Java Code Examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode#setAll()
The following examples show how to use
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode#setAll() .
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Example 1
Source File: From docker-java with Apache License 2.0 | 7 votes |
protected String registryConfigs(@Nonnull AuthConfigurations authConfigs) {
try {
final String json;
final RemoteApiVersion apiVersion = dockerClientConfig.getApiVersion();
ObjectMapper objectMapper = dockerClientConfig.getObjectMapper();
if (apiVersion.equals(UNKNOWN_VERSION)) {
ObjectNode rootNode = objectMapper.valueToTree(authConfigs.getConfigs()); // all registries
final ObjectNode authNodes = objectMapper.valueToTree(authConfigs); // wrapped in "configs":{}
rootNode.setAll(authNodes); // merge 2 variants
json = rootNode.toString();
} else if (apiVersion.isGreaterOrEqual(VERSION_1_19)) {
json = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(authConfigs.getConfigs());
} else {
json = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(authConfigs);
return BaseEncoding.base64Url().encode(json.getBytes());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
Example 2
Source File: From samantha with MIT License | 6 votes |
public List<ObjectNode> expand(List<ObjectNode> initialResult, RequestContext requestContext) { List<ObjectNode> expandedResult = new ArrayList<>(); for (ObjectNode input : initialResult) { if (sampleRate == null || new Random().nextDouble() <= sampleRate) { List<ObjectNode> newStates = transitioner.transition(input, input); ObjectNode reqBody = Json.newObject(); SamanthaConfigService configService = injector.instanceOf(SamanthaConfigService.class); double qvalue = input.get(rewardAttr).asDouble(); double delayedReward = 0.0; reqBody.setAll(input); for (ObjectNode newState : newStates) { reqBody.setAll(newState); RequestContext pseudoReq = new RequestContext(reqBody, requestContext.getEngineName()); Recommender recommender = configService.getRecommender(recommenderName, pseudoReq); RankedResult rankedResult = recommender.recommend(pseudoReq); if (rankedResult.getLimit() > 0) { delayedReward += rankedResult.getRankingList().get(0).getScore(); } } input.put(delayedRewardAttr, qvalue + decay * delayedReward); expandedResult.add(input); } } return expandedResult; }
Example 3
Source File: From onos with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public ObjectNode encode(LossAvailabilityStatCurrent laCurrent, CodecContext context) {
checkNotNull(laCurrent, "LA current cannot be null");
ObjectNode result = context.mapper().createObjectNode()
.put("startTime", laCurrent.startTime().toString())
.put("elapsedTime", laCurrent.elapsedTime().toString());
ObjectNode resultAbstract = new LossAvailabilityStatCodec().encode(laCurrent, context);
return result;
Example 4
Source File: From onos with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public ObjectNode encode(VirtualLink vLink, CodecContext context) {
checkNotNull(vLink, NULL_OBJECT_MSG);
ObjectNode result = context.mapper().createObjectNode()
.put(NETWORK_ID, vLink.networkId().toString());
JsonCodec<Link> codec = context.codec(Link.class);
ObjectNode linkResult = codec.encode(vLink, context);
return result;
Example 5
Source File: From flowable-engine with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
protected ObjectNode convertMappingInfoToJson(ActivityMigrationMapping.ManyToOneMapping mapping, ObjectMapper objectMapper) {
ObjectNode mappingNode = objectMapper.createObjectNode();
JsonNode fromActivityIdsNode = objectMapper.valueToTree(mapping.getFromActivityIds());
mappingNode.set(FROM_ACTIVITY_IDS_JSON_PROPERTY, fromActivityIdsNode);
mappingNode.put(TO_ACTIVITY_ID_JSON_PROPERTY, mapping.getToActivityId());
mappingNode.setAll(convertAdditionalMappingInfoToJson(mapping, objectMapper));
return mappingNode;
Example 6
Source File: From onos with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public ObjectNode encode(DelayMeasurementStatHistory dmHistory, CodecContext context) {
checkNotNull(dmHistory, "DM history cannot be null");
ObjectNode result = context.mapper().createObjectNode()
.put("historyId", String.valueOf(dmHistory.historyStatsId()))
.put("endTime", dmHistory.endTime().toString());
ObjectNode resultAbstract = new DelayMeasurementStatCodec().encode(dmHistory, context);
return result;
Example 7
Source File: From samantha with MIT License | 5 votes |
public List<ObjectNode> expand(List<ObjectNode> initialResult,
RequestContext requestContext) {
List<ObjectNode> expandedResult = new ArrayList<>();
for (ObjectNode input : initialResult) {
if (sampleRate == null || new Random().nextDouble() <= sampleRate) {
ObjectNode reqBody = Json.newObject();
RequestContext pseudoReq = new RequestContext(reqBody, requestContext.getEngineName());
SamanthaConfigService configService = injector.instanceOf(SamanthaConfigService.class);
Recommender recommender = configService.getRecommender(recommenderName, pseudoReq);
RankedResult rankedResult = recommender.recommend(pseudoReq);
if (rankedResult.getLimit() > 0) {
String itemKey = FeatureExtractorUtilities.composeConcatenatedKey(input, itemAttrs);
for (Prediction prediction : rankedResult.getRankingList()) {
String recKey = FeatureExtractorUtilities.composeConcatenatedKey(
if (itemKey.equals(recKey)) {
return expandedResult;
Example 8
Source File: From mobi with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
* Combines multiple JSONObjects into a single JSONObject.
* @param objects the JSONObjects to combine.
* @return a JSONObject which has the combined key-value pairs from all of the provided JSONObjects.
private ObjectNode combineJsonObjects(ObjectNode... objects) {
ObjectNode objectNode = mapper.createObjectNode();
if (objects.length == 0) {
return objectNode;
for (ObjectNode each : objects) {
return objectNode;
Example 9
Source File: From etcd4j with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
* Recursively, flatten all json keys and transform data types
* @param node original json
* @param currentPath auxiliary variable used for recursion, initially empty string
* @return flattened json using dot notation
private static ObjectNode flattenJson(JsonNode node, String currentPath) {
ObjectNode transformed = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode();
Iterator<Map.Entry<String, JsonNode>> fields = node.fields();
while (fields.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry<String, JsonNode> next =;
if (next.getValue().isValueNode()) {
String path = currentPath + "." + next.getKey();
String strValue = next.getValue().asText();
if (NumberUtils.isCreatable(strValue)) {
Class numberType = numberType(strValue);
if (numberType.isAssignableFrom(Integer.class)) {
transformed.put(path.substring(1), Integer.valueOf(strValue));
} else if (numberType.isAssignableFrom(Long.class)) {
transformed.put(path.substring(1), Long.valueOf(strValue));
} else if (numberType.isAssignableFrom(Float.class)) {
transformed.put(path.substring(1), Float.valueOf(strValue));
} else if (numberType.isAssignableFrom(Double.class)) {
transformed.put(path.substring(1), Double.valueOf(strValue));
} else if (booleanType(strValue)) {
transformed.put(path.substring(1), Boolean.valueOf(strValue));
} else if (arrayType(strValue)) {
} else {
transformed.set(path.substring(1), next.getValue());
} else {
transformed.setAll(flattenJson(next.getValue(), currentPath + "." + next.getKey()));
return transformed;
Example 10
Source File: From gcp-ingestion with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
* Recursively descend into a map type field, expanding to the key/value struct required in
* BigQuery schemas.
private void expandMapType(String jsonFieldName, ObjectNode value, Field field,
ObjectNode parent, ObjectNode additionalProperties) {
final ObjectNode props = additionalProperties == null ? null : Json.createObjectNode();
final Optional<Field> valueFieldOption;
if (field.getSubFields().size() == 2) {
valueFieldOption = Optional.of(field.getSubFields().get(1));
} else {
valueFieldOption = Optional.empty();
if (props != null) {
final ArrayNode unmapped = Json.createArrayNode();
value.fields().forEachRemaining(e -> {
ObjectNode kv = Json.createObjectNode();
.ifPresent(valueField -> processField(e.getKey(), valueField, e.getValue(), kv, props));
// add key after processField so it can't be dropped due to e.getKey() matching
// FieldName.KEY when e.getValue() is null or empty or can't be coerced
unmapped.add(kv.put(FieldName.KEY, e.getKey()));
if (!Json.isNullOrEmpty(props)) {
additionalProperties.set(jsonFieldName, props);
parent.set(field.getName(), unmapped);
Example 11
Source File: From ksql-fork-with-deep-learning-function with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
String print(ConsumerRecord<String, Bytes> record) throws IOException {
JsonNode jsonNode = objectMapper.readTree(record.value().toString());
ObjectNode objectNode = objectMapper.createObjectNode();
objectNode.put(SchemaUtil.ROWTIME_NAME, record.timestamp());
objectNode.put(SchemaUtil.ROWKEY_NAME, (record.key() != null) ? record.key() : "null");
objectNode.setAll((ObjectNode) jsonNode);
StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
objectMapper.writeValue(stringWriter, objectNode);
return stringWriter.toString() + "\n";
Example 12
Source File: From onos with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public ObjectNode encode(LossAvailabilityStatHistory laHistory, CodecContext context) {
checkNotNull(laHistory, "LA history cannot be null");
ObjectNode result = context.mapper().createObjectNode()
.put("historyId", String.valueOf(laHistory.historyStatsId()))
.put("endTime", laHistory.endTime().toString());
ObjectNode resultAbstract = new LossAvailabilityStatCodec().encode(laHistory, context);
return result;
Example 13
Source File: From Quicksql with MIT License | 5 votes |
public String convert(RelNode input, List<Pair<String, Class>> fields) throws IOException {
((ElasticsearchRel) input).implement(this);
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
if (! aggregations.isEmpty()) {
return aggregate(fields, mapper);
final ObjectNode query = mapper.createObjectNode();
// manually parse from previously concatenated string
for (String op : list) {
query.setAll((ObjectNode) mapper.readTree(op));
if (! sort.isEmpty()) {
ArrayNode sortNode = query.withArray("sort");
sort.forEach(e ->
mapper.createObjectNode().put(e.getKey(), e.getValue().isDescending() ? "desc" : "asc"))
if (offset != null) {
query.put("from", offset);
if (fetch != null) {
query.put("size", fetch);
return query.toString();
Example 14
Source File: From olingo-odata4 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public static InputStream
getLinksAsJSON(final String entitySetName, final Map.Entry<String, Collection<String>> link)
throws IOException {
final ObjectNode links = new ObjectNode(JsonNodeFactory.instance);
Constants.get(ConstantKey.ODATA_METADATA_PREFIX) + entitySetName + "/$links/" + link.getKey());
final ArrayNode uris = new ArrayNode(JsonNodeFactory.instance);
for (String uri : link.getValue()) {
final String absoluteURI;
if (URI.create(uri).isAbsolute()) {
absoluteURI = uri;
} else {
absoluteURI = Constants.get(ConstantKey.DEFAULT_SERVICE_URL) + uri;
uris.add(new ObjectNode(JsonNodeFactory.instance).put("url", absoluteURI));
if (uris.size() == 1) {
links.setAll((ObjectNode) uris.get(0));
} else {
links.set("value", uris);
return IOUtils.toInputStream(links.toString(), Constants.ENCODING);
Example 15
Source File: From onos with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public ObjectNode encode(LossMeasurementStatHistory lmHistory, CodecContext context) {
checkNotNull(lmHistory, "LM history cannot be null");
ObjectNode result = context.mapper().createObjectNode()
.put("historyId", String.valueOf(lmHistory.historyStatsId()))
.put("endTime", lmHistory.endTime().toString());
ObjectNode resultAbstract = new LossMeasurementStatCodec().encode(lmHistory, context);
return result;
Example 16
Source File: From prebid-server-java with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private JsonNode makeTarget(Imp imp, ExtImpRubicon rubiconImpExt, Site site, App app, boolean useFirstPartyData) {
final ObjectNode inventory = rubiconImpExt.getInventory();
final ObjectNode inventoryNode = inventory == null ? mapper.mapper().createObjectNode() : inventory;
if (useFirstPartyData) {
final ExtImpContext context = extImpContext(imp);
// copy* to every impression – XAPI.imp[]*
final ObjectNode siteExt = site != null ? site.getExt() : null;
if (siteExt != null) {
populateObjectNode(inventoryNode, getDataNode(siteExt));
// copy* to every impression – XAPI.imp[]*
final ObjectNode appExt = app != null ? app.getExt() : null;
if (appExt != null) {
populateObjectNode(inventoryNode, getDataNode(appExt));
// copy OPENRTB.imp[]* to XAPI.imp[]*
final ObjectNode contextDataNode = context != null ? context.getData() : null;
if (contextDataNode != null) {
// copy OPENRTB.imp[] to XAPI.imp[] without
// leading slash
final JsonNode adSlotNode = contextDataNode.get("adslot");
if (adSlotNode != null && adSlotNode.isTextual()) {
final String adSlot = adSlotNode.textValue();
final String adUnitCode = adSlot.indexOf('/') == 0 ? adSlot.substring(1) : adSlot;
inventoryNode.put("dfp_ad_unit_code", adUnitCode);
// copy OPENRTB.imp[].ext.context.keywords to XAPI.imp[]
final String keywords = context != null ? context.getKeywords() : null;
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(keywords)) {
inventoryNode.put("keywords", keywords);
// copy OPENRTB.imp[] to XAPI.imp[]
// copy to every impression XAPI.imp[]
// imp-specific values should take precedence over global values
final String contextSearch = context != null ? context.getSearch() : null;
final String siteSearch = site != null ? site.getSearch() : null;
final String search = ObjectUtils.defaultIfNull(contextSearch, siteSearch);
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(search)) {
inventoryNode.put("search", search);
return inventoryNode.size() > 0 ? inventoryNode : null;
Example 17
Source File: From prebid-server-java with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private static void populateObjectNode(ObjectNode objectNode, JsonNode data) {
if (data != null && !data.isNull()) {
objectNode.setAll((ObjectNode) data);
Example 18
Source File: From calcite with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
* Executes a "find" operation on the underlying index.
* @param ops List of operations represented as Json strings.
* @param fields List of fields to project; or null to return map
* @param sort list of fields to sort and their direction (asc/desc)
* @param aggregations aggregation functions
* @return Enumerator of results
private Enumerable<Object> find(List<String> ops,
List<Map.Entry<String, Class>> fields,
List<Map.Entry<String, RelFieldCollation.Direction>> sort,
List<String> groupBy,
List<Map.Entry<String, String>> aggregations,
Map<String, String> mappings,
Long offset, Long fetch) throws IOException {
if (!aggregations.isEmpty() || !groupBy.isEmpty()) {
// process aggregations separately
return aggregate(ops, fields, sort, groupBy, aggregations, mappings, offset, fetch);
final ObjectNode query = mapper.createObjectNode();
// manually parse from previously concatenated string
for (String op: ops) {
query.setAll((ObjectNode) mapper.readTree(op));
if (!sort.isEmpty()) {
ArrayNode sortNode = query.withArray("sort");
sort.forEach(e ->
e.getValue().isDescending() ? "desc" : "asc")));
if (offset != null) {
query.put("from", offset);
if (fetch != null) {
query.put("size", fetch);
final Function1<ElasticsearchJson.SearchHit, Object> getter =
ElasticsearchEnumerators.getter(fields, ImmutableMap.copyOf(mappings));
Iterable<ElasticsearchJson.SearchHit> iter;
if (offset == null) {
// apply scrolling when there is no offsets
iter = () -> new Scrolling(transport).query(query);
} else {
final ElasticsearchJson.Result search =;
iter = () -> search.searchHits().hits().iterator();
return Linq4j.asEnumerable(iter).select(getter);
Example 19
Source File: From jsonschema-generator with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
* Preparation Step: combine the collected attributes and the javaType's definition in the given targetNode.
* @param <M> type of target scope, i.e. either a field or method
* @param scope field's type or method return value's type that should be represented by the given targetNode
* @param targetNode node in the JSON schema that should represent the associated javaType and include the separately collected attributes
* @param isNullable whether the field/method's return value the javaType refers to is allowed to be null in the declaringType
* @param forceInlineDefinition whether to generate an inline definition without registering it in this context
* @param collectedAttributes separately collected attribute for the field/method in their respective declaring type
* @param ignoredDefinitionProvider first custom definition provider to ignore
* @see #populateField(FieldScope, Map, Set)
* @see #collectMethod(MethodScope, Map, Set)
private <M extends MemberScope<?, ?>> void populateMemberSchema(M scope, ObjectNode targetNode, boolean isNullable, boolean forceInlineDefinition,
ObjectNode collectedAttributes, CustomPropertyDefinitionProvider<M> ignoredDefinitionProvider) {
final CustomDefinition customDefinition = this.generatorConfig.getCustomDefinition(scope, this, ignoredDefinitionProvider);
if (customDefinition != null && customDefinition.isMeantToBeInline()) {
if (customDefinition.shouldIncludeAttributes()) {
AttributeCollector.mergeMissingAttributes(targetNode, collectedAttributes);
Set<String> allowedSchemaTypes = this.collectAllowedSchemaTypes(targetNode);
ObjectNode typeAttributes = AttributeCollector.collectTypeAttributes(scope, this, allowedSchemaTypes);
AttributeCollector.mergeMissingAttributes(targetNode, typeAttributes);
if (isNullable) {
} else {
// create an "allOf" wrapper for the attributes related to this particular field and its general type
final ObjectNode referenceContainer;
if (customDefinition != null && !customDefinition.shouldIncludeAttributes()
|| collectedAttributes == null || collectedAttributes.size() == 0) {
// no need for the allOf, can use the sub-schema instance directly as reference
referenceContainer = targetNode;
} else if (customDefinition == null && scope.isContainerType()) {
// same as above, but the collected attributes should be applied also for containers/arrays
referenceContainer = targetNode;
AttributeCollector.mergeMissingAttributes(targetNode, collectedAttributes);
} else {
// avoid mixing potential "$ref" element with contextual attributes by introducing an "allOf" wrapper
// this is only relevant for DRAFT_7 and is being cleaned-up afterwards for newer DRAFT versions
referenceContainer = this.generatorConfig.createObjectNode();
targetNode.set(this.getKeyword(SchemaKeyword.TAG_ALLOF), this.generatorConfig.createArrayNode()
// only add reference for separate definition if it is not a fixed type that should be in-lined
try {
this.traverseGenericType(scope, referenceContainer, isNullable, forceInlineDefinition, null);
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException ex) {
logger.warn("Skipping type definition due to error", ex);
Example 20
Source File: From jsonschema-generator with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Preparation Step: add the given targetType. Also catering for forced inline-definitions and ignoring custom definitions * * @param scope targeted scope to add * @param targetNode node in the JSON schema that should represent the targetType * @param isNullable whether the field/method's return value is allowed to be null in the declaringType in this particular scenario * @param forceInlineDefinition whether to generate an inline definition without registering it in this context * @param ignoredDefinitionProvider first custom definition provider to ignore */ private void traverseGenericType(TypeScope scope, ObjectNode targetNode, boolean isNullable, boolean forceInlineDefinition, CustomDefinitionProviderV2 ignoredDefinitionProvider) { ResolvedType targetType = scope.getType(); if (!forceInlineDefinition && this.containsDefinition(targetType, ignoredDefinitionProvider)) { logger.debug("adding reference to existing definition of {}", targetType); this.addReference(targetType, targetNode, ignoredDefinitionProvider, isNullable); // nothing more to be done return; } final ObjectNode definition; final boolean includeTypeAttributes; final CustomDefinition customDefinition = this.generatorConfig.getCustomDefinition(targetType, this, ignoredDefinitionProvider); if (customDefinition != null && (customDefinition.isMeantToBeInline() || forceInlineDefinition)) { includeTypeAttributes = customDefinition.shouldIncludeAttributes(); if (targetNode == null) { logger.debug("storing configured custom inline type for {} as definition (since it is the main schema \"#\")", targetType); definition = customDefinition.getValue(); this.putDefinition(targetType, definition, ignoredDefinitionProvider); // targetNode will be populated at the end, in buildDefinitionsAndResolveReferences() } else { logger.debug("directly applying configured custom inline type for {}", targetType); targetNode.setAll(customDefinition.getValue()); definition = targetNode; } if (isNullable) { this.makeNullable(definition); } } else { boolean isContainerType = this.typeContext.isContainerType(targetType); if (forceInlineDefinition || isContainerType && targetNode != null && customDefinition == null) { // always inline array types definition = targetNode; } else { definition = this.generatorConfig.createObjectNode(); this.putDefinition(targetType, definition, ignoredDefinitionProvider); if (targetNode != null) { // targetNode is only null for the main class for which the schema is being generated this.addReference(targetType, targetNode, ignoredDefinitionProvider, isNullable); } } if (customDefinition != null) { logger.debug("applying configured custom definition for {}", targetType); definition.setAll(customDefinition.getValue()); includeTypeAttributes = customDefinition.shouldIncludeAttributes(); } else if (isContainerType) { logger.debug("generating array definition for {}", targetType); this.generateArrayDefinition(scope, definition, isNullable); includeTypeAttributes = true; } else { logger.debug("generating definition for {}", targetType); includeTypeAttributes = !this.addSubtypeReferencesInDefinition(targetType, definition); } } if (includeTypeAttributes) { Set<String> allowedSchemaTypes = this.collectAllowedSchemaTypes(definition); ObjectNode typeAttributes = AttributeCollector.collectTypeAttributes(scope, this, allowedSchemaTypes); // ensure no existing attributes in the 'definition' are replaced, by way of first overriding any conflicts the other way around typeAttributes.setAll(definition); // apply merged attributes definition.setAll(typeAttributes); } // apply overrides as the very last step this.generatorConfig.getTypeAttributeOverrides() .forEach(override -> override.overrideTypeAttributes(definition, scope, this)); }