Java Code Examples for io.vavr.control.Option#isEmpty()
The following examples show how to use
io.vavr.control.Option#isEmpty() .
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Example 1
Source File: From ts-reaktive with MIT License | 6 votes |
/** * @param name The qualified name of the tag to write, or none() to have the last item of [getters] deliver a {@link QName}. * @param getters Getter function for each sub-protocol to write (and additional first element delivering a QName, if name == none()) * @param protocols Protocols to use to write each of the getter elements */ public TagWriteProtocol(Option<QName> name, Vector<? extends WriteProtocol<XMLEvent,?>> protocols, Vector<Function1<T, ?>> g) { if (name.isDefined() && (protocols.size() != g.size()) || name.isEmpty() && (protocols.size() != g.size() - 1)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Number of protocols and getters does not match"); } = name; this.getName = t -> name.getOrElse(() -> (QName) g.head().apply(t)); Vector<Function1<T, ?>> getters = (name.isEmpty()) ? g.drop(1) : g; Tuple2<Vector<Tuple2<WriteProtocol<XMLEvent,?>, Function1<T, ?>>>, Vector<Tuple2<WriteProtocol<XMLEvent,?>, Function1<T, ?>>>> partition = ((Vector<WriteProtocol<XMLEvent,?>>)protocols).zip(getters) .partition(t -> Attribute.class.isAssignableFrom(t._1.getEventType())); this.attrProtocols = partition._1().map(t -> t._1()); this.attrGetters = partition._1().map(t -> t._2()); this.otherProtocols = partition._2().map(t -> t._1()); this.otherGetters = partition._2().map(t -> t._2()); }
Example 2
Source File: From library with MIT License | 5 votes |
public Either<BookHoldFailed, BookPlacedOnHoldEvents> placeOnHold(AvailableBook aBook, HoldDuration duration) {
Option<Rejection> rejection = patronCanHold(aBook, duration);
if (rejection.isEmpty()) {
BookPlacedOnHold bookPlacedOnHold = bookPlacedOnHoldNow(aBook.getBookId(), aBook.type(), aBook.getLibraryBranch(), patron.getPatronId(), duration);
if (patronHolds.maximumHoldsAfterHolding(aBook)) {
return announceSuccess(events(bookPlacedOnHold,, MAX_NUMBER_OF_HOLDS)));
return announceSuccess(events(bookPlacedOnHold));
return announceFailure(bookHoldFailedNow(rejection.get(), aBook.getBookId(), aBook.getLibraryBranch(), patron));
Example 3
Source File: From java-datatable with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
* Validates that all the columns being sorted are comparable.
* @param columns The columns to sort.
* @return Returns the result as a Try : Success / Failure.
private static Try<Void> validateColumnsAreComparable(Seq<IDataColumn> columns) {
Option<IDataColumn> invalidCol = columns.find(col -> !col.IsComparable());
return invalidCol.isEmpty()
? Try.success(null)
: DataTableException.tryError("Column '" + invalidCol.get().name() + "' doesn't support comparable.");
Example 4
Source File: From ts-reaktive with MIT License | 5 votes |
* Asserts there is a validation error and returns it, casting it to the given type.
* Useful for subclasses for concrete Results implementations that have a fixed message type.
protected <M> M validationError(Class<M> type) {
Option<Object> err = actual.getValidationError(0);
if (err.isEmpty()) {
throwAssertionError(new BasicErrorMessageFactory("Expected a Result with validation errors, but instead was %s",
return type.cast(err.get());
Example 5
Source File: From ts-reaktive with MIT License | 4 votes |
private static long earliest(long a, Option<Instant> b) {
return (b.isEmpty() || a < b.get().toEpochMilli()) ? a : b.get().toEpochMilli();
Example 6
Source File: From vavr-jackson with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Override public boolean isEmpty(SerializerProvider provider, Option<?> value) { return value.isEmpty(); }