Java Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public StreamTaskNetworkInput( CheckpointedInputGate checkpointedInputGate, TypeSerializer<?> inputSerializer, IOManager ioManager, int inputIndex) { this.checkpointedInputGate = checkpointedInputGate; this.deserializationDelegate = new NonReusingDeserializationDelegate<>( new StreamElementSerializer<>(inputSerializer)); // Initialize one deserializer per input channel this.recordDeserializers = new SpillingAdaptiveSpanningRecordDeserializer[checkpointedInputGate.getNumberOfInputChannels()]; for (int i = 0; i < recordDeserializers.length; i++) { recordDeserializers[i] = new SpillingAdaptiveSpanningRecordDeserializer<>( ioManager.getSpillingDirectoriesPaths()); } this.inputIndex = inputIndex; }
Example #2
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public StreamTaskNetworkInput( CheckpointedInputGate checkpointedInputGate, TypeSerializer<?> inputSerializer, IOManager ioManager, StatusWatermarkValve statusWatermarkValve, int inputIndex) { this.checkpointedInputGate = checkpointedInputGate; this.deserializationDelegate = new NonReusingDeserializationDelegate<>( new StreamElementSerializer<>(inputSerializer)); // Initialize one deserializer per input channel this.recordDeserializers = new SpillingAdaptiveSpanningRecordDeserializer[checkpointedInputGate.getNumberOfInputChannels()]; for (int i = 0; i < recordDeserializers.length; i++) { recordDeserializers[i] = new SpillingAdaptiveSpanningRecordDeserializer<>( ioManager.getSpillingDirectoriesPaths()); } this.statusWatermarkValve = checkNotNull(statusWatermarkValve); this.inputIndex = inputIndex; this.channelIndexes = getChannelIndexes(checkpointedInputGate); }
Example #3
Source File: From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Creates a new AbstractRecordReader that de-serializes records from the given input gate and * can spill partial records to disk, if they grow large. * * @param inputGate The input gate to read from. * @param tmpDirectories The temp directories. USed for spilling if the reader concurrently * reconstructs multiple large records. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected AbstractRecordReader(InputGate inputGate, String[] tmpDirectories) { super(inputGate); // Initialize one deserializer per input channel this.recordDeserializers = new SpillingAdaptiveSpanningRecordDeserializer[inputGate.getNumberOfInputChannels()]; for (int i = 0; i < recordDeserializers.length; i++) { recordDeserializers[i] = new SpillingAdaptiveSpanningRecordDeserializer<T>(tmpDirectories); } }
Example #4
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Creates a new AbstractRecordReader that de-serializes records from the given input gate and * can spill partial records to disk, if they grow large. * * @param inputGate The input gate to read from. * @param tmpDirectories The temp directories. USed for spilling if the reader concurrently * reconstructs multiple large records. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected AbstractRecordReader(InputGate inputGate, String[] tmpDirectories) { super(inputGate); // Initialize one deserializer per input channel this.recordDeserializers = new SpillingAdaptiveSpanningRecordDeserializer[inputGate.getNumberOfInputChannels()]; for (int i = 0; i < recordDeserializers.length; i++) { recordDeserializers[i] = new SpillingAdaptiveSpanningRecordDeserializer<T>(tmpDirectories); } }
Example #5
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
* Creates a new AbstractRecordReader that de-serializes records from the given input gate and
* can spill partial records to disk, if they grow large.
* @param inputGate The input gate to read from.
* @param tmpDirectories The temp directories. USed for spilling if the reader concurrently
* reconstructs multiple large records.
protected AbstractRecordReader(InputGate inputGate, String[] tmpDirectories) {
// Initialize one deserializer per input channel
recordDeserializers = inputGate.getChannelInfos().stream()
channelInfo -> new SpillingAdaptiveSpanningRecordDeserializer<>(tmpDirectories)));
Example #6
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
* Tests that records are broadcast via {@link RecordWriter#broadcastEmit(IOReadableWritable)}.
public void testBroadcastEmitRecord() throws Exception {
final int numberOfChannels = 4;
final int bufferSize = 32;
final int numValues = 8;
final int serializationLength = 4;
final Queue<BufferConsumer>[] queues = new Queue[numberOfChannels];
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfChannels; i++) {
queues[i] = new ArrayDeque<>();
final TestPooledBufferProvider bufferProvider = new TestPooledBufferProvider(Integer.MAX_VALUE, bufferSize);
final ResultPartitionWriter partitionWriter = new CollectingPartitionWriter(queues, bufferProvider);
final RecordWriter<SerializationTestType> writer = createRecordWriter(partitionWriter);
final RecordDeserializer<SerializationTestType> deserializer = new SpillingAdaptiveSpanningRecordDeserializer<>(
new String[]{ tempFolder.getRoot().getAbsolutePath() });
final ArrayDeque<SerializationTestType> serializedRecords = new ArrayDeque<>();
final Iterable<SerializationTestType> records = Util.randomRecords(numValues, SerializationTestTypeFactory.INT);
for (SerializationTestType record : records) {
final int numRequiredBuffers = numValues / (bufferSize / (4 + serializationLength));
if (isBroadcastWriter) {
assertEquals(numRequiredBuffers, bufferProvider.getNumberOfCreatedBuffers());
} else {
assertEquals(numRequiredBuffers * numberOfChannels, bufferProvider.getNumberOfCreatedBuffers());
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfChannels; i++) {
assertEquals(numRequiredBuffers, queues[i].size());
verifyDeserializationResults(queues[i], deserializer, serializedRecords.clone(), numRequiredBuffers, numValues);
Example #7
Source File: From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
* The results of emitting records via BroadcastPartitioner or broadcasting records directly are the same,
* that is all the target channels can receive the whole outputs.
* @param isBroadcastEmit whether using {@link RecordWriter#broadcastEmit(IOReadableWritable)} or not
private void emitRecordWithBroadcastPartitionerOrBroadcastEmitRecord(boolean isBroadcastEmit) throws Exception {
final int numberOfChannels = 4;
final int bufferSize = 32;
final int numValues = 8;
final int serializationLength = 4;
final Queue<BufferConsumer>[] queues = new Queue[numberOfChannels];
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfChannels; i++) {
queues[i] = new ArrayDeque<>();
final TestPooledBufferProvider bufferProvider = new TestPooledBufferProvider(Integer.MAX_VALUE, bufferSize);
final ResultPartitionWriter partitionWriter = new CollectingPartitionWriter(queues, bufferProvider);
final ChannelSelector selector = new OutputEmitter(ShipStrategyType.BROADCAST, 0);
final RecordWriter<SerializationTestType> writer = RecordWriter.createRecordWriter(partitionWriter, selector, 0, "test");
final RecordDeserializer<SerializationTestType> deserializer = new SpillingAdaptiveSpanningRecordDeserializer<>(
new String[]{ tempFolder.getRoot().getAbsolutePath() });
final ArrayDeque<SerializationTestType> serializedRecords = new ArrayDeque<>();
final Iterable<SerializationTestType> records = Util.randomRecords(numValues, SerializationTestTypeFactory.INT);
for (SerializationTestType record : records) {
if (isBroadcastEmit) {
} else {
final int requiredBuffers = numValues / (bufferSize / (4 + serializationLength));
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfChannels; i++) {
assertEquals(requiredBuffers, queues[i].size());
final ArrayDeque<SerializationTestType> expectedRecords = serializedRecords.clone();
int assertRecords = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < requiredBuffers; j++) {
Buffer buffer = buildSingleBuffer(queues[i].remove());
assertRecords += DeserializationUtils.deserializeRecords(expectedRecords, deserializer);
Assert.assertEquals(numValues, assertRecords);
Example #8
Source File: From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public StreamInputProcessor( InputGate[] inputGates, TypeSerializer<IN> inputSerializer, StreamTask<?, ?> checkpointedTask, CheckpointingMode checkpointMode, Object lock, IOManager ioManager, Configuration taskManagerConfig, StreamStatusMaintainer streamStatusMaintainer, OneInputStreamOperator<IN, ?> streamOperator, TaskIOMetricGroup metrics, WatermarkGauge watermarkGauge) throws IOException { InputGate inputGate = InputGateUtil.createInputGate(inputGates); this.barrierHandler = InputProcessorUtil.createCheckpointBarrierHandler( checkpointedTask, checkpointMode, ioManager, inputGate, taskManagerConfig); this.lock = checkNotNull(lock); StreamElementSerializer<IN> ser = new StreamElementSerializer<>(inputSerializer); this.deserializationDelegate = new NonReusingDeserializationDelegate<>(ser); // Initialize one deserializer per input channel this.recordDeserializers = new SpillingAdaptiveSpanningRecordDeserializer[inputGate.getNumberOfInputChannels()]; for (int i = 0; i < recordDeserializers.length; i++) { recordDeserializers[i] = new SpillingAdaptiveSpanningRecordDeserializer<>( ioManager.getSpillingDirectoriesPaths()); } this.numInputChannels = inputGate.getNumberOfInputChannels(); this.streamStatusMaintainer = checkNotNull(streamStatusMaintainer); this.streamOperator = checkNotNull(streamOperator); this.statusWatermarkValve = new StatusWatermarkValve( numInputChannels, new ForwardingValveOutputHandler(streamOperator, lock)); this.watermarkGauge = watermarkGauge; metrics.gauge("checkpointAlignmentTime", barrierHandler::getAlignmentDurationNanos); }
Example #9
Source File: From Flink-CEPplus with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public StreamTwoInputProcessor( Collection<InputGate> inputGates1, Collection<InputGate> inputGates2, TypeSerializer<IN1> inputSerializer1, TypeSerializer<IN2> inputSerializer2, TwoInputStreamTask<IN1, IN2, ?> checkpointedTask, CheckpointingMode checkpointMode, Object lock, IOManager ioManager, Configuration taskManagerConfig, StreamStatusMaintainer streamStatusMaintainer, TwoInputStreamOperator<IN1, IN2, ?> streamOperator, TaskIOMetricGroup metrics, WatermarkGauge input1WatermarkGauge, WatermarkGauge input2WatermarkGauge) throws IOException { final InputGate inputGate = InputGateUtil.createInputGate(inputGates1, inputGates2); this.barrierHandler = InputProcessorUtil.createCheckpointBarrierHandler( checkpointedTask, checkpointMode, ioManager, inputGate, taskManagerConfig); this.lock = checkNotNull(lock); StreamElementSerializer<IN1> ser1 = new StreamElementSerializer<>(inputSerializer1); this.deserializationDelegate1 = new NonReusingDeserializationDelegate<>(ser1); StreamElementSerializer<IN2> ser2 = new StreamElementSerializer<>(inputSerializer2); this.deserializationDelegate2 = new NonReusingDeserializationDelegate<>(ser2); // Initialize one deserializer per input channel this.recordDeserializers = new SpillingAdaptiveSpanningRecordDeserializer[inputGate.getNumberOfInputChannels()]; for (int i = 0; i < recordDeserializers.length; i++) { recordDeserializers[i] = new SpillingAdaptiveSpanningRecordDeserializer<>( ioManager.getSpillingDirectoriesPaths()); } // determine which unioned channels belong to input 1 and which belong to input 2 int numInputChannels1 = 0; for (InputGate gate: inputGates1) { numInputChannels1 += gate.getNumberOfInputChannels(); } this.numInputChannels1 = numInputChannels1; this.numInputChannels2 = inputGate.getNumberOfInputChannels() - numInputChannels1; this.firstStatus = StreamStatus.ACTIVE; this.secondStatus = StreamStatus.ACTIVE; this.streamStatusMaintainer = checkNotNull(streamStatusMaintainer); this.streamOperator = checkNotNull(streamOperator); this.statusWatermarkValve1 = new StatusWatermarkValve(numInputChannels1, new ForwardingValveOutputHandler1(streamOperator, lock)); this.statusWatermarkValve2 = new StatusWatermarkValve(numInputChannels2, new ForwardingValveOutputHandler2(streamOperator, lock)); this.input1WatermarkGauge = input1WatermarkGauge; this.input2WatermarkGauge = input2WatermarkGauge; metrics.gauge("checkpointAlignmentTime", barrierHandler::getAlignmentDurationNanos); }
Example #10
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
* The results of emitting records via BroadcastPartitioner or broadcasting records directly are the same,
* that is all the target channels can receive the whole outputs.
* @param isBroadcastEmit whether using {@link RecordWriter#broadcastEmit(IOReadableWritable)} or not
private void emitRecordWithBroadcastPartitionerOrBroadcastEmitRecord(boolean isBroadcastEmit) throws Exception {
final int numberOfChannels = 4;
final int bufferSize = 32;
final int numValues = 8;
final int serializationLength = 4;
final Queue<BufferConsumer>[] queues = new Queue[numberOfChannels];
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfChannels; i++) {
queues[i] = new ArrayDeque<>();
final TestPooledBufferProvider bufferProvider = new TestPooledBufferProvider(Integer.MAX_VALUE, bufferSize);
final ResultPartitionWriter partitionWriter = new CollectingPartitionWriter(queues, bufferProvider);
final ChannelSelector selector = new OutputEmitter(ShipStrategyType.BROADCAST, 0);
final RecordWriter<SerializationTestType> writer = new RecordWriterBuilder()
final RecordDeserializer<SerializationTestType> deserializer = new SpillingAdaptiveSpanningRecordDeserializer<>(
new String[]{ tempFolder.getRoot().getAbsolutePath() });
final ArrayDeque<SerializationTestType> serializedRecords = new ArrayDeque<>();
final Iterable<SerializationTestType> records = Util.randomRecords(numValues, SerializationTestTypeFactory.INT);
for (SerializationTestType record : records) {
if (isBroadcastEmit) {
} else {
final int requiredBuffers = numValues / (bufferSize / (4 + serializationLength));
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfChannels; i++) {
assertEquals(requiredBuffers, queues[i].size());
final ArrayDeque<SerializationTestType> expectedRecords = serializedRecords.clone();
int assertRecords = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < requiredBuffers; j++) {
Buffer buffer = buildSingleBuffer(queues[i].remove());
assertRecords += DeserializationUtils.deserializeRecords(expectedRecords, deserializer);
Assert.assertEquals(numValues, assertRecords);
Example #11
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public StreamTwoInputProcessor( Collection<InputGate> inputGates1, Collection<InputGate> inputGates2, TypeSerializer<IN1> inputSerializer1, TypeSerializer<IN2> inputSerializer2, TwoInputStreamTask<IN1, IN2, ?> checkpointedTask, CheckpointingMode checkpointMode, Object lock, IOManager ioManager, Configuration taskManagerConfig, StreamStatusMaintainer streamStatusMaintainer, TwoInputStreamOperator<IN1, IN2, ?> streamOperator, TaskIOMetricGroup metrics, WatermarkGauge input1WatermarkGauge, WatermarkGauge input2WatermarkGauge, String taskName, OperatorChain<?, ?> operatorChain) throws IOException { final InputGate inputGate = InputGateUtil.createInputGate(inputGates1, inputGates2); this.barrierHandler = InputProcessorUtil.createCheckpointedInputGate( checkpointedTask, checkpointMode, ioManager, inputGate, taskManagerConfig, taskName); this.lock = checkNotNull(lock); StreamElementSerializer<IN1> ser1 = new StreamElementSerializer<>(inputSerializer1); this.deserializationDelegate1 = new NonReusingDeserializationDelegate<>(ser1); StreamElementSerializer<IN2> ser2 = new StreamElementSerializer<>(inputSerializer2); this.deserializationDelegate2 = new NonReusingDeserializationDelegate<>(ser2); // Initialize one deserializer per input channel this.recordDeserializers = new SpillingAdaptiveSpanningRecordDeserializer[inputGate.getNumberOfInputChannels()]; for (int i = 0; i < recordDeserializers.length; i++) { recordDeserializers[i] = new SpillingAdaptiveSpanningRecordDeserializer<>( ioManager.getSpillingDirectoriesPaths()); } // determine which unioned channels belong to input 1 and which belong to input 2 int numInputChannels1 = 0; for (InputGate gate: inputGates1) { numInputChannels1 += gate.getNumberOfInputChannels(); } this.numInputChannels1 = numInputChannels1; this.numInputChannels2 = inputGate.getNumberOfInputChannels() - numInputChannels1; this.firstStatus = StreamStatus.ACTIVE; this.secondStatus = StreamStatus.ACTIVE; this.streamStatusMaintainer = checkNotNull(streamStatusMaintainer); this.streamOperator = checkNotNull(streamOperator); this.statusWatermarkValve1 = new StatusWatermarkValve(numInputChannels1, new ForwardingValveOutputHandler1(streamOperator, lock)); this.statusWatermarkValve2 = new StatusWatermarkValve(numInputChannels2, new ForwardingValveOutputHandler2(streamOperator, lock)); this.input1WatermarkGauge = input1WatermarkGauge; this.input2WatermarkGauge = input2WatermarkGauge; metrics.gauge("checkpointAlignmentTime", barrierHandler::getAlignmentDurationNanos); this.operatorChain = checkNotNull(operatorChain); this.finishedChannels1 = new BitSet(); this.finishedChannels2 = new BitSet(); }
Example #12
Source File: From flink with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
* Tests the number of requested buffers and results are correct in the case of switching
* modes between {@link BroadcastRecordWriter#broadcastEmit(IOReadableWritable)} and
* {@link BroadcastRecordWriter#randomEmit(IOReadableWritable)}.
public void testBroadcastMixedRandomEmitRecord() throws Exception {
final int numberOfChannels = 4;
final int numberOfRecords = 8;
final int bufferSize = 32;
final Queue<BufferConsumer>[] queues = new Queue[numberOfChannels];
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfChannels; i++) {
queues[i] = new ArrayDeque<>();
final TestPooledBufferProvider bufferProvider = new TestPooledBufferProvider(Integer.MAX_VALUE, bufferSize);
final ResultPartitionWriter partitionWriter = new CollectingPartitionWriter(queues, bufferProvider);
final BroadcastRecordWriter<SerializationTestType> writer = new BroadcastRecordWriter<>(partitionWriter, 0, "test");
final RecordDeserializer<SerializationTestType> deserializer = new SpillingAdaptiveSpanningRecordDeserializer<>(
new String[]{ tempFolder.getRoot().getAbsolutePath() });
// generate the configured number of int values as global record set
final Iterable<SerializationTestType> records = Util.randomRecords(numberOfRecords, SerializationTestTypeFactory.INT);
// restore the corresponding record set for every input channel
final Map<Integer, ArrayDeque<SerializationTestType>> serializedRecords = new HashMap<>();
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfChannels; i++) {
serializedRecords.put(i, new ArrayDeque<>());
// every record in global set would both emit into one random channel and broadcast to all the channels
int index = 0;
for (SerializationTestType record : records) {
int randomChannel = index++ % numberOfChannels;
writer.randomEmit(record, randomChannel);
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfChannels; i++) {
final int numberOfCreatedBuffers = bufferProvider.getNumberOfCreatedBuffers();
// verify the expected number of requested buffers, and it would always request a new buffer while random emitting
assertEquals(numberOfRecords, numberOfCreatedBuffers);
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfChannels; i++) {
// every channel would queue the number of above crated buffers
assertEquals(numberOfRecords, queues[i].size());
final int excessRandomRecords = i < numberOfRecords % numberOfChannels ? 1 : 0;
final int numberOfRandomRecords = numberOfRecords / numberOfChannels + excessRandomRecords;
final int numberOfTotalRecords = numberOfRecords + numberOfRandomRecords;
// verify the data correctness in every channel queue