org.mybatis.generator.api.JavaFormatter Java Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: From mapper-generator-javafx with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public JavaFormatter getJavaFormatter() {
if (javaFormatter == null) {
javaFormatter = ObjectFactory.createJavaFormatter(this);
return javaFormatter;
Example #2
Source File: From mybatis-generator-core-fix with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Creates a new Object object. * * @param context * the context * @return the java formatter */ public static JavaFormatter createJavaFormatter(Context context) { String type = context.getProperty(PropertyRegistry.CONTEXT_JAVA_FORMATTER); if (!StringUtility.stringHasValue(type)) { type = DefaultJavaFormatter.class.getName(); } JavaFormatter answer = (JavaFormatter) createInternalObject(type); answer.setContext(context); return answer; }
Example #3
Source File: From mybatis-generator-core-fix with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
* Gets the java formatter.
* @return the java formatter
public JavaFormatter getJavaFormatter() {
if (javaFormatter == null) {
javaFormatter = ObjectFactory.createJavaFormatter(this);
return javaFormatter;
Example #4
Source File: From mybatis-generator-plus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public static JavaFormatter createJavaFormatter(Context context) { String type = context.getProperty(PropertyRegistry.CONTEXT_JAVA_FORMATTER); if (!StringUtility.stringHasValue(type)) { type = DefaultJavaFormatter.class.getName(); } JavaFormatter answer = (JavaFormatter) createInternalObject(type); answer.setContext(context); return answer; }
Example #5
Source File: From mybatis-generator-plus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public JavaFormatter getJavaFormatter() {
if (javaFormatter == null) {
javaFormatter = ObjectFactory.createJavaFormatter(this);
return javaFormatter;