net.sf.jsqlparser.expression.SignedExpression Java Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: From spanner-jdbc with MIT License | 6 votes |
public void visit(SignedExpression value) {
Expression underlyingValue = value.getExpression();
if (underlyingValue instanceof DoubleValue) {
DoubleValue doubleValue = (DoubleValue) underlyingValue;
.setValue(value.getSign() == '-' ? -doubleValue.getValue() : doubleValue.getValue());
} else if (underlyingValue instanceof LongValue) {
LongValue longValue = (LongValue) underlyingValue;
longValue.setValue(value.getSign() == '-' ? -longValue.getValue() : longValue.getValue());
} else {
Example #2
Source File: From sql-to-mongo-db-query-converter with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public static Object getValue(Expression incomingExpression, Expression otherSide, FieldType defaultFieldType, Map<String, FieldType> fieldNameToFieldTypeMapping) throws ParseException { FieldType fieldType = otherSide !=null ? firstNonNull(fieldNameToFieldTypeMapping.get(getStringValue(otherSide)), defaultFieldType) : FieldType.UNKNOWN; if (LongValue.class.isInstance(incomingExpression)) { return normalizeValue((((LongValue)incomingExpression).getValue()),fieldType); } else if (SignedExpression.class.isInstance(incomingExpression)) { return normalizeValue((((SignedExpression)incomingExpression).toString()),fieldType); } else if (StringValue.class.isInstance(incomingExpression)) { return normalizeValue((((StringValue)incomingExpression).getValue()),fieldType); } else if (Column.class.isInstance(incomingExpression)) { return normalizeValue(getStringValue(incomingExpression),fieldType); } else { throw new ParseException("can not parseNaturalLanguageDate: " + incomingExpression.toString()); } }
Example #3
Source File: From quetzal with Eclipse Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void visit(SignedExpression signedExpression) {
boolean prevIsTopVal = isTopLevel;
isTopLevel = false;
isTopLevel = prevIsTopVal;
Example #4
Source File: From DataPermissionHelper with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public void visit(SignedExpression signedExpression) {
signedExpression.accept(new ExpressionVisitorImpl());
Example #5
Source File: From herddb with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private static Object resolveValue(Expression expression, boolean allowColumn) throws StatementExecutionException { if (expression instanceof JdbcParameter) { throw new StatementExecutionException("jdbcparameter expression not usable in this query"); } else if (allowColumn && expression instanceof net.sf.jsqlparser.schema.Column) { // this is only for supporting back ticks in DDL return fixMySqlBackTicks(((net.sf.jsqlparser.schema.Column) expression).getColumnName()); } else if (expression instanceof StringValue) { return ((StringValue) expression).getValue(); } else if (expression instanceof LongValue) { return ((LongValue) expression).getValue(); } else if (expression instanceof TimestampValue) { return ((TimestampValue) expression).getValue(); } else if (expression instanceof SignedExpression) { SignedExpression se = (SignedExpression) expression; switch (se.getSign()) { case '+': { return resolveValue(se.getExpression(), allowColumn); } case '-': { Object value = resolveValue(se.getExpression(), allowColumn); if (value == null) { return null; } if (value instanceof Integer) { return -1L * ((Integer) value); } else if (value instanceof Long) { return -1L * ((Long) value); } else { throw new StatementExecutionException( "unsupported value type " + expression.getClass() + " with sign " + se.getSign() + " on value " + value + " of type " + value. getClass()); } } default: throw new StatementExecutionException( "unsupported value type " + expression.getClass() + " with sign " + se.getSign()); } } else { throw new StatementExecutionException("unsupported value type " + expression.getClass()); } }