Java Code Examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode#get()
The following examples show how to use
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode#get() .
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Example 1
Source File: From flowable-engine with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
protected void internalDeleteNodeByNameFromBPMNModel(JsonNode editorJsonNode, String propertyName) { JsonNode childShapesNode = editorJsonNode.get("childShapes"); if (childShapesNode != null && childShapesNode.isArray()) { ArrayNode childShapesArrayNode = (ArrayNode) childShapesNode; for (JsonNode childShapeNode : childShapesArrayNode) { // Properties ObjectNode properties = (ObjectNode) childShapeNode.get("properties"); if (properties != null && properties.has(propertyName)) { JsonNode propertyNode = properties.get(propertyName); if (propertyNode != null) { properties.remove(propertyName); } } // Potential nested child shapes if (childShapeNode.has("childShapes")) { internalDeleteNodeByNameFromBPMNModel(childShapeNode, propertyName); } } } }
Example 2
Source File: From graphhopper-navigation with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test @Ignore public void alternativeRoutesTest() { GHResponse rsp = hopper.route(new GHRequest(42.554851, 1.536198, 42.510071, 1.548128). setProfile(profile).setAlgorithm(Parameters.Algorithms.ALT_ROUTE)); assertEquals(2, rsp.getAll().size()); ObjectNode json = NavigateResponseConverter.convertFromGHResponse(rsp, trMap, mtrMap, Locale.ENGLISH, distanceConfig); JsonNode routes = json.get("routes"); assertEquals(2, routes.size()); assertEquals("GraphHopper Route 0", routes.get(0).get("legs").get(0).get("summary").asText()); assertEquals("Avinguda Sant Antoni, CG-3", routes.get(1).get("legs").get(0).get("summary").asText()); }
Example 3
Source File: From green_android with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
public Map<String, Bitmap> getAssetsIcons(final boolean refresh) throws Exception { final ObjectNode details = mObjectMapper.createObjectNode(); details.put("icons", true); details.put("assets", false); details.put("refresh", refresh); final ObjectNode data = (ObjectNode) GDK.refresh_assets(mNativeSession, details); final ObjectNode iconsData = (ObjectNode) data.get("icons"); if (iconsData.has("last_modified")) iconsData.remove("last_modified"); final Map<String, Bitmap> icons = new HashMap<>(); final Iterator<String> iterator = iconsData.fieldNames(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { final String key =; final byte[] decodedString = Base64.decode(iconsData.get(key).asText(), Base64.DEFAULT); final Bitmap decodedByte = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(decodedString, 0, decodedString.length); icons.put(key, decodedByte); } return icons; }
Example 4
Source File: From glowroot with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private static void upgradePluginPropertiesIfNeeded(ObjectNode rootObjectNode) { JsonNode pluginsNode = rootObjectNode.get("plugins"); if (pluginsNode == null || !pluginsNode.isArray()) { return; } for (JsonNode pluginNode : pluginsNode) { if (!(pluginNode instanceof ObjectNode)) { continue; } ObjectNode pluginObjectNode = (ObjectNode) pluginNode; if (pluginObjectNode.path("id").asText().equals("jdbc")) { JsonNode propertiesNode = pluginObjectNode.get("properties"); if (propertiesNode != null && propertiesNode.isObject()) { upgradeJdbcPluginPropertiesIfNeeded((ObjectNode) propertiesNode); } // since no other plugin property upgrades at this point, can return now return; } } }
Example 5
Source File: From activiti6-boot2 with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * PUT /rest/users/:login/change_password -> changes the user's password */ @RequestMapping(value = "/rest/users/{login}/change-password", method = RequestMethod.PUT) @ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.OK) public void changePassword(@PathVariable String login, @RequestBody ObjectNode actionBody) { if (actionBody.get("oldPassword") == null || actionBody.get("oldPassword").isNull()) { throw new BadRequestException("oldPassword should not be empty"); } else if (actionBody.get("newPassword") == null || actionBody.get("newPassword").isNull()) { throw new BadRequestException("newPassword should not be empty"); } else { try { userService.changePassword(login, actionBody.get("oldPassword").asText(), actionBody.get("newPassword").asText()); } catch(ActivitiServiceException ase) { throw new BadRequestException(ase.getMessage()); } } }
Example 6
Source File: From search-spring-boot-starter with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public static Map<String, Object> parserMap(ObjectNode node) {
Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
Iterator<String> iterable = node.fieldNames();
while (iterable.hasNext()) {
String key =;
JsonNode jsonNode = node.get(key);
if (jsonNode.isValueNode()) {
map.put(key, parserValue(jsonNode));
} else if (jsonNode.isArray()) {
map.put(key, parserArrayNode((ArrayNode) jsonNode));
} else if (jsonNode.isObject()) {
map.put(key, parserMap((ObjectNode) jsonNode));
return map;
Example 7
Source File: From onos with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
* Creates a virtual device from the JSON input stream.
* @param networkId network identifier
* @param stream virtual device JSON stream
* @return status of the request - CREATED if the JSON is correct,
* BAD_REQUEST if the JSON is invalid
* @onos.rsModel VirtualDevice
public Response createVirtualDevice(@PathParam("networkId") long networkId,
InputStream stream) {
try {
ObjectNode jsonTree = readTreeFromStream(mapper(), stream);
final VirtualDevice vdevReq = codec(VirtualDevice.class).decode(jsonTree, this);
JsonNode specifiedNetworkId = jsonTree.get("networkId");
if (specifiedNetworkId == null || specifiedNetworkId.asLong() != (networkId)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(INVALID_FIELD + "networkId");
final VirtualDevice vdevRes = vnetAdminService.createVirtualDevice(vdevReq.networkId(),;
UriBuilder locationBuilder = uriInfo.getBaseUriBuilder()
return Response
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);
Example 8
Source File: From onos with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
* Removes the virtual network link from the JSON input stream.
* @param networkId network identifier
* @param stream virtual link JSON stream
* @return 204 NO CONTENT
* @onos.rsModel VirtualLink
public Response removeVirtualLink(@PathParam("networkId") long networkId,
InputStream stream) {
try {
ObjectNode jsonTree = readTreeFromStream(mapper(), stream);
JsonNode specifiedNetworkId = jsonTree.get("networkId");
if (specifiedNetworkId != null &&
specifiedNetworkId.asLong() != (networkId)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(INVALID_FIELD + "networkId");
final VirtualLink vlinkReq = codec(VirtualLink.class).decode(jsonTree, this);
vlinkReq.src(), vlinkReq.dst());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);
return Response.noContent().build();
Example 9
Source File: From cwlexec with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private static JsonNode mapDockerFilePath(CWLInstance instance, JsonNode jsonNode) { if (jsonNode == null || !(jsonNode instanceof ObjectNode)) { return jsonNode; } ObjectNode objectNode = (ObjectNode) jsonNode; String tmpDir = instance.getRuntime().get(CommonUtil.RUNTIME_TMP_DIR); JsonNode pathNode = objectNode.get("path"); if (pathNode != null && pathNode.isTextual() && pathNode.asText() != null && pathNode.asText().indexOf(VAR_SPOOL_CWL) != -1) { objectNode.put("path", pathNode.asText().replace(VAR_SPOOL_CWL, tmpDir)); } JsonNode locationNode = objectNode.get("location"); if (locationNode != null && locationNode.isTextual() && locationNode.asText() != null && locationNode.asText().indexOf(VAR_SPOOL_CWL) != -1) { objectNode.put("location", locationNode.asText().replace(VAR_SPOOL_CWL, tmpDir)); } return jsonNode; }
Example 10
Source File: From onos with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public FlowEntry decode(ObjectNode json, CodecContext context) { checkNotNull(json, "JSON object cannot be null"); // decode FlowRule-specific fields using the FlowRule codec FlowRule flowRule = context.codec(FlowRule.class).decode(json, context); JsonNode stateNode = json.get(STATE); FlowEntry.FlowEntryState state = (null == stateNode) ? FlowEntry.FlowEntryState.ADDED : FlowEntry.FlowEntryState.valueOf(stateNode.asText()); JsonNode lifeNode = json.get(LIFE); long life = (null == lifeNode) ? 0 : lifeNode.asLong(); JsonNode liveTypeNode = json.get(LIVE_TYPE); FlowEntry.FlowLiveType liveType = (null == liveTypeNode) ? FlowEntry.FlowLiveType.UNKNOWN : FlowEntry.FlowLiveType.valueOf(liveTypeNode.asText()); JsonNode packetsNode = json.get(PACKETS); long packets = (null == packetsNode) ? 0 : packetsNode.asLong(); JsonNode bytesNode = json.get(BYTES); long bytes = (null == bytesNode) ? 0 : bytesNode.asLong(); return new DefaultFlowEntry(flowRule, state, life, liveType, packets, bytes); }
Example 11
Source File: From timbuctoo with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
public UpdateEntity newUpdateEntity(Collection collection, UUID id, ObjectNode data) throws IOException { if (data.get("^rev") == null) { throw new IOException("data object should have a ^rev property indicating the revision this update was based on"); } int rev = data.get("^rev").asInt(); List<TimProperty<?>> properties = getDataProperties(collection, data); return new UpdateEntity(id, properties, rev); }
Example 12
Source File: From jolt with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
* Demonstrates how to do recursive polymorphic JSON deserialization in Jackson 2.2.
* Aka specify a Deserializer and "catch" some input, determine what type of Class it
* should be parsed too, and then reuse the Jackson infrastructure to recursively do so.
public QueryFilter4 deserialize(JsonParser jp, DeserializationContext ctxt)
throws IOException {
ObjectNode root = jp.readValueAsTree();
// pass in our objectCodec so that the subJsonParser knows about our configured Modules and Annotations
JsonParser subJsonParser = root.traverse( jp.getCodec() );
// Check if it is a "RealFilter"
JsonNode valueParam = root.get("value");
if ( valueParam == null ) {
return subJsonParser.readValueAs( LogicalFilter4.class );
if ( valueParam.isBoolean() ) {
return subJsonParser.readValueAs( BooleanRealFilter4.class );
else if ( valueParam.isTextual() ) {
return subJsonParser.readValueAs( StringRealFilter4.class );
else if ( valueParam.isIntegralNumber() ) {
return subJsonParser.readValueAs( IntegerRealFilter4.class );
else {
throw new RuntimeException("Unknown type");
Example 13
Source File: From flowable-engine with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
protected void filterAllEdges(JsonNode objectNode, Map<String, JsonNode> edgeMap, Map<String, List<JsonNode>> sourceAndTargetMap, Map<String, JsonNode> shapeMap, Map<String, JsonNode> sourceRefMap) { if (objectNode.get(EDITOR_CHILD_SHAPES) != null) { for (JsonNode jsonChildNode : objectNode.get(EDITOR_CHILD_SHAPES)) { ObjectNode childNode = (ObjectNode) jsonChildNode; String stencilId = CmmnJsonConverterUtil.getStencilId(childNode); if (STENCIL_PLANMODEL.equals(stencilId) || STENCIL_STAGE.equals(stencilId)) { filterAllEdges(childNode, edgeMap, sourceAndTargetMap, shapeMap, sourceRefMap); } else if (STENCIL_ASSOCIATION.equals(stencilId)) { String childEdgeId = CmmnJsonConverterUtil.getElementId(childNode); JsonNode targetNode = childNode.get("target"); if (targetNode != null && !targetNode.isNull()) { String targetRefId = targetNode.get(EDITOR_SHAPE_ID).asText(); List<JsonNode> sourceAndTargetList = new ArrayList<>(); sourceAndTargetList.add(sourceRefMap.get(childNode.get(EDITOR_SHAPE_ID).asText())); sourceAndTargetList.add(shapeMap.get(targetRefId)); sourceAndTargetMap.put(childEdgeId, sourceAndTargetList); } edgeMap.put(childEdgeId, childNode); } } } }
Example 14
Source File: From Kore with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Construct exception from JSON response * @param code Exception code * @param jsonResponse Json response, with an Error node */ public ApiException(int code, ObjectNode jsonResponse) { super((jsonResponse.get(ApiMethod.ERROR_NODE) != null) ? JsonUtils.stringFromJsonNode(jsonResponse.get(ApiMethod.ERROR_NODE), "message") : "No message returned"); this.code = code; }
Example 15
Source File: From tasmo with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void setInstanceId(ObjectNode event, Id id, String className) {
JsonNode got = event.get(className);
if (got == null || got.isNull() || !got.isObject()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Supplied event node has no instance node corresponding to " + className);
ObjectNode instanceNode = (ObjectNode) got;
instanceNode.put(ReservedFields.INSTANCE_ID, id.toStringForm());
Example 16
Source File: From BIMserver with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
private double checkFloat(ObjectNode node, String key) throws QueryException {
if (!node.has(key)) {
throw new QueryException("\"" + key + "\" not found on \"inBoundingBox\"");
JsonNode jsonNode = node.get(key);
if (jsonNode.isNumber()) {
return jsonNode.asDouble();
} else {
throw new QueryException("\"" + key + "\" should be of type number");
Example 17
Source File: From streams with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private StringBuilder appendPropertiesNode(StringBuilder builder, Schema schema, ObjectNode propertiesNode, Character seperator) { Objects.requireNonNull(builder); Objects.requireNonNull(propertiesNode); Iterator<Map.Entry<String, JsonNode>> fields = propertiesNode.fields(); List<String> fieldStrings = new ArrayList<>(); for ( ; fields.hasNext(); ) { Map.Entry<String, JsonNode> field =; String fieldId = field.getKey(); if ( !config.getExclusions().contains(fieldId) && field.getValue().isObject()) { ObjectNode fieldNode = (ObjectNode) field.getValue(); FieldType fieldType = FieldUtil.determineFieldType(fieldNode); if (fieldType != null ) { switch (fieldType) { case ARRAY: ObjectNode itemsNode = (ObjectNode) fieldNode.get("items"); if ( currentDepth <= config.getMaxDepth()) { StringBuilder arrayItemsBuilder = appendArrayItems(new StringBuilder(), schema, fieldId, itemsNode, seperator); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(arrayItemsBuilder.toString())) { fieldStrings.add(arrayItemsBuilder.toString()); } } break; case OBJECT: Schema objectSchema = null; URI parentUri = null; if ( fieldNode.has("$ref") || fieldNode.has("extends") ) { JsonNode refNode = fieldNode.get("$ref"); JsonNode extendsNode = fieldNode.get("extends"); if (refNode != null && refNode.isValueNode()) { parentUri = URI.create(refNode.asText()); } else if (extendsNode != null && extendsNode.isObject()) { parentUri = URI.create(extendsNode.get("$ref").asText()); } URI absoluteUri; if (parentUri.isAbsolute()) { absoluteUri = parentUri; } else { absoluteUri = schema.getUri().resolve(parentUri); if (!absoluteUri.isAbsolute() || (absoluteUri.isAbsolute() && !schemaStore.getByUri(absoluteUri).isPresent() )) { absoluteUri = schema.getParentUri().resolve(parentUri); } } if (absoluteUri != null && absoluteUri.isAbsolute()) { Optional<Schema> schemaLookup = schemaStore.getByUri(absoluteUri); if (schemaLookup.isPresent()) { objectSchema = schemaLookup.get(); } } } //ObjectNode childProperties = schemaStore.resolveProperties(schema, fieldNode, fieldId); if ( currentDepth < config.getMaxDepth()) { StringBuilder structFieldBuilder = appendSchemaField(new StringBuilder(), objectSchema, fieldId, seperator); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(structFieldBuilder.toString())) { fieldStrings.add(structFieldBuilder.toString()); } } break; default: StringBuilder valueFieldBuilder = appendValueField(new StringBuilder(), schema, fieldId, fieldType, seperator); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(valueFieldBuilder.toString())) { fieldStrings.add(valueFieldBuilder.toString()); } } } } } builder.append(String.join("," + LS, fieldStrings)).append(LS); Objects.requireNonNull(builder); return builder; }
Example 18
Source File: From flowable-engine with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
protected ObjectNode createOrGetBpmnNode(ObjectNode infoNode) {
if (!infoNode.has(BPMN_NODE)) {
return (ObjectNode) infoNode.get(BPMN_NODE);
Example 19
Source File: From jsonrpc4j with MIT License | 4 votes |
private boolean isIdValueNotCorrect(String id, ObjectNode jsonObject) { return !jsonObject.has(ID) || jsonObject.get(ID) == null || !jsonObject.get(ID).asText().equals(id); }
Example 20
Source File: From Kore with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public PlayerType.SeekReturnType resultFromJson(ObjectNode jsonObject) throws ApiException {
return new PlayerType.SeekReturnType(jsonObject.get(RESULT_NODE));