org.apache.flink.api.common.aggregators.ConvergenceCriterion Java Examples
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Example #1
Source File: From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void setConvergenceCriterion(String aggregatorName, ConvergenceCriterion<?> convCriterion) {
try {
InstantiationUtil.writeObjectToConfig(convCriterion, this.config, ITERATION_CONVERGENCE_CRITERION);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error while writing the convergence criterion object to the task configuration.");
this.config.setString(ITERATION_CONVERGENCE_CRITERION_AGG_NAME, aggregatorName);
Example #2
Source File: From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
* Sets the default convergence criterion of a {@link DeltaIteration}
* @param aggregatorName
* @param convCriterion
public void setImplicitConvergenceCriterion(String aggregatorName, ConvergenceCriterion<?> convCriterion) {
try {
InstantiationUtil.writeObjectToConfig(convCriterion, this.config, ITERATION_IMPLICIT_CONVERGENCE_CRITERION);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error while writing the implicit convergence criterion object to the task configuration.");
Example #3
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
* Sets the default convergence criterion of a {@link DeltaIteration}
* @param aggregatorName
* @param convCriterion
public void setImplicitConvergenceCriterion(String aggregatorName, ConvergenceCriterion<?> convCriterion) {
try {
InstantiationUtil.writeObjectToConfig(convCriterion, this.config, ITERATION_IMPLICIT_CONVERGENCE_CRITERION);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error while writing the implicit convergence criterion object to the task configuration.");
Example #4
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void setConvergenceCriterion(String aggregatorName, ConvergenceCriterion<?> convCriterion) {
try {
InstantiationUtil.writeObjectToConfig(convCriterion, this.config, ITERATION_CONVERGENCE_CRITERION);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error while writing the convergence criterion object to the task configuration.");
this.config.setString(ITERATION_CONVERGENCE_CRITERION_AGG_NAME, aggregatorName);
Example #5
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void setConvergenceCriterion(String aggregatorName, ConvergenceCriterion<?> convCriterion) {
try {
InstantiationUtil.writeObjectToConfig(convCriterion, this.config, ITERATION_CONVERGENCE_CRITERION);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error while writing the convergence criterion object to the task configuration.");
this.config.setString(ITERATION_CONVERGENCE_CRITERION_AGG_NAME, aggregatorName);
Example #6
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
* Sets the default convergence criterion of a {@link DeltaIteration}
* @param aggregatorName
* @param convCriterion
public void setImplicitConvergenceCriterion(String aggregatorName, ConvergenceCriterion<?> convCriterion) {
try {
InstantiationUtil.writeObjectToConfig(convCriterion, this.config, ITERATION_IMPLICIT_CONVERGENCE_CRITERION);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error while writing the implicit convergence criterion object to the task configuration.");
Example #7
Source File: From toolbox with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public double updateModel(DataFlink<DataInstance> dataUpdate){
final ExecutionEnvironment env = dataUpdate.getDataSet().getExecutionEnvironment();
// get input data
CompoundVector parameterPrior = this.svb.getNaturalParameterPrior();
DataSet<CompoundVector> paramSet = env.fromElements(parameterPrior);
ConvergenceCriterion convergenceELBO;
if(timeLimit == -1) {
convergenceELBO = new ConvergenceELBO(this.globalThreshold, System.nanoTime());
else {
convergenceELBO = new ConvergenceELBObyTime(this.timeLimit, System.nanoTime(), this.idenitifableModelling.getNumberOfEpochs());
// set number of bulk iterations for KMeans algorithm
IterativeDataSet<CompoundVector> loop = paramSet.iterate(maximumGlobalIterations)
.registerAggregationConvergenceCriterion("ELBO_" + this.dag.getName(), new DoubleSumAggregator(),convergenceELBO);
Configuration config = new Configuration();
config.setString(ParameterLearningAlgorithm.BN_NAME, this.dag.getName());
config.setBytes(SVB, Serialization.serializeObject(svb));
//We add an empty batched data set to emit the updated prior.
DataOnMemory<DataInstance> emtpyBatch = new DataOnMemoryListContainer<DataInstance>(dataUpdate.getAttributes());
DataSet<DataOnMemory<DataInstance>> unionData = null;
unionData =
TypeExtractor.getForClass((Class<DataOnMemory<DataInstance>>) Class.forName("eu.amidst.core.datastream.DataOnMemory"))));
DataSet<CompoundVector> newparamSet =
.map(new ParallelVBMap(randomStart, idenitifableModelling))
.withBroadcastSet(loop, "VB_PARAMS_" + this.dag.getName())
.reduce(new ParallelVBReduce());
// feed new centroids back into next iteration
DataSet<CompoundVector> finlparamSet = loop.closeWith(newparamSet);
parameterPrior = finlparamSet.collect().get(0);
if(timeLimit == -1)
this.globalELBO = ((ConvergenceELBO)loop.getAggregators().getConvergenceCriterion()).getELBO();
this.globalELBO = ((ConvergenceELBObyTime)loop.getAggregators().getConvergenceCriterion()).getELBO();
}catch(Exception ex){
throw new RuntimeException(ex.getMessage());
return this.getLogMarginalProbability();
Example #8
Source File: From toolbox with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public double updateModel(DataFlink<DataInstance> dataUpdate){
final ExecutionEnvironment env = dataUpdate.getDataSet().getExecutionEnvironment();
// get input data
CompoundVector parameterPrior = this.svb.getNaturalParameterPrior();
DataSet<CompoundVector> paramSet = env.fromElements(parameterPrior);
ConvergenceCriterion convergenceELBO;
if(timeLimit == -1) {
convergenceELBO = new ConvergenceELBO(this.globalThreshold, System.nanoTime());
else {
convergenceELBO = new ConvergenceELBObyTime(this.timeLimit, System.nanoTime());
// set number of bulk iterations for KMeans algorithm
IterativeDataSet<CompoundVector> loop = paramSet.iterate(maximumGlobalIterations)
.registerAggregationConvergenceCriterion("ELBO_" + this.dag.getName(), new DoubleSumAggregator(),convergenceELBO);
Configuration config = new Configuration();
config.setString(ParameterLearningAlgorithm.BN_NAME, this.dag.getName());
config.setBytes(SVB, Serialization.serializeObject(svb));
//We add an empty batched data set to emit the updated prior.
DataOnMemory<DataInstance> emtpyBatch = new DataOnMemoryListContainer<DataInstance>(dataUpdate.getAttributes());
DataSet<DataOnMemory<DataInstance>> unionData = null;
unionData =
TypeExtractor.getForClass((Class<DataOnMemory<DataInstance>>) Class.forName("eu.amidst.core.datastream.DataOnMemory"))));
DataSet<CompoundVector> newparamSet =
.map(new ParallelVBMap(randomStart, idenitifableModelling))
.withBroadcastSet(loop, "VB_PARAMS_" + this.dag.getName())
.reduce(new ParallelVBReduce());
// feed new centroids back into next iteration
DataSet<CompoundVector> finlparamSet = loop.closeWith(newparamSet);
parameterPrior = finlparamSet.collect().get(0);
if(timeLimit == -1)
this.globalELBO = ((ConvergenceELBO)loop.getAggregators().getConvergenceCriterion()).getELBO();
this.globalELBO = ((ConvergenceELBObyTime)loop.getAggregators().getConvergenceCriterion()).getELBO();
}catch(Exception ex){
throw new RuntimeException(ex.getMessage());
return this.getLogMarginalProbability();
Example #9
Source File: From toolbox with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public double updateModel(DataFlink<DataInstance> dataUpdate){
final ExecutionEnvironment env = dataUpdate.getDataSet().getExecutionEnvironment();
// get input data
CompoundVector parameterPrior = this.svb.getNaturalParameterPrior();
DataSet<CompoundVector> paramSet = env.fromElements(parameterPrior);
ConvergenceCriterion convergenceELBO;
if(timeLimit == -1) {
convergenceELBO = new ConvergenceELBO(this.globalThreshold, System.nanoTime());
else {
convergenceELBO = new ConvergenceELBObyTime(this.timeLimit, System.nanoTime());
// set number of bulk iterations for KMeans algorithm
IterativeDataSet<CompoundVector> loop = paramSet.iterate(maximumGlobalIterations)
.registerAggregationConvergenceCriterion("ELBO_" + this.dag.getName(), new DoubleSumAggregator(),convergenceELBO);
Configuration config = new Configuration();
config.setString(ParameterLearningAlgorithm.BN_NAME, this.dag.getName());
config.setBytes(SVB, Serialization.serializeObject(svb));
//We add an empty batched data set to emit the updated prior.
DataOnMemory<DataInstance> emtpyBatch = new DataOnMemoryListContainer<DataInstance>(dataUpdate.getAttributes());
DataSet<DataOnMemory<DataInstance>> unionData = null;
unionData =
TypeExtractor.getForClass((Class<DataOnMemory<DataInstance>>) Class.forName("eu.amidst.core.datastream.DataOnMemory"))));
DataSet<CompoundVector> newparamSet =
.map(new ParallelVBMap(randomStart, idenitifableModelling))
.withBroadcastSet(loop, "VB_PARAMS_" + this.dag.getName())
.reduce(new ParallelVBReduce());
// feed new centroids back into next iteration
DataSet<CompoundVector> finlparamSet = loop.closeWith(newparamSet);
parameterPrior = finlparamSet.collect().get(0);
if(timeLimit == -1)
this.globalELBO = ((ConvergenceELBO)loop.getAggregators().getConvergenceCriterion()).getELBO();
this.globalELBO = ((ConvergenceELBObyTime)loop.getAggregators().getConvergenceCriterion()).getELBO();
}catch(Exception ex){
throw new RuntimeException(ex.getMessage());
return this.getLogMarginalProbability();
Example #10
Source File: From toolbox with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public double updateModel(DataFlink<DataInstance> dataUpdate){
final ExecutionEnvironment env = dataUpdate.getDataSet().getExecutionEnvironment();
// get input data
CompoundVector parameterPrior = this.svb.getNaturalParameterPrior();
DataSet<CompoundVector> paramSet = env.fromElements(parameterPrior);
ConvergenceCriterion convergenceELBO;
if(timeLimit == -1) {
convergenceELBO = new ConvergenceELBO(this.globalThreshold, System.nanoTime());
else {
convergenceELBO = new ConvergenceELBObyTime(this.timeLimit, System.nanoTime());
// set number of bulk iterations for KMeans algorithm
IterativeDataSet<CompoundVector> loop = paramSet.iterate(maximumGlobalIterations)
.registerAggregationConvergenceCriterion("ELBO_" + this.getName(), new DoubleSumAggregator(),convergenceELBO);
Configuration config = new Configuration();
config.setString(ParameterLearningAlgorithm.BN_NAME, this.getName());
config.setBytes(SVB, Serialization.serializeObject(svb));
//We add an empty batched data set to emit the updated prior.
DataOnMemory<DataInstance> emtpyBatch = new DataOnMemoryListContainer<DataInstance>(dataUpdate.getAttributes());
DataSet<DataOnMemory<DataInstance>> unionData = null;
unionData =
dataUpdate.getBatchedDataSet(this.batchSize, batchConverter)
TypeExtractor.getForClass((Class<DataOnMemory<DataInstance>>) Class.forName("eu.amidst.core.datastream.DataOnMemory"))));
DataSet<CompoundVector> newparamSet =
.map(new ParallelVBMap(randomStart, idenitifableModelling))
.withBroadcastSet(loop, "VB_PARAMS_" + this.getName())
.reduce(new ParallelVBReduce());
// feed new centroids back into next iteration
DataSet<CompoundVector> finlparamSet = loop.closeWith(newparamSet);
parameterPrior = finlparamSet.collect().get(0);
if(timeLimit == -1)
this.globalELBO = ((ConvergenceELBO)loop.getAggregators().getConvergenceCriterion()).getELBO();
this.globalELBO = ((ConvergenceELBObyTime)loop.getAggregators().getConvergenceCriterion()).getELBO();
}catch(Exception ex){
throw new RuntimeException(ex.getMessage());
return this.getLogMarginalProbability();
Example #11
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private <T> List<T> executeBulkIteration(BulkIterationBase<?> iteration) throws Exception { Operator<?> inputOp = iteration.getInput(); if (inputOp == null) { throw new InvalidProgramException("The iteration " + iteration.getName() + " has no input (initial partial solution)."); } if (iteration.getNextPartialSolution() == null) { throw new InvalidProgramException("The iteration " + iteration.getName() + " has no next partial solution defined (is not closed)."); } List<T> inputData = (List<T>) execute(inputOp); // get the operators that are iterative Set<Operator<?>> dynamics = new LinkedHashSet<Operator<?>>(); DynamicPathCollector dynCollector = new DynamicPathCollector(dynamics); iteration.getNextPartialSolution().accept(dynCollector); if (iteration.getTerminationCriterion() != null) { iteration.getTerminationCriterion().accept(dynCollector); } // register the aggregators for (AggregatorWithName<?> a : iteration.getAggregators().getAllRegisteredAggregators()) { aggregators.put(a.getName(), a.getAggregator()); } String convCriterionAggName = iteration.getAggregators().getConvergenceCriterionAggregatorName(); ConvergenceCriterion<Value> convCriterion = (ConvergenceCriterion<Value>) iteration.getAggregators().getConvergenceCriterion(); List<T> currentResult = inputData; final int maxIterations = iteration.getMaximumNumberOfIterations(); for (int superstep = 1; superstep <= maxIterations; superstep++) { // set the input to the current partial solution this.intermediateResults.put(iteration.getPartialSolution(), currentResult); // set the superstep number iterationSuperstep = superstep; // grab the current iteration result currentResult = (List<T>) execute(iteration.getNextPartialSolution(), superstep); // evaluate the termination criterion if (iteration.getTerminationCriterion() != null) { execute(iteration.getTerminationCriterion(), superstep); } // evaluate the aggregator convergence criterion if (convCriterion != null && convCriterionAggName != null) { Value v = aggregators.get(convCriterionAggName).getAggregate(); if (convCriterion.isConverged(superstep, v)) { break; } } // clear the dynamic results for (Operator<?> o : dynamics) { intermediateResults.remove(o); } // set the previous iteration's aggregates and reset the aggregators for (Map.Entry<String, Aggregator<?>> e : aggregators.entrySet()) { previousAggregates.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue().getAggregate()); e.getValue().reset(); } } previousAggregates.clear(); aggregators.clear(); return currentResult; }
Example #12
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private <T> List<T> executeBulkIteration(BulkIterationBase<?> iteration) throws Exception { Operator<?> inputOp = iteration.getInput(); if (inputOp == null) { throw new InvalidProgramException("The iteration " + iteration.getName() + " has no input (initial partial solution)."); } if (iteration.getNextPartialSolution() == null) { throw new InvalidProgramException("The iteration " + iteration.getName() + " has no next partial solution defined (is not closed)."); } List<T> inputData = (List<T>) execute(inputOp); // get the operators that are iterative Set<Operator<?>> dynamics = new LinkedHashSet<Operator<?>>(); DynamicPathCollector dynCollector = new DynamicPathCollector(dynamics); iteration.getNextPartialSolution().accept(dynCollector); if (iteration.getTerminationCriterion() != null) { iteration.getTerminationCriterion().accept(dynCollector); } // register the aggregators for (AggregatorWithName<?> a : iteration.getAggregators().getAllRegisteredAggregators()) { aggregators.put(a.getName(), a.getAggregator()); } String convCriterionAggName = iteration.getAggregators().getConvergenceCriterionAggregatorName(); ConvergenceCriterion<Value> convCriterion = (ConvergenceCriterion<Value>) iteration.getAggregators().getConvergenceCriterion(); List<T> currentResult = inputData; final int maxIterations = iteration.getMaximumNumberOfIterations(); for (int superstep = 1; superstep <= maxIterations; superstep++) { // set the input to the current partial solution this.intermediateResults.put(iteration.getPartialSolution(), currentResult); // set the superstep number iterationSuperstep = superstep; // grab the current iteration result currentResult = (List<T>) execute(iteration.getNextPartialSolution(), superstep); // evaluate the termination criterion if (iteration.getTerminationCriterion() != null) { execute(iteration.getTerminationCriterion(), superstep); } // evaluate the aggregator convergence criterion if (convCriterion != null && convCriterionAggName != null) { Value v = aggregators.get(convCriterionAggName).getAggregate(); if (convCriterion.isConverged(superstep, v)) { break; } } // clear the dynamic results for (Operator<?> o : dynamics) { intermediateResults.remove(o); } // set the previous iteration's aggregates and reset the aggregators for (Map.Entry<String, Aggregator<?>> e : aggregators.entrySet()) { previousAggregates.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue().getAggregate()); e.getValue().reset(); } } previousAggregates.clear(); aggregators.clear(); return currentResult; }
Example #13
Source File: From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private <T> List<T> executeBulkIteration(BulkIterationBase<?> iteration) throws Exception { Operator<?> inputOp = iteration.getInput(); if (inputOp == null) { throw new InvalidProgramException("The iteration " + iteration.getName() + " has no input (initial partial solution)."); } if (iteration.getNextPartialSolution() == null) { throw new InvalidProgramException("The iteration " + iteration.getName() + " has no next partial solution defined (is not closed)."); } List<T> inputData = (List<T>) execute(inputOp); // get the operators that are iterative Set<Operator<?>> dynamics = new LinkedHashSet<Operator<?>>(); DynamicPathCollector dynCollector = new DynamicPathCollector(dynamics); iteration.getNextPartialSolution().accept(dynCollector); if (iteration.getTerminationCriterion() != null) { iteration.getTerminationCriterion().accept(dynCollector); } // register the aggregators for (AggregatorWithName<?> a : iteration.getAggregators().getAllRegisteredAggregators()) { aggregators.put(a.getName(), a.getAggregator()); } String convCriterionAggName = iteration.getAggregators().getConvergenceCriterionAggregatorName(); ConvergenceCriterion<Value> convCriterion = (ConvergenceCriterion<Value>) iteration.getAggregators().getConvergenceCriterion(); List<T> currentResult = inputData; final int maxIterations = iteration.getMaximumNumberOfIterations(); for (int superstep = 1; superstep <= maxIterations; superstep++) { // set the input to the current partial solution this.intermediateResults.put(iteration.getPartialSolution(), currentResult); // set the superstep number iterationSuperstep = superstep; // grab the current iteration result currentResult = (List<T>) execute(iteration.getNextPartialSolution(), superstep); // evaluate the termination criterion if (iteration.getTerminationCriterion() != null) { execute(iteration.getTerminationCriterion(), superstep); } // evaluate the aggregator convergence criterion if (convCriterion != null && convCriterionAggName != null) { Value v = aggregators.get(convCriterionAggName).getAggregate(); if (convCriterion.isConverged(superstep, v)) { break; } } // clear the dynamic results for (Operator<?> o : dynamics) { intermediateResults.remove(o); } // set the previous iteration's aggregates and reset the aggregators for (Map.Entry<String, Aggregator<?>> e : aggregators.entrySet()) { previousAggregates.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue().getAggregate()); e.getValue().reset(); } } previousAggregates.clear(); aggregators.clear(); return currentResult; }
Example #14
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 3 votes |
/** * Registers an {@link Aggregator} for the iteration together with a {@link ConvergenceCriterion}. For a general description * of aggregators, see {@link #registerAggregator(String, Aggregator)} and {@link Aggregator}. * At the end of each iteration, the convergence criterion takes the aggregator's global aggregate value and decides whether * the iteration should terminate. A typical use case is to have an aggregator that sums up the total error of change * in an iteration step and have to have a convergence criterion that signals termination as soon as the aggregate value * is below a certain threshold. * * @param name The name under which the aggregator is registered. * @param aggregator The aggregator class. * @param convergenceCheck The convergence criterion. * * @return The DeltaIteration itself, to allow chaining function calls. */ @PublicEvolving public <X extends Value> DeltaIteration<ST, WT> registerAggregationConvergenceCriterion( String name, Aggregator<X> aggregator, ConvergenceCriterion<X> convergenceCheck) { this.aggregators.registerAggregationConvergenceCriterion(name, aggregator, convergenceCheck); return this; }
Example #15
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 3 votes |
/** * Registers an {@link Aggregator} for the iteration together with a {@link ConvergenceCriterion}. For a general description * of aggregators, see {@link #registerAggregator(String, Aggregator)} and {@link Aggregator}. * At the end of each iteration, the convergence criterion takes the aggregator's global aggregate value and decided whether * the iteration should terminate. A typical use case is to have an aggregator that sums up the total error of change * in an iteration step and have to have a convergence criterion that signals termination as soon as the aggregate value * is below a certain threshold. * * @param name The name under which the aggregator is registered. * @param aggregator The aggregator class. * @param convergenceCheck The convergence criterion. * * @return The IterativeDataSet itself, to allow chaining function calls. */ @PublicEvolving public <X extends Value> IterativeDataSet<T> registerAggregationConvergenceCriterion( String name, Aggregator<X> aggregator, ConvergenceCriterion<X> convergenceCheck) { this.aggregators.registerAggregationConvergenceCriterion(name, aggregator, convergenceCheck); return this; }
Example #16
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 3 votes |
/** * Registers an {@link Aggregator} for the iteration together with a {@link ConvergenceCriterion}. For a general description * of aggregators, see {@link #registerAggregator(String, Aggregator)} and {@link Aggregator}. * At the end of each iteration, the convergence criterion takes the aggregator's global aggregate value and decides whether * the iteration should terminate. A typical use case is to have an aggregator that sums up the total error of change * in an iteration step and have to have a convergence criterion that signals termination as soon as the aggregate value * is below a certain threshold. * * @param name The name under which the aggregator is registered. * @param aggregator The aggregator class. * @param convergenceCheck The convergence criterion. * * @return The DeltaIteration itself, to allow chaining function calls. */ @PublicEvolving public <X extends Value> DeltaIteration<ST, WT> registerAggregationConvergenceCriterion( String name, Aggregator<X> aggregator, ConvergenceCriterion<X> convergenceCheck) { this.aggregators.registerAggregationConvergenceCriterion(name, aggregator, convergenceCheck); return this; }
Example #17
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 3 votes |
/** * Registers an {@link Aggregator} for the iteration together with a {@link ConvergenceCriterion}. For a general description * of aggregators, see {@link #registerAggregator(String, Aggregator)} and {@link Aggregator}. * At the end of each iteration, the convergence criterion takes the aggregator's global aggregate value and decided whether * the iteration should terminate. A typical use case is to have an aggregator that sums up the total error of change * in an iteration step and have to have a convergence criterion that signals termination as soon as the aggregate value * is below a certain threshold. * * @param name The name under which the aggregator is registered. * @param aggregator The aggregator class. * @param convergenceCheck The convergence criterion. * * @return The IterativeDataSet itself, to allow chaining function calls. */ @PublicEvolving public <X extends Value> IterativeDataSet<T> registerAggregationConvergenceCriterion( String name, Aggregator<X> aggregator, ConvergenceCriterion<X> convergenceCheck) { this.aggregators.registerAggregationConvergenceCriterion(name, aggregator, convergenceCheck); return this; }
Example #18
Source File: From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 | 3 votes |
/** * Registers an {@link Aggregator} for the iteration together with a {@link ConvergenceCriterion}. For a general description * of aggregators, see {@link #registerAggregator(String, Aggregator)} and {@link Aggregator}. * At the end of each iteration, the convergence criterion takes the aggregator's global aggregate value and decides whether * the iteration should terminate. A typical use case is to have an aggregator that sums up the total error of change * in an iteration step and have to have a convergence criterion that signals termination as soon as the aggregate value * is below a certain threshold. * * @param name The name under which the aggregator is registered. * @param aggregator The aggregator class. * @param convergenceCheck The convergence criterion. * * @return The DeltaIteration itself, to allow chaining function calls. */ @PublicEvolving public <X extends Value> DeltaIteration<ST, WT> registerAggregationConvergenceCriterion( String name, Aggregator<X> aggregator, ConvergenceCriterion<X> convergenceCheck) { this.aggregators.registerAggregationConvergenceCriterion(name, aggregator, convergenceCheck); return this; }
Example #19
Source File: From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 | 3 votes |
/** * Registers an {@link Aggregator} for the iteration together with a {@link ConvergenceCriterion}. For a general description * of aggregators, see {@link #registerAggregator(String, Aggregator)} and {@link Aggregator}. * At the end of each iteration, the convergence criterion takes the aggregator's global aggregate value and decided whether * the iteration should terminate. A typical use case is to have an aggregator that sums up the total error of change * in an iteration step and have to have a convergence criterion that signals termination as soon as the aggregate value * is below a certain threshold. * * @param name The name under which the aggregator is registered. * @param aggregator The aggregator class. * @param convergenceCheck The convergence criterion. * * @return The IterativeDataSet itself, to allow chaining function calls. */ @PublicEvolving public <X extends Value> IterativeDataSet<T> registerAggregationConvergenceCriterion( String name, Aggregator<X> aggregator, ConvergenceCriterion<X> convergenceCheck) { this.aggregators.registerAggregationConvergenceCriterion(name, aggregator, convergenceCheck); return this; }