test.mixin.Lockable Java Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: DeclareParentsTests.java From spring-analysis-note with MIT License | 6 votes |
@Test public void testLockingWorks() { Lockable lockable = (Lockable) testBeanProxy; assertFalse(lockable.locked()); // Invoke a non-advised method testBeanProxy.getAge(); testBeanProxy.setName(""); lockable.lock(); try { testBeanProxy.setName(" "); fail("Should be locked"); } catch (IllegalStateException ex) { // expected } }
Example #2
Source File: AbstractAopProxyTests.java From spring4-understanding with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private void testTestBeanIntroduction(ProxyFactory pc) { int newAge = 65; ITestBean itb = (ITestBean) createProxy(pc); itb.setAge(newAge); assertEquals(newAge, itb.getAge()); Lockable lockable = (Lockable) itb; assertFalse(lockable.locked()); lockable.lock(); assertEquals(newAge, itb.getAge()); try { itb.setAge(1); fail("Setters should fail when locked"); } catch (LockedException ex) { // ok } assertEquals(newAge, itb.getAge()); // Unlock assertTrue(lockable.locked()); lockable.unlock(); itb.setAge(1); assertEquals(1, itb.getAge()); }
Example #3
Source File: AdvisorAutoProxyCreatorTests.java From spring4-understanding with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Check that we can provide a common interceptor that will * appear in the chain before "specific" interceptors, * which are sourced from matching advisors */ @Test public void testCommonInterceptorAndAdvisor() throws Exception { BeanFactory bf = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(COMMON_INTERCEPTORS_CONTEXT, CLASS); ITestBean test1 = (ITestBean) bf.getBean("test1"); assertTrue(AopUtils.isAopProxy(test1)); Lockable lockable1 = (Lockable) test1; NopInterceptor nop = (NopInterceptor) bf.getBean("nopInterceptor"); assertEquals(0, nop.getCount()); ITestBean test2 = (ITestBean) bf.getBean("test2"); Lockable lockable2 = (Lockable) test2; // Locking should be independent; nop is shared assertFalse(lockable1.locked()); assertFalse(lockable2.locked()); // equals 2 calls on shared nop, because it's first // and sees calls against the Lockable interface introduced // by the specific advisor assertEquals(2, nop.getCount()); lockable1.lock(); assertTrue(lockable1.locked()); assertFalse(lockable2.locked()); assertEquals(5, nop.getCount()); }
Example #4
Source File: DeclareParentsTests.java From spring4-understanding with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testLockingWorks() { Assume.group(TestGroup.LONG_RUNNING); Object introductionObject = ctx.getBean("introduction"); assertFalse("Introduction should not be proxied", AopUtils.isAopProxy(introductionObject)); Lockable lockable = (Lockable) testBeanProxy; assertFalse(lockable.locked()); // Invoke a non-advised method testBeanProxy.getAge(); testBeanProxy.setName(""); lockable.lock(); try { testBeanProxy.setName(" "); fail("Should be locked"); } catch (IllegalStateException ex) { // expected } }
Example #5
Source File: AbstractAopProxyTests.java From java-technology-stack with MIT License | 6 votes |
private void testTestBeanIntroduction(ProxyFactory pc) { int newAge = 65; ITestBean itb = (ITestBean) createProxy(pc); itb.setAge(newAge); assertEquals(newAge, itb.getAge()); Lockable lockable = (Lockable) itb; assertFalse(lockable.locked()); lockable.lock(); assertEquals(newAge, itb.getAge()); try { itb.setAge(1); fail("Setters should fail when locked"); } catch (LockedException ex) { // ok } assertEquals(newAge, itb.getAge()); // Unlock assertTrue(lockable.locked()); lockable.unlock(); itb.setAge(1); assertEquals(1, itb.getAge()); }
Example #6
Source File: DeclareParentsTests.java From java-technology-stack with MIT License | 6 votes |
@Test public void testLockingWorks() { Lockable lockable = (Lockable) testBeanProxy; assertFalse(lockable.locked()); // Invoke a non-advised method testBeanProxy.getAge(); testBeanProxy.setName(""); lockable.lock(); try { testBeanProxy.setName(" "); fail("Should be locked"); } catch (IllegalStateException ex) { // expected } }
Example #7
Source File: AbstractAopProxyTests.java From spring-analysis-note with MIT License | 6 votes |
private void testTestBeanIntroduction(ProxyFactory pc) { int newAge = 65; ITestBean itb = (ITestBean) createProxy(pc); itb.setAge(newAge); assertEquals(newAge, itb.getAge()); Lockable lockable = (Lockable) itb; assertFalse(lockable.locked()); lockable.lock(); assertEquals(newAge, itb.getAge()); try { itb.setAge(1); fail("Setters should fail when locked"); } catch (LockedException ex) { // ok } assertEquals(newAge, itb.getAge()); // Unlock assertTrue(lockable.locked()); lockable.unlock(); itb.setAge(1); assertEquals(1, itb.getAge()); }
Example #8
Source File: AdvisorAutoProxyCreatorTests.java From spring-analysis-note with MIT License | 5 votes |
/** * Check that we can provide a common interceptor that will * appear in the chain before "specific" interceptors, * which are sourced from matching advisors */ @Test public void testCommonInterceptorAndAdvisor() throws Exception { BeanFactory bf = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(COMMON_INTERCEPTORS_CONTEXT, CLASS); ITestBean test1 = (ITestBean) bf.getBean("test1"); assertTrue(AopUtils.isAopProxy(test1)); Lockable lockable1 = (Lockable) test1; NopInterceptor nop1 = (NopInterceptor) bf.getBean("nopInterceptor"); NopInterceptor nop2 = (NopInterceptor) bf.getBean("pointcutAdvisor", Advisor.class).getAdvice(); ITestBean test2 = (ITestBean) bf.getBean("test2"); Lockable lockable2 = (Lockable) test2; // Locking should be independent; nop is shared assertFalse(lockable1.locked()); assertFalse(lockable2.locked()); // equals 2 calls on shared nop, because it's first and sees calls // against the Lockable interface introduced by the specific advisor assertEquals(2, nop1.getCount()); assertEquals(0, nop2.getCount()); lockable1.lock(); assertTrue(lockable1.locked()); assertFalse(lockable2.locked()); assertEquals(5, nop1.getCount()); assertEquals(0, nop2.getCount()); PackageVisibleMethod packageVisibleMethod = (PackageVisibleMethod) bf.getBean("packageVisibleMethod"); assertEquals(5, nop1.getCount()); assertEquals(0, nop2.getCount()); packageVisibleMethod.doSomething(); assertEquals(6, nop1.getCount()); assertEquals(1, nop2.getCount()); assertTrue(packageVisibleMethod instanceof Lockable); Lockable lockable3 = (Lockable) packageVisibleMethod; lockable3.lock(); assertTrue(lockable3.locked()); lockable3.unlock(); assertFalse(lockable3.locked()); }
Example #9
Source File: BeanNameAutoProxyCreatorTests.java From java-technology-stack with MIT License | 5 votes |
@Test public void testJdkIntroduction() { ITestBean tb = (ITestBean) beanFactory.getBean("introductionUsingJdk"); NopInterceptor nop = (NopInterceptor) beanFactory.getBean("introductionNopInterceptor"); assertEquals(0, nop.getCount()); assertTrue(AopUtils.isJdkDynamicProxy(tb)); int age = 5; tb.setAge(age); assertEquals(age, tb.getAge()); assertTrue("Introduction was made", tb instanceof TimeStamped); assertEquals(0, ((TimeStamped) tb).getTimeStamp()); assertEquals(3, nop.getCount()); assertEquals("introductionUsingJdk", tb.getName()); ITestBean tb2 = (ITestBean) beanFactory.getBean("second-introductionUsingJdk"); // Check two per-instance mixins were distinct Lockable lockable1 = (Lockable) tb; Lockable lockable2 = (Lockable) tb2; assertFalse(lockable1.locked()); assertFalse(lockable2.locked()); tb.setAge(65); assertEquals(65, tb.getAge()); lockable1.lock(); assertTrue(lockable1.locked()); // Shouldn't affect second assertFalse(lockable2.locked()); // Can still mod second object tb2.setAge(12); // But can't mod first try { tb.setAge(6); fail("Mixin should have locked this object"); } catch (LockedException ex) { // Ok } }
Example #10
Source File: BeanNameAutoProxyCreatorTests.java From java-technology-stack with MIT License | 5 votes |
@Test public void testJdkIntroductionAppliesToCreatedObjectsNotFactoryBean() { ITestBean tb = (ITestBean) beanFactory.getBean("factory-introductionUsingJdk"); NopInterceptor nop = (NopInterceptor) beanFactory.getBean("introductionNopInterceptor"); assertEquals("NOP should not have done any work yet", 0, nop.getCount()); assertTrue(AopUtils.isJdkDynamicProxy(tb)); int age = 5; tb.setAge(age); assertEquals(age, tb.getAge()); assertTrue("Introduction was made", tb instanceof TimeStamped); assertEquals(0, ((TimeStamped) tb).getTimeStamp()); assertEquals(3, nop.getCount()); ITestBean tb2 = (ITestBean) beanFactory.getBean("second-introductionUsingJdk"); // Check two per-instance mixins were distinct Lockable lockable1 = (Lockable) tb; Lockable lockable2 = (Lockable) tb2; assertFalse(lockable1.locked()); assertFalse(lockable2.locked()); tb.setAge(65); assertEquals(65, tb.getAge()); lockable1.lock(); assertTrue(lockable1.locked()); // Shouldn't affect second assertFalse(lockable2.locked()); // Can still mod second object tb2.setAge(12); // But can't mod first try { tb.setAge(6); fail("Mixin should have locked this object"); } catch (LockedException ex) { // Ok } }
Example #11
Source File: AdvisorAutoProxyCreatorTests.java From java-technology-stack with MIT License | 5 votes |
/** * Check that we can provide a common interceptor that will * appear in the chain before "specific" interceptors, * which are sourced from matching advisors */ @Test public void testCommonInterceptorAndAdvisor() throws Exception { BeanFactory bf = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(COMMON_INTERCEPTORS_CONTEXT, CLASS); ITestBean test1 = (ITestBean) bf.getBean("test1"); assertTrue(AopUtils.isAopProxy(test1)); Lockable lockable1 = (Lockable) test1; NopInterceptor nop1 = (NopInterceptor) bf.getBean("nopInterceptor"); NopInterceptor nop2 = (NopInterceptor) bf.getBean("pointcutAdvisor", Advisor.class).getAdvice(); ITestBean test2 = (ITestBean) bf.getBean("test2"); Lockable lockable2 = (Lockable) test2; // Locking should be independent; nop is shared assertFalse(lockable1.locked()); assertFalse(lockable2.locked()); // equals 2 calls on shared nop, because it's first and sees calls // against the Lockable interface introduced by the specific advisor assertEquals(2, nop1.getCount()); assertEquals(0, nop2.getCount()); lockable1.lock(); assertTrue(lockable1.locked()); assertFalse(lockable2.locked()); assertEquals(5, nop1.getCount()); assertEquals(0, nop2.getCount()); PackageVisibleMethod packageVisibleMethod = (PackageVisibleMethod) bf.getBean("packageVisibleMethod"); assertEquals(5, nop1.getCount()); assertEquals(0, nop2.getCount()); packageVisibleMethod.doSomething(); assertEquals(6, nop1.getCount()); assertEquals(1, nop2.getCount()); assertTrue(packageVisibleMethod instanceof Lockable); Lockable lockable3 = (Lockable) packageVisibleMethod; lockable3.lock(); assertTrue(lockable3.locked()); lockable3.unlock(); assertFalse(lockable3.locked()); }
Example #12
Source File: BeanNameAutoProxyCreatorTests.java From spring-analysis-note with MIT License | 5 votes |
@Test public void testJdkIntroductionAppliesToCreatedObjectsNotFactoryBean() { ITestBean tb = (ITestBean) beanFactory.getBean("factory-introductionUsingJdk"); NopInterceptor nop = (NopInterceptor) beanFactory.getBean("introductionNopInterceptor"); assertEquals("NOP should not have done any work yet", 0, nop.getCount()); assertTrue(AopUtils.isJdkDynamicProxy(tb)); int age = 5; tb.setAge(age); assertEquals(age, tb.getAge()); assertTrue("Introduction was made", tb instanceof TimeStamped); assertEquals(0, ((TimeStamped) tb).getTimeStamp()); assertEquals(3, nop.getCount()); ITestBean tb2 = (ITestBean) beanFactory.getBean("second-introductionUsingJdk"); // Check two per-instance mixins were distinct Lockable lockable1 = (Lockable) tb; Lockable lockable2 = (Lockable) tb2; assertFalse(lockable1.locked()); assertFalse(lockable2.locked()); tb.setAge(65); assertEquals(65, tb.getAge()); lockable1.lock(); assertTrue(lockable1.locked()); // Shouldn't affect second assertFalse(lockable2.locked()); // Can still mod second object tb2.setAge(12); // But can't mod first try { tb.setAge(6); fail("Mixin should have locked this object"); } catch (LockedException ex) { // Ok } }
Example #13
Source File: BeanNameAutoProxyCreatorTests.java From spring-analysis-note with MIT License | 5 votes |
@Test public void testJdkIntroduction() { ITestBean tb = (ITestBean) beanFactory.getBean("introductionUsingJdk"); NopInterceptor nop = (NopInterceptor) beanFactory.getBean("introductionNopInterceptor"); assertEquals(0, nop.getCount()); assertTrue(AopUtils.isJdkDynamicProxy(tb)); int age = 5; tb.setAge(age); assertEquals(age, tb.getAge()); assertTrue("Introduction was made", tb instanceof TimeStamped); assertEquals(0, ((TimeStamped) tb).getTimeStamp()); assertEquals(3, nop.getCount()); assertEquals("introductionUsingJdk", tb.getName()); ITestBean tb2 = (ITestBean) beanFactory.getBean("second-introductionUsingJdk"); // Check two per-instance mixins were distinct Lockable lockable1 = (Lockable) tb; Lockable lockable2 = (Lockable) tb2; assertFalse(lockable1.locked()); assertFalse(lockable2.locked()); tb.setAge(65); assertEquals(65, tb.getAge()); lockable1.lock(); assertTrue(lockable1.locked()); // Shouldn't affect second assertFalse(lockable2.locked()); // Can still mod second object tb2.setAge(12); // But can't mod first try { tb.setAge(6); fail("Mixin should have locked this object"); } catch (LockedException ex) { // Ok } }
Example #14
Source File: BeanNameAutoProxyCreatorTests.java From spring4-understanding with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void testJdkIntroduction() { ITestBean tb = (ITestBean) beanFactory.getBean("introductionUsingJdk"); NopInterceptor nop = (NopInterceptor) beanFactory.getBean("introductionNopInterceptor"); assertEquals(0, nop.getCount()); assertTrue(AopUtils.isJdkDynamicProxy(tb)); int age = 5; tb.setAge(age); assertEquals(age, tb.getAge()); assertTrue("Introduction was made", tb instanceof TimeStamped); assertEquals(0, ((TimeStamped) tb).getTimeStamp()); assertEquals(3, nop.getCount()); assertEquals("introductionUsingJdk", tb.getName()); ITestBean tb2 = (ITestBean) beanFactory.getBean("second-introductionUsingJdk"); // Check two per-instance mixins were distinct Lockable lockable1 = (Lockable) tb; Lockable lockable2 = (Lockable) tb2; assertFalse(lockable1.locked()); assertFalse(lockable2.locked()); tb.setAge(65); assertEquals(65, tb.getAge()); lockable1.lock(); assertTrue(lockable1.locked()); // Shouldn't affect second assertFalse(lockable2.locked()); // Can still mod second object tb2.setAge(12); // But can't mod first try { tb.setAge(6); fail("Mixin should have locked this object"); } catch (LockedException ex) { // Ok } }
Example #15
Source File: BeanNameAutoProxyCreatorTests.java From spring4-understanding with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void testJdkIntroductionAppliesToCreatedObjectsNotFactoryBean() { ITestBean tb = (ITestBean) beanFactory.getBean("factory-introductionUsingJdk"); NopInterceptor nop = (NopInterceptor) beanFactory.getBean("introductionNopInterceptor"); assertEquals("NOP should not have done any work yet", 0, nop.getCount()); assertTrue(AopUtils.isJdkDynamicProxy(tb)); int age = 5; tb.setAge(age); assertEquals(age, tb.getAge()); assertTrue("Introduction was made", tb instanceof TimeStamped); assertEquals(0, ((TimeStamped) tb).getTimeStamp()); assertEquals(3, nop.getCount()); ITestBean tb2 = (ITestBean) beanFactory.getBean("second-introductionUsingJdk"); // Check two per-instance mixins were distinct Lockable lockable1 = (Lockable) tb; Lockable lockable2 = (Lockable) tb2; assertFalse(lockable1.locked()); assertFalse(lockable2.locked()); tb.setAge(65); assertEquals(65, tb.getAge()); lockable1.lock(); assertTrue(lockable1.locked()); // Shouldn't affect second assertFalse(lockable2.locked()); // Can still mod second object tb2.setAge(12); // But can't mod first try { tb.setAge(6); fail("Mixin should have locked this object"); } catch (LockedException ex) { // Ok } }
Example #16
Source File: DeclareParentsTests.java From java-technology-stack with MIT License | 4 votes |
public void testIntroductionWasMade() {
assertFalse("Introduction should not be proxied", AopUtils.isAopProxy(introductionObject));
assertTrue("Introduction must have been made", testBeanProxy instanceof Lockable);
Example #17
Source File: DeclareParentsTests.java From java-technology-stack with MIT License | 4 votes |
public void checkNotLocked(Lockable mixin) {
if (mixin.locked()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("locked");
Example #18
Source File: DeclareParentsTests.java From spring4-understanding with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public void testIntroductionWasMade() {
assertTrue("Introduction must have been made", testBeanProxy instanceof Lockable);
Example #19
Source File: DeclareParentsTests.java From spring4-understanding with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public void checkNotLocked(Lockable mixin) {
if (mixin.locked()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("locked");
Example #20
Source File: DeclareParentsTests.java From spring-analysis-note with MIT License | 4 votes |
public void checkNotLocked(Lockable mixin) {
if (mixin.locked()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("locked");
Example #21
Source File: DeclareParentsTests.java From spring-analysis-note with MIT License | 4 votes |
public void testIntroductionWasMade() {
assertFalse("Introduction should not be proxied", AopUtils.isAopProxy(introductionObject));
assertTrue("Introduction must have been made", testBeanProxy instanceof Lockable);