Java Code Examples for io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject#getJsonObject()
The following examples show how to use
io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject#getJsonObject() .
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Example 1
Source File: From besu with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private void assertNetService( final boolean[] servicesStates, final JsonObject jsonBody, final String serviceName) { final boolean isAssertTrue = servicesStates[netServices.indexOf(serviceName)]; final JsonObject result = jsonBody.getJsonObject("result"); final JsonObject serviceElement = result.getJsonObject(serviceName); if (isAssertTrue) { assertThat( serviceElement != null && serviceElement.containsKey("host") && serviceElement.containsKey("port")) .isTrue(); } else { assertThat( serviceElement != null && serviceElement.containsKey("host") && serviceElement.containsKey("port")) .isFalse(); } }
Example 2
Source File: From vertx-consul-client with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
static Coordinate parse(JsonObject json) {
Coordinate coordinate = new Coordinate()
JsonObject coord = json.getJsonObject(COORD_KEY);
if (coord != null) {
.setAdj(coord.getFloat(ADJ_KEY, 0f))
.setErr(coord.getFloat(ERR_KEY, 0f))
.setHeight(coord.getFloat(HEIGHT_KEY, 0f));
JsonArray arr = coord.getJsonArray(VEC_KEY);
coordinate.setVec(arr == null ? null :
.map(o -> o instanceof Number ? ((Number) o).floatValue() : 0f)
return coordinate;
Example 3
Source File: From enmasse with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
private JsonObject getRule(String name) throws Exception {
JsonObject rules = client.getRules();
if (rules.getString("status", "").equals("success")) {
JsonObject data = rules.getJsonObject("data", new JsonObject());
for (Object obj : data.getJsonArray("groups", new JsonArray())) {
JsonObject group = (JsonObject) obj;
for (Object ruleObj : group.getJsonArray("rules", new JsonArray())) {
JsonObject rule = (JsonObject) ruleObj;
if (rule.getString("name").equals(name)) {
return rule;
return null;
Example 4
Source File: From strimzi-kafka-operator with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
* Deletes the quotas from existing JSON
* @param userConfig JSON string with existing userConfig configuration as byte[]
* @return Returns the updated JSON without the quotas
protected JsonObject removeQuotasFromJsonUser(byte[] userConfig) {
JsonObject json = new JsonObject(new String(userConfig, StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
JsonObject config = json.getJsonObject("config");
if (config == null) {
json.put("config", new JsonObject());
} else {
if (config.getString("producer_byte_rate") != null) {
if (config.getString("consumer_byte_rate") != null) {
if (config.getString("request_percentage") != null) {
return json;
Example 5
Source File: From besu with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public void getBlockByNumberForPending() throws Exception {
final String id = "123";
final RequestBody body =
+ Json.encode(id)
+ ",\"method\":\"eth_getBlockByNumber\", \"params\": [\"pending\",true]}");
try (final Response resp = client.newCall(buildPostRequest(body)).execute()) {
// Check general format of result
final String respBody = resp.body().string();
final JsonObject json = new JsonObject(respBody);
testHelper.assertValidJsonRpcResult(json, id);
// Check result
final JsonObject result = json.getJsonObject("result");
Example 6
Source File: From vertx-elasticsearch-service with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public GetResult(JsonObject jsonObject) { this.index = jsonObject.getString(JSON_FIELD_INDEX); this.type = jsonObject.getString(JSON_FIELD_TYPE); = jsonObject.getString(JSON_FIELD_ID); this.version = jsonObject.getLong(JSON_FIELD_VERSION); this.exists = jsonObject.getBoolean(JSON_FIELD_EXISTS); this.source = jsonObject.getJsonObject(JSON_FIELD_SOURCE); final JsonObject jsonFields = jsonObject.getJsonObject(JSON_FIELD_FIELDS); if (jsonFields != null) { for (String fieldName : jsonFields.fieldNames()) { final List<Object> fieldValues = new LinkedList<>(); jsonFields.getJsonArray(fieldName).stream().forEach(e -> fieldValues.add(e)); this.fields.put(fieldName, fieldValues); } } }
Example 7
Source File: From vertx-config with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void parseFromStandard(JsonObject body, Handler<AsyncResult<Buffer>> handler) { JsonArray sources = body.getJsonArray("propertySources"); if (sources == null) { handler.handle(Future.failedFuture("Invalid configuration server response, property sources missing")); } else { JsonObject configuration = new JsonObject(); for (int i = sources.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { JsonObject source = sources.getJsonObject(i); JsonObject content = source.getJsonObject("source"); configuration = configuration.mergeIn(content, true); } handler.handle(Future.succeededFuture(Buffer.buffer(configuration.encode()))); } }
Example 8
Source File: From konduit-serving with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Perform json inference using the given {@link JsonObject} * containing 2 objects: a schema and values * and if a {@link RoutingContext} is provided, it will also * write the result as a response * @param jsonBody the input * @param ctx the context */ public Record[] doJsonInference(JsonObject jsonBody,RoutingContext ctx) { JsonObject schema = jsonBody.getJsonObject("schema"); JsonObject values = jsonBody.getJsonObject("values"); Preconditions.checkState(schema.fieldNames().equals(values.fieldNames()),"Schema and Values must be the same field names!"); Record[] pipelineInput = new Record[schema.fieldNames().size()]; int count = 0; for(String key : schema.fieldNames()) { JsonObject schemaJson = schema.getJsonObject(key); JsonObject recordAsJson = values.getJsonObject(key); Record record = JsonSerdeUtils.createRecordFromJson(recordAsJson, schemaJson); pipelineInput[count] = record; count++; } Preconditions.checkNotNull(pipeline,"Pipeline must not be null!"); Record[] records = pipeline.doPipeline(pipelineInput); JsonObject writeJson = JsonSerdeUtils.convertRecords(records,outputNames()); if(ctx != null) { ctx.response().putHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"); Buffer buffer = writeJson.toBuffer(); ctx.response().putHeader("Content-Length", String.valueOf(buffer.length())); ctx.response().end(buffer); } return records; }
Example 9
Source File: From enmasse with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public io.enmasse.api.auth.SubjectAccessReview performSubjectAccessReviewPath(TokenReview tokenReview, String path, String verb) {
if (client.isAdaptable(OkHttpClient.class)) {
JsonObject body = new JsonObject();
body.put("kind", "SubjectAccessReview");
body.put("apiVersion", "");
JsonObject spec = new JsonObject();
JsonObject nonResourceAttributes = new JsonObject();
nonResourceAttributes.put("path", path);
nonResourceAttributes.put("verb", verb);
spec.put("nonResourceAttributes", nonResourceAttributes);
putCommonSpecAttributes(spec, tokenReview);
body.put("spec", spec);
log.debug("Subject access review request: {}", body);
JsonObject responseBody = doRawHttpRequest("/apis/", "POST", body, false);
log.debug("Subject access review response: {}", responseBody);
JsonObject status = responseBody.getJsonObject("status");
boolean allowed = false;
if (status != null) {
Boolean allowedMaybe = status.getBoolean("allowed");
allowed = allowedMaybe == null ? false : allowedMaybe;
return new io.enmasse.api.auth.SubjectAccessReview(tokenReview.getUserName(), allowed);
} else {
return new SubjectAccessReview(tokenReview.getUserName(), false);
Example 10
Source File: From besu with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private static GenesisFileModule createGenesisModule(final String genesisConfig) {
// duplicating work from JsonGenesisConfigOptions, but in a refactoring this goes away.
final JsonObject genesis = new JsonObject(genesisConfig);
final JsonObject config = genesis.getJsonObject("config");
if (config.containsKey("ethash")) {
return new MainnetGenesisFileModule(genesisConfig);
} else if (config.containsKey("ibft")) {
return new IBFTGenesisFileModule(genesisConfig);
} else if (config.containsKey("clique")) {
return new CliqueGenesisFileModule(genesisConfig);
} else {
// default is mainnet
return new MainnetGenesisFileModule(genesisConfig);
Example 11
Source File: From vertx-elasticsearch-service with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public GetResponse(JsonObject json) {
final JsonObject jsonResult = json.getJsonObject(JSON_FIELD_RESULT);
if (jsonResult != null) {
this.result = new GetResult(jsonResult);
Example 12
Source File: From besu with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public void getBlockByNumberForEarliest() throws Exception {
// Setup mocks to return a block
final BlockDataGenerator gen = new BlockDataGenerator();
final Block block = gen.genesisBlock();
final BlockWithMetadata<TransactionWithMetadata, Hash> blockWithMetadata =
final String id = "123";
final RequestBody body =
+ Json.encode(id)
+ ",\"method\":\"eth_getBlockByNumber\", \"params\": [\"earliest\",true]}");
try (final Response resp = client.newCall(buildPostRequest(body)).execute()) {
// Check general format of result
final String respBody = resp.body().string();
final JsonObject json = new JsonObject(respBody);
testHelper.assertValidJsonRpcResult(json, id);
// Check result
final JsonObject result = json.getJsonObject("result");
verifyBlockResult(block, blockWithMetadata.getTotalDifficulty(), result, false);
Example 13
Source File: From vertx-mongo-client with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Json constructor * * @param json * the json object */ public BulkOperation(JsonObject json) { String typeValue = json.getString("type"); if (typeValue != null) this.type = BulkOperationType.valueOf(typeValue.toUpperCase()); filter = json.getJsonObject("filter"); document = json.getJsonObject("document"); upsert = json.getBoolean("upsert"); multi = json.getBoolean("multi"); }
Example 14
Source File: From vertx-starter with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
@Test public void shouldReturnStarterMetadata(Vertx vertx, VertxTestContext testContext) throws IOException { JsonObject starterData = Util.loadStarterData(); JsonObject defaults = starterData.getJsonObject("defaults"); JsonArray versions = starterData.getJsonArray("versions"); JsonArray stack = starterData.getJsonArray("stack"); Router router = Router.router(vertx); router.route().handler(new MetadataHandler(defaults, versions, stack)); vertx.createHttpServer(new HttpServerOptions().setPort(0)) .requestHandler(router) .listen(testContext.succeeding(server -> { WebClient webClient = WebClient.create(vertx, new WebClientOptions().setDefaultPort(server.actualPort())); webClient.get("/") .send(testContext.succeeding(response -> testContext.verify(() -> { assertThat(response.statusCode()).withFailMessage(response.bodyAsString()).isEqualTo(200); JsonObject metadata = response.bodyAsJsonObject(); assertThat(metadata.getJsonObject("defaults")).isEqualTo(defaults); assertThat(metadata.getJsonArray("versions")).isEqualTo(versions); assertThat(metadata.getJsonArray("stack")).isEqualTo(stack); assertThat(metadata.getJsonArray("buildTools")).contains("maven", "gradle"); assertThat(metadata.getJsonArray("languages")).contains("java", "kotlin"); assertThat(metadata.getJsonArray("jdkVersions")).contains("1.8", "11", "13"); assertThat(metadata.getJsonArray("vertxDependencies")).isEqualTo(stack); assertThat(metadata.getJsonArray("vertxVersions")).isEqualTo( .map(JsonObject.class::cast) .map(obj -> obj.getString("number")) .collect(JsonArray::new, JsonArray::add, JsonArray::addAll)); testContext.completeNow(); }))); })); }
Example 15
Source File: From vertx-web with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
boolean checkLinkUrls(List<String> expected, JsonObject body) {
if (body.containsKey("errors")) {
return false;
JsonObject data = body.getJsonObject("data");
List<String> urls = data.getJsonArray("allLinks").stream()
.map(json -> json.getString("url"))
return expected.equals(urls);
Example 16
Source File: From kyoko with MIT License | 4 votes |
public Message(JsonObject payload) {
this(payload.getLong("id"), payload.getJsonObject("payload"));
Example 17
Source File: From besu with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private static String modifyGenesisFile(final String initialGenesis) { final JsonObject chainParamsJson = new JsonObject(initialGenesis); final JsonObject config = new JsonObject(); chainParamsJson.put("config", config); final JsonObject params = chainParamsJson.getJsonObject("params"); final JsonObject genesis = chainParamsJson.getJsonObject("genesis"); // Whether sealEngine is NoProof, Ethash, or NoReward the genesis file is the same final JsonObject ethash = new JsonObject(); config.put("ethash", ethash); maybeMoveToNumber(params, "homesteadForkBlock", config, "homesteadBlock"); maybeMoveToNumber(params, "EIP150ForkBlock", config, "eip150Block"); maybeMoveToNumber(params, "EIP158ForkBlock", config, "eip158Block"); maybeMoveToNumber(params, "byzantiumForkBlock", config, "byzantiumBlock"); maybeMoveToNumber(params, "constantinopleForkBlock", config, "constantinopleBlock"); maybeMoveToNumber(params, "constantinopleFixForkBlock", config, "constantinopleFixBlock"); maybeMoveToNumber(params, "istanbulForkBlock", config, "istanbulBlock"); maybeMoveToNumber(params, "muirGlacierForkBlock", config, "muirGlacierBlock"); maybeMoveToNumber(params, "berlinForkBlock", config, "berlinBlock"); maybeMoveToNumber(params, "chainID", config, "chainId", 1); maybeMove(genesis, "author", chainParamsJson, "coinbase"); maybeMove(genesis, "difficulty", chainParamsJson, "difficulty"); maybeMove(genesis, "extraData", chainParamsJson, "extraData"); maybeMove(genesis, "gasLimit", chainParamsJson, "gasLimit"); maybeMove(genesis, "mixHash", chainParamsJson, "mixHash"); maybeMove(genesis, "nonce", chainParamsJson, "nonce"); maybeMove(genesis, "timestamp", chainParamsJson, "timestamp"); maybeMove(chainParamsJson, "accounts", chainParamsJson, "alloc"); // strip out precompiles with zero balance final JsonObject alloc = chainParamsJson.getJsonObject("alloc"); final Iterator<String> fieldNamesIter = alloc.fieldNames().iterator(); while (fieldNamesIter.hasNext()) { final String address =; final JsonObject account = alloc.getJsonObject(address); if (account.containsKey("precompiled") && !account.containsKey("balance")) { fieldNamesIter.remove(); } } return chainParamsJson.encodePrettily(); }
Example 18
Source File: From vertx-dropwizard-metrics with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public void naming1(Vertx vertx, MetricsService metricsService) {
JsonObject metrics = metricsService.getMetricsSnapshot(vertx);
Example 19
Source File: From konduit-serving with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Create a {@link Schema} from a {@link JsonObject} * schema descriptor. The schema descriptor contains a json object of keys * of type {@link ColumnType} values in the form of: * name : {@link ColumnType} value * * There are 2 exceptions to this rule. * {@link ColumnType#NDArray} and {@link ColumnType#Categorical} * both are json objects. * {@link ColumnType#NDArray} has the form: * {name : shape: [], serialization type: "json" | "b64"} * {@link ColumnType#Categorical} has the form: * {categories: []} * {@link ColumnType#Time} has the form: * {timeZoneId: timeZoneId} * * * @param schemaDescriptor a {@link JsonObject} with the form * described above * @return the equivalent {@link Schema} derived from the given descriptor */ public static Schema schemaFromDynamicSchemaDefinition(JsonObject schemaDescriptor) { Schema.Builder schemaBuilder = new Builder(); for(String key : schemaDescriptor.fieldNames()) { JsonObject fieldInfo = schemaDescriptor.getJsonObject(key); JsonObject fieldInfoObject = fieldInfo.getJsonObject("fieldInfo"); if(fieldInfoObject == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to find object fieldInfo!"); } if(!fieldInfoObject.containsKey("type")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal field info. Missing key type for identifying type of field"); } //convert image to bytes and let user pre process accordingly String type = fieldInfoObject.getString("type"); if(type.equals("Image")) { type = "Bytes"; } switch(ColumnType.valueOf(type)) { case Boolean: schemaBuilder.addColumnBoolean(key); break; case Double: schemaBuilder.addColumnDouble(key); break; case Float: schemaBuilder.addColumnFloat(key); break; case Long: schemaBuilder.addColumnLong(key); break; case String: schemaBuilder.addColumnString(key); break; case Integer: schemaBuilder.addColumnInteger(key); break; case NDArray: JsonArray shapeArr = fieldInfoObject.getJsonArray("shape"); long[] shape = new long[shapeArr.size()]; for(int i = 0; i < shape.length; i++) { shape[i] = shapeArr.getLong(i); } schemaBuilder.addColumnNDArray(key,shape); break; case Categorical: JsonArray jsonArray = fieldInfoObject.getJsonArray("categories"); String[] categories = new String[jsonArray.size()]; for(int i = 0; i < categories.length; i++) { categories[i] = jsonArray.getString(i); } schemaBuilder.addColumnCategorical(key,categories); break; case Bytes: ColumnMetaData columnMetaData = new BinaryMetaData(key); schemaBuilder.addColumn(columnMetaData); break; case Time: TimeZone zoneById = TimeZone.getTimeZone(fieldInfoObject.getString("timeZoneId")); schemaBuilder.addColumnTime(key,zoneById); break; } } return; }
Example 20
Source File: From vertx-auth with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Override public void verify(JsonObject webAuthnResponse, byte[] clientDataJSON, JsonObject ctapMakeCredResp, AuthenticatorData authr) throws AttestationException { try { JsonObject attStmt = ctapMakeCredResp.getJsonObject("attStmt"); JsonObject token = JWT.parse(ub64dec.decode(attStmt.getString("response"))); /* ----- Verify payload ----- */ byte[] clientDataHashBuf = hash(clientDataJSON); Buffer nonceBase = Buffer.buffer() .appendBytes(authr.getRaw()) .appendBytes(clientDataHashBuf); if (!MessageDigest.isEqual(hash(nonceBase.getBytes()), b64dec.decode(token.getJsonObject("payload").getString("nonce")))) { throw new AttestationException("JWS nonce does not contains expected nonce!"); } if (!token.getJsonObject("payload").getBoolean("ctsProfileMatch")) { throw new AttestationException("JWS ctsProfileMatch is false!"); } /* ----- Verify payload ENDS ----- */ /* ----- Verify header ----- */ JsonArray x5c = token.getJsonObject("header").getJsonArray("x5c"); if (x5c == null || x5c.size() == 0) { throw new AttestationException("Invalid certificate chain"); } // push the root certificate x5c.add(ANDROID_SAFETYNET_ROOT); List<X509Certificate> certChain = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < x5c.size(); i++) { final X509Certificate c = (X509Certificate) x509.generateCertificate(new ByteArrayInputStream(b64dec.decode(x5c.getString(i)))); // verify the certificate chain c.checkValidity(); certChain.add(c); } if (!ATTEST_ANDROID_COM.equals(certChain.get(0).getSubjectX500Principal())) { throw new AttestationException("The common name is not set to ''!"); } validateCertificatePath(certChain); /* ----- Verify header ENDS ----- */ /* ----- Verify signature ----- */ if (!verifySignature(ub64dec.decode(token.getString("signature")), token.getString("signatureBase").getBytes(), certChain.get(0))) { throw new AttestationException("Failed to verify the signature!"); } /* ----- Verify signature ENDS ----- */ } catch (CertificateException | NoSuchAlgorithmException | InvalidKeyException | SignatureException | NoSuchProviderException e) { throw new AttestationException(e); } }