akka.http.javadsl.model.HttpRequest Java Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: HttpPushClientActorTest.java From ditto with Eclipse Public License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public void placeholderReplacement() throws Exception {
final Target target = TestConstants.Targets.TARGET_WITH_PLACEHOLDER
.withAddress("PATCH:" + TestConstants.Targets.TARGET_WITH_PLACEHOLDER.getAddress());
connection = connection.toBuilder().setTargets(singletonList(target)).build();
new TestKit(actorSystem) {{
// GIVEN: local HTTP connection is connected
final ActorRef underTest = actorSystem.actorOf(createClientActor(getRef(), getConnection(false)));
underTest.tell(OpenConnection.of(connection.getId(), DittoHeaders.empty()), getRef());
expectMsg(new Status.Success(BaseClientState.CONNECTED));
// WHEN: a thing event is sent to a target with header mapping content-type=application/json
final ThingModifiedEvent thingModifiedEvent = TestConstants.thingModified(Collections.emptyList());
final OutboundSignal outboundSignal =
OutboundSignalFactory.newOutboundSignal(thingModifiedEvent, singletonList(target));
underTest.tell(outboundSignal, getRef());
// THEN: a POST-request is forwarded to the path defined in the target
final HttpRequest thingModifiedRequest = requestQueue.take();
Example #2
Source File: AbstractHttpRequestActor.java From ditto with Eclipse Public License 2.0 | 6 votes |
protected AbstractHttpRequestActor(final ActorRef proxyActor,
final HeaderTranslator headerTranslator,
final HttpRequest request,
final CompletableFuture<HttpResponse> httpResponseFuture,
final HttpConfig httpConfig,
final CommandConfig commandConfig) {
this.proxyActor = proxyActor;
this.headerTranslator = headerTranslator;
this.httpResponseFuture = httpResponseFuture;
this.httpRequest = request;
this.commandConfig = commandConfig;
responseLocationUri = null;
Example #3
Source File: HealthService.java From ari-proxy with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
private CompletionStage<ServerBinding> startHttpServer() {
final ActorSystem system = getContext().getSystem();
final Http http = Http.get(system);
final ActorMaterializer materializer = ActorMaterializer.create(system);
final Flow<HttpRequest, HttpResponse, NotUsed> routeFlow = createRoute().flow(system, materializer);
final String address = "";
final CompletionStage<ServerBinding> binding = http.bindAndHandle(
ConnectHttp.toHost(address, httpPort),
log().info("HTTP server online at http://{}:{}/...", address, httpPort);
return binding;
Example #4
Source File: MessagesRoute.java From ditto with Eclipse Public License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private static Function<ByteBuffer, MessageCommand<?, ?>> buildSendThingMessage(final MessageDirection direction,
final RequestContext ctx,
final DittoHeaders dittoHeaders,
final ThingId thingId,
final String msgSubject,
final Duration timeout) {
return payload -> {
final HttpRequest httpRequest = ctx.getRequest();
final ContentType contentType = httpRequest.entity().getContentType();
final MessageHeaders headers = MessageHeaders.newBuilder(direction, thingId, normalizeSubject(msgSubject))
final MessageBuilder<Object> messageBuilder = initMessageBuilder(payload, contentType, headers);
return SendThingMessage.of(thingId, messageBuilder.build(), enhanceHeaders(dittoHeaders, timeout));
Example #5
Source File: ContentTypeValidationDirectiveTest.java From ditto with Eclipse Public License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public void testNonValidContentType() {
// Arrange
final DittoHeaders dittoHeaders = DittoHeaders.empty();
final String type = MediaTypes.APPLICATION_JSON.toString();
final ContentType differentType = ContentTypes.APPLICATION_X_WWW_FORM_URLENCODED;
final RequestContext mockedCtx = mock(RequestContext.class);
// Act
final UnsupportedMediaTypeException result =
catchThrowableOfType(() -> ensureValidContentType(Set.of(type), mockedCtx, dittoHeaders, COMPLETE_OK),
// Assert
Example #6
Source File: HttpPushFactoryTest.java From ditto with Eclipse Public License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private void newBinding() { requestQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(); responseQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(); final Flow<HttpRequest, HttpResponse, NotUsed> handler = Flow.fromGraph(KillSwitches.<HttpRequest>single()) .mapAsync(1, request -> { requestQueue.offer(request); return responseQueue.take(); }) .mapMaterializedValue(killSwitch -> { Objects.requireNonNull(killSwitchTrigger.peek()) .thenAccept(_void -> killSwitch.shutdown()); return NotUsed.getInstance(); }); binding = Http.get(actorSystem).bindAndHandle(handler, ConnectHttp.toHost("", 0), mat) .toCompletableFuture() .join(); }
Example #7
Source File: UriForLocationHeaderSupplierTest.java From ditto with Eclipse Public License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void getUriForNonIdempotentRequestWithEntityIdInUri() { final String host = "https://example.com/things/"; final Uri uri = Uri.create(host + KNOWN_ENTITY_ID + "will-be-discarded/"); final HttpRequest httpRequest = HttpRequest.create() .withUri(uri) .withMethod(HttpMethods.POST); final CommandResponse<?> commandResponse = mock(CommandResponse.class); when(commandResponse.getEntityId()).thenReturn(KNOWN_ENTITY_ID); when(commandResponse.getResourcePath()).thenReturn(JsonPointer.of(KNOWN_RESOURCE_PATH)); final Uri expectedUri = Uri.create(host + commandResponse.getEntityId() + commandResponse.getResourcePath()); final UriForLocationHeaderSupplier underTest = new UriForLocationHeaderSupplier(httpRequest, commandResponse); assertThat(underTest.get()).isEqualTo(expectedUri); }
Example #8
Source File: RootRouteTest.java From ditto with Eclipse Public License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public void getThingWithVeryLongId() {
final int numberOfUUIDs = 100;
final StringBuilder pathBuilder = new StringBuilder(THINGS_2_PATH).append("/");
final StringBuilder idBuilder = new StringBuilder("namespace");
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfUUIDs; ++i) {
final ThingIdInvalidException expectedEx = ThingIdInvalidException.newBuilder(idBuilder.toString())
final TestRouteResult result =
Example #9
Source File: ContentTypeValidationDirectiveTest.java From ditto with Eclipse Public License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public void testExceptionContainsDittoHeaders() {
// Arrange
final DittoHeaders dittoHeaders = DittoHeaders.of(Map.of("someHeaderKey", "someHeaderVal"));
final String type = ContentTypes.APPLICATION_JSON.mediaType().toString();
final RequestContext mockedCtx = mock(RequestContext.class);
// Act
final UnsupportedMediaTypeException result =
catchThrowableOfType(() -> ensureValidContentType(Set.of(type), mockedCtx, dittoHeaders, COMPLETE_OK),
// Assert
Example #10
Source File: ContentTypeValidationDirectiveTest.java From ditto with Eclipse Public License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public void testWithUpperCaseContentTypeHeaderName() {
// Arrange
final DittoHeaders dittoHeaders = DittoHeaders.empty();
final String type = MediaTypes.APPLICATION_JSON.toString();
// Act
final TestRouteResult result =
ctx -> ensureValidContentType(Set.of(type), ctx, dittoHeaders, COMPLETE_OK)))
.addHeader(HttpHeader.parse("CONTENT-TYPE", type))
.withEntity(ContentTypes.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM, "something".getBytes()));
// Assert
Example #11
Source File: ContentTypeValidationDirectiveTest.java From ditto with Eclipse Public License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public void testWithoutEntityNoNPEExpected() {
// Arrange
final DittoHeaders dittoHeaders = DittoHeaders.empty();
final String type = ContentTypes.APPLICATION_JSON.mediaType().toString();
final RequestContext mockedCtx = mock(RequestContext.class);
// Act
final UnsupportedMediaTypeException result =
catchThrowableOfType(() -> ensureValidContentType(Set.of(type), mockedCtx, dittoHeaders, COMPLETE_OK),
// Assert
Example #12
Source File: ThingsRouteTest.java From ditto with Eclipse Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void putAttributeWithEmptyPointer() { final String body = "\"bumlux\""; final HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.PUT("/things/org.eclipse.ditto%3Adummy/attributes//bar") .withEntity(HttpEntities.create(ContentTypes.APPLICATION_JSON, body)); final TestRouteResult result = underTest.run(request); result.assertStatusCode(StatusCodes.BAD_REQUEST); }
Example #13
Source File: RootRouteTest.java From ditto with Eclipse Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void getExceptionForDuplicateHeaderFields() { final HttpRequest httpRequest = HttpRequest.GET(THINGS_1_PATH_WITH_IDS) .addHeader(RawHeader.create("x-correlation-id", UUID.randomUUID().toString())) .addHeader(RawHeader.create("x-correlation-id", UUID.randomUUID().toString())); final TestRouteResult result = rootTestRoute.run(withHttps(withPreAuthenticatedAuthentication(httpRequest))); result.assertStatusCode(StatusCodes.BAD_REQUEST); }
Example #14
Source File: DirectivesInterceptor.java From pinpoint with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private boolean samplingEnable(HttpRequest request) {
// optional value
final String samplingFlag = requestAdaptor.getHeader(request, Header.HTTP_SAMPLED.toString());
if (isDebug) {
logger.debug("SamplingFlag={}", samplingFlag);
return SamplingFlagUtils.isSamplingFlag(samplingFlag);
Example #15
Source File: MessagesRoute.java From ditto with Eclipse Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private static Function<ByteBuffer, MessageCommand<?, ?>> buildSendFeatureMessage(final MessageDirection direction,
final RequestContext ctx,
final DittoHeaders dittoHeaders,
final ThingId thingId,
final String featureId,
final String msgSubject,
final Duration timeout) {
final HttpRequest httpRequest = ctx.getRequest();
return payload -> {
final ContentType contentType = httpRequest.entity()
final MessageHeaders headers = MessageHeaders.newBuilder(direction, thingId, normalizeSubject(msgSubject))
final MessageBuilder<Object> messageBuilder = initMessageBuilder(payload, contentType, headers);
return SendFeatureMessage.of(thingId, featureId, messageBuilder.build(),
enhanceHeaders(dittoHeaders, timeout));
Example #16
Source File: RootRouteTest.java From ditto with Eclipse Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void getNonExistingSearchUrl() { final HttpRequest request = withHttps(withPreAuthenticatedAuthentication(HttpRequest.GET(UNKNOWN_SEARCH_PATH))); final TestRouteResult result = rootTestRoute.run(request); result.assertStatusCode(StatusCodes.NOT_FOUND); }
Example #17
Source File: RootRouteTest.java From ditto with Eclipse Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void getThingsUrlWithIds() {
final TestRouteResult result =
Example #18
Source File: WebSocketRoute.java From ditto with Eclipse Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private CompletionStage<HttpResponse> createWebSocket(final UpgradeToWebSocket upgradeToWebSocket,
final JsonSchemaVersion version,
final String requestCorrelationId,
final DittoHeaders dittoHeaders,
final ProtocolAdapter adapter,
final HttpRequest request) {
@Nullable final SignalEnrichmentFacade signalEnrichmentFacade =
signalEnrichmentProvider == null ? null : signalEnrichmentProvider.getFacade(request);
final StreamingSessionIdentifier connectionCorrelationId =
StreamingSessionIdentifier.of(requestCorrelationId, UUID.randomUUID().toString());
final AuthorizationContext authContext = dittoHeaders.getAuthorizationContext();
.info("Creating WebSocket for connection authContext: <{}>", authContext);
return retrieveWebsocketConfig().thenApply(websocketConfig -> {
final Flow<Message, DittoRuntimeException, NotUsed> incoming =
createIncoming(version, connectionCorrelationId, authContext, dittoHeaders, adapter, request,
final Flow<DittoRuntimeException, Message, NotUsed> outgoing =
createOutgoing(version, connectionCorrelationId, dittoHeaders, adapter, request,
websocketConfig, signalEnrichmentFacade);
return upgradeToWebSocket.handleMessagesWith(incoming.via(outgoing));
Example #19
Source File: RootRouteTest.java From ditto with Eclipse Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void getExceptionForDuplicationHeaderAndQueryParameter() { final String headerKey = DittoHeaderDefinition.TIMEOUT.getKey(); HttpRequest httpRequest = HttpRequest.GET(THINGS_1_PATH_WITH_IDS + "&" + headerKey + "=32s"); httpRequest = httpRequest.addHeader(akka.http.javadsl.model.HttpHeader.parse(headerKey, "23s")); final GatewayDuplicateHeaderException expectedException = GatewayDuplicateHeaderException.newBuilder() .message(() -> MessageFormat.format( "<{0}> was provided as header as well as query parameter with divergent values!", headerKey)) .build(); final TestRouteResult result = rootTestRoute.run(withHttps(withPreAuthenticatedAuthentication(httpRequest))); result.assertStatusCode(StatusCodes.BAD_REQUEST); result.assertEntity(expectedException.toJsonString()); }
Example #20
Source File: DirectivesInterceptor.java From pinpoint with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private TraceId populateTraceIdFromRequest(final HttpRequest request) {
final String transactionId = requestAdaptor.getHeader(request, Header.HTTP_TRACE_ID.toString());
if (transactionId != null) {
final long parentSpanID = NumberUtils.parseLong(requestAdaptor.getHeader(request, Header.HTTP_PARENT_SPAN_ID.toString()), SpanId.NULL);
final long spanID = NumberUtils.parseLong(requestAdaptor.getHeader(request, Header.HTTP_SPAN_ID.toString()), SpanId.NULL);
final short flags = NumberUtils.parseShort(requestAdaptor.getHeader(request, Header.HTTP_FLAGS.toString()), (short) 0);
final TraceId id = traceContext.createTraceId(transactionId, parentSpanID, spanID, flags);
if (isDebug) {
logger.debug("TraceID exist. continue trace. {}", id);
return id;
} else {
return null;
Example #21
Source File: RootRoute.java From ditto with Eclipse Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private static String getUserAgentOrNull(final RequestContext requestContext) {
final HttpRequest request = requestContext.getRequest();
for (final HttpHeader header : request.getHeaders()) {
// find user-agent: HTTP header names are case-insensitive
if ("user-agent".equalsIgnoreCase(header.name())) {
return header.value();
return null;
Example #22
Source File: HttpRequestActorTest.java From ditto with Eclipse Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private ActorRef createHttpRequestActor(final HttpRequest request, final CompletableFuture<HttpResponse> response) {
return system.actorOf(HttpRequestActor.props(
Example #23
Source File: FeaturesRouteTest.java From ditto with Eclipse Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void getFeaturesWithFieldSelector() {
final String someField = "featureId";
final TestRouteResult result = underTest.run(HttpRequest.GET(FEATURES_PATH + "?" + ThingsParameter.FIELDS
.toString() + "=" + someField));
Example #24
Source File: ContentTypeValidationDirective.java From ditto with Eclipse Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private static String requestToLogString(final HttpRequest request) {
final String msgPatten = "{0} {1} {2}";
return MessageFormat.format(msgPatten,
Example #25
Source File: ThingsSseRouteBuilderTest.java From ditto with Eclipse Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void executeThingsRouteTest(final HttpRequest httpRequest, final StartStreaming expectedStartStreaming) {
new TestKit(actorSystem) {{
final TestRouteResult routeResult = underTest.run(httpRequest);
final CompletableFuture<Void> routeTestAssertions = CompletableFuture.runAsync(() -> {
final Connect receivedConnect = streamingActor.expectMsgClass(Connect.class);
final ActorRef publisherActor = publisherActorReference.get();
publisherActor.tell(receivedConnect, ActorRef.noSender());
final StartStreaming receivedStartStreaming = streamingActor.expectMsgClass(StartStreaming.class);
// exclude connectionCorrelationId from being equal as the backend adds a random UUID to it:
connectionCorrelationId), ActorRef.noSender());
try {
} catch (final CompletionException e) {
// Ignore as the Future is expected to fail because of exceptionally closing the SSE stream.
Example #26
Source File: HttpRequestActorTest.java From ditto with Eclipse Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void handlesWhoamiCommand() throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException { final DittoHeaders dittoHeaders = createAuthorizedHeaders(); final Whoami whoami = Whoami.of(dittoHeaders); final HttpResponse expectedResponse = createExpectedWhoamiResponse(whoami); final HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.GET("/whoami"); final CompletableFuture<HttpResponse> responseFuture = new CompletableFuture<>(); final ActorRef underTest = createHttpRequestActor(request, responseFuture); underTest.tell(Whoami.of(dittoHeaders), ActorRef.noSender()); assertThat(responseFuture.get()).isEqualTo(expectedResponse); }
Example #27
Source File: ThingsRouteTest.java From ditto with Eclipse Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void getAttributesWithTrailingSlash() { final HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.GET("/things/org.eclipse.ditto%3Adummy/attributes/"); final TestRouteResult result = underTest.run(request); result.assertStatusCode(StatusCodes.OK); final String entityString = result.entityString(); assertThat(entityString).contains(RetrieveAttributes.TYPE); }
Example #28
Source File: FeaturesRouteTest.java From ditto with Eclipse Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void putFeatureEntryPropertiesEntryWithJsonException() {
final String tooLongNumber = "89314404000484999942";
final TestRouteResult result = underTest.run(HttpRequest.PUT(FEATURE_ENTRY_PROPERTIES_ENTRY_PATH).withEntity
(ContentTypes.APPLICATION_JSON ,tooLongNumber));
Example #29
Source File: HttpFlow.java From ts-reaktive with MIT License | 5 votes |
private Flow<ByteString, ByteString, CompletionStage<HttpResponse>> createFlow(HttpMethod method, Uri uri, Option<ContentType> contentType, Predicate<HttpResponse> isSuccess, HttpHeader... headers) { Sink<ByteString, Publisher<ByteString>> in = Sink.asPublisher(AsPublisher.WITH_FANOUT); // akka internally recreates this twice, on some errors... Source<ByteString, Subscriber<ByteString>> out = Source.asSubscriber(); return Flow.fromSinkAndSourceMat(in, out, Keep.both()).mapMaterializedValue(pair -> { RequestEntity entity; if (contentType.isDefined()) { Source<ByteString, NotUsed> inReader = Source.fromPublisher(pair.first()); entity = HttpEntities.createChunked(contentType.get(), inReader); } else { entity = HttpEntities.EMPTY; } HttpRequest rq = HttpRequest.create().withMethod(method).withUri(uri).addHeaders(Arrays.asList(headers)).withEntity(entity); return http.singleRequest(rq).thenApply(resp -> { if (isSuccess.test(resp)) { resp.entity().getDataBytes() .runWith(Sink.fromSubscriber(pair.second()), materializer); } else { log.info("Http responded error: {} for request {}", resp, rq); resp.discardEntityBytes(materializer); pair.second().onError(new IllegalStateException("Unsuccessful HTTP response: " + resp + " for " + rq)); } return resp; }).exceptionally(x -> { Throwable cause = (x instanceof CompletionException) ? x.getCause() : x; if (!(cause instanceof IllegalStateException)) { log.info("Could not make http request " + rq, cause); } pair.second().onError(cause); throw (cause instanceof RuntimeException) ? (RuntimeException) x : new RuntimeException(cause); }); }); }
Example #30
Source File: DevOpsRouteTest.java From ditto with Eclipse Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void testPiggyback() {
final RetrieveThing retrieveThing = RetrieveThing.of("thing:id", DittoHeaders.empty());
final ExecutePiggybackCommand body =
ExecutePiggybackCommand.of("things", "1", retrieveThing.toJson(), DittoHeaders.empty());
final RequestEntity requestEntity = HttpEntities.create(ContentTypes.APPLICATION_JSON, body.toJsonString());
final TestRouteResult result = underTest.run(HttpRequest.POST("/devops/piggyback")