Java Code Examples for com.badlogic.gdx.math.MathUtils#ceil()
The following examples show how to use
com.badlogic.gdx.math.MathUtils#ceil() .
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Example 1
Source File: From dice-heroes with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
private IActionResult calcResult(Creature creature, Grid2D.Coordinate cell) { Vector2 position = tmp.set(cell.x(), cell.y()); ObjectIntMap<Creature> targets = new ObjectIntMap<Creature>(); for (int i = cell.x() - MathUtils.ceil(radius); i <= cell.x() + radius; i++) { for (int j = cell.y() - MathUtils.ceil(radius); j <= cell.y() + radius; j++) { if (position.dst(i, j) <= radius) { WorldObject object =, j); if (object instanceof Creature && ((Creature) object).get(Attribute.canBeSelected) && !((Creature) object).get(Attribute.frozen)) { targets.put((Creature) object, i == cell.x() && j == cell.y() ? epicenterTurns : turns); } } } } return new IceStormResult(owner, creature, cell, targets); }
Example 2
Source File: From dice-heroes with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
protected final Array<Grid2D.Coordinate> coordinates(Creature creature, float radius, ICondition<Grid2D.Coordinate> condition) {
int checkRadius = MathUtils.ceil(radius);
float radius2 = radius * radius;
Vector2 position = tmpVector.set(creature.getX(), creature.getY());
Array<Grid2D.Coordinate> result = new Array<Grid2D.Coordinate>();
for (int i = creature.getX() - checkRadius; i <= creature.getX() + checkRadius; i++) {
for (int j = creature.getY() - checkRadius; j <= creature.getY() + checkRadius; j++) {
if (position.dst2(i, j) > radius2)
Grid2D.Coordinate coordinate = Grid2D.obtain(i, j);
if (condition.isSatisfied(coordinate)) {
} else {;
return result;
Example 3
Source File: From dice-heroes with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
public static Array<Grid2D.Coordinate> fillAvailableCoordinates(Array<Grid2D.Coordinate> coordinates, Creature creature) {
World world =;
if (world == null)
return coordinates;
if (!creature.get(Attribute.canMove)) {
coordinates.add(new Grid2D.Coordinate(creature.getX(), creature.getY()));
return coordinates;
int r = MathUtils.ceil(creature.description.profession.moveRadius);
float r2 = creature.description.profession.moveRadius * creature.description.profession.moveRadius;
for (int x = creature.getX() - r; x <= creature.getX() + r; x++) {
for (int y = creature.getY() - r; y <= creature.getY() + r; y++) {
if ((x == creature.getX() && y == creature.getY() || world.canStepTo(x, y))
&& tmp.set(x, y).dst2(creature.getX(), creature.getY()) <= r2) {
coordinates.add(new Grid2D.Coordinate(x, y));
return coordinates;
Example 4
Source File: From gdx-ai with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public RandomFlowField2DWithRepulsors (float width, float height, int resolution, Array<SteeringActor> obstacles) { this.resolution = resolution; this.columns = MathUtils.ceil(width / resolution); this.rows = MathUtils.ceil(height / resolution); this.field = new Vector2[columns][rows]; for (int i = 0; i < columns; i++) { ROWS: for (int j = 0; j < rows; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < obstacles.size; k++) { SteeringActor obstacle = obstacles.get(k); if (obstacle.getPosition().dst(resolution * (i + .5f), resolution * (j + .5f)) < obstacle.getBoundingRadius() + 40) { field[i][j] = new Vector2(resolution * (i + .5f), resolution * (j + .5f)).sub(obstacle.getPosition()).nor(); continue ROWS; } } field[i][j] = new Vector2(MathUtils.random(-1f, 1f), MathUtils.random(-1f, 1f)).nor(); } } }
Example 5
Source File: From talos with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public Vector2 getValue(Vector2 pos, Vector2 result) { float x = (((pos.x - fieldPos.x) / scale) * 0.5f + 0.5f) * xSize; float y = (((pos.y - fieldPos.y) / scale) * 0.5f + 0.5f) * ySize; int z = 0; if(MathUtils.floor(x) < 0 || MathUtils.ceil(x) > xSize - 1 || MathUtils.floor(y) < 0 || MathUtils.ceil(y) > ySize - 1) { result.set(0, 0); return result; } if(MathUtils.floor(x) > xSize - 1 || MathUtils.ceil(x) < 0 || MathUtils.floor(y) > ySize - 1 || MathUtils.ceil(y) < 0) { result.set(0, 0); return result; } Vector3 v11 = field[MathUtils.floor(x)][MathUtils.floor(y)][z]; Vector3 v12 = field[MathUtils.floor(x)][MathUtils.ceil(y)][z]; Vector3 v22 = field[MathUtils.ceil(x)][MathUtils.ceil(y)][z]; Vector3 v21 = field[MathUtils.ceil(x)][MathUtils.floor(y)][z]; float resX = blerp(v11.x, v12.x, v22.x, v21.x, x-(int)x, y-(int)y); float resY = blerp(v11.y, v12.y, v22.y, v21.y, x-(int)x, y-(int)y); result.set(resX*1f, resY*1f); return result; }
Example 6
Source File: From dice-heroes with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
private IActionResult calcResult(Creature creature, Grid2D.Coordinate cell) { Vector2 position = tmp.set(cell.x(), cell.y()); Array<Creature> underAttack = new Array<Creature>(); Array<Creature> killed = new Array<Creature>(); ObjectIntMap<Creature> expResults = new ObjectIntMap<Creature>(); for (int i = cell.x() - MathUtils.ceil(radius); i <= cell.x() + radius; i++) { for (int j = cell.y() - MathUtils.ceil(radius); j <= cell.y() + radius; j++) { if (position.dst(i, j) <= radius) { WorldObject object =, j); if (object instanceof Creature && ((Creature) object).get(Attribute.canBeSelected)) { underAttack.add((Creature) object); } } } } for (Creature c : underAttack) { int attackLevel = (c.getX() == cell.x() && c.getY() == cell.y()) ? this.epicenterAttackLevel : this.attackLevel; int defenceLevel = c.get(Attribute.defenceFor(attackType)); if (attackLevel > defenceLevel) { killed.add(c); if (creature.inRelation(Creature.CreatureRelation.enemy, c)) { expResults.getAndIncrement(creature, 0, ExpHelper.expForKill(creature, c)); } } else { if (creature.inRelation(Creature.CreatureRelation.enemy, c)) { expResults.put(c, ExpHelper.expForDefence(creature, c)); } else { expResults.put(c, ExpHelper.MIN_EXP); } } } return new FirestormResult(creature, owner, underAttack, killed, expResults, cell); }
Example 7
Source File: From dice-heroes with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
public static Array<Grid2D.Coordinate> gatherCoordinates(Creature creature, float radius) { Vector2 position = tmp.set(creature.getX(), creature.getY()); Array<Grid2D.Coordinate> available = new Array<Grid2D.Coordinate>(); for (int i = creature.getX() - MathUtils.ceil(radius); i <= creature.getX() + MathUtils.ceil(radius); i++) { for (int j = creature.getY() - MathUtils.ceil(radius); j <= creature.getY() + MathUtils.ceil(radius); j++) { boolean sameCoordinate = i == creature.getX() && j == creature.getY(); boolean canStep =, j); boolean inRadius = position.dst(i, j) <= radius; if (inRadius && (sameCoordinate || canStep)) available.add(new Grid2D.Coordinate(i, j)); } } return available; }
Example 8
Source File: From dice-heroes with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public void act(float delta) {
colorOffset += delta / colorTime;
float colorListBlend = colorOffset /** (float) colors.size*/;
int from = MathUtils.floor(colorListBlend);
int to = MathUtils.ceil(colorListBlend);
Color fromColor = colors.get(from % colors.size);
Color toColor = colors.get(to % colors.size);
setColor(blend(fromColor, toColor, colorListBlend - from));
scaleOffset += delta / disappearTime;
setScale(1 - scaleOffset % 1f);
Example 9
Source File: From Klooni1010 with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
private int nanosToSeconds(long nano) {
return MathUtils.ceil((float) (nano * NANOS_TO_SECONDS));
Example 10
Source File: From dice-heroes with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
public static float snapToHighest(float value, float snap) {
if (snap == 0)
return value;
return MathUtils.ceil(value / snap) * snap;
Example 11
Source File: From box2dlights with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
void update () {
if (staticLight && !dirty) return;
dirty = false;
final float width = (rayHandler.x2 - rayHandler.x1);
final float height = (rayHandler.y2 - rayHandler.y1);
final float sizeOfScreen = width > height ? width : height;
float xAxelOffSet = sizeOfScreen * cos;
float yAxelOffSet = sizeOfScreen * sin;
// preventing length <0 assertion error on box2d.
if ((xAxelOffSet * xAxelOffSet < 0.1f) && (yAxelOffSet * yAxelOffSet < 0.1f)) {
xAxelOffSet = 1;
yAxelOffSet = 1;
final float widthOffSet = sizeOfScreen * -sin;
final float heightOffSet = sizeOfScreen * cos;
float x = (rayHandler.x1 + rayHandler.x2) * 0.5f - widthOffSet;
float y = (rayHandler.y1 + rayHandler.y2) * 0.5f - heightOffSet;
final float portionX = 2f * widthOffSet / (rayNum - 1);
x = (MathUtils.floor(x / (portionX * 2))) * portionX * 2;
final float portionY = 2f * heightOffSet / (rayNum - 1);
y = (MathUtils.ceil(y / (portionY * 2))) * portionY * 2;
for (int i = 0; i < rayNum; i++) {
final float steppedX = i * portionX + x;
final float steppedY = i * portionY + y;
m_index = i;
start[i].x = steppedX - xAxelOffSet;
start[i].y = steppedY - yAxelOffSet;
mx[i] = end[i].x = steppedX + xAxelOffSet;
my[i] = end[i].y = steppedY + yAxelOffSet;
if ( != null && !xray) {, start[i], end[i]);
// update light mesh
// ray starting point
int size = 0;
final int arraySize = rayNum;
for (int i = 0; i < arraySize; i++) {
segments[size++] = start[i].x;
segments[size++] = start[i].y;
segments[size++] = colorF;
segments[size++] = 1f;
segments[size++] = mx[i];
segments[size++] = my[i];
segments[size++] = colorF;
segments[size++] = 1f;
lightMesh.setVertices(segments, 0, size);
if (!soft || xray) return;
size = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < arraySize; i++) {
segments[size++] = mx[i];
segments[size++] = my[i];
segments[size++] = colorF;
segments[size++] = 1f;
segments[size++] = mx[i] + softShadowLength * cos;
segments[size++] = my[i] + softShadowLength * sin;
segments[size++] = zeroColorBits;
segments[size++] = 1f;
softShadowMesh.setVertices(segments, 0, size);