org.apache.velocity.runtime.RuntimeServices Java Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: From sunbird-lms-service with MIT License | 6 votes |
public static String getSmsBody(String templateFile, Map<String, String> smsTemplate) {
try {
String sms = getOTPSMSTemplate(templateFile);
RuntimeServices rs = RuntimeSingleton.getRuntimeServices();
SimpleNode sn = rs.parse(sms, "Sms Information");
Template t = new Template();
VelocityContext context = new VelocityContext();
context.put(JsonKey.OTP, smsTemplate.get(JsonKey.OTP));
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
t.merge(context, writer);
return writer.toString();
} catch (Exception ex) {
"OTPService:getSmsBody: Exception occurred with error message = " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
return "";
Example #2
Source File: From velocity-engine with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
* For debugging purposes. Formats the arguments from
* <code>argArray</code> and appends them to <code>buf</code>.
* @param buf A StringBuilder. If null, a new StringBuilder is allocated.
* @param macroArgs Array of macro arguments, containing the
* #macro() arguments and default values. the 0th is the name.
* @return A StringBuilder containing the formatted arguments. If a StringBuilder
* has passed in as buf, this method returns it.
* @since 1.5
public static StringBuilder macroToString(final StringBuilder buf, List<MacroArg> macroArgs, RuntimeServices rsvc)
StringBuilder ret = (buf == null) ? new StringBuilder() : buf;
ret.append(rsvc.getParserConfiguration().getHashChar()).append(macroArgs.get(0).name).append("( ");
for (MacroArg marg : macroArgs)
if (marg.defaultVal != null)
ret.append(' ');
ret.append(" )");
return ret;
Example #3
Source File: From pippo with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public void renderString(String templateContent, Map<String, Object> model, Writer writer) {
// create the velocity context
VelocityContext context = createVelocityContext(model);
// merge the template
try {
RuntimeServices runtimeServices = RuntimeSingleton.getRuntimeServices();
StringReader reader = new StringReader(templateContent);
SimpleNode node = runtimeServices.parse(reader, "StringTemplate");
Template template = new Template();
template.merge(context, writer);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new PippoRuntimeException(e);
Example #4
Source File: From sakai with Educational Community License v2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * @see LogChute#init(RuntimeServices) */ public void init(RuntimeServices rs) throws Exception { // override from String name = (String) rs.getProperty(RUNTIME_LOG_SLF4J_LOGGER); if (StringUtils.isBlank(name)) { // lets try Sakai convention ServletContext context = (ServletContext) rs.getApplicationAttribute("javax.servlet.ServletContext"); if (context != null) { name = DEFAULT_LOGGER + "." + context.getServletContextName(); name = name.replace("-", "."); } else { // default to "velocity" name = DEFAULT_LOGGER; } } log(INFO_ID, "SLF4JLogChute using logger '" + name + '\''); }
Example #5
Source File: From sakai with Educational Community License v2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * @see LogChute#init(RuntimeServices) */ public void init(RuntimeServices rs) throws Exception { // override from String name = (String) rs.getProperty(RUNTIME_LOG_SLF4J_LOGGER); if (StringUtils.isBlank(name)) { // lets try Sakai convention ServletContext context = (ServletContext) rs.getApplicationAttribute("javax.servlet.ServletContext"); if (context != null) { name = DEFAULT_LOGGER + "." + context.getServletContextName(); name = name.replace("-", "."); } else { // default to "velocity" name = DEFAULT_LOGGER; } } log(INFO_ID, "SLF4JLogChute using logger '" + name + '\''); }
Example #6
Source File: From velocity-engine with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
* simple init - init the tree and get the elementKey from
* the AST
* @param rs
* @param context
* @param node
* @throws TemplateInitException
public void init(RuntimeServices rs, InternalContextAdapter context,
Node node)
throws TemplateInitException
super.init( rs, context, node );
* get the msg, and add the space so we don't have to
* do it each time
outputMsgStart = rsvc.getString(RuntimeConstants.ERRORMSG_START);
outputMsgStart = outputMsgStart + " ";
outputMsgEnd = rsvc.getString(RuntimeConstants.ERRORMSG_END );
outputMsgEnd = " " + outputMsgEnd;
Example #7
Source File: From velocity-engine with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
* Initialize members of VelocimacroProxy. called from MacroEntry
* @param rs runtime services
public void init(RuntimeServices rs)
rsvc = rs;
log = rs.getLog("macro");
strictArguments = rsvc.getBoolean(
RuntimeConstants.VM_ARGUMENTS_STRICT, false);
// get the macro call depth limit
maxCallDepth = rsvc.getInt(RuntimeConstants.VM_MAX_DEPTH);
// get name of the reference that refers to AST block passed to block macro call
bodyReference = rsvc.getString(RuntimeConstants.VM_BODY_REFERENCE, "bodyContent");
enableBCmode = rsvc.getBoolean(RuntimeConstants.VM_ENABLE_BC_MODE, false);
Example #8
Source File: From velocity-engine with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
* Initializes the directive.
* @param rs
* @param macroName
* @param context
* @param node
* @throws TemplateInitException
public void init(RuntimeServices rs, String macroName, InternalContextAdapter context, Node node)
throws TemplateInitException
{ = macroName;
super.init(rs, context, node);
// get name of the reference that refers to AST block passed to block macro call
key = rsvc.getString(RuntimeConstants.VM_BODY_REFERENCE, "bodyContent");
// use the macro max depth for bodyContent max depth as well
maxDepth = rsvc.getInt(RuntimeConstants.VM_MAX_DEPTH);
macro = new RuntimeMacro();
macro.setLocation(getLine(), getColumn(), getTemplate());
macro.init(rsvc, name, context, node);
Example #9
Source File: From velocity-engine with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * @throws TemplateInitException * @see org.apache.velocity.runtime.parser.node.Node#init(org.apache.velocity.context.InternalContextAdapter, java.lang.Object) */ public Object init( InternalContextAdapter context, Object data) throws TemplateInitException { /* * hold onto the RuntimeServices */ rsvc = (RuntimeServices) data; log = rsvc.getLog("rendering"); int i, k = jjtGetNumChildren(); for (i = 0; i < k; i++) { jjtGetChild(i).init( context, data); } line = first.beginLine; column = first.beginColumn; return data; }
Example #10
Source File: From velocity-engine with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
* Gets the loader specified in the configuration file.
* @param rs
* @param loaderClassName
* @return TemplateLoader
public static ResourceLoader getLoader(RuntimeServices rs, String loaderClassName)
ResourceLoader loader = null;
loader = (ResourceLoader) ClassUtils.getNewInstance( loaderClassName );
rs.getLog().debug("ResourceLoader instantiated: {}", loader.getClass().getName());
return loader;
// The ugly three strike again: ClassNotFoundException,IllegalAccessException,InstantiationException
catch(Exception e)
String msg = "Problem instantiating the template loader: "+loaderClassName+"." + System.lineSeparator() +
"Look at your properties file and make sure the" + System.lineSeparator() +
"name of the template loader is correct.";
rs.getLog().error(msg, e);
throw new VelocityException(msg, e);
Example #11
Source File: From velocity-engine with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * @see org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource.ResourceCache#initialize(org.apache.velocity.runtime.RuntimeServices) */ public void initialize( RuntimeServices rs ) { rsvc = rs; int maxSize = rsvc.getInt(RuntimeConstants.RESOURCE_MANAGER_DEFAULTCACHE_SIZE, 89); if (maxSize > 0) { // Create a whole new Map here to avoid hanging on to a // handle to the unsynch'd LRUMap for our lifetime. Map<Object, Resource> lruCache = Collections.synchronizedMap(new LRUMap<Object, Resource>(maxSize)); lruCache.putAll(cache); cache = lruCache; } rsvc.getLog().debug("initialized ({}) with {} cache map.", this.getClass(), cache.getClass()); }
Example #12
Source File: From AuTe-Framework with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private String getRenderedBodyFromFile(final ResponseDefinition response) throws ParseException {
RuntimeServices runtimeServices = RuntimeSingleton.getRuntimeServices();
StringReader reader = new StringReader(response.getBody());
SimpleNode node = runtimeServices.parse(reader, "Template name");
Template template = new Template();
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
template.merge(context, writer);
return String.valueOf(writer.getBuffer());
Example #13
Source File: From velocity-engine with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void init(RuntimeServices rs, InternalContextAdapter context, Node node)
throws TemplateInitException
super.init(rs, context, node);
// If we have more then 3 argument then the user has specified an
// index value, i.e.; #foreach($a in $b index $c)
if (node.jjtGetNumChildren() > 4)
// The index variable name is at position 4
counterName = ((ASTReference) node.jjtGetChild(4)).getRootString();
// The count value always starts at 0 when using an index.
counterInitialValue = 0;
Example #14
Source File: From AuTe-Framework with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private String render(final String stringTemplate) throws ParseException {
RuntimeServices runtimeServices = RuntimeSingleton.getRuntimeServices();
runtimeServices.setProperty("userdirective", GroovyDirective.class.getName());
StringReader reader = new StringReader(stringTemplate);
SimpleNode node = runtimeServices.parse(reader, "Template name");
Template template = new Template();
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
template.merge(velocityContext, writer);
return String.valueOf(writer.getBuffer());
Example #15
Source File: From jsqsh with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
* This is required by LogChute.
public void init (RuntimeServices service)
throws Exception {
/* Do nothing. */
Example #16
Source File: From velocity-engine with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void init(RuntimeServices rs, InternalContextAdapter context, Node node)
super.init(rs, context, node);
this.scoped = (node.jjtGetNumChildren() == 1);
Example #17
Source File: From iotplatform with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public static Template create(String source, String templateName) throws ParseException {
RuntimeServices runtimeServices = RuntimeSingleton.getRuntimeServices();
StringReader reader = new StringReader(source);
SimpleNode node = runtimeServices.parse(reader, templateName);
Template template = new Template();
return template;
Example #18
Source File: From jsqsh with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
* This is required by LogChute.
public void init (RuntimeServices service)
throws Exception {
/* Do nothing. */
Example #19
Source File: From mybatis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public VelocitySqlSource(Configuration configuration, String scriptText) {
this.configuration = configuration;
try {
RuntimeServices runtimeServices = RuntimeSingleton.getRuntimeServices();
StringReader reader = new StringReader(scriptText);
SimpleNode node = runtimeServices.parse(reader, "Template name");
script = new Template();
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new BuilderException("Error parsing velocity script", ex);
Example #20
Source File: From velocity-engine with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
* simple init - get the key
public void init(RuntimeServices rs, InternalContextAdapter context, Node node)
throws TemplateInitException
super.init(rs, context, node);
// the first child is the block name (key), the second child is the block AST body
if ( node.jjtGetNumChildren() != 2 )
throw new VelocityException("parameter missing: block name at "
+ StringUtils.formatFileString(this),
* first token is the name of the block. We don't even check the format,
* just assume it looks like this: $block_name. Should we check if it has
* a '$' or not?
key = node.jjtGetChild(0).getFirstTokenImage().substring(1);
* default max depth of two is used because intentional recursion is
* unlikely and discouraged, so make unintentional ones end fast
maxDepth = rsvc.getInt(RuntimeConstants.DEFINE_DIRECTIVE_MAXDEPTH, 2);
Example #21
Source File: From velocity-engine with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * @see org.apache.velocity.runtime.directive.Directive#init(org.apache.velocity.runtime.RuntimeServices, org.apache.velocity.context.InternalContextAdapter, org.apache.velocity.runtime.parser.node.Node) */ public void init(RuntimeServices rs, InternalContextAdapter context, Node node) throws TemplateInitException { super.init(rs, context, node); // Add this macro to the VelocimacroManager now that it has been initialized. List<MacroArg> macroArgs = getArgArray(node, rsvc); int numArgs = node.jjtGetNumChildren(); rsvc.addVelocimacro(macroArgs.get(0).name, node.jjtGetChild(numArgs - 1), macroArgs, node.getTemplate()); }
Example #22
Source File: From minnal with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/********** LogChute methods *************/
public void init(RuntimeServices rs)
String name =
if (name == null)
log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(name);
log(LogChute.DEBUG_ID, "Slf4jLogChute name is '" + name + "'");
Example #23
Source File: From velocity-engine with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Called automatically when event cartridge is initialized. * @param rs RuntimeServices object assigned during initialization */ public void setRuntimeServices(RuntimeServices rs) { Boolean b = rs.getConfiguration().getBoolean(OLD_EVENTHANDLER_INVALIDREFERENCE_EXCEPTION, null); if (b == null) { b = rs.getConfiguration().getBoolean(EVENTHANDLER_INVALIDREFERENCE_EXCEPTION, false); } else { rs.getLog().warn("configuration key '{}' has been deprecated in favor of '{}'", OLD_EVENTHANDLER_INVALIDREFERENCE_EXCEPTION, EVENTHANDLER_INVALIDREFERENCE_EXCEPTION); } stopOnFirstInvalidReference = b.booleanValue(); }
Example #24
Source File: From velocity-engine with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Called automatically when event cartridge is initialized. * * @param rs instance of RuntimeServices */ public void setRuntimeServices(RuntimeServices rs) { = rs; log = rs.getLog("event"); // Get the regular expression pattern. matchRegExp = StringUtils.trim(rs.getString(getMatchAttribute())); if (org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isEmpty(matchRegExp)) { matchRegExp = null; } // Test the regular expression for a well formed pattern if (matchRegExp != null) { try { "".matches(matchRegExp); } catch (PatternSyntaxException E) { log.error("Invalid regular expression '{}'. No escaping will be performed.", matchRegExp, E); matchRegExp = null; } } }
Example #25
Source File: From velocity-engine with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * @see org.apache.velocity.util.RuntimeServicesAware#setRuntimeServices(org.apache.velocity.runtime.RuntimeServices) */ public void setRuntimeServices(RuntimeServices rs) { = rs; log = rs.getLog("event"); notfound = StringUtils.trim(rs.getString(PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND, DEFAULT_NOT_FOUND)); }
Example #26
Source File: From velocity-engine with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Called when a method exception is generated during Velocity merge. Only * the first valid event handler in the sequence is called. The default * implementation simply rethrows the exception. * * @param claz * Class that is causing the exception * @param method * method called that causes the exception * @param e * Exception thrown by the method * @param rsvc current instance of RuntimeServices * @param context The internal context adapter. * @param info exception location informations * @return Object to return as method result * @throws Exception * to be wrapped and propagated to app */ public static Object methodException(RuntimeServices rsvc, InternalContextAdapter context, Class claz, String method, Exception e, Info info) throws Exception { try { EventCartridge ev = rsvc.getApplicationEventCartridge(); if (ev.hasMethodExceptionEventHandler()) { return ev.methodException(context, claz, method, e, info); } EventCartridge contextCartridge = context.getEventCartridge(); if (contextCartridge != null) { contextCartridge.setRuntimeServices(rsvc); return contextCartridge.methodException(context, claz, method, e, info); } } catch (RuntimeException re) { throw re; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new VelocityException("Exception in event handler.", ex, rsvc.getLogContext().getStackTrace()); } /* default behaviour is to re-throw exception */ throw e; }
Example #27
Source File: From velocity-engine with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
* @param rs
* @param urlpath
* @param log
public JarHolder( RuntimeServices rs, String urlpath, Logger log )
this.log = log;
log.debug("JarHolder: initialized JAR: {}", urlpath);
Example #28
Source File: From velocity-engine with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
* simple init - get the key
* @param rs
* @param context
* @param node
public void init(RuntimeServices rs, InternalContextAdapter context, Node node)
throws TemplateInitException
super.init(rs, context, node);
log = rsvc.getLog();
* No checking is done. We just grab the last child node and assume
* that it's the block!
block = node.jjtGetChild(node.jjtGetNumChildren() - 1);
Example #29
Source File: From velocity-engine with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
* How this directive is to be initialized.
* @param rs
* @param context
* @param node
* @throws TemplateInitException
public void init( RuntimeServices rs, InternalContextAdapter context,
Node node)
throws TemplateInitException
rsvc = rs;
log = rsvc.getLog("directive." + getName());
provideScope = rsvc.isScopeControlEnabled(getScopeName());
Example #30
Source File: From velocity-engine with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
* Init's the #parse directive.
* @param rs
* @param context
* @param node
* @throws TemplateInitException
public void init(RuntimeServices rs, InternalContextAdapter context, Node node)
throws TemplateInitException
super.init(rs, context, node);
this.maxDepth = rsvc.getInt(RuntimeConstants.PARSE_DIRECTIVE_MAXDEPTH, 10);
strictRef = rsvc.getBoolean(RuntimeConstants.RUNTIME_REFERENCES_STRICT, false);