io.micronaut.aop.MethodInvocationContext Java Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: From micronaut-spring with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public Object intercept(MethodInvocationContext<Object, Object> context) {
final AnnotationMetadata annotationMetadata = context.getAnnotationMetadata();
final boolean isSingleton = MicronautBeanFactory.isSingleton(annotationMetadata);
if (isSingleton) {
final ExecutableMethod<Object, Object> method = context.getExecutableMethod();
synchronized (computedSingletons) {
Object o = computedSingletons.get(method);
if (o == null) {
o = context.proceed();
if (o == null) {
throw new BeanCreationException("Bean factor method [" + method + "] returned null");
computedSingletons.put(method, o);
return o;
return context.proceed();
Example #2
Source File: From micronaut-data with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public CompletionStage<Slice<Object>> intercept(RepositoryMethodKey methodKey, MethodInvocationContext<T, CompletionStage<Slice<Object>>> context) {
if (context.hasAnnotation(Query.class)) {
PreparedQuery<?, ?> preparedQuery = prepareQuery(methodKey, context);
Pageable pageable = preparedQuery.getPageable();
return asyncDatastoreOperations.findAll(preparedQuery)
.thenApply(objects ->
Slice.of((List<Object>) CollectionUtils.iterableToList(objects), pageable)
} else {
PagedQuery<Object> pagedQuery = getPagedQuery(context);
return asyncDatastoreOperations.findAll(pagedQuery).thenApply(objects ->
Slice.of(CollectionUtils.iterableToList(objects), pagedQuery.getPageable())
Example #3
Source File: From micronaut-data with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public CompletionStage<Long> intercept(RepositoryMethodKey methodKey, MethodInvocationContext<T, CompletionStage<Long>> context) {
if (context.hasAnnotation(Query.class)) {
PreparedQuery<?, Long> preparedQuery = prepareQuery(methodKey, context, Long.class);
return asyncDatastoreOperations.findAll(preparedQuery)
.thenApply(longs -> {
long result = 0L;
Iterator<Long> i = longs.iterator();
if (i.hasNext()) {
result =;
return result;
} else {
return asyncDatastoreOperations.count(getPagedQuery(context));
Example #4
Source File: From micronaut-data with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public CompletionStage<Page<Object>> intercept(RepositoryMethodKey methodKey, MethodInvocationContext<T, CompletionStage<Page<Object>>> context) {
if (context.hasAnnotation(Query.class)) {
PreparedQuery<?, ?> preparedQuery = prepareQuery(methodKey, context);
PreparedQuery<?, Number> countQuery = prepareCountQuery(methodKey, context);
return asyncDatastoreOperations.findOne(countQuery)
.thenCompose(total -> asyncDatastoreOperations.findAll(preparedQuery)
.thenApply(objects -> {
List<Object> resultList = CollectionUtils.iterableToList((Iterable<Object>) objects);
return Page.of(resultList, getPageable(context), total.longValue());
} else {
return asyncDatastoreOperations.findPage(getPagedQuery(context));
Example #5
Source File: From micronaut-data with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
* Obtains the root entity or throws an exception if it not available.
* @param context The context
* @return The root entity type
* @throws IllegalStateException If the root entity is unavailable
protected Class<?> getRequiredRootEntity(MethodInvocationContext context) {
Class aClass = context.classValue(PREDATOR_ANN_NAME, DataMethod.META_MEMBER_ROOT_ENTITY).orElse(null);
if (aClass != null) {
return aClass;
} else {
final AnnotationValue<Annotation> ann = context.getDeclaredAnnotation(PREDATOR_ANN_NAME);
if (ann != null) {
aClass = ann.classValue(DataMethod.META_MEMBER_ROOT_ENTITY).orElse(null);
if (aClass != null) {
return aClass;
throw new IllegalStateException("No root entity present in method");
Example #6
Source File: From micronaut-data with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
* Retrieve a parameter in the given role for the given type.
* @param context The context
* @param role The role
* @param type The type
* @param <RT> The generic type
* @return An optional result
private <RT> Optional<RT> getParameterInRole(MethodInvocationContext<?, ?> context, @NonNull String role, @NonNull Class<RT> type) {
return context.stringValue(PREDATOR_ANN_NAME, role).flatMap(name -> {
RT parameterValue = null;
Map<String, MutableArgumentValue<?>> params = context.getParameters();
MutableArgumentValue<?> arg = params.get(name);
if (arg != null) {
Object o = arg.getValue();
if (o != null) {
if (type.isInstance(o)) {
//noinspection unchecked
parameterValue = (RT) o;
} else {
parameterValue = ConversionService.SHARED
.convert(o, type).orElse(null);
return Optional.ofNullable(parameterValue);
Example #7
Source File: From micronaut-data with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public CompletionStage<Number> intercept(RepositoryMethodKey methodKey, MethodInvocationContext<T, CompletionStage<Number>> context) {
Object[] parameterValues = context.getParameterValues();
if (parameterValues.length == 1) {
Object o = parameterValues[0];
if (o != null) {
BatchOperation<Object> batchOperation = getBatchOperation(context, Collections.singletonList(o));
return asyncDatastoreOperations.deleteAll(batchOperation)
.thenApply(n -> convertNumberArgumentIfNecessary(n, context.getReturnType().asArgument()));
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Entity to delete cannot be null");
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Expected exactly one argument");
Example #8
Source File: From micronaut-data with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public CompletionStage<Iterable<Object>> intercept(RepositoryMethodKey methodKey, MethodInvocationContext<T, CompletionStage<Iterable<Object>>> context) {
CompletionStage<? extends Iterable<?>> future;
if (context.hasAnnotation(Query.class)) {
PreparedQuery<?, ?> preparedQuery = prepareQuery(methodKey, context);
future = asyncDatastoreOperations.findAll(preparedQuery);
} else {
future = asyncDatastoreOperations.findAll(getPagedQuery(context));
return future.thenApply((Function<Iterable<?>, Iterable<Object>>) iterable -> {
Argument<CompletionStage<Iterable<Object>>> targetType = context.getReturnType().asArgument();
Argument<?> argument = targetType.getFirstTypeVariable().orElse(Argument.listOf(Object.class));
Iterable<Object> result = (Iterable<Object>) ConversionService.SHARED.convert(
return result == null ? Collections.emptyList() : result;
Example #9
Source File: From micronaut-data with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public Iterable<R> intercept(RepositoryMethodKey methodKey, MethodInvocationContext<T, Iterable<R>> context) {
Object[] parameterValues = context.getParameterValues();
if (ArrayUtils.isNotEmpty(parameterValues) && parameterValues[0] instanceof Iterable) {
//noinspection unchecked
Iterable<R> iterable = (Iterable<R>) parameterValues[0];
Iterable<R> rs = operations.persistAll(getBatchOperation(context, iterable));
ReturnType<Iterable<R>> rt = context.getReturnType();
if (!rt.getType().isInstance(rs)) {
return ConversionService.SHARED.convert(rs, rt.asArgument())
.orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalStateException("Unsupported iterable return type: " + rs.getClass()));
return rs;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("First argument should be an iterable");
Example #10
Source File: From micronaut-data with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public Object intercept(RepositoryMethodKey methodKey, MethodInvocationContext<Object, Object> context) {
Publisher<Page<Object>> publisher;
if (context.hasAnnotation(Query.class)) {
PreparedQuery<?, ?> preparedQuery = prepareQuery(methodKey, context);
PreparedQuery<?, Number> countQuery = prepareCountQuery(methodKey, context);
publisher = Flowable.fromPublisher(reactiveOperations.findOne(countQuery))
.flatMap(total -> {
Flowable<Object> resultList = Flowable.fromPublisher(reactiveOperations.findAll(preparedQuery));
return resultList.toList().map(list ->
Page.of(list, preparedQuery.getPageable(), total.longValue())
} else {
publisher = reactiveOperations.findPage(getPagedQuery(context));
return Publishers.convertPublisher(publisher, context.getReturnType().getType());
Example #11
Source File: From micronaut-data with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public Object intercept(RepositoryMethodKey methodKey, MethodInvocationContext<T, Object> context) {
PreparedQuery<?, Number> preparedQuery = (PreparedQuery<?, Number>) prepareQuery(methodKey, context);
Number number = operations.executeUpdate(preparedQuery).orElse(null);
final Argument<Object> returnType = context.getReturnType().asArgument();
final Class<Object> type = ReflectionUtils.getWrapperType(returnType.getType());
if (Number.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
if (type.isInstance(number)) {
return number;
} else {
return ConversionService.SHARED.
convert(number, returnType)
} else if (Boolean.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
return number == null || number.longValue() < 0;
} else {
return null;
Example #12
Source File: From micronaut-data with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public Object intercept(RepositoryMethodKey methodKey, MethodInvocationContext<Object, Object> context) {
Object[] parameterValues = context.getParameterValues();
if (parameterValues.length == 1) {
Class<Object> rootEntity = (Class<Object>) getRequiredRootEntity(context);
Object o = parameterValues[0];
if (o != null) {
BatchOperation<Object> batchOperation = getBatchOperation(context, rootEntity, Collections.singletonList(o));
Publisher<Number> publisher =,
n -> convertNumberArgumentIfNecessary(n, context.getReturnType().asArgument())
return Publishers.convertPublisher(
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Entity to delete cannot be null");
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Expected exactly one argument");
Example #13
Source File: From micronaut-data with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public Number intercept(RepositoryMethodKey methodKey, MethodInvocationContext<T, Number> context) {
long result;
if (context.hasAnnotation(Query.class)) {
PreparedQuery<?, Long> preparedQuery = prepareQuery(methodKey, context, Long.class);
Iterable<Long> iterable = operations.findAll(preparedQuery);
Iterator<Long> i = iterable.iterator();
result = i.hasNext() ? : 0;
} else {
result = operations.count(getPagedQuery(context));
return ConversionService.SHARED.convert(
).orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalStateException("Unsupported number type: " + context.getReturnType().getType()));
Example #14
Source File: From micronaut-data with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public Object intercept(RepositoryMethodKey methodKey, MethodInvocationContext<T, Object> context) {
PreparedQuery<?, ?> preparedQuery = prepareQuery(methodKey, context, null);
Object result = operations.findOne(preparedQuery);
if (result != null) {
ReturnType<Object> returnType = context.getReturnType();
if (!returnType.getType().isInstance(result)) {
return ConversionService.SHARED.convert(result, returnType.asArgument())
.orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalStateException("Unexpected return type: " + result));
} else {
return result;
} else {
if (!isNullable(context.getAnnotationMetadata())) {
throw new EmptyResultException();
return result;
Example #15
Source File: From micronaut-data with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public Object intercept(RepositoryMethodKey methodKey, MethodInvocationContext<Object, Object> context) {
if (context.hasAnnotation(Query.class)) {
PreparedQuery<?, Long> preparedQuery = prepareQuery(methodKey, context, Long.class);
return Publishers.convertPublisher(
} else {
Publisher<Long> result = reactiveOperations.count(getPagedQuery(context));
return Publishers.convertPublisher(
Example #16
Source File: From micronaut-data with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public Object intercept(RepositoryMethodKey methodKey, MethodInvocationContext<Object, Object> context) {
if (context.hasAnnotation(Query.class)) {
PreparedQuery<Object, Object> preparedQuery = (PreparedQuery<Object, Object>) prepareQuery(methodKey, context);
Pageable pageable = preparedQuery.getPageable();
Single<Slice<Object>> publisher = Flowable.fromPublisher(reactiveOperations.findAll(preparedQuery))
.toList().map(objects -> Slice.of(objects, pageable));
return Publishers.convertPublisher(publisher, context.getReturnType().getType());
} else {
PagedQuery<Object> pagedQuery = getPagedQuery(context);
Single<? extends Slice<?>> result = Flowable.fromPublisher(reactiveOperations.findAll(pagedQuery))
.toList().map(objects ->
Slice.of(objects, pagedQuery.getPageable())
return Publishers.convertPublisher(result, context.getReturnType().getType());
Example #17
Source File: From micronaut-data with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public CompletionStage<Object> intercept(RepositoryMethodKey methodKey, MethodInvocationContext<T, CompletionStage<Object>> context) {
Class<?> rootEntity = getRequiredRootEntity(context);
Map<String, Object> parameterValueMap = context.getParameterValueMap();
Executor executor = asyncDatastoreOperations.getExecutor();
return CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> {
Object o = instantiateEntity(rootEntity, parameterValueMap);
return getInsertOperation(context, o);
}, executor).thenCompose(asyncDatastoreOperations::persist);
Example #18
Source File: From micronaut-data with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public Object intercept(RepositoryMethodKey methodKey, MethodInvocationContext<T, Object> context) {
Class<?> rootEntity = getRequiredRootEntity(context);
Map<String, Object> parameterValueMap = context.getParameterValueMap();
Object instance = instantiateEntity(rootEntity, parameterValueMap);
return operations.persist(getInsertOperation(context, instance));
Example #19
Source File: From micronaut-data with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public CompletionStage<Iterable<Object>> intercept(RepositoryMethodKey methodKey, MethodInvocationContext<T, CompletionStage<Iterable<Object>>> context) {
Object[] parameterValues = context.getParameterValues();
if (ArrayUtils.isNotEmpty(parameterValues) && parameterValues[0] instanceof Iterable) {
//noinspection unchecked
BatchOperation<Object> batchOperation = getBatchOperation(context, (Iterable<Object>) parameterValues[0]);
return asyncDatastoreOperations.persistAll(batchOperation);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("First argument should be an iterable");
Example #20
Source File: From micronaut-data with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public CompletionStage<Object> intercept(RepositoryMethodKey methodKey, MethodInvocationContext<T, CompletionStage<Object>> context) {
Class<?> rootEntity = getRequiredRootEntity(context);
Object id = context.getParameterValues()[0];
if (!(id instanceof Serializable)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Entity IDs must be serializable!");
return asyncDatastoreOperations.findOne((Class<Object>) rootEntity, (Serializable) id);
Example #21
Source File: From micronaut-data with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public CompletionStage<Boolean> intercept(RepositoryMethodKey methodKey, MethodInvocationContext<T, CompletionStage<Boolean>> context) {
Class idType = context.classValue(DataMethod.class, DataMethod.META_MEMBER_ID_TYPE)
.orElseGet(() -> getRequiredRootEntity(context));
PreparedQuery<?, Boolean> preparedQuery = prepareQuery(methodKey, context, idType);
return asyncDatastoreOperations.exists(preparedQuery);
Example #22
Source File: From micronaut-data with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public CompletionStage<Object> intercept(RepositoryMethodKey methodKey, MethodInvocationContext<T, CompletionStage<Object>> context) {
PreparedQuery<Object, Object> preparedQuery = (PreparedQuery<Object, Object>) prepareQuery(methodKey, context);
CompletionStage<Object> future = asyncDatastoreOperations.findOne(preparedQuery);
Argument<?> type = context.getReturnType().asArgument().getFirstTypeVariable().orElse(Argument.OBJECT_ARGUMENT);
return future.thenApply(o -> {
if (!type.getType().isInstance(o)) {
return ConversionService.SHARED.convert(o, type)
.orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalStateException("Unexpected return type: " + o));
return o;
Example #23
Source File: From micronaut-data with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public Object intercept(RepositoryMethodKey methodKey, MethodInvocationContext<Object, Object> context) {
PreparedQuery<Object, Object> preparedQuery = (PreparedQuery<Object, Object>) prepareQuery(methodKey, context);
Publisher<Object> publisher = reactiveOperations.findOptional(preparedQuery);
Argument<Object> returnType = context.getReturnType().asArgument();
Argument<?> type = returnType.getFirstTypeVariable().orElse(Argument.OBJECT_ARGUMENT);
Publisher<Object> mappedPublisher =, o -> {
if (!type.getType().isInstance(o)) {
return ConversionService.SHARED.convert(o, type)
.orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalStateException("Unexpected return type: " + o));
return o;
return Publishers.convertPublisher(mappedPublisher, returnType.getType());
Example #24
Source File: From micronaut-data with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public Object intercept(RepositoryMethodKey methodKey, MethodInvocationContext<Object, Object> context) {
Class<?> rootEntity = getRequiredRootEntity(context);
Object id = context.getParameterValues()[0];
if (!(id instanceof Serializable)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Entity IDs must be serializable!");
Publisher<Object> publisher = reactiveOperations.findOne((Class<Object>) rootEntity, (Serializable) id);
return Publishers.convertPublisher(publisher, context.getReturnType().getType());
Example #25
Source File: From micronaut-data with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public Number intercept(RepositoryMethodKey methodKey, MethodInvocationContext<Object, Number> context) {
final Object parameterValue = context.getParameterValues()[0];
if (parameterValue instanceof Specification) {
Specification specification = (Specification) parameterValue;
final EntityManager entityManager = jpaOperations.getCurrentEntityManager();
final CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
final CriteriaQuery<Long> query = criteriaBuilder.createQuery(Long.class);
final Root<?> root = query.from(getRequiredRootEntity(context));
final Predicate predicate = specification.toPredicate(root, query, criteriaBuilder);
if (query.isDistinct()) {;
} else {;
final TypedQuery<Long> typedQuery = entityManager.createQuery(query);
final Long result = typedQuery.getSingleResult();
final ReturnType<Number> rt = context.getReturnType();
final Class<Number> returnType = rt.getType();
if (returnType.isInstance(result)) {
return result;
} else {
return ConversionService.SHARED.convertRequired(
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument must be an instance of: " + Specification.class);
Example #26
Source File: From micronaut-data with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public Object intercept(RepositoryMethodKey methodKey, MethodInvocationContext<Object, Object> context) {
PreparedQuery<?, Number> preparedQuery = (PreparedQuery<?, Number>) prepareQuery(methodKey, context);
ReturnType<Object> returnType = context.getReturnType();
Publisher<Number> publisher =,
n -> convertNumberArgumentIfNecessary(n, returnType.asArgument())
return Publishers.convertPublisher(publisher, returnType.getType());
Example #27
Source File: From micronaut-data with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public Object intercept(RepositoryMethodKey methodKey, MethodInvocationContext<Object, Object> context) {
final Object parameterValue = context.getParameterValues()[0];
if (parameterValue instanceof Specification) {
Specification specification = (Specification) parameterValue;
final EntityManager entityManager = jpaOperations.getCurrentEntityManager();
final CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
final CriteriaQuery<Object> query = criteriaBuilder.createQuery((Class<Object>) getRequiredRootEntity(context));
final Root<Object> root = query.from((Class<Object>) getRequiredRootEntity(context));
final Predicate predicate = specification.toPredicate(root, query, criteriaBuilder);
final TypedQuery<?> typedQuery = entityManager.createQuery(query);
try {
final Object result = typedQuery.getSingleResult();
final ReturnType<?> rt = context.getReturnType();
final Class<?> returnType = rt.getType();
if (returnType.isInstance(result)) {
return result;
} else {
return ConversionService.SHARED.convertRequired(
} catch (NoResultException e) {
if (context.isNullable()) {
return null;
} else {
throw new EmptyResultDataAccessException(1);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument must be an instance of: " + Specification.class);
Example #28
Source File: From micronaut-spring with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public final Object intercept(MethodInvocationContext<Object, Object> context) {
if (context.hasStereotype(Transactional.class)) {
String transactionManagerName = context.stringValue(Transactional.class).orElse(null);
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(transactionManagerName)) {
transactionManagerName = null;
PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager = resolveTransactionManager(transactionManagerName);
String finalTransactionManagerName = transactionManagerName;
TransactionAttribute transactionDefinition = resolveTransactionAttribute(
final TransactionInfo transactionInfo = createTransactionIfNecessary(
context.getDeclaringType().getName() + "." + context.getMethodName());
Object retVal;
try {
retVal = context.proceed();
} catch (Throwable ex) {
completeTransactionAfterThrowing(transactionInfo, ex);
throw ex;
} finally {
return retVal;
} else {
return context.proceed();
Example #29
Source File: From ShedLock with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public Object intercept(MethodInvocationContext<Object, Object> context) {
Class<?> returnType = context.getReturnType().getType();
if (!void.class.equals(returnType) && !Void.class.equals(returnType)) {
throw new LockingNotSupportedException();
Optional<LockConfiguration> lockConfiguration = micronautLockConfigurationExtractor.getLockConfiguration(context.getExecutableMethod());
if (lockConfiguration.isPresent()) {
lockingTaskExecutor.executeWithLock((Runnable) context::proceed, lockConfiguration.get());
return null;
} else {
return context.proceed();
Example #30
Source File: From micronaut-data with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public Object intercept(RepositoryMethodKey methodKey, MethodInvocationContext<Object, Object> context) {
Class<?> rootEntity = getRequiredRootEntity(context);
Map<String, Object> parameterValueMap = context.getParameterValueMap();
Flowable<Object> publisher = Flowable.fromCallable(() -> {
Object o = instantiateEntity(rootEntity, parameterValueMap);
return getInsertOperation(context, o);
return Publishers.convertPublisher(publisher, context.getReturnType().getType());