javax.enterprise.context.spi.Context Java Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: From HotswapAgent with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
private static void doReloadBeanInBeanContexts(BeanManagerImpl beanManager, ManagedBean<?> managedBean) { try { Map<Class<? extends Annotation>, List<Context>> contexts = getContextMap(beanManager); List<Context> ctxList = contexts.get(managedBean.getScope()); if (ctxList != null) { for(Context context: ctxList) { doReloadBeanInContext(beanManager, managedBean, context); } } else { LOGGER.debug("No active contexts for bean '{}' in scope '{}'", managedBean.getBeanClass().getName(), managedBean.getScope()); } } catch (Exception e) { if (e.getClass().getSimpleName().equals("ContextNotActiveException")) { LOGGER.warning("No active contexts for bean '{}'", e, managedBean.getBeanClass().getName()); } else { LOGGER.warning("Context for '{}' failed to reload", e, managedBean.getBeanClass().getName()); } } }
Example #2
Source File: From joynr with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test(timeout = 10000) public void testContextRegistered() { JoynrJeeMessageContext.getInstance().activate(); Context result = beanManager.getContext(JoynrJeeMessageScoped.class); assertNotNull(result); assertTrue(result instanceof JoynrJeeMessageContext); JoynrJeeMessageContext.getInstance().deactivate(); try { result = beanManager.getContext(JoynrJeeMessageScoped.class); fail("Shouldn't get it after deactivation."); } catch (ContextNotActiveException e) { logger.trace("Context not available after deactivation as expected."); } }
Example #3
Source File: From tomee with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void ensureRequestContextCanBeRestarted() throws Exception { final ApplicationComposers composers = new ApplicationComposers(EnsureRequestScopeThreadLocalIsCleanUpTest.class); composers.before(this); final CdiAppContextsService contextsService = CdiAppContextsService.class.cast(WebBeansContext.currentInstance().getService(ContextsService.class)); final Context req1 = contextsService.getCurrentContext(RequestScoped.class); assertNotNull(req1); final Context session1 = contextsService.getCurrentContext(SessionScoped.class); assertNotNull(session1); contextsService.endContext(RequestScoped.class, null); contextsService.startContext(RequestScoped.class, null); final Context req2 = contextsService.getCurrentContext(RequestScoped.class); assertNotSame(req1, req2); final Context session2 = contextsService.getCurrentContext(SessionScoped.class); assertSame(session1, session2); composers.after(); assertNull(contextsService.getCurrentContext(RequestScoped.class)); assertNull(contextsService.getCurrentContext(SessionScoped.class)); }
Example #4
Source File: From tomee with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public void contextEntered(final ThreadContext oldContext, final ThreadContext newContext) {
final BeanContext beanContext = newContext.getBeanContext();
final WebBeansContext webBeansContext = beanContext.getModuleContext().getAppContext().getWebBeansContext();
if (webBeansContext == null) {
final ContextsService contextsService = webBeansContext.getContextsService();
final Context requestContext = CdiAppContextsService.class.cast(contextsService).getRequestContext(false);
if (requestContext == null) {
contextsService.startContext(RequestScoped.class, CdiAppContextsService.EJB_REQUEST_EVENT);
newContext.set(DestroyContext.class, new DestroyContext(contextsService, newContext));
Example #5
Source File: From HotswapAgent with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
private static Map<Class<? extends Annotation>, Class<? extends Context>> getCurrentScopeToContextMap() {
ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
if (classLoader != null) {
try {
Class<?> clazz = classLoader.loadClass(HaCdiCommons.class.getName());
if (clazz != HaCdiCommons.class) {
return (Map) ReflectionHelper.get(null, clazz, "scopeToContextMap");
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("getCurrentScopeToContextMap '{}' failed", e.getMessage());
return scopeToContextMap;
Example #6
Source File: From HotswapAgent with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
* Return all bean instances.
* @param bean the bean
* @return the bean instances
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
public static List<Object> getBeanInstances(Bean<?> bean) {
List<Object> result = new ArrayList<>();
Class<? extends Context> contextClass = getContextClass(bean.getScope());
if (contextClass != null) {
Map beanRegistry = (Map) getBeanRegistry(contextClass);
if (beanRegistry != null) {
Map m = (Map) beanRegistry.get(bean.getBeanClass().getName());
if (m != null) {
} else {
LOGGER.debug("BeanRegistry is empty for bean class '{}'", bean.getBeanClass().getName());
} else {
LOGGER.error("BeanRegistry field not found in context class '{}'", contextClass.getName());
for (HaCdiExtraContext extraContext: extraContexts.keySet()) {
List<Object> instances = extraContext.getBeanInstances(bean.getBeanClass());
if (instances != null) {
return result;
Example #7
Source File: From HotswapAgent with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
* Will re-inject any managed beans in the target. Will not call any other life-cycle methods
* @param ctx
* @param managedBean
static void reinitialize(Context ctx, Contextual<Object> contextual) {
try {
ManagedBean<Object> managedBean = ManagedBean.class.cast(contextual);
LOGGER.debug("Re-Initializing bean '{}' in context '{}'", managedBean, ctx);
Object get = ctx.get(managedBean);
if (get != null) {
LOGGER.debug("Bean injection points are reinitialized '{}'", managedBean);
CreationalContextImpl<Object> creationalContext = managedBean.getWebBeansContext().getCreationalContextFactory().getCreationalContext(managedBean);
managedBean.getProducer().inject(get, creationalContext);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("Error reinitializing bean '{}' in context '{}'", e, contextual, ctx);
Example #8
Source File: From quarkus with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
void transactionScopePreDestroy(@Observes @BeforeDestroyed(TransactionScoped.class) final Object event, final BeanManager beanManager) throws SystemException { Transaction tx = tm.getTransaction(); if (tx == null) { log.error("@BeforeDestroyed expects an active transaction"); throw new IllegalStateException("@BeforeDestroyed expects an active transaction"); } Context ctx; try { ctx = beanManager.getContext(TransactionScoped.class); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Context on @Initialized is not available"); throw e; } if (!ctx.isActive()) { log.error("Context on @BeforeDestroyed has to be active"); throw new IllegalStateException("Context on @BeforeDestroyed has to be active"); } if (!(event instanceof Transaction)) { log.error("@Intialized scope expects event payload being the " + Transaction.class.getName()); throw new IllegalStateException("@Intialized scope expects event payload being the " + Transaction.class.getName()); } beforeDestroyedCount++; }
Example #9
Source File: From quarkus with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
* Undeploy verticles backed by contextual instances of {@link ApplicationScoped} beans before the application context is
* destroyed. Otherwise Vertx may attempt to stop the verticles after the CDI container is shut down.
* @param event
* @param beanManager
void undeployVerticles(@Observes @BeforeDestroyed(ApplicationScoped.class) Object event,
BeanManager beanManager, io.vertx.mutiny.core.Vertx mutiny) {
// Only beans with the AbstractVerticle in the set of bean types are considered - we need a deployment id
Set<Bean<?>> beans = beanManager.getBeans(AbstractVerticle.class, Any.Literal.INSTANCE);
Context applicationContext = beanManager.getContext(ApplicationScoped.class);
for (Bean<?> bean : beans) {
if (ApplicationScoped.class.equals(bean.getScope())) {
// Only beans with @ApplicationScoped are considered
Object instance = applicationContext.get(bean);
if (instance != null) {
// Only existing instances are considered
try {
AbstractVerticle verticle = (AbstractVerticle) instance;
LOGGER.debugf("Undeployed verticle: %s", instance.getClass());
} catch (Exception e) {
// In theory, a user can undeploy the verticle manually
LOGGER.debugf("Unable to undeploy verticle %s: %s", instance.getClass(), e.toString());
Example #10
Source File: From tomee with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public Context getContext(final Class<? extends Annotation> scope) {
try {
return super.getContext(scope);
} catch (final RuntimeException e) {
try {
return getParentBm().getContext(scope);
} catch (final RuntimeException ignored) {
throw e;
Example #11
Source File: From tomee with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public static void ensureRequestScope(final ContextsService cs, final ServletRequestListener listener) {
final Context reqCtx = cs.getCurrentContext(RequestScoped.class);
if (reqCtx == null || !cs.getCurrentContext(RequestScoped.class).isActive()) {
Example #12
Source File: From quarkus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public Context getContext(Class<? extends Annotation> scopeType) { Context context = Arc.container().getActiveContext(scopeType); if (context == null) { throw new ContextNotActiveException("No active context found for: " + scopeType); } return context; }
Example #13
Source File: From HotswapAgent with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Register context class. * * @param scope the scope * @param contextClass the context class */ public static void registerContextClass(Class<? extends Annotation> scope, Class<? extends Context> contextClass) { Map<Class<? extends Annotation>, Class<? extends Context>> currentScopeToContextMap = getCurrentScopeToContextMap(); if (!currentScopeToContextMap.containsKey(scope)) { LOGGER.debug("Registering scope '{}' to scopeToContextMap@{}", scope.getName(), System.identityHashCode(currentScopeToContextMap)); currentScopeToContextMap.put(scope, contextClass); } }
Example #14
Source File: From AngularBeans with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
public Object lookup(String beanName, String sessionID) {
Set<Bean<?>> beans = beanManager.getBeans(beanName);
Class beanClass = CommonUtils.beanNamesHolder.get(beanName);
if (beans.isEmpty()) {
beans = beanManager.getBeans(beanClass, new AnnotationLiteral<Any>() { //
Bean bean = beanManager.resolve(beans);
Class scopeAnnotationClass = bean.getScope();
Context context;
if (scopeAnnotationClass.equals(RequestScoped.class)) {
context = beanManager.getContext(scopeAnnotationClass);
if (context == null)
return bean.create(beanManager.createCreationalContext(bean));
} else {
if (scopeAnnotationClass.equals(NGSessionScopeContext.class)) {
context = NGSessionScopeContext.getINSTANCE();
} else {
context = beanManager.getContext(scopeAnnotationClass);
CreationalContext creationalContext = beanManager.createCreationalContext(bean);
Object reference = context.get(bean, creationalContext);
// if(reference==null && scopeAnnotationClass.equals(RequestScoped.class)){
// reference= bean.create(beanManager.createCreationalContext(bean));
// }
return reference;
Example #15
Source File: From HotswapAgent with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
private static void doReloadBeanInContext(BeanManagerImpl beanManager, ManagedBean managedBean, Context context) {
if(ContextualReloadHelper.addToReloadSet(context, managedBean)) {
LOGGER.debug("Bean {}, added to reload set in context '{}'", managedBean, context.getClass());
} else {
// fallback for not patched contexts
doReinjectBean(beanManager, managedBean);
Example #16
Source File: From HotswapAgent with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
private static Map<Class<? extends Annotation>, List<Context>> getContextMap(BeanManagerImpl beanManager) {
try {
return Map.class.cast(ReflectionHelper.get(beanManager, "contexts"));
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.warning("BeanManagerImpl.contexts not accessible", e);
return Collections.emptyMap();
Example #17
Source File: From quarkus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
void transactionScopeActivated(@Observes @Initialized(TransactionScoped.class) final Object event, final BeanManager beanManager) throws SystemException { Transaction tx = tm.getTransaction(); if (tx == null) { log.error("@Intialized expects an active transaction"); throw new IllegalStateException("@Intialized expects an active transaction"); } if (tx.getStatus() != Status.STATUS_ACTIVE) { log.error("@Initialized expects transaction is Status.STATUS_ACTIVE"); throw new IllegalStateException("@Initialized expects transaction is Status.STATUS_ACTIVE"); } Context ctx; try { ctx = beanManager.getContext(TransactionScoped.class); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Context on @Initialized is not available"); throw e; } if (!ctx.isActive()) { log.error("Context on @Initialized has to be active"); throw new IllegalStateException("Context on @Initialized has to be active"); } if (!(event instanceof Transaction)) { log.error("@Intialized scope expects event payload being the " + Transaction.class.getName()); throw new IllegalStateException("@Intialized scope expects event payload being the " + Transaction.class.getName()); } initializedCount++; }
Example #18
Source File: From HotswapAgent with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
private static void doReinjectBeanInstance(BeanManagerImpl beanManager, AbstractClassBean bean, Context context) {
Object instance = context.get(bean);
if (instance != null) {
doCallInject(beanManager, bean, instance);
Example #19
Source File: From HotswapAgent with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
* Will re-inject any managed beans in the target. Will not call any other life-cycle methods
* @param ctx
* @param managedBean
public static void reinitialize(Context ctx, Contextual<Object> contextual) {
try {
ManagedBean<Object> managedBean = ManagedBean.class.cast(contextual);
LOGGER.debug("Re-Initializing........ {},: {}", managedBean, ctx);
Object get = ctx.get(managedBean);
if (get != null) {
LOGGER.debug("Bean injection points are reinitialized '{}'", managedBean);
managedBean.getProducer().inject(get, managedBean.getBeanManager().createCreationalContext(managedBean));
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("Error reinitializing bean {},: {}", e, contextual, ctx);
Example #20
Source File: From HotswapAgent with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
private static void doReloadBeanInContext(BeanManagerImpl beanManager, InjectionTargetBean bean, Context context) {
if (ContextualReloadHelper.addToReloadSet(context, bean)) {
LOGGER.debug("Bean {}, added to reload set in context '{}'", bean, context.getClass());
} else {
// fallback: try to reinitialize injection points instead...
doReinjectBeanInstance(beanManager, bean, context);
Example #21
Source File: From HotswapAgent with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
private static Map<Class<? extends Annotation>, Context> getSingleContextMap(BeanManagerImpl beanManagerImpl){
try {
Field contextsField = BeanManagerImpl.class.getField("singleContextMap");
return (Map) contextsField.get(beanManagerImpl);
} catch (IllegalAccessException |IllegalArgumentException | NoSuchFieldException | SecurityException e) {
LOGGER.warning("Field BeanManagerImpl.singleContextMap is not accessible", e);
return Collections.emptyMap();
Example #22
Source File: From HotswapAgent with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
private static Map<Class<? extends Annotation>, List<Context>> getContextMap(BeanManagerImpl beanManagerImpl){
try {
Field contextsField = BeanManagerImpl.class.getField("contextMap");
return (Map) contextsField.get(beanManagerImpl);
} catch (IllegalAccessException |IllegalArgumentException | NoSuchFieldException | SecurityException e) {
LOGGER.warning("Field BeanManagerImpl.contextMap is not accessible", e);
return Collections.emptyMap();
Example #23
Source File: From HotswapAgent with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
private static void doReinjectBeanInstance(BeanManagerImpl beanManager, InjectionTargetBean bean, Context context) {
Object instance = context.get(bean);
if (instance != null) {
instance = unwrapInstance(beanManager, instance);
bean.getProducer().inject(instance, beanManager.createCreationalContext(bean));"Bean '{}' injection points was reinjected.", bean.getBeanClass().getName());
Example #24
Source File: From quarkus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
void transactionScopeDestroyed(@Observes @Destroyed(TransactionScoped.class) final Object event,
final BeanManager beanManager) throws SystemException {
Transaction tx = tm.getTransaction();
if (tx != null)
throw new IllegalStateException("@Destroyed expects no transaction");
try {
Context ctx = beanManager.getContext(TransactionScoped.class);
throw new IllegalStateException("No bean in context expected but it's " + ctx);
} catch (final ContextNotActiveException expected) {
Example #25
Source File: From tomee with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public Object getSessionBeanProxy(final Bean<?> inBean, final Class<?> interfce, final CreationalContext<?> creationalContext) {
Object instance = cacheProxies.get(inBean);
if (instance != null) {
return instance;
synchronized (inBean) { // singleton for the app so safe to sync on it
instance = cacheProxies.get(inBean);
if (instance != null) {
return instance;
final Class<? extends Annotation> scopeClass = inBean.getScope();
final CdiEjbBean<Object> cdiEjbBean = (CdiEjbBean<Object>) inBean;
final CreationalContext<Object> cc = (CreationalContext<Object>) creationalContext;
if (scopeClass == null || Dependent.class == scopeClass) { // no need to add any layer, null = @New
return cdiEjbBean.createEjb(cc);
// only stateful normally
final InstanceBean<Object> bean = new InstanceBean<>(cdiEjbBean);
if (webBeansContext.getBeanManagerImpl().isNormalScope(scopeClass)) {
final BeanContext beanContext = cdiEjbBean.getBeanContext();
final Provider provider = webBeansContext.getNormalScopeProxyFactory().getInstanceProvider(beanContext.getClassLoader(), cdiEjbBean);
if (!beanContext.isLocalbean()) {
final List<Class> interfaces = new ArrayList<>();
final InterfaceType type = beanContext.getInterfaceType(interfce);
if (type != null) {
} else { // can happen when looked up from impl instead of API in OWB -> default to business local
if (BeanType.STATEFUL.equals(beanContext.getComponentType()) || BeanType.MANAGED.equals(beanContext.getComponentType())) {
try {
instance = ProxyManager.newProxyInstance(interfaces.toArray(new Class<?>[interfaces.size()]), new InvocationHandler() {
public Object invoke(final Object proxy, final Method method, final Object[] args) throws Throwable {
try {
return method.invoke(provider.get(), args);
} catch (final InvocationTargetException ite) {
throw ite.getCause();
} catch (final IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new OpenEJBRuntimeException(e);
} else {
final NormalScopeProxyFactory normalScopeProxyFactory = webBeansContext.getNormalScopeProxyFactory();
final Class<?> proxyClass = normalScopeProxyFactory.createProxyClass(beanContext.getClassLoader(), beanContext.getBeanClass());
instance = normalScopeProxyFactory.createProxyInstance(proxyClass, provider);
cacheProxies.put(inBean, instance);
} else {
final Context context = webBeansContext.getBeanManagerImpl().getContext(scopeClass);
instance = context.get(bean, cc);
return instance;
Example #26
Source File: From openwebbeans-meecrowave with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private Context getContext() {
return WebBeansContext.currentInstance()
.getCurrentContext(RequestScoped.class, false);
Example #27
Source File: From HotswapAgent with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
private static <T> T getInstance(BeanManager beanManager, Bean<T> bean) {
Context context = beanManager.getContext(bean.getScope());
return context.get(bean);
Example #28
Source File: From AngularBeans with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
public static Context getINSTANCE() {
if (INSTANCE == null)
INSTANCE = new NGSessionScopeContext();
return INSTANCE;
Example #29
Source File: From tomee with Apache License 2.0 | 3 votes |
public void test() throws Exception {
final Context appContext = beanManager.getContext(ApplicationScoped.class);
final Green green = createAndMutate(appContext, Green.class);
final Blue blue = createAndMutate(appContext, Blue.class);
assertEquals(green.getMessage(), blue.getGreen().getMessage());
final BrownLocal brownLocal = createAndMutate(appContext, BrownLocal.class);
final Green green2 = brownLocal.getGreen();
final Orange orange = createAndMutate(appContext, Orange.class);
final Green greenA = orange.getBlue().getGreen();
final Green greenB = orange.getGreen();
assertSame(greenA, greenB);
Example #30
Source File: From HotswapAgent with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 2 votes |
* Gets the context class for specified scope.
* @param scope the scope
* @return the context class
public static Class<? extends Context> getContextClass(Class<? extends Annotation> scope) {
return getCurrentScopeToContextMap().get(scope);