org.openrdf.query.resultio.sparqlxml.SPARQLResultsXMLParserFactory Java Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: From fcrepo-camel-toolbox with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
* Create an LDPathWrapper Object
* @param backend the linkeddata backend
public LDPathWrapper(final LDCacheBackend backend) {
// Register the Sesame RDF Parsers manually
// TODO: use the OSGi service registry as described in:
RDFParserRegistry.getInstance().add(new RDFXMLParserFactory());
RDFParserRegistry.getInstance().add(new NTriplesParserFactory());
RDFParserRegistry.getInstance().add(new TurtleParserFactory());
RDFParserRegistry.getInstance().add(new N3ParserFactory());
RDFParserRegistry.getInstance().add(new SesameJSONLDParserFactory());
RDFParserRegistry.getInstance().add(new RDFJSONParserFactory());
RDFParserRegistry.getInstance().add(new SesameRDFaParserFactory());
RDFParserRegistry.getInstance().add(new TriGParserFactory());
BooleanQueryResultParserRegistry.getInstance().add(new SPARQLBooleanXMLParserFactory());
TupleQueryResultParserRegistry.getInstance().add(new SPARQLResultsXMLParserFactory());
ldpath = new LDPath<Value>(backend);
Example #2
Source File: From neo4j-sparql-extension with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
@Before public void before() throws RepositoryException, IOException, RDFParseException, MalformedQueryException, QueryResultParseException, QueryResultHandlerException { repo = new SailRepository(new MemoryStore()); repo.initialize(); conn = repo.getConnection(); vf = conn.getValueFactory(); conn.add(getResource(data), "file://", RDFFormat.TURTLE); SPARQLResultsXMLParserFactory factory = new SPARQLResultsXMLParserFactory(); parser = factory.getParser(); parser.setValueFactory(vf); List<Rule> rules; rules = Rules.fromOntology(getResource(data)); QueryRewriter rewriter = new QueryRewriter(conn, rules); query = (TupleQuery) rewriter.rewrite(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, queryString); nonInfQuery = conn.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, queryString); System.out.println("== QUERY (" + + ") =="); System.out.println(nonInfQuery); System.out.println("== REWRITTEN QUERY (" + + ") =="); System.out.println(query); }
Example #3
Source File: From database with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
* Counts the #of results in a SPARQL result set.
* @param conn
* The connection from which to read the results.
* @return The #of results.
* @throws Exception
* If anything goes wrong.
protected long countResults(final HttpURLConnection conn) throws Exception {
final AtomicLong nsolutions = new AtomicLong();
try {
final TupleQueryResultParser parser = new SPARQLResultsXMLParserFactory()
.setTupleQueryResultHandler(new TupleQueryResultHandlerBase() {
// Indicates the end of a sequence of solutions.
public void endQueryResult() {
// connection close is handled in finally{}
// Handles a solution.
public void handleSolution(final BindingSet bset) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
// Indicates the start of a sequence of Solutions.
public void startQueryResult(List<String> bindingNames) {
if (log.isInfoEnabled())"nsolutions=" + nsolutions);
// done.
return nsolutions.longValue();
} finally {
// // terminate the http connection.
// conn.disconnect();