org.dom4j.DocumentFactory Java Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: From sun-wordtable-read with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
* 由单元格内容xml构建Document
* @param xml
* @return
private Document buildDocument(String xml) {
// dom4j解析器的初始化
SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(new DocumentFactory());
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
map.put("o", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office");
map.put("v", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml");
map.put("w", "");
map.put("a", "");
map.put("xdr", "");
map.put("wp", "");
map.put("r", "");
reader.getDocumentFactory().setXPathNamespaceURIs(map); // xml文档的namespace设置
InputSource source = new InputSource(new StringReader(xml));
try {
Document doc =;
return doc;
} catch (DocumentException e) {
logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
return null;
Example #2
Source File: From yarg with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public String buildXml(Report report) {
try {
Document document = DocumentFactory.getInstance().createDocument();
Element root = document.addElement("report");
root.addAttribute("name", report.getName());
writeTemplates(report, root);
writeInputParameters(report, root);
writeValueFormats(report, root);
writeRootBand(report, root);
StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
new XMLWriter(stringWriter, OutputFormat.createPrettyPrint()).write(document);
return stringWriter.toString();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ReportingException(e);
Example #3
Source File: From pega-tracerviewer with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
protected Element createElement(String newName, Element element, String elementName) { Element newElement = null; String targetName = newName; if (element != null) { if ((newName == null) || ("".equals(newName))) { targetName = element.getName(); } newElement = element.createCopy(); newElement.addAttribute("name", targetName); } else { if ((elementName != null) && (!"".equals(elementName))) { DocumentFactory factory = DocumentFactory.getInstance(); newElement = factory.createElement(elementName); newElement.addAttribute("name", targetName); } } return newElement; }
Example #4
Source File: From lams with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
public XMLHelper(ClassLoaderService classLoaderService) { this.documentFactory = classLoaderService.workWithClassLoader( new ClassLoaderService.Work<DocumentFactory>() { @Override public DocumentFactory doWork(ClassLoader classLoader) { final ClassLoader originalTccl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); try { Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader( classLoader ); return DocumentFactory.getInstance(); } finally { Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader( originalTccl ); } } } ); }
Example #5
Source File: From FoxBPM with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * 将bpmnModel转换成documnet * * @param model * bpmn模型 */ public Document convertToXML(BpmnModel model) { if (null == model) { throw new BpmnConverterException("模型转换XML失败,模型实例不能为空!"); } DocumentFactory factory = DocumentFactory.getInstance(); Document doc = factory.createDocument(); Element element = factory.createElement(BpmnXMLConstants.BPMN2_PREFIX + ':' + BpmnXMLConstants.ELEMENT_DEFINITIONS, BpmnXMLConstants.BPMN2_NAMESPACE); element.addNamespace(BpmnXMLConstants.XSI_PREFIX, BpmnXMLConstants.XSI_NAMESPACE); element.addNamespace(BpmnXMLConstants.DC_PREFIX, BpmnXMLConstants.DC_NAMESPACE); element.addNamespace(BpmnXMLConstants.DI_PREFIX, BpmnXMLConstants.DI_NAMESPACE); element.addNamespace(BpmnXMLConstants.BPMNDI_PREFIX, BpmnXMLConstants.BPMNDI_NAMESPACE); element.addNamespace(BpmnXMLConstants.FOXBPM_PREFIX, BpmnXMLConstants.FOXBPM_NAMESPACE); element.addNamespace(BpmnXMLConstants.XSD_PREFIX, BpmnXMLConstants.XSD_NAMESPACE); element.addNamespace(BpmnXMLConstants.EMPTY_STRING, BpmnXMLConstants.XMLNS_NAMESPACE); // 添加属性 element.addAttribute(BpmnXMLConstants.TARGET_NAMESPACE_ATTRIBUTE, BpmnXMLConstants.XMLNS_NAMESPACE); element.addAttribute(BpmnXMLConstants.ATTRIBUTE_ID, "Definitions_1"); doc.add(element); // 流程转换 try { for (Iterator<Process> iterator = model.getProcesses().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { ProcessExport.writeProcess(, element); } // 位置坐标转换 BPMNDIExport.writeBPMNDI(model, element); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("模型转换XML失败,流程名" + model.getProcesses().get(0).getName(), e); if (e instanceof BpmnConverterException) { throw (BpmnConverterException) e; } else { throw new BpmnConverterException("模型转换XML失败,流程名:" + model.getProcesses().get(0).getName(), e); } } return doc; }
Example #6
Source File: From olat with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private static void addStaticsPath(final Element el_in, final AssessmentInstance ai) { Element el_staticspath = (Element) el_in.selectSingleNode(STATICS_PATH); if (el_staticspath == null) { final DocumentFactory df = DocumentFactory.getInstance(); el_staticspath = df.createElement(STATICS_PATH); final Resolver resolver = ai.getResolver(); el_staticspath.addAttribute("ident", resolver.getStaticsBaseURI()); el_in.add(el_staticspath); } }
Example #7
Source File: From olat with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private String getQuestionPreview(final Item theItem) {
final Element el = DocumentFactory.getInstance().createElement("dummy");
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
final org.olat.lms.ims.qti.container.qtielements.Item foo = new org.olat.lms.ims.qti.container.qtielements.Item((Element) el.elements().get(0));
foo.render(sb, renderInstructions);
final String previewWithFormattedMathElements = Formatter.formatLatexFormulas(sb.toString());
final Filter filter = FilterFactory.getBaseURLToMediaRelativeURLFilter(qtiPackage.getMediaBaseURL());
return filter.filter(previewWithFormattedMathElements);
Example #8
Source File: From olat with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private static void addStaticsPath(final Element el_in, final AssessmentInstance ai) { Element el_staticspath = (Element) el_in.selectSingleNode(STATICS_PATH); if (el_staticspath == null) { final DocumentFactory df = DocumentFactory.getInstance(); el_staticspath = df.createElement(STATICS_PATH); final Resolver resolver = ai.getResolver(); el_staticspath.addAttribute("ident", resolver.getStaticsBaseURI()); el_in.add(el_staticspath); } }
Example #9
Source File: From olat with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private String getQuestionPreview(final Item theItem) {
final Element el = DocumentFactory.getInstance().createElement("dummy");
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
final org.olat.lms.ims.qti.container.qtielements.Item foo = new org.olat.lms.ims.qti.container.qtielements.Item((Element) el.elements().get(0));
foo.render(sb, renderInstructions);
final String previewWithFormattedMathElements = Formatter.formatLatexFormulas(sb.toString());
final Filter filter = FilterFactory.getBaseURLToMediaRelativeURLFilter(qtiPackage.getMediaBaseURL());
return filter.filter(previewWithFormattedMathElements);
Example #10
Source File: From cacheonix-core with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 5 votes |
public void testDom4jSave() {
TestData testData = new TestData();
Session pojos = openSession();
Transaction txn = pojos.beginTransaction();
org.hibernate.Session dom4j = pojos.getSession( EntityMode.DOM4J );
Element stock = DocumentFactory.getInstance().createElement( "stock" );
stock.addElement( "tradeSymbol" ).setText( "IBM" );
Element val = stock.addElement( "currentValuation" ).addElement( "valuation" );
val.appendContent( stock );
val.addElement( "valuationDate" ).setText( new java.util.Date().toString() );
val.addElement( "value" ).setText( "121.00" ); Stock.class.getName(), stock );
assertTrue( !pojos.isOpen() );
assertTrue( !dom4j.isOpen() );
prettyPrint( stock );
Example #11
Source File: From FoxBPM with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
protected Element parseLaneToXml(Lane lane){ Element element = DocumentFactory.getInstance().createElement(BpmnXMLConstants.BPMN2_PREFIX + ':' + BpmnXMLConstants.ELEMENT_LANE, BpmnXMLConstants.BPMN2_NAMESPACE); element.addAttribute(BpmnXMLConstants.ATTRIBUTE_ID, lane.getId()); element.addAttribute(BpmnXMLConstants.ATTRIBUTE_NAME, lane.getName()); LaneSet laneSet= lane.getChildLaneSet(); if(laneSet != null){ List<Lane> lanes = laneSet.getLanes(); Element laneSetElement = DocumentFactory.getInstance().createElement(BpmnXMLConstants.BPMN2_PREFIX + ':' + BpmnXMLConstants.ELEMENT_CHILDLANESET, BpmnXMLConstants.BPMN2_NAMESPACE); laneSetElement.addAttribute("xsi:type", "bpmn2:tLaneSet"); laneSetElement.addAttribute(BpmnXMLConstants.ATTRIBUTE_ID, laneSet.getId()); laneSetElement.addAttribute(BpmnXMLConstants.ATTRIBUTE_NAME, laneSet.getName()); if(lanes != null){ for(Lane tmpLane : lanes){ Element tmpElement = parseLaneToXml(tmpLane); laneSetElement.add(tmpElement); } } element.add(laneSetElement); } List<String> flowNodeRefs = lane.getFlowElementRefs(); if(flowNodeRefs != null){ for(String tmpRef : flowNodeRefs){ Element elementFlowRef = DocumentFactory.getInstance().createElement(BpmnXMLConstants.BPMN2_PREFIX + ':' + BpmnXMLConstants.ELEMENT_FLOWNODEREF, BpmnXMLConstants.BPMN2_NAMESPACE); elementFlowRef.addText(tmpRef); element.add(elementFlowRef); } } return element; }
Example #12
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Returns an Element with the privacy list XML representation. * * @return an Element with the privacy list XML representation. */ public Element asElement() { //Element listElement = DocumentFactory.getInstance().createDocument().addElement("list"); Element listElement = DocumentFactory.getInstance().createDocument() .addElement("list", "jabber:iq:privacy"); listElement.addAttribute("name", getName()); // Add the list items to the result for (PrivacyItem item : items) { listElement.add(item.asElement()); } return listElement; }
Example #13
Source File: From java-client-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void testReadWrite() throws SAXException, IOException { // create an identifier for the database document String docId = "/example/jdom-test.xml"; // create a manager for XML database documents XMLDocumentManager docMgr = Common.client.newXMLDocumentManager(); DocumentFactory factory = new DocumentFactory(); // create a dom4j document Document writeDocument = factory.createDocument(); Element root = factory.createElement("root"); root.attributeValue("foo", "bar"); root.add(factory.createElement("child")); root.addText("mixed"); writeDocument.setRootElement(root); // create a handle for the dom4j document DOM4JHandle writeHandle = new DOM4JHandle(writeDocument); // write the document to the database docMgr.write(docId, writeHandle); // create a handle to receive the database content as a dom4j document DOM4JHandle readHandle = new DOM4JHandle(); // read the document content from the database as a dom4j document, readHandle); // access the document content Document readDocument = readHandle.get(); assertNotNull("Wrote null dom4j document", readDocument); assertXMLEqual("dom4j document not equal", writeDocument.asXML(), readDocument.asXML()); // delete the document docMgr.delete(docId); }
Example #14
Source File: From birt with Eclipse Public License 1.0 | 5 votes |
/** * @author * @param folderPath * @param plug_id * @param lastDate * @param dayInpast */ private void genVersionLog( File folderPath , String plug_id , String lastDate , int dayInpast ){ // gen the dest file path String parentPath = folderPath.getAbsolutePath(); String fileName = plug_id + "_DayInPast" + ".xml"; String fullName = parentPath + "/" + fileName; File dest = new File(fullName); System.out.println("dest file full path:\t"+fullName); try{ //genarate document factory DocumentFactory factory = new DocumentFactory(); //create root element DOMElement rootElement = new DOMElement("plugin"); rootElement.setAttribute("id",plug_id); //add child:lastdate DOMElement dateElement = new DOMElement("LastDate"); dateElement.setText(lastDate); rootElement.add(dateElement); //add child:dayinpast DOMElement dayElement = new DOMElement("DayInPast"); dayElement.setText( Integer.toString(dayInpast)); rootElement.add(dayElement); //gen the doc Document doc = factory.createDocument(rootElement); //PrettyFormat OutputFormat format = OutputFormat.createPrettyPrint(); XMLWriter writer = new XMLWriter( new FileWriter(dest) , format ); writer.write( doc ); writer.close(); }catch(Exception ex){ ex.printStackTrace(); } }
Example #15
Source File: From pentaho-aggdesigner with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
public static List<Document> generateMondrianDocsFromSSASSchema( final InputStream input ) throws DocumentException, IOException, AggDesignerException { Document ssasDocument = parseAssl( input ); // issue: if we have multi-line text, there is a problem with identing names / etc // solution: clean up the dom before traversal List allElements = ssasDocument.selectNodes( "//*" ); for ( int i = 0; i < allElements.size(); i++ ) { Element element = (Element) allElements.get( i ); element.setText( element.getText().replaceAll( "[\\s]+", " " ).trim() ); } List ssasDatabases = ssasDocument.selectNodes( "//assl:Database" ); List<Document> mondrianDocs = new ArrayList<Document>( ssasDatabases.size() ); for ( int i = 0; i < ssasDatabases.size(); i++ ) { Document mondrianDoc = DocumentFactory.getInstance().createDocument(); Element mondrianSchema = DocumentFactory.getInstance().createElement( "Schema" ); mondrianDoc.add( mondrianSchema ); Element ssasDatabase = (Element) ssasDatabases.get( i ); mondrianSchema.add( DocumentFactory.getInstance() .createAttribute( mondrianSchema, "name", getXPathNodeText( ssasDatabase, "assl:Name" ) ) ); populateCubes( mondrianSchema, ssasDatabase ); mondrianDocs.add( mondrianDoc ); } return mondrianDocs; }
Example #16
Source File: From gocd with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
protected Document documentRoot() throws Exception { CruiseConfig cruiseConfig = goConfigDao.loadForEditing(); ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); new MagicalGoConfigXmlWriter(configCache, registry).write(cruiseConfig, out, true); Document document = StringReader(out.toString())); Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>(); map.put("go", MagicalGoConfigXmlWriter.XML_NS); //TODO: verify this doesn't cache the factory DocumentFactory factory = DocumentFactory.getInstance(); factory.setXPathNamespaceURIs(map); return document; }
Example #17
Source File: From pentaho-aggdesigner with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
public void addToMondrian( Element parentElement, String attributeName, String expressionName ) { if ( expression == null ) { parentElement.addAttribute( attributeName, dbName ); } else { Element expressionElement = DocumentFactory.getInstance().createElement( expressionName ); Element sql = DocumentFactory.getInstance().createElement( "SQL" ); sql.addAttribute( "dialect", "generic" ); sql.add( DocumentFactory.getInstance().createCDATA( expression ) ); expressionElement.add( sql ); parentElement.add( expressionElement ); } }
Example #18
Source File: From FoxBPM with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public Element cretateXMLElement() {
return DocumentFactory.getInstance().createElement(BpmnXMLConstants.BPMN2_PREFIX + ':'
Example #19
Source File: From FoxBPM with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public Element cretateXMLElement() {
return DocumentFactory.getInstance().createElement(BpmnXMLConstants.BPMN2_PREFIX + ':'
Example #20
Source File: From FoxBPM with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public Element cretateXMLElement() {
return DocumentFactory.getInstance().createElement(BpmnXMLConstants.BPMN2_PREFIX + ':'
Example #21
Source File: From FoxBPM with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public Element cretateXMLElement() {
return DocumentFactory.getInstance().createElement(BpmnXMLConstants.BPMN2_PREFIX + ':'
Example #22
Source File: From pentaho-aggdesigner with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * generates parent child hierarchy */ private static void populateParentChildHierarchy( Element mondrianDimension, Element databaseAttribute, Element ssasDimensionKeyAttribute, Element ssasDatabaseDimension, Table factTable, String factForeignKey, List<Table> allTables, String attributeID ) throws AggDesignerException { mondrianDimension.add( DocumentFactory.getInstance().createComment( "Parent Child Hierarchy" ) ); Element mondrianHierarchy = DocumentFactory.getInstance().createElement( "Hierarchy" ); mondrianHierarchy.addAttribute( "name", getXPathNodeText( databaseAttribute, "assl:Name" ) ); String tableID = getXPathNodeText( ssasDimensionKeyAttribute, "assl:KeyColumns/assl:KeyColumn/assl:Source/assl:TableID" ); String keyColumnID = getXPathNodeText( ssasDimensionKeyAttribute, "assl:KeyColumns/assl:KeyColumn/assl:Source/assl:ColumnID" ); Table table = findTable( allTables, tableID ); Column keyColumnObject = table.findColumn( keyColumnID ); if ( keyColumnObject.expression != null ) { logger.warn( "Mondrian does not support primary key expressions" ); } mondrianHierarchy.addAttribute( "primaryKey", keyColumnObject.dbName ); // not certain on where to get the all member name for parent / child rels // ssas seems to use "All" for the default name // Element allMemberName = (Element)databaseHierarchy.selectSingleNode("assl:AllMemberName"); // if (allMemberName != null) { mondrianHierarchy.addAttribute( "allMemberName", "All" ); mondrianHierarchy.addAttribute( "hasAll", "true" ); // } List<String> tables = new ArrayList<String>(); tables.add( tableID ); populateHierarchyRelation( mondrianHierarchy, tables, ssasDatabaseDimension, factTable, allTables, attributeID, factForeignKey ); Element mondrianLevel = DocumentFactory.getInstance().createElement( "Level" ); // <Level name="Employee Id" type="Numeric" uniqueMembers="true" column="employee_id" // parentColumn="supervisor_id" nameColumn="full_name" nullParentValue="0"> // for now, use the hierarchy name for the level name mondrianLevel.addAttribute( "name", getXPathNodeText( databaseAttribute, "assl:Name" ) ); // mondrianLevel.addAttribute("type", "Numeric"); mondrianLevel.addAttribute( "uniqueMembers", "true" ); // NameColumn String parentID = getXPathNodeText( databaseAttribute, "assl:KeyColumns/assl:KeyColumn/assl:Source/assl:ColumnID" ); String columnID = getXPathNodeText( databaseAttribute, "assl:NameColumn/assl:Source/assl:ColumnID" ); keyColumnObject.addToMondrian( mondrianLevel, "column", "KeyExpression" ); Column parentColumnObject = table.findColumn( parentID ); parentColumnObject.addToMondrian( mondrianLevel, "parentColumn", "ParentExpression" ); Column nameColumnObject = table.findColumn( columnID ); nameColumnObject.addToMondrian( mondrianLevel, "nameColumn", "NameExpression" ); // do we need ordinal col? // from // User Defined Hierarchies // By default, any member whose parent key equals its own member key, null, 0 (zero), // or a value absent from the column for member keys is assumed to be a member of the // top level (excluding the (All) level). mondrianLevel.addAttribute( "nullParentValue", "0" ); mondrianHierarchy.add( mondrianLevel ); mondrianDimension.add( mondrianHierarchy ); }
Example #23
Source File: From pentaho-aggdesigner with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
private static void populateHierarchies( Element mondrianDimension, Element ssasCubeDimension, Element ssasDatabaseDimension, Element ssasDimensionKeyAttribute, Table factTable, List<Table> allTables, String factForeignKey ) throws AggDesignerException { // first do parent child hierarchies // for each attribute in cube dimension, see if it's database dimension attribute is USAGE PARENT // SSAS 2005 only supports one parent child hierarchy per dimension List cubeAttributes = ssasCubeDimension.selectNodes( "assl:Attributes/assl:Attribute" ); for ( int i = 0; i < cubeAttributes.size(); i++ ) { Element cubeAttribute = (Element) cubeAttributes.get( i ); // retrieve database attribute String attribID = getXPathNodeText( cubeAttribute, "assl:AttributeID" ); Element databaseAttribute = (Element) ssasDatabaseDimension .selectSingleNode( "assl:Attributes/assl:Attribute[assl:ID='" + attribID + "']" ); Element usageElement = (Element) databaseAttribute.selectSingleNode( "assl:Usage" ); if ( usageElement != null && "Parent".equals( usageElement.getTextTrim() ) ) { populateParentChildHierarchy( mondrianDimension, databaseAttribute, ssasDimensionKeyAttribute, ssasDatabaseDimension, factTable, factForeignKey, allTables, attribID ); } } // handle the traditional hierarchies List hierarchies = ssasCubeDimension.selectNodes( "assl:Hierarchies/assl:Hierarchy" ); for ( int k = 0; k < hierarchies.size(); k++ ) { Element hierarchy = (Element) hierarchies.get( k ); String databaseHierarchyID = getXPathNodeText( hierarchy, "assl:HierarchyID" ); Element databaseHierarchy = (Element) ssasDatabaseDimension .selectSingleNode( "assl:Hierarchies/assl:Hierarchy[assl:ID='" + databaseHierarchyID + "']" ); if ( databaseHierarchy == null ) { throw new AggDesignerException( "Failed to locate hierarchy " + databaseHierarchyID ); } Element mondrianHierarchy = DocumentFactory.getInstance().createElement( "Hierarchy" ); mondrianHierarchy.addAttribute( "name", getXPathNodeText( databaseHierarchy, "assl:Name" ) ); String tableID = getXPathNodeText( ssasDimensionKeyAttribute, "assl:KeyColumns/assl:KeyColumn/assl:Source/assl:TableID" ); Table primaryKeyTable = findTable( allTables, tableID ); String primaryKey = getXPathNodeText( ssasDimensionKeyAttribute, "assl:KeyColumns/assl:KeyColumn/assl:Source/assl:ColumnID" ); Column primaryKeyColumn = primaryKeyTable.findColumn( primaryKey ); mondrianHierarchy.addAttribute( "primaryKey", primaryKeyColumn.dbName ); Element allMemberName = (Element) databaseHierarchy.selectSingleNode( "assl:AllMemberName" ); if ( allMemberName != null && allMemberName.getTextTrim().length() != 0 ) { mondrianHierarchy.addAttribute( "allMemberName", allMemberName.getTextTrim() ); mondrianHierarchy.addAttribute( "hasAll", "true" ); } else { mondrianHierarchy.addAttribute( "hasAll", "false" ); } // determine if this hierarchy is a snow flake // we can tell this by looking at the levels // preprocess levels to determine snowflake-ness List ssasLevels = databaseHierarchy.selectNodes( "assl:Levels/assl:Level" ); List<String> tables = new ArrayList<String>(); for ( int l = 0; l < ssasLevels.size(); l++ ) { Element level = (Element) ssasLevels.get( l ); String sourceAttribID = getXPathNodeText( level, "assl:SourceAttributeID" ); Element sourceAttribute = (Element) ssasDatabaseDimension .selectSingleNode( "assl:Attributes/assl:Attribute[assl:ID='" + sourceAttribID + "']" ); String levelTableID = getXPathNodeText( sourceAttribute, "assl:NameColumn/assl:Source/assl:TableID" ); if ( !tables.contains( levelTableID ) ) { // insert the table in the correct order tables.add( 0, levelTableID ); } } // skip if degenerate dimension if ( tables.size() != 1 || !tables.get( 0 ).equals( factTable.logicalName ) ) { populateHierarchyRelation( mondrianHierarchy, tables, ssasDatabaseDimension, factTable, allTables, databaseHierarchyID, factForeignKey ); } else { mondrianHierarchy.add( DocumentFactory.getInstance().createComment( "Degenerate Hierarchy" ) ); } // render levels populateHierarchyLevels( mondrianHierarchy, ssasLevels, ssasDatabaseDimension, allTables, tables.size() > 1 ); mondrianDimension.add( mondrianHierarchy ); } // finally, do attribute hierarchies populateAttributeHierarchies( mondrianDimension, cubeAttributes, ssasDatabaseDimension, ssasDimensionKeyAttribute, factTable, factForeignKey, allTables ); }
Example #24
Source File: From FoxBPM with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public Element cretateXMLElement() {
return DocumentFactory.getInstance().createElement(BpmnXMLConstants.BPMN2_PREFIX + ':'
Example #25
Source File: From FoxBPM with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public Element cretateXMLElement() {
return DocumentFactory.getInstance().createElement(BpmnXMLConstants.BPMN2_PREFIX + ':'
Example #26
Source File: From FoxBPM with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public Element cretateXMLElement() {
return DocumentFactory.getInstance().createElement(BpmnXMLConstants.BPMN2_PREFIX + ':'
Example #27
Source File: From pentaho-aggdesigner with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
* generates <Measure> mondrian tags
private static void populateCubeMeasures(
Element mondrianCube,
Element ssasMeasureGroup,
Table factTable,
String cubeName
) throws AggDesignerException {
List allMeasures = ssasMeasureGroup.selectNodes( "assl:Measures/assl:Measure" );
for ( int j = 0; j < allMeasures.size(); j++ ) {
Element measure = (Element) allMeasures.get( j );
// assert Source/Source xsi:type="ColumnBinding"
if ( measure.selectSingleNode( "assl:Source/assl:Source[@xsi:type='ColumnBinding']" ) == null
&& measure.selectSingleNode( "assl:Source/assl:Source[@xsi:type='RowBinding']" ) == null ) {
logger.warn( "SKIPPING MEASURE, INVALID MEASURE IN CUBE " + cubeName + " : " + measure.asXML() );
Element mondrianMeasure = DocumentFactory.getInstance().createElement( "Measure" );
String measureName = getXPathNodeText( measure, "assl:Name" );
mondrianMeasure.addAttribute( "name", measureName );
logger.trace( "MEASURE: " + measureName );
String aggType = "sum";
Element aggFunction = (Element) measure.selectSingleNode( "assl:AggregateFunction" );
if ( aggFunction != null ) {
aggType = aggFunction.getTextTrim().toLowerCase();
if ( aggType.equals( "distinctcount" ) ) {
aggType = "distinct-count";
mondrianMeasure.addAttribute( "aggregator", aggType );
if ( measure.selectSingleNode( "assl:Source/assl:Source[@xsi:type='ColumnBinding']" ) != null ) {
String column = getXPathNodeText( measure, "assl:Source/assl:Source/assl:ColumnID" );
Column columnObj = factTable.findColumn( column );
columnObj.addToMondrian( mondrianMeasure, "column", "MeasureExpression" );
} else {
// select the first fact column in the star
mondrianMeasure.addAttribute( "column", factTable.columns.get( 0 ) );
mondrianCube.add( mondrianMeasure );
Example #28
Source File: From FoxBPM with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public Element cretateXMLElement() {
return DocumentFactory.getInstance().createElement(BpmnXMLConstants.BPMN2_PREFIX + ':'
Example #29
Source File: From FoxBPM with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public Element cretateXMLElement() {
return DocumentFactory.getInstance().createElement(BpmnXMLConstants.BPMN2_PREFIX + ':'
Example #30
Source File: From lams with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
public Dom4JDriver(DocumentFactory documentFactory, OutputFormat outputFormat) {
this(documentFactory, outputFormat, new XmlFriendlyNameCoder());