javax.persistence.Convert Java Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: From lams with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
private Converts getConverts(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) { // NOTE : we use a map here to make sure that an xml and annotation referring to the same attribute // properly overrides. Bit sparse, but easy... final Map<String,Convert> convertAnnotationsMap = new HashMap<>(); if ( tree != null ) { applyXmlDefinedConverts( tree, defaults, null, convertAnnotationsMap ); } // NOTE : per section of the spec <convert/> is additive, although only if "metadata-complete" is not // specified in the XML if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) { applyPhysicalConvertAnnotations( null, convertAnnotationsMap ); } if ( !convertAnnotationsMap.isEmpty() ) { final AnnotationDescriptor groupingDescriptor = new AnnotationDescriptor( Converts.class ); groupingDescriptor.setValue( "value", convertAnnotationsMap.values().toArray( new Convert[convertAnnotationsMap.size()]) ); return AnnotationFactory.create( groupingDescriptor ); } return null; }
Example #2
Source File: From warpdb with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private AttributeConverter<Object, Object> getConverter(AccessibleObject accessible) { Convert converter = accessible.getAnnotation(Convert.class); if (converter != null) { Class<?> converterClass = converter.converter(); if (!AttributeConverter.class.isAssignableFrom(converterClass)) { throw new RuntimeException( "Converter class must be AttributeConverter rather than " + converterClass.getName()); } try { Constructor<?> cs = converterClass.getDeclaredConstructor(); cs.setAccessible(true); return (AttributeConverter<Object, Object>) cs.newInstance(); } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException | InvocationTargetException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot instantiate Converter: " + converterClass.getName(), e); } } return null; }
Example #3
Source File: From lams with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
public AttributeConversionInfo(Convert convertAnnotation, XAnnotatedElement xAnnotatedElement) {
Example #4
Source File: From lams with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
private Annotation getConvertsForAttribute(List<Element> elementsForProperty, XMLContext.Default defaults) { // NOTE : we use a map here to make sure that an xml and annotation referring to the same attribute // properly overrides. Very sparse map, yes, but easy setup. // todo : revisit this // although bear in mind that this code is no longer used in 5.0... final Map<String,Convert> convertAnnotationsMap = new HashMap<>(); for ( Element element : elementsForProperty ) { final boolean isBasic = "basic".equals( element.getName() ); final boolean isEmbedded = "embedded".equals( element.getName() ); final boolean isElementCollection = "element-collection".equals(element.getName()); final boolean canHaveConverts = isBasic || isEmbedded || isElementCollection; if ( !canHaveConverts ) { continue; } final String attributeNamePrefix = isBasic ? null : propertyName; applyXmlDefinedConverts( element, defaults, attributeNamePrefix, convertAnnotationsMap ); } // NOTE : per section of the spec <convert/> is additive, although only if "metadata-complete" is not // specified in the XML if ( defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ) { // todo : note sure how to best handle attributeNamePrefix here applyPhysicalConvertAnnotations( propertyName, convertAnnotationsMap ); } if ( !convertAnnotationsMap.isEmpty() ) { final AnnotationDescriptor groupingDescriptor = new AnnotationDescriptor( Converts.class ); groupingDescriptor.setValue( "value", convertAnnotationsMap.values().toArray( new Convert[convertAnnotationsMap.size()]) ); return AnnotationFactory.create( groupingDescriptor ); } return null; }
Example #5
Source File: From lams with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
private void applyXmlDefinedConverts( Element containingElement, XMLContext.Default defaults, String attributeNamePrefix, Map<String,Convert> convertAnnotationsMap) { final List<Element> convertElements = containingElement.elements( "convert" ); for ( Element convertElement : convertElements ) { final AnnotationDescriptor convertAnnotationDescriptor = new AnnotationDescriptor( Convert.class ); copyStringAttribute( convertAnnotationDescriptor, convertElement, "attribute-name", false ); copyBooleanAttribute( convertAnnotationDescriptor, convertElement, "disable-conversion" ); final Attribute converterClassAttr = convertElement.attribute( "converter" ); if ( converterClassAttr != null ) { final String converterClassName = XMLContext.buildSafeClassName( converterClassAttr.getValue(), defaults ); try { final Class converterClass = classLoaderAccess.classForName( converterClassName ); convertAnnotationDescriptor.setValue( "converter", converterClass ); } catch (ClassLoadingException e) { throw new AnnotationException( "Unable to find specified converter class id-class: " + converterClassName, e ); } } final Convert convertAnnotation = AnnotationFactory.create( convertAnnotationDescriptor ); final String qualifiedAttributeName = qualifyConverterAttributeName( attributeNamePrefix, convertAnnotation.attributeName() ); convertAnnotationsMap.put( qualifiedAttributeName, convertAnnotation ); } }
Example #6
Source File: From cloudbreak with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void testDefaultEnumConverterCompatibility() { Reflections reflections = new Reflections("com.sequenceiq", new FieldAnnotationsScanner()); Map<String, Set<String>> incompatibleFields = new HashMap<>(); reflections.getFieldsAnnotatedWith(Convert.class).forEach(field -> { try { var defaultEnumConverterType = Optional.of((field.getAnnotation(Convert.class).converter()).getGenericSuperclass()) .filter(t -> ((ParameterizedType) t).getRawType().getTypeName().equals(DefaultEnumConverter.class.getTypeName())); if (defaultEnumConverterType.isPresent()) { boolean hasCompatibleGenericParameter = Stream.of(((ParameterizedType) defaultEnumConverterType.get()).getActualTypeArguments()) .allMatch(a -> a.getTypeName().equals(field.getType().getTypeName())); if (!hasCompatibleGenericParameter) { String className = field.getDeclaringClass().getName(); incompatibleFields.computeIfAbsent(className, key -> new HashSet<>()).add(field.toString()); } } } catch (RuntimeException e) { // ignore if cannot check fields } }); Set<String> fields = new HashSet<>(); incompatibleFields.forEach((key, value) -> { fields.add(key + ": " + String.join(", ", value)); }); Assert.assertTrue(String.format("Classes with incompatible DefaultEnumConverter: %s%s", lineSeparator(), String.join(lineSeparator(), fields)), incompatibleFields.isEmpty()); }
Example #7
Source File: From logging-log4j2 with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Convert(converter = ThrowableAttributeConverter.class)
@Column(name = "exception")
public Throwable getThrown() {
return this.getWrappedEvent().getThrown();
Example #8
Source File: From lams with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
private void applyLocalConvert( Convert convertAnnotation, XProperty collectionProperty, Map<String,AttributeConversionInfo> elementAttributeConversionInfoMap, Map<String,AttributeConversionInfo> keyAttributeConversionInfoMap) { // IMPL NOTE : the rules here are quite more lenient than what JPA says. For example, JPA says // that @Convert on a Map always needs to specify attributeName of key/value (or prefixed with // key./value. for embedded paths). However, we try to see if conversion of either is disabled // for whatever reason. For example, if the Map is annotated with @Enumerated the elements cannot // be converted so any @Convert likely meant the key, so we apply it to the key final AttributeConversionInfo info = new AttributeConversionInfo( convertAnnotation, collectionProperty ); if ( collection.isMap() ) { boolean specCompliant = StringHelper.isNotEmpty( info.getAttributeName() ) && ( info.getAttributeName().startsWith( "key" ) || info.getAttributeName().startsWith( "value" ) ); if ( !specCompliant ) { log.nonCompliantMapConversion( collection.getRole() ); } } if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( info.getAttributeName() ) ) { // the @Convert did not name an attribute... if ( canElementBeConverted && canKeyBeConverted ) { throw new IllegalStateException( "@Convert placed on Map attribute [" + collection.getRole() + "] must define attributeName of 'key' or 'value'" ); } else if ( canKeyBeConverted ) { keyAttributeConversionInfoMap.put( "", info ); } else if ( canElementBeConverted ) { elementAttributeConversionInfoMap.put( "", info ); } // if neither, we should not be here... } else { // the @Convert named an attribute... // we have different "resolution rules" based on whether element and key can be converted final String keyPath; final String elementPath; if ( canElementBeConverted && canKeyBeConverted ) { keyPath = removePrefix( info.getAttributeName(), "key" ); elementPath = removePrefix( info.getAttributeName(), "value" ); if ( keyPath == null && elementPath == null ) { // specified attributeName needs to have 'key.' or 'value.' prefix throw new IllegalStateException( "@Convert placed on Map attribute [" + collection.getRole() + "] must define attributeName of 'key' or 'value'" ); } } else if ( canKeyBeConverted ) { keyPath = removePrefix( info.getAttributeName(), "key", info.getAttributeName() ); elementPath = null; } else { keyPath = null; elementPath = removePrefix( info.getAttributeName(), "value", info.getAttributeName() ); } if ( keyPath != null ) { keyAttributeConversionInfoMap.put( keyPath, info ); } else if ( elementPath != null ) { elementAttributeConversionInfoMap.put( elementPath, info ); } else { // specified attributeName needs to have 'key.' or 'value.' prefix throw new IllegalStateException( String.format( Locale.ROOT, "Could not determine how to apply @Convert(attributeName='%s') to collection [%s]", info.getAttributeName(), collection.getRole() ) ); } } }
Example #9
Source File: From logging-log4j2 with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Convert(converter = InstantAttributeConverter.class)
@Column(name = "instant")
public Instant getInstant() {
return this.getWrappedEvent().getInstant();
Example #10
Source File: From logging-log4j2 with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Convert(converter = MessageAttributeConverter.class)
@Column(name = "message")
public Message getMessage() {
return this.getWrappedEvent().getMessage();
Example #11
Source File: From logging-log4j2 with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Convert(converter = LevelAttributeConverter.class)
@Column(name = "level")
public Level getLevel() {
return this.getWrappedEvent().getLevel();
Example #12
Source File: From logging-log4j2 with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Convert(converter = InstantAttributeConverter.class)
public Instant getInstant() {
return this.getWrappedEvent().getInstant();
Example #13
Source File: From logging-log4j2 with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
* Gets the level. Annotated with {@code @Basic} and {@code @Enumerated(EnumType.STRING)}.
* @return the level.
@Convert(converter = LevelAttributeConverter.class)
public Level getLevel() {
return this.getWrappedEvent().getLevel();
Example #14
Source File: From zstack with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private static Set<Field> getAllEncryptPassword() { Set<Field> fields = Platform.getReflections().getFieldsAnnotatedWith(Convert.class); return -> field.getAnnotation(Convert.class).converter().equals(PasswordConverter.class)).collect(Collectors.toSet()); }
Example #15
Source File: From celerio-angular-quickstart with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Column(name = "COUNTRY_CODE", length = 6)
@Convert(converter = CountryCodeConverter.class)
public CountryCode getCountryCode() {
return countryCode;
Example #16
Source File: From mycore with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
@Convert(converter = MCRURIConverter.class)
public URI getURI() {
return super.getURI();
Example #17
Source File: From mycore with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
* Returns the action class ({@link MCRJobAction}).
* @return the action class
@Column(name = "action", nullable = false)
@Convert(converter = MCRJobActionConverter.class)
public Class<? extends MCRJobAction> getAction() {
return action;
Example #18
Source File: From logging-log4j2 with Apache License 2.0 | 2 votes |
/** * Gets the source location information. Annotated with * {@code @Convert(converter = StackTraceElementAttributeConverter.class)}. * * @return the source location information. * @see StackTraceElementAttributeConverter */ @Override @Convert(converter = StackTraceElementAttributeConverter.class) public StackTraceElement getSource() { return this.getWrappedEvent().getSource(); }
Example #19
Source File: From logging-log4j2 with Apache License 2.0 | 2 votes |
/** * Gets the message. Annotated with {@code @Convert(converter = MessageAttributeConverter.class)}. * * @return the message. * @see MessageAttributeConverter */ @Override @Convert(converter = MessageAttributeConverter.class) public Message getMessage() { return this.getWrappedEvent().getMessage(); }
Example #20
Source File: From logging-log4j2 with Apache License 2.0 | 2 votes |
/** * Gets the marker. Annotated with {@code @Convert(converter = MarkerAttributeConverter.class)}. * * @return the marker. * @see MarkerAttributeConverter */ @Override @Convert(converter = MarkerAttributeConverter.class) public Marker getMarker() { return this.getWrappedEvent().getMarker(); }
Example #21
Source File: From logging-log4j2 with Apache License 2.0 | 2 votes |
/** * Gets the exception logged. Annotated with {@code @Convert(converter = ThrowableAttributeConverter.class)}. * * @return the exception logged. * @see ThrowableAttributeConverter */ @Override @Convert(converter = ThrowableAttributeConverter.class) public Throwable getThrown() { return this.getWrappedEvent().getThrown(); }
Example #22
Source File: From logging-log4j2 with Apache License 2.0 | 2 votes |
/** * Gets the context stack. Annotated with {@code @Convert(converter = ContextStackAttributeConverter.class)}. * * @return the context stack. * @see ContextStackAttributeConverter * @see org.apache.logging.log4j.jpa.converter.ContextStackJsonAttributeConverter */ @Override @Convert(converter = ContextStackAttributeConverter.class) public ThreadContext.ContextStack getContextStack() { return this.getWrappedEvent().getContextStack(); }