Java Code Examples for com.badlogic.gdx.math.MathUtils#lerp()
The following examples show how to use
com.badlogic.gdx.math.MathUtils#lerp() .
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Example 1
Source File: From Klooni1010 with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
public void draw(Batch batch) {
vanishElapsed +=;
// vanishElapsed might be < 0 (delay), so clamp to 0
float progress = Math.min(1f,
Math.max(vanishElapsed, 0f) / vanishLifetime);
// If one were to plot the elasticIn function, they would see that the slope increases
// a lot towards the end- a linear interpolation between the last size + the desired
// size at 20% seems to look a lot better.
vanishSize = MathUtils.lerp(
Interpolation.elasticIn.apply(cell.size, 0, progress),
float centerOffset = cell.size * 0.5f - vanishSize * 0.5f;
Cell.draw(vanishColor, batch, cell.pos.x + centerOffset, cell.pos.y + centerOffset, vanishSize);
Example 2
Source File: From Klooni1010 with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
@Override public void draw(Batch batch) { vanishElapsed +=; // Update the size as we fade away final float progress = vanishElapsed * INV_LIFETIME; vanishSize = Interpolation.fade.apply(size, 0, progress); // Fade away depending on the time vanishColor.set(vanishColor.r, vanishColor.g, vanishColor.b, 1.0f - progress); // Ghostly fade upwards, by doing a lerp from our current position to the wavy one pos.x = MathUtils.lerp( pos.x, originalX + MathUtils.sin(randomOffset + vanishElapsed * 3f) * driftMagnitude, 0.3f ); pos.y += UP_SPEED *; Cell.draw(vanishColor, batch, pos.x, pos.y, vanishSize); }
Example 3
Source File: From typing-label with MIT License | 6 votes |
@Override protected void onApply(TypingGlyph glyph, int localIndex, float delta) { // Calculate progress float timePassed = timePassedByGlyphIndex.getAndIncrement(localIndex, 0, delta); float progress = MathUtils.clamp(timePassed / fadeDuration, 0, 1); // Create glyph color if necessary if(glyph.color == null) { glyph.color = new Color(; } // Calculate initial color if(this.color1 == null) { glyph.color.a = MathUtils.lerp(glyph.color.a, this.alpha1, 1f - progress); } else { glyph.color.lerp(this.color1, 1f - progress); } // Calculate final color if(this.color2 == null) { glyph.color.a = MathUtils.lerp(glyph.color.a, this.alpha2, progress); } else { glyph.color.lerp(this.color2, progress); } }
Example 4
Source File: From jorbs-spire-mod with MIT License | 5 votes |
public void atStartOfTurn() {
alpha = MathUtils.lerp(STARTING_ALPHA, ENDING_ALPHA, currentTurn / (float) SNAP_TURN);
boolean showingMemoryFtue = MemoryFtueTip.trigger(centerX, centerY);
if (!showingMemoryFtue) {
SnapFtueTip.trigger(centerX, centerY);
Example 5
Source File: From jorbs-spire-mod with MIT License | 4 votes |
public void update() { this.duration -=; switch (state) { case INITIAL_DELAY: if (this.duration <= 0.0F) { this.state = State.DAMPENING_MASTER_VOLUME; this.duration = Math.max(dampeningDuration, 0.01F); } break; case DAMPENING_MASTER_VOLUME: float dampenProgress = dampeningDuration <= 0.0F ? 1.0F : MathUtils.clamp(1 - duration / dampeningDuration, 0F, 1F); VoiceoverMaster.MASTER_DAMPENING_FACTOR = MathUtils.lerp(1.0F, DAMPENING_FACTOR, dampenProgress);; if (this.duration <= 0.0F) { if (VoiceoverMaster.VOICEOVER_SUBTITLES_ENABLED) { AbstractDungeon.effectList.add(new SpeechBubble(source.dialogX, source.dialogY, PLAY_DURATION, subtitle, source.isPlayer)); } * VoiceoverMaster.VOICEOVER_VOLUME * VoiceoverMaster.VOICEOVER_VOLUME_MODIFIER); this.state = State.PLAYING_SFX; this.duration = PLAY_DURATION; } break; case PLAYING_SFX: if (this.duration <= 0.0F) { this.state = State.RESTORING_MASTER_VOLUME; this.duration = DAMPENING_RESTORE_DURATION; } break; case RESTORING_MASTER_VOLUME: float restoreProgress = MathUtils.clamp(1 - duration / DAMPENING_RESTORE_DURATION, 0F, 1F); VoiceoverMaster.MASTER_DAMPENING_FACTOR = MathUtils.lerp(DAMPENING_FACTOR, 1.0F, restoreProgress);; if (this.duration <= 0.0F) { VoiceoverMaster.MASTER_DAMPENING_FACTOR = 1.0F; this.state = State.DONE; } break; } }
Example 6
Source File: From jorbs-spire-mod with MIT License | 4 votes |
public void forceSnapTurn() {
currentTurn = SNAP_TURN;
alpha = MathUtils.lerp(STARTING_ALPHA, ENDING_ALPHA, currentTurn / 7.0F);
tips.get(0).body = String.format(TEXT[2]);
Example 7
Source File: From gdx-gltf with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public void lerp(WeightVector value, float t) { if(count != value.count) throw new GdxRuntimeException("WeightVector count mismatch"); for(int i=0 ; i<count ; i++){ values[i] = MathUtils.lerp(values[i], value.values[i], t); } }