Java Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: From java-n-IDE-for-Android with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public void cleanOldOutput(@Nullable Collection<File> oldOutputs) {
if (oldOutputs != null) {
// the old output collections contains the bc and .java files that could be
// in a folder shared with other output files, so it's useful to delete
// those only.
for (File file : oldOutputs) {
// however .o and .so from support mode are in their own folder so we delete the
// content of those folders directly.
Example #2
Source File: From java-n-IDE-for-Android with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
* Returns the {@link ResourceFile} matching the given name,
* {@link ResourceFolderType} and configuration.
* <p/>
* This only works with files generating one resource named after the file
* (for instance, layouts, bitmap based drawable, xml, anims).
* @param name the resource name or file name
* @param type the folder type search for
* @param config the folder configuration to match for
* @return the matching file or <code>null</code> if no match was found.
public ResourceFile getMatchingFile(
@NonNull String name,
@NonNull ResourceFolderType type,
@NonNull FolderConfiguration config) {
List<ResourceType> types = FolderTypeRelationship.getRelatedResourceTypes(type);
for (ResourceType t : types) {
if (t == ResourceType.ID) {
ResourceFile match = getMatchingFile(name, t, config);
if (match != null) {
return match;
return null;
Example #3
Source File: From java-n-IDE-for-Android with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public JCTree.JCCompilationUnit parse(final String src) {
if (!canParse) return null;
long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
SimpleJavaFileObject source = new SimpleJavaFileObject(URI.create("source"), JavaFileObject.Kind.SOURCE) {
public CharSequence getCharContent(boolean ignoreEncodingErrors) throws IOException {
return src;
Parser parser = parserFactory.newParser(src,
/*keepDocComments=*/ true,
/*keepEndPos=*/ true,
/*keepLineMap=*/ true);
JCTree.JCCompilationUnit unit;
unit = parser.parseCompilationUnit();
unit.sourcefile = source;
android.util.Log.d(TAG, "parse: time " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time) + " ms");
return unit;
Example #4
Source File: From java-n-IDE-for-Android with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public int compareTo(int apiLevel, @Nullable String codename) {
if (mCodename == null) {
if (codename == null) {
return mApiLevel - apiLevel;
} else {
if (mApiLevel == apiLevel) {
return -1; // same api level but argument is a preview for next version
return mApiLevel - apiLevel;
} else {
// 'this' is a preview
if (mApiLevel == apiLevel) {
if (codename == null) {
return +1;
} else {
return mCodename.compareTo(codename); // strange case where the 2 previews
// have different codename?
} else {
return mApiLevel - apiLevel;
Example #5
Source File: From java-n-IDE-for-Android with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
* Checks whether the build-tool is valid by verifying that the expected binaries
* are actually present. This checks that all known paths point to a valid file
* or directory.
* @param log An optional logger. If non-null, errors will be printed there.
* @return True if the build-tool folder contains all the expected tools.
public boolean isValid(@Nullable ILogger log) {
for (Map.Entry<PathId, String> entry : mPaths.entrySet()) {
File f = new File(entry.getValue());
// check if file is missing. It's only ok if the revision of the build-tools
// is lower than the min rev of the element.
if (!f.exists() && entry.getKey().isPresentIn(mRevision)) {
if (log != null) {
log.warning("Build-tool %1$s is missing %2$s at %3$s", //$NON-NLS-1$
entry.getKey(), f.getAbsolutePath());
return false;
return true;
Example #6
Source File: From java-n-IDE-for-Android with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Extracts the origin {@link File} that {@link #parseDocument(File, IMergerLog, * ManifestMerger)} added to the XML document or the string added by * * @param xmlNode Any node from a document returned by {@link #parseDocument(File, IMergerLog, * ManifestMerger)}. * @return The {@link File} object used to create the document or null. */ @Nullable static String extractXmlFilename(@Nullable Node xmlNode) { if (xmlNode != null && xmlNode.getNodeType() != Node.DOCUMENT_NODE) { xmlNode = xmlNode.getOwnerDocument(); } if (xmlNode != null) { Object data = xmlNode.getUserData(DATA_ORIGIN_FILE); if (data instanceof File) { return ((File) data).getPath(); } data = xmlNode.getUserData(DATA_FILE_NAME); if (data instanceof String) { return (String) data; } } return null; }
Example #7
Source File: From java-n-IDE-for-Android with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Utility method to parse the {@link PkgProps#PKG_REVISION} property as a full * revision (major.minor.micro.preview). * * @param props The properties to parse. * @return A {@link FullRevision} or null if there is no such property or it couldn't be parsed. * @param propKey The name of the property. Must not be null. */ @Nullable public static FullRevision getPropertyFull( @Nullable Properties props, @NonNull String propKey) { String revStr = getProperty(props, propKey, null); FullRevision rev = null; if (revStr != null) { try { rev = FullRevision.parseRevision(revStr); } catch (NumberFormatException ignore) {} } return rev; }
Example #8
Source File: From java-n-IDE-for-Android with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public Package getPackage() {
Package pkg = super.getPackage();
if (pkg == null) {
try {
pkg = PlatformToolPackage.create(
null, //source
getSourceProperties(), //properties
0, //revision
null, //license
"Platform Tools", //description
null, //descUrl
getLocalDir().getPath() //archiveOsPath
} catch (Exception e) {
appendLoadError("Failed to parse package: %1$s", e.toString());
return pkg;
Example #9
Source File: From java-n-IDE-for-Android with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
* Retrieves information on a package identified by an {@link AndroidVersion}.
* Note: don't use this for {@link PkgType#PKG_SYS_IMAGE} since there can be more than
* one ABI and this method only returns a single package per filter type.
* @param filter {@link PkgType#PKG_PLATFORM}, {@link PkgType#PKG_SAMPLE}
* or {@link PkgType#PKG_SOURCE}.
* @param version The {@link AndroidVersion} specific for this package type.
* @return An existing package information or null if not found.
public LocalPkgInfo getPkgInfo(@NonNull PkgType filter, @NonNull AndroidVersion version) {
assert filter == PkgType.PKG_PLATFORM ||
filter == PkgType.PKG_SAMPLE ||
filter == PkgType.PKG_SOURCE;
for (LocalPkgInfo pkg : getPkgsInfos(filter)) {
IPkgDesc d = pkg.getDesc();
if (d.hasAndroidVersion() && d.getAndroidVersion().equals(version)) {
return pkg;
return null;
Example #10
Source File: From java-n-IDE-for-Android with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void runCmdLine(
@NonNull String[] command,
@Nullable Map<String, String> envVariableMap)
throws IOException, InterruptedException, LoggedErrorException {
// create a default CommandLineOutput
OutputGrabber grabber = new OutputGrabber();
runCmdLine(command, grabber, envVariableMap);
Example #11
Source File: From java-n-IDE-for-Android with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private Record(@NonNull ActionType actionType,
@NonNull ActionLocation actionLocation,
@NonNull XmlNode.NodeKey targetId,
@Nullable String reason) {
mActionType = Preconditions.checkNotNull(actionType);
mActionLocation = Preconditions.checkNotNull(actionLocation);
mTargetId = Preconditions.checkNotNull(targetId);
mReason = reason;
Example #12
Source File: From java-n-IDE-for-Android with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Static helper method that returns the canonical path for a system-image that uses * the {@link ISystemImage.LocationType#IN_SYSTEM_IMAGE} location type. * <p/> * Such an image is located in {@code SDK/system-images/android-N/tag/abiType}. * For this reason this method requires the root SDK as well as the platform, tag abd ABI type. * * @param sdkOsPath The OS path to the SDK. * @param platformVersion The platform version. * @param tagId An optional tag. If null, not tag folder is used. * For legacy, use {@code SystemImage.DEFAULT_TAG.getId()}. * @param addonVendorId An optional vendor-id for an add-on. If null, it's a platform sys-img. * @param abiType An optional ABI type. If null, the parent directory is returned. * @return A file that represents the location of the canonical system-image folder * for this configuration. */ @NonNull private static File getCanonicalFolder( @NonNull String sdkOsPath, @NonNull AndroidVersion platformVersion, @Nullable String tagId, @Nullable String addonVendorId, @Nullable String abiType) { File root; if (addonVendorId == null) { root = FileOp.append( sdkOsPath, SdkConstants.FD_SYSTEM_IMAGES, AndroidTargetHash.getPlatformHashString(platformVersion)); if (tagId != null) { root = FileOp.append(root, tagId); } } else { root = FileOp.append( sdkOsPath, SdkConstants.FD_SYSTEM_IMAGES, AndroidTargetHash.getAddonHashString(addonVendorId, tagId, platformVersion)); } if (abiType == null) { return root; } else { return FileOp.append(root, abiType); } }
Example #13
Source File: From java-n-IDE-for-Android with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public ResourceItemResolver(
@NonNull FolderConfiguration configuration,
@NonNull ResourceRepository frameworkResources,
@NonNull AbstractResourceRepository appResources,
@Nullable LayoutLog logger) {
mConfiguration = configuration;
mResourceProvider = null;
mLogger = logger;
mFrameworkResources = frameworkResources;
myAppResources = appResources;
Example #14
Source File: From java-n-IDE-for-Android with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
* Returns the highest build-tool revision known, or null if there are are no build-tools.
* <p/>
* If no specific build-tool package is installed but the platform-tools is lower than 17,
* then this creates and returns a "legacy" built-tool package using platform-tools.
* (We only split build-tools out of platform-tools starting with revision 17,
* before they were both the same thing.)
* @return The highest build-tool revision known, or null.
public BuildToolInfo getLatestBuildTool() {
if (mLegacyBuildTools != null) {
return mLegacyBuildTools;
LocalPkgInfo[] pkgs = getPkgsInfos(PkgType.PKG_BUILD_TOOLS);
if (pkgs.length == 0) {
LocalPkgInfo ptPkg = getPkgInfo(PkgType.PKG_PLATFORM_TOOLS);
if (ptPkg instanceof LocalPlatformToolPkgInfo &&
ptPkg.getDesc().getFullRevision().compareTo(new FullRevision(17)) < 0) {
// older SDK, create a compatible build-tools
mLegacyBuildTools = createLegacyBuildTools((LocalPlatformToolPkgInfo) ptPkg);
return mLegacyBuildTools;
return null;
assert pkgs.length > 0;
// Note: the pkgs come from a TreeMultimap so they should already be sorted.
// Just in case, sort them again.
// LocalBuildToolPkgInfo's comparator sorts on its FullRevision so we just
// need to take the latest element.
LocalPkgInfo pkg = pkgs[pkgs.length - 1];
if (pkg instanceof LocalBuildToolPkgInfo) {
return ((LocalBuildToolPkgInfo) pkg).getBuildToolInfo();
return null;
Example #15
Source File: From java-n-IDE-for-Android with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public LocalBuildToolPkgInfo(@NonNull LocalSdk localSdk,
@NonNull File localDir,
@NonNull Properties sourceProps,
@NonNull FullRevision revision,
@Nullable BuildToolInfo btInfo) {
super(localSdk, localDir, sourceProps);
mDesc = PkgDesc.Builder.newBuildTool(revision).create();
mBuildToolInfo = btInfo;
Example #16
Source File: From java-n-IDE-for-Android with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void removeItem(@NonNull AssetItem removedItem, @Nullable AssetItem replacedBy)
throws ConsumerException {
if (replacedBy == null) {
File removedFile = new File(getRootFolder(), removedItem.getName());
Example #17
Source File: From java-n-IDE-for-Android with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
* Retrieves information on a package identified by its {@link FullRevision}.
* <p/>
* Note that {@link PkgType#PKG_TOOLS} and {@link PkgType#PKG_PLATFORM_TOOLS}
* are unique in a local SDK so you'll want to use {@link #getPkgInfo(PkgType)}
* to retrieve them instead.
* @param filter {@link PkgType#PKG_BUILD_TOOLS}.
* @param revision The {@link FullRevision} uniquely identifying this package.
* @return An existing package information or null if not found.
public LocalPkgInfo getPkgInfo(@NonNull PkgType filter, @NonNull FullRevision revision) {
assert filter == PkgType.PKG_BUILD_TOOLS;
for (LocalPkgInfo pkg : getPkgsInfos(filter)) {
IPkgDesc d = pkg.getDesc();
if (d.hasFullRevision() && d.getFullRevision().equals(revision)) {
return pkg;
return null;
Example #18
Source File: From java-n-IDE-for-Android with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
* Returns the first invalid qualifier, or <code>null<code> if they are all valid (or if none
* exists).
public ResourceQualifier getInvalidQualifier() {
for (int i = 0 ; i < INDEX_COUNT ; i++) {
if (mQualifiers[i] != null && !mQualifiers[i].isValid()) {
return mQualifiers[i];
// all allocated qualifiers are valid, we return null.
return null;
Example #19
Source File: From java-n-IDE-for-Android with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
* Records an attribute action taken by the merging tool
* @param attribute the attribute in question.
* @param actionType the action's type
* @param attributeOperationType the original tool annotation leading to the merging tool
* decision.
synchronized void recordAttributeAction(
@NonNull XmlAttribute attribute,
@NonNull Actions.ActionType actionType,
@Nullable AttributeOperationType attributeOperationType) {
attribute, attribute.getPosition(), actionType, attributeOperationType);
Example #20
Source File: From java-n-IDE-for-Android with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
* Creates an AddonPackage wrapping the IAndroidTarget if defined.
* Invoked by {@link #getPackage()}.
* @return A Package or null if target isn't available.
protected Package createPackage() {
IAndroidTarget target = getAndroidTarget();
if (target != null) {
return AddonPackage.create(target, getSourceProperties());
return null;
Example #21
Source File: From java-n-IDE-for-Android with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public Package getPackage() {
Package pkg = super.getPackage();
if (pkg == null) {
try {
pkg = SourcePackage.create(getLocalDir(), getSourceProperties());
} catch (Exception e) {
appendLoadError("Failed to parse package: %1$s", e.toString());
return pkg;
Example #22
Source File: From java-n-IDE-for-Android with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
protected PkgDesc(@NonNull PkgType type, @Nullable License license, @Nullable String listDisplay, @Nullable String descriptionShort, @Nullable String descriptionUrl, boolean isObsolete, @Nullable FullRevision fullRevision, @Nullable MajorRevision majorRevision, @Nullable AndroidVersion androidVersion, @Nullable String path, @Nullable IdDisplay tag, @Nullable IdDisplay vendor, @Nullable FullRevision minToolsRev, @Nullable FullRevision minPlatformToolsRev, @Nullable IIsUpdateFor customIsUpdateFor, @Nullable IGetPath customPath) { mType = type; mIsObsolete = isObsolete; mLicense = license; mListDisplay = listDisplay; mDescriptionShort = descriptionShort; mDescriptionUrl = descriptionUrl; mFullRevision = fullRevision; mMajorRevision = majorRevision; mAndroidVersion = androidVersion; mPath = path; mTag = tag; mVendor = vendor; mMinToolsRev = minToolsRev; mMinPlatformToolsRev = minPlatformToolsRev; mCustomIsUpdateFor = customIsUpdateFor; mCustomPath = customPath; }
Example #23
Source File: From java-n-IDE-for-Android with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private static AttributeRecord findAttributeRecord(
DecisionTreeRecord decisionTreeRecord,
XmlAttribute xmlAttribute) {
for (AttributeRecord attributeRecord : decisionTreeRecord
.getAttributeRecords(xmlAttribute.getName())) {
if (attributeRecord.getActionType() == ActionType.ADDED) {
return attributeRecord;
return null;
Example #24
Source File: From java-n-IDE-for-Android with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
* Returns the record for an attribute creation event. The attribute is "created" when it is
* added for the first time into the resulting merged xml document.
synchronized Actions.AttributeRecord getAttributeCreationRecord(XmlAttribute attribute) {
for (Actions.AttributeRecord attributeRecord : getAttributeRecords(attribute)) {
if (attributeRecord.getActionType() == Actions.ActionType.ADDED) {
return attributeRecord;
return null;
Example #25
Source File: From java-n-IDE-for-Android with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
* Parses the given XML string as a DOM document, using the JDK parser. The parser does not
* validate, and is optionally namespace aware. Any parsing errors are silently ignored.
* @param xml the XML content to be parsed (must be well formed)
* @param namespaceAware whether the parser is namespace aware
* @return the DOM document, or null
public static Document parseDocumentSilently(@NonNull String xml, boolean namespaceAware) {
try {
return parseDocument(xml, namespaceAware);
} catch (Exception e) {
// pass
// This method is deliberately silent; will return null
return null;
Example #26
Source File: From java-n-IDE-for-Android with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
* Creates a {@link FolderConfiguration} matching the folder segments.
* @param folderSegments The segments of the folder name. The first segments should contain
* the name of the folder
* @return a FolderConfiguration object, or null if the folder name isn't valid..
public static FolderConfiguration getConfig(@NonNull String[] folderSegments) {
Iterator<String> iterator = Iterators.forArray(folderSegments);
if (iterator.hasNext()) {
// Skip the first segment: it should be just the base folder, such as "values" or
// "layout";
return getConfigFromQualifiers(iterator);
Example #27
Source File: From java-n-IDE-for-Android with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public String getSourcePath() {
File file = mSourceFilePositions.get(0).getFile().getSourceFile();
if (file == null) {
return null;
return file.getAbsolutePath();
Example #28
Source File: From java-n-IDE-for-Android with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private ResourceItem getMergedItem(@NonNull String qualifiers, @NonNull String name) {
Map<String, ResourceItem> map = mMergedItems.get(qualifiers);
if (map != null) {
return map.get(name);
return null;
Example #29
Source File: From javafxmobile-plugin with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
private void cacheMissAction( @Nullable FileCache cache, @Nullable FileCache.Inputs inputs, @NonNull Path input, @NonNull Path output) throws IOException, ProcessException { // add it to the list of cache misses, that will be processed cacheMisses.add(new InputEntry(cache, inputs, input, output)); }
Example #30
Source File: From java-n-IDE-for-Android with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
AttributeModel getAttributeModel(XmlNode.NodeName attributeName) {
// mAttributeModels could be replaced with a Map if the number of models grows.
for (AttributeModel attributeModel : mAttributeModels) {
if (attributeModel.getName().equals(attributeName)) {
return attributeModel;
return null;