Java Code Examples for com.badlogic.gdx.math.MathUtils#isZero()
The following examples show how to use
com.badlogic.gdx.math.MathUtils#isZero() .
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Example 1
Source File: From skin-composer with MIT License | 6 votes |
private void refreshDrawableDisplay() {
if (drawables.size == 0) {
Label label = new Label("No drawables have been added!", getSkin());
if (main.getAtlasData().getDrawables().size > 0) {
label.setText("No drawables match filter!");
} else {
if (MathUtils.isZero(zoomSlider.getValue())) {
} else {
Example 2
Source File: From skin-composer with MIT License | 6 votes |
public boolean hasAllNullFields() { boolean returnValue = true; for(StyleProperty property : { if (property.value != null) { if (property.value instanceof Double) { if (!MathUtils.isZero((float) (double) property.value)) { returnValue = false; } } else if (property.value instanceof Integer) { if ((int) property.value != 0) { returnValue = false; } } else if (property.value instanceof Float) { if (!MathUtils.isZero((float) property.value)) { returnValue = false; } } else { returnValue = false; } break; } } var parentStyle = findParentStyle(); return returnValue && (parentStyle == null || parentStyle.hasAllNullFields()); }
Example 3
Source File: From skin-composer with MIT License | 5 votes |
/** * Checks if this is an old project and has drawables with minWidth or minHeight incorrectly set to 0. This error * was resolved in version 30. * @return * @see ProjectData#fixInvalidMinWidthHeight() */ public boolean checkForInvalidMinWidthHeight() { var returnValue = !loadedVersion.equals(Main.VERSION) && getAtlasData().getDrawables().size > 0; if (returnValue) { for (var drawable : getAtlasData().getDrawables()) { if (!drawable.tiled && (!MathUtils.isZero(drawable.minWidth) || !MathUtils.isZero(drawable.minHeight))) { returnValue = false; break; } } } return returnValue; }
Example 4
Source File: From Radix with MIT License | 5 votes |
private void updatePositionRotationAndroid() { if(!MathUtils.isZero(rotateTouchpad.getKnobPercentX()) || !MathUtils.isZero(rotateTouchpad.getKnobPercentY())) { float rotMult = 200 *; player.getRotation().offset(rotateTouchpad.getKnobPercentY() * rotMult, rotateTouchpad.getKnobPercentX() * rotMult); updateSelectedBlock(); gameRenderer.calculateFrustum(); } if(!MathUtils.isZero(moveTouchpad.getKnobPercentX()) || !MathUtils.isZero(moveTouchpad.getKnobPercentY())) { float posMult = 4.5f *; float deltaX = 0; float deltaZ = 0; float yawSine = MathUtils.sinDeg(player.getRotation().getYaw()); float yawCosine = MathUtils.cosDeg(player.getRotation().getYaw()); deltaX += yawSine * moveTouchpad.getKnobPercentY() * posMult; deltaZ += -yawCosine * moveTouchpad.getKnobPercentY() * posMult; deltaX += yawCosine * moveTouchpad.getKnobPercentX() * posMult; deltaZ += yawSine * moveTouchpad.getKnobPercentX() * posMult; if(!movementHandler.checkDeltaCollision(player, deltaX, 0, deltaZ) && !movementHandler.checkDeltaCollision(player, deltaX, 0, deltaZ)) { player.getPosition().offset(deltaX, 0, deltaZ); gameRenderer.calculateFrustum(); } } }
Example 5
Source File: From GdxDemo3D with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public Status execute () {
if (facingHuman) {
return Status.SUCCEEDED;
DogCharacter dog = getObject();
if (dog.currentTaskAnimation == getTaskAnimation()) {
// Get current model orientation
float currentDogOrientation = dog.getBoneOrientation(;
// Calculate the difference between current and target orientation
float orientationDiff = ArithmeticUtils.wrapAngleAroundZero(currentDogOrientation - targetOrientation);
// Is dog facing human with enough precision?
if (MathUtils.isZero(orientationDiff, ORIENTATION_TOLERANCE)) {
// Make the task succeed on the next frame
facingHuman = true;
// Bark;
// Finish the animation
truncateAnimationCleanly(dog, currentDogOrientation);
return Status.RUNNING;
Example 6
Source File: From skin-composer with MIT License | 4 votes |
public float getMinHeight() {
return MathUtils.isZero(minHeight) ? stack.getMinHeight() : minHeight;
Example 7
Source File: From skin-composer with MIT License | 4 votes |
public float getMinWidth() {
return MathUtils.isZero(minWidth) ? stack.getMinWidth() : minWidth;