Java Code Examples for javax.swing.Action#getValue()
The following examples show how to use
javax.swing.Action#getValue() .
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Example 1
Source File: From jdk8u-jdk with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * If necessary, invokes {@code actionPerformed} on * {@code audioAction} to play a sound. * The {@code actionPerformed} method is invoked if the value of * the {@code "AuditoryCues.playList"} default is a {@code * non-null} {@code Object[]} containing a {@code String} entry * equal to the name of the {@code audioAction}. * * @param audioAction an Action that knows how to render the audio * associated with the system or user activity * that is occurring; a value of {@code null}, is * ignored * @throws ClassCastException if {@code audioAction} is {@code non-null} * and the value of the default {@code "AuditoryCues.playList"} * is not an {@code Object[]} * @since 1.4 */ protected void playSound(Action audioAction) { if (audioAction != null) { Object[] audioStrings = (Object[]) UIManager.get("AuditoryCues.playList"); if (audioStrings != null) { // create a HashSet to help us decide to play or not HashSet<Object> audioCues = new HashSet<Object>(); for (Object audioString : audioStrings) { audioCues.add(audioString); } // get the name of the Action String actionName = (String)audioAction.getValue(Action.NAME); // if the actionName is in the audioCues HashSet, play it. if (audioCues.contains(actionName)) { audioAction.actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(this, ActionEvent.ACTION_PERFORMED, actionName)); } } } }
Example 2
Source File: From netbeans with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private void addAction (Action action) { String name = (String) action.getValue(Action.NAME); LinkButton btn = new LinkButton(name); btn.addActionListener(action); if (notEmpty) { JLabel separator = new javax.swing.JLabel(); separator.setBorder(BorderFactory.createCompoundBorder( BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(2, 0, 2, 0), BorderFactory.createLineBorder(Color.BLACK, 1) )); horizontalSeqGroup .addPreferredGap(javax.swing.LayoutStyle.ComponentPlacement.RELATED) .addComponent(separator) .addPreferredGap(javax.swing.LayoutStyle.ComponentPlacement.RELATED); verticalParallelGroup .addComponent(separator, GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, Short.MAX_VALUE); } horizontalSeqGroup .addComponent(btn, GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE); verticalParallelGroup .addComponent(btn, GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE); notEmpty = true; }
Example 3
Source File: From netbeans with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public final Object getValue(String key) { Action dAction = delegateAction; // Delegate whole getValue() if delegateAction already exists if (dAction != null && dAction != UNITIALIZED_ACTION) { Object value = dAction.getValue(key); if (value == null) { value = getValueLocal(key); if (value != null) { if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { LOG.fine("Transfer wrapper action property: key=" + key + ", value=" + value + '\n'); // NOI18N } dAction.putValue(key, value); } } return value; } return getValueLocal(key); }
Example 4
Source File: From netbeans with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public LinkButton(String text, boolean handlePopupEvents, Action a, boolean underlined) { super(text); this.handlePopupEvents = handlePopupEvents; this.underlined = underlined; if (null != a) { Icon icon = (Icon) a.getValue(Action.SMALL_ICON); if (null != icon) { setIcon(icon); setPressedIcon(icon); } Object tooltip = a.getValue(Action.SHORT_DESCRIPTION); if (null != tooltip) { setToolTipText(tooltip.toString()); } } init(a); }
Example 5
Source File: From org.alloytools.alloy with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public static Action decorateWithLogging(final SwingLogPanel log, final Pref< ? > pref, final Action action) { if (log == null) return action; return new AbstractAction((String) action.getValue(Action.NAME), (Icon) action.getValue(Action.SMALL_ICON)) { private static final long serialVersionUID = -2790668001235140089L; @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Object oldVal = pref.get(); action.actionPerformed(e); Object newVal = pref.get(); if (!newVal.equals(oldVal)) logPrefChanged(log, pref); } }; }
Example 6
Source File: From netbeans with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private void addAcceleretors(Action a, JMenuItem item, JTextComponent target){ // Try to get the accelerator Keymap km = target.getKeymap(); if (km != null) { KeyStroke[] keys = km.getKeyStrokesForAction(a); if (keys != null && keys.length > 0) { item.setAccelerator(keys[0]); }else if (a!=null){ KeyStroke ks = (KeyStroke)a.getValue(Action.ACCELERATOR_KEY); if (ks!=null) { item.setAccelerator(ks); } } } }
Example 7
Source File: From Dayon with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
public void addToggleAction(Action action) { final JToggleButton button = new JToggleButton(); button.setMargin(zeroInsets); button.setHideActionText(true); button.setAction(action); if (action.getValue(Action.SMALL_ICON) == null) { button.setText((String) action.getValue("DISPLAY_NAME")); } button.setFocusable(false); add(button); }
Example 8
Source File: From gate-core with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
public XJMenuItem(Action a, StatusListener listener){ super(a); this.description = (String) a.getValue(Action.SHORT_DESCRIPTION); this.listener = listener; // stop showing tooltip in the menu, status bar is enough setToolTipText(null); initListeners(); }
Example 9
Source File: From netbeans with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Assure that two clients do not interact. */ public void testNewProjectAction() { Action client1 = CommonProjectActions.newProjectAction(); Object existingSources = new Object(); client1.putValue(CommonProjectActions.EXISTING_SOURCES_FOLDER, existingSources); Action client2 = CommonProjectActions.newProjectAction(); Object o = client2.getValue(CommonProjectActions.EXISTING_SOURCES_FOLDER); assertTrue(o != existingSources); }
Example 10
Source File: From netbeans with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private PresenterUpdater(int type, Action action) { if (action == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("action must not be null"); // NOI18N } this.type = type; this.actionName = (String) action.getValue(Action.NAME); this.action = action; if (type == TOOLBAR) { presenter = new JButton(); useActionSelectedProperty = false; } else { // MENU or POPUP useActionSelectedProperty = (action.getValue(AbstractEditorAction.PREFERENCES_KEY_KEY) != null); if (useActionSelectedProperty) { presenter = new LazyJCheckBoxMenuItem(); presenter.setSelected(isActionSelected()); } else { presenter = new LazyJMenuItem(); } } action.addPropertyChangeListener(WeakListeners.propertyChange(this, action)); if (type == MENU) { listenedContextActions = new WeakSet<Action>(); EditorRegistryWatcher.get().registerPresenterUpdater(this); // Includes notification of active component } else { listenedContextActions = null; } presenter.addActionListener(this); updatePresenter(null); // Not active yet => mark updates pending }
Example 11
Source File: From visualvm with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
private JButton createActionComponent(Action a) { JButton b = new JButton(); if (a != null && (a.getValue(Action.SMALL_ICON) != null || a.getValue(Action.LARGE_ICON_KEY) != null)) { b.setHideActionText(true); } b.setHorizontalTextPosition(JButton.CENTER); b.setVerticalTextPosition(JButton.BOTTOM); b.setAction(a); return b; }
Example 12
Source File: From jpexs-decompiler with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
private void configActionProperties(Action action, String actionName, String configKey) { // if we have an icon, then load it: String iconLoc = getConfig().getString(configKey + ".SmallIcon", actionName + ".png"); URL loc = this.getClass().getResource(DefaultSyntaxAction.SMALL_ICONS_LOC_PREFIX + iconLoc); if (loc != null) { ImageIcon i = new ImageIcon(loc); action.putValue(Action.SMALL_ICON, i); } // Set the menu text. Use the Action.NAME property, unless it is // already set. // The NAME would be set for default actions, and we should not change those names. // so we will put another property and use it for the menu text String name = getProperty(configKey + ".MenuText"); if (action.getValue(Action.NAME) == null) { action.putValue(Action.NAME, name); } else { action.putValue(ACTION_MENU_TEXT, name); } // Set the menu tooltips String shortDesc = getProperty(configKey + ".ToolTip"); if (shortDesc != null) { action.putValue(Action.SHORT_DESCRIPTION, shortDesc); } else { action.putValue(Action.SHORT_DESCRIPTION, name); } }
Example 13
Source File: From visualvm with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
private void addAction(JPopupMenu popup, Action action) { if (action == null) { popup.addSeparator(); } else { Class cls = (Class)action.getValue(KEY_CLASS); if (Boolean.class.equals(cls)) { Boolean boolvalue = (Boolean)action.getValue(KEY_BOOLVALUE); JCheckBoxMenuItem item = new JCheckBoxMenuItem(action); item.setSelected(boolvalue); popup.add(item); } else { popup.add(action); } } }
Example 14
Source File: From netbeans with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public Object getValue(String key) { if (attrs != null && attrs.containsKey(key)) { return attrs.get(key); } Object ret = GeneralAction.extractCommonAttribute(map, this, key); if (ret != null) { return ret; } Action a = findAction(); return a == null ? null : a.getValue(key); }
Example 15
Source File: From netbeans with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private static String getName(Action a) { Object name = a.getValue(Action.NAME); if (name instanceof String) { return (String) name; } else { return "null"; // NOI18N } }
Example 16
Source File: From netbeans with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
protected String getItemText(JTextComponent target, String actionName, Action a) { String itemText; if (a instanceof BaseAction) { itemText = ((BaseAction)a).getPopupMenuText(target); } else { itemText = (String) a.getValue("popupText"); if (itemText == null) { itemText = (String) a.getValue("menuText"); if (itemText == null) { itemText = actionName; } } } return itemText; }
Example 17
Source File: From netbeans with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * C'tor * * @param text * @param icon * @param al Action to invoke when the button is pressed, can be null but * the button is disabled then. */ public LinkButton(String text, Icon icon, Action a, boolean underlined) { super(text); this.underlined = underlined; setIcon(icon); setPressedIcon(icon); Object tooltip = a.getValue(Action.SHORT_DESCRIPTION); if (null != tooltip) { setToolTipText(tooltip.toString()); } this.handlePopupEvents = true; init(a); }
Example 18
Source File: From netbeans with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public void testIconIsCorrect() throws Exception { myListenerCounter = 0; myIconResourceCounter = 0; Action a = readAction("testIconIsCorrect.instance"); assertNotNull("Action created", a); assertEquals("No myListener called", 0, myListenerCounter); assertEquals("No myIconURL called", 0, myIconResourceCounter); Object name = a.getValue(a.NAME); Object mnem = a.getValue(a.MNEMONIC_KEY); Object smallIcon = a.getValue(a.SMALL_ICON); if (smallIcon instanceof Icon) { Icon icon = (Icon) smallIcon; assertEquals("Icon height", 32, icon.getIconHeight()); assertEquals("Icon widht", 32, icon.getIconWidth()); } else { fail("Icon shall be Icon: " + smallIcon); } assertEquals("Right localized name", "Icon &Name Action", name); assertEquals("Mnemonic is N", (int)'N', mnem); assertNotNull("small icon present", smallIcon); assertEquals("once icon called", 1, myIconResourceCounter); Object base = a.getValue("iconBase"); assertEquals("iconBase attribute is delegated", 2, myIconResourceCounter); assertTrue("Always enabled", a.isEnabled()); a.setEnabled(false); assertTrue("Still Always enabled", a.isEnabled()); a.actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(this, 0, "kuk")); assertEquals("Listener invoked", 1, myListenerCounter); assertEquals("No icon in menu", Boolean.TRUE, a.getValue("noIconInMenu")); assertContextAware(a); }
Example 19
Source File: From netbeans with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** Attaches menu item to an action. * You can supply an alternative implementation * for this method by implementing method * {@link ButtonActionConnector#connect(JMenuItem, Action, boolean)} and * registering an instance of {@link ButtonActionConnector} in the * default lookup. * <p> * Since version 7.1 the action can also provide properties * "menuText" and "popupText" if one wants to use other text on the JMenuItem * than the name * of the action taken from Action.NAME. The popupText is checked only if the * popup parameter is true and takes the biggest precedence. The menuText is * tested everytime and takes precedence over standard <code>Action.NAME</code> * <p> * By default icons are not visible in popup menus. This can be configured * via <a href="@TOP@architecture-summary.html#branding-USE_MNEMONICS">branding</a>. * * @param item menu item * @param action action * @param popup create popup or menu item * @since 3.29 */ public static void connect(JMenuItem item, Action action, boolean popup) { for (ButtonActionConnector bac : buttonActionConnectors()) { if (bac.connect(item, action, popup)) { return; } } Bridge b; if ((item instanceof JCheckBoxMenuItem) && (action.getValue(Actions.ACTION_VALUE_TOGGLE) != null)) { b = new CheckMenuBridge((JCheckBoxMenuItem)item, action, popup); } else { b = new MenuBridge(item, action, popup); } b.prepare(); if (item instanceof Actions.MenuItem) { ((Actions.MenuItem)item).setBridge(b); } item.putClientProperty(DynamicMenuContent.HIDE_WHEN_DISABLED, action.getValue(DynamicMenuContent.HIDE_WHEN_DISABLED)); }
Example 20
Source File: From rapidminer-studio with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Creates the HTML text which will represent the link button. * * @param action * @return */ private static String makeHTML(final Action action) { if (action == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("action must not be null!"); } String name = (String) action.getValue(Action.NAME); if (name == null || name.trim().isEmpty()) { return ""; } // if only part of the text should appear as link, <a href> tag is defined in i18n if (name.contains("<") || name.contains(">")) { return name; } URL iconUrl = null; if (action instanceof ResourceAction) { String iconName = ((ResourceAction) action).getIconName(); if (iconName != null) { String regularIconPath = "icons/16/" + iconName; String retinaIconPath = "icons/16/@2x/" + iconName; boolean isRetina = SwingTools.getGUIScaling() == SwingTools.Scaling.RETINA; String iconLookup = isRetina ? retinaIconPath : regularIconPath; try { iconUrl = Tools.getResource(iconLookup); if (iconUrl == null && isRetina) { // fallback if @2x icon is missing on retina displays iconUrl = Tools.getResource(regularIconPath); } } catch (NullPointerException e) { // this can occur if no @2x icon exists on OS X and the security manager throws an NPE iconUrl = Tools.getResource(regularIconPath); } } } if (iconUrl != null) { return String.format(TEMPLATE_ICON_HTML, iconUrl.toString(), name); } else { if (Boolean.parseBoolean(String.valueOf(action.getValue(PROPERTY_BOLD)))) { return String.format(TEMPLATE_HTML_BOLD, name); } else { return String.format(TEMPLATE_HTML, name); } } }