Java Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: From TencentKona-8 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
public BindingImpl createBinding(WebServiceFeatureList webServiceFeatures, Class<?> portInterface,
BindingImpl existingBinding) {
if (existingBinding != null) {
Iterable<WebServiceFeature> configFeatures;
//TODO incase of Dispatch, provide a way to User for complete control of the message processing by giving
// ability to turn off the WSDL/Policy based features and its associated tubes.
//Even in case of Dispatch, merge all features configured via WSDL/Policy or deployment configuration
if (portModel != null) {
// could have merged features from this.policyMap, but some features are set in WSDLModel which are not there in PolicyMap
// for ex: <wsaw:UsingAddressing> wsdl extn., and since the policyMap features are merged into WSDLModel anyway during postFinished(),
// So, using here WsdlModel for merging is right.
// merge features from WSDL
configFeatures = portModel.getFeatures();
} else {
configFeatures = PolicyUtil.getPortScopedFeatures(policyMap, owner.getServiceName(),portName);
webServiceFeatures.mergeFeatures(configFeatures, false);
// merge features from interceptor
webServiceFeatures.mergeFeatures(owner.serviceInterceptor.preCreateBinding(this, portInterface, webServiceFeatures), false);
BindingImpl bindingImpl = BindingImpl.create(bindingId, webServiceFeatures.toArray());
return bindingImpl;
Example #2
Source File: From jdk8u60 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
public BindingImpl createBinding(WebServiceFeatureList webServiceFeatures, Class<?> portInterface,
BindingImpl existingBinding) {
if (existingBinding != null) {
Iterable<WebServiceFeature> configFeatures;
//TODO incase of Dispatch, provide a way to User for complete control of the message processing by giving
// ability to turn off the WSDL/Policy based features and its associated tubes.
//Even in case of Dispatch, merge all features configured via WSDL/Policy or deployment configuration
if (portModel != null) {
// could have merged features from this.policyMap, but some features are set in WSDLModel which are not there in PolicyMap
// for ex: <wsaw:UsingAddressing> wsdl extn., and since the policyMap features are merged into WSDLModel anyway during postFinished(),
// So, using here WsdlModel for merging is right.
// merge features from WSDL
configFeatures = portModel.getFeatures();
} else {
configFeatures = PolicyUtil.getPortScopedFeatures(policyMap, owner.getServiceName(),portName);
webServiceFeatures.mergeFeatures(configFeatures, false);
// merge features from interceptor
webServiceFeatures.mergeFeatures(owner.serviceInterceptor.preCreateBinding(this, portInterface, webServiceFeatures), false);
BindingImpl bindingImpl = BindingImpl.create(bindingId, webServiceFeatures.toArray());
return bindingImpl;
Example #3
Source File: From openjdk-jdk8u with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
public BindingImpl createBinding(WebServiceFeatureList webServiceFeatures, Class<?> portInterface,
BindingImpl existingBinding) {
if (existingBinding != null) {
Iterable<WebServiceFeature> configFeatures;
//TODO incase of Dispatch, provide a way to User for complete control of the message processing by giving
// ability to turn off the WSDL/Policy based features and its associated tubes.
//Even in case of Dispatch, merge all features configured via WSDL/Policy or deployment configuration
if (portModel != null) {
// could have merged features from this.policyMap, but some features are set in WSDLModel which are not there in PolicyMap
// for ex: <wsaw:UsingAddressing> wsdl extn., and since the policyMap features are merged into WSDLModel anyway during postFinished(),
// So, using here WsdlModel for merging is right.
// merge features from WSDL
configFeatures = portModel.getFeatures();
} else {
configFeatures = PolicyUtil.getPortScopedFeatures(policyMap, owner.getServiceName(),portName);
webServiceFeatures.mergeFeatures(configFeatures, false);
// merge features from interceptor
webServiceFeatures.mergeFeatures(owner.serviceInterceptor.preCreateBinding(this, portInterface, webServiceFeatures), false);
BindingImpl bindingImpl = BindingImpl.create(bindingId, webServiceFeatures.toArray());
return bindingImpl;
Example #4
Source File: From openjdk-jdk8u-backup with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
public BindingImpl createBinding(WebServiceFeatureList webServiceFeatures, Class<?> portInterface,
BindingImpl existingBinding) {
if (existingBinding != null) {
Iterable<WebServiceFeature> configFeatures;
//TODO incase of Dispatch, provide a way to User for complete control of the message processing by giving
// ability to turn off the WSDL/Policy based features and its associated tubes.
//Even in case of Dispatch, merge all features configured via WSDL/Policy or deployment configuration
if (portModel != null) {
// could have merged features from this.policyMap, but some features are set in WSDLModel which are not there in PolicyMap
// for ex: <wsaw:UsingAddressing> wsdl extn., and since the policyMap features are merged into WSDLModel anyway during postFinished(),
// So, using here WsdlModel for merging is right.
// merge features from WSDL
configFeatures = portModel.getFeatures();
} else {
configFeatures = PolicyUtil.getPortScopedFeatures(policyMap, owner.getServiceName(),portName);
webServiceFeatures.mergeFeatures(configFeatures, false);
// merge features from interceptor
webServiceFeatures.mergeFeatures(owner.serviceInterceptor.preCreateBinding(this, portInterface, webServiceFeatures), false);
BindingImpl bindingImpl = BindingImpl.create(bindingId, webServiceFeatures.toArray());
return bindingImpl;
Example #5
Source File: From openjdk-jdk9 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
public BindingImpl createBinding(WebServiceFeatureList webServiceFeatures, Class<?> portInterface,
BindingImpl existingBinding) {
if (existingBinding != null) {
Iterable<WebServiceFeature> configFeatures;
//TODO incase of Dispatch, provide a way to User for complete control of the message processing by giving
// ability to turn off the WSDL/Policy based features and its associated tubes.
//Even in case of Dispatch, merge all features configured via WSDL/Policy or deployment configuration
if (portModel != null) {
// could have merged features from this.policyMap, but some features are set in WSDLModel which are not there in PolicyMap
// for ex: <wsaw:UsingAddressing> wsdl extn., and since the policyMap features are merged into WSDLModel anyway during postFinished(),
// So, using here WsdlModel for merging is right.
// merge features from WSDL
configFeatures = portModel.getFeatures();
} else {
configFeatures = PolicyUtil.getPortScopedFeatures(policyMap, owner.getServiceName(),portName);
webServiceFeatures.mergeFeatures(configFeatures, false);
// merge features from interceptor
webServiceFeatures.mergeFeatures(owner.serviceInterceptor.preCreateBinding(this, portInterface, webServiceFeatures), false);
BindingImpl bindingImpl = BindingImpl.create(bindingId, webServiceFeatures.toArray());
return bindingImpl;
Example #6
Source File: From hottub with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
public BindingImpl createBinding(WebServiceFeatureList webServiceFeatures, Class<?> portInterface,
BindingImpl existingBinding) {
if (existingBinding != null) {
Iterable<WebServiceFeature> configFeatures;
//TODO incase of Dispatch, provide a way to User for complete control of the message processing by giving
// ability to turn off the WSDL/Policy based features and its associated tubes.
//Even in case of Dispatch, merge all features configured via WSDL/Policy or deployment configuration
if (portModel != null) {
// could have merged features from this.policyMap, but some features are set in WSDLModel which are not there in PolicyMap
// for ex: <wsaw:UsingAddressing> wsdl extn., and since the policyMap features are merged into WSDLModel anyway during postFinished(),
// So, using here WsdlModel for merging is right.
// merge features from WSDL
configFeatures = portModel.getFeatures();
} else {
configFeatures = PolicyUtil.getPortScopedFeatures(policyMap, owner.getServiceName(),portName);
webServiceFeatures.mergeFeatures(configFeatures, false);
// merge features from interceptor
webServiceFeatures.mergeFeatures(owner.serviceInterceptor.preCreateBinding(this, portInterface, webServiceFeatures), false);
BindingImpl bindingImpl = BindingImpl.create(bindingId, webServiceFeatures.toArray());
return bindingImpl;
Example #7
Source File: From openjdk-8-source with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
public BindingImpl createBinding(WebServiceFeatureList webServiceFeatures, Class<?> portInterface,
BindingImpl existingBinding) {
if (existingBinding != null) {
Iterable<WebServiceFeature> configFeatures;
//TODO incase of Dispatch, provide a way to User for complete control of the message processing by giving
// ability to turn off the WSDL/Policy based features and its associated tubes.
//Even in case of Dispatch, merge all features configured via WSDL/Policy or deployment configuration
if (portModel != null) {
// could have merged features from this.policyMap, but some features are set in WSDLModel which are not there in PolicyMap
// for ex: <wsaw:UsingAddressing> wsdl extn., and since the policyMap features are merged into WSDLModel anyway during postFinished(),
// So, using here WsdlModel for merging is right.
// merge features from WSDL
configFeatures = portModel.getFeatures();
} else {
configFeatures = PolicyUtil.getPortScopedFeatures(policyMap, owner.getServiceName(),portName);
webServiceFeatures.mergeFeatures(configFeatures, false);
// merge features from interceptor
webServiceFeatures.mergeFeatures(owner.serviceInterceptor.preCreateBinding(this, portInterface, webServiceFeatures), false);
BindingImpl bindingImpl = BindingImpl.create(bindingId, webServiceFeatures.toArray());
return bindingImpl;
Example #8
Source File: From openjdk-8 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
public BindingImpl createBinding(WebServiceFeatureList webServiceFeatures, Class<?> portInterface,
BindingImpl existingBinding) {
if (existingBinding != null) {
Iterable<WebServiceFeature> configFeatures;
//TODO incase of Dispatch, provide a way to User for complete control of the message processing by giving
// ability to turn off the WSDL/Policy based features and its associated tubes.
//Even in case of Dispatch, merge all features configured via WSDL/Policy or deployment configuration
if (portModel != null) {
// could have merged features from this.policyMap, but some features are set in WSDLModel which are not there in PolicyMap
// for ex: <wsaw:UsingAddressing> wsdl extn., and since the policyMap features are merged into WSDLModel anyway during postFinished(),
// So, using here WsdlModel for merging is right.
// merge features from WSDL
configFeatures = portModel.getFeatures();
} else {
configFeatures = PolicyUtil.getPortScopedFeatures(policyMap, owner.getServiceName(),portName);
webServiceFeatures.mergeFeatures(configFeatures, false);
// merge features from interceptor
webServiceFeatures.mergeFeatures(owner.serviceInterceptor.preCreateBinding(this, portInterface, webServiceFeatures), false);
BindingImpl bindingImpl = BindingImpl.create(bindingId, webServiceFeatures.toArray());
return bindingImpl;