SmackException | InterruptedException e) { Log.error(e); } } return true; } @Override public void finished() { if ((Boolean)get()) { // Now try and remove the group from the old one. if (move) { removeContactItem(oldGroup, item); if (!localPreferences.isEmptyGroupsShown() && !oldGroup.hasAvailableContacts()) { SparkManager.getContactList().toggleGroupVisibility(oldGroup.getGroupName(),false); } } } } }; worker.start(); }
Example 14
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public boolean removeContactItem(ContactGroup contactGroup, ContactItem item) { if (contactGroup.isSharedGroup()) { return false; } if (contactGroup.isUnfiledGroup()) { contactGroup.removeContactItem(item); contactGroup.fireContactGroupUpdated(); return true; } // Remove entry from Roster Group Roster roster = Roster.getInstanceFor( SparkManager.getConnection() ); RosterEntry entry = roster.getEntry(item.getJid().asBareJid()); RosterGroup rosterGroup = null; for (RosterGroup group : roster.getGroups()) { if (group.getName().equals(contactGroup.getGroupName())) { try { rosterGroup = group; group.removeEntry(entry); } catch (XMPPException | SmackException | InterruptedException e1) { return false; } } } if (rosterGroup == null) { return false; } if (!rosterGroup.contains(entry)) { contactGroup.removeContactItem(item); contactGroup.fireContactGroupUpdated(); //Updating group title return true; } return false; }
Example 15
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Adds a new entry to the users Roster. * * @param jid the jid. * @param nickname the nickname. * @param group the contact group. * @return the new RosterEntry. */ public RosterEntry addEntry(BareJid jid, String nickname, String group) { String[] groups = {group}; Roster roster = Roster.getInstanceFor( SparkManager.getConnection() ); RosterEntry userEntry = roster.getEntry(jid); boolean isSubscribed = true; if (userEntry != null) { isSubscribed = userEntry.getGroups().size() == 0; } if (isSubscribed) { try { roster.createEntry(jid, nickname, new String[]{group}); } catch (XMPPException | SmackException | InterruptedException e) { Log.error("Unable to add new entry " + jid, e); } return roster.getEntry(jid); } try { RosterGroup rosterGroup = roster.getGroup(group); if (rosterGroup == null) { rosterGroup = roster.createGroup(group); } if (userEntry == null) { roster.createEntry(jid, nickname, groups); userEntry = roster.getEntry(jid); } else { userEntry.setName(nickname); rosterGroup.addEntry(userEntry); } userEntry = roster.getEntry(jid); } catch (XMPPException | SmackException | InterruptedException ex) { Log.error(ex); } return userEntry; }
Example 16
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (e.getSource() == addingGroupButton) { new RosterDialog().showRosterDialog(); } else if (e.getSource() == chatMenu) { if (activeItem != null) { SparkManager.getChatManager().activateChat(activeItem.getJid(), activeItem.getDisplayName()); } } else if (e.getSource() == addContactMenu) { RosterDialog rosterDialog = new RosterDialog(); if (activeGroup != null) { rosterDialog.setDefaultGroup(activeGroup); } rosterDialog.showRosterDialog(); } else if (e.getSource() == removeContactFromGroupMenu) { if (activeItem != null) { removeContactFromGroup(activeItem); } } else if (e.getSource() == renameMenu) { if (activeItem == null) { return; } String oldAlias = activeItem.getAlias(); String newAlias = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(this, Res.getString("") + ":", oldAlias); // if user pressed 'cancel', output will be null. // if user removed alias, output will be an empty String. if (newAlias != null) { if (!ModelUtil.hasLength(newAlias)) { newAlias = null; // allows you to remove an alias. } BareJid address = activeItem.getJid().asBareJid(); ContactGroup contactGroup = getContactGroup(activeItem.getGroupName()); ContactItem contactItem = contactGroup.getContactItemByDisplayName(activeItem.getDisplayName()); contactItem.setAlias(newAlias); final Roster roster = Roster.getInstanceFor( SparkManager.getConnection() ); RosterEntry entry = roster.getEntry(address); try { entry.setName(newAlias); final BareJid user = address.asBareJid(); for ( ContactGroup cg : groupList ) { ContactItem ci = cg.getContactItemByJID(user); if (ci != null) { ci.setAlias(newAlias); } } } catch ( XMPPException.XMPPErrorException| SmackException.NotConnectedException | SmackException.NoResponseException | InterruptedException e1 ) { Log.warning( "Unable to set new alias '" + newAlias + "' for roster entry " + address, e1 ); } } } }
Example 17
Source File: From Smack with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public static void ensureSubscribedTo(final XMPPConnection presenceRequestReceiverConnection, final XMPPConnection presenceRequestingConnection, long timeout) throws TimeoutException, Exception { final Roster presenceRequestReceiverRoster = Roster.getInstanceFor(presenceRequestReceiverConnection); final Roster presenceRequestingRoster = Roster.getInstanceFor(presenceRequestingConnection); final EntityFullJid presenceRequestReceiverAddress = presenceRequestReceiverConnection.getUser(); final EntityFullJid presenceRequestingAddress = presenceRequestingConnection.getUser(); if (presenceRequestReceiverRoster.isSubscribedToMyPresence(presenceRequestingAddress)) { return; } final SubscribeListener subscribeListener = new SubscribeListener() { @Override public SubscribeAnswer processSubscribe(Jid from, Presence subscribeRequest) { if (from.equals(presenceRequestingConnection.getUser().asBareJid())) { return SubscribeAnswer.Approve; } return SubscribeAnswer.Deny; } }; presenceRequestReceiverRoster.addSubscribeListener(subscribeListener); final SimpleResultSyncPoint syncPoint = new SimpleResultSyncPoint(); final PresenceEventListener presenceEventListener = new AbstractPresenceEventListener() { @Override public void presenceSubscribed(BareJid address, Presence subscribedPresence) { if (!address.equals(presenceRequestReceiverAddress.asBareJid())) { return; } syncPoint.signal(); } }; presenceRequestingRoster.addPresenceEventListener(presenceEventListener); try { presenceRequestingRoster.sendSubscriptionRequest(presenceRequestReceiverAddress.asBareJid()); syncPoint.waitForResult(timeout); } finally { presenceRequestReceiverRoster.removeSubscribeListener(subscribeListener); presenceRequestingRoster.removePresenceEventListener(presenceEventListener); } }
Example 18
Source File: From Yahala-Messenger with MIT License | 4 votes |
public void createEntry(String user, String name) throws Exception { // FileLog.e("Test", String.format("Creating entry for buddy '%1$s' with name %2$s", user, name)); Roster roster = Roster.getInstanceFor(connection); roster.createEntry(JidCreate.bareFrom(user), name, null); }
Example 19
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Constructs a 1-to-1 ChatRoom. * * Note that the participantJID value can be a bare JID, or a full JID. In regular one-on-one chats, a bare JID is * expected. This instance will then display relevant data sent by any of the (full) JIDs associated to the bare JID. * When this instance is created to reflect a private message in MUC context, a full JID is expected to be provided * as the participantJID value (room@service/nick). In such case, only data sent from that full JID is displayed. * * @param participantJID the participants jid to chat with. * @param participantNickname the nickname of the participant. * @param title the title of the room. */ public ChatRoomImpl(final EntityJid participantJID, Resourcepart participantNickname, CharSequence title, boolean initUi) { = true; //activateNotificationTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); setparticipantJID(participantJID); this.participantNickname = participantNickname; // Loads the current history for this user. loadHistory(); // Register StanzaListeners final StanzaFilter directFilter = new AndFilter( FromMatchesFilter.create( participantJID ), new OrFilter( new StanzaTypeFilter( Presence.class ), new StanzaTypeFilter( Message.class ) ) ); final StanzaFilter carbonFilter = new AndFilter( FromMatchesFilter.create( SparkManager.getSessionManager().getBareUserAddress() ), // Security Consideration, see new StanzaTypeFilter( Message.class ), new OrFilter( new StanzaExtensionFilter( "sent", CarbonExtension.NAMESPACE ), new StanzaExtensionFilter( "received", CarbonExtension.NAMESPACE ) ) ); SparkManager.getConnection().addSyncStanzaListener( this, new OrFilter( directFilter, carbonFilter ) ); // Use the agents username as the Tab Title this.tabTitle = title.toString(); // The name of the room will be the node of the user jid + conversation. this.roomTitle = participantNickname.toString(); // Add RoomInfo this.getSplitPane().setRightComponent(null); getSplitPane().setDividerSize(0); presence = PresenceManager.getPresence(participantJID.asBareJid()); roster = Roster.getInstanceFor( SparkManager.getConnection() ); RosterEntry entry = roster.getEntry(participantJID.asBareJid()); tabIcon = PresenceManager.getIconFromPresence(presence); if (initUi) { // Create toolbar buttons. infoButton = new ChatRoomButton("", SparkRes.getImageIcon(SparkRes.PROFILE_IMAGE_24x24)); infoButton.setToolTipText(Res.getString("message.view.information.about.this.user")); // Create basic toolbar. addChatRoomButton(infoButton); // Show VCard. infoButton.addActionListener(this); } // If this is a private chat from a group chat room, do not show toolbar. privateChat = participantNickname.equals(participantJID.getResourceOrNull()); if ( privateChat ) { getToolBar().setVisible(false); } // If the user is not in the roster, then allow user to add them. addToRosterButton = new ChatRoomButton("", SparkRes.getImageIcon(SparkRes.ADD_IMAGE_24x24)); if (entry == null && !privateChat) { addToRosterButton.setToolTipText(Res.getString("")); if (!Default.getBoolean("ADD_CONTACT_DISABLED") && Enterprise.containsFeature(Enterprise.ADD_CONTACTS_FEATURE)) addChatRoomButton(addToRosterButton); addToRosterButton.addActionListener(this); } lastActivity = System.currentTimeMillis(); }
Example 20
Source File: From Spark with Apache License 2.0 | 2 votes |
/** * Returns true if the user is online. * * @param jidString the jid of the user. * @return true if online. */ public static boolean isOnline(BareJid jid) { final Roster roster = Roster.getInstanceFor( SparkManager.getConnection() ); Presence presence = roster.getPresence(jid); return presence.isAvailable(); }