Java Code Examples for java.lang.reflect.Method#toString()
The following examples show how to use
java.lang.reflect.Method#toString() .
You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like,
and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File: From common-mvc with MIT License | 6 votes |
@Around(value = "OperationLog()")
public Object around(ProceedingJoinPoint point) throws Throwable {
Object res;
res = point.proceed();
HttpServletRequest request = ((ServletRequestAttributes) RequestContextHolder.getRequestAttributes()).getRequest();
User user = (User) request.getSession().getAttribute("user");
Method targetMethod = ((MethodSignature)(point.getSignature())).getMethod();
OperationLog annotation = targetMethod.getAnnotation(OperationLog.class);
String signature, businessName, userName, data;
Integer userId = user.getId();
signature = targetMethod.toString();
businessName = annotation.businessName();
userName = user.getUsername();
data = JSONUtils.obj2json(point.getArgs());
this.operationLogService.insertLog(signature, businessName, userId, userName, data);
return res;
Example 2
Source File: From openjdk-8-source with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable { if(method.getDeclaringClass()==TypedXmlWriter.class || method.getDeclaringClass()==Object.class) { // forward to myself try { return method.invoke(this,args); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { throw e.getTargetException(); } } XmlAttribute xa = method.getAnnotation(XmlAttribute.class); XmlValue xv = method.getAnnotation(XmlValue.class); XmlElement xe = method.getAnnotation(XmlElement.class); if(xa!=null) { if(xv!=null || xe!=null) throw new IllegalAnnotationException(method.toString()); addAttribute(xa,method,args); return proxy; // allow method chaining } if(xv!=null) { if(xe!=null) throw new IllegalAnnotationException(method.toString()); _pcdata(args); return proxy; // allow method chaining } return addElement(xe,method,args); }
Example 3
Source File: From JDKSourceCode1.8 with MIT License | 5 votes |
@SuppressWarnings("LeakingThisInConstructor") public MemberName(Method m, boolean wantSpecial) { m.getClass(); // NPE check // fill in vmtarget, vmindex while we have m in hand: MethodHandleNatives.init(this, m); if (clazz == null) { // MHN.init failed if (m.getDeclaringClass() == MethodHandle.class && isMethodHandleInvokeName(m.getName())) { // The JVM did not reify this signature-polymorphic instance. // Need a special case here. // See comments on MethodHandleNatives.linkMethod. MethodType type = MethodType.methodType(m.getReturnType(), m.getParameterTypes()); int flags = flagsMods(IS_METHOD, m.getModifiers(), REF_invokeVirtual); init(MethodHandle.class, m.getName(), type, flags); if (isMethodHandleInvoke()) return; } throw new LinkageError(m.toString()); } assert(isResolved() && this.clazz != null); = m.getName(); if (this.type == null) this.type = new Object[] { m.getReturnType(), m.getParameterTypes() }; if (wantSpecial) { if (isAbstract()) throw new AbstractMethodError(this.toString()); if (getReferenceKind() == REF_invokeVirtual) changeReferenceKind(REF_invokeSpecial, REF_invokeVirtual); else if (getReferenceKind() == REF_invokeInterface) // invokeSpecial on a default method changeReferenceKind(REF_invokeSpecial, REF_invokeInterface); } }
Example 4
Source File: From spring4-understanding with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
* Detect a default SQL script by implementing the algorithm defined in
* {@link Sql#scripts}.
private String detectDefaultScript(TestContext testContext, boolean classLevel) {
Class<?> clazz = testContext.getTestClass();
Method method = testContext.getTestMethod();
String elementType = (classLevel ? "class" : "method");
String elementName = (classLevel ? clazz.getName() : method.toString());
String resourcePath = ClassUtils.convertClassNameToResourcePath(clazz.getName());
if (!classLevel) {
resourcePath += "." + method.getName();
resourcePath += ".sql";
String prefixedResourcePath = ResourceUtils.CLASSPATH_URL_PREFIX + resourcePath;
ClassPathResource classPathResource = new ClassPathResource(resourcePath);
if (classPathResource.exists()) {
if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {"Detected default SQL script \"%s\" for test %s [%s]", prefixedResourcePath,
elementType, elementName));
return prefixedResourcePath;
else {
String msg = String.format("Could not detect default SQL script for test %s [%s]: "
+ "%s does not exist. Either declare statements or scripts via @Sql or make the "
+ "default SQL script available.", elementType, elementName, classPathResource);
throw new IllegalStateException(msg);
Example 5
Source File: From dragonwell8_jdk with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
@SuppressWarnings("LeakingThisInConstructor") public MemberName(Method m, boolean wantSpecial) { m.getClass(); // NPE check // fill in vmtarget, vmindex while we have m in hand: MethodHandleNatives.init(this, m); if (clazz == null) { // MHN.init failed if (m.getDeclaringClass() == MethodHandle.class && isMethodHandleInvokeName(m.getName())) { // The JVM did not reify this signature-polymorphic instance. // Need a special case here. // See comments on MethodHandleNatives.linkMethod. MethodType type = MethodType.methodType(m.getReturnType(), m.getParameterTypes()); int flags = flagsMods(IS_METHOD, m.getModifiers(), REF_invokeVirtual); init(MethodHandle.class, m.getName(), type, flags); if (isMethodHandleInvoke()) return; } throw new LinkageError(m.toString()); } assert(isResolved() && this.clazz != null); = m.getName(); if (this.type == null) this.type = new Object[] { m.getReturnType(), m.getParameterTypes() }; if (wantSpecial) { if (isAbstract()) throw new AbstractMethodError(this.toString()); if (getReferenceKind() == REF_invokeVirtual) changeReferenceKind(REF_invokeSpecial, REF_invokeVirtual); else if (getReferenceKind() == REF_invokeInterface) // invokeSpecial on a default method changeReferenceKind(REF_invokeSpecial, REF_invokeInterface); } }
Example 6
Source File: From jdk8u-jdk with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
@SuppressWarnings("LeakingThisInConstructor") public MemberName(Method m, boolean wantSpecial) { m.getClass(); // NPE check // fill in vmtarget, vmindex while we have m in hand: MethodHandleNatives.init(this, m); if (clazz == null) { // MHN.init failed if (m.getDeclaringClass() == MethodHandle.class && isMethodHandleInvokeName(m.getName())) { // The JVM did not reify this signature-polymorphic instance. // Need a special case here. // See comments on MethodHandleNatives.linkMethod. MethodType type = MethodType.methodType(m.getReturnType(), m.getParameterTypes()); int flags = flagsMods(IS_METHOD, m.getModifiers(), REF_invokeVirtual); init(MethodHandle.class, m.getName(), type, flags); if (isMethodHandleInvoke()) return; } throw new LinkageError(m.toString()); } assert(isResolved() && this.clazz != null); = m.getName(); if (this.type == null) this.type = new Object[] { m.getReturnType(), m.getParameterTypes() }; if (wantSpecial) { if (isAbstract()) throw new AbstractMethodError(this.toString()); if (getReferenceKind() == REF_invokeVirtual) changeReferenceKind(REF_invokeSpecial, REF_invokeVirtual); else if (getReferenceKind() == REF_invokeInterface) // invokeSpecial on a default method changeReferenceKind(REF_invokeSpecial, REF_invokeInterface); } }
Example 7
Source File: From mybatis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Load an element with default configuration and call toString. * Expect that the toString triggers lazy loading which loads the nested Element * is available after closing the session. */ private void testScenario(String aConfiguration, boolean anExpectingAnException, Method aMethodToCall) throws Exception { openSession(aConfiguration); Element myElement = selectElement(); String myMethodCallDescription; if (aMethodToCall != null) { Object[] myArguments = new Object[aMethodToCall.getParameterTypes().length]; aMethodToCall.invoke(myElement, myArguments); myMethodCallDescription = aMethodToCall.toString(); } else { myMethodCallDescription = "not called a method"; } myElement = disableLazyLoaders(myElement); closeSession(); try { Assert.assertEquals("parent", myElement.getElement().getValue()); if (anExpectingAnException) {"Excpected an exception, since " + myMethodCallDescription + " should not trigger lazy loading"); } } catch(Exception anException) { if (!anExpectingAnException) {"Did not expect an exception, because " + myMethodCallDescription + " should trigger lazy loading"); } } }
Example 8
Source File: From hottub with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
@SuppressWarnings("LeakingThisInConstructor") public MemberName(Method m, boolean wantSpecial) { m.getClass(); // NPE check // fill in vmtarget, vmindex while we have m in hand: MethodHandleNatives.init(this, m); if (clazz == null) { // MHN.init failed if (m.getDeclaringClass() == MethodHandle.class && isMethodHandleInvokeName(m.getName())) { // The JVM did not reify this signature-polymorphic instance. // Need a special case here. // See comments on MethodHandleNatives.linkMethod. MethodType type = MethodType.methodType(m.getReturnType(), m.getParameterTypes()); int flags = flagsMods(IS_METHOD, m.getModifiers(), REF_invokeVirtual); init(MethodHandle.class, m.getName(), type, flags); if (isMethodHandleInvoke()) return; } throw new LinkageError(m.toString()); } assert(isResolved() && this.clazz != null); = m.getName(); if (this.type == null) this.type = new Object[] { m.getReturnType(), m.getParameterTypes() }; if (wantSpecial) { if (isAbstract()) throw new AbstractMethodError(this.toString()); if (getReferenceKind() == REF_invokeVirtual) changeReferenceKind(REF_invokeSpecial, REF_invokeVirtual); else if (getReferenceKind() == REF_invokeInterface) // invokeSpecial on a default method changeReferenceKind(REF_invokeSpecial, REF_invokeInterface); } }
Example 9
Source File: From openjdk-8 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
public Location getMethodLocation(final Method method) { return new Location() { @Override public String toString() { return method.toString(); } }; }
Example 10
Source File: From JsDroidCmd with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) {
if (method.equals(this.completeMethod)) {
int result = complete((String)args[0], ((Integer) args[1]).intValue(),
(List<String>) args[2]);
return Integer.valueOf(result);
throw new NoSuchMethodError(method.toString());
Example 11
Source File: From hottub with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
if(method.getDeclaringClass()==JAnnotationWriter.class) {
try {
return method.invoke(this,args);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
throw e.getTargetException();
String name = method.getName();
Object arg=null;
if(args!=null && args.length>0)
arg = args[0];
// check how it's defined on the annotation
Method m = annotation.getDeclaredMethod(name);
Class<?> rt = m.getReturnType();
// array value
if(rt.isArray()) {
return addArrayValue(proxy,name,rt.getComponentType(),method.getReturnType(),arg);
// sub annotation
if(Annotation.class.isAssignableFrom(rt)) {
Class<? extends Annotation> r = (Class<? extends Annotation>)rt;
return new TypedAnnotationWriter(
// scalar value
if(arg instanceof JType) {
JType targ = (JType) arg;
if(m.getDefaultValue()!=null) {
// check the default
return proxy; // defaulted
return proxy;
// other Java built-in types
if(m.getDefaultValue()!=null && m.getDefaultValue().equals(arg))
// defaulted. no need to write out.
return proxy;
if(arg instanceof String) {
return proxy;
if(arg instanceof Boolean) {
return proxy;
if(arg instanceof Integer) {
return proxy;
if(arg instanceof Class) {
return proxy;
if(arg instanceof Enum) {
return proxy;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to handle this method call "+method.toString());
Example 12
Source File: From lin-check with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
* Constructs {@link CTestStructure} for the specified test class.
public static CTestStructure getFromTestClass(Class<?> testClass) {
// Read named parameter paramgen (declared for class)
Map<String, ParameterGenerator<?>> namedGens = new HashMap<>();
for (Param paramAnn : testClass.getAnnotationsByType(Param.class)) {
if ( {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("@Param name in class declaration cannot be empty");
namedGens.put(, createGenerator(paramAnn));
// Read group configurations
Map<String, OperationGroup> groupConfigs = new HashMap<>();
for (OpGroupConfig opGroupConfigAnn: testClass.getAnnotationsByType(OpGroupConfig.class)) {
groupConfigs.put(, new OperationGroup(,
// Create actor paramgen
List<ActorGenerator> actorGenerators = new ArrayList<>();
for (Method m : testClass.getDeclaredMethods()) {
// Operation
if (m.isAnnotationPresent(Operation.class)) {
Operation operationAnn = m.getAnnotation(Operation.class);
// Check that params() in @Operation is empty or has the same size as the method
if (operationAnn.params().length > 0 && operationAnn.params().length != m.getParameterCount()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid count of paramgen for " + m.toString()
+ " method in @Operation");
// Construct list of parameter paramgen
final List<ParameterGenerator<?>> gens = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < m.getParameterCount(); i++) {
String nameInOperation = operationAnn.params().length > 0 ? operationAnn.params()[i] : null;
gens.add(getOrCreateGenerator(m, m.getParameters()[i], nameInOperation, namedGens));
// Get list of handled exceptions if they are presented
List<Class<? extends Throwable>> handledExceptions = Arrays.asList(operationAnn.handleExceptionsAsResult());
ActorGenerator actorGenerator = new ActorGenerator(m, gens, handledExceptions, operationAnn.runOnce());
// Get list of groups and add this operation to specified ones
String opGroup =;
if (!opGroup.isEmpty()) {
OperationGroup operationGroup = groupConfigs.get(opGroup);
if (operationGroup == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Operation group " + opGroup + " is not configured");
// Create StressCTest class configuration
return new CTestStructure(actorGenerators, new ArrayList<>(groupConfigs.values()));
Example 13
Source File: From jdk8u60 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
private static void testMethod(Class<?> aClass, Method m) throws
Exception {
* Construct call with arguments of the correct type. Note that the
* values are somewhat irrelevant. If the call actually succeeds, it
* means we aren't synchronized and the test has failed.
Class<?>[] pTypes = m.getParameterTypes();
List<Integer> charSequenceArgs = new ArrayList<>();
Object[] args = new Object[pTypes.length];
for (int i = 0; i < pTypes.length; i++) {
// determine the type and create the corresponding actual argument
Class<?> pType = pTypes[i];
if (pType.equals(boolean.class)) {
args[i] = BOOLEAN_VAL;
} else if (pType.equals(char.class)) {
args[i] = CHAR_VAL;
} else if (pType.equals(int.class)) {
args[i] = INT_VAL;
} else if (pType.equals(double.class)) {
args[i] = DOUBLE_VAL;
} else if (pType.equals(float.class)) {
args[i] = FLOAT_VAL;
} else if (pType.equals(long.class)) {
args[i] = LONG_VAL;
} else if (pType.equals(Object.class)) {
args[i] = OBJECT_VAL;
} else if (pType.equals(StringBuilder.class)) {
} else if (pType.equals(StringBuffer.class)) {
} else if (pType.equals(String.class)) {
args[i] = STRING_VAL;
} else if (pType.isArray() && pType.getComponentType().equals(char.class)) {
args[i] = CHAR_ARRAY_VAL;
} else if (pType.equals(CharSequence.class)) {
charSequenceArgs.add(new Integer(i));
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Test Failed: not accounting for method call with parameter type of " + pType.getName() + " You must update the test.");
* If there are no CharSequence args, we can simply invoke our method
* and test it
if (charSequenceArgs.isEmpty()) {
invokeMethod(aClass, m, args);
} else {
* Iterate through the different CharSequence types and invoke the
* method for each type.
if (charSequenceArgs.size() > 1) {
throw new RuntimeException("Test Failed: the test cannot handle a method with multiple CharSequence arguments. You must update the test to handle the method "
+ m.toString());
for (int j = 0; j < CHAR_SEQUENCE_VAL.length; j++) {
args[charSequenceArgs.get(0)] = CHAR_SEQUENCE_VAL[j];
invokeMethod(aClass, m, args);
Example 14
Source File: From native-obfuscator with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
private static void testMethod(Class<?> aClass, Method m) throws
Exception {
* Construct call with arguments of the correct type. Note that the
* values are somewhat irrelevant. If the call actually succeeds, it
* means we aren't synchronized and the test has failed.
Class<?>[] pTypes = m.getParameterTypes();
List<Integer> charSequenceArgs = new ArrayList<>();
Object[] args = new Object[pTypes.length];
for (int i = 0; i < pTypes.length; i++) {
// determine the type and create the corresponding actual argument
Class<?> pType = pTypes[i];
if (pType.equals(boolean.class)) {
args[i] = BOOLEAN_VAL;
} else if (pType.equals(char.class)) {
args[i] = CHAR_VAL;
} else if (pType.equals(int.class)) {
args[i] = INT_VAL;
} else if (pType.equals(double.class)) {
args[i] = DOUBLE_VAL;
} else if (pType.equals(float.class)) {
args[i] = FLOAT_VAL;
} else if (pType.equals(long.class)) {
args[i] = LONG_VAL;
} else if (pType.equals(Object.class)) {
args[i] = OBJECT_VAL;
} else if (pType.equals(StringBuilder.class)) {
} else if (pType.equals(StringBuffer.class)) {
} else if (pType.equals(String.class)) {
args[i] = STRING_VAL;
} else if (pType.isArray() && pType.getComponentType().equals(char.class)) {
args[i] = CHAR_ARRAY_VAL;
} else if (pType.equals(CharSequence.class)) {
charSequenceArgs.add(new Integer(i));
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Test Failed: not accounting for method call with parameter type of " + pType.getName() + " You must update the test.");
* If there are no CharSequence args, we can simply invoke our method
* and test it
if (charSequenceArgs.isEmpty()) {
invokeMethod(aClass, m, args);
} else {
* Iterate through the different CharSequence types and invoke the
* method for each type.
if (charSequenceArgs.size() > 1) {
throw new RuntimeException("Test Failed: the test cannot handle a method with multiple CharSequence arguments. You must update the test to handle the method "
+ m.toString());
for (int j = 0; j < CHAR_SEQUENCE_VAL.length; j++) {
args[charSequenceArgs.get(0)] = CHAR_SEQUENCE_VAL[j];
invokeMethod(aClass, m, args);
Example 15
Source File: From openjdk-jdk9 with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
if(method.getDeclaringClass()==JAnnotationWriter.class) {
try {
return method.invoke(this,args);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
throw e.getTargetException();
String name = method.getName();
Object arg=null;
if(args!=null && args.length>0)
arg = args[0];
// check how it's defined on the annotation
Method m = annotation.getDeclaredMethod(name);
Class<?> rt = m.getReturnType();
// array value
if(rt.isArray()) {
return addArrayValue(proxy,name,rt.getComponentType(),method.getReturnType(),arg);
// sub annotation
if(Annotation.class.isAssignableFrom(rt)) {
Class<? extends Annotation> r = (Class<? extends Annotation>)rt;
return new TypedAnnotationWriter(
// scalar value
if(arg instanceof JType) {
JType targ = (JType) arg;
if(m.getDefaultValue()!=null) {
// check the default
return proxy; // defaulted
return proxy;
// other Java built-in types
if(m.getDefaultValue()!=null && m.getDefaultValue().equals(arg))
// defaulted. no need to write out.
return proxy;
if(arg instanceof String) {
return proxy;
if(arg instanceof Boolean) {
return proxy;
if(arg instanceof Integer) {
return proxy;
if(arg instanceof Class) {
return proxy;
if(arg instanceof Enum) {
return proxy;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to handle this method call "+method.toString());
Example 16
Source File: From ats-framework with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private String generateActionDefinition( String actionName, Method actionImplementation, String transferUnit, boolean registerAction ) {"Generating method implementation for action '" + actionName + "'"); String[] paramNames = new String[actionImplementation.getParameterTypes().length]; String[] paramTypes = new String[actionImplementation.getParameterTypes().length]; Annotation[][] parameterAnnotations = actionImplementation.getParameterAnnotations(); for (int i = 0; i < parameterAnnotations.length; i++) { Class<?> paramType = actionImplementation.getParameterTypes()[i]; Annotation[] currentParamAnnotations = parameterAnnotations[i]; Parameter paramAnnotation = null; for (int j = 0; j < currentParamAnnotations.length; j++) { if (currentParamAnnotations[j] instanceof Parameter) { paramAnnotation = (Parameter) currentParamAnnotations[j]; break; } } if (paramAnnotation == null) { throw new BuildException("No @Parameter annotation for one of the parameters of action method " + actionImplementation.toString()); } paramNames[i] =; if (paramType.isArray() && paramType.getComponentType().isEnum()) { //array of enums should be represented by array of String in the generated stub paramTypes[i] = "String[]"; } else if (paramType.isEnum()) { //enums should be represented by Strings in the generated stub paramTypes[i] = "String"; } else { paramTypes[i] = paramType.getSimpleName(); } } //parameters and arguments if (paramNames.length != paramTypes.length) { throw new BuildException("Parameter names count different than parameter types count for action method " + actionImplementation.toString()); } Annotation deprecatedAnnotation = actionImplementation.getAnnotation(Deprecated.class); boolean isDeprecated = (deprecatedAnnotation != null); try { return new MethodTemplateProcessor(actionImplementation, actionName, paramNames, registerAction, paramTypes, transferUnit, isDeprecated).processTemplate(); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new BuildException(ioe); } }
Example 17
Source File: From jdk8u-dev-jdk with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
private static void testMethod(Class<?> aClass, Method m) throws
Exception {
* Construct call with arguments of the correct type. Note that the
* values are somewhat irrelevant. If the call actually succeeds, it
* means we aren't synchronized and the test has failed.
Class<?>[] pTypes = m.getParameterTypes();
List<Integer> charSequenceArgs = new ArrayList<>();
Object[] args = new Object[pTypes.length];
for (int i = 0; i < pTypes.length; i++) {
// determine the type and create the corresponding actual argument
Class<?> pType = pTypes[i];
if (pType.equals(boolean.class)) {
args[i] = BOOLEAN_VAL;
} else if (pType.equals(char.class)) {
args[i] = CHAR_VAL;
} else if (pType.equals(int.class)) {
args[i] = INT_VAL;
} else if (pType.equals(double.class)) {
args[i] = DOUBLE_VAL;
} else if (pType.equals(float.class)) {
args[i] = FLOAT_VAL;
} else if (pType.equals(long.class)) {
args[i] = LONG_VAL;
} else if (pType.equals(Object.class)) {
args[i] = OBJECT_VAL;
} else if (pType.equals(StringBuilder.class)) {
} else if (pType.equals(StringBuffer.class)) {
} else if (pType.equals(String.class)) {
args[i] = STRING_VAL;
} else if (pType.isArray() && pType.getComponentType().equals(char.class)) {
args[i] = CHAR_ARRAY_VAL;
} else if (pType.equals(CharSequence.class)) {
charSequenceArgs.add(new Integer(i));
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Test Failed: not accounting for method call with parameter type of " + pType.getName() + " You must update the test.");
* If there are no CharSequence args, we can simply invoke our method
* and test it
if (charSequenceArgs.isEmpty()) {
invokeMethod(aClass, m, args);
} else {
* Iterate through the different CharSequence types and invoke the
* method for each type.
if (charSequenceArgs.size() > 1) {
throw new RuntimeException("Test Failed: the test cannot handle a method with multiple CharSequence arguments. You must update the test to handle the method "
+ m.toString());
for (int j = 0; j < CHAR_SEQUENCE_VAL.length; j++) {
args[charSequenceArgs.get(0)] = CHAR_SEQUENCE_VAL[j];
invokeMethod(aClass, m, args);
Example 18
Source File: From Akatsuki with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public void executeTestCaseWithFields(Set<? extends TestField> fieldList,
Predicate<String> methodNamePredicate, FieldFilter accessorTypeFilter,
Accessor accessor, Function<TestField, Integer> times) {
Set<TestField> allFields = new HashSet<>(fieldList);
for (Method method : Bundle.class.getMethods()) {
// check correct signature and name predicate
if (!checkMethodIsAccessor(method, accessor)
|| !methodNamePredicate.test(method.getName())) {
// find methods who's accessor type matches the given fields
List<TestField> matchingField =
.filter(f -> filterTypes(method, accessor, accessorTypeFilter, f))
// no signature match
if (matchingField.isEmpty()) {
// more than one match, we should have exactly one match
if (matchingField.size() > 1) {
throw new AssertionError(method.toString() + " matches multiple field "
+ fieldList + ", this is ambiguous and should not happen."
+ environment.printReport());
final TestField field = matchingField.get(0);
try {
if (accessor == Accessor.PUT) {
method.invoke(verify(mockedBundle, times(times.apply(field))),
eq(, any(field.clazz));
} else {
method.invoke(verify(mockedBundle, times(times.apply(field))),
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new AssertionError("Invocation of method " + method.getName()
+ " on mocked object failed." + environment.printReport(), e);
if (!allFields.isEmpty())
throw new RuntimeException("While testing for accessor:" + accessor
+ " some fields are left untested because a suitable accessor cannot be found: "
+ allFields + environment.printReport());
Example 19
Source File: From wallride with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public Object generate(Object target, Method method, Object... params) {
return method.toString() + " [" + StringUtils.arrayToCommaDelimitedString(params) + "]";
Example 20
Source File: From choerodon-starters with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public SagaTaskMethodParameterException(Method method) {
super("@SagaTask method's parameter can only be one string, method: " + method.toString());