Java Code Examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode#has()
The following examples show how to use
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode#has() .
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Example 1
Source File: From flowable-engine with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public void execute(DelegateExecution execution) {
if (CommandContextUtil.getProcessEngineConfiguration().isEnableProcessDefinitionInfoCache()) {
ObjectNode taskElementProperties = BpmnOverrideContext.getBpmnOverrideElementProperties(serviceTaskId, execution.getProcessDefinitionId());
if (taskElementProperties != null && taskElementProperties.has(DynamicBpmnConstants.SERVICE_TASK_CLASS_NAME)) {
String overrideClassName = taskElementProperties.get(DynamicBpmnConstants.SERVICE_TASK_CLASS_NAME).asText();
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(overrideClassName) && !overrideClassName.equals(className)) {
className = overrideClassName;
activityBehaviorInstance = null;
if (activityBehaviorInstance == null) {
activityBehaviorInstance = getActivityBehaviorInstance();
try {
} catch (BpmnError error) {
ErrorPropagation.propagateError(error, execution);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
if (!ErrorPropagation.mapException(e, (ExecutionEntity) execution, mapExceptions))
throw e;
Example 2
Source File: From samantha with MIT License | 6 votes |
public List<ObjectNode> expand(List<ObjectNode> initialResult,
RequestContext requestContext) {
List<ObjectNode> expanded = new ArrayList<>();
for (ObjectNode entity : initialResult) {
List<ObjectNode> oneExpanded = new ArrayList<>();
for (String colName : colNames) {
if (entity.has(colName)) {
ObjectNode newEntity = entity.deepCopy();
newEntity.put(nameAttr, colName);
newEntity.set(valueAttr, entity.get(colName));
} else {
logger.warn("The column {} is not present: {}", colName, entity.toString());
if (oneExpanded.size() > 0) {
} else {
return expanded;
Example 3
Source File: From immutables with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
Flowable<T> scroll(ObjectNode query) {
final Map<String, String> params = Collections.singletonMap("scroll", keepAlive.getSeconds() + "s");
final boolean hasLimit = query.has("size");
final long limit = hasLimit ? query.get("size").asLong() : Long.MAX_VALUE;
if (scrollSize > limit) {
// don't use scrolling when batch size is greater than limit
return, converter);
// override size during scrolling
query.put("size", scrollSize);
return ops.searchRaw(query, params)
.scan(AccumulatedResult.empty(limit), AccumulatedResult::next)
.skip(1)// skip first empty accumulator
.flatMapIterable(r -> r.searchHits().hits())
.compose(f -> hasLimit ? f.limit(limit) : f) // limit number of elements
.map(hit -> converter.convert(hit.source()));
Example 4
Source File: From samantha with MIT License | 6 votes |
public List<ObjectNode> expand(List<ObjectNode> initialResult,
RequestContext requestContext) {
for (ObjectNode entity : initialResult) {
for (int i=0; i<fieldNames.size(); i++) {
String fieldName = fieldNames.get(i);
if (entity.has(fieldName)) {
double value = entity.get(fieldName).asDouble();
SelfPlusOneRatioFunction func = new SelfPlusOneRatioFunction();
value = func.value(value);
if (newFieldNames != null && newFieldNames.size() == fieldNames.size()) {
entity.put(newFieldNames.get(i), value);
} else if (appendix != null) {
entity.put(fieldName + appendix, value);
} else {
entity.put(fieldName, value);
} else {
logger.warn("The field {} is not present: {}", fieldName, entity.toString());
return initialResult;
Example 5
Source File: From glowroot with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private static void upgradeUiIfNeeded(ObjectNode configRootObjectNode) { JsonNode uiNode = configRootObjectNode.get("ui"); if (uiNode == null || !uiNode.isObject()) { return; } ObjectNode uiObjectNode = (ObjectNode) uiNode; if (uiObjectNode.has("defaultDisplayedTransactionType")) { // upgrade from 0.9.28 to 0.10.0 uiObjectNode.set("defaultTransactionType", uiObjectNode.remove("defaultDisplayedTransactionType")); } if (uiObjectNode.has("defaultDisplayedPercentiles")) { // upgrade from 0.9.28 to 0.10.0 uiObjectNode.set("defaultPercentiles", uiObjectNode.remove("defaultDisplayedPercentiles")); } // upgrade from 0.10.12 to 0.11.0 configRootObjectNode.set("uiDefaults", configRootObjectNode.remove("ui")); }
Example 6
Source File: From servicecomb-saga-actuator with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@RequestMapping(value = "inventory", method = POST, consumes = APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED_VALUE, produces = TEXT_PLAIN_VALUE)
public ResponseEntity<String> dispatch(@RequestParam String response) {
try {
ObjectNode jsonNodes = objectMapper.readValue(response, ObjectNode.class);
if (jsonNodes.has(CUSTOMER_ID)) {
String customerId = jsonNodes.get(CUSTOMER_ID).textValue();
if (isStockShort()) {
// when no sagaChildren is provided, all child sub-transaction of inventory will be run
return response(customerId, "");
// select no child sub-transaction to run next, by specifying none in sagaChildren
return response(customerId,", \"sagaChildren\": [\"none\"] \n");
return new ResponseEntity<>("Customer Id is missing", BAD_REQUEST);
} catch (IOException e) {
return new ResponseEntity<>(e.getMessage(), INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
Example 7
Source File: From flowable-engine with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
protected void setElementProperty(String id, String propertyName, String propertyValue, ObjectNode infoNode) {
ObjectNode bpmnNode = createOrGetBpmnNode(infoNode);
if (!bpmnNode.has(id)) {
((ObjectNode) bpmnNode.get(id)).put(propertyName, propertyValue);
Example 8
Source File: From flowable-engine with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
protected void setElementProperty(String id, String propertyName, JsonNode propertyValue, ObjectNode infoNode) {
ObjectNode bpmnNode = createOrGetBpmnNode(infoNode);
if (!bpmnNode.has(id)) {
((ObjectNode) bpmnNode.get(id)).set(propertyName, propertyValue);
Example 9
Source File: From BIMserver with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
private double checkFloat(ObjectNode node, String key) throws QueryException {
if (!node.has(key)) {
throw new QueryException("\"" + key + "\" not found on \"inBoundingBox\"");
JsonNode jsonNode = node.get(key);
if (jsonNode.isNumber()) {
return jsonNode.asDouble();
} else {
throw new QueryException("\"" + key + "\" should be of type number");
Example 10
Source File: From lams with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
void processTestQuestion(String name, String questionText, String questionTitle, Integer questionDisplayOrder,
Integer optionDisplayOrder, String optionText) {
ObjectNode question = testQuestions.get(questionDisplayOrder);
if (question == null) {
question = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode();
question.set(RestTags.ANSWERS, JsonNodeFactory.instance.arrayNode());
question.put(RestTags.DISPLAY_ORDER, questionDisplayOrder);
testQuestions.put(questionDisplayOrder, question);
if (questionText != null) {
question.put(RestTags.QUESTION_TEXT, questionText);
// default title just in case - used for scratchie. Should be replaced with a user value
if ( ! question.has(RestTags.QUESTION_TITLE) ) {
question.put(RestTags.QUESTION_TITLE, "Q" + questionDisplayOrder.toString());
if (questionTitle != null) {
question.put(RestTags.QUESTION_TITLE, questionTitle);
if (optionDisplayOrder != null && optionText != null) {
ObjectNode newOption = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode();
newOption.put(RestTags.DISPLAY_ORDER, optionDisplayOrder);
newOption.put(RestTags.CORRECT, false);
newOption.put(RestTags.ANSWER_TEXT, optionText);
((ArrayNode) question.get(RestTags.ANSWERS)).add(newOption);
Example 11
Source File: From activiti6-boot2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
protected void setElementProperty(String id, String propertyName, String propertyValue, ObjectNode infoNode) {
ObjectNode bpmnNode = createOrGetBpmnNode(infoNode);
if (bpmnNode.has(id) == false) {
((ObjectNode) bpmnNode.get(id)).put(propertyName, propertyValue);
Example 12
Source File: From flowable-engine with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
protected void setLocalizationProperty(String language, String id, String propertyName, String propertyValue, ObjectNode infoNode) { ObjectNode localizationNode = createOrGetLocalizationNode(infoNode); if (!localizationNode.has(language)) { localizationNode.set(language, processEngineConfiguration.getObjectMapper().createObjectNode()); } ObjectNode languageNode = (ObjectNode) localizationNode.get(language); if (!languageNode.has(id)) { languageNode.set(id, processEngineConfiguration.getObjectMapper().createObjectNode()); } ((ObjectNode) languageNode.get(id)).put(propertyName, propertyValue); }
Example 13
Source File: From tasmo with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public boolean hasInstanceField(ObjectNode eventNode, String className, String fieldname) {
ObjectNode objectNode = getInstanceNode(eventNode, className);
if (objectNode != null) {
return objectNode.has(fieldname);
} else {
return false;
Example 14
Source File: From activiti6-boot2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
protected void setLocalizationProperty(String language, String id, String propertyName, String propertyValue, ObjectNode infoNode) { ObjectNode localizationNode = createOrGetLocalizationNode(infoNode); if (localizationNode.has(language) == false) { localizationNode.putObject(language); } ObjectNode languageNode = (ObjectNode) localizationNode.get(language); if (languageNode.has(id) == false) { languageNode.putObject(id); } ((ObjectNode) languageNode.get(id)).put(propertyName, propertyValue); }
Example 15
Source File: From flowable-engine with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void execute(DelegateExecution execution) {
ActivityExecution activityExecution = (ActivityExecution) execution;
if (Context.getProcessEngineConfiguration().isEnableProcessDefinitionInfoCache()) {
ObjectNode taskElementProperties = Context.getBpmnOverrideElementProperties(serviceTaskId, execution.getProcessDefinitionId());
if (taskElementProperties != null && taskElementProperties.has(DynamicBpmnConstants.SERVICE_TASK_CLASS_NAME)) {
String overrideClassName = taskElementProperties.get(DynamicBpmnConstants.SERVICE_TASK_CLASS_NAME).asText();
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(overrideClassName) && !overrideClassName.equals(className)) {
className = overrideClassName;
activityBehaviorInstance = null;
if (activityBehaviorInstance == null) {
activityBehaviorInstance = getActivityBehaviorInstance(activityExecution);
try {
} catch (BpmnError error) {
ErrorPropagation.propagateError(error, activityExecution);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
if (!ErrorPropagation.mapException(e, activityExecution, mapExceptions))
throw e;
Example 16
Source File: From mongodb-aggregate-query-support with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public Object deserializeJsonNode(JsonNode node) {
if(node instanceof ObjectNode) {
ObjectNode objectNode = (ObjectNode)node;
if(objectNode.has(BsonNumberLongToLongDeserializer.NODE_KEY)) {
// this is a number long.
return objectNode.get(BsonNumberLongToLongDeserializer.NODE_KEY).asText();
return null;
Example 17
Source File: From samantha with MIT License | 5 votes |
public List<ObjectNode> getTriggeredFeatures(List<ObjectNode> bases) {
Object2DoubleMap<String> item2score = new Object2DoubleOpenHashMap<>();
int numInter = 0;
for (ObjectNode inter : bases) {
double weight = 1.0;
if (inter.has(weightAttr)) {
weight = inter.get(weightAttr).asDouble();
String key = FeatureExtractorUtilities.composeConcatenatedKey(inter, feaAttrs);
if (weight >= 0.5 && featureKnnModel != null) {
getNeighbors(item2score, featureKnnModel, key, weight);
if (weight < 0.5 && featureKdnModel != null) {
getNeighbors(item2score, featureKdnModel, key, weight);
if (numInter >= maxInter) {
List<ObjectNode> results = new ArrayList<>();
for (Map.Entry<String, Double> entry : item2score.entrySet()) {
ObjectNode entity = Json.newObject();
Map<String, String> attrVals = FeatureExtractorUtilities.decomposeKey(entry.getKey());
for (Map.Entry<String, String> ent : attrVals.entrySet()) {
entity.put(ent.getKey(), ent.getValue());
entity.put(scoreAttr, entry.getValue());
return results;
Example 18
Source File: From BIMserver with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
public String getRemoteToken(Long soid, String code, Long serverId) throws ServerException, UserException {
try (DatabaseSession session = getBimServer().getDatabase().createSession(OperationType.READ_ONLY)) {
NewService newService = session.get(soid, OldQuery.getDefault());
ObjectNode objectNode = OBJECT_MAPPER.createObjectNode();
objectNode.put("grant_type", "authorization_code");
objectNode.put("code", code);
OAuthServer oAuthServer = session.get(serverId, OldQuery.getDefault());
objectNode.put("client_id", oAuthServer.getClientId());
objectNode.put("client_secret", oAuthServer.getClientSecret());
CloseableHttpClient httpclient = HttpClients.createDefault();
try {
HttpPost post = new HttpPost(newService.getTokenUrl());
post.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
List <NameValuePair> nvps = new ArrayList <NameValuePair>();
nvps.add(new BasicNameValuePair("grant_type", "authorization_code"));
nvps.add(new BasicNameValuePair("code", code));
nvps.add(new BasicNameValuePair("client_id", oAuthServer.getClientId()));
nvps.add(new BasicNameValuePair("client_secret", oAuthServer.getClientSecret()));
nvps.add(new BasicNameValuePair("redirect_uri", "crap"));
post.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(nvps));
CloseableHttpResponse httpResponse = httpclient.execute(post);
ObjectNode response = OBJECT_MAPPER.readValue(httpResponse.getEntity().getContent(), ObjectNode.class);
if (response.has("access_token")) {
String accessToken = response.get("access_token").asText();
return accessToken;
} else {
throw new UserException("No access_token received from oauth server");
} finally {
} catch (Exception e) {
return handleException(e);
Example 19
Source File: From jsonrpc4j with MIT License | 4 votes |
protected boolean hasError(ObjectNode jsonObject) {
return jsonObject.has(ERROR) && jsonObject.get(ERROR) != null && !jsonObject.get(ERROR).isNull();
Example 20
Source File: From syndesis with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
* Add action properties to the global properties.
private void addActionProperties(ObjectNode root, Element element) throws InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException {
Annotation[] annotations = element.getAnnotationsByType(propertyAnnotationClass);
for (int i = 0; i < annotations.length; i++) {
Annotation annotation = annotations[i];
ObjectNode propertyNode = mapper.createObjectNode();
gatherProperties(propertyNode, annotation);
if (element.getKind() == ElementKind.FIELD) {
VariableElement field = (VariableElement)element;
TypeMirror typeMirror = field.asType();
TypeElement typeElement = processingEnv.getElementUtils().getTypeElement(typeMirror.toString());
String javaType = typeMirror.toString();
String type = propertyNode.get("type").asText();
final boolean doesntHaveEnums = !propertyNode.has("enums");
final boolean typeIsEnum = typeElement != null && typeElement.getKind() == ElementKind.ENUM;
if (doesntHaveEnums && typeIsEnum) {
// don't auto detect enum if enums are set through
// annotations
for (Element enumElement : typeElement.getEnclosedElements()) {
if (enumElement.getKind() == ElementKind.ENUM_CONSTANT) {
ObjectNode enumNode = mapper.createObjectNode();
writeIfNotEmpty(enumNode, "label", enumElement.toString());
writeIfNotEmpty(enumNode, "value", enumElement.toString());
javaType = String.class.getName();
type = String.class.getName();
if (type == null || "".equals(type.trim())){
if (String.class.getName().equals(type)) {
type = "string";
} else if (Boolean.class.getName().equals(type)) {
type = "boolean";
} else if (Integer.class.getName().equals(type)) {
type = "int";
} else if (Float.class.getName().equals(type)) {
type = "float";
} else if (Double.class.getName().equals(type)) {
type = "double";
writeIfNotEmpty(propertyNode, "javaType", javaType);
writeIfNotEmpty(propertyNode, "type", type);