Java Code Examples for java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle#type()
The following examples show how to use
java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle#type() .
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Example 1
Source File: From openjdk-8 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
* This method is used to create the immutable portion of a bound function.
* See {@link ScriptFunction#makeBoundFunction(Object, Object[])}
* @param fn the original function being bound
* @param self this reference to bind. Can be null.
* @param args additional arguments to bind. Can be null.
ScriptFunctionData makeBoundFunctionData(final ScriptFunction fn, final Object self, final Object[] args) {
final Object[] allArgs = args == null ? ScriptRuntime.EMPTY_ARRAY : args;
final int length = args == null ? 0 : args.length;
CompiledFunctions boundList = new CompiledFunctions();
if (code.size() == 1) {
// only one variant - bind that
boundList.add(bind(code.first(), fn, self, allArgs));
} else {
// There are specialized versions. Get the most generic one.
// This is to avoid ambiguous overloaded versions of bound and
// specialized variants and choosing wrong overload.
final MethodHandle genInvoker = getGenericInvoker();
final CompiledFunction inv = new CompiledFunction(genInvoker.type(), genInvoker, getGenericConstructor());
boundList.add(bind(inv, fn, self, allArgs));
ScriptFunctionData boundData = new FinalScriptFunctionData(name, arity == -1 ? -1 : Math.max(0, arity - length), boundList, isStrict(), isBuiltin(), isConstructor());
return boundData;
Example 2
Source File: From openjdk-jdk9 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
public CatchExceptionTest(TestCase testCase, final boolean isVararg, final int argsCount, final int catchDrops) { this.testCase = testCase; this.dropped = catchDrops; MethodHandle thrower = testCase.thrower; int throwerLen = thrower.type().parameterCount(); List<Class<?>> classes; int extra = Math.max(0, argsCount - throwerLen); classes = getThrowerParams(isVararg, extra); this.argsCount = throwerLen + classes.size(); thrower = Helper.addTrailingArgs(thrower, this.argsCount, classes); if (isVararg && argsCount > throwerLen) { MethodType mt = thrower.type(); Class<?> lastParam = mt.parameterType(mt.parameterCount() - 1); thrower = thrower.asVarargsCollector(lastParam); } this.thrower = thrower; this.dropped = Math.min(this.argsCount, catchDrops); catcher = testCase.getCatcher(getCatcherParams()); nargs = Math.max(2, this.argsCount); }
Example 3
Source File: From TencentKona-8 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
private static MethodHandle bindToNameIfNeeded(final MethodHandle methodHandle, final String bindName) {
if (bindName == null) {
return methodHandle;
// if it is vararg method, we need to extend argument array with
// a new zeroth element that is set to bindName value.
final MethodType methodType = methodHandle.type();
final int parameterCount = methodType.parameterCount();
final boolean isVarArg = parameterCount > 0 && methodType.parameterType(parameterCount - 1).isArray();
if (isVarArg) {
return MH.filterArguments(methodHandle, 1, MH.insertArguments(ADD_ZEROTH_ELEMENT, 1, bindName));
return MH.insertArguments(methodHandle, 1, bindName);
Example 4
Source File: From openjdk-8-source with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
private static MethodHandle bindToNameIfNeeded(final MethodHandle methodHandle, final String bindName) {
if (bindName == null) {
return methodHandle;
// if it is vararg method, we need to extend argument array with
// a new zeroth element that is set to bindName value.
final MethodType methodType = methodHandle.type();
final int parameterCount = methodType.parameterCount();
final boolean isVarArg = parameterCount > 0 && methodType.parameterType(parameterCount - 1).isArray();
if (isVarArg) {
return MH.filterArguments(methodHandle, 1, MH.insertArguments(ADD_ZEROTH_ELEMENT, 1, bindName));
return MH.insertArguments(methodHandle, 1, bindName);
Example 5
Source File: From es6draft with MIT License | 5 votes |
private static MethodHandle getComputedValueMethodHandle(Lookup lookup, Method method) throws IllegalAccessException { // check: (ExecutionContext) -> Object MethodHandle handle = lookup.unreflect(method); MethodType type = handle.type(); if (type.parameterCount() != 1 || !ExecutionContext.class.equals(type.parameterType(0))) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(handle.toString()); } if (!Object.class.equals(type.returnType())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(handle.toString()); } return handle; }
Example 6
Source File: From jdk8u_nashorn with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Given a method handle and an expected return type, perform return value filtering * according to the optimistic type coercion rules * @param mh method handle * @param expectedReturnType expected return type * @param programPoint program point * @return filtered method */ public static MethodHandle filterOptimisticReturnValue(final MethodHandle mh, final Class<?> expectedReturnType, final int programPoint) { if(!isValid(programPoint)) { return mh; } final MethodType type = mh.type(); final Class<?> actualReturnType = type.returnType(); if(TypeUtilities.isConvertibleWithoutLoss(actualReturnType, expectedReturnType)) { return mh; } final MethodHandle guard = getOptimisticTypeGuard(expectedReturnType, actualReturnType); return guard == null ? mh : MH.filterReturnValue(mh, MH.insertArguments(guard, guard.type().parameterCount() - 1, programPoint)); }
Example 7
Source File: From hottub with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
private static GuardedInvocation fixExpressionCallSite(final NashornCallSiteDescriptor desc, final GuardedInvocation link) {
// If it's not a getMethod, just add an expression filter that converts WithObject in "this" position to its
// expression.
if (!"getMethod".equals(desc.getFirstOperator())) {
return fixReceiverType(link, WITHEXPRESSIONFILTER).filterArguments(0, WITHEXPRESSIONFILTER);
final MethodHandle linkInvocation = link.getInvocation();
final MethodType linkType = linkInvocation.type();
final boolean linkReturnsFunction = ScriptFunction.class.isAssignableFrom(linkType.returnType());
return link.replaceMethods(
// Make sure getMethod will bind the script functions it receives to WithObject.expression
linkReturnsFunction ?
linkReturnsFunction ?
ScriptFunction.class :
filterGuardReceiver(link, WITHEXPRESSIONFILTER));
// No clever things for the guard -- it is still identically filtered.
Example 8
Source File: From openjdk-jdk9 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
private static GuardedInvocation fixExpressionCallSite(final CallSiteDescriptor desc, final GuardedInvocation link) {
// If it's not a getMethod, just add an expression filter that converts WithObject in "this" position to its
// expression.
if (NashornCallSiteDescriptor.getBaseOperation(desc) != StandardOperation.GET || !NashornCallSiteDescriptor.isMethodFirstOperation(desc)) {
return fixReceiverType(link, WITHEXPRESSIONFILTER).filterArguments(0, WITHEXPRESSIONFILTER);
final MethodHandle linkInvocation = link.getInvocation();
final MethodType linkType = linkInvocation.type();
final boolean linkReturnsFunction = ScriptFunction.class.isAssignableFrom(linkType.returnType());
return link.replaceMethods(
// Make sure getMethod will bind the script functions it receives to WithObject.expression
linkReturnsFunction ?
linkReturnsFunction ?
ScriptFunction.class :
filterGuardReceiver(link, WITHEXPRESSIONFILTER));
// No clever things for the guard -- it is still identically filtered.
Example 9
Source File: From openjdk-8-source with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
CompiledFunction bind(final CompiledFunction originalInv, final ScriptFunction fn, final Object self, final Object[] args) { final MethodHandle boundInvoker = bindInvokeHandle(originalInv.getInvoker(), fn, self, args); //TODO the boundinvoker.type() could actually be more specific here if (isConstructor()) { ensureConstructor(originalInv); return new CompiledFunction(boundInvoker.type(), boundInvoker, bindConstructHandle(originalInv.getConstructor(), fn, args)); } return new CompiledFunction(boundInvoker.type(), boundInvoker); }
Example 10
Source File: From jdk8u60 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
private MethodHandle getFallbackLoggingRelink(final MethodHandle relink) { if (!getNashornDescriptor().isTraceMisses()) { // If we aren't tracing misses, just return relink as-is return relink; } final MethodType type = relink.type(); return MH.foldArguments(relink, MH.asType(MH.asCollector(MH.insertArguments(TRACEMISS, 0, this, "MISS " + getScriptLocation() + " "), Object[].class, type.parameterCount()), type.changeReturnType(void.class))); }
Example 11
Source File: From jdk8u_nashorn with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Compose a constructor from an invoker. * * @param invoker invoker * @return the composed constructor */ private static MethodHandle createConstructorFromInvoker(final MethodHandle invoker) { final boolean needsCallee = ScriptFunctionData.needsCallee(invoker); // If it was (callee, this, args...), permute it to (this, callee, args...). We're doing this because having // "this" in the first argument position is what allows the elegant folded composition of // (newFilter x constructor x allocator) further down below in the code. Also, ensure the composite constructor // always returns Object. final MethodHandle swapped = needsCallee ? swapCalleeAndThis(invoker) : invoker; final MethodHandle returnsObject = MH.asType(swapped, swapped.type().changeReturnType(Object.class)); final MethodType ctorType = returnsObject.type(); // Construct a dropping type list for NEWFILTER, but don't include constructor "this" into it, so it's actually // captured as "allocation" parameter of NEWFILTER after we fold the constructor into it. // (this, [callee, ]args...) => ([callee, ]args...) final Class<?>[] ctorArgs = ctorType.dropParameterTypes(0, 1).parameterArray(); // Fold constructor into newFilter that replaces the return value from the constructor with the originally // allocated value when the originally allocated value is a JS primitive (String, Boolean, Number). // (result, this, [callee, ]args...) x (this, [callee, ]args...) => (this, [callee, ]args...) final MethodHandle filtered = MH.foldArguments(MH.dropArguments(NEWFILTER, 2, ctorArgs), returnsObject); // allocate() takes a ScriptFunction and returns a newly allocated ScriptObject... if (needsCallee) { // ...we either fold it into the previous composition, if we need both the ScriptFunction callee object and // the newly allocated object in the arguments, so (this, callee, args...) x (callee) => (callee, args...), // or... return MH.foldArguments(filtered, ScriptFunction.ALLOCATE); } // ...replace the ScriptFunction argument with the newly allocated object, if it doesn't need the callee // (this, args...) filter (callee) => (callee, args...) return MH.filterArguments(filtered, 0, ScriptFunction.ALLOCATE); }
Example 12
Source File: From openjdk-8 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Compose a constructor given a primordial constructor handle. * * @param ctor primordial constructor handle * @return the composed constructor */ protected MethodHandle composeConstructor(final MethodHandle ctor) { // If it was (callee, this, args...), permute it to (this, callee, args...). We're doing this because having // "this" in the first argument position is what allows the elegant folded composition of // (newFilter x constructor x allocator) further down below in the code. Also, ensure the composite constructor // always returns Object. final boolean needsCallee = needsCallee(ctor); MethodHandle composedCtor = needsCallee ? swapCalleeAndThis(ctor) : ctor; composedCtor = changeReturnTypeToObject(composedCtor); final MethodType ctorType = composedCtor.type(); // Construct a dropping type list for NEWFILTER, but don't include constructor "this" into it, so it's actually // captured as "allocation" parameter of NEWFILTER after we fold the constructor into it. // (this, [callee, ]args...) => ([callee, ]args...) final Class<?>[] ctorArgs = ctorType.dropParameterTypes(0, 1).parameterArray(); // Fold constructor into newFilter that replaces the return value from the constructor with the originally // allocated value when the originally allocated value is a primitive. // (result, this, [callee, ]args...) x (this, [callee, ]args...) => (this, [callee, ]args...) composedCtor = MH.foldArguments(MH.dropArguments(NEWFILTER, 2, ctorArgs), composedCtor); // allocate() takes a ScriptFunction and returns a newly allocated ScriptObject... if (needsCallee) { // ...we either fold it into the previous composition, if we need both the ScriptFunction callee object and // the newly allocated object in the arguments, so (this, callee, args...) x (callee) => (callee, args...), // or... return MH.foldArguments(composedCtor, ScriptFunction.ALLOCATE); } // ...replace the ScriptFunction argument with the newly allocated object, if it doesn't need the callee // (this, args...) filter (callee) => (callee, args...) return MH.filterArguments(composedCtor, 0, ScriptFunction.ALLOCATE); }
Example 13
Source File: From openjdk-jdk9 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
static MethodPair matchReturnTypes(final MethodHandle m1, final MethodHandle m2) { final MethodType type1 = m1.type(); final MethodType type2 = m2.type(); final Class<?> commonRetType = InternalTypeUtilities.getCommonLosslessConversionType(type1.returnType(), type2.returnType()); return new MethodPair( m1.asType(type1.changeReturnType(commonRetType)), m2.asType(type2.changeReturnType(commonRetType))); }
Example 14
Source File: From hottub with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Make sure arguments are paired correctly, with respect to more parameters than declared, * fewer parameters than declared and other things that JavaScript allows. This might involve * creating collectors. * * Make sure arguments are paired correctly. * @param methodHandle MethodHandle to adjust. * @param callType MethodType of the call site. * @param callerVarArg true if the caller is vararg, false otherwise, null if it should be inferred from the * {@code callType}; basically, if the last parameter type of the call site is an array, it'll be considered a * variable arity call site. These are ordinarily rare; Nashorn code generator creates variable arity call sites * when the call has more than {@link LinkerCallSite#ARGLIMIT} parameters. * * @return method handle with adjusted arguments */ public static MethodHandle pairArguments(final MethodHandle methodHandle, final MethodType callType, final Boolean callerVarArg) { final MethodType methodType = methodHandle.type(); if (methodType.equals(callType.changeReturnType(methodType.returnType()))) { return methodHandle; } final int parameterCount = methodType.parameterCount(); final int callCount = callType.parameterCount(); final boolean isCalleeVarArg = parameterCount > 0 && methodType.parameterType(parameterCount - 1).isArray(); final boolean isCallerVarArg = callerVarArg != null ? callerVarArg : callCount > 0 && callType.parameterType(callCount - 1).isArray(); if (isCalleeVarArg) { return isCallerVarArg ? methodHandle : MH.asCollector(methodHandle, Object[].class, callCount - parameterCount + 1); } if (isCallerVarArg) { return adaptHandleToVarArgCallSite(methodHandle, callCount); } if (callCount < parameterCount) { final int missingArgs = parameterCount - callCount; final Object[] fillers = new Object[missingArgs]; Arrays.fill(fillers, UNDEFINED); if (isCalleeVarArg) { fillers[missingArgs - 1] = ScriptRuntime.EMPTY_ARRAY; } return MH.insertArguments( methodHandle, parameterCount - missingArgs, fillers); } if (callCount > parameterCount) { final int discardedArgs = callCount - parameterCount; final Class<?>[] discards = new Class<?>[discardedArgs]; Arrays.fill(discards, Object.class); return MH.dropArguments(methodHandle, callCount - discardedArgs, discards); } return methodHandle; }
Example 15
Source File: From jdk8u60 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Make sure arguments are paired correctly, with respect to more parameters than declared, * fewer parameters than declared and other things that JavaScript allows. This might involve * creating collectors. * * Make sure arguments are paired correctly. * @param methodHandle MethodHandle to adjust. * @param callType MethodType of the call site. * @param callerVarArg true if the caller is vararg, false otherwise, null if it should be inferred from the * {@code callType}; basically, if the last parameter type of the call site is an array, it'll be considered a * variable arity call site. These are ordinarily rare; Nashorn code generator creates variable arity call sites * when the call has more than {@link LinkerCallSite#ARGLIMIT} parameters. * * @return method handle with adjusted arguments */ public static MethodHandle pairArguments(final MethodHandle methodHandle, final MethodType callType, final Boolean callerVarArg) { final MethodType methodType = methodHandle.type(); if (methodType.equals(callType.changeReturnType(methodType.returnType()))) { return methodHandle; } final int parameterCount = methodType.parameterCount(); final int callCount = callType.parameterCount(); final boolean isCalleeVarArg = parameterCount > 0 && methodType.parameterType(parameterCount - 1).isArray(); final boolean isCallerVarArg = callerVarArg != null ? callerVarArg : callCount > 0 && callType.parameterType(callCount - 1).isArray(); if (isCalleeVarArg) { return isCallerVarArg ? methodHandle : MH.asCollector(methodHandle, Object[].class, callCount - parameterCount + 1); } if (isCallerVarArg) { return adaptHandleToVarArgCallSite(methodHandle, callCount); } if (callCount < parameterCount) { final int missingArgs = parameterCount - callCount; final Object[] fillers = new Object[missingArgs]; Arrays.fill(fillers, UNDEFINED); if (isCalleeVarArg) { fillers[missingArgs - 1] = ScriptRuntime.EMPTY_ARRAY; } return MH.insertArguments( methodHandle, parameterCount - missingArgs, fillers); } if (callCount > parameterCount) { final int discardedArgs = callCount - parameterCount; final Class<?>[] discards = new Class<?>[discardedArgs]; Arrays.fill(discards, Object.class); return MH.dropArguments(methodHandle, callCount - discardedArgs, discards); } return methodHandle; }
Example 16
Source File: From openjdk-8-source with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
private static void assertType(MethodHandle mh, MethodType type) { if(!mh.type().equals(type)) { throw new WrongMethodTypeException("Expected type: " + type + " actual type: " + mh.type()); } }
Example 17
Source File: From TencentKona-8 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
MethodType getMethodType(final MethodHandle t) {
return t.type();
Example 18
Source File: From openjdk-8 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
private static CompiledFunction makeGeneric(final CompiledFunction func) {
final MethodHandle invoker = composeGenericMethod(func.getInvoker());
final MethodHandle constructor = func.hasConstructor() ? composeGenericMethod(func.getConstructor()) : null;
return new CompiledFunction(invoker.type(), invoker, constructor);
Example 19
Source File: From openjdk-jdk8u with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Make sure arguments are paired correctly, with respect to more parameters than declared, * fewer parameters than declared and other things that JavaScript allows. This might involve * creating collectors. * * Make sure arguments are paired correctly. * @param methodHandle MethodHandle to adjust. * @param callType MethodType of the call site. * @param callerVarArg true if the caller is vararg, false otherwise, null if it should be inferred from the * {@code callType}; basically, if the last parameter type of the call site is an array, it'll be considered a * variable arity call site. These are ordinarily rare; Nashorn code generator creates variable arity call sites * when the call has more than {@link LinkerCallSite#ARGLIMIT} parameters. * * @return method handle with adjusted arguments */ public static MethodHandle pairArguments(final MethodHandle methodHandle, final MethodType callType, final Boolean callerVarArg) { final MethodType methodType = methodHandle.type(); if (methodType.equals(callType.changeReturnType(methodType.returnType()))) { return methodHandle; } final int parameterCount = methodType.parameterCount(); final int callCount = callType.parameterCount(); final boolean isCalleeVarArg = parameterCount > 0 && methodType.parameterType(parameterCount - 1).isArray(); final boolean isCallerVarArg = callerVarArg != null ? callerVarArg : callCount > 0 && callType.parameterType(callCount - 1).isArray(); if (isCalleeVarArg) { return isCallerVarArg ? methodHandle : MH.asCollector(methodHandle, Object[].class, callCount - parameterCount + 1); } if (isCallerVarArg) { return adaptHandleToVarArgCallSite(methodHandle, callCount); } if (callCount < parameterCount) { final int missingArgs = parameterCount - callCount; final Object[] fillers = new Object[missingArgs]; Arrays.fill(fillers, UNDEFINED); if (isCalleeVarArg) { fillers[missingArgs - 1] = ScriptRuntime.EMPTY_ARRAY; } return MH.insertArguments( methodHandle, parameterCount - missingArgs, fillers); } if (callCount > parameterCount) { final int discardedArgs = callCount - parameterCount; final Class<?>[] discards = new Class<?>[discardedArgs]; Arrays.fill(discards, Object.class); return MH.dropArguments(methodHandle, callCount - discardedArgs, discards); } return methodHandle; }
Example 20
Source File: From openjdk-8 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 2 votes |
/** * Adapts the method handle so its return type is {@code Object}. If the handle's return type is already * {@code Object}, the handle is returned unchanged. * * @param mh the handle to adapt * @return the adapted handle */ private static MethodHandle changeReturnTypeToObject(final MethodHandle mh) { final MethodType type = mh.type(); return (type.returnType() == Object.class) ? mh : MH.asType(mh, type.changeReturnType(Object.class)); }