org.elasticsearch.action.ListenableActionFuture Java Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: From siren-join with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
public void warmFieldData(String parentField, String childField) { ListenableActionFuture<SearchResponse> parentSearch = null; ListenableActionFuture<SearchResponse> childSearch = null; if (parentField != null) { parentSearch = client .prepareSearch(PARENT_INDEX) .setQuery(matchAllQuery()).addAggregation(terms("parentfield").field(parentField)).execute(); } if (childField != null) { childSearch = client .prepareSearch(CHILD_INDEX) .setQuery(matchAllQuery()).addAggregation(terms("childfield").field(childField)).execute(); } if (parentSearch != null) parentSearch.actionGet(); if (childSearch != null) childSearch.actionGet(); }
Example #2
Source File: From siren-join with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
public void warmFieldData(String parentField, String childField) { ListenableActionFuture<SearchResponse> parentSearch = null; ListenableActionFuture<SearchResponse> childSearch = null; if (parentField != null) { parentSearch = client .prepareSearch(PARENT_INDEX) .setQuery(matchAllQuery()).addAggregation(terms("parentfield").field(parentField)).execute(); } if (childField != null) { childSearch = client .prepareSearch(CHILD_INDEX) .setQuery(matchAllQuery()).addAggregation(terms("childfield").field(childField)).execute(); } if (parentSearch != null) parentSearch.actionGet(); if (childSearch != null) childSearch.actionGet(); }
Example #3
Source File: From amazon-kinesis-connectors with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public void setUp() {
// object under test
Properties props = new Properties();
AWSCredentialsProvider creds = createMock(AWSCredentialsProvider.class);
configuration = new KinesisConnectorConfiguration(props, creds);
emitter = new ElasticsearchEmitter(configuration);
buffer = createMock(UnmodifiableBuffer.class);
mockBulkBuilder = createMock(BulkRequestBuilder.class);
mockIndexBuilder = createMock(IndexRequestBuilder.class);
mockFuture = createMock(ListenableActionFuture.class);
mockBulkResponse = createMock(BulkResponse.class);
// overwrite the elasticseach client with a mock
elasticsearchClientMock = createMock(TransportClient.class);
setField(emitter, "elasticsearchClient", elasticsearchClientMock);
// overwrite the default backoff time with 0 seconds to speed up tests
setField(emitter, "BACKOFF_PERIOD", 0);
Example #4
Source File: From crate with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public static ListenableActionFuture<SQLResponse> execute(String stmt,
@Nullable Object[] args,
Session session) {
PlainListenableActionFuture<SQLResponse> actionFuture = PlainListenableActionFuture.newListenableFuture();
execute(stmt, args, actionFuture, session);
return actionFuture;
Example #5
Source File: From ingestion with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test(expected = EventDeliveryException.class) public void shouldThrowExceptionOnExecuteFailed() throws Exception { ListenableActionFuture<BulkResponse> action = (ListenableActionFuture<BulkResponse>) mock(ListenableActionFuture.class); BulkResponse response = mock(BulkResponse.class); when(bulkRequestBuilder.execute()).thenReturn(action); when(action.actionGet()).thenReturn(response); when(response.hasFailures()).thenReturn(true); fixture.addEvent(event, nameBuilder, "bar_type", 10); fixture.execute(); }
Example #6
Source File: From ingestion with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void shouldExecuteBulkRequestBuilder() throws Exception { ListenableActionFuture<BulkResponse> action = (ListenableActionFuture<BulkResponse>) mock(ListenableActionFuture.class); BulkResponse response = mock(BulkResponse.class); when(bulkRequestBuilder.execute()).thenReturn(action); when(action.actionGet()).thenReturn(response); when(response.hasFailures()).thenReturn(false); fixture.addEvent(event, nameBuilder, "bar_type", 10); fixture.execute(); verify(bulkRequestBuilder).execute(); }
Example #7
Source File: From io with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
* Mapping定義を更新する.
* @param index インデックス名
* @param type タイプ名
* @param mappings マッピング情報
* @return 非同期応答
public ListenableActionFuture<PutMappingResponse> putMapping(String index,
String type,
Map<String, Object> mappings) {
PutMappingRequestBuilder builder = new PutMappingRequestBuilder(esTransportClient.admin().indices())
return builder.execute();
Example #8
Source File: From io with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
* Mapping定義を更新する.
* @param index インデックス名
* @param type タイプ名
* @param mappings マッピング情報
* @return 非同期応答
public ListenableActionFuture<PutMappingResponse> putMapping(String index,
String type,
Map<String, Object> mappings) {
PutMappingRequestBuilder builder = new PutMappingRequestBuilder(esTransportClient.admin().indices(), PutMappingAction.INSTANCE)
return builder.execute();
Example #9
Source File: From io with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public ListenableActionFuture<PutMappingResponse> putMapping(String index,
String type, Map<String, Object> mappings) {
return super.putMapping(index, type, mappings);
Example #10
Source File: From io with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public ListenableActionFuture<PutMappingResponse> putMapping(String index,
String type, Map<String, Object> mappings) {
return super.putMapping(index, type, mappings);
Example #11
Source File: From io with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public ListenableActionFuture<PutMappingResponse> putMapping(String index,
String type, Map<String, Object> mappings) {
return super.putMapping(index, type, mappings);
Example #12
Source File: From io with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public ListenableActionFuture<PutMappingResponse> putMapping(String index,
String type, Map<String, Object> mappings) {
return super.putMapping(index, type, mappings);
Example #13
Source File: From io with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public ListenableActionFuture<PutMappingResponse> putMapping(String index,
String type, Map<String, Object> mappings) {
return super.putMapping(index, type, mappings);
Example #14
Source File: From io with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public ListenableActionFuture<PutMappingResponse> putMapping(String index,
String type, Map<String, Object> mappings) {
return super.putMapping(index, type, mappings);
Example #15
Source File: From io with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public ListenableActionFuture<PutMappingResponse> putMapping(String index,
String type, Map<String, Object> mappings) {
return super.putMapping(index, type, mappings);
Example #16
Source File: From io with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public ListenableActionFuture<PutMappingResponse> putMapping(String index,
String type, Map<String, Object> mappings) {
return super.putMapping(index, type, mappings);
Example #17
Source File: From amazon-kinesis-connectors with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Set the 2nd record in the passed in list to fail. * * Assert that only 1 record is returned, and that it is equal to the 2nd object in the list. * * @throws IOException */ @Test public void testRecordFails() throws IOException { List<ElasticsearchObject> records = new ArrayList<ElasticsearchObject>(); ElasticsearchObject r1 = createMockRecordAndSetExpectations("sample-index", "type", "1", "{\"name\":\"Mike\"}"); records.add(r1); // this will be the failing record. ElasticsearchObject r2 = createMockRecordAndSetExpectations("sample-index", "type", "2", "{\"name\":\"Mike\",\"badJson\":\"forgotendingquote}"); records.add(r2); ElasticsearchObject r3 = createMockRecordAndSetExpectations("sample-index", "type", "3", "{\"name\":\"Mike\"}"); records.add(r3); // mock building and executing the request mockBuildingAndExecutingRequest(records); // Verify that there is a response for each record, and that each gets touched. BulkItemResponse[] responses = new BulkItemResponse[records.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < responses.length; i++) { responses[i] = createMock(BulkItemResponse.class); // define behavior for a failing record if (i == 1) { expect(responses[i].isFailed()).andReturn(true); expect(responses[i].getFailureMessage()).andReturn("bad json error message"); Failure failure = new Failure("index", "type", "id", "foo failure message", RestStatus.BAD_REQUEST); expect(responses[i].getFailure()).andReturn(failure); } else { expect(responses[i].isFailed()).andReturn(false); } replay(responses[i]); } // verify admin client gets used to check cluster status. this case, yellow expect(mockBulkResponse.getItems()).andReturn(responses); AdminClient mockAdminClient = createMock(AdminClient.class); expect(elasticsearchClientMock.admin()).andReturn(mockAdminClient); ClusterAdminClient mockClusterAdminClient = createMock(ClusterAdminClient.class); expect(mockAdminClient.cluster()).andReturn(mockClusterAdminClient); ClusterHealthRequestBuilder mockHealthRequestBuilder = createMock(ClusterHealthRequestBuilder.class); expect(mockClusterAdminClient.prepareHealth()).andReturn(mockHealthRequestBuilder); ListenableActionFuture mockHealthFuture = createMock(ListenableActionFuture.class); expect(mockHealthRequestBuilder.execute()).andReturn(mockHealthFuture); ClusterHealthResponse mockResponse = createMock(ClusterHealthResponse.class); expect(mockHealthFuture.actionGet()).andReturn(mockResponse); expect(mockResponse.getStatus()).andReturn(ClusterHealthStatus.YELLOW); expectLastCall().times(2); replay(elasticsearchClientMock, r1, r2, r3, buffer, mockBulkBuilder, mockIndexBuilder, mockFuture, mockBulkResponse, mockAdminClient, mockClusterAdminClient, mockHealthRequestBuilder, mockHealthFuture, mockResponse); List<ElasticsearchObject> failures = emitter.emit(buffer); assertTrue(failures.size() == 1); // the emitter should return the exact object that failed assertEquals(failures.get(0), records.get(1)); verify(elasticsearchClientMock, r1, r2, r3, buffer, mockBulkBuilder, mockIndexBuilder, mockFuture, mockBulkResponse, mockAdminClient, mockClusterAdminClient, mockHealthRequestBuilder, mockHealthFuture, mockResponse); verifyRecords(records); verifyResponses(responses); }
Example #18
Source File: From io with Apache License 2.0 | 2 votes |
* 非同期でMapping定義を更新する.
* @param mappings Mapping定義
* @return Mapping更新レスポンス
public ListenableActionFuture<PutMappingResponse> asyncPutMapping(Map<String, Object> mappings) {
return esClient.putMapping(this.indexName,, mappings);
Example #19
Source File: From io with Apache License 2.0 | 2 votes |
* 非同期でMapping定義を更新する.
* @param mappings Mapping定義
* @return Mapping更新レスポンス
public ListenableActionFuture<PutMappingResponse> asyncPutMapping(Map<String, Object> mappings) {
return esClient.putMapping(this.indexName,, mappings);