org.apache.servicecomb.core.Handler Java Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: From servicecomb-java-chassis with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private Holder<Boolean> checkQpsFlowControl(OperationMeta operationMeta) {
Holder<Boolean> qpsFlowControlReject = new Holder<>(false);
Handler providerQpsFlowControlHandler = operationMeta.getProviderQpsFlowControlHandler();
if (null != providerQpsFlowControlHandler) {
try {
providerQpsFlowControlHandler.handle(invocation, response -> {
qpsFlowControlReject.value = true;
produceProcessor = ProduceProcessorManager.INSTANCE.findDefaultJsonProcessor();
} catch (Throwable e) {
LOGGER.error("failed to execute ProviderQpsFlowControlHandler", e);
qpsFlowControlReject.value = true;
return qpsFlowControlReject;
Example #2
Source File: From servicecomb-java-chassis with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void doInvoke(@Mocked Endpoint endpoint, @Mocked OperationMeta operationMeta, @Mocked Object[] swaggerArguments, @Mocked SchemaMeta schemaMeta) throws Throwable { Response response = Response.ok("ok"); Handler handler = (invocation, asyncResp) -> asyncResp.complete(response); List<Handler> handlerChain = Arrays.asList(handler); Deencapsulation.setField(invocation, "handlerList", handlerChain); Holder<Response> result = new Holder<>(); restInvocation = new AbstractRestInvocationForTest() { @Override protected void sendResponse(Response response) { result.value = response; } }; restInvocation.invocation = invocation; restInvocation.doInvoke(); Assert.assertSame(response, result.value); assertEquals(nanoTime, invocation.getInvocationStageTrace().getStartHandlersRequest()); assertEquals(nanoTime, invocation.getInvocationStageTrace().getFinishHandlersResponse()); }
Example #3
Source File: From servicecomb-java-chassis with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private Holder<Boolean> checkQpsFlowControl(OperationMeta operationMeta) {
Holder<Boolean> qpsFlowControlReject = new Holder<>(false);
Handler providerQpsFlowControlHandler = operationMeta.getProviderQpsFlowControlHandler();
if (null != providerQpsFlowControlHandler) {
try {
providerQpsFlowControlHandler.handle(invocation, response -> {
qpsFlowControlReject.value = true;
sendResponse(header.getContext(), response);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("failed to execute ProviderQpsFlowControlHandler", e);
qpsFlowControlReject.value = true;
sendResponse(header.getContext(), Response.providerFailResp(e));
return qpsFlowControlReject;
Example #4
Source File: From servicecomb-java-chassis with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Only for JavaChassis internal usage. */ @Deprecated public Handler getProviderQpsFlowControlHandler() { if (providerQpsFlowControlHandlerSearched) { return providerQpsFlowControlHandler; } for (Handler handler : handlerChain) { // matching by class name is more or less better than importing an extra maven dependency if ("org.apache.servicecomb.qps.ProviderQpsFlowControlHandler".equals(handler.getClass().getName())) { providerQpsFlowControlHandler = handler; break; } } providerQpsFlowControlHandlerSearched = true; return providerQpsFlowControlHandler; }
Example #5
Source File: From servicecomb-java-chassis with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private List<Class<Handler>> convertToChainClass(String chainDef) { List<Class<Handler>> result = new ArrayList<>(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(chainDef)) { return result; } String[] handlerIds = chainDef.split(","); Map<String, Class<Handler>> handlerMaps = config.getHandlerClassMap(); for (String handlerId : handlerIds) { if (handlerId != null) { handlerId = handlerId.trim(); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(handlerId)) { continue; } Class<Handler> cls = handlerMaps.get(handlerId); if (cls == null) { throw new Error("can not find handler :" + handlerId); } result.add(cls); } return result; }
Example #6
Source File: From servicecomb-java-chassis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
protected List<Handler> create(String microserviceName) {
String handlerChainKey = "servicecomb.handler.chain." + getName() + ".service." + microserviceName;
String chainDef = DynamicPropertyFactory.getInstance()
.get();"get handler chain for [{}]: [{}]", handlerChainKey, chainDef);
return createHandlerChain(chainDef);
Example #7
Source File: From servicecomb-java-chassis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private List<Handler> createHandlerChain(String chainDef) { List<Class<Handler>> chainClasses = convertToChainClass(chainDef); List<Handler> handlerList = new ArrayList<>(); for (Class<Handler> cls : chainClasses) { try { handlerList.add(cls.newInstance()); } catch (Exception e) { // 在启动阶段直接抛异常出来 throw new Error(e); } } handlerList.add(getLastHandler()); return handlerList; }
Example #8
Source File: From servicecomb-java-chassis with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public Map<String, Class<Handler>> getHandlerClassMap() {
return this.handlerClassMap;
Example #9
Source File: From servicecomb-java-chassis with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public void setClazz(String clazz) throws ClassNotFoundException {
this.clazz = (Class<Handler>) Class.forName(clazz);
Example #10
Source File: From servicecomb-java-chassis with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public void setClazz(Class<Handler> clazz) {
this.clazz = clazz;
Example #11
Source File: From servicecomb-java-chassis with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@JacksonXmlProperty(localName = "class", isAttribute = true)
public Class<Handler> getClazz() {
return clazz;
Example #12
Source File: From servicecomb-java-chassis with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
protected Handler getLastHandler() {
return ProducerOperationHandler.INSTANCE;
Example #13
Source File: From servicecomb-java-chassis with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
protected Handler getLastHandler() {
return TransportClientHandler.INSTANCE;
Example #14
Source File: From servicecomb-java-chassis with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
* Only for JavaChassis internal usage.
public Handler getProviderQpsFlowControlHandler() {
return getMicroserviceMeta().getProviderQpsFlowControlHandler();
Example #15
Source File: From servicecomb-java-chassis with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public void setHandlerChain(List<Handler> handlerChain) {
this.handlerChain = handlerChain;
Example #16
Source File: From servicecomb-java-chassis with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public List<Handler> getHandlerChain() {
return handlerChain;
Example #17
Source File: From servicecomb-java-chassis with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public void scheduleInvocation_flowControlReject() {
new Expectations(operationMeta) {
result = (Handler) (invocation, asyncResp) -> asyncResp.producerFail(new InvocationException(
new HttpStatus(429, "Too Many Requests"),
new CommonExceptionData("rejected by qps flowcontrol")));
Holder<Integer> status = new Holder<>();
Holder<String> reasonPhrase = new Holder<>();
Holder<Integer> endCount = new Holder<>(0);
Holder<String> responseBody = new Holder<>();
responseEx = new AbstractHttpServletResponse() {
public void setStatus(int sc, String sm) {
status.value = sc;
reasonPhrase.value = sm;
public void flushBuffer() {
endCount.value = endCount.value + 1;
public void setContentType(String type) {
assertEquals("application/json; charset=utf-8", type);
public void setBodyBuffer(Buffer bodyBuffer) {
responseBody.value = bodyBuffer.toString();
assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(429), status.value);
assertEquals("Too Many Requests", reasonPhrase.value);
assertEquals("{\"message\":\"rejected by qps flowcontrol\"}", responseBody.value);
assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(1), endCount.value);
Example #18
Source File: From servicecomb-java-chassis with Apache License 2.0 | votes |
protected abstract Handler getLastHandler();