lecho.lib.hellocharts.model.PointValue Java Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: ComboLineColumnChartActivity.java From hellocharts-android with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private LineChartData generateLineData() { List<Line> lines = new ArrayList<Line>(); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfLines; ++i) { List<PointValue> values = new ArrayList<PointValue>(); for (int j = 0; j < numberOfPoints; ++j) { values.add(new PointValue(j, randomNumbersTab[i][j])); } Line line = new Line(values); line.setColor(ChartUtils.COLORS[i]); line.setCubic(isCubic); line.setHasLabels(hasLabels); line.setHasLines(hasLines); line.setHasPoints(hasPoints); lines.add(line); } LineChartData lineChartData = new LineChartData(lines); return lineChartData; }
Example #2
Source File: LineChartRenderer.java From hellocharts-android with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private void drawPoints(Canvas canvas, Line line, int lineIndex, int mode) {
int valueIndex = 0;
for (PointValue pointValue : line.getValues()) {
int pointRadius = ChartUtils.dp2px(density, line.getPointRadius());
final float rawX = computator.computeRawX(pointValue.getX());
final float rawY = computator.computeRawY(pointValue.getY());
if (computator.isWithinContentRect(rawX, rawY, checkPrecision)) {
// Draw points only if they are within contentRectMinusAllMargins, using contentRectMinusAllMargins
// instead of viewport to avoid some
// float rounding problems.
if (MODE_DRAW == mode) {
drawPoint(canvas, line, pointValue, rawX, rawY, pointRadius);
if (line.hasLabels()) {
drawLabel(canvas, line, pointValue, rawX, rawY, pointRadius + labelOffset);
} else if (MODE_HIGHLIGHT == mode) {
highlightPoint(canvas, line, pointValue, rawX, rawY, lineIndex, valueIndex);
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot process points in mode: " + mode);
Example #3
Source File: MetricCounterFragment.java From hawkular-android-client with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private void setUpChartLine() {
List<PointValue> chartPoints = getChartPoints();
List<AxisValue> chartAxisPoints = getChartAxisPoints();
Line chartLine = new Line(chartPoints)
LineChartData chartData = new LineChartData()
chartData.setAxisXBottom(new Axis()
chartData.setAxisYLeft(new Axis()
Example #4
Source File: BgGraphBuilder.java From xDrip-Experimental with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
public synchronized void onValueSelected(int i, int i1, PointValue pointValue) {
String filtered = "";
try {
PointValueExtended pve = (PointValueExtended) pointValue;
if(pve.calculatedFilteredValue != -1) {
filtered = " (" + Math.round(pve.calculatedFilteredValue*10) / 10d +")";
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Error casting a point from pointValue to PointValueExtended", e);
final java.text.DateFormat timeFormat = DateFormat.getTimeFormat(context);
//Won't give the exact time of the reading but the time on the grid: close enough.
Long time = ((long)pointValue.getX())*FUZZER;
if(tooltip!= null){
tooltip = Toast.makeText(context, timeFormat.format(time)+ ": " + Math.round(pointValue.getY()*10)/ 10d + filtered, Toast.LENGTH_LONG);
Example #5
Source File: ViewPagerChartsActivity.java From hellocharts-android with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private LineChartData generateLineChartData() { int numValues = 20; List<PointValue> values = new ArrayList<PointValue>(); for (int i = 0; i < numValues; ++i) { values.add(new PointValue(i, (float) Math.random() * 100f)); } Line line = new Line(values); line.setColor(ChartUtils.COLOR_GREEN); List<Line> lines = new ArrayList<Line>(); lines.add(line); LineChartData data = new LineChartData(lines); data.setAxisXBottom(new Axis().setName("Axis X")); data.setAxisYLeft(new Axis().setName("Axis Y").setHasLines(true)); return data; }
Example #6
Source File: BgGraphBuilder.java From AndroidAPS with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
private void addPredictionLines(List<Line> lines) { Map<Integer, List<PointValue>> values = new HashMap<>(); long endTime = getPredictionEndTime(); for (BgWatchData bwd : predictionsList) { if (bwd.timestamp <= endTime) { double value = bwd.sgv < 300 ? bwd.sgv : 300; if (!values.containsKey(bwd.color)) { values.put(bwd.color, new ArrayList<>()); } values.get(bwd.color).add(new PointValue(fuzz(bwd.timestamp), (float) value)); } } for (Map.Entry<Integer, List<PointValue>> entry : values.entrySet()) { Line line = new Line(entry.getValue()); line.setColor(entry.getKey()); line.setHasLines(false); int size = pointSize / 2; size = (size > 0) ? size : 1; line.setPointRadius(size); line.setHasPoints(true); lines.add(line); } }
Example #7
Source File: BgGraphBuilder.java From AndroidAPS with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
public Line tempValuesLine(TempWatchData twd, float offset, double factor, boolean isHighlightLine, int strokeWidth) { List<PointValue> lineValues = new ArrayList<PointValue>(); long begin = (long) Math.max(start_time, twd.startTime); lineValues.add(new PointValue(fuzz(begin), offset + (float) (factor * twd.startBasal))); lineValues.add(new PointValue(fuzz(begin), offset + (float) (factor * twd.amount))); lineValues.add(new PointValue(fuzz(twd.endTime), offset + (float) (factor * twd.amount))); lineValues.add(new PointValue(fuzz(twd.endTime), offset + (float) (factor * twd.endBasal))); Line valueLine = new Line(lineValues); valueLine.setHasPoints(false); if (isHighlightLine){ valueLine.setColor(basalCenterColor); valueLine.setStrokeWidth(1); }else { valueLine.setColor(basalBackgroundColor); valueLine.setStrokeWidth(strokeWidth); } return valueLine; }
Example #8
Source File: BgGraphBuilder.java From xDrip with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
public synchronized void onValueSelected(int i, int i1, PointValue pointValue) {
String filtered = "";
try {
PointValueExtended pve = (PointValueExtended) pointValue;
if(pve.calculatedFilteredValue != -1) {
filtered = " (" + Math.round(pve.calculatedFilteredValue*10) / 10d +")";
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Error casting a point from pointValue to PointValueExtended", e);
final java.text.DateFormat timeFormat = DateFormat.getTimeFormat(context);
//Won't give the exact time of the reading but the time on the grid: close enough.
Long time = ((long)pointValue.getX())*FUZZER;
if(tooltip!= null){
tooltip = Toast.makeText(context, timeFormat.format(time)+ ": " + Math.round(pointValue.getY()*10)/ 10d + filtered, Toast.LENGTH_LONG);
Example #9
Source File: BgGraphBuilder.java From xDrip with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
private void addCalibrations() {
try {
for (BgWatchData calibration : calDataList) {
if(calibration.timestamp > start_time) {
final long adjusted_timestamp = ((long)(calibration.timestamp) + (estimatedInterstitialLagSeconds * 1000));
//final long adjusted_timestamp = ((long)calibration.timestamp + (estimatedInterstitialLagSeconds * 1000));
final PointValueExtended this_point = new PointValueExtended((float) (adjusted_timestamp / FUZZER), (float) unitized(calibration.sgv));
this_point.real_timestamp = (long)calibration.timestamp;
calibrationValues.add(new PointValue(fuzz(adjusted_timestamp), (float) unitized(calibration.sgv)));//KS calibration.timestamp
if (d)
Log.d(TAG, "calibration total record: " + calibration.sgv + " " + " adjusted_timestamp: " + fuzz(calibration.timestamp) + " timestamp=" + JoH.dateTimeText((long) calibration.timestamp));
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Exception doing calibration values in bggraphbuilder: " + e.toString());
Example #10
Source File: LibreTrendGraph.java From xDrip with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
public static List<PointValue> getTrendDataPointsOld(boolean doMgdl, long start_time, long end_time) { // TODO needs to cut off if would exceed the current graph scope final float conversion_factor_mmol = (float) (doMgdl ? 1 : Constants.MGDL_TO_MMOLL); final LibreBlock libreBlock= LibreBlock.getLatestForTrend(start_time, end_time ); if (libreBlock != null) { final ArrayList<Float> bg_data = getLatestBg(libreBlock); if (bg_data != null) { final ArrayList<PointValue> points = new ArrayList<>(bg_data.size()); long time_offset = 0; for (Float bg : bg_data) { points.add(new PointValue((float) ((libreBlock.timestamp - time_offset) / FUZZER), bg * conversion_factor_mmol)); time_offset += Constants.MINUTE_IN_MS; } return points; } } return null; }
Example #11
Source File: LineChartRenderer.java From hellocharts-android with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private void drawPoint(Canvas canvas, Line line, PointValue pointValue, float rawX, float rawY,
float pointRadius) {
if (ValueShape.SQUARE.equals(line.getShape())) {
canvas.drawRect(rawX - pointRadius, rawY - pointRadius, rawX + pointRadius, rawY + pointRadius,
} else if (ValueShape.CIRCLE.equals(line.getShape())) {
canvas.drawCircle(rawX, rawY, pointRadius, pointPaint);
} else if (ValueShape.DIAMOND.equals(line.getShape())) {
canvas.rotate(45, rawX, rawY);
canvas.drawRect(rawX - pointRadius, rawY - pointRadius, rawX + pointRadius, rawY + pointRadius,
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid point shape: " + line.getShape());
Example #12
Source File: IOBCOBLineGraph.java From HAPP with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
public Line iobFutureLine() { List<PointValue> listValues = new ArrayList<>(); for (int c = 0; c < iobFutureValues.length(); c++) { try { if (iobFutureValues.getJSONObject(c).getDouble("iob") > yIOBMax) { listValues.add(new PointValue((float) (iobFutureValues.getJSONObject(c).getDouble("as_of")), (float) fitIOB2COBRange(yIOBMax))); //Do not go above Max IOB } else if (iobFutureValues.getJSONObject(c).getDouble("iob") < yIOBMin) { listValues.add(new PointValue((float) (iobFutureValues.getJSONObject(c).getDouble("as_of")), (float) fitIOB2COBRange(yIOBMin))); //Do not go below Min IOB } else { listValues.add(new PointValue((float) (iobFutureValues.getJSONObject(c).getDouble("as_of")), (float) fitIOB2COBRange(iobFutureValues.getJSONObject(c).getDouble("iob")))); } } catch (JSONException e) { Crashlytics.logException(e); e.printStackTrace(); } } Line cobValuesLine = new Line(listValues); cobValuesLine.setColor(ChartUtils.COLOR_BLUE); cobValuesLine.setHasLines(false); cobValuesLine.setHasPoints(true); cobValuesLine.setFilled(false); cobValuesLine.setCubic(false); cobValuesLine.setPointRadius(2); return cobValuesLine; }
Example #13
Source File: LibreTrendGraph.java From xDrip-plus with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
public static List<PointValue> getTrendDataPointsOld(boolean doMgdl, long start_time, long end_time) { // TODO needs to cut off if would exceed the current graph scope final float conversion_factor_mmol = (float) (doMgdl ? 1 : Constants.MGDL_TO_MMOLL); final LibreBlock libreBlock= LibreBlock.getLatestForTrend(start_time, end_time ); if (libreBlock != null) { final ArrayList<Float> bg_data = getLatestBg(libreBlock); if (bg_data != null) { final ArrayList<PointValue> points = new ArrayList<>(bg_data.size()); long time_offset = 0; for (Float bg : bg_data) { points.add(new PointValue((float) ((libreBlock.timestamp - time_offset) / FUZZER), bg * conversion_factor_mmol)); time_offset += Constants.MINUTE_IN_MS; } return points; } } return null; }
Example #14
Source File: BgGraphBuilder.java From xDrip-plus with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
private void addCalibrations() {
try {
for (BgWatchData calibration : calDataList) {
if(calibration.timestamp > start_time) {
final long adjusted_timestamp = ((long)(calibration.timestamp) + (estimatedInterstitialLagSeconds * 1000));
//final long adjusted_timestamp = ((long)calibration.timestamp + (estimatedInterstitialLagSeconds * 1000));
final PointValueExtended this_point = new PointValueExtended((float) (adjusted_timestamp / FUZZER), (float) unitized(calibration.sgv));
this_point.real_timestamp = (long)calibration.timestamp;
calibrationValues.add(new PointValue(fuzz(adjusted_timestamp), (float) unitized(calibration.sgv)));//KS calibration.timestamp
if (d)
Log.d(TAG, "calibration total record: " + calibration.sgv + " " + " adjusted_timestamp: " + fuzz(calibration.timestamp) + " timestamp=" + JoH.dateTimeText((long) calibration.timestamp));
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Exception doing calibration values in bggraphbuilder: " + e.toString());
Example #15
Source File: BgGraphBuilder.java From xDrip-plus with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
public synchronized void onValueSelected(int i, int i1, PointValue pointValue) {
String filtered = "";
try {
PointValueExtended pve = (PointValueExtended) pointValue;
if(pve.calculatedFilteredValue != -1) {
filtered = " (" + Math.round(pve.calculatedFilteredValue*10) / 10d +")";
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Error casting a point from pointValue to PointValueExtended", e);
final java.text.DateFormat timeFormat = DateFormat.getTimeFormat(context);
//Won't give the exact time of the reading but the time on the grid: close enough.
Long time = ((long)pointValue.getX())*FUZZER;
if(tooltip!= null){
tooltip = Toast.makeText(context, timeFormat.format(time)+ ": " + Math.round(pointValue.getY()*10)/ 10d + filtered, Toast.LENGTH_LONG);
Example #16
Source File: LineColumnDependencyActivity.java From hellocharts-android with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void generateLineData(int color, float range) {
// Cancel last animation if not finished.
// Modify data targets
Line line = lineData.getLines().get(0);// For this example there is always only one line.
for (PointValue value : line.getValues()) {
// Change target only for Y value.
value.setTarget(value.getX(), (float) Math.random() * range);
// Start new data animation with 300ms duration;
Example #17
Source File: NoteClassifier.java From xDrip-plus with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
private static PointValue icon(@DrawableRes int id, @ColorInt int color, String note) {
final PointValueExtended pv = new PointValueExtended();
BitmapLoader.loadAndSetKey(pv, id, 0);
pv.note = note;
return pv;
Example #18
Source File: BgGraphBuilder.java From xDrip-plus with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
public Line predictiveLowLine() { List<PointValue> lowLineValues = new ArrayList<PointValue>(); lowLineValues.add(new PointValue((float) end_time, (float) lowMark)); lowLineValues.add(new PointValue((float) predictive_end_time, (float) lowMark)); Line lowLine = new Line(lowLineValues); lowLine.setHasPoints(false); lowLine.setAreaTransparency(40); lowLine.setColor(ChartUtils.darkenColor(ChartUtils.darkenColor(ChartUtils.darkenColor(getCol(X.color_low_values))))); lowLine.setStrokeWidth(1); lowLine.setFilled(true); return lowLine; }
Example #19
Source File: BgGraphBuilder.java From xDrip-plus with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
private Line libreTrendLine() {
final List<PointValue> libreTrendValues = LibreTrendGraph.getTrendDataPoints(doMgdl, (long)(start_time * FUZZER), (long)(end_time * FUZZER));
final Line line = new Line(libreTrendValues);
line.setColor(Color.argb(240,25,206,244)); // temporary pending preference
return line;
Example #20
Source File: IOBCOBLineGraph.java From HAPP with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
public void addIOBValues(){ iobValues.clear(); //clears past data for (Stat iobReading : statsReadings) { if (iobReading.getIob() > yIOBMax) { iobValues.add(new PointValue((float) (iobReading.getTimestamp().getTime()), (float) fitIOB2COBRange(yIOBMax.floatValue()))); //Do not go above Max IOB } else if (iobReading.getIob() < yIOBMin) { iobValues.add(new PointValue((float) (iobReading.getTimestamp().getTime()), (float) fitIOB2COBRange(yIOBMin.floatValue()))); //Do not go below Min IOB } else { //iobValues.add(new SubcolumnValue((float) (iobReading.datetime / fuzz), (int)iobReading.value)); iobValues.add(new PointValue((float) (iobReading.getTimestamp().getTime()), (float) fitIOB2COBRange(iobReading.getIob()))); } } }
Example #21
Source File: BgGraphBuilder.java From xDrip-plus with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
public Line avg2Line() { List<PointValue> myLineValues = new ArrayList<PointValue>(); myLineValues.add(new PointValue((float) start_time, (float) unitized(avg2value))); myLineValues.add(new PointValue((float) end_time, (float) unitized(avg2value))); Line myLine = new Line(myLineValues); myLine.setHasPoints(false); myLine.setStrokeWidth(1); myLine.setColor(getCol(X.color_average2_line)); myLine.setPathEffect(new DashPathEffect(new float[]{30.0f, 10.0f}, 0)); myLine.setAreaTransparency(50); return myLine; }
Example #22
Source File: IOBCOBLineGraph.java From HAPP with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
public void addCOBValues(){ cobValues.clear(); //clear past data for (Stat cobReading : statsReadings) { if (cobReading.getCob() > yCOBMax) { cobValues.add(new PointValue((float) (cobReading.getTimestamp().getTime()), (float) yCOBMax.floatValue())); //Do not go above Max COB } else if (cobReading.getCob() < yCOBMin) { cobValues.add(new PointValue((float) (cobReading.getTimestamp().getTime()), (float) yCOBMin.floatValue())); //Do not go below Min COB } else { cobValues.add(new PointValue((float) (cobReading.getTimestamp().getTime()), (float) cobReading.getCob())); } } }
Example #23
Source File: LibreTrendGraph.java From xDrip-plus with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
public static List<PointValue> getTrendDataPoints(boolean doMgdl, long start_time, long end_time) { // TODO needs to cut off if would exceed the current graph scope final float conversion_factor_mmol = (float) (doMgdl ? 1 : Constants.MGDL_TO_MMOLL); ArrayList<Float> bg_data = getLatestBgForXMinutes((int) ((end_time - start_time) / Constants.MINUTE_IN_MS) ); if (bg_data == null) { Log.e(TAG, "Error getting data from getLatestBgForXMinutes. Returning"); return null; } LibreTrendLatest libreTrendLatest = LibreTrendUtil.getInstance().getLibreTrendLatest(); if(libreTrendLatest.glucoseLevelRaw == 0) { Log.e(TAG, "libreBlock exists but libreTrendLatest.glucoseLevelRaw is zero "); return null; } final ArrayList<PointValue> points = new ArrayList<>(bg_data.size()); long time_offset = 0; //int i = 0; for (Float bg : bg_data) { if(bg <= 0) { time_offset += Constants.MINUTE_IN_MS; continue; } long bg_time = libreTrendLatest.timestamp - time_offset; if (bg_time <= end_time && bg_time >= start_time) { double time = (double) ((double)(bg_time) / FUZZER); points.add(new PointValue((float) ((double)(bg_time) / FUZZER), bg * conversion_factor_mmol)); } time_offset += Constants.MINUTE_IN_MS; } return points; }
Example #24
Source File: LineColumnDependencyActivity.java From hellocharts-android with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Generates initial data for line chart. At the begining all Y values are equals 0. That will change when user * will select value on column chart. */ private void generateInitialLineData() { int numValues = 7; List<AxisValue> axisValues = new ArrayList<AxisValue>(); List<PointValue> values = new ArrayList<PointValue>(); for (int i = 0; i < numValues; ++i) { values.add(new PointValue(i, 0)); axisValues.add(new AxisValue(i).setLabel(days[i])); } Line line = new Line(values); line.setColor(ChartUtils.COLOR_GREEN).setCubic(true); List<Line> lines = new ArrayList<Line>(); lines.add(line); lineData = new LineChartData(lines); lineData.setAxisXBottom(new Axis(axisValues).setHasLines(true)); lineData.setAxisYLeft(new Axis().setHasLines(true).setMaxLabelChars(3)); chartTop.setLineChartData(lineData); // For build-up animation you have to disable viewport recalculation. chartTop.setViewportCalculationEnabled(false); // And set initial max viewport and current viewport- remember to set viewports after data. Viewport v = new Viewport(0, 110, 6, 0); chartTop.setMaximumViewport(v); chartTop.setCurrentViewport(v); chartTop.setZoomType(ZoomType.HORIZONTAL); }
Example #25
Source File: BgGraphBuilder.java From xDrip-plus with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
private void addBloodTests() { // enumerate blood tests try { for (BgWatchData bloodtest : btDataList) { if(bloodtest.timestamp > start_time) { final long adjusted_timestamp = (Math.round(bloodtest.timestamp) + (estimatedInterstitialLagSeconds * 1000)); final PointValueExtended this_point = new PointValueExtended((float) (adjusted_timestamp / FUZZER), (float) unitized(bloodtest.sgv)); this_point.type = PointValueExtended.BloodTest; //this_point.uuid = bloodtest.uuid; //TODO this_point.real_timestamp = (long)bloodtest.timestamp; // exclude any which have been used for calibration boolean matches = false; for (PointValue calibration_point : calibrationValues) { if ((Math.abs(calibration_point.getX() - this_point.getX())) <= ((estimatedInterstitialLagSeconds * 1000) / FUZZER) && (calibration_point.getY() == calibration_point.getY())) { matches = true; break; } } //if (!matches) bloodTestValues.add(this_point); if (!matches) bloodTestValues.add(new PointValue(fuzz(adjusted_timestamp), (float) unitized(bloodtest.sgv)));//KS bloodtest.timestamp if (d) Log.d(TAG, "bloodtest total record: " + bloodtest.sgv + " " + " adjusted_timestamp: " + fuzz(bloodtest.timestamp) + " timestamp=" + JoH.dateTimeText((long) bloodtest.timestamp)); } } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Exception doing bloodtest values in bggraphbuilder: " + e.toString()); } }
Example #26
Source File: BgGraphBuilder.java From xDrip-plus with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
private ArrayList<Line> autoSplitLine(Line macroline, final float jumpthresh) { ArrayList<Line> linearray = new ArrayList<>(); float lastx = -999999; List<PointValue> macropoints = macroline.getValues(); List<PointValue> thesepoints = new ArrayList<>(); if (macropoints.size() > 0) { final float endmarker = macropoints.get(macropoints.size() - 1).getX(); for (PointValue thispoint : macropoints) { // a jump too far for a line? make it a new one if (((lastx != -999999) && (Math.abs(thispoint.getX() - lastx) > jumpthresh)) || thispoint.getX() == endmarker) { if (thispoint.getX() == endmarker) { thesepoints.add(thispoint); } Line line = (Line) cloneObject(macroline); // aieeee try { line.setValues(thesepoints); linearray.add(line); } catch (NullPointerException e) { // } thesepoints = new ArrayList<PointValue>(); } lastx = thispoint.getX(); thesepoints.add(thispoint); // grow current line list } } return linearray; }
Example #27
Source File: CheckableLineChartRenderer.java From SoloPi with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void drawChecked(Canvas canvas) {
if (checkedValue == null){
int lineIndex = checkedValue.getFirstIndex();
Line line = dataProvider.getLineChartData().getLines().get(lineIndex);
PointValue pointValue = line.getValues().get(checkedValue.getSecondIndex());
int pointRadius = ChartUtils.dp2px(density, line.getPointRadius());
float rawX = computator.computeRawX(pointValue.getX());
float rawY = computator.computeRawY(pointValue.getY());
canvas.drawCircle(rawX, rawY, pointRadius, checkedPaint);
Example #28
Source File: NoteClassifier.java From xDrip with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
private static PointValue icon(@DrawableRes int id, @ColorInt int color, String note) {
final PointValueExtended pv = new PointValueExtended();
BitmapLoader.loadAndSetKey(pv, id, 0);
pv.note = note;
return pv;
Example #29
Source File: NoteClassifier.java From xDrip-plus with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
public static PointValue noteToPointValue(final String note) {
final String haystack = note.toLowerCase();
if (haystack.contains("battery low")) {
return red(R.drawable.alert_icon, note);
} else if (haystack.contains("stopped")) {
return red(R.drawable.flag_variant, note);
} else if (haystack.contains("paused")) {
return amber(R.drawable.flag_variant, note);
} else if (haystack.contains("started")) {
return green(R.drawable.flag_variant, note);
} else if (haystack.contains("cartridge low")) {
return red(R.drawable.alert_icon, note);
} else if (haystack.equals("connection timed out")) {
return red(R.drawable.alert_icon, note);
} else if (haystack.startsWith("warning")) {
return amber(R.drawable.alert_icon, note);
} else if (haystack.startsWith("maintenance")) {
return grey(R.drawable.wrench_icon, note);
return grey(R.drawable.note_text_icon, note);
Example #30
Source File: LineChartView.java From hellocharts-android with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void callTouchListener() {
SelectedValue selectedValue = chartRenderer.getSelectedValue();
if (selectedValue.isSet()) {
PointValue point = data.getLines().get(selectedValue.getFirstIndex()).getValues()
onValueTouchListener.onValueSelected(selectedValue.getFirstIndex(), selectedValue.getSecondIndex(), point);
} else {