Java Code Examples for java.awt.FontMetrics#getDescent()
The following examples show how to use
java.awt.FontMetrics#getDescent() .
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Example 1
Source File: From slick2d-maven with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
* Initialise the font to be used based on configuration
* @param baseFont The AWT font to render
* @param size The point size of the font to generated
* @param bold True if the font should be rendered in bold typeface
* @param italic True if the font should be rendered in bold typeface
private void initializeFont(Font baseFont, int size, boolean bold, boolean italic) {
Map attributes = baseFont.getAttributes();
attributes.put(TextAttribute.SIZE, new Float(size));
attributes.put(TextAttribute.WEIGHT, bold ? TextAttribute.WEIGHT_BOLD : TextAttribute.WEIGHT_REGULAR);
attributes.put(TextAttribute.POSTURE, italic ? TextAttribute.POSTURE_OBLIQUE : TextAttribute.POSTURE_REGULAR);
try {
attributes.put(TextAttribute.class.getDeclaredField("KERNING").get(null), TextAttribute.class.getDeclaredField(
} catch (Exception ignored) {
font = baseFont.deriveFont(attributes);
FontMetrics metrics = GlyphPage.getScratchGraphics().getFontMetrics(font);
ascent = metrics.getAscent();
descent = metrics.getDescent();
leading = metrics.getLeading();
// Determine width of space glyph (getGlyphPixelBounds gives a width of zero).
char[] chars = " ".toCharArray();
GlyphVector vector = font.layoutGlyphVector(GlyphPage.renderContext, chars, 0, chars.length, Font.LAYOUT_LEFT_TO_RIGHT);
spaceWidth = vector.getGlyphLogicalBounds(0).getBounds().width;
Example 2
Source File: From jdk8u-dev-jdk with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
private Rectangle getCaretRectangle(TextHitInfo caret) {
int caretLocation = 0;
TextLayout layout = composedTextLayout;
if (layout != null) {
caretLocation = Math.round(layout.getCaretInfo(caret)[0]);
Graphics g = getGraphics();
FontMetrics metrics = null;
try {
metrics = g.getFontMetrics();
} finally {
return new Rectangle(TEXT_ORIGIN_X + caretLocation,
TEXT_ORIGIN_Y - metrics.getAscent(),
0, metrics.getAscent() + metrics.getDescent());
Example 3
Source File: From openjdk-jdk8u with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
public static void main(String ... args) { Font font = new Font(Font.DIALOG, Font.PLAIN, FONT_SIZE); Graphics2D g2d = createGraphics(); FontMetrics ref = null; RuntimeException failure = null; for (int a = 0; a < 360; a += 15) { Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D)g2d.create(); g.rotate(Math.toRadians(a)); FontMetrics m = g.getFontMetrics(font); g.dispose(); boolean status = true; if (ref == null) { ref = m; } else { status = ref.getAscent() == m.getAscent() && ref.getDescent() == m.getDescent() && ref.getLeading() == m.getLeading() && ref.getMaxAdvance() == m.getMaxAdvance(); } System.out.printf("Metrics a%d, d%d, l%d, m%d (%d) %s\n", m.getAscent(), m.getDescent(), m.getLeading(), m.getMaxAdvance(), (int)a, status ? "OK" : "FAIL"); if (!status && failure == null) { failure = new RuntimeException("Font metrics differ for angle " + a); } } if (failure != null) { throw failure; } System.out.println("done"); }
Example 4
Source File: From opsu with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
* Initialise the font to be used based on configuration
* @param baseFont The AWT font to render
* @param size The point size of the font to generated
* @param bold True if the font should be rendered in bold typeface
* @param italic True if the font should be rendered in bold typeface
private void initializeFont(Font baseFont, int size, boolean bold, boolean italic) {
Map attributes = baseFont.getAttributes();
attributes.put(TextAttribute.SIZE, new Float(size));
attributes.put(TextAttribute.WEIGHT, bold ? TextAttribute.WEIGHT_BOLD : TextAttribute.WEIGHT_REGULAR);
attributes.put(TextAttribute.POSTURE, italic ? TextAttribute.POSTURE_OBLIQUE : TextAttribute.POSTURE_REGULAR);
try {
attributes.put(TextAttribute.class.getDeclaredField("KERNING").get(null), TextAttribute.class.getDeclaredField(
} catch (Exception ignored) {
font = baseFont.deriveFont(attributes);
FontMetrics metrics = GlyphPage.getScratchGraphics().getFontMetrics(font);
ascent = metrics.getAscent();
descent = metrics.getDescent();
leading = metrics.getLeading();
// Determine width of space glyph (getGlyphPixelBounds gives a width of zero).
char[] chars = " ".toCharArray();
GlyphVector vector = font.layoutGlyphVector(GlyphPage.renderContext, chars, 0, chars.length, Font.LAYOUT_LEFT_TO_RIGHT);
spaceWidth = vector.getGlyphLogicalBounds(0).getBounds().width;
Example 5
Source File: From openjdk-jdk8u with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
* Reinitialize the insets parameter with this Border's current Insets.
* @param c the component for which this border insets value applies
* @param insets the object to be reinitialized
public Insets getBorderInsets(Component c, Insets insets) {
if (!(c instanceof JPopupMenu)) {
return insets;
FontMetrics fm;
int descent = 0;
int ascent = 16;
String title = ((JPopupMenu)c).getLabel();
if (title == null) {
insets.left = = insets.right = insets.bottom = 0;
return insets;
fm = c.getFontMetrics(font);
if(fm != null) {
descent = fm.getDescent();
ascent = fm.getAscent();
} += ascent + descent + TEXT_SPACING + GROOVE_HEIGHT;
return insets;
Example 6
Source File: From brModelo with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
private void medidaV(Graphics2D g, int l, int t) { FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics(); String vl = dono.FormateUnidadeMedida(height); int traco = width; int xIni = l;// + (traco) / 2; int xFim = xIni + traco; int yIni = t; int yFim = t + height; int xLin = l + (width / 2); g.drawLine(xIni, yIni, xFim, yIni); g.drawLine(xIni, yFim, xFim, yFim); g.drawLine(xLin, yIni, xLin, yFim); int degrees = isInvertido() ? 90 : -90; int desse = isInvertido() ? 0 : fm.stringWidth(vl); //int centra = fm.getHeight() / 2 - fm.getDescent(); int centra = fm.getHeight() - fm.getDescent(); centra = isInvertido() ? -centra : centra; AffineTransform at = AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(Math.toRadians(degrees)); Font f = new Font(g.getFont().getName(), Font.BOLD, g.getFont().getSize()); Font f2 = g.getFont(); g.setFont(f.deriveFont(at)); yIni = yIni + (height - fm.stringWidth(vl)) / 2 + desse; g.drawString(vl, xLin + centra, yIni); g.setFont(f2); }
Example 7
Source File: From pentaho-reporting with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 5 votes |
private int getXPadding( final boolean fromBottom, final FontMetrics fontMetrics, final Rectangle2D bounds ) { if ( ElementAlignment.CENTER.equals( hAlign ) ) { return (int) ( bounds.getWidth() / 2 ); } if ( ElementAlignment.LEFT.equals( hAlign ) || ElementAlignment.JUSTIFY.equals( hAlign ) ) { return fromBottom ? fontMetrics.getAscent() : fontMetrics.getDescent(); } if ( ElementAlignment.RIGHT.equals( hAlign ) ) { return (int) ( bounds.getWidth() - ( fromBottom ? fontMetrics.getDescent() : fontMetrics.getAscent() ) ); } return 0; }
Example 8
Source File: From ontopia with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
* @param g -
* The graphic context for the drawing operation.
* @param string -
* The String to be rendered.
* @param x -
* The x coordinate where the String should be positioned.
* @param y -
* The y coordinate where the String should be positioned. NOTE: The text is <b>centered </b> over the given coordinates.
protected void paintToolTipText(Graphics g, String string, int x, int y) {
FontMetrics fontMetrics = g.getFontMetrics();
int a = fontMetrics.getAscent();
int h = a + fontMetrics.getDescent();
int w = fontMetrics.stringWidth(string);
int xPosition = x - (w / 2);
int yPosition = y - (h / 2);
// Draw the background
Color c = this.getColor();
int r = h / 2;
int vPad = h / 8;
int hPad = h / 4;
g.fillRoundRect(xPosition - hPad, yPosition - vPad, w + (2 * hPad), h
+ (2 * vPad), r, r);
//Draw a defined edge to the popup
g.drawRoundRect(xPosition - hPad, yPosition - vPad, w + (2 * hPad), h
+ (2 * vPad), r, r);
// Draw the text
g.drawString(string, xPosition, yPosition + a);
Example 9
Source File: From lizzie with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
private void drawPonderingState(Graphics2D g, String text, int x, int y, double size) {
int fontSize = (int) (max(mainPanel.getWidth(), mainPanel.getHeight()) * size);
Font font = new Font(Lizzie.config.fontName, Font.PLAIN, fontSize);
FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics(font);
int stringWidth = fm.stringWidth(text);
// Truncate too long text when display switching prompt
if (Lizzie.leelaz != null && Lizzie.leelaz.isLoaded()) {
int mainBoardX = boardRenderer.getLocation().x;
if (mainPanel.getWidth() > mainPanel.getHeight()
&& (mainBoardX > x)
&& stringWidth > (mainBoardX - x)) {
text = Utils.truncateStringByWidth(text, fm, mainBoardX - x);
stringWidth = fm.stringWidth(text);
// Do nothing when no text
if (stringWidth <= 0) {
int stringHeight = fm.getAscent() - fm.getDescent();
int width = max(stringWidth, 1);
int height = max((int) (stringHeight * 1.2), 1);
BufferedImage result = new BufferedImage(width, height, TYPE_INT_ARGB);
// commenting this out for now... always causing an exception on startup. will fix in the
// upcoming refactoring
// filter20.filter(cachedBackground.getSubimage(x, y, result.getWidth(),
// result.getHeight()), result);
g.drawImage(result, x, y, null);
g.setColor(new Color(0, 0, 0, 130));
g.fillRect(x, y, width, height);
g.drawRect(x, y, width, height);
text, x + (width - stringWidth) / 2, y + stringHeight + (height - stringHeight) / 2);
Example 10
Source File: From algs4 with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
* Writes the given text string in the current font, left-aligned at (<em>x</em>, <em>y</em>).
* @param x the <em>x</em>-coordinate of the text
* @param y the <em>y</em>-coordinate of the text
* @param text the text
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code text} is {@code null}
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code x} or {@code y} is either NaN or infinite
public static void textLeft(double x, double y, String text) {
validate(x, "x");
validate(y, "y");
validateNotNull(text, "text");
FontMetrics metrics = offscreen.getFontMetrics();
double xs = scaleX(x);
double ys = scaleY(y);
int hs = metrics.getDescent();
offscreen.drawString(text, (float) xs, (float) (ys + hs));
Example 11
Source File: From Logisim with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
static public Rectangle getTextBounds(Graphics g, String text, int x, int y, int halign, int valign) {
if (g == null)
return new Rectangle(x, y, 0, 0);
FontMetrics mets = g.getFontMetrics();
int width = mets.stringWidth(text);
int ascent = mets.getAscent();
int descent = mets.getDescent();
int height = ascent + descent;
Rectangle ret = new Rectangle(x, y, width, height);
switch (halign) {
case H_CENTER:
ret.translate(-(width / 2), 0);
case H_RIGHT:
ret.translate(-width, 0);
switch (valign) {
case V_TOP:
case V_CENTER:
ret.translate(0, -(ascent / 2));
ret.translate(0, -(height / 2));
ret.translate(0, -ascent);
case V_BOTTOM:
ret.translate(0, -height);
return ret;
Example 12
Source File: From netbeans with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public Dimension getPreferredSize(JComponent c) {
FontMetrics fm = getTxtFontMetrics();
int height = fm == null ?
21 : fm.getAscent() + 2 * fm.getDescent() + 4;
Insets insets = c.getInsets();
prefSize.height = height + insets.bottom +;
return prefSize;
Example 13
Source File: From netbeans with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public Dimension getPreferredSize(JComponent c) {
FontMetrics fm = getTxtFontMetrics();
int height = fm == null ?
17 : fm.getAscent() + 2 * fm.getDescent() + 3;
Insets insets = c.getInsets();
prefSize.height = height + insets.bottom +;
return prefSize;
Example 14
Source File: From brModelo with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
public void bordaLeftRigth(Graphics2D g, boolean isrigth) {
FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics();
String vl = FormateUnidadeMedida(H);
int pre_x = (isrigth ? getLeftWidth() : getLeft());
int traco = largTraco < margem ? largTraco : margem;
traco = (isrigth ? -traco : traco);
int xIni = pre_x + (isrigth ? -2 : 2);
int xFim = xIni + 2 * traco;
int yIni = getTop() + margem;
int yFim = getTopHeight() - margem;
int xLin = xIni;
// int pre_x = (isrigth ? getLeftWidth() - margem : getLeft());
// int traco = largTraco < margem ? largTraco : margem;
// int xIni = pre_x + (margem - traco) / 2;
// int xFim = xIni + traco;
// int yIni = getTop() + margem;
// int yFim = getTopHeight() - margem;
// int xLin = pre_x + margem / 2;
g.drawLine(xIni, yIni, xFim, yIni);
g.drawLine(xIni, yFim, xFim, yFim);
g.drawLine(xLin, yIni, xLin, yFim);
int blc = calculeSubEspaco(W);
int sr = yIni;
xFim -= traco;
int dv = modInteiro(blc);
int subblc = 0;
if (dv > 0) {
subblc = blc / dv;
while (sr < yFim) {
if (dv > 0) {
int a = blc - subblc;
while (a > 0) {
if (sr + a < yFim) {
g.drawLine(xIni, sr + a, xFim - traco / 2, sr + a);
a -= subblc;
g.drawLine(xIni, sr, xFim, sr);
sr += blc;
if (isMostrarTextoRegua()) {
int degrees = isrigth ? 90 : -90;
int desse = isrigth ? 0 : fm.stringWidth(vl);
int centra = fm.getHeight() / 2 - fm.getDescent();
centra = isrigth ? -centra : centra;
AffineTransform at = AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(Math.toRadians(degrees));
Font f = new Font(getFont().getName(), Font.BOLD, getFont().getSize());
xLin = pre_x - (isrigth ? margem / 2 : -margem / 2);
yIni = yIni + (H - fm.stringWidth(vl)) / 2 + desse;
g.drawString(vl, xLin + centra, yIni);
Example 15
Source File: From openjdk-8-source with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
static void drawStringInRect(JComponent c, Graphics g, String aString, int x, int y, int width, int height, int justification) { FontMetrics fontMetrics; int drawWidth, startX, startY, delta; if (g.getFont() == null) { // throw new InconsistencyException("No font set"); return; } fontMetrics = SwingUtilities2.getFontMetrics(c, g); if (fontMetrics == null) { // throw new InconsistencyException("No metrics for Font " + font()); return; } if (justification == CENTER) { drawWidth = SwingUtilities2.stringWidth(c, fontMetrics, aString); if (drawWidth > width) { drawWidth = width; } startX = x + (width - drawWidth) / 2; } else if (justification == RIGHT) { drawWidth = SwingUtilities2.stringWidth(c, fontMetrics, aString); if (drawWidth > width) { drawWidth = width; } startX = x + width - drawWidth; } else { startX = x; } delta = (height - fontMetrics.getAscent() - fontMetrics.getDescent()) / 2; if (delta < 0) { delta = 0; } startY = y + height - delta - fontMetrics.getDescent(); SwingUtilities2.drawString(c, g, aString, startX, startY); }
Example 16
Source File: From yeti with MIT License | 4 votes |
protected void paintText(Graphics g, JComponent com, Rectangle rect,
String s) {
JLinkButton bn = (JLinkButton) com;
ButtonModel bnModel = bn.getModel();
// Color color = bn.getForeground();
// Object obj = null;
if (bnModel.isEnabled()) {
if (bnModel.isPressed()) {
} else if (bn.isLinkVisited()) {
} else {
} else {
if (bn.getDisabledLinkColor() != null) {
super.paintText(g, com, rect, s);
int behaviour = bn.getLinkBehavior();
boolean drawLine = false;
if (behaviour == JLinkButton.HOVER_UNDERLINE) {
if (bnModel.isRollover()) {
drawLine = true;
} else if (behaviour == JLinkButton.ALWAYS_UNDERLINE || behaviour == JLinkButton.SYSTEM_DEFAULT) {
drawLine = true;
if (!drawLine) {
FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics();
int x = rect.x + getTextShiftOffset();
int y = (rect.y + fm.getAscent() + fm.getDescent() + getTextShiftOffset()) - 1;
if (bnModel.isEnabled()) {
g.drawLine(x, y, (x + rect.width) - 1, y);
} else {
g.drawLine(x, y, (x + rect.width) - 1, y);
Example 17
Source File: From JDKSourceCode1.8 with MIT License | 4 votes |
* Paints the border for the specified component with the
* specified position and size.
* @param c the component for which this border is being painted
* @param g the paint graphics
* @param x the x position of the painted border
* @param y the y position of the painted border
* @param width the width of the painted border
* @param height the height of the painted border
public void paintBorder(Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height) {
if (!(c instanceof JPopupMenu)) {
Font origFont = g.getFont();
Color origColor = g.getColor();
JPopupMenu popup = (JPopupMenu)c;
String title = popup.getLabel();
if (title == null) {
FontMetrics fm = SwingUtilities2.getFontMetrics(popup, g, font);
int fontHeight = fm.getHeight();
int descent = fm.getDescent();
int ascent = fm.getAscent();
Point textLoc = new Point();
int stringWidth = SwingUtilities2.stringWidth(popup, fm,
textLoc.y = y + ascent + TEXT_SPACING;
textLoc.x = x + ((width - stringWidth) / 2);
g.fillRect(textLoc.x - TEXT_SPACING, textLoc.y - (fontHeight-descent),
stringWidth + (2 * TEXT_SPACING), fontHeight - descent);
SwingUtilities2.drawString(popup, g, title, textLoc.x, textLoc.y);
MotifGraphicsUtils.drawGroove(g, x, textLoc.y + TEXT_SPACING,
shadowColor, highlightColor);
Example 18
Source File: From netbeans with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
* Determine the alignment offset so the text is aligned with other views
* correctly.
private float getPreferredAlignmentY() {
// Fix for the Issue #68316
Font font = getFont();
FontMetrics fm = getToolkit().getFontMetrics(font);
float h = fm.getHeight();
float d = fm.getDescent();
return (h - d) / h;
// Original implementation below is commented out due to Issue #68316.
// It tries also take into account a size of the icon, but according to javadoc
// of the class "Only text is supported".
// Original implementation is commented out below due to the bug #68316.
// It tries also to take into account a size of the icon, but according to
// javadoc of the class "Only text is supported".
// Icon icon = (Icon)getIcon();
// String text = getText();
// Font font = getFont();
// FontMetrics fm = getToolkit().getFontMetrics(font);
// Rectangle iconR = new Rectangle();
// Rectangle textR = new Rectangle();
// Rectangle viewR = new Rectangle(Short.MAX_VALUE, Short.MAX_VALUE);
// SwingUtilities.layoutCompoundLabel(
// this, fm, text, icon,
// getVerticalAlignment(), getHorizontalAlignment(),
// getVerticalTextPosition(), getHorizontalTextPosition(),
// viewR, iconR, textR,
// (text == null ? 0 : ((BasicButtonUI)ui).getDefaultTextIconGap(this))
// );
// // The preferred size of the button is the size of
// // the text and icon rectangles plus the buttons insets.
// Rectangle r = iconR.union(textR);
// Insets insets = getInsets();
// r.height += + insets.bottom;
// // Ensure that the height of the button is odd,
// // to allow for the focus line.
// if(r.height % 2 == 0) {
// r.height += 1;
// }
// float offAmt = fm.getMaxAscent() +;
// return offAmt/(float)r.height;
Example 19
Source File: From settlers-remake with MIT License | 4 votes |
public void paint(Graphics g1, JComponent c) {
Graphics2D g = DrawHelper.enableAntialiasing(g1);
AbstractButton b = (AbstractButton) c;
ButtonModel model = b.getModel();
boolean down;
if (c instanceof JToggleButton) {
down = ((JToggleButton) c).isSelected();
} else {
down = model.isArmed() && model.isPressed();
BufferedImage bg;
BufferedImage[] border;
float scale = this.scale;
if (down) {
border = BORDER_DOWN;
scale /= 2;
bg = backgroundImagePressed;
} else {
bg = backgroundImage;
// Draw background
g.drawImage(bg, 0, 0, c);
BorderHelper.drawBorder(g1, c, border, scale);
FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics();
int y = (b.getHeight() - fm.getAscent() - fm.getDescent()) / 2 + fm.getAscent();
int x = textPaddingLeftRight;
if (down) {
x += 1;
y += 1;
// draw shadow
g.drawString(b.getText(), x + 1, y + 1);
g.drawString(b.getText(), x, y);
Example 20
Source File: From jdk8u_jdk with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
static void drawStringInRect(JComponent c, Graphics g, String aString, int x, int y, int width, int height, int justification) { FontMetrics fontMetrics; int drawWidth, startX, startY, delta; if (g.getFont() == null) { // throw new InconsistencyException("No font set"); return; } fontMetrics = SwingUtilities2.getFontMetrics(c, g); if (fontMetrics == null) { // throw new InconsistencyException("No metrics for Font " + font()); return; } if (justification == CENTER) { drawWidth = SwingUtilities2.stringWidth(c, fontMetrics, aString); if (drawWidth > width) { drawWidth = width; } startX = x + (width - drawWidth) / 2; } else if (justification == RIGHT) { drawWidth = SwingUtilities2.stringWidth(c, fontMetrics, aString); if (drawWidth > width) { drawWidth = width; } startX = x + width - drawWidth; } else { startX = x; } delta = (height - fontMetrics.getAscent() - fontMetrics.getDescent()) / 2; if (delta < 0) { delta = 0; } startY = y + height - delta - fontMetrics.getDescent(); SwingUtilities2.drawString(c, g, aString, startX, startY); }