Java Code Examples for
The following examples show how to use .
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Example 1
Source File: From smarthome with Eclipse Public License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Creates a new {@link JSONDetailedGroupInfoImpl} through the {@link JsonObject}. * * @param jObject of the server response, must not be null */ public JSONDetailedGroupInfoImpl(JsonObject jObject) { this.deviceList = new LinkedList<String>(); if (jObject.get(JSONApiResponseKeysEnum.NAME.getKey()) != null) { name = jObject.get(JSONApiResponseKeysEnum.NAME.getKey()).getAsString(); } if (jObject.get(JSONApiResponseKeysEnum.ID.getKey()) != null) { this.groupId = jObject.get(JSONApiResponseKeysEnum.ID.getKey()).getAsShort(); } if (jObject.get(JSONApiResponseKeysEnum.DEVICES.getKey()) instanceof JsonArray) { JsonArray array = (JsonArray) jObject.get(JSONApiResponseKeysEnum.DEVICES.getKey()); for (int i = 0; i < array.size(); i++) { if (array.get(i) != null) { deviceList.add(array.get(i).getAsString()); } } } }
Example 2
Source File: From p4ic4idea with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public static int[] getNullableIntArrayKey(JsonObject obj, String key)
throws ResponseFormatException {
JsonArray vay = getNullableArrayKey(obj, key);
if (vay == null) {
return null;
int[] ret = new int[vay.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < vay.size(); i++) {
JsonElement vi = vay.get(i);
if (vi.isJsonPrimitive()) {
try {
ret[i] = vi.getAsInt();
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new ResponseFormatException(key + '[' + i + ']', vi, e);
} else {
throw new ResponseFormatException(key + '[' + i + ']', vi);
return ret;
Example 3
Source File: From olca-app with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private static boolean equal(String property, JsonArray a1, JsonArray a2, ElementFinder finder) {
if (a1.size() != a2.size())
return false;
Iterator<JsonElement> it1 = a1.iterator();
Set<Integer> used = new HashSet<>();
while (it1.hasNext()) {
JsonElement e1 =;
int index = finder.find(property, e1, a2, used);
if (index == -1)
return false;
JsonElement e2 = a2.get(index);
if (!equal(property, e1, e2, finder))
return false;
return true;
Example 4
Source File: From asteria-3.0 with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Loads the parsed data. How the data is loaded is defined by * {@link JsonLoader#load(JsonObject, Gson)}. * * @return the loader instance, for chaining. */ public final JsonLoader load() { try (FileReader in = new FileReader(Paths.get(path).toFile())) { JsonParser parser = new JsonParser(); JsonArray array = (JsonArray) parser.parse(in); Gson builder = new GsonBuilder().create(); for (int i = 0; i < array.size(); i++) { JsonObject reader = (JsonObject) array.get(i); load(reader, builder); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return this; }
Example 5
Source File: From karyon with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void sortKeyAscendingTest() { final PropsTableView ptv = new PropsTableView(); ptv.enableColumnSort(PropsTableView.KEY, false); // ascending sort final JsonArray data = ptv.getData(); assertTrue(data != null); int totalElms = data.size(); assertTrue(totalElms > 0); String prevKey = null; for (int i = 0; i < totalElms; i++) { final JsonElement propElm = data.get(i); final JsonArray propKVArray = propElm.getAsJsonArray(); final String propKey = propKVArray.get(0).getAsString(); assertTrue(propKVArray.size() == 2); if (prevKey == null) { prevKey = propKey; } else { // verify sorting order assertTrue(prevKey.compareTo(propKey) < 0); prevKey = propKey; } } }
Example 6
Source File: From pacbot with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Gets the vulnerability by qid. * * @param qid * the qid * @return the vulnerability by qid */ public Map<String, Object> getVulnerabilityByQid(String qid) { StringBuilder urlToQuery = new StringBuilder(esUrl).append("/").append("qualys-kb/kb/_search"); StringBuilder requestBody = new StringBuilder( "{\"query\":{\"bool\":{\"must\":[{\"term\":{\"latest\":\"true\"}},{\"term\":{\"qid.keyword\":\""); requestBody.append(qid); requestBody.append("\"}}]}}}"); String responseJson = ""; try { responseJson = PacHttpUtils.doHttpPost(urlToQuery.toString(), requestBody.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Error in getVulnerabilityByQid from ES", e); } JsonParser jsonParser = new JsonParser(); Map<String, Object> vuln = new HashMap<>(); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(responseJson)) { JsonObject resultJson = (JsonObject) jsonParser.parse(responseJson); JsonArray hits = resultJson.get("hits").getAsJsonObject().get("hits").getAsJsonArray(); if (hits.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < hits.size(); i++) { JsonObject obj = (JsonObject) hits.get(i); JsonObject sourceJson = (JsonObject) obj.get("_source"); if (sourceJson != null) { vuln = new Gson().fromJson(sourceJson, new TypeToken<Map<String, Object>>() { }.getType()); vuln.remove("latest"); vuln.remove("_loadDate"); } } } } return vuln; }
Example 7
Source File: From che with Eclipse Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private List<String> getArray(String message, boolean isArray) {
if (!isArray) {
return singletonList(message);
JsonArray jsonArray = jsonParser.parse(message).getAsJsonArray();
int size = jsonArray.size();
List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(size);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
JsonElement jsonElement = jsonArray.get(i);
return result;
Example 8
Source File: From micro-integrator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
* Function to convert GSON array model to generic array model.
* @param jsonElement gson array to transform
* @return
public static Object[] gsonJsonArrayToObjectArray(JsonElement jsonElement) {
ArrayList<Object> jsonArrayList = new ArrayList<>();
if (jsonElement.isJsonArray()) {
JsonArray jsonArray = jsonElement.getAsJsonArray();
for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.size(); i++) {
JsonElement arrayElement = jsonArray.get(i);
if (arrayElement.isJsonPrimitive()) {
JsonPrimitive jsonPrimitive = arrayElement.getAsJsonPrimitive();
if (jsonPrimitive.isString()) {
} else if (jsonPrimitive.isBoolean()) {
} else if (jsonPrimitive.isNumber()) {
} else {
//unknown type
log.warn("Unknown JsonPrimitive type found : " + jsonPrimitive.toString());
} else if (arrayElement.isJsonObject()) {
} else if (arrayElement.isJsonArray()) {
} else {
// remaining JsonNull
} else {
//Not a JsonObject hence return empty array
log.error("Provided gson model does not represent json array");
return jsonArrayList.toArray();
Example 9
Source File: From smarthome with Eclipse Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public List<String> getMeterList(String token) { List<String> meterList = new LinkedList<String>(); JsonObject responseObj = query(token, QUERY_GET_METERLIST); if (responseObj != null && responseObj.get(JSONApiResponseKeysEnum.DS_METERS.getKey()).isJsonArray()) { JsonArray array = responseObj.get(JSONApiResponseKeysEnum.DS_METERS.getKey()).getAsJsonArray(); for (int i = 0; i < array.size(); i++) { if (array.get(i) instanceof JsonObject) { meterList.add(array.get(i).getAsJsonObject().get("dSID").getAsString()); } } } return meterList; }
Example 10
Source File: From play-services-plugins with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
* find an item in the "client" array that match the package name of the app
* @param jsonObject the root json object.
* @return a JsonObject representing the client entry or null if no match is found.
private JsonObject getClientForPackageName(JsonObject jsonObject) {
JsonArray array = jsonObject.getAsJsonArray("client");
if (array != null) {
final int count = array.size();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
JsonElement clientElement = array.get(i);
if (clientElement == null || !clientElement.isJsonObject()) {
JsonObject clientObject = clientElement.getAsJsonObject();
JsonObject clientInfo = clientObject.getAsJsonObject("client_info");
if (clientInfo == null) continue;
JsonObject androidClientInfo = clientInfo.getAsJsonObject("android_client_info");
if (androidClientInfo == null) continue;
JsonPrimitive clientPackageName = androidClientInfo.getAsJsonPrimitive("package_name");
if (clientPackageName == null) continue;
if (getPackageName().equals(clientPackageName.getAsString())) {
return clientObject;
return null;
Example 11
Source File: From smarthome with Eclipse Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void addScenesToList(JsonObject resultJsonObj) { if (resultJsonObj.get(JSONApiResponseKeysEnum.ZONES.getKey()) != null && resultJsonObj.get(JSONApiResponseKeysEnum.ZONES.getKey()).isJsonArray()) { JsonArray zones = resultJsonObj.get(JSONApiResponseKeysEnum.ZONES.getKey()).getAsJsonArray(); for (int i = 0; i < zones.size(); i++) { if (((JsonObject) zones.get(i)).get(JSONApiResponseKeysEnum.GROUPS.getKey()).isJsonArray()) { JsonArray groups = ((JsonObject) zones.get(i)).get(JSONApiResponseKeysEnum.GROUPS.getKey()) .getAsJsonArray(); for (int j = 0; j < groups.size(); j++) { if (((JsonObject) groups.get(j)).get("scenes") != null && ((JsonObject) groups.get(j)).get("scenes").isJsonArray()) { JsonArray scenes = ((JsonObject) groups.get(j)).get("scenes").getAsJsonArray(); for (int k = 0; k < scenes.size(); k++) { if (scenes.get(k).isJsonObject()) { JsonObject sceneJsonObject = ((JsonObject) scenes.get(k)); int zoneID = ((JsonObject) zones.get(i)).get("ZoneID").getAsInt(); short groupID = ((JsonObject) groups.get(j)).get("group").getAsShort(); InternalScene scene = new InternalScene(zoneID, groupID, sceneJsonObject.get("scene").getAsShort(), sceneJsonObject.get("name").getAsString()); if (genList) { this.namedScenes.add(scene); } else { sceneDiscoverd(scene); } } } } } } } } }
Example 12
Source File: From WxBot with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
private String getSyncKeyStr() { String syncKeyTmp = ""; JsonArray jsonArray = syncKeyJsonObject.getAsJsonArray("List"); for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.size(); i++) { JsonObject obj = (JsonObject) jsonArray.get(i); syncKeyTmp += obj.get("Key") + "_" + obj.get("Val") + "|"; } if (syncKeyTmp.length() > 0) { syncKeyTmp = syncKeyTmp.substring(0, syncKeyTmp.length() - 1); } return syncKeyTmp; }
Example 13
Source File: From with MIT License | 4 votes |
@Override public Filters deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException { // Check if whole object is available if (json.isJsonArray()) { final Filters filters = new Filters(); List<FilterType> filterList = new ArrayList<>(); JsonArray jArray = (JsonArray) json; for (int i = 0; i < jArray.size(); i++) { JsonElement jElement = jArray.get(i); if (jElement.isJsonObject()) { JsonObject jObject = (JsonObject) jElement; if (jObject.has(TAG_TYPE)) { String type = jObject.get(TAG_TYPE).getAsString(); switch (type) { case FILTER_TYPE_COLOR: final FilterTypeColor filterTypeColor = new FilterTypeColor(); filterTypeColor.setType(FILTER_TYPE_COLOR); parseGeneralFields(jObject, filterTypeColor); filterTypeColor.setValues(parseTypeValues(FilterValueColor.class, jObject, context)); if (filterTypeColor.getValues() != null) { filterList.add(filterTypeColor); } break; case FILTER_TYPE_SELECT: final FilterTypeSelect filterTypeSelect = new FilterTypeSelect(); filterTypeSelect.setType(FILTER_TYPE_SELECT); parseGeneralFields(jObject, filterTypeSelect); filterTypeSelect.setValues(parseTypeValues(FilterValueSelect.class, jObject, context)); if (filterTypeSelect.getValues() != null) { filterList.add(filterTypeSelect); } break; case FILTER_TYPE_RANGE: final FilterTypeRange filterTypeRange = new FilterTypeRange(); filterTypeRange.setType(FILTER_TYPE_RANGE); parseGeneralFields(jObject, filterTypeRange); if (jObject.has(TAG_VALUES)) { JsonArray rangeValues = jObject.get(TAG_VALUES).getAsJsonArray(); if (rangeValues != null && rangeValues.size() == 3) { filterTypeRange.setMin(rangeValues.get(0).getAsInt()); filterTypeRange.setMax(rangeValues.get(1).getAsInt()); filterTypeRange.setRangeTitle(rangeValues.get(2).getAsString()); } } filterList.add(filterTypeRange); break; } } } } if (!filterList.isEmpty()) filters.setFilters(filterList); return filters; } throw new JsonParseException("Unexpected JSON type: " + json.getClass().getSimpleName()); }
Example 14
Source File: From freehealth-connector with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
private JsonObject getEntry() { JsonObject log = (JsonObject)this.harJson.get("log"); JsonArray entries = (JsonArray)log.get("entries"); return (JsonObject)entries.get(0); }
Example 15
Source File: From freehealth-connector with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
private JsonObject getEntry() { JsonObject log = (JsonObject)this.harJson.get("log"); JsonArray entries = (JsonArray)log.get("entries"); return (JsonObject)entries.get(0); }
Example 16
Source File: From freehealth-connector with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
private JsonObject getEntry() { JsonObject log = (JsonObject)this.harJson.get("log"); JsonArray entries = (JsonArray)log.get("entries"); return (JsonObject)entries.get(0); }
Example 17
Source File: From kurento-java with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private static <R> R convertJsonTo(JsonElement resultJsonObject, Class<R> resultClass) {
if (resultJsonObject == null) {
return null;
if (resultClass == null) {
return null;
R resultR = null;
if (resultClass == String.class || resultClass == Boolean.class
|| resultClass == Character.class || Number.class.isAssignableFrom(resultClass)
|| resultClass.isPrimitive()) {
JsonElement value;
if (resultJsonObject.isJsonObject()) {
Set<Entry<String, JsonElement>> properties = ((JsonObject) resultJsonObject).entrySet();
if (properties.size() > 1) {
Entry<String, JsonElement> prop = properties.iterator().next();
"Converting a result with {} properties in a value"
+ " of type {}. Selecting propoerty '{}'",
Integer.valueOf(properties.size()), resultClass, prop.getKey());
value = prop.getValue();
} else if (properties.size() == 1) {
value = properties.iterator().next().getValue();
} else {
value = null;
} else if (resultJsonObject.isJsonArray()) {
JsonArray array = (JsonArray) resultJsonObject;
if (array.size() > 1) {
"Converting an array with {} elements in a value "
+ "of type {}. Selecting first element",
Integer.valueOf(array.size()), resultClass);
value = array.get(0);
} else {
value = resultJsonObject;
resultR = getGson().fromJson(value, resultClass);
} else {
resultR = getGson().fromJson(resultJsonObject, resultClass);
return resultR;
Example 18
Source File: From pacbot with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public Map<String, Object> getSummaryByApplication(String assetGroup) throws DataException { Map<String,Object> result = new HashMap<>(); List<Map<String,Object>> summaryByApplication = new ArrayList<>(); Double totalMonthlySavings = 0.0; StringBuilder urlToQuery = new StringBuilder(esUrl).append("/").append(assetGroup).append("/").append(Constants.SEARCH); StringBuilder requestBody = new StringBuilder("{\"size\":0,\"query\":{\"bool\":{\"must\":[{\"match\":{\"latest\":true}},{\"match\":{\"_entity.keyword\":true}}]}}" + ",\"aggs\":{\"apps\":{\"terms\":{\"field\":\"tags.Application.keyword\",\"size\":100000},\"aggs\":{\"recommendations\":{\"children\":{\"type\":\"recommendation\"}" + ",\"aggs\":{\"latest\":{\"filter\":{\"match\":{\"latest\":true}},\"aggs\":{\"savings\":{\"sum\":{\"field\":\"monthlysavings\"}}}}}}}}}}"); String responseDetails; try { responseDetails = PacHttpUtils.doHttpPost(urlToQuery.toString(), requestBody.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Error in getSummaryByApplication "+e); throw new DataException(e); } JsonParser parser = new JsonParser(); JsonObject responseDetailsjson = parser.parse(responseDetails).getAsJsonObject(); JsonObject aggregations = responseDetailsjson.get(Constants.AGGREGATIONS).getAsJsonObject(); JsonArray appsBuckets = aggregations.get("apps").getAsJsonObject().get(Constants.BUCKETS).getAsJsonArray(); if (appsBuckets.size() > 0) { for (int i=0; i<appsBuckets.size();i++) { JsonObject appObj = (JsonObject) appsBuckets.get(i); if (appObj != null) { JsonObject recommendationObj = appObj.get("recommendations").getAsJsonObject(); if(recommendationObj.has("latest") && recommendationObj.get("latest").getAsJsonObject().has("savings")) { Map<String,Object> app = new HashMap<>(); app.put("application", appObj.get(Constants.KEY).getAsString()); app.put("recommendations", recommendationObj.get(Constants.DOC_COUNT).getAsLong()); Double monthlySavings = recommendationObj.get("latest").getAsJsonObject().get("savings").getAsJsonObject().get(Constants.VALUE).getAsDouble(); totalMonthlySavings += monthlySavings; app.put("monthlySavings", Math.round(monthlySavings)); summaryByApplication.add(app); } } } } result.put("ag", assetGroup); result.put("totalMonthlySavings", Math.round(totalMonthlySavings)); result.put("applications", summaryByApplication); return result; }
Example 19
Source File: From pacbot with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public static String getQueryDataForCheckid(String checkId, String esUrl, String id, String region, String accountId) throws Exception { JsonParser jsonParser = new JsonParser(); String resourceinfo = null; Map<String, Object> mustFilter = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, Object> mustNotFilter = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, List<String>> matchPhrasePrefix = new HashMap<>(); HashMultimap<String, Object> shouldFilter = HashMultimap.create(); Map<String, Object> mustTermsFilter = new HashMap<>(); mustFilter.put(PacmanRuleConstants.CHECK_ID_KEYWORD, checkId); mustFilter.put(PacmanRuleConstants.ACCOUNT_ID_KEYWORD, accountId); List<String> resourceInfoList = new ArrayList<>(); if (region != null) { resourceInfoList.add(region); } resourceInfoList.add(id); matchPhrasePrefix.put(PacmanRuleConstants.RESOURCE_INFO, resourceInfoList); JsonObject resultJson = RulesElasticSearchRepositoryUtil.getQueryDetailsFromES(esUrl, mustFilter, mustNotFilter, shouldFilter, null, 0, mustTermsFilter, matchPhrasePrefix,null); if (resultJson != null && resultJson.has(PacmanRuleConstants.HITS)) { JsonObject hitsJson = (JsonObject) jsonParser.parse(resultJson.get(PacmanRuleConstants.HITS).toString()); JsonArray jsonArray = hitsJson.getAsJsonObject().get(PacmanRuleConstants.HITS).getAsJsonArray(); if (jsonArray.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.size(); i++) { JsonObject firstObject = (JsonObject) jsonArray.get(i); JsonObject sourceJson = (JsonObject) firstObject.get(PacmanRuleConstants.SOURCE); if (sourceJson != null && sourceJson.has(PacmanRuleConstants.RESOURCE_INFO)) { if (sourceJson.get(PacmanRuleConstants.RESOURCE_INFO).isJsonObject()) { resourceinfo = sourceJson.get(PacmanRuleConstants.RESOURCE_INFO).getAsJsonObject() .toString(); } else { resourceinfo = sourceJson.get(PacmanRuleConstants.RESOURCE_INFO).getAsString(); } } } } } return resourceinfo; }
Example 20
Source File: From azure-mobile-apps-android-client with Apache License 2.0 | 3 votes |
public void initialize() { JsonElement results = null; try { query.includeDeleted(); query.removeInlineCount(); query.removeProjection(); originalQuery = query; results = QueryOperations.tableName(INCREMENTAL_PULL_STRATEGY_TABLE) .field("id") .eq(table.getTableName() + "_" + queryId)); if (results != null) { JsonArray resultsArray = results.getAsJsonArray(); if (resultsArray.size() > 0) { JsonElement result = resultsArray.get(0); String stringMaxUpdatedDate = result.getAsJsonObject() .get("maxupdateddate").getAsString(); deltaToken = maxUpdatedAt = getDateFromString(stringMaxUpdatedDate); } } setupQuery(maxUpdatedAt); } catch (MobileServiceLocalStoreException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }