Java Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: From j2cl with Apache License 2.0 | 7 votes |
private Block convertLambdaBody(JCTree lambdaBody, TypeDescriptor returnTypeDescriptor) { Block body; if (lambdaBody.getKind() == Kind.BLOCK) { body = convertBlock((JCBlock) lambdaBody); } else { checkArgument(lambdaBody instanceof JCExpression); Expression lambdaMethodBody = convertExpression((JCExpression) lambdaBody); Statement statement = AstUtils.createReturnOrExpressionStatement( getSourcePosition(lambdaBody), lambdaMethodBody, returnTypeDescriptor); body = Block.newBuilder() .setSourcePosition(getSourcePosition(lambdaBody)) .setStatements(statement) .build(); } return body; }
Example #2
Source File: From EasyMPermission with MIT License | 6 votes |
public JCStatement buildTryCatchBlock(JavacNode node, List<JCStatement> contents, String exception, JCTree source) { JavacTreeMaker maker = node.getTreeMaker(); Context context = node.getContext(); JCBlock tryBlock = setGeneratedBy(maker.Block(0, contents), source, context); JCExpression varType = chainDots(node, exception.split("\\.")); JCVariableDecl catchParam = maker.VarDef(maker.Modifiers(Flags.FINAL | Flags.PARAMETER), node.toName("$ex"), varType, null); JCExpression lombokLombokSneakyThrowNameRef = chainDots(node, "lombok", "Lombok", "sneakyThrow"); JCBlock catchBody = maker.Block(0, List.<JCStatement>of(maker.Throw(maker.Apply( List.<JCExpression>nil(), lombokLombokSneakyThrowNameRef, List.<JCExpression>of(maker.Ident(node.toName("$ex"))))))); JCTry tryStatement = maker.Try(tryBlock, List.of(recursiveSetGeneratedBy(maker.Catch(catchParam, catchBody), source, context)), null); if (JavacHandlerUtil.inNetbeansEditor(node)) { //set span (start and end position) of the try statement and the main block //this allows NetBeans to dive into the statement correctly: JCCompilationUnit top = (JCCompilationUnit); int startPos = contents.head.pos; int endPos = Javac.getEndPosition(contents.last().pos(), top); tryBlock.pos = startPos; tryStatement.pos = startPos; Javac.storeEnd(tryBlock, endPos, top); Javac.storeEnd(tryStatement, endPos, top); } return setGeneratedBy(tryStatement, source, context); }
Example #3
Source File: From openjdk-jdk9 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
private JCBlock resolutionExceptionBlock() {
if (resolutionExceptionBlock == null) {
JCExpression expClass = null;
// Split the exception class name at dots
for (String id : SPIResolutionException.class.getName().split("\\.")) {
Name nm = names.fromString(id);
if (expClass == null) {
expClass = make.Ident(nm);
} else {
expClass = make.Select(expClass, nm);
JCNewClass exp = make.NewClass(null,
null, expClass, List.of(make.Literal(keyIndex)), null);
resolutionExceptionBlock = make.Block(0L, List.of(make.Throw(exp)));
return resolutionExceptionBlock;
Example #4
Source File: From javaide with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
* Resolve an identifier.
* @param name The identifier to resolve
public Symbol resolveIdent(String name) {
if (name.equals(""))
return syms.errSymbol;
JavaFileObject prev = log.useSource(null);
try {
JCExpression tree = null;
for (String s : name.split("\\.", -1)) {
if (!SourceVersion.isIdentifier(s)) // TODO: check for keywords
return syms.errSymbol;
tree = (tree == null) ? make.Ident(names.fromString(s))
: make.Select(tree, names.fromString(s));
JCCompilationUnit toplevel =
make.TopLevel(List.<JCAnnotation>nil(), null, List.<JCTree>nil());
toplevel.packge = syms.unnamedPackage;
return attr.attribIdent(tree, toplevel);
} finally {
Example #5
Source File: From EasyMPermission with MIT License | 6 votes |
public void visitReference0(JCTree tree) {
try {
printExpr(readTree(tree, "expr"));
List<JCExpression> typeArgs = readExpressionList(tree, "typeargs");
if (typeArgs != null) {
print(readObject(tree, "mode").toString().equals("INVOKE") ? readObject(tree, "name") : "new");
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
Example #6
Source File: From manifold with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override protected Node<JCExpression, Tag> makeBinaryExpression( Node<JCExpression, Tag> left, Node<JCExpression, Tag> right, Symbol.MethodSymbol binderMethod ) { JCBinary binary = _make.Binary( right._operatorLeft == null ? Tag.MUL : right._operatorLeft, left._expr, right._expr ); binary.pos = left._expr.pos; boolean rightToLeft = binderMethod instanceof OverloadOperatorSymbol && ((OverloadOperatorSymbol)binderMethod).isSwapped() || "postfixBind" ); IDynamicJdk.instance().setOperator( binary, new OverloadOperatorSymbol( binderMethod, rightToLeft ) ); binary.type = rightToLeft ? memberType( right._expr.type, left._expr.type, binderMethod ) : memberType( left._expr.type, right._expr.type, binderMethod ); return new Node<>( binary, left._operatorLeft ); }
Example #7
Source File: From manifold with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private JCTree[] tempify( JCTree.JCBinary tree, TreeMaker make, JCExpression expr, Context ctx, Symbol owner, String varName ) { switch( expr.getTag() ) { case LITERAL: case IDENT: return null; default: JCTree.JCVariableDecl tempVar = make.VarDef( make.Modifiers( FINAL | SYNTHETIC ), Names.instance( ctx ).fromString( varName + tempVarIndex ), make.Type( expr.type ), expr ); tempVar.sym = new Symbol.VarSymbol( FINAL | SYNTHETIC,, expr.type, owner ); tempVar.type = tempVar.sym.type; tempVar.pos = tree.pos; JCExpression ident = make.Ident( tempVar ); ident.type = expr.type; ident.pos = tree.pos; return new JCTree[] {tempVar, ident}; } }
Example #8
Source File: From lua-for-android with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
/** Unbox an object to a primitive value. */ JCExpression unbox(JCExpression tree, Type primitive) { Type unboxedType = types.unboxedType(tree.type); if (unboxedType.hasTag(NONE)) { unboxedType = primitive; if (!unboxedType.isPrimitive()) throw new AssertionError(unboxedType); make_at(tree.pos()); tree = make.TypeCast(types.boxedClass(unboxedType).type, tree); } else { // There must be a conversion from unboxedType to primitive. if (!types.isSubtype(unboxedType, primitive)) throw new AssertionError(tree); } make_at(tree.pos()); Symbol valueSym = lookupMethod(tree.pos(),, // x.intValue() tree.type, List.nil()); return make.App(make.Select(tree, valueSym)); }
Example #9
Source File: From lua-for-android with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
/** * determine the receiver of the method call - the receiver can * be a type qualifier, the synthetic receiver parameter or 'super'. */ private JCExpression expressionInvoke(VarSymbol rcvr) { JCExpression qualifier = (rcvr != null) ? makeReceiver(rcvr) : tree.getQualifierExpression(); //create the qualifier expression JCFieldAccess select = make.Select(qualifier,; select.sym = tree.sym; select.type = tree.sym.erasure(types); //create the method call expression JCExpression apply = make.Apply(List.nil(), select, convertArgs(tree.sym, args.toList(), tree.varargsElement)). setType(tree.sym.erasure(types).getReturnType()); apply = transTypes.coerce(attrEnv, apply, types.erasure(localContext.tree.referentType.getReturnType())); setVarargsIfNeeded(apply, tree.varargsElement); return apply; }
Example #10
Source File: From manifold with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public static boolean isJailbreakReceiver( JCTree.JCFieldAccess fieldAccess )
Symbol sym = null;
JCExpression selected = fieldAccess.selected;
if( selected instanceof JCTree.JCIdent )
sym = ((JCTree.JCIdent)selected).sym;
else if( selected instanceof JCTree.JCMethodInvocation )
if( ((JCTree.JCMethodInvocation)selected).meth instanceof JCTree.JCFieldAccess )
sym = ((JCTree.JCFieldAccess)((JCTree.JCMethodInvocation)selected).meth).sym;
else if( ((JCTree.JCMethodInvocation)selected).meth instanceof JCTree.JCIdent )
sym = ((JCTree.JCIdent)((JCTree.JCMethodInvocation)selected).meth).sym;
return isJailbreakSymbol( sym );
Example #11
Source File: From EasyMPermission with MIT License | 6 votes |
public JCExpression createTypeReference(JavacNode type) { java.util.List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); list.add(type.getName()); JavacNode tNode = type.up(); while (tNode != null && tNode.getKind() == Kind.TYPE) { list.add(tNode.getName()); tNode = tNode.up(); } Collections.reverse(list); JavacTreeMaker maker = type.getTreeMaker(); JCExpression chain = maker.Ident(type.toName(list.get(0))); for (int i = 1; i < list.size(); i++) { chain = maker.Select(chain, type.toName(list.get(i))); } return chain; }
Example #12
Source File: From Refaster with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public JCExpression inline(Inliner inliner) throws CouldNotResolveImportException { JCExpression expression = getExpression().inline(inliner); if (expression.toString().equals(CONVERT_TO_IDENT)) { return inliner.maker().Ident(inliner.asName(identifier())); } return inliner.maker().Select(getExpression().inline(inliner), inliner.asName(identifier())); }
Example #13
Source File: From lua-for-android with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
public void visitTypeApply(JCTypeApply tree) {
if (tree.type.hasTag(CLASS)) {
List<JCExpression> args = tree.arguments;
List<Type> forms = tree.type.tsym.type.getTypeArguments();
Type incompatibleArg = firstIncompatibleTypeArg(tree.type);
if (incompatibleArg != null) {
for (JCTree arg : tree.arguments) {
if (arg.type == incompatibleArg) {
log.error(arg, Errors.NotWithinBounds(incompatibleArg, forms.head));
forms = forms.tail;
forms = tree.type.tsym.type.getTypeArguments();
boolean is_java_lang_Class = tree.type.tsym.flatName() == names.java_lang_Class;
// For matching pairs of actual argument types `a' and
// formal type parameters with declared bound `b' ...
while (args.nonEmpty() && forms.nonEmpty()) {
!(isOuter && is_java_lang_Class),
args = args.tail;
forms = forms.tail;
// Check that this type is either fully parameterized, or
// not parameterized at all.
if (tree.type.getEnclosingType().isRaw())
log.error(tree.pos(), Errors.ImproperlyFormedTypeInnerRawParam);
if (tree.clazz.hasTag(SELECT))
Example #14
Source File: From netbeans with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private static JCExpression parseExpression(Context context, CharSequence expr, boolean onlyFullInput, SourcePositions[] pos, final List<Diagnostic<? extends JavaFileObject>> errors) { if (expr == null || (pos != null && pos.length != 1)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); JavaCompiler compiler = JavaCompiler.instance(context); JavaFileObject prev = compiler.log.useSource(new DummyJFO()); Log.DiagnosticHandler discardHandler = new Log.DiscardDiagnosticHandler(compiler.log) { @Override public void report(JCDiagnostic diag) { errors.add(diag); } }; try { CharBuffer buf = CharBuffer.wrap((expr+"\u0000").toCharArray(), 0, expr.length()); ParserFactory factory = ParserFactory.instance(context); ScannerFactory scannerFactory = ScannerFactory.instance(context); Names names = Names.instance(context); Scanner scanner = scannerFactory.newScanner(buf, false); Parser parser = newParser(context, (NBParserFactory) factory, scanner, false, false, CancelService.instance(context), names); if (parser instanceof JavacParser) { if (pos != null) pos[0] = new ParserSourcePositions((JavacParser)parser); JCExpression result = parser.parseExpression(); if (!onlyFullInput || scanner.token().kind == TokenKind.EOF) { return result; } } return null; } finally { compiler.log.useSource(prev); compiler.log.popDiagnosticHandler(discardHandler); } }
Example #15
Source File: From lua-for-android with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
/** Construct an expression using the builder, with the given rval * expression as an argument to the builder. However, the rval * expression must be computed only once, even if used multiple * times in the result of the builder. We do that by * constructing a "let" expression that saves the rvalue into a * temporary variable and then uses the temporary variable in * place of the expression built by the builder. The complete * resulting expression is of the form * <pre> * (let <b>TYPE</b> <b>TEMP</b> = <b>RVAL</b>; * in (<b>BUILDER</b>(<b>TEMP</b>))) * </pre> * where <code><b>TEMP</b></code> is a newly declared variable * in the let expression. */ JCExpression abstractRval(JCExpression rval, Type type, TreeBuilder builder) { rval = TreeInfo.skipParens(rval); switch (rval.getTag()) { case LITERAL: return; case IDENT: JCIdent id = (JCIdent) rval; if ((id.sym.flags() & FINAL) != 0 && id.sym.owner.kind == MTH) return; } Name name =; if (name == names._super || name == names._this) return; VarSymbol var = new VarSymbol(FINAL|SYNTHETIC, names.fromString( target.syntheticNameChar() + "" + rval.hashCode()), type, currentMethodSym); rval = convert(rval,type); JCVariableDecl def = make.VarDef(var, rval); // XXX cast JCExpression built =; JCExpression res = make.LetExpr(def, built); res.type = built.type; return res; }
Example #16
Source File: From openjdk-jdk9 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
* Set the results of method attribution.
void setResult(JCExpression tree, Type type) {
result = type;
if ( {
//if we are in a speculative branch we can save the type in the tree itself
//as there's no risk of polluting the original tree.
tree.type = result;
Example #17
Source File: From lua-for-android with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
/** Make an attributed class instance creation expression.
* @param ctype The class type.
* @param args The constructor arguments.
* @param cons The constructor symbol
JCNewClass makeNewClass(Type ctype, List<JCExpression> args, Symbol cons) {
JCNewClass tree = make.NewClass(null,
null, make.QualIdent(ctype.tsym), args, null);
tree.constructor = cons;
tree.type = ctype;
return tree;
Example #18
Source File: From EasyMPermission with MIT License | 5 votes |
public JCMethodDecl generateBuilderMethod(String builderMethodName, String builderClassName, JavacNode type, List<JCTypeParameter> typeParams) { JavacTreeMaker maker = type.getTreeMaker(); ListBuffer<JCExpression> typeArgs = new ListBuffer<JCExpression>(); for (JCTypeParameter typeParam : typeParams) { typeArgs.append(maker.Ident(; } JCExpression call = maker.NewClass(null, List.<JCExpression>nil(), namePlusTypeParamsToTypeReference(maker, type.toName(builderClassName), typeParams), List.<JCExpression>nil(), null); JCStatement statement = maker.Return(call); JCBlock body = maker.Block(0, List.<JCStatement>of(statement)); return maker.MethodDef(maker.Modifiers(Flags.STATIC | Flags.PUBLIC), type.toName(builderMethodName), namePlusTypeParamsToTypeReference(maker, type.toName(builderClassName), typeParams), copyTypeParams(maker, typeParams), List.<JCVariableDecl>nil(), List.<JCExpression>nil(), body, null); }
Example #19
Source File: From lua-for-android with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
/** Check that each type is a reference type, i.e. a class, interface or array type * or a type variable. * @param trees Original trees, used for error reporting. * @param types The types to be checked. */ List<Type> checkRefTypes(List<JCExpression> trees, List<Type> types) { List<JCExpression> tl = trees; for (List<Type> l = types; l.nonEmpty(); l = l.tail) { l.head = checkRefType(tl.head.pos(), l.head); tl = tl.tail; } return types; }
Example #20
Source File: From lua-for-android with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
/** * Convert method/constructor arguments by inserting appropriate cast * as required by type-erasure - this is needed when bridging a lambda/method * reference, as the bridged signature might require downcast to be compatible * with the generated signature. */ private List<JCExpression> convertArgs(Symbol meth, List<JCExpression> args, Type varargsElement) { Assert.check(meth.kind == MTH); List<Type> formals = types.erasure(meth.type).getParameterTypes(); if (varargsElement != null) { Assert.check((meth.flags() & VARARGS) != 0); } return transTypes.translateArgs(args, formals, varargsElement, attrEnv); }
Example #21
Source File: From lua-for-android with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
public void checkModuleName (JCModuleDecl tree) {
Name moduleName =;
if (lint.isEnabled(LintCategory.MODULE)) {
JCExpression qualId = tree.qualId;
while (qualId != null) {
Name componentName;
DiagnosticPosition pos;
switch (qualId.getTag()) {
case SELECT:
JCFieldAccess selectNode = ((JCFieldAccess) qualId);
componentName =;
pos = selectNode.pos();
qualId = selectNode.selected;
case IDENT:
componentName = ((JCIdent) qualId).name;
pos = qualId.pos();
qualId = null;
throw new AssertionError("Unexpected qualified identifier: " + qualId.toString());
if (componentName != null) {
String moduleNameComponentString = componentName.toString();
int nameLength = moduleNameComponentString.length();
if (nameLength > 0 && Character.isDigit(moduleNameComponentString.charAt(nameLength - 1))) {
log.warning(Lint.LintCategory.MODULE, pos, Warnings.PoorChoiceForModuleName(componentName));
Example #22
Source File: From lua-for-android with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
/** Create an attributed tree of the form */ private JCMethodInvocation makeCall(JCExpression left, Name name, List<JCExpression> args) { Assert.checkNonNull(left.type); Symbol funcsym = lookupMethod(make_pos, name, left.type, TreeInfo.types(args)); return make.App(make.Select(left, funcsym), args); }
Example #23
Source File: From annotation-tools with MIT License | 5 votes |
static TypeTree fromJCTree(JCTree jt) { if (jt != null) { Kind kind = jt.getKind(); switch (kind) { case ANNOTATED_TYPE: return fromJCTree( ((JCTree.JCAnnotatedType) jt).getUnderlyingType()); case IDENTIFIER: return new IdentifierTT( ((JCTree.JCIdent) jt).sym.getSimpleName().toString()); case ARRAY_TYPE: return new ArrayTT( fromJCTree(((JCTree.JCArrayTypeTree) jt).getType())); case MEMBER_SELECT: return new MemberSelectTT( fromJCTree(((JCTree.JCFieldAccess) jt).getExpression()), ((JCTree.JCFieldAccess) jt).getIdentifier()); case EXTENDS_WILDCARD: case SUPER_WILDCARD: return new WildcardTT(kind, fromJCTree(((JCTree.JCWildcard) jt).getBound())); case UNBOUNDED_WILDCARD: return new WildcardTT(); case PARAMETERIZED_TYPE:<JCExpression> typeArgs = ((JCTree.JCTypeApply) jt).getTypeArguments(); List<Tree> args = new ArrayList<>(typeArgs.size()); for (JCTree.JCExpression typeArg : typeArgs) { args.add(fromJCTree(typeArg)); } return new ParameterizedTypeTT( fromJCTree(((JCTree.JCTypeApply) jt).getType()), args); default: break; } } return null; }
Example #24
Source File: From EasyMPermission with MIT License | 5 votes |
private void generatePluralMethod(JavacTreeMaker maker, JCExpression returnType, JCStatement returnStatement, SingularData data, JavacNode builderType, JCTree source, boolean fluent) { List<JCTypeParameter> typeParams = List.nil(); List<JCExpression> jceBlank = List.nil(); JCModifiers mods = maker.Modifiers(Flags.PUBLIC); ListBuffer<JCStatement> statements = new ListBuffer<JCStatement>(); statements.append(createConstructBuilderVarIfNeeded(maker, data, builderType, true, source)); long paramFlags = JavacHandlerUtil.addFinalIfNeeded(Flags.PARAMETER, builderType.getContext()); long baseFlags = JavacHandlerUtil.addFinalIfNeeded(0, builderType.getContext()); Name entryName = builderType.toName("$lombokEntry"); JCExpression forEachType = chainDots(builderType, "java", "util", "Map", "Entry"); forEachType = addTypeArgs(2, true, builderType, forEachType, data.getTypeArgs(), source); JCExpression keyArg = maker.Apply(List.<JCExpression>nil(), maker.Select(maker.Ident(entryName), builderType.toName("getKey")), List.<JCExpression>nil()); JCExpression valueArg = maker.Apply(List.<JCExpression>nil(), maker.Select(maker.Ident(entryName), builderType.toName("getValue")), List.<JCExpression>nil()); JCExpression addKey = maker.Apply(List.<JCExpression>nil(), chainDots(builderType, "this", data.getPluralName() + "$key", "add"), List.of(keyArg)); JCExpression addValue = maker.Apply(List.<JCExpression>nil(), chainDots(builderType, "this", data.getPluralName() + "$value", "add"), List.of(valueArg)); JCBlock forEachBody = maker.Block(0, List.<JCStatement>of(maker.Exec(addKey), maker.Exec(addValue))); JCExpression entrySetInvocation = maker.Apply(jceBlank, maker.Select(maker.Ident(data.getPluralName()), builderType.toName("entrySet")), jceBlank); JCStatement forEach = maker.ForeachLoop(maker.VarDef(maker.Modifiers(baseFlags), entryName, forEachType, null), entrySetInvocation, forEachBody); statements.append(forEach); if (returnStatement != null) statements.append(returnStatement); JCBlock body = maker.Block(0, statements.toList()); Name name = data.getPluralName(); if (!fluent) name = builderType.toName(HandlerUtil.buildAccessorName("putAll", name.toString())); JCExpression paramType = chainDots(builderType, "java", "util", "Map"); paramType = addTypeArgs(2, true, builderType, paramType, data.getTypeArgs(), source); JCVariableDecl param = maker.VarDef(maker.Modifiers(paramFlags), data.getPluralName(), paramType, null); JCMethodDecl method = maker.MethodDef(mods, name, returnType, typeParams, List.of(param), jceBlank, body, null); injectMethod(builderType, method); }
Example #25
Source File: From lua-for-android with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
/** Make an attributed class instance creation expression.
* @param ctype The class type.
* @param args The constructor arguments.
JCNewClass makeNewClass(Type ctype, List<JCExpression> args) {
JCNewClass tree = make.NewClass(null,
null, make.QualIdent(ctype.tsym), args, null);
tree.constructor = rs.resolveConstructor(
make_pos, attrEnv, ctype, TreeInfo.types(args), List.nil());
tree.type = ctype;
return tree;
Example #26
Source File: From EasyMPermission with MIT License | 5 votes |
/** For javac, both JCExpression and JCStatement are considered as valid children types. */ @Override protected Collection<Class<? extends JCTree>> getStatementTypes() { Collection<Class<? extends JCTree>> collection = new ArrayList<Class<? extends JCTree>>(3); collection.add(JCStatement.class); collection.add(JCExpression.class); collection.add(JCCatch.class); return collection; }
Example #27
Source File: From EasyMPermission with MIT License | 5 votes |
/** * Generates a new statement that checks if the given variable is null, and if so, throws a specified exception with the * variable name as message. * * @param exName The name of the exception to throw; normally {@code java.lang.NullPointerException}. */ public static JCStatement generateNullCheck(JavacTreeMaker maker, JavacNode variable, JavacNode source) { NullCheckExceptionType exceptionType = source.getAst().readConfiguration(ConfigurationKeys.NON_NULL_EXCEPTION_TYPE); if (exceptionType == null) exceptionType = NullCheckExceptionType.NULL_POINTER_EXCEPTION; JCVariableDecl varDecl = (JCVariableDecl) variable.get(); if (isPrimitive(varDecl.vartype)) return null; Name fieldName =; JCExpression exType = genTypeRef(variable, exceptionType.getExceptionType()); JCExpression exception = maker.NewClass(null, List.<JCExpression>nil(), exType, List.<JCExpression>of(maker.Literal(exceptionType.toExceptionMessage(fieldName.toString()))), null); JCStatement throwStatement = maker.Throw(exception); JCBlock throwBlock = maker.Block(0, List.of(throwStatement)); return maker.If(maker.Binary(CTC_EQUAL, maker.Ident(fieldName), maker.Literal(CTC_BOT, null)), throwBlock, null); }
Example #28
Source File: From EasyMPermission with MIT License | 5 votes |
protected JCStatement createConstructBuilderVarIfNeeded(JavacTreeMaker maker, SingularData data, JavacNode builderType, boolean mapMode, JCTree source) { List<JCExpression> jceBlank = List.nil(); JCExpression thisDotField = maker.Select(maker.Ident(builderType.toName("this")), data.getPluralName()); JCExpression thisDotField2 = maker.Select(maker.Ident(builderType.toName("this")), data.getPluralName()); JCExpression cond = maker.Binary(CTC_EQUAL, thisDotField, maker.Literal(CTC_BOT, null)); JCExpression create = maker.Apply(jceBlank, chainDots(builderType, "com", "google", "common", "collect", getSimpleTargetTypeName(data), getBuilderMethodName(data)), jceBlank); JCStatement thenPart = maker.Exec(maker.Assign(thisDotField2, create)); return maker.If(cond, thenPart, null); }
Example #29
Source File: From EasyMPermission with MIT License | 5 votes |
public static JCExpression chainDots(JavacNode node, LombokImmutableList<String> elems) { assert elems != null; JavacTreeMaker maker = node.getTreeMaker(); JCExpression e = null; for (String elem : elems) { if (e == null) e = maker.Ident(node.toName(elem)); else e = maker.Select(e, node.toName(elem)); } return e; }
Example #30
Source File: From openjdk-jdk9 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
private void checkDuplicateOpensToModule(JCExpression name, ModuleSymbol msym,
OpensDirective d) {
if (d.modules != null) {
for (ModuleSymbol other : d.modules) {
if (msym == other) {
reportOpensConflictToModule(name, msym);