Java Code Examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode#size()
The following examples show how to use
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode#size() .
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Example 1
Source File: From jasperreports with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
private JRJsonNode constructNewObjectNodeWithKeys(JRJsonNode from) {
ObjectNode newNode = getEvaluationContext().getObjectMapper().createObjectNode();
for (String objectKey: expression.getObjectKeys()) {
JsonNode deeperNode = from.getDataNode().get(objectKey);
if (deeperNode != null && (deeperNode.isObject() || deeperNode.isValueNode() || deeperNode.isArray())) {
JRJsonNode deeperChild = from.createChild(deeperNode);
if (applyFilter(deeperChild)) {
newNode.put(objectKey, deeperNode);
if (newNode.size() > 0) {
return from.createChild(newNode);
return null;
Example 2
Source File: From prebid-server-java with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private void validateSite(Site site) throws ValidationException {
if (site != null) {
if (StringUtils.isBlank(site.getId()) && StringUtils.isBlank(site.getPage())) {
throw new ValidationException(
" should include at least one of or");
final ObjectNode siteExt = site.getExt();
if (siteExt != null && siteExt.size() > 0) {
try {
final ExtSite extSite = mapper.mapper().treeToValue(siteExt, ExtSite.class);
final Integer amp = extSite.getAmp();
if (amp != null && (amp < 0 || amp > 1)) {
throw new ValidationException(" must be either 1, 0, or undefined");
} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
throw new ValidationException(" object is not valid: %s", e.getMessage());
Example 3
Source File: From tasmo with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public ViewResponse getView(TenantIdAndCentricId tenantIdAndCentricId, ObjectId viewId, ViewResponse viewResponse) {
if (viewResponse.getStatusCode() == ViewResponse.StatusCode.OK) {
ObjectNode view = viewResponse.getViewBody();
if (view.size() == 0) {
LOG.debug("Retrieved empty view object for view object id {}. Returning null view object", viewId);
viewResponse = ViewResponse.notFound();
} else if (view.has(ReservedFields.DELETED) && view.get(ReservedFields.DELETED).booleanValue()) {
LOG.debug("Encountered deleted view object with id {}. Returning null view object", viewId);
viewResponse = ViewResponse.notFound();
} else {
view.put(ReservedFields.VIEW_CLASS, viewId.getClassName());
view.put(ReservedFields.TENANT_ID, tenantIdAndCentricId.getTenantId().toStringForm());
//view.put(ReservedFields.USER_ID, tenantIdAndCentricId.getUserId().toStringForm());
return viewResponse;
Example 4
Source File: From Cheddar with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private ObjectNode createJsonNode(final DocumentUpdate document) throws IOException {
final ObjectNode documentUpdateNode = mapper.createObjectNode();
documentUpdateNode.put("id", document.getId());
documentUpdateNode.put("type", document.getType().name().toLowerCase());
final ObjectNode fields = mapper.createObjectNode();
for (final Field field : document.getFields()) {
if (field.getValue() != null) {
final String fieldValueStr = mapper.writeValueAsString(field.getValue());
final JsonNode fieldValueJsonNode = mapper.readTree(fieldValueStr);
fields.put(field.getName().toLowerCase(), fieldValueJsonNode);
if (fields.size() > 0) {
documentUpdateNode.put("fields", fields);
return documentUpdateNode;
Example 5
Source File: From onos with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException {
try {
JavaProjectBuilder builder = new JavaProjectBuilder();
builder.addSourceTree(new File(srcDirectory, "src/main/java"));
ObjectNode root = initializeRoot();
ArrayNode tags = mapper.createArrayNode();
ObjectNode paths = mapper.createObjectNode();
ObjectNode definitions = mapper.createObjectNode();
root.set("tags", tags);
root.set("paths", paths);
root.set("definitions", definitions);
builder.getClasses().forEach(jc -> processClass(jc, paths, tags, definitions));
if (paths.size() > 0) {
getLog().info("Generating ONOS REST API documentation...");
if (!isNullOrEmpty(apiPackage)) {
project.addCompileSourceRoot(new File(dstDirectory, GEN_SRC).getPath());
} catch (Exception e) {
getLog().warn("Unable to generate ONOS REST API documentation", e);
throw e;
Example 6
Source File: From streams with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
protected StringBuilder appendRootObject(StringBuilder builder, Schema schema, String resourceId, Character seperator) {
ObjectNode propertiesNode = schemaStore.resolveProperties(schema, null, resourceId);
if ( propertiesNode != null && propertiesNode.isObject() && propertiesNode.size() > 0) {
builder = appendPropertiesNode(builder, schema, propertiesNode, seperator);
return builder;
Example 7
Source File: From streams with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
protected StringBuilder appendRootObject(StringBuilder builder, Schema schema, String resourceId, Character separator) {
ObjectNode propertiesNode = schemaStore.resolveProperties(schema, null, resourceId);
if (propertiesNode != null && propertiesNode.isObject() && propertiesNode.size() > 0) {
builder = appendPropertiesNode(builder, schema, propertiesNode, separator);
return builder;
Example 8
Source File: From tasmo with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public boolean add(ViewDescriptor viewDescriptor,
ModelPath modelPath,
Id[] modelPathIds,
String[] viewPathClasses,
ViewValue viewValue,
Long timestamp) throws IOException {
byte[] value = (viewValue == null) ? null : viewValue.getValue();
viewSizeInBytes += (value == null) ? 0 : value.length;
if (viewSizeInBytes > viewMaxSizeInBytes) {
LOG.error("ViewDescriptor:" + viewDescriptor + " is larger than viewMaxReadableBytes:" + viewMaxSizeInBytes);
return false;
if (viewValue == null || viewValue.getValue() == null || viewValue.getValue().length == 0) {
return false;
ObjectNode valueObject = merger.toObjectNode(viewValue.getValue());
if (valueObject == null || valueObject.isNull() || valueObject.size() == 0) {
return false;
ObjectId[] modelPathInstanceIds = modelPathInstanceIds(modelPathIds, viewPathClasses, modelPath.getPathMembers());
LOG.debug("Read view path -> with id={} instance ids={} value={} timestamp={}", new Object[]{modelPath.getId(), modelPathIds, viewValue, timestamp});
if (treeRoot == null) {
treeRoot = new MapTreeNode(modelPathInstanceIds[0]);
treeRoot.add(modelPath.getPathMembers().toArray(new ModelPathStep[modelPath.getPathMemberSize()]), modelPathInstanceIds, viewValue, timestamp);
return true;
Example 9
Source File: From istio-java-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public Map<String, TypedValue> deserialize(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException { ObjectCodec codec = p.getCodec(); ObjectNode root = codec.readTree(p); final int size = root.size(); if (size > 0) { final Map<String, TypedValue> values = new HashMap<>(size); root.fields().forEachRemaining(field -> values.put(field.getKey(), TypedValue.from(field.getValue().textValue()))); return values; } else { return null; } }
Example 10
Source File: From jsonschema-generator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
* Generate an {@link ObjectNode} containing the JSON Schema representation of the given type.
* @param mainTargetType type for which to generate the JSON Schema
* @param typeParameters optional type parameters (in case of the {@code mainTargetType} being a parameterised type)
* @return generated JSON Schema
private ObjectNode createSchemaForSingleType(Type mainTargetType, Type... typeParameters) {
ResolvedType mainType = this.typeContext.resolve(mainTargetType, typeParameters);
DefinitionKey mainKey = this.generationContext.parseType(mainType);
ObjectNode jsonSchemaResult = this.config.createObjectNode();
if (this.config.shouldIncludeSchemaVersionIndicator()) {
boolean createDefinitionForMainSchema = this.config.shouldCreateDefinitionForMainSchema();
if (createDefinitionForMainSchema) {
this.generationContext.addReference(mainType, jsonSchemaResult, null, false);
String definitionsTagName = this.config.getKeyword(SchemaKeyword.TAG_DEFINITIONS);
ObjectNode definitionsNode = this.buildDefinitionsAndResolveReferences(definitionsTagName, mainKey, this.generationContext);
if (definitionsNode.size() > 0) {
jsonSchemaResult.set(definitionsTagName, definitionsNode);
if (!createDefinitionForMainSchema) {
ObjectNode mainSchemaNode = this.generationContext.getDefinition(mainKey);
return jsonSchemaResult;
Example 11
Source File: From endpoints-java with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void convertMethodRequestParameters(EndpointMethod endpointMethod, ObjectNode requestNode,
ObjectNode descriptorSchemasNode, ObjectNode descriptorMethodNode, ApiMethodConfig config,
ApiConfig apiConfig)
throws IllegalArgumentException, SecurityException, ApiConfigException {
ObjectNode parametersNode = objectMapper.createObjectNode();
Method method = endpointMethod.getMethod();
List<ApiParameterConfig> parameterConfigs = config.getParameterConfigs();
for (ApiParameterConfig parameterConfig : parameterConfigs) {
switch (parameterConfig.getClassification()) {
// Do nothing.
convertSimpleParameter(parameterConfig, parametersNode);
// Inserts resource in.
convertComplexParameter(parameterConfig, method, descriptorSchemasNode,
descriptorMethodNode, apiConfig, parameterConfigs);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unclassifiable parameter type found.");
// Set API parameter types if needed.
if (parametersNode.size() != 0) {
requestNode.set("parameters", parametersNode);
// Sets request body to auto-template if Lily request portion is set..
if (descriptorMethodNode.get("request") != null) {
requestNode.put("body", "autoTemplate(backendRequest)");
requestNode.put("bodyName", "resource");
} else {
requestNode.put("body", "empty");
Example 12
Source File: From AILibs with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
public boolean isValueValid(final String value) {
ObjectMapper om = new ObjectMapper();
JsonNode node;
try {
node = om.readTree(value);
} catch (IOException e) {
return false;
if (!(node instanceof ObjectNode)) {
return false;
ObjectNode castedNode = (ObjectNode) node;
return castedNode.size() == 1 && castedNode.has("number") && castedNode.get("number").asInt() <= 2;
Example 13
Source File: From prebid-server-java with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void validateImpExt(ObjectNode ext, Map<String, String> aliases, int impIndex) throws ValidationException {
if (ext == null || ext.size() < 1) {
throw new ValidationException("request.imp[%d].ext must contain at least one bidder", impIndex);
final Iterator<Map.Entry<String, JsonNode>> bidderExtensions = ext.fields();
while (bidderExtensions.hasNext()) {
final Map.Entry<String, JsonNode> bidderExtension =;
final String bidder = bidderExtension.getKey();
if (!Objects.equals(bidder, PREBID_EXT) && !Objects.equals(bidder, CONTEXT_EXT)) {
validateImpBidderExtName(impIndex, bidderExtension, aliases.getOrDefault(bidder, bidder));
Example 14
Source File: From prebid-server-java with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void validateDevice(Device device) throws ValidationException {
final ObjectNode extDeviceNode = device != null ? device.getExt() : null;
if (extDeviceNode != null && extDeviceNode.size() > 0) {
final ExtDevice extDevice = parseExtDevice(extDeviceNode);
final ExtDevicePrebid extDevicePrebid = extDevice.getPrebid();
final ExtDeviceInt interstitial = extDevicePrebid != null ? extDevicePrebid.getInterstitial() : null;
if (interstitial != null) {
Example 15
Source File: From prebid-server-java with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private JsonNode makeTarget(Imp imp, ExtImpRubicon rubiconImpExt, Site site, App app, boolean useFirstPartyData) {
final ObjectNode inventory = rubiconImpExt.getInventory();
final ObjectNode inventoryNode = inventory == null ? mapper.mapper().createObjectNode() : inventory;
if (useFirstPartyData) {
final ExtImpContext context = extImpContext(imp);
// copy* to every impression – XAPI.imp[]*
final ObjectNode siteExt = site != null ? site.getExt() : null;
if (siteExt != null) {
populateObjectNode(inventoryNode, getDataNode(siteExt));
// copy* to every impression – XAPI.imp[]*
final ObjectNode appExt = app != null ? app.getExt() : null;
if (appExt != null) {
populateObjectNode(inventoryNode, getDataNode(appExt));
// copy OPENRTB.imp[]* to XAPI.imp[]*
final ObjectNode contextDataNode = context != null ? context.getData() : null;
if (contextDataNode != null) {
// copy OPENRTB.imp[] to XAPI.imp[] without
// leading slash
final JsonNode adSlotNode = contextDataNode.get("adslot");
if (adSlotNode != null && adSlotNode.isTextual()) {
final String adSlot = adSlotNode.textValue();
final String adUnitCode = adSlot.indexOf('/') == 0 ? adSlot.substring(1) : adSlot;
inventoryNode.put("dfp_ad_unit_code", adUnitCode);
// copy OPENRTB.imp[].ext.context.keywords to XAPI.imp[]
final String keywords = context != null ? context.getKeywords() : null;
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(keywords)) {
inventoryNode.put("keywords", keywords);
// copy OPENRTB.imp[] to XAPI.imp[]
// copy to every impression XAPI.imp[]
// imp-specific values should take precedence over global values
final String contextSearch = context != null ? context.getSearch() : null;
final String siteSearch = site != null ? site.getSearch() : null;
final String search = ObjectUtils.defaultIfNull(contextSearch, siteSearch);
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(search)) {
inventoryNode.put("search", search);
return inventoryNode.size() > 0 ? inventoryNode : null;
Example 16
Source File: From syndesis with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Override @SuppressWarnings({"PMD.EmptyCatchBlock", "PMD.CyclomaticComplexity"}) public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException { ArrayNode root = new ArrayNode(JsonNodeFactory.instance); URLClassLoader classLoader = null; try { PluginDescriptor desc = (PluginDescriptor) getPluginContext().get("pluginDescriptor"); List<Artifact> artifacts = desc.getArtifacts(); ProjectBuildingRequest buildingRequest = new DefaultProjectBuildingRequest(session.getProjectBuildingRequest()); buildingRequest.setRemoteRepositories(remoteRepositories); for (Artifact artifact : artifacts) { ArtifactResult result = artifactResolver.resolveArtifact(buildingRequest, artifact); File jar = result.getArtifact().getFile(); classLoader = createClassLoader(jar); if (classLoader == null) { throw new IOException("Can not create classloader for " + jar); } ObjectNode entry = new ObjectNode(JsonNodeFactory.instance); addConnectorMeta(entry, classLoader); addComponentMeta(entry, classLoader); if (entry.size() > 0) { addGav(entry, artifact); root.add(entry); } } if (root.size() > 0) { saveCamelMetaData(root); } } catch (ArtifactResolverException | IOException e) { throw new MojoExecutionException(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { if (classLoader != null) { try { classLoader.close(); } catch (IOException ignored) { } } } }
Example 17
Source File: From streams with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
protected StringBuilder appendRootObject(StringBuilder builder, Schema schema, String resourceId) { Objects.requireNonNull(builder); ObjectNode propertiesNode = schemaStore.resolveProperties(schema, null, resourceId); if ( propertiesNode != null && propertiesNode.isObject() && propertiesNode.size() > 0) { List<String> fieldStrings = new ArrayList<>(); // table fieldStrings.add(hbaseEscape(schemaSymbol(schema))); // column family fieldStrings.add(hbaseEscape(schemaSymbol(schema))); // parent column family if ( schema.getParent() != null ) { fieldStrings.add(hbaseEscape(schemaSymbol(schema.getParent()))); } // sub-object column families if ( propertiesNode != null && propertiesNode.isObject() && propertiesNode.size() > 0 ) { Iterator<Map.Entry<String, JsonNode>> fields = propertiesNode.fields(); for ( ; fields.hasNext(); ) { Map.Entry<String, JsonNode> field =; String fieldId = field.getKey(); if ( !config.getExclusions().contains(fieldId) && field.getValue().isObject()) { ObjectNode fieldNode = (ObjectNode) field.getValue(); FieldType fieldType = FieldUtil.determineFieldType(fieldNode); if (fieldType != null ) { switch (fieldType) { case OBJECT: fieldStrings.add(hbaseEscape(fieldId)); break; default: break; } } } } builder.append(String.join(", ", fieldStrings)); } } Objects.requireNonNull(builder); return builder; }
Example 18
Source File: From tasmo with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public void validate(ObjectNode event) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(event); TenantId tenantId = getTenantId(event); int expectedSize = 4; if (tenantId == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Event is missing tenant id"); } Id actorId = getActor(event); if (actorId == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Event has missing or invalid actorId:" + actorId); } Id userId = getUserId(event); if (userId == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Event has missing or invalid userId:" + userId); } if (event.has(ReservedFields.CAUSED_BY)) { expectedSize++; } if (event.has(ReservedFields.ACTIVITY_VERB)) { expectedSize++; } if (event.has(ReservedFields.TRACK_EVENT_PROCESSED_LIFECYCLE)) { expectedSize++; } if (event.has(ReservedFields.MODEL_VERSION_ID)) { expectedSize++; } if (event.has(ReservedFields.EVENT_ID)) { expectedSize++; } if (event.has(ReservedFields.EVENT_TYPE)) { expectedSize++; } if (event.has(ReservedFields.TRACE)) { expectedSize++; } String className = Strings.nullToEmpty(getInstanceClassName(event)).trim(); if (event.has(ReservedFields.NIL_FIELD) || hasInstanceField(event, className, ReservedFields.NIL_FIELD)) { throw(new IllegalArgumentException("Nil field may never be emitted")); } if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(className)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Event is missing payload"); } Id instanceId = getInstanceId(event, className); if (instanceId == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Event is missing instanceId field"); } if (event.size() != expectedSize) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Event does not have the expected number of top level fields. " + event.size() + "!=" + expectedSize); } }
Example 19
Source File: From jackson-jsonld with MIT License | 4 votes |
public static Optional<ObjectNode> fromAnnotations(Iterable<?> instances) {
ObjectNode mergedContext = JsonNodeFactory.withExactBigDecimals(true).objectNode();
instances.forEach(e -> fromAnnotations(e).map(mergedContext::setAll));
return mergedContext.size() != 0 ? Optional.of(mergedContext) : Optional.empty();
Example 20
Source File: From jsonschema-generator with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
* Preparation Step: combine the collected attributes and the javaType's definition in the given targetNode.
* @param <M> type of target scope, i.e. either a field or method
* @param scope field's type or method return value's type that should be represented by the given targetNode
* @param targetNode node in the JSON schema that should represent the associated javaType and include the separately collected attributes
* @param isNullable whether the field/method's return value the javaType refers to is allowed to be null in the declaringType
* @param forceInlineDefinition whether to generate an inline definition without registering it in this context
* @param collectedAttributes separately collected attribute for the field/method in their respective declaring type
* @param ignoredDefinitionProvider first custom definition provider to ignore
* @see #populateField(FieldScope, Map, Set)
* @see #collectMethod(MethodScope, Map, Set)
private <M extends MemberScope<?, ?>> void populateMemberSchema(M scope, ObjectNode targetNode, boolean isNullable, boolean forceInlineDefinition,
ObjectNode collectedAttributes, CustomPropertyDefinitionProvider<M> ignoredDefinitionProvider) {
final CustomDefinition customDefinition = this.generatorConfig.getCustomDefinition(scope, this, ignoredDefinitionProvider);
if (customDefinition != null && customDefinition.isMeantToBeInline()) {
if (customDefinition.shouldIncludeAttributes()) {
AttributeCollector.mergeMissingAttributes(targetNode, collectedAttributes);
Set<String> allowedSchemaTypes = this.collectAllowedSchemaTypes(targetNode);
ObjectNode typeAttributes = AttributeCollector.collectTypeAttributes(scope, this, allowedSchemaTypes);
AttributeCollector.mergeMissingAttributes(targetNode, typeAttributes);
if (isNullable) {
} else {
// create an "allOf" wrapper for the attributes related to this particular field and its general type
final ObjectNode referenceContainer;
if (customDefinition != null && !customDefinition.shouldIncludeAttributes()
|| collectedAttributes == null || collectedAttributes.size() == 0) {
// no need for the allOf, can use the sub-schema instance directly as reference
referenceContainer = targetNode;
} else if (customDefinition == null && scope.isContainerType()) {
// same as above, but the collected attributes should be applied also for containers/arrays
referenceContainer = targetNode;
AttributeCollector.mergeMissingAttributes(targetNode, collectedAttributes);
} else {
// avoid mixing potential "$ref" element with contextual attributes by introducing an "allOf" wrapper
// this is only relevant for DRAFT_7 and is being cleaned-up afterwards for newer DRAFT versions
referenceContainer = this.generatorConfig.createObjectNode();
targetNode.set(this.getKeyword(SchemaKeyword.TAG_ALLOF), this.generatorConfig.createArrayNode()
// only add reference for separate definition if it is not a fixed type that should be in-lined
try {
this.traverseGenericType(scope, referenceContainer, isNullable, forceInlineDefinition, null);
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException ex) {
logger.warn("Skipping type definition due to error", ex);