Java Code Examples for java.sql.PreparedStatement#setLong()
The following examples show how to use
java.sql.PreparedStatement#setLong() .
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Example 1
Source File: From opsu with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Sets all statement fields using a given ScoreData object. * @param stmt the statement to set fields for * @param data the score data * @throws SQLException */ private static void setStatementFields(PreparedStatement stmt, ScoreData data) throws SQLException { stmt.setLong(1, data.timestamp); stmt.setInt(2, data.MID); stmt.setInt(3, data.MSID); stmt.setString(4, data.title); stmt.setString(5, data.artist); stmt.setString(6, data.creator); stmt.setString(7, data.version); stmt.setInt(8, data.hit300); stmt.setInt(9, data.hit100); stmt.setInt(10, data.hit50); stmt.setInt(11, data.geki); stmt.setInt(12, data.katu); stmt.setInt(13, data.miss); stmt.setLong(14, data.score); stmt.setInt(15, data.combo); stmt.setBoolean(16, data.perfect); stmt.setInt(17, data.mods); }
Example 2
Source File: From Plan with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
public static Executable storeAllSessionsWithoutKillOrWorldData(Collection<Session> sessions) { if (Verify.isEmpty(sessions)) { return Executable.empty(); } return new ExecBatchStatement(SessionsTable.INSERT_STATEMENT) { @Override public void prepare(PreparedStatement statement) throws SQLException { for (Session session : sessions) { statement.setString(1, session.getUnsafe(SessionKeys.UUID).toString()); statement.setLong(2, session.getUnsafe(SessionKeys.START)); statement.setLong(3, session.getUnsafe(SessionKeys.END)); statement.setInt(4, session.getValue(SessionKeys.DEATH_COUNT).orElse(0)); statement.setInt(5, session.getValue(SessionKeys.MOB_KILL_COUNT).orElse(0)); statement.setLong(6, session.getValue(SessionKeys.AFK_TIME).orElse(0L)); statement.setString(7, session.getUnsafe(SessionKeys.SERVER_UUID).toString()); statement.addBatch(); } } }; }
Example 3
Source File: From phoenix with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
private long incrementTableSeqNum(PTable table, PTableType expectedType, boolean isImmutableRows, boolean disableWAL, boolean isMultiTenant, int columnCountDelta) throws SQLException {
String schemaName = table.getSchemaName().getString();
String tableName = table.getTableName().getString();
// Ordinal position is 1-based and we don't count SALT column in ordinal position
int totalColumnCount = table.getColumns().size() + (table.getBucketNum() == null ? 0 : -1);
final long seqNum = table.getSequenceNumber() + 1;
PreparedStatement tableUpsert = connection.prepareStatement(MUTATE_TABLE);
try {
tableUpsert.setString(1, connection.getTenantId() == null ? null : connection.getTenantId().getString());
tableUpsert.setString(2, schemaName);
tableUpsert.setString(3, tableName);
tableUpsert.setString(4, expectedType.getSerializedValue());
tableUpsert.setLong(5, seqNum);
tableUpsert.setInt(6, totalColumnCount + columnCountDelta);
tableUpsert.setBoolean(7, isImmutableRows);
tableUpsert.setBoolean(8, disableWAL);
tableUpsert.setBoolean(9, isMultiTenant);
} finally {
return seqNum;
Example 4
Source File: From Oceanus with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
@Test public void testOrderByLimit3() throws SQLException { Connection conn = this.getConnection(); ConnectionWrapper wrapper = new ConnectionWrapper(conn); String sql = "select * from t_userdynamic where uid>? or uid<? order by ver limit 4,?"; PreparedStatement statement = wrapper.prepareStatement(sql); statement.setLong(1, 2000); statement.setLong(2, 1000); statement.setInt(3, 8); ResultSet result = statement.executeQuery(); while ( { System.out.print("result:["); System.out.print(result.getString(1) + ","); System.out.print(result.getString(2) + ","); System.out.print(result.getString(3) + ","); System.out.println("]"); } }
Example 5
Source File: From spliceengine with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
* insert blob
* @param bloblen length of blob to insert
* @param start start id value for insert
* @param rows insert rows number of rows
* @param streamLength stream length passed to setBinaryStream(,,length)
private void insertBlob_SetBinaryStream(String testId, PreparedStatement ps, int bloblen, int start,
int rows, int streamLength) throws SQLException {
println("START " + testId + "insertBlob of size = "
+ bloblen);
long ST = System.currentTimeMillis();
int count = 0;
java.util.Random random = new java.util.Random();
for (int i = start; i < start + rows; i++) {
ps.setInt(1, i);
ps.setInt(2, 0);
ps.setLong(3, bloblen);
ps.setBinaryStream(4, new RandomByteStreamT(random, bloblen),
count += ps.executeUpdate();
println("Insert Blob (" + bloblen + ")" + " rows= "
+ count + " = " + (long) (System.currentTimeMillis() - ST));
verifyTest(count, rows, " Rows inserted with blob of size (" + bloblen
+ ") =");
Example 6
Source File: From joyqueue with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
* 用于重试失败,获取下一次重试时间
* @param id
* @param topic
* @return
* @throws JoyQueueException
protected Long getNextRetryTime(long id, String topic, String app) throws JoyQueueException {
Connection connection = null;
PreparedStatement statement = null;
ResultSet resultSet = null;
Long nextRetryTime = null; // 下一次重试时间
try {
connection = writeDataSource.getConnection();
statement = connection.prepareStatement(QUERY_ENTITY_SQL);
if (id <= 0) {
return null;
statement.setLong(1, id);
statement.setString(2, topic);
resultSet = statement.executeQuery();
if ( {
resultSet.getLong(1); // 使用分区消息序号暂存主键ID
Timestamp createTime = resultSet.getTimestamp(2);
long startTime = createTime.getTime(); // 临时存放创建时间
int retryCount = resultSet.getInt(3);
nextRetryTime = retryPolicyProvider.getPolicy(TopicName.parse(topic), app).getTime(, retryCount, startTime);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new JoyQueueException(JoyQueueCode.CN_DB_ERROR, e);
} finally {
Close.close(connection, statement, resultSet);
return nextRetryTime;
Example 7
Source File: From spliceengine with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
* insert clob into CLOBTBL2
* @param cloblen length of clob to insert
* @param start id value for insert
* @param rows insert rows number of rows
* @param streamLength stream length passed to
* setCharacterStream(pos,reader,streamLength)
* @param file name of the file that has data to be inserted
private void insertClob2(String testId,
PreparedStatement ps, int cloblen, int start, int rows,
int streamLength, String file) throws Exception {
println("START " + testId + "insert Clob of size = "
+ cloblen);
int count = 0;
long ST = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (int i = start; i < start + rows; i++) {
FileReader reader = PrivilegedFileOpsForTests
.getFileReader(new File(file));
try {
println("Got reader for file " + file + " " + reader);
ps.setInt(1, i);
ps.setInt(2, 0);
ps.setLong(4, cloblen);
ps.setCharacterStream(3, reader, streamLength);
count += ps.executeUpdate();
} finally {
println("Closed reader for file " + file + " " + reader);
println("Insert Clob (" + cloblen + ")" + " rows= "
+ count + " = " + (long) (System.currentTimeMillis() - ST));
verifyTest(count, rows, " Rows inserted with clob of size (" + cloblen
+ ") =");
Example 8
Source File: From gemfirexd-oss with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
protected void getCustomer(long c_id) throws SQLException {
PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(selectCustomer);
ps.setLong(1, c_id);
ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();
if ( {
customer = new Customer();
if (logDML) {
Log.getLogWriter().info(selectCustomer + " gets C_F_NAME: " + customer.getCFName()
+ " C_L_NAME:" + customer.getCLName() + " C_TIER: " + customer.getCTier()
+ " C_TAX_ID: " + customer.getCTaxId()
+ " for C_ID = " + c_id);
if ( {
if (logDML) {
Log.getLogWriter().info(selectCustomer + " gets C_F_NAME: " + customer.getCFName()
+ " C_L_NAME:" + customer.getCLName() + " C_TIER: " + customer.getCTier()
+ " C_TAX_ID: " + customer.getCTaxId()
+ " for C_ID = " + c_id);
throw new TestException ( selectCustomer+ " has more than 1 row " +
"in result set for C_ID = " + c_id);
} else {
throw new TestException ( selectCustomer + " does not get single row " +
"in result set for C_ID = " + c_id);
Example 9
Source File: From seata-samples with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
/** * 0.8.0 release * * @throws SQLException */ @GlobalTransactional public void batchUpdate() throws SQLException { Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement preparedStatement = null; try { connection = dataSource.getConnection(); connection.setAutoCommit(false); String sql = "update storage_tbl set count = ?" + " where id = ? and commodity_code = ?"; preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(sql); preparedStatement.setInt(1, 100); preparedStatement.setLong(2, 1); preparedStatement.setString(3, "2001"); preparedStatement.addBatch(); preparedStatement.setInt(1, 200); preparedStatement.setLong(2, 2); preparedStatement.setString(3, "2002"); preparedStatement.addBatch(); preparedStatement.setInt(1, 300); preparedStatement.setLong(2, 3); preparedStatement.setString(3, "2003"); preparedStatement.addBatch(); preparedStatement.executeBatch(); connection.commit(); System.out.println(1 / 0); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } finally { connection.close(); preparedStatement.close(); } }
Example 10
Source File: From Plan with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
* Store a BaseUser for the player in the database.
* @param playerUUID UUID of the player.
* @param registered Time the player registered on the server for the first time.
* @param playerName Name of the player.
* @return Executable, use inside a {@link}
public static Executable registerBaseUser(UUID playerUUID, long registered, String playerName) {
return new ExecStatement(UsersTable.INSERT_STATEMENT) {
public void prepare(PreparedStatement statement) throws SQLException {
statement.setString(1, playerUUID.toString());
statement.setString(2, playerName);
statement.setLong(3, registered);
statement.setInt(4, 0); // times kicked
Example 11
Source File: From olat with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private void cleanupUnusedMessageProperties(final UpgradeManager upgradeManager, final UpgradeHistoryData uhd) {
// each message generates a property entry for each user if he read a
// message in a forum. The deletion of the message did not delete the
// property entry.
if (!uhd.getBooleanDataValue(TASK_CLEAN_UP_MSGREAD_PROPERTIES_DONE)) {
String query = "select " + "from o_property LEFT JOIN o_message " + "ON o_property.longvalue=o_message.message_id "
+ "where o_message.message_id is NULL " + "AND o_property.category='rvst' " + "AND o_property.resourcetypename='Forum'; ";
try {
Connection con = upgradeManager.getDataSource().getConnection();
final Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
final ResultSet results = stmt.executeQuery(query);
// delete each property and do logging
query = "delete from o_property where id = ?";
final PreparedStatement deleteStmt = con.prepareStatement(query);
while ( {
final long id = results.getLong("id");"Audit:Deleting unused property (see: from table (o_property) with id = " + id);
deleteStmt.setLong(1, id);
con = null;
} catch (final SQLException e) {
log.warn("Could not execute system upgrade sql query. Query:" + query, e);
throw new StartupException("Could not execute system upgrade sql query. Query:" + query, e);
upgradeManager.setUpgradesHistory(uhd, VERSION);
Example 12
Source File: From openzaly with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
private int deleteSessionAsLimit(String siteUserId, int limitNum, long limitTime) throws SQLException {
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
// 删除site_user_session中设备
+ " WHERE site_user_id=? AND device_id NOT IN (SELECT s.device_id FROM (SELECT device_id FROM "
+ " WHERE site_user_id=? AND active_time>? ORDER BY active_time DESC LIMIT ?) as s);";
int num = 0;
Connection conn = null;
PreparedStatement ps = null;
try {
conn = DatabaseConnection.getConnection();
ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
ps.setString(1, siteUserId);
ps.setString(2, siteUserId);
ps.setLong(3, limitTime);
ps.setInt(4, limitNum);
num = ps.executeUpdate();
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw e;
} finally {
DatabaseConnection.returnConnection(conn, ps);
LogUtils.dbDebugLog(logger, startTime, num, sql, siteUserId);
return num;
Example 13
Source File: From ramus with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
@Override public Object mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException { if (cached) { Qualifier q = qualifeirsCache.get(rs.getLong("QUALIFIER_ID")); if (q != null) return q.createSaveCopy(); } Qualifier qualifier = new Qualifier(); fillFields(rs, qualifier); qualifier.setSystem(rs.getBoolean("QUALIFIER_SYSTEM")); long branch1 = 0l; if (rs.getObject("ATTRIBUTE_FOR_NAME") != null) { qualifier.setAttributeForName(rs.getLong("ATTRIBUTE_FOR_NAME")); } PreparedStatement ps = template .getPreparedStatement( "SELECT * FROM " + prefix + "qualifiers_history qh WHERE qualifier_id=? AND created_branch_id IN (SELECT MAX(created_branch_id) FROM " + prefix + "qualifiers_history WHERE qualifier_id=qh.qualifier_id AND created_branch_id <=?)", true); ps.setLong(1, qualifier.getId()); ps.setLong(2, branch); ResultSet rs1 = ps.executeQuery(); if ( { branch1 = rs1.getLong("created_branch_id"); fillFields(rs1, qualifier); } rs1.close(); loadAttributes(qualifier.getAttributes(), false, qualifier.getId(), branch1); loadAttributes(qualifier.getSystemAttributes(), true, qualifier.getId(), branch1); if (cached) { qualifeirsCache.put(qualifier.getId(), qualifier); return qualifier.createSaveCopy(); } else return qualifier; }
Example 14
Source File: From Cynthia with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
public Filter queryFilter(UUID id)
if(id == null)
return null;
Filter filter = null;
PreparedStatement pstm = null;
Connection conn = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
conn = DbPoolConnection.getInstance().getReadConnection();
pstm = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM filter"
+ " WHERE id = ?");
pstm.setLong(1, Long.parseLong(id.getValue()));
rs = pstm.executeQuery();
String createUser = rs.getString("create_user");
Timestamp createTime = rs.getTimestamp("create_time");
UUID fatherId = null;
if(rs.getObject("father_id") != null)
fatherId = DataAccessFactory.getInstance().createUUID(rs.getObject("father_id").toString());
filter = new FilterImpl(id, createUser, createTime, fatherId);
catch(Exception e)
return filter;
Example 15
Source File: From EasyTransaction with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
private void deleteUndoLog(String xid, long branchId, Connection conn) throws SQLException {
PreparedStatement deletePST = conn.prepareStatement(DELETE_UNDO_LOG_SQL);
deletePST.setLong(1, branchId);
deletePST.setString(2, xid);
Example 16
Source File: From NovaGuilds with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
@Override public boolean save(NovaGuild guild) { if(!guild.isChanged() && !isInSaveQueue(guild) || guild.isUnloaded() || isInRemovalQueue(guild)) { return false; } if(!guild.isAdded()) { add(guild); return true; } getStorage().connect(); try { String homeCoordinates = StringUtils.parseDBLocation(guild.getHome()); String vaultLocationString = StringUtils.parseDBLocation(guild.getVaultLocation()); IConverter<NovaGuild, UUID> cvt = new ResourceToUUIDConverterImpl<>(); PreparedStatement preparedStatement = getStorage().getPreparedStatement(PreparedStatements.GUILDS_UPDATE); preparedStatement.setString( 1, guild.getTag()); //tag preparedStatement.setString( 2, guild.getName()); //name preparedStatement.setString( 3, guild.getLeader().getUUID().toString()); //leader uuid preparedStatement.setString( 4, homeCoordinates); //home location preparedStatement.setString( 5, StringUtils.joinSemicolon(cvt.convert(guild.getAllies()))); //allies preparedStatement.setString( 6, StringUtils.joinSemicolon(cvt.convert(guild.getAllyInvitations()))); //ally invitations preparedStatement.setString( 7, StringUtils.joinSemicolon(cvt.convert(guild.getWars()))); //wars preparedStatement.setString( 8, StringUtils.joinSemicolon(cvt.convert(guild.getNoWarInvitations()))); //no war invitations preparedStatement.setDouble( 9, guild.getMoney()); //money preparedStatement.setInt( 10, guild.getPoints()); //points preparedStatement.setInt( 11, guild.getLives()); //lives amount preparedStatement.setLong( 12, guild.getTimeRest()); //rest time preparedStatement.setLong( 13, guild.getLostLiveTime()); //lost live time preparedStatement.setLong( 14, guild.getInactiveTime()); //inactive time preparedStatement.setString( 15, vaultLocationString); //vault location preparedStatement.setInt( 16, guild.getSlots()); //slots preparedStatement.setBoolean(17, guild.isOpenInvitation()); //open invitation preparedStatement.setString( 18, BannerUtils.serialize(guild.getBannerMeta())); //banner preparedStatement.setString( 19, guild.getUUID().toString()); //guild UUID preparedStatement.executeUpdate(); guild.setUnchanged(); } catch(SQLException e) {"SQLException while saving a guild."); LoggerUtils.exception(e); } return true; }
Example 17
Source File: From phoenix with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Test public void testScanTracingOnServer() throws Exception {"testScanTracingOnServer TableName: " + tracingTableName); // separate connections to minimize amount of traces that are generated Connection traceable = getTracingConnection(); Connection conn = getConnectionWithoutTracing(); // one call for client side, one call for server side latch = new CountDownLatch(5); testTraceWriter.start(); // create a dummy table createTestTable(conn, false); // update the table, but don't trace these, to simplify the traces we read LOGGER.debug("Doing dummy the writes to the tracked table"); String insert = "UPSERT INTO " + enabledForLoggingTable + " VALUES (?, ?)"; PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement(insert); stmt.setString(1, "key1"); stmt.setLong(2, 1); stmt.execute(); conn.commit(); // setup for next set of updates stmt.setString(1, "key2"); stmt.setLong(2, 2); stmt.execute(); conn.commit(); // do a scan of the table String read = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + enabledForLoggingTable; ResultSet results = traceable.createStatement().executeQuery(read); assertTrue("Didn't get count result",; // make sure we got the expected count assertEquals("Didn't get the expected number of row", 2, results.getInt(1)); results.close(); assertTrue("Didn't get expected updates to trace table", latch.await(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS)); // don't trace reads either boolean found = checkStoredTraces(conn, new TraceChecker() { @Override public boolean foundTrace(TraceHolder trace) { String traceInfo = trace.toString(); return traceInfo.contains(BaseScannerRegionObserver.SCANNER_OPENED_TRACE_INFO); } }); assertTrue("Didn't find the parallel scanner in the tracing", found); }
Example 18
Source File: From canal-1.1.3 with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Test public void test01() throws SQLException { DruidDataSource dataSource = new DruidDataSource(); // dataSource.setDriverClassName("oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver"); // dataSource.setUrl("jdbc:oracle:thin:@"); // dataSource.setUsername("mytest"); // dataSource.setPassword("m121212"); dataSource.setDriverClassName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); dataSource.setUrl("jdbc:mysql://"); dataSource.setUsername("root"); dataSource.setPassword("121212"); dataSource.setInitialSize(1); dataSource.setMinIdle(1); dataSource.setMaxActive(2); dataSource.setMaxWait(60000); dataSource.setTimeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis(60000); dataSource.setMinEvictableIdleTimeMillis(300000); dataSource.init(); Connection conn = dataSource.getConnection(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); PreparedStatement pstmt = conn .prepareStatement("insert into user (id,name,role_id,c_time,test1,test2) values (?,?,?,?,?,?)"); java.util.Date now = new java.util.Date(); for (int i = 1; i <= 10000; i++) { pstmt.clearParameters(); pstmt.setLong(1, (long) i); pstmt.setString(2, "test_" + i); pstmt.setLong(3, (long) i % 4 + 1); pstmt.setDate(4, new java.sql.Date(now.getTime())); pstmt.setString(5, null); pstmt.setBytes(6, null); pstmt.execute(); if (i % 5000 == 0) { conn.commit(); } } conn.commit(); pstmt.close(); // Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); // ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("select * from user t where 1=2"); // // ResultSetMetaData rsm = rs.getMetaData(); // int cnt = rsm.getColumnCount(); // for (int i = 1; i <= cnt; i++) { // System.out.println(rsm.getColumnName(i) + " " + rsm.getColumnType(i)); // } // rs.close(); // stmt.close(); // PreparedStatement pstmt = conn // .prepareStatement("insert into tb_user (id,name,role_id,c_time,test1,test2) // values (?,?,?,?,?,?)"); // pstmt.setBigDecimal(1, new BigDecimal("5")); // pstmt.setString(2, "test"); // pstmt.setBigDecimal(3, new BigDecimal("1")); // pstmt.setDate(4, new Date(new java.util.Date().getTime())); // byte[] a = { (byte) 1, (byte) 2 }; // pstmt.setBytes(5, a); // pstmt.setBytes(6, a); // pstmt.execute(); // // pstmt.close(); conn.close(); dataSource.close(); }
Example 19
Source File: From cacheonix-core with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 4 votes |
public void set(PreparedStatement st, Object value, int index)
throws SQLException {
st.setLong( index, ( (Long) value ).longValue() );
Example 20
Source File: From gemfirexd-oss with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
protected int insertToTable(PreparedStatement stmt, long cid, BigDecimal cash, BigDecimal securities, int loanLimit, BigDecimal availLoan, int tid, boolean isPut) throws SQLException { String txid = SQLDistTxTest.curTxId.get() == null ? "" : "TXID:" + (Integer)SQLDistTxTest.curTxId.get() + " "; int round = (Integer) SQLDistTxTest.iteration.get(); String database = SQLHelper.isDerbyConn(stmt.getConnection())?"Derby - " :"gemfirexd - " + txid + " " ; Log.getLogWriter().info( database + (isPut ? "putting" : "inserting") + " into trade.networthv1 with CID:" + cid + ",CASH:" + cash + ":SECURITIES," + securities + ",LOANLIMIT:" + loanLimit + ",AVAILLOAN:" + availLoan + ",TID:" + tid + ",ROUND:" + round+ ",C_CID:" + cid); stmt.setLong(1, cid); stmt.setBigDecimal(2, cash); stmt.setBigDecimal(3, securities); //insert is 0, will be updated by security through trigger stmt.setInt(4, loanLimit); stmt.setBigDecimal(5, availLoan); //availLoan is the same as loanLimit during insert stmt.setInt(6, tid); stmt.setInt(7, round); stmt.setLong(8, cid); int rowCount = stmt.executeUpdate(); Log.getLogWriter().info(database + (isPut ? "put" : "inserted ") + rowCount + " rows in trade.networthv1 with CID:" + cid + ",CASH:" + cash + ":SECURITIES," + securities + ",LOANLIMIT:" + loanLimit + ",AVAILLOAN:" + availLoan + ",TID:" + tid + ",ROUND:" + round+ ",C_CID:" + cid); SQLWarning warning = stmt.getWarnings(); //test to see there is a warning if (warning != null) { SQLHelper.printSQLWarning(warning); } /* tables needs to be changed in hdfs if ( database.contains("gemfirexd") && isPut) { if (! SQLTest.ticket49794fixed) { //manually update fulldataset table for above entry. String deleteStatement = "DELETE FROM TRADE.NETWORTH_FULLDATASET WHERE cid = " + cid ; String insertStatement = " INSERT INTO TRADE.NETWORTH_FULLDATASET VALUES ( " + cid + " , " + cash + " , " + securities + "," + loanLimit + " , " + availLoan + "," + tid + ")"; Log.getLogWriter().info(" Trigger behaviour is not defined for putDML hence deleting the row from TRADE.NETWORTH_FULLDATASET with data CID:" + cid ); stmt.getConnection().createStatement().execute(deleteStatement); Log.getLogWriter().info(" Trigger behaviour is not defined for putDML hence inserting the row into TRADE.NETWORTH_FULLDATASET with data CID:" + cid + ",CASH:" + cash + ",SECURITIES:" + securities + " ,LOANLIMIT:" + loanLimit + " ,AVAILLOAN:" + availLoan + ",TID:" + tid ); stmt.getConnection().createStatement().execute(insertStatement); } Log.getLogWriter().info( database + (isPut ? "putting" : "inserting") + " into trade.networth with CID:" + cid + ",CASH:" + cash + ":SECURITIES," + securities + ",LOANLIMIT:" + loanLimit + ",AVAILLOAN:" + availLoan + ",TID:" + tid); rowCount = stmt.executeUpdate(); Log.getLogWriter().info(database + (isPut ? "put" : "inserted ") + rowCount + " rows in trade.networth CID:" + cid + ",CASH:" + cash + ":SECURITIES," + securities + ",LOANLIMIT:" + loanLimit + ",AVAILLOAN:" + availLoan + ",TID:" + tid); warning = stmt.getWarnings(); //test to see there is a warning if (warning != null) { SQLHelper.printSQLWarning(warning); } } */ return rowCount; }