org.xmpp.packet.Presence Java Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public void audit(Packet packet, Session session) {
if (auditManager.isEnabled()) {
if (packet instanceof Message) {
if (auditManager.isAuditMessage()) {
writePacket(packet, session);
else if (packet instanceof Presence) {
if (auditManager.isAuditPresence()) {
writePacket(packet, session);
else if (packet instanceof IQ) {
if (auditManager.isAuditIQ()) {
writePacket(packet, session);
Example #2
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public List<Presence> setMembersOnly(boolean membersOnly) { List<Presence> presences = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>(); if (membersOnly && !this.membersOnly) { // If the room was not members-only and now it is, kick occupants that aren't member // of the room for (MUCRole occupant : occupantsByFullJID.values()) { if (occupant.getAffiliation().compareTo(MUCRole.Affiliation.member) > 0) { try { presences.add(kickOccupant(occupant.getRoleAddress(), null, null, LocaleUtils.getLocalizedString("muc.roomIsNowMembersOnly"))); } catch (NotAllowedException e) { Log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } } } this.membersOnly = membersOnly; return presences; }
Example #3
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Routes the given packet based on packet recipient and sender. The * router defers actual routing decisions to other classes. * <h2>Warning</h2> * Be careful to enforce concurrency DbC of concurrent by synchronizing * any accesses to class resources. * * @param packet The packet to route */ @Override public void route(Packet packet) { if (packet instanceof Message) { route((Message)packet); } else if (packet instanceof Presence) { route((Presence)packet); } else if (packet instanceof IQ) { route((IQ)packet); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } }
Example #4
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public Presence addParticipant(JID jid, String reason, MUCRole senderRole) throws NotAllowedException, ForbiddenException { if (MUCRole.Role.moderator != senderRole.getRole()) { throw new ForbiddenException(); } // Update the presence with the new role and inform all occupants Presence updatedPresence = changeOccupantRole(jid, MUCRole.Role.participant); if (updatedPresence != null) { Element frag = updatedPresence.getChildElement( "x", ""); // Add the reason why the user was granted voice if (reason != null && reason.trim().length() > 0) { frag.element("item").addElement("reason").setText(reason); } } return updatedPresence; }
Example #5
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public Presence updateOccupant(UpdateOccupantRequest updateRequest) throws NotAllowedException { Presence result = null; List <MUCRole> occupants = occupantsByNickname.get(updateRequest.getNickname().toLowerCase()); if (occupants == null || occupants.size() == 0) { Log.debug("Failed to update information of local room occupant; nickname: " + updateRequest.getNickname()); } else { for (MUCRole occupant : occupants) { if (updateRequest.isAffiliationChanged()) { occupant.setAffiliation(updateRequest.getAffiliation()); } occupant.setRole(updateRequest.getRole()); // Notify the the cluster nodes to update the occupant CacheFactory.doClusterTask(new UpdateOccupant(this, occupant)); if (result == null) { result = occupant.getPresence(); } } } return result; }
Example #6
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
Element packetElement = (Element) ExternalizableUtil.getInstance().readSerializable(in);
presence = new Presence(packetElement, true);
role = ExternalizableUtil.getInstance().readInt(in);
affiliation = ExternalizableUtil.getInstance().readInt(in);
voiceOnly = ExternalizableUtil.getInstance().readBoolean(in);
roleAddress = (JID) ExternalizableUtil.getInstance().readSerializable(in);
userAddress = (JID) ExternalizableUtil.getInstance().readSerializable(in);
if (ExternalizableUtil.getInstance().readBoolean(in)) {
reportedFmucAddress = (JID) ExternalizableUtil.getInstance().readSerializable(in);
} else {
reportedFmucAddress = null;
nodeID = NodeID.getInstance(ExternalizableUtil.getInstance().readByteArray(in));
sendPresence = ExternalizableUtil.getInstance().readBoolean(in);
Example #7
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
* Returns true if the specified packet must only be route to available client sessions.
* @param packet the packet to route.
* @param fromServer true if the packet was created by the server.
* @return true if the specified packet must only be route to available client sessions.
private boolean routeOnlyAvailable(Packet packet, boolean fromServer) {
if (fromServer) {
// Packets created by the server (no matter their FROM value) must always be delivered no
// matter the available presence of the user
return false;
boolean onlyAvailable = true;
JID from = packet.getFrom();
boolean hasSender = from != null;
if (packet instanceof IQ) {
onlyAvailable = hasSender && !(serverName.equals(from.getDomain()) && from.getResource() == null) &&
else if (packet instanceof Message || packet instanceof Presence) {
onlyAvailable = !hasSender ||
(!serverName.equals(from.toString()) && !componentsCache.containsKey(from.getDomain()));
return onlyAvailable;
Example #8
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public void userAvailable(Presence presence) {
// Delete the last unavailable presence of this user since the user is now
// available. Only perform this operation if this is an available presence sent to
// THE SERVER and the presence belongs to a local user.
if (presence.getTo() == null && server.isLocal(presence.getFrom())) {
String username = presence.getFrom().getNode();
if (username == null || !userManager.isRegisteredUser(username)) {
// Ignore anonymous users
// Optimization: only delete the unavailable presence information if this
// is the first session created on the server.
if (sessionManager.getSessionCount(username) > 1) {
// Remove data from cache.
Example #9
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public void setRole(MUCRole.Role newRole) throws NotAllowedException {
// Don't allow to change the role to an owner or admin unless the new role is moderator
if (MUCRole.Affiliation.owner == affiliation || MUCRole.Affiliation.admin == affiliation) {
if (MUCRole.Role.moderator != newRole) {
throw new NotAllowedException();
// A moderator cannot be kicked from a room unless there has also been an affiliation change
if (MUCRole.Role.moderator == role && MUCRole.Role.none == newRole && MUCRole.Affiliation.none != affiliation) {
throw new NotAllowedException();
// TODO A moderator MUST NOT be able to revoke voice from a user whose affiliation is at or
// TODO above the moderator's level.
role = newRole;
if (MUCRole.Role.none == role) {
Example #10
Source File: From onos with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
* Tests adding, removing IQ listeners and handling IQ stanzas.
public void handlePackets() {
// IQ packets
IQ iq = new IQ();
Element element = new DefaultElement("pubsub", Namespace.get(testNamespace));
agent.processUpstreamEvent(jid1, iq);
assertThat(testXmppIqListener.handledIqs, hasSize(1));
agent.processUpstreamEvent(jid2, iq);
assertThat(testXmppIqListener.handledIqs, hasSize(2));
// Message packets
Packet message = new Message();
agent.processUpstreamEvent(jid1, message);
assertThat(testXmppMessageListener.handledMessages, hasSize(1));
agent.processUpstreamEvent(jid2, message);
assertThat(testXmppMessageListener.handledMessages, hasSize(2));
Packet presence = new Presence();
agent.processUpstreamEvent(jid1, presence);
assertThat(testXmppPresenceListener.handledPresenceStanzas, hasSize(1));
agent.processUpstreamEvent(jid2, presence);
assertThat(testXmppPresenceListener.handledPresenceStanzas, hasSize(2));
Example #11
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public void process(Packet packet) { try { // Check if the packet is a disco request or a packet with namespace iq:register if (packet instanceof IQ) { if (engine.process(this, (IQ) packet) == null) { process((IQ) packet); } } else if (packet instanceof Presence) { engine.process(this, (Presence) packet); } else { engine.process(this, (Message) packet); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.error(LocaleUtils.getLocalizedString("admin.error"), e); if (packet instanceof IQ) { // Send internal server error IQ reply = IQ.createResultIQ((IQ) packet); reply.setError(PacketError.Condition.internal_server_error); send(reply); } } }
Example #12
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
* Sends the presences of other connected resources to the resource that just connected.
* @param session the newly created session.
private void broadcastPresenceOfOtherResource(LocalClientSession session) {
if (!SessionManager.isOtherResourcePresenceEnabled()) {
Presence presence;
// Get list of sessions of the same user
JID searchJID = new JID(session.getAddress().getNode(), session.getAddress().getDomain(), null);
List<JID> addresses = routingTable.getRoutes(searchJID, null);
for (JID address : addresses) {
if (address.equals(session.getAddress())) {
// Send the presence of an existing session to the session that has just changed
// the presence
ClientSession userSession = routingTable.getClientRoute(address);
presence = userSession.getPresence().createCopy();
Example #13
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void availableSession(ClientSession session, Presence presence) {
// Do nothing if server is not enabled
if (!isEnabled()) {
JID newlyAvailableJID = presence.getFrom();
if (newlyAvailableJID == null) {
final GetNotificationsOnInitialPresence task = new GetNotificationsOnInitialPresence(newlyAvailableJID);
Example #14
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
* Sends presence of new occupant to existing occupants.
* @param joinRole the role of the new occupant in the room.
void sendInitialPresenceToExistingOccupants(MUCRole joinRole) {
// Send the presence of this new occupant to existing occupants
Log.trace( "Send presence of new occupant '{}' to existing occupants of room '{}'.", joinRole.getUserAddress(), joinRole.getChatRoom().getJID() );
try {
final Presence joinPresence = joinRole.getPresence().createCopy();
broadcastPresence(joinPresence, true, joinRole);
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.error( "An exception occurred while sending initial presence of new occupant '"+joinRole.getUserAddress()+"' to the existing occupants of room: '"+joinRole.getChatRoom().getJID()+"'.", e);
Example #15
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Sends presence of a leaving occupant to other occupants. * * @param leaveRole the role of the occupant that is leaving. */ void sendLeavePresenceToExistingOccupants(MUCRole leaveRole) { // Send the presence of this new occupant to existing occupants Log.trace( "Send presence of leaving occupant '{}' to existing occupants of room '{}'.", leaveRole.getUserAddress(), leaveRole.getChatRoom().getJID() ); try { Presence originalPresence = leaveRole.getPresence(); Presence presence = originalPresence.createCopy(); presence.setType(Presence.Type.unavailable); presence.setStatus(null); // Change (or add) presence information about roles and affiliations Element childElement = presence.getChildElement("x", ""); if (childElement == null) { childElement = presence.addChildElement("x", ""); } Element item = childElement.element("item"); if (item == null) { item = childElement.addElement("item"); } item.addAttribute("role", "none"); // Check to see if the user's original presence is one we should broadcast // a leave packet for. Need to check the original presence because we just // set the role to "none" above, which is always broadcast. if(!shouldBroadcastPresence(originalPresence)){ // Inform the leaving user that he/she has left the room leaveRole.send(presence); } else { if (getOccupantsByNickname(leaveRole.getNickname()).size() <= 1) { // Inform the rest of the room occupants that the user has left the room if (JOIN_PRESENCE_ENABLE.getValue()) { broadcastPresence(presence, false, leaveRole); } } } } catch (Exception e) { Log.error( "An exception occurred while sending leave presence of occupant '"+leaveRole.getUserAddress()+"' to the other occupants of room: '"+leaveRole.getChatRoom().getJID()+"'.", e); } }
Example #16
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public void send(@Nonnull Packet packet, @Nonnull MUCRole sender) { if (packet instanceof Message) { broadcast((Message)packet, sender); } else if (packet instanceof Presence) { broadcastPresence((Presence)packet, false, sender); } else if (packet instanceof IQ) { IQ reply = IQ.createResultIQ((IQ) packet); reply.setChildElement(((IQ) packet).getChildElement()); reply.setError(PacketError.Condition.bad_request); router.route(reply); } }
Example #17
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void process(Packet packet) throws UnauthorizedException, PacketException {
try {
JID recipient = packet.getTo();
// Check if the target domain belongs to a remote server or a component
if (server.matchesComponent(recipient) || server.isRemote(recipient)) {
routingTable.routePacket(recipient, packet, false);
// The target domain belongs to the local server
else if (recipient == null || (recipient.getNode() == null && recipient.getResource() == null)) {
// no TO was found so send back the packet to the sender
routingTable.routePacket(packet.getFrom(), packet, false);
else if (recipient.getResource() != null || !(packet instanceof Presence)) {
// JID is of the form <user@domain/resource>
routingTable.routePacket(recipient, packet, false);
else {
// JID is of the form <user@domain>
for (JID route : routingTable.getRoutes(recipient, null)) {
routingTable.routePacket(route, packet, false);
catch (Exception e) {
Log.error(LocaleUtils.getLocalizedString("admin.error.deliver") + "\n" + packet.toString(), e);
Example #18
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public Presence createPresence(Presence.Type presenceType) { Presence presence = new Presence(); presence.setType(presenceType); presence.setFrom(role.getRoleAddress()); return presence; }
Example #19
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public Presence addModerator(JID jid, MUCRole senderRole) throws ForbiddenException {
if (MUCRole.Affiliation.admin != senderRole.getAffiliation()
&& MUCRole.Affiliation.owner != senderRole.getAffiliation()) {
throw new ForbiddenException();
// Update the presence with the new role and inform all occupants
try {
return changeOccupantRole(jid, MUCRole.Role.moderator);
catch (NotAllowedException e) {
// We should never receive this theory
return null;
Example #20
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void checkPresences() { for (JID prober : presenceMap.keySet()) { JID probee = presenceMap.get(prober); if (routingTable.hasComponentRoute(probee)) { Presence presence = new Presence(); presence.setFrom(prober); presence.setTo(probee); routingTable.routePacket(probee, presence, false); // No reason to hold onto prober reference. presenceMap.remove(prober); } } }
Example #21
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public List<Presence> addAdmins(List<JID> newAdmins, MUCRole senderRole) throws ForbiddenException, ConflictException { List<Presence> answer = new ArrayList<>(newAdmins.size()); for (JID newAdmin : newAdmins) { final JID bareJID = newAdmin.asBareJID(); if (!admins.contains(bareJID)) { answer.addAll(addAdmin(bareJID, senderRole)); } } return answer; }
Example #22
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public List<Presence> addOwners(List<JID> newOwners, MUCRole senderRole) throws ForbiddenException { List<Presence> answer = new ArrayList<>(newOwners.size()); for (JID newOwner : newOwners) { final JID bareJID = newOwner.asBareJID(); if (!owners.contains(newOwner)) { answer.addAll(addOwner(bareJID, senderRole)); } } return answer; }
Example #23
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Sends an unavailable presence to the entities that sent a directed (available) presence * to other entities. * * @param update the unavailable presence sent by the user. */ private void broadcastUnavailableForDirectedPresences(Presence update) { JID from = update.getFrom(); if (from == null) { return; } if (localServer.isLocal(from)) { // Remove the registry of directed presences of this user Collection<DirectedPresence> directedPresences = null; Lock lock = CacheFactory.getLock(from.toString(), directedPresencesCache); try { lock.lock(); directedPresences = directedPresencesCache.remove(from.toString()); } finally { lock.unlock(); } if (directedPresences != null) { // Iterate over all the entities that the user sent a directed presence for (DirectedPresence directedPresence : directedPresences) { for (String receiver : directedPresence.getReceivers()) { Presence presence = update.createCopy(); presence.setTo(receiver); localServer.getPresenceRouter().route(presence); } } localDirectedPresences.remove(from.toString()); } } }
Example #24
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
Element packetElement = (Element) ExternalizableUtil.getInstance().readSerializable(in);
presence = new Presence(packetElement, true);
userAddressSender = (JID) ExternalizableUtil.getInstance().readSerializable(in);
Example #25
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void run() {
try {
Presence presence = getRoom().updateOccupant(this);
if (presence != null) {
answer = presence.getElement();
} catch (NotAllowedException e) {
// Do nothing. A null return value means that the operation failed
Example #26
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void sendSubscribeRequest(JID sender, JID recipient, boolean isSubscribe) { Presence presence = new Presence(); presence.setFrom(sender); presence.setTo(recipient); if (isSubscribe) { presence.setType(Presence.Type.subscribe); } else { presence.setType(Presence.Type.unsubscribe); } routingTable.routePacket(recipient, presence, false); }
Example #27
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public Collection<Presence> getPresences(String username) { if (username == null) { return null; } List<Presence> presences = new ArrayList<>(); for (ClientSession session : sessionManager.getSessions(username)) { presences.add(session.getPresence()); } return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(presences); }
Example #28
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
* Determine and call the update method based on the item's subscription state.
* <p/>
* @param item The item to be updated
* @param action The new state change request
* @param isSending True if the roster owner of the item is sending the new state change request
private static void updateState(RosterItem item, Presence.Type action, boolean isSending) {
Change change = getStateChange(item.getSubStatus(), action, isSending);
if (change.getNewAsk() != null && change.getNewAsk() != item.getAskStatus()) {
if (change.getNewSub() != null && change.getNewSub() != item.getSubStatus()) {
if (change.getNewRecv() != null && change.getNewRecv() != item.getRecvStatus()) {
Example #29
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
* Notification message indicating that an available session has changed its
* presence. This is the case when the user presence changed the show value
* (e.g. away, dnd, etc.) or the presence status message.
* @param session the affected session.
* @param presence the received available presence with the new information.
public static void presenceChanged(ClientSession session, Presence presence) {
if (!listeners.isEmpty()) {
for (PresenceEventListener listener : listeners) {
try {
listener.presenceChanged(session, presence);
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.warn("An exception occurred while dispatching a 'presenceChanged' event!", e);
Example #30
Source File: From Openfire with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
Element packetElement = (Element) ExternalizableUtil.getInstance().readSerializable(in);
presence = new Presence(packetElement, true);
if (ExternalizableUtil.getInstance().readBoolean(in)) {
defaultList = ExternalizableUtil.getInstance().readSafeUTF(in);
if (ExternalizableUtil.getInstance().readBoolean(in)) {
activeList = ExternalizableUtil.getInstance().readSafeUTF(in);
offlineFloodStopped = ExternalizableUtil.getInstance().readBoolean(in);
messageCarbonsEnabled = ExternalizableUtil.getInstance().readBoolean(in);
hasRequestedBlocklist = ExternalizableUtil.getInstance().readBoolean(in);