Java Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: From cumulusrdf with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
* Get all statements and export them as RDF.
* @param repository the Repository object
* @param request the HttpServletRequest object
* @param response the HttpServletResponse object
* @return a model and view for exporting the statements.
* @throws ClientHTTPException throws when errors in parameters
private ModelAndView getExportStatementsResult(final Repository repository, final HttpServletRequest request,
final HttpServletResponse response)
throws ClientHTTPException {
ValueFactory vf = repository.getValueFactory();
URI graph = getGraphName(request, vf);
RDFWriterFactory rdfWriterFactory = ProtocolUtil.getAcceptableService(request, response,
Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>();
model.put(ExportStatementsView.CONTEXTS_KEY, new Resource[] { graph });
model.put(ExportStatementsView.FACTORY_KEY, rdfWriterFactory);
model.put(ExportStatementsView.USE_INFERENCING_KEY, true);
model.put(ExportStatementsView.HEADERS_ONLY, METHOD_HEAD.equals(request.getMethod()));
return new ModelAndView(ExportStatementsView.getInstance(), model);
Example #2
Source File: From neo4j-sparql-extension with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
/** * This is needed, because Rio is unable to find the Parser/Writer Factories * automatically when the jar gets deployed as plugin inside the Neo4j * Server. */ private synchronized void initRio() { if (!rioInitialized) { RDFParserRegistry parserRegistry = RDFParserRegistry.getInstance(); parserRegistry.add(new TurtleParserFactory()); parserRegistry.add(new RDFXMLParserFactory()); parserRegistry.add(new NTriplesParserFactory()); parserRegistry.add(new RDFJSONParserFactory()); RDFWriterRegistry writerRegistry = RDFWriterRegistry.getInstance(); writerRegistry.add(new TurtleWriterFactory()); writerRegistry.add(new RDFXMLWriterFactory()); writerRegistry.add(new NTriplesWriterFactory()); writerRegistry.add(new RDFJSONWriterFactory()); rioInitialized = true; } }
Example #3
Source File: From ldp4j with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private RDFWriter createWriter(StringWriter writer) { RDFWriter result=null; if(format.equals(Format.TURTLE)) { result=new TurtlePrettyPrinter(new MemValueFactory().createURI(baseURI.toString()),writer); } else { RDFWriterRegistry registry=RDFWriterRegistry.getInstance(); RDFFormat rawFormat=Rio.getWriterFormatForMIMEType(format.getMime(),RDFFormat.RDFXML); RDFWriterFactory factory=registry.get(rawFormat); result=factory.getWriter(writer); if(format.equals(Format.JSON_LD)) { result.getWriterConfig().set(JSONLDSettings.JSONLD_MODE,JSONLDMode.FLATTEN); result.getWriterConfig().set(BasicWriterSettings.PRETTY_PRINT,true); } } return result; }
Example #4
Source File: From sparql-playground with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
private FileFormatServiceRegistry<? extends FileFormat, ?> getRegistryInstance(SparqlQueryType queryType) {
case TUPLE_QUERY: return TupleQueryResultWriterRegistry.getInstance();
case GRAPH_QUERY: return RDFWriterRegistry.getInstance();
case BOOLEAN_QUERY: return BooleanQueryResultWriterRegistry.getInstance();
return null;
Example #5
Source File: From cumulusrdf with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
* Get all statements and export them as RDF.
* @param repository the Repository object
* @param request the HttpServletRequest object
* @param response the HttpServletResponse object
* @return a model and view for exporting the statements.
* @throws ClientHTTPException throws when there errors in parsing the request
private ModelAndView getExportStatementsResult(final Repository repository, final HttpServletRequest request,
final HttpServletResponse response)
throws ClientHTTPException {
ValueFactory vf = repository.getValueFactory();
Resource subj = ProtocolUtil.parseResourceParam(request, SUBJECT_PARAM_NAME, vf);
URI pred = ProtocolUtil.parseURIParam(request, PREDICATE_PARAM_NAME, vf);
Value obj = ProtocolUtil.parseValueParam(request, OBJECT_PARAM_NAME, vf);
Resource[] contexts = ProtocolUtil.parseContextParam(request, CONTEXT_PARAM_NAME, vf);
boolean useInferencing = ProtocolUtil.parseBooleanParam(request, INCLUDE_INFERRED_PARAM_NAME, true);
RDFWriterFactory rdfWriterFactory = ProtocolUtil.getAcceptableService(request, response,
Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>();
model.put(ExportStatementsView.SUBJECT_KEY, subj);
model.put(ExportStatementsView.PREDICATE_KEY, pred);
model.put(ExportStatementsView.OBJECT_KEY, obj);
model.put(ExportStatementsView.CONTEXTS_KEY, contexts);
model.put(ExportStatementsView.USE_INFERENCING_KEY, Boolean.valueOf(useInferencing));
model.put(ExportStatementsView.FACTORY_KEY, rdfWriterFactory);
model.put(ExportStatementsView.HEADERS_ONLY, METHOD_HEAD.equals(request.getMethod()));
model.put(ExportStatementsView.REPO_KEY, repository);
return new ModelAndView(ExportStatementsView.getInstance(), model);
Example #6
Source File: From neo4j-sparql-extension with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
* Create a new RDF streaming output that uses the given connection to
* stream RDF triples in the given format from the a graph.
* @param conn the repository connection
* @param format the RDF format
* @param contexts the graphs to stream from
public RDFStreamingOutput(
RepositoryConnection conn,
RDFFormat format,
Resource... contexts) {
this.contexts = contexts;
this.factory = RDFWriterRegistry.getInstance().get(format);
Example #7
Source File: From database with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
* Serialize an iteration of statements into a byte[] to send across the
* wire.
protected static byte[] serialize(final Iterable<? extends Statement> stmts,
final RDFFormat format) throws Exception {
final RDFWriterFactory writerFactory =
final ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
final RDFWriter writer = writerFactory.getWriter(baos);
for (Statement stmt : stmts) {
final byte[] data = baos.toByteArray();
return data;
Example #8
Source File: From database with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
* Exports all told statements associated with the last commit point for the
* KB.
* @throws IOException
* @throws SailException
* @throws RDFHandlerException
public void exportData() throws IOException, SailException,
RDFHandlerException {
// final BigdataSail sail = new BigdataSail(kb);
// try {
// sail.initialize();
// final SailConnection conn = sail.getReadOnlyConnection();
// try {
final CloseableIteration<? extends Statement, SailException> itr = conn
.getStatements(null/* s */, null/* p */, null/* o */,
includeInferred, new Resource[] {}/* contexts */);
try {
final File file = new File(kbdir, "data."
+ format.getDefaultFileExtension()+".gz");
System.out.println("Writing " + file);
final OutputStream os = new GZIPOutputStream(
new FileOutputStream(file));
try {
final RDFWriter writer = RDFWriterRegistry
while (itr.hasNext()) {
final Statement stmt =;
} finally {
} finally {
// } finally {
// conn.close();
// }
// } finally {
// sail.shutDown();
// }
Example #9
Source File: From database with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
@Override protected void doQuery(final BigdataSailRepositoryConnection cxn, final OutputStream os) throws Exception { final BigdataSailGraphQuery query = (BigdataSailGraphQuery) setupQuery(cxn); // Note: getQueryTask() verifies that format will be non-null. final RDFFormat format = RDFWriterRegistry.getInstance() .getFileFormatForMIMEType(mimeType); final RDFWriter w = RDFWriterRegistry.getInstance().get(format) .getWriter(os); query.evaluate(w); }
Example #10
Source File: From database with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
@Override public Void call() throws Exception { BigdataSailRepositoryConnection conn = null; try { conn = getQueryConnection(); String mimeType = null; RDFFormat format = null; if (mimeTypes!=null) { mimeTypesLoop: while(mimeTypes.hasMoreElements()) { for (String mt:mimeTypes.nextElement().split(",")) { mt = mt.trim(); RDFFormat fmt = RDFWriterRegistry.getInstance() .getFileFormatForMIMEType(mt); if (conn.getTripleStore().isQuads() && (mt.equals(RDFFormat.NQUADS.getDefaultMIMEType()) || mt.equals(RDFFormat.TURTLE.getDefaultMIMEType())) || !conn.getTripleStore().isQuads() && fmt != null) { mimeType = mt; format = fmt; break mimeTypesLoop; } } } } if (format==null) { if(conn.getTripleStore().isQuads()){ mimeType = RDFFormat.NQUADS.getDefaultMIMEType(); } else { mimeType = RDFFormat.NTRIPLES.getDefaultMIMEType(); } format = RDFWriterRegistry.getInstance() .getFileFormatForMIMEType(mimeType); } resp.setContentType(mimeType); final OutputStream os = resp.getOutputStream(); final RDFWriter w = RDFWriterRegistry.getInstance().get(format) .getWriter(os); RepositoryResult<Statement> stmts = null; try { w.startRDF(); stmts = conn.getStatements(s, p, o, includeInferred, c); while(stmts.hasNext()){ w.handleStatement(; } w.endRDF(); } finally { if (stmts != null) { stmts.close(); } os.flush(); os.close(); } return null; } finally { if (conn != null) { conn.close(); } } }
Example #11
Source File: From database with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Send an RDF Graph as a response using content negotiation. * * @param req * @param resp */ static public void sendGraph(final HttpServletRequest req, final HttpServletResponse resp, final Graph g) throws IOException { /* * CONNEG for the MIME type. */ final List<String> acceptHeaders = Collections.list(req.getHeaders("Accept")); final String acceptStr = ConnegUtil.getMimeTypeForQueryParameterQueryRequest(req .getParameter(BigdataRDFServlet.OUTPUT_FORMAT_QUERY_PARAMETER), acceptHeaders.toArray(new String[acceptHeaders.size()])); final ConnegUtil util = new ConnegUtil(acceptStr); // The best RDFFormat for that Accept header. RDFFormat format = util.getRDFFormat(); if (format == null) format = RDFFormat.RDFXML; RDFWriterFactory writerFactory = RDFWriterRegistry.getInstance().get( format); if (writerFactory == null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("No writer for format: format=" + format + ", Accept=\"" + acceptStr + "\""); } format = RDFFormat.RDFXML; writerFactory = RDFWriterRegistry.getInstance().get(format); } // if (writerFactory == null) { // // buildResponse(resp, HTTP_BADREQUEST, MIME_TEXT_PLAIN, // "No writer for format: Accept=\"" + acceptStr // + "\", format=" + format); // // return; // // } resp.setStatus(HTTP_OK); resp.setContentType(format.getDefaultMIMEType()); final OutputStream os = resp.getOutputStream(); try { final RDFWriter writer = writerFactory.getWriter(os); writer.startRDF(); final Iterator<Statement> itr = g.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { final Statement stmt =; writer.handleStatement(stmt); } writer.endRDF(); os.flush(); } catch (RDFHandlerException e) { // wrap and rethrow. will be handled by launderThrowable(). throw new IOException(e); } finally { os.close(); } }
Example #12
Source File: From database with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 3 votes |
* Generates some statements and serializes them using the specified
* {@link RDFFormat}.
* @param ntriples
* The #of statements to generate.
* @param format
* The format.
* @return the serialized statements.
protected byte[] genNTRIPLES(final int ntriples, final RDFFormat format)
throws RDFHandlerException {
final Graph g = genNTRIPLES2(ntriples);
final RDFWriterFactory writerFactory = RDFWriterRegistry.getInstance()
if (writerFactory == null)
fail("RDFWriterFactory not found: format=" + format);
final ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
final RDFWriter writer = writerFactory.getWriter(baos);
for (Statement stmt : g) {
return baos.toByteArray();
Example #13
Source File: From database with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 3 votes |
* Write a graph on a buffer suitable for sending as an HTTP request body.
* @param format
* The RDF Format to use.
* @param g
* The graph.
* @return The serialized data.
* @throws RDFHandlerException
static protected byte[] writeOnBuffer(final RDFFormat format, final Graph g)
throws RDFHandlerException {
final RDFWriterFactory writerFactory = RDFWriterRegistry.getInstance()
if (writerFactory == null)
fail("RDFWriterFactory not found: format=" + format);
final ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
final RDFWriter writer = writerFactory.getWriter(baos);
for (Statement stmt : g) {
return baos.toByteArray();
Example #14
Source File: From neo4j-sparql-extension with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 2 votes |
/** * Returns a {@link RDFWriterFactory} that produces RDF data according to a * given MIME-type. * * @param mimetype the mimetype * @return the corresponding writer factory */ private RDFWriterFactory getRDFWriterFactory(String mimetype) { RDFWriterRegistry registry = RDFWriterRegistry.getInstance(); return registry.get(getRDFFormat(mimetype)); }