java.util.LinkedHashMap Java Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: From rundeck-cli with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public Map<Object, Object> toMap() {
HashMap<Object, Object> map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
map.put("id", getId());
map.put("name", getName());
if (null != getGroup()) {
map.put("group", getGroup());
map.put("project", getProject());
map.put("href", getHref());
map.put("permalink", getPermalink());
map.put("description", getDescription());
map.put("averageDuration", getAverageDuration());
return map;
Example #2
Source File: From Eclipse-Postfix-Code-Completion with Eclipse Public License 1.0 | 6 votes |
* Parse the -A command line arguments so that they can be delivered to
* processors with {@link javax.annotation.processing.ProcessingEnvironment#getOptions()}. In Sun's Java 6
* version of javac, unlike in the Java 5 apt tool, only the -A options are
* passed to processors, not the other command line options; that behavior
* is repeated here.
* @param args the equivalent of the args array from the main() method.
* @return a map of key to value, or key to null if there is no value for
* a particular key. The "-A" is stripped from the key, so a command-line
* argument like "-Afoo=bar" will result in an entry with key "foo" and
* value "bar".
private Map<String, String> parseProcessorOptions(String[] args) {
Map<String, String> options = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
for (String arg : args) {
if (!arg.startsWith("-A")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
int equals = arg.indexOf('=');
if (equals == 2) {
// option begins "-A=" - not valid
Exception e = new IllegalArgumentException("-A option must have a key before the equals sign"); //$NON-NLS-1$
throw new AbortCompilation(null, e);
if (equals == arg.length() - 1) {
// option ends with "=" - not valid
options.put(arg.substring(2, equals), null);
} else if (equals == -1) {
// no value
options.put(arg.substring(2), null);
} else {
// value and key
options.put(arg.substring(2, equals), arg.substring(equals + 1));
return options;
Example #3
Source File: From cxf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public Map<KeyOperation, List<JsonWebKey>> getKeyOperationMap() {
List<JsonWebKey> keys = getKeys();
if (keys == null) {
return Collections.emptyMap();
Map<KeyOperation, List<JsonWebKey>> map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (JsonWebKey key : keys) {
List<KeyOperation> ops = key.getKeyOperation();
if (ops != null) {
for (KeyOperation op : ops) {
List<JsonWebKey> list = map.get(op);
if (list == null) {
list = new LinkedList<>();
map.put(op, list);
return map;
Example #4
Source File: From alfresco-repository with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
private Map<String, List<String>> batchByEngineId(List<String> workflowIds)
Map<String, List<String>> workflows = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<String>>(workflowIds.size() * 2);
for (String workflowId: workflowIds)
String engineId = BPMEngineRegistry.getEngineId(workflowId);
List <String> engineWorkflows = workflows.get(engineId);
if (engineWorkflows == null)
engineWorkflows = new LinkedList<String>();
workflows.put(engineId, engineWorkflows);
return workflows;
Example #5
Source File: From shardingsphere with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public DataSource getDataSource() {
Properties props = new Properties();
props.setProperty("aes.key.value", "123456");
props.setProperty("query.with.cipher.column", "true");
EncryptColumnRuleConfiguration columnConfigAes = new EncryptColumnRuleConfiguration("user_name", "user_name", "", "user_name_plain", "name_encryptor");
EncryptColumnRuleConfiguration columnConfigTest = new EncryptColumnRuleConfiguration("pwd", "pwd", "assisted_query_pwd", "", "pwd_encryptor");
EncryptTableRuleConfiguration encryptTableRuleConfiguration = new EncryptTableRuleConfiguration("t_user", Arrays.asList(columnConfigAes, columnConfigTest));
Map<String, ShardingSphereAlgorithmConfiguration> encryptAlgorithmConfigurations = new LinkedHashMap<>(2, 1);
encryptAlgorithmConfigurations.put("name_encryptor", new ShardingSphereAlgorithmConfiguration("AES", props));
encryptAlgorithmConfigurations.put("pwd_encryptor", new ShardingSphereAlgorithmConfiguration("assistedTest", props));
EncryptRuleConfiguration encryptRuleConfiguration = new EncryptRuleConfiguration(Collections.singleton(encryptTableRuleConfiguration), encryptAlgorithmConfigurations);
try {
return ShardingSphereDataSourceFactory.createDataSource(DataSourceUtil.createDataSource("demo_ds"), Collections.singleton(encryptRuleConfiguration), props);
} catch (final SQLException ex) {
return null;
Example #6
Source File: From flair-registry with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private List<Map<String, Object>> getApplications() { List<Application> sortedApplications = getRegistry().getSortedApplications(); ArrayList<Map<String, Object>> apps = new ArrayList<>(); for (Application app : sortedApplications) { LinkedHashMap<String, Object> appData = new LinkedHashMap<>(); apps.add(appData); appData.put("name", app.getName()); List<Map<String, Object>> instances = new ArrayList<>(); for (InstanceInfo info : app.getInstances()) { Map<String, Object> instance = new HashMap<>(); instance.put("instanceId", info.getInstanceId()); instance.put("homePageUrl", info.getHomePageUrl()); instance.put("healthCheckUrl", info.getHealthCheckUrl()); instance.put("statusPageUrl", info.getStatusPageUrl()); instance.put("status", info.getStatus().name()); instance.put("metadata", info.getMetadata()); instances.add(instance); } appData.put("instances", instances); } return apps; }
Example #7
Source File: From mPaaS with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * 添加条件 */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public QueryRequest addCondition(String column, Operator opt, Object value) { Map<Object, Object> map; if (this.conditions == null) { this.conditions = new LinkedHashMap<>(); map = new LinkedHashMap<>(16); this.conditions.put(column, map); } else { Object val = this.conditions.get(column); if (val == null) { map = new LinkedHashMap<>(); this.conditions.put(column, map); } else if (val instanceof Map) { map = (Map<Object, Object>) val; } else { map = new LinkedHashMap<>(16); this.conditions.put(column, map); map.put(Operator.eq, val); } } map.put(opt.getValue(), value); return this; }
Example #8
Source File: From jdk8u_nashorn with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
private void initialize() {
if (getValue() == null) {
map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
final StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(getValue(), ",");
while (st.hasMoreElements()) {
final String token = st.nextToken();
final String[] keyValue = token.split(":");
if (keyValue.length == 1) {
map.put(keyValue[0], "");
} else if (keyValue.length == 2) {
map.put(keyValue[0], keyValue[1]);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(token);
Example #9
Source File: From qpid-broker-j with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public Map<String,Object> getFields()
Map<String,Object> result = new LinkedHashMap<String,Object>();
if ((packing_flags & 256) != 0)
result.put("channelMax", getChannelMax());
if ((packing_flags & 512) != 0)
result.put("maxFrameSize", getMaxFrameSize());
if ((packing_flags & 1024) != 0)
result.put("heartbeatMin", getHeartbeatMin());
if ((packing_flags & 2048) != 0)
result.put("heartbeatMax", getHeartbeatMax());
return result;
Example #10
Source File: From xbee-java with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 6 votes |
* Test method for {@link com.digi.xbee.api.packet.thread.IPv6RemoteATCommandRequestPacket#getAPIPacketParameters()}.
* <p>Test the get API parameters but with a parameter value.</p>
public final void testGetAPIPacketParametersATCommandParameterByteArrayNonStringCmd() {
// Setup the resources for the test.
String command = "DL";
byte[] parameter = new byte[]{0x6D, 0x79};
IPv6RemoteATCommandRequestPacket packet = new IPv6RemoteATCommandRequestPacket(frameID, ipv6address, transmitOptions, command, parameter);
String expectedDestAddr = HexUtils.prettyHexString(ipv6address.getAddress()) + " (" + ipv6address.getHostAddress() + ")";
String expectedOptions = HexUtils.prettyHexString(HexUtils.integerToHexString(transmitOptions, 1));
String expectedATCommand = HexUtils.prettyHexString(command.getBytes()) + " (" + command + ")";
String expectedATParameter = HexUtils.prettyHexString(parameter);
// Call the method under test.
LinkedHashMap<String, String> packetParams = packet.getAPIPacketParameters();
// Verify the result.
assertThat("Packet parameters map size is not the expected one", packetParams.size(), is(equalTo(4)));
assertThat("Destination IPv6 Address is not the expected one", packetParams.get("Destination address"), is(equalTo(expectedDestAddr)));
assertThat("Command options are not the expected one", packetParams.get("Command options"), is(equalTo(expectedOptions)));
assertThat("AT Command is not the expected one", packetParams.get("AT Command"), is(equalTo(expectedATCommand)));
assertThat("AT Parameter is not the expected one", packetParams.get("Parameter"), is(equalTo(expectedATParameter)));
Example #11
Source File: From codebuff with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 6 votes |
static ImmutableMap<File, ClassLoader> getClassPathEntries(ClassLoader classloader) {
LinkedHashMap<File, ClassLoader> entries = Maps.newLinkedHashMap();
// Search parent first, since it's the order ClassLoader#loadClass() uses.
ClassLoader parent = classloader.getParent();
if (parent != null) {
if (classloader instanceof URLClassLoader) {
URLClassLoader urlClassLoader = (URLClassLoader) classloader;
for (URL entry : urlClassLoader.getURLs()) {
if (entry.getProtocol().equals("file")) {
File file = new File(entry.getFile());
if (!entries.containsKey(file)) {
entries.put(file, classloader);
return ImmutableMap.copyOf(entries);
Example #12
Source File: From java-hamcrest with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
protected boolean matchesSafely(A item, Description mismatchDescription) {
if (!cls().isInstance(item)) {
mismatchDescription.appendText("not an instance of " + cls().getName());
return false;
final Map<String, Consumer<Description>> mismatches = new LinkedHashMap<>();
(methodName, handler) ->
matchMethod(item, handler).ifPresent(descriptionConsumer ->
mismatches.put(methodName, descriptionConsumer)));
if (!mismatches.isEmpty()) {
mismatchDescription.appendText(cls().getSimpleName()).appendText(" ");
return false;
return true;
Example #13
Source File: From pravega with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
ReaderGroupState(String scopedSynchronizerStream, Revision revision, ReaderGroupConfig config, Map<SegmentWithRange, Long> segmentsToOffsets,
Map<Segment, Long> endSegments) {
Exceptions.checkNotNullOrEmpty(scopedSynchronizerStream, "scopedSynchronizerStream");
Exceptions.checkNotNullOrEmpty(segmentsToOffsets.entrySet(), "segmentsToOffsets");
this.scopedSynchronizerStream = scopedSynchronizerStream;
this.config = config;
this.revision = revision;
this.checkpointState = new CheckpointState();
this.distanceToTail = new HashMap<>();
this.futureSegments = new HashMap<>();
this.assignedSegments = new HashMap<>();
this.unassignedSegments = new LinkedHashMap<>(segmentsToOffsets);
this.lastReadPosition = new HashMap<>(segmentsToOffsets);
this.endSegments = ImmutableMap.copyOf(endSegments);
Example #14
Source File: From aptoide-client-v8 with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
public static Map<String, String> splitQuery(URI uri) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
Map<String, String> query_pairs = new LinkedHashMap<>();
String query = uri.getQuery();
if (query != null) {
String[] pairs = query.split("&");
if (pairs != null) {
for (String pair : pairs) {
int idx = pair.indexOf("=");
if (idx > 0 && idx + 1 < pair.length()) {
query_pairs.put(URLDecoder.decode(pair.substring(0, idx), "UTF-8"),
URLDecoder.decode(pair.substring(idx + 1), "UTF-8"));
return query_pairs;
Example #15
Source File: From carbon-kernel with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testConfigurationProvider() throws ConfigurationException { CarbonConfiguration carbonConfiguration = configProvider.getConfigurationObject( CarbonConfiguration.class); String id = carbonConfiguration.getId(); String name = carbonConfiguration.getName(); String tenant = carbonConfiguration.getTenant(); Assert.assertEquals(id, "carbon-kernel", "id should be carbon-kernel"); Assert.assertEquals(name, "WSO2 Carbon Kernel", "name should be WSO2 Carbon Kernel"); Assert.assertEquals(tenant, "default", "tenant should be default"); Map secureVaultConfiguration = (LinkedHashMap) configProvider.getConfigurationObject("wso2.securevault"); Assert.assertEquals(((LinkedHashMap) (secureVaultConfiguration.get("secretRepository"))).get("type"), "org.wso2.carbon.secvault.repository.DefaultSecretRepository", "Default secret repository would be " + "org.wso2.carbon.secvault.repository.DefaultSecretRepository"); Assert.assertEquals(((LinkedHashMap) (secureVaultConfiguration.get("masterKeyReader"))).get("type"), "org.wso2.carbon.secvault.reader.DefaultMasterKeyReader", "Default master key reader would be " + "org.wso2.carbon.secvault.reader.DefaultMasterKeyReader"); }
Example #16
Source File: From canal-1.1.3 with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public void test01() {
Dml dml = new Dml();
dml.setTs(new Date().getTime());
List<Map<String, Object>> dataList = new ArrayList<>();
Map<String, Object> data = new LinkedHashMap<>();
data.put("id", 1L);
data.put("name", "Eric");
data.put("role_id", 1L);
data.put("c_time", new Date());
data.put("test1", "sdfasdfawe中国asfwef");
Example #17
Source File: From hottub with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
private void initialize() {
if (getValue() == null) {
map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
final StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(getValue(), ",");
while (st.hasMoreElements()) {
final String token = st.nextToken();
final String[] keyValue = token.split(":");
if (keyValue.length == 1) {
map.put(keyValue[0], "");
} else if (keyValue.length == 2) {
map.put(keyValue[0], keyValue[1]);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(token);
Example #18
Source File: From presto with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public Result apply(AggregationNode parent, Captures captures, Context context)
ProjectNode child = captures.get(CHILD);
boolean changed = false;
Map<Symbol, AggregationNode.Aggregation> aggregations = new LinkedHashMap<>(parent.getAggregations());
for (Entry<Symbol, AggregationNode.Aggregation> entry : parent.getAggregations().entrySet()) {
Symbol symbol = entry.getKey();
AggregationNode.Aggregation aggregation = entry.getValue();
if (isCountOverConstant(aggregation, child.getAssignments())) {
changed = true;
aggregations.put(symbol, new AggregationNode.Aggregation(
if (!changed) {
return Result.empty();
return Result.ofPlanNode(new AggregationNode(
Example #19
Source File: From xxl-tool with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
private Map<String, Object> parseMapInternal(String json) {
Map<String, Object> map = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
json = trimLeadingCharacter(trimTrailingCharacter(json, '}'), '{');
for (String pair : tokenize(json)) {
String[] values = trimArrayElements(split(pair, ":"));
String key = trimLeadingCharacter(trimTrailingCharacter(values[0], '"'), '"');
Object value = parseInternal(values[1]);
map.put(key, value);
return map;
Example #20
Source File: From netbeans with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
static MethodTree createMethod(GenerationUtils genUtils,TreeMaker maker,
String name , String returnType, LinkedHashMap<String,String> methodParams,
String body)
ModifiersTree modifiers = maker.Modifiers(EnumSet.of(Modifier.PUBLIC));
List<VariableTree> params=new ArrayList<VariableTree>();
ModifiersTree noModifier = maker.Modifiers(Collections.<Modifier>emptySet());
for(Entry<String,String> entry: methodParams.entrySet()){
String paramName = entry.getKey();
String paramType = entry.getValue();
params.add(maker.Variable(noModifier, paramName,
maker.Type(paramType), null));
Tree returnTree ;
String resultBody ;
if (returnType == null) {
returnTree = maker.PrimitiveType(TypeKind.VOID);
resultBody = "{}"; // NOI18N
else {
returnTree = maker.Type(returnType);
resultBody = "{ return null; }"; // NOI18N
if ( body!= null ){
resultBody = body;
return maker.Method(
maker.addModifiersAnnotation(modifiers, genUtils.createAnnotation(
Example #21
Source File: From solr-researcher with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private Map<Pattern, Analyzer> createCJKAnalyzer() {
Analyzer analyzer = new CJKAnalyzer();
Map<Pattern, Analyzer> fieldAnalyzerMaps = new LinkedHashMap<Pattern, Analyzer>();
Pattern fieldPattern = Pattern.compile("cjk");
fieldAnalyzerMaps.put(fieldPattern, analyzer);
return fieldAnalyzerMaps;
Example #22
Source File: From lams with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
private InternalWorkbook() {
records = new WorkbookRecordList();
boundsheets = new ArrayList<BoundSheetRecord>();
formats = new ArrayList<FormatRecord>();
hyperlinks = new ArrayList<HyperlinkRecord>();
numxfs = 0;
numfonts = 0;
maxformatid = -1;
uses1904datewindowing = false;
escherBSERecords = new ArrayList<EscherBSERecord>();
commentRecords = new LinkedHashMap<String, NameCommentRecord>();
Example #23
Source File: From azure-libraries-for-java with MIT License | 5 votes |
public Map<String, String> tags() {
if (this.inner().getTags() == null) {
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(new LinkedHashMap<String, String>());
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(this.inner().getTags());
Example #24
Source File: From cascading-flink with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public TupleTypeInfo(Fields schema) { super(Tuple.class); this.schema = schema; this.fieldIndexes = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); if(schema.isDefined()) { this.length = schema.size(); this.fieldTypes = new LinkedHashMap<String, FieldTypeInfo>(this.length); Comparator[] comps = schema.getComparators(); Class[] typeClasses = schema.getTypesClasses(); for(int i=0; i<length; i++) { String fieldName = getFieldName(i); FieldTypeInfo fieldType = getFieldTypeInfo(i, typeClasses, comps); this.fieldTypes.put(fieldName, fieldType); this.fieldIndexes.put(fieldName, i); } } else { if(schema.isUnknown()) { this.length = -1; this.fieldTypes = new LinkedHashMap<String, FieldTypeInfo>(16); this.fieldTypes.put("0", new FieldTypeInfo()); this.fieldIndexes.put("0", 0); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported Fields: "+schema); } } }
Example #25
Source File: From api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public ContractAbi(Types.ContractABI abi) {
this.messages = new LinkedHashMap<>();
this.abi = abi;
this.deploy = this.createEncoded("deploy", abi.deploy);
for (Types.ContractABIMethod method : abi.messages) {
String name = Utils.stringCamelCase(;
this.messages.put(name, this.createEncoded("messages." + name, method));
Example #26
Source File: From dawnsci with Eclipse Public License 1.0 | 5 votes |
* Renames a list in the DataMessageComponent
* @param existing
* @param name
* @return true if the name replaced was already there.
public boolean renameList(String existing, String name) {
if (list==null) return false;
Map<String,Serializable> map = new LinkedHashMap<String,Serializable>(1);
final Serializable set = map.remove(existing);
if (set instanceof IDataset) {
boolean replaced = map.put(name, set) != null;
this.list = map;
return replaced;
Example #27
Source File: From pacbot with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void getVulnerabilitySummaryByAssetsTest() throws Exception { ReflectionTestUtils.setField(vulnerabilityService, "vulnTypes", "ec2,onpremserver"); when(vulnerabilityRepository.getRunningInstancesCount(anyString(), anyString())).thenReturn(10L); when(vulnerabilityRepository.getExemptedByRuleCount(anyString(), anyString())).thenReturn(1L); ResponseWithOrder responseWithOrder = new ResponseWithOrder(); List<LinkedHashMap<String, Object>> response = new ArrayList<>(); LinkedHashMap<String, Object> obj = new LinkedHashMap<>(); obj.put("assetsScanned", 5); obj.put("failed", 2); obj.put("passed", 2); response.add(obj); responseWithOrder.setResponse(response); Map<String, Object> responseMap = new HashMap<>(); responseMap.put("response", response); ResponseEntity<Object> nonCompliancePolicyRuleresponse = ResponseUtils.buildSucessResponse(responseMap); when(complianceServiceClient.getNonCompliancePolicyByRule(any(Request.class))) .thenReturn(nonCompliancePolicyRuleresponse); // when(complianceServiceClient.getRulecompliance(any(Request.class))).thenReturn(responseWithOrder); Map<String, Object> compliant = new HashMap<>(); compliant.put("S3", 2); compliant.put("S4", 2); Map<String, Object> nonCompliant = new HashMap<>(); nonCompliant.put("S3", 3); nonCompliant.put("S4", 2); nonCompliant.put("S5", 1); when(vulnerabilityRepository.getNonCompliantResourceIds(anyString())).thenReturn(new ArrayList<>()); when(vulnerabilityRepository.getCompliantHostsBySeverity(anyString())).thenReturn(compliant); when(vulnerabilityRepository.getUniqueHostBySeverity(anyString(), anyString())).thenReturn(nonCompliant); assertThat(vulnerabilityService.getVulnerabilitySummaryByAssets("ag").get(Constants.COUNT), is(20L)); }
Example #28
Source File: From opentelemetry-java with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void inject_invalidContext_SingleHeader() {
Map<String, String> carrier = new LinkedHashMap<>();
TraceState.builder().set("foo", "bar").build()),
Example #29
Source File: From org.alloytools.alloy with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Constructs new Bounds over the given universe. * * @ensures this.universe' = universe && no this.relations' && no this.intBound' * @throws NullPointerException universe = null */ public Bounds(Universe universe) { this.factory = universe.factory(); this.lowers = new LinkedHashMap<Relation,TupleSet>(); this.uppers = new LinkedHashMap<Relation,TupleSet>(); this.intbounds = new TreeSequence<TupleSet>(); this.relations = relations(lowers, uppers); this.atom2rel = new HashMap<Object,Relation>(); }
Example #30
Source File: From helix with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void init(String resourceName, final List<String> partitions,
final LinkedHashMap<String, Integer> states, int maximumPerNode) {
_resourceName = resourceName;
_partitions = partitions;
_replicas = countStateReplicas(states);