Java Code Examples for com.intellij.util.ui.UIUtil#getWindow()
The following examples show how to use
com.intellij.util.ui.UIUtil#getWindow() .
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Example 1
Source File: From consulo with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public ToolkitListener(Component content, Insets border, Icon corner) {
super(content, border, corner);
myHelper = new ToolkitListenerHelper(this);
Window window = UIUtil.getWindow(content);
if (window != null) window.addHierarchyListener(new HierarchyListener() {
public void hierarchyChanged(HierarchyEvent e) {
if (e.getID() == HierarchyEvent.HIERARCHY_CHANGED) {
else if (e.getID() == HierarchyEvent.SHOWING_CHANGED && !window.isShowing()) {
Example 2
Source File: From consulo with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public void addTo(Component comp) {
if (methodsNotAvailable()) return;
final Window window = UIUtil.getWindow(comp);
if (window == null) return;
final boolean wasShown = getPeer(window) != null;
if (wasShown) addToImpl(window);
window.addComponentListener(pendingListener = new ComponentAdapter() {
public void componentShown(ComponentEvent event) {
if (!wasShown) addToImpl(window);
public void componentHidden(ComponentEvent e) {
Example 3
Source File: From consulo with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public static boolean canRectangleBeUsed(@Nonnull Component parent, @Nonnull Rectangle desiredScreenBounds, @Nullable ScreenAreaConsumer excludedConsumer) {
if (!"ide.use.screen.area.tracker", false)) {
return true;
Window window = UIUtil.getWindow(parent);
if (window != null) {
for (ScreenAreaConsumer consumer : ourAreaConsumers) {
if (consumer == excludedConsumer) continue;
if (window == consumer.getUnderlyingWindow()) {
Rectangle area = consumer.getConsumedScreenBounds();
if (area.intersects(desiredScreenBounds)) {
return false;
return true;
Example 4
Source File: From consulo with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private static boolean edit(DataContext context, String search, Function<ColorAndFontOptions, SearchableConfigurable> function) {
ColorAndFontOptions options = new ColorAndFontOptions();
SearchableConfigurable page = function.apply(options);
Configurable[] configurables = options.getConfigurables();
try {
if (page != null) {
Runnable runnable = search == null ? null : page.enableSearch(search);
Window window = UIUtil.getWindow(context.getData(PlatformDataKeys.CONTEXT_COMPONENT));
if (window != null) {
ShowSettingsUtil.getInstance().editConfigurable(window, page, runnable);
else {
ShowSettingsUtil.getInstance().editConfigurable(context.getData(CommonDataKeys.PROJECT), page, runnable);
finally {
for (Configurable configurable : configurables) configurable.disposeUIResources();
return page != null;
Example 5
Source File: From consulo with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void updateShift(int increment) {
int maxHeight = super.preferredLayoutSize(myTarget).height - getMaxHeight();
int newShift = Math.max(0, Math.min(maxHeight, myShift + increment));
if (newShift != myShift) {
myShift = newShift;
Window w = UIUtil.getWindow(myTarget.getComponent());
if (w != null) {
for (Window window : w.getOwnedWindows()) {
Example 6
Source File: From consulo with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private static void requestFocusInNonFocusedWindow(@Nullable Component component) {
Window window = UIUtil.getWindow(component);
if (window != null && !UIUtil.isFocusAncestor(window)) {
Component focusable = UIUtil.isFocusable(component) ? component : findDefaultFocusableComponent(component);
if (focusable != null) focusable.requestFocus();
Example 7
Source File: From consulo with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void removeFrom(Component comp) {
if (methodsNotAvailable()) return;
comp = UIUtil.getWindow(comp);
if (getPeer(comp) != null) {
removeMouseListenerMethod.invoke(getPeer(comp), myListener);
removeMouseMotionListenerMethod.invoke(getPeer(comp), myListener);
if (comp != null) comp.removeComponentListener(pendingListener);
Example 8
Source File: From consulo with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private static void showNotification(@Nonnull DiffViewerBase viewer, @Nonnull Notification notification) {
JComponent component = viewer.getComponent();
Window awtWindow = UIUtil.getWindow(component);
if (awtWindow != null) {
consulo.ui.Window uiWindow = TargetAWT.from(awtWindow);
IdeFrame ideFrame = uiWindow.getUserData(IdeFrame.KEY);
if (ideFrame != null && NotificationsManagerImpl.findWindowForBalloon(viewer.getProject()) == awtWindow) {
Balloon balloon = NotificationsManagerImpl.createBalloon(component, notification, false, true, null, viewer);
Dimension componentSize = component.getSize();
Dimension balloonSize = balloon.getPreferredSize();
int width = Math.min(balloonSize.width, componentSize.width);
int height = Math.min(balloonSize.height, componentSize.height);
// top-right corner, 20px to the edges
RelativePoint point = new RelativePoint(component, new Point(componentSize.width - 20 - width / 2, 20 + height / 2));, Balloon.Position.above);
Example 9
Source File: From consulo with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public ModalityState getModalityStateForComponent(@Nonnull Component c) {
if (!isDispatchThread()) LOG.debug("please, use application dispatch thread to get a modality state");
Window window = UIUtil.getWindow(c);
if (window == null) return getNoneModalityState();
return LaterInvocator.modalityStateForWindow(window);
Example 10
Source File: From consulo with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private boolean preprocess(final MouseEvent e, final boolean motion, JRootPane eventRootPane) { try { if (UIUtil.getWindow(this) != UIUtil.getWindow(e.getComponent())) return false; final MouseEvent event = MouseEventAdapter.convert(e, eventRootPane); if (event.isAltDown() && SwingUtilities.isLeftMouseButton(event) && event.getID() == MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED) { Component c = SwingUtilities.getDeepestComponentAt(e.getComponent(), e.getX(), e.getY()); Balloon balloon = JBPopupFactory.getInstance().getParentBalloonFor(c); if (balloon instanceof BalloonImpl) { JComponent component = ((BalloonImpl)balloon).getComponent(); component.getToolkit().getSystemClipboard().setContents(new StringSelection(UIUtil.getDebugText(component)), EmptyClipboardOwner.INSTANCE); } } if (!IdeGlassPaneUtil.canBePreprocessed(e)) { return false; } for (EventListener each : mySortedMouseListeners) { if (motion && each instanceof MouseMotionListener) { fireMouseMotion((MouseMotionListener)each, event); } else if (!motion && each instanceof MouseListener) { fireMouseEvent((MouseListener)each, event); } if (event.isConsumed()) { e.consume(); return true; } } return false; } finally { if (eventRootPane == myRootPane) { Cursor cursor; if (!myListener2Cursor.isEmpty()) { cursor = myListener2Cursor.values().iterator().next(); final Point point = SwingUtilities.convertPoint(e.getComponent(), e.getPoint(), myRootPane.getContentPane()); Component target = SwingUtilities.getDeepestComponentAt(myRootPane.getContentPane().getParent(), point.x, point.y); if (canProcessCursorFor(target)) { target = getCompWithCursor(target); restoreLastComponent(target); if (target != null) { if (myLastCursorComponent != target) { myLastCursorComponent = target; myLastOriginalCursor = target.getCursor(); } if (cursor != null && !cursor.equals(target.getCursor())) { if (target instanceof JComponent) { ((JComponent)target).putClientProperty(PREPROCESSED_CURSOR_KEY, Boolean.TRUE); } target.setCursor(cursor); } } getRootPane().setCursor(cursor); } } else if (!e.isConsumed() && e.getID() != MouseEvent.MOUSE_DRAGGED) { cursor = Cursor.getDefaultCursor(); JRootPane rootPane = getRootPane(); if (rootPane != null) { rootPane.setCursor(cursor); } else { LOG.warn("Root pane is null. Event: " + e); } restoreLastComponent(null); myLastOriginalCursor = null; myLastCursorComponent = null; } myListener2Cursor.clear(); } } }
Example 11
Source File: From consulo with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
* @return <code>true</code> if and only if the <code>component</code> represents
* modal context.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>component</code> is <code>null</code>.
public static boolean isModalContext(@Nonnull Component component) {
Window awtWindow = UIUtil.getWindow(component);
consulo.ui.Window uiWindow = TargetAWT.from(awtWindow);
IdeFrame ideFrame = uiWindow == null ? null : uiWindow.getUserData(IdeFrame.KEY);
if (IdeFrameUtil.isRootFrame(ideFrame)) {
RootPaneContainer rootPaneContainer = (RootPaneContainer)awtWindow;
Component glassPane = rootPaneContainer.getGlassPane();
if (glassPane instanceof IdeGlassPaneEx) {
return ((IdeGlassPaneEx)glassPane).isInModalContext();
if (awtWindow instanceof JDialog) {
final JDialog dialog = (JDialog)awtWindow;
if (!dialog.isModal()) {
final Window owner = dialog.getOwner();
return owner != null && isModalContext(owner);
if (awtWindow instanceof JFrame) {
return false;
boolean isFloatingDecorator = awtWindow instanceof ToolWindowFloatingDecorator;
boolean isPopup = !(component instanceof JFrame) && !(component instanceof JDialog);
if (isPopup) {
if (component instanceof JWindow) {
JBPopup popup = (JBPopup)((JWindow)component).getRootPane().getClientProperty(JBPopup.KEY);
if (popup != null) {
return popup.isModalContext();
return !isFloatingDecorator;
Example 12
Source File: From consulo with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private boolean dispatchMouseEvent(AWTEvent event) {
if (event.getID() != MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED) {
return false;
if (myStack.isEmpty()) {
return false;
AbstractPopup popup = (AbstractPopup)findPopup();
final MouseEvent mouseEvent = (MouseEvent)event;
Point point = (Point)mouseEvent.getPoint().clone();
SwingUtilities.convertPointToScreen(point, mouseEvent.getComponent());
while (true) {
if (popup != null && !popup.isDisposed()) {
Window window = UIUtil.getWindow(mouseEvent.getComponent());
if (window != null && window != popup.getPopupWindow() && SwingUtilities.isDescendingFrom(window, popup.getPopupWindow())) {
return false;
final Component content = popup.getContent();
if (!content.isShowing()) {
return false;
final Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle(content.getLocationOnScreen(), content.getSize());
if (bounds.contains(point) || !popup.isCancelOnClickOutside()) {
return false;
if (!popup.canClose()) {
return false;
//click on context menu item
if (MenuSelectionManager.defaultManager().getSelectedPath().length > 0) {
return false;
if (myStack.isEmpty()) {
return false;
popup = (AbstractPopup)myStack.peek();
if (popup == null || popup.isDisposed()) {
Example 13
Source File: From consulo with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
Rectangle calculatePosition() {
final JComponent lookupComponent = myLookup.getComponent();
Dimension dim = lookupComponent.getPreferredSize();
int lookupStart = myLookup.getLookupStart();
Editor editor = myLookup.getTopLevelEditor();
if (lookupStart < 0 || lookupStart > editor.getDocument().getTextLength()) {
LOG.error(lookupStart + "; offset=" + editor.getCaretModel().getOffset() + "; element=" + myLookup.getPsiElement());
LogicalPosition pos = editor.offsetToLogicalPosition(lookupStart);
Point location = editor.logicalPositionToXY(pos);
location.y += editor.getLineHeight();
location.x -= myLookup.myCellRenderer.getTextIndent();
// extra check for other borders
final Window window = UIUtil.getWindow(lookupComponent);
if (window != null) {
final Point point = SwingUtilities.convertPoint(lookupComponent, 0, 0, window);
location.x -= point.x;
SwingUtilities.convertPointToScreen(location, editor.getContentComponent());
final Rectangle screenRectangle = ScreenUtil.getScreenRectangle(editor.getContentComponent());
if (!isPositionedAboveCaret()) {
int shiftLow = screenRectangle.y + screenRectangle.height - (location.y + dim.height);
myPositionedAbove = shiftLow < 0 && shiftLow < location.y - dim.height && location.y >= dim.height;
if (isPositionedAboveCaret()) {
location.y -= dim.height + editor.getLineHeight();
if (pos.line == 0) {
location.y += 1;
//otherwise the lookup won't intersect with the editor and every editor's resize (e.g. after typing in console) will close the lookup
if (!screenRectangle.contains(location)) {
location = ScreenUtil.findNearestPointOnBorder(screenRectangle, location);
Rectangle candidate = new Rectangle(location, dim);
JRootPane rootPane = editor.getComponent().getRootPane();
if (rootPane != null) {
SwingUtilities.convertPointFromScreen(location, rootPane.getLayeredPane());
else {
LOG.error("editor.disposed=" + editor.isDisposed() + "; lookup.disposed=" + myLookup.isLookupDisposed() + "; editorShowing=" + editor.getContentComponent().isShowing());
myMaximumHeight = candidate.height;
return new Rectangle(location.x, location.y, dim.width, candidate.height);
Example 14
Source File: From consulo with Apache License 2.0 | 2 votes |
* Finds a movable/resizable view for the specified content.
* By default, it returns the first window ancestor.
* It can be overridden to return something else,
* for example, a layered component.
protected Component getView(Component component) {
return UIUtil.getWindow(component);