Java Code Examples for io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf#nioBufferCount()
The following examples show how to use
io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf#nioBufferCount() .
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Example 1
Source File: From grpc-nebula-java with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Optimized accessor for obtaining the underlying NIO buffers for a Netty {@link ByteBuf}. Based * on code from Netty's {@code SslHandler}. This method returns NIO buffers that span the readable * region of the {@link ByteBuf}. */ private static ByteBuffer[] nioBuffers(ByteBuf buf, ByteBuffer[] singleBuffer) { // As CompositeByteBuf.nioBufferCount() can be expensive (as it needs to check all composed // ByteBuf to calculate the count) we will just assume a CompositeByteBuf contains more than 1 // ByteBuf. The worst that can happen is that we allocate an extra ByteBuffer[] in // CompositeByteBuf.nioBuffers() which is better than walking the composed ByteBuf in most // cases. if (!(buf instanceof CompositeByteBuf) && buf.nioBufferCount() == 1) { // We know its only backed by 1 ByteBuffer so use internalNioBuffer to keep object // allocation to a minimum. singleBuffer[0] = buf.internalNioBuffer(buf.readerIndex(), buf.readableBytes()); return singleBuffer; } return buf.nioBuffers(); }
Example 2
Source File: From sfs with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private AsyncFileWriterImpl doWrite(Buffer buffer, long position, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> handler) {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(buffer, "buffer");
Preconditions.checkArgument(position >= 0, "position must be >= 0");
Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> wrapped = ar -> {
if (ar.succeeded()) {
if (handler != null) {
} else {
if (handler != null) {
} else {
ByteBuf buf = buffer.getByteBuf();
if (buf.nioBufferCount() > 1) {
doWrite(buf.nioBuffers(), position, wrapped);
} else {
ByteBuffer bb = buf.nioBuffer();
doWrite(bb, position, bb.limit(), wrapped);
return this;
Example 3
Source File: From netty4.0.27Learn with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
protected final Object filterOutboundMessage(Object msg) throws Exception {
if (msg instanceof SctpMessage) {
SctpMessage m = (SctpMessage) msg;
ByteBuf buf = m.content();
if (buf.isDirect() && buf.nioBufferCount() == 1) {
return m;
return new SctpMessage(m.protocolIdentifier(), m.streamIdentifier(), newDirectBuffer(m, buf));
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"unsupported message type: " + StringUtil.simpleClassName(msg) +
" (expected: " + StringUtil.simpleClassName(SctpMessage.class));
Example 4
Source File: From netty4.0.27Learn with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
* Write bytes form the given {@link ByteBuf} to the underlying {@link java.nio.channels.Channel}.
* @param buf the {@link ByteBuf} from which the bytes should be written
private boolean writeBytes(ChannelOutboundBuffer in, ByteBuf buf, int writeSpinCount) throws Exception {
int readableBytes = buf.readableBytes();
if (readableBytes == 0) {
return true;
if (buf.hasMemoryAddress() || buf.nioBufferCount() == 1) {
int writtenBytes = doWriteBytes(buf, writeSpinCount);
return writtenBytes == readableBytes;
} else {
ByteBuffer[] nioBuffers = buf.nioBuffers();
return writeBytesMultiple(in, nioBuffers, nioBuffers.length, readableBytes, writeSpinCount);
Example 5
Source File: From netty-4.1.22 with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
* Write bytes form the given {@link ByteBuf} to the underlying {@link java.nio.channels.Channel}.
* @param in the collection which contains objects to write.
* @param buf the {@link ByteBuf} from which the bytes should be written
* @return The value that should be decremented from the write quantum which starts at
* {@link ChannelConfig#getWriteSpinCount()}. The typical use cases are as follows:
* <ul>
* <li>0 - if no write was attempted. This is appropriate if an empty {@link ByteBuf} (or other empty content)
* is encountered</li>
* <li>1 - if a single call to write data was made to the OS</li>
* <li>{@link ChannelUtils#WRITE_STATUS_SNDBUF_FULL} - if an attempt to write data was made to the OS, but no
* data was accepted</li>
* </ul>
private int writeBytes(ChannelOutboundBuffer in, ByteBuf buf) throws Exception {
int readableBytes = buf.readableBytes();
if (readableBytes == 0) {
return 0;
if (buf.hasMemoryAddress() || buf.nioBufferCount() == 1) {
return doWriteBytes(in, buf);
} else {
ByteBuffer[] nioBuffers = buf.nioBuffers();
return writeBytesMultiple(in, nioBuffers, nioBuffers.length, readableBytes,
Example 6
Source File: From netty-4.1.22 with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
protected final Object filterOutboundMessage(Object msg) throws Exception {
if (msg instanceof SctpMessage) {
SctpMessage m = (SctpMessage) msg;
ByteBuf buf = m.content();
if (buf.isDirect() && buf.nioBufferCount() == 1) {
return m;
return new SctpMessage(m.protocolIdentifier(), m.streamIdentifier(), m.isUnordered(),
newDirectBuffer(m, buf));
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"unsupported message type: " + StringUtil.simpleClassName(msg) +
" (expected: " + StringUtil.simpleClassName(SctpMessage.class));
Example 7
Source File: From grpc-java with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Optimized accessor for obtaining the underlying NIO buffers for a Netty {@link ByteBuf}. Based * on code from Netty's {@code SslHandler}. This method returns NIO buffers that span the readable * region of the {@link ByteBuf}. */ private static ByteBuffer[] nioBuffers(ByteBuf buf, ByteBuffer[] singleBuffer) { // As CompositeByteBuf.nioBufferCount() can be expensive (as it needs to check all composed // ByteBuf to calculate the count) we will just assume a CompositeByteBuf contains more than 1 // ByteBuf. The worst that can happen is that we allocate an extra ByteBuffer[] in // CompositeByteBuf.nioBuffers() which is better than walking the composed ByteBuf in most // cases. if (!(buf instanceof CompositeByteBuf) && buf.nioBufferCount() == 1) { // We know its only backed by 1 ByteBuffer so use internalNioBuffer to keep object // allocation to a minimum. singleBuffer[0] = buf.internalNioBuffer(buf.readerIndex(), buf.readableBytes()); return singleBuffer; } return buf.nioBuffers(); }
Example 8
Source File: From netty4.0.27Learn with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
protected boolean doWriteMessage(Object msg, ChannelOutboundBuffer in) throws Exception {
// expects a message
final UdtMessage message = (UdtMessage) msg;
final ByteBuf byteBuf = message.content();
final int messageSize = byteBuf.readableBytes();
final long writtenBytes;
if (byteBuf.nioBufferCount() == 1) {
writtenBytes = javaChannel().write(byteBuf.nioBuffer());
} else {
writtenBytes = javaChannel().write(byteBuf.nioBuffers());
// did not write the message
if (writtenBytes <= 0 && messageSize > 0) {
return false;
// wrote message completely
if (writtenBytes != messageSize) {
throw new Error(
"Provider error: failed to write message. Provider library should be upgraded.");
return true;
Example 9
Source File: From ambry with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public ByteBuf decrypt(ByteBuf toDecrypt, SecretKeySpec key) throws GeneralSecurityException {
try {
Cipher decrypter = Cipher.getInstance(GCM_CRYPTO_INSTANCE, "BC");
byte[] iv = deserializeIV(new ByteBufInputStream(toDecrypt));
decrypter.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, key, new IvParameterSpec(iv));
int outputSize = decrypter.getOutputSize(toDecrypt.readableBytes());
ByteBuf decryptedContent = ByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT.heapBuffer(outputSize);
boolean toRelease = false;
if (toDecrypt.nioBufferCount() != 1) {
toRelease = true;
ByteBuf temp = ByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT.heapBuffer(toDecrypt.readableBytes());
toDecrypt = temp;
try {
ByteBuffer toDecryptBuffer = toDecrypt.nioBuffer();
ByteBuffer decryptedContentBuffer = decryptedContent.nioBuffer(0, outputSize);
int n = decrypter.doFinal(toDecryptBuffer, decryptedContentBuffer);
decryptedContent.writerIndex(decryptedContent.writerIndex() + n);
return decryptedContent;
} finally {
if (toRelease) {
} else {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new GeneralSecurityException("Exception thrown while decrypting data", e);
Example 10
Source File: From activemq-artemis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void flushBuffer(final ByteBuf byteBuf, final boolean requestedSync, final List<IOCallback> callbacks) {
final int bytes = byteBuf.readableBytes();
if (bytes > 0) {
final boolean releaseBuffer;
final ByteBuffer buffer;
if (byteBuf.nioBufferCount() == 1) {
//any ByteBuffer is fine with the MAPPED journal
releaseBuffer = false;
buffer = byteBuf.internalNioBuffer(byteBuf.readerIndex(), bytes);
} else {
//perform the copy on buffer
releaseBuffer = true;
buffer = factory.newBuffer(byteBuf.capacity());
byteBuf.getBytes(byteBuf.readerIndex(), buffer);
try {
blockingWriteDirect(buffer, requestedSync, releaseBuffer);
} catch (Throwable t) {
final int code;
if (t instanceof IOException) {
code = ActiveMQExceptionType.IO_ERROR.getCode();
factory.onIOError(new ActiveMQIOErrorException(t.getMessage(), t), t.getMessage(), TimedSequentialFile.this.sequentialFile);
} else {
code = ActiveMQExceptionType.GENERIC_EXCEPTION.getCode();
IOCallback.onError(callbacks, code, t.getMessage());
} else {
Example 11
Source File: From rsocket-java with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public static char[] readUtf8(ByteBuf byteBuf, int length) {
CharsetDecoder charsetDecoder = CharsetUtil.UTF_8.newDecoder();
int en = (int) (length * (double) charsetDecoder.maxCharsPerByte());
char[] ca = new char[en];
CharBuffer charBuffer = CharBuffer.wrap(ca);
ByteBuffer byteBuffer =
byteBuf.nioBufferCount() == 1
? byteBuf.internalNioBuffer(byteBuf.readerIndex(), length)
: byteBuf.nioBuffer(byteBuf.readerIndex(), length);
try {
CoderResult cr = charsetDecoder.decode(byteBuffer, charBuffer, true);
if (!cr.isUnderflow()) cr.throwException();
cr = charsetDecoder.flush(charBuffer);
if (!cr.isUnderflow()) cr.throwException();
return safeTrim(charBuffer.array(), charBuffer.position());
} catch (CharacterCodingException x) {
// Substitution is always enabled,
// so this shouldn't happen
throw new IllegalStateException("unable to decode char array from the given buffer", x);
Example 12
Source File: From netty4.0.27Learn with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
protected boolean doWriteMessage(Object msg, ChannelOutboundBuffer in) throws Exception {
SctpMessage packet = (SctpMessage) msg;
ByteBuf data = packet.content();
int dataLen = data.readableBytes();
if (dataLen == 0) {
return true;
ByteBufAllocator alloc = alloc();
boolean needsCopy = data.nioBufferCount() != 1;
if (!needsCopy) {
if (!data.isDirect() && alloc.isDirectBufferPooled()) {
needsCopy = true;
ByteBuffer nioData;
if (!needsCopy) {
nioData = data.nioBuffer();
} else {
data = alloc.directBuffer(dataLen).writeBytes(data);
nioData = data.nioBuffer();
final MessageInfo mi = MessageInfo.createOutgoing(association(), null, packet.streamIdentifier());
final int writtenBytes = javaChannel().send(nioData, mi);
return writtenBytes > 0;
Example 13
Source File: From netty-4.1.22 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
protected boolean doWriteMessage(Object msg, ChannelOutboundBuffer in) throws Exception {
// expects a message
final UdtMessage message = (UdtMessage) msg;
final ByteBuf byteBuf = message.content();
final int messageSize = byteBuf.readableBytes();
if (messageSize == 0) {
return true;
final long writtenBytes;
if (byteBuf.nioBufferCount() == 1) {
writtenBytes = javaChannel().write(byteBuf.nioBuffer());
} else {
writtenBytes = javaChannel().write(byteBuf.nioBuffers());
// wrote message completely
if (writtenBytes > 0 && writtenBytes != messageSize) {
throw new Error(
"Provider error: failed to write message. Provider library should be upgraded.");
return writtenBytes > 0;
Example 14
Source File: From netty4.0.27Learn with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
protected void doWrite(ChannelOutboundBuffer in) throws Exception {
if (!writeSelector.isOpen()) {
final int size = in.size();
final int selectedKeys =;
if (selectedKeys > 0) {
final Set<SelectionKey> writableKeys = writeSelector.selectedKeys();
if (writableKeys.isEmpty()) {
Iterator<SelectionKey> writableKeysIt = writableKeys.iterator();
int written = 0;
for (;;) {
if (written == size) {
// all written
SctpMessage packet = (SctpMessage) in.current();
if (packet == null) {
ByteBuf data = packet.content();
int dataLen = data.readableBytes();
ByteBuffer nioData;
if (data.nioBufferCount() != -1) {
nioData = data.nioBuffer();
} else {
nioData = ByteBuffer.allocate(dataLen);
data.getBytes(data.readerIndex(), nioData);
final MessageInfo mi = MessageInfo.createOutgoing(association(), null, packet.streamIdentifier());
ch.send(nioData, mi);
written ++;
if (!writableKeysIt.hasNext()) {
Example 15
Source File: From netty-4.1.22 with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private static ByteBuffer toByteBuffer(ByteBuf out, int index, int len) {
return out.nioBufferCount() == 1 ? out.internalNioBuffer(index, len) :
out.nioBuffer(index, len);
Example 16
Source File: From ambry with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
* Helper function to encrypt ByteBuf with the given key. When useFixedIv is true, don't use a random iv byte
* array, using a all zero byte array instead. Only set it to be true in test.
* @param toEncrypt {@link ByteBuf} that needs to be encrypted
* @param key the secret key (of type T) to use to encrypt
* @param iv If null, will create a random byte array serve as iv bytes.
* @return the {@link ByteBuf} containing the encrypted content. Ensure the result has all
* the information like the IV along with the encrypted content, in order to decrypt the content with a given key
* @throws {@link GeneralSecurityException} on any exception with encryption
public ByteBuf encrypt(ByteBuf toEncrypt, SecretKeySpec key, byte[] iv) throws GeneralSecurityException {
try {
Cipher encrypter = Cipher.getInstance(GCM_CRYPTO_INSTANCE, "BC");
if (iv == null) {
iv = new byte[ivValSize];
encrypter.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key, new IvParameterSpec(iv));
int outputSize = encrypter.getOutputSize(toEncrypt.readableBytes());
// stick with heap memory for now so to compare with the java.nio.ByteBuffer.
ByteBuf encryptedContent =
ByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT.heapBuffer(IVRecord_Format_V1.getIVRecordSize(iv) + outputSize);
IVRecord_Format_V1.serializeIVRecord(encryptedContent, iv);
boolean toRelease = false;
if (toEncrypt.nioBufferCount() != 1) {
toRelease = true;
ByteBuf temp = ByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT.heapBuffer(toEncrypt.readableBytes());
toEncrypt = temp;
try {
ByteBuffer toEncryptBuffer = toEncrypt.nioBuffer();
ByteBuffer encryptedContentBuffer = encryptedContent.nioBuffer(encryptedContent.writerIndex(),
encryptedContent.capacity() - encryptedContent.writerIndex());
int n = encrypter.doFinal(toEncryptBuffer, encryptedContentBuffer);
encryptedContent.writerIndex(encryptedContent.writerIndex() + n);
return encryptedContent;
} finally {
if (toRelease) {
} else {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new GeneralSecurityException("Exception thrown while encrypting data", e);
Example 17
Source File: From x-pipe with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private ByteBuffer safeNioBuffer(ByteBuf buffer) {
return buffer.nioBufferCount() == 1 ? buffer.internalNioBuffer(buffer.readerIndex(), this.compressedLength)
: buffer.nioBuffer(buffer.readerIndex(), this.compressedLength);
Example 18
Source File: From netty4.0.27Learn with Apache License 2.0 | 2 votes |
* Checks if the specified buffer is a direct buffer and is composed of a single NIO buffer.
* (We check this because otherwise we need to make it a non-composite buffer.)
private static boolean isSingleDirectBuffer(ByteBuf buf) {
return buf.isDirect() && buf.nioBufferCount() == 1;
Example 19
Source File: From kcp-netty with MIT License | 2 votes |
* Checks if the specified buffer is a direct buffer and is composed of a single NIO buffer.
* (We check this because otherwise we need to make it a non-composite buffer.)
private static boolean isSingleDirectBuffer(ByteBuf buf) {
return buf.isDirect() && buf.nioBufferCount() == 1;
Example 20
Source File: From kcp-netty with MIT License | 2 votes |
* Checks if the specified buffer is a direct buffer and is composed of a single NIO buffer.
* (We check this because otherwise we need to make it a non-composite buffer.)
private static boolean isSingleDirectBuffer(ByteBuf buf) {
return buf.isDirect() && buf.nioBufferCount() == 1;