Java Code Examples for java.sql.Statement#close()
The following examples show how to use
java.sql.Statement#close() .
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Example 1
Source File: From spliceengine with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Tests updating a Blob from a scollable resultset produced by a * select query with projection. Updates are made using * result set update methods. * @exception SQLException causes test to fail with error * @exception IOException causes test to fail with error */ public void testUpdateBlobFromScrollableResultSetWithProjectUsingResultSetMethods() throws SQLException, IOException { final Statement stmt = createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE); final ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT data,val,length from " + BLOBDataModelSetup.getBlobTableName()); println("Last"); rs.last(); final int newVal = rs.getInt(2) + 11; final int newSize = rs.getInt(3) / 2; testUpdateBlobWithResultSetMethods(rs, newVal, newSize); println("Verify updated blob using result set"); verifyBlob(newVal, newSize, rs.getBlob(1)); rs.close(); stmt.close(); }
Example 2
Source File: From spliceengine with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Test that % matches tab characters (DERBY-1262). */ public void testTabs() throws SQLException { Statement s = createStatement(); s.executeUpdate("insert into test values " + "('asd\tp', 'asd\tp', 'asd\tp'), " + "('ase\tp', 'ase\tg', 'ase\tg')"); String[][] expected = { {"asdf"}, {"asdg"}, {"asd\tp"} }; JDBC.assertUnorderedResultSet( s.executeQuery("select c10 from test where c10 like 'asd%'"), expected); PreparedStatement ps = prepareStatement("select c10 from test where c10 like ?"); ps.setString(1, "asd%"); JDBC.assertUnorderedResultSet(ps.executeQuery(), expected); s.close(); ps.close(); }
Example 3
Source File: From snowflake-jdbc with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
public static Connection getConnection()
throws SQLException
Connection connection = AbstractDriverIT.getConnection();
Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
"alter session set " +
"TIMEZONE='America/Los_Angeles'," +
return connection;
Example 4
Source File: From Spring-generator with MIT License | 6 votes |
/** * 获得单元测试配置文件信息 * * @return * @throws Exception */ public static UnitTestConfig getUnitTestConfig(String name) throws Exception { Connection conn = null; Statement stat = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { conn = getConnection(); stat = conn.createStatement(); String sql = String.format("select * from UnitTestConfig where name='%s'", name); ResultSet resultSet = stat.executeQuery(sql); while ( { UnitTestConfig result = JSON.parseObject(resultSet.getString("value"), UnitTestConfig.class); return result; } } finally { if (rs != null) rs.close(); if (stat != null) stat.close(); if (conn != null) conn.close(); } return null; }
Example 5
Source File: From openemm with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
* Closes SQL Statement object without throwing Exceptions.
* Exceptions are still loged as errors.
* @param statements
protected void closeSilently(Statement... statements) {
for (Statement statement : statements) {
if (statement != null) {
try {
} catch (SQLException e) {
baseDaoImplLogger.error("Error occured: " + e.getMessage(), e);
Example 6
Source File: From spliceengine with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
* Tests shutdown with the only transaction was committed.
public void testOnlyTransactionWasCommited() throws SQLException {
Statement st = createStatement();
JDBC.assertSingleValueResultSet(st.executeQuery("select " + "count(*) "
+ "from " + "TEST_TABLE "), "1000");
Example 7
Source File: From spliceengine with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
* Tests shutdown with the transaction was rollbacked, and next transaction was not
* committed/rollbacked yet.
public void testOnceRollbackedAndLeft() throws SQLException {
insertIntoTestTable(1001, 999);
Statement st = createStatement();
JDBC.assertSingleValueResultSet(st.executeQuery("select " + "count(*) "
+ "from " + "TEST_TABLE "), "0");
Example 8
Source File: From spliceengine with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
/** * Test that each system table has a table type of "S". * * @throws SQLException */ public void testSystemCatalogTableTypes() throws SQLException { Statement s = createStatement(); ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery("select TABLENAME, TABLETYPE from sys.systables order by tablename"); boolean nonEmptyResultSet = false; while( { nonEmptyResultSet = true; assertEquals("S", rs.getString(2)); } assertTrue(nonEmptyResultSet); rs.close(); s.close(); }
Example 9
Source File: From MogwaiERDesignerNG with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
protected void loadSingleSQL(Connection aConnection, String aResource)
throws IOException, SQLException {
String theSQL = readResourceFile(aResource);
Statement theStatement = aConnection.createStatement();
StringTokenizer theST = new StringTokenizer(theSQL, ";");
while (theST.hasMoreTokens()) {
String theSingleSQL = theST.nextToken();
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(theSingleSQL)) {
Example 10
Source File: From incubator-sentry with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Test public void testPartitioned() throws Exception { // copy data file to test dir File dataDir = context.getDataDir(); File dataFile = new File(dataDir, SINGLE_TYPE_DATA_FILE_NAME); FileOutputStream to = new FileOutputStream(dataFile); Resources.copy(Resources.getResource(SINGLE_TYPE_DATA_FILE_NAME), to); to.close(); String viewName = "view1"; String db = "db1"; String tabName = "tab1"; policyFile .addPermissionsToRole("view", "server=server1->db=" + db + "->table=" + viewName) .addRolesToGroup(USERGROUP1, "view") .setUserGroupMapping(StaticUserGroup.getStaticMapping()); policyFile.write(context.getPolicyFile()); //admin creates a view Connection conn = context.createConnection(ADMIN1); Statement stmt = context.createStatement(conn); stmt.execute("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS " + db + " CASCADE"); stmt.execute("CREATE DATABASE " + db); stmt.execute("use " + db); stmt.execute("create table " + tabName + " (id int) partitioned by (part string)"); stmt.execute("load data local inpath '" + dataFile + "' into table " + tabName + " PARTITION (part=\"a\")"); stmt.execute("load data local inpath '" + dataFile + "' into table " + tabName + " PARTITION (part=\"b\")"); ResultSet res = stmt.executeQuery("select count(*) from " + tabName); Assert.assertThat(res, notNullValue()); while( { Assume.assumeTrue(res.getInt(1) == Integer.valueOf(1000)); } stmt.execute("create view " + viewName + " as select * from " + tabName + " where id<100"); res = stmt.executeQuery("select count(*) from " + viewName); Assert.assertThat(res, notNullValue()); int rowsInView = 0; while( { rowsInView = res.getInt(1); } stmt.close(); conn.close(); Connection userConn = context.createConnection(USER1_1); Statement userStmt = context.createStatement(userConn); userStmt.execute("use " + db); res = userStmt.executeQuery("select count(*) from " + viewName); Assert.assertThat(res, notNullValue()); while( { Assert.assertThat(res.getInt(1), is(rowsInView)); } userStmt.close(); userConn.close(); // user2 hasn't the privilege for the view userConn = context.createConnection(USER2_1); userStmt = context.createStatement(userConn); try { userStmt.executeQuery("select count(*) from " + viewName);"Expected SQL exception"); } catch (SQLException e) { // ignore the exception } userStmt.close(); userConn.close(); }
Example 11
Source File: From gemfirexd-oss with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
* Execute and check the ODBC variant of getImported/Exported keys, which
* uses the SQLFOREIGNKEYS system procedure to provide the same information
* to ODBC clients. Note that for "correctness" we just compare the results
* to those of the equivalent JDBC calls; this fixture assumes that the
* the JDBC calls return correct results (testing of the JDBC results occurs
* elsewhere, see fixtures testGetXXportedKeys()
public void testGetXXportedKeysODBC() throws SQLException, IOException
Statement st = createStatement();
// Create some simple tables with primary/foreign keys.
st.execute("create table pkt1 (i int not null, c char(1) not null)");
st.execute("create table pkt2 (i int not null, c char(1) not null)");
st.execute("create table pkt3 (i int not null, c char(1) not null)");
st.execute("alter table pkt1 add constraint pk1 primary key (i)");
st.execute("alter table pkt2 add constraint pk2 primary key (c)");
st.execute("alter table pkt3 add constraint pk3 primary key (i, c)");
st.execute("create table fkt1 (fi int, fc char(1), vc varchar(80))");
st.execute("create table fkt2 (fi int, fc char(1), vc varchar(80))");
st.execute("alter table fkt1 add constraint fk1 foreign key (fi) " +
"references pkt1(i)");
st.execute("alter table fkt1 add constraint fk2 foreign key (fc) " +
"references pkt2(c)");
st.execute("alter table fkt2 add constraint fk3 foreign key (fi, fc) " +
"references pkt3(i, c)");
/* Check for all arguments NULL; SQLFOREIGNKEYS allows this, though
* there is no equivalent in JDBC.
checkODBCKeys(null, null, null, null, null, null);
/* Run equivalent of getImportedKeys(), getExportedKeys(),
* and getCrossReference for each of the primary/foreign
* key pairs.
checkODBCKeys(null, null, null, null, null, "FKT1");
checkODBCKeys(null, null, "PKT1", null, null, null);
checkODBCKeys(null, null, "PKT1", null, null, "FKT1");
checkODBCKeys(null, null, null, null, null, "FKT2");
checkODBCKeys(null, null, "PKT2", null, null, null);
checkODBCKeys(null, null, "PKT2", null, null, "FKT2");
checkODBCKeys(null, null, null, null, null, "FKT3");
checkODBCKeys(null, null, "PKT3", null, null, null);
checkODBCKeys(null, null, "PKT3", null, null, "FKT3");
// Reverse primary and foreign tables.
checkODBCKeys(null, null, "FKT1", null, null, null);
checkODBCKeys(null, null, null, null, null, "PKT3");
checkODBCKeys(null, null, "FKT1", null, null, "PKT1");
checkODBCKeys(null, null, "FKT2", null, null, "PKT2");
checkODBCKeys(null, null, "FKT3", null, null, "PKT3");
// Mix-and-match primary key tables and foreign key tables.
checkODBCKeys(null, null, "PKT1", null, null, "FKT2");
checkODBCKeys(null, null, "PKT1", null, null, "FKT3");
checkODBCKeys(null, null, "PKT2", null, null, "FKT3");
checkODBCKeys(null, null, "FKT1", null, null, "PKT2");
checkODBCKeys(null, null, "FKT1", null, null, "PKT3");
checkODBCKeys(null, null, "FKT2", null, null, "PKT3");
// Cleanup.
st.execute("drop table fkt1");
st.execute("drop table fkt2");
st.execute("drop table pkt1");
st.execute("drop table pkt2");
st.execute("drop table pkt3");
Example 12
Source File: From Tomcat7.0.67 with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Validates a connection. * @param validateAction the action used. One of {@link #VALIDATE_BORROW}, {@link #VALIDATE_IDLE}, * {@link #VALIDATE_INIT} or {@link #VALIDATE_RETURN} * @param sql the SQL to be used during validation. If the {@link PoolConfiguration#setInitSQL(String)} has been called with a non null * value and the action is {@link #VALIDATE_INIT} the init SQL will be used for validation. * * @return true if the connection was validated successfully. It returns true even if validation was not performed, such as when * {@link PoolConfiguration#setValidationInterval(long)} has been called with a positive value. * <p> * false if the validation failed. The caller should close the connection if false is returned since a session could have been left in * an unknown state during initialization. */ public boolean validate(int validateAction,String sql) { if (this.isDiscarded()) { return false; } if (!doValidate(validateAction)) { //no validation required, no init sql and props not set return true; } //Don't bother validating if already have recently enough long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (validateAction!=VALIDATE_INIT && poolProperties.getValidationInterval() > 0 && (now - this.lastValidated) < poolProperties.getValidationInterval()) { return true; } if (poolProperties.getValidator() != null) { if (poolProperties.getValidator().validate(connection, validateAction)) { this.lastValidated = now; return true; } else { if (getPoolProperties().getLogValidationErrors()) { log.error("Custom validation through "+poolProperties.getValidator()+" failed."); } return false; } } String query = sql; if (validateAction == VALIDATE_INIT && poolProperties.getInitSQL() != null) { query = poolProperties.getInitSQL(); } if (query == null) { query = poolProperties.getValidationQuery(); } Statement stmt = null; try { stmt = connection.createStatement(); int validationQueryTimeout = poolProperties.getValidationQueryTimeout(); if (validationQueryTimeout > 0) { stmt.setQueryTimeout(validationQueryTimeout); } stmt.execute(query); stmt.close(); this.lastValidated = now; return true; } catch (Exception ex) { if (getPoolProperties().getLogValidationErrors()) { log.warn("SQL Validation error", ex); } else if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Unable to validate object:",ex); } if (stmt!=null) try { stmt.close();} catch (Exception ignore2){/*NOOP*/} } return false; }
Example 13
Source File: From homework_tester with MIT License | 4 votes |
public void execUpdate(String update) throws SQLException {
Statement stmt = connection.createStatement();
Example 14
Source File: From incubator-sentry with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
@Test public void testOnFailureHookLoading() throws Exception { // Do not run this test if run with external HiveServer2 // This test checks for a static member, which will not // be set if HiveServer2 and the test run in different JVMs String hiveServer2Type = System.getProperty( HiveServerFactory.HIVESERVER2_TYPE); if (hiveServer2Type != null && !HiveServerFactory.isInternalServer(HiveServerFactory.HiveServer2Type .valueOf(hiveServer2Type.trim()))) { return; } context = createContext(testProperties); File dataDir = context.getDataDir(); //copy data file to test dir File dataFile = new File(dataDir, SINGLE_TYPE_DATA_FILE_NAME); FileOutputStream to = new FileOutputStream(dataFile); Resources.copy(Resources.getResource(SINGLE_TYPE_DATA_FILE_NAME), to); to.close(); policyFile .addRolesToGroup(USERGROUP1, "all_db1", "load_data") .addPermissionsToRole("all_db1", "server=server1->db=DB_1") .setUserGroupMapping(StaticUserGroup.getStaticMapping()) .write(context.getPolicyFile()); // setup db objects needed by the test Connection connection = context.createConnection(ADMIN1); Statement statement = context.createStatement(connection); statement.execute("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS DB_1 CASCADE"); statement.execute("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS DB_2 CASCADE"); statement.execute("CREATE DATABASE DB_1"); statement.execute("CREATE DATABASE DB_2"); statement.close(); connection.close(); // test execution connection = context.createConnection(USER1_1); statement = context.createStatement(connection); //negative test case: user can't drop another user's database assertFalse(DummySentryOnFailureHook.invoked); try { statement.execute("DROP DATABASE DB_2 CASCADE");"Expected SQL exception"); } catch (SQLException e) { assertTrue(DummySentryOnFailureHook.invoked); } statement.close(); connection.close(); //test cleanup connection = context.createConnection(ADMIN1); statement = context.createStatement(connection); statement.execute("DROP DATABASE DB_1 CASCADE"); statement.execute("DROP DATABASE DB_2 CASCADE"); statement.close(); connection.close(); context.close(); }
Example 15
Source File: From gemfirexd-oss with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Test various default store properties for the system tables. * * @throws SQLException */ //FIXME // GemFireXD returns different values for this function, need to tweak this testcase // but comment out for now //public void testSystemCatalogStoreProperties() throws SQLException{ public void _testSystemCatalogStoreProperties() throws SQLException{ Statement s = createStatement(); s.execute("create function gatp(SCH VARCHAR(128), TBL VARCHAR(128)) RETURNS VARCHAR(1000) EXTERNAL NAME 'org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.util.TestPropertyInfo.getAllTableProperties' LANGUAGE JAVA PARAMETER STYLE JAVA"); s.execute("create function gaip(SCH VARCHAR(128), TBL VARCHAR(128)) RETURNS VARCHAR(1000) EXTERNAL NAME 'org.apache.derbyTesting.functionTests.util.TestPropertyInfo.getAllIndexProperties' LANGUAGE JAVA PARAMETER STYLE JAVA"); // get the properties for the heaps ResultSet rs = s.executeQuery("select tablename,gatp('SYS', tablename) from sys.systables order by tablename"); boolean nonEmptyResultSet = false; String tablename = null; String sysdummy = "SYSDUMMY1"; while( { nonEmptyResultSet = true; tablename = rs.getString(1); if (tablename.equals(sysdummy)) { assertTrue(rs.getString(2).startsWith("{ }")); } else { String expected = "{ GEMFIRE_REGION_ATTRIBUTES=MISSING_VALUE, ddIndex=MISSING_VALUE, gemfirexd.schema-name=SYS, gemfirexd.table-name="+tablename+" }"; assertTrue(rs.getString(2).startsWith(expected)); } } assertTrue(nonEmptyResultSet); rs.close(); // get the properties for the indexes rs = s.executeQuery("select conglomeratename, gaip('SYS', conglomeratename) from sys.sysconglomerates where isindex order by conglomeratename"); nonEmptyResultSet = false; // GemStone changes BEGIN //String expected = "{ baseConglomerateId=MISSING_VALUE, ddIndex=MISSING_VALUE, indexComparator=MISSING_VALUE, gemfirexd.schema-name=SYS, gemfirexd.table-name="; ///String expectedRegex = "\\{ baseConglomerateId=MISSING_VALUE, ddIndex=MISSING_VALUE, gemfirexd.schema-name=SYS, gemfirexd.table-name=\\d*, indexComparator=MISSING_VALUE \\}"; String expectedRegex = "\\{ baseConglomerateId=MISSING_VALUE, ddIndex=MISSING_VALUE, indexComparator=MISSING_VALUE, gemfirexd.schema-name=SYS, gemfirexd.table-name=\\d* \\}"; // GemStone changes END while( { nonEmptyResultSet = true; // GemStone changes BEGIN //assertTrue(rs.getString(2).startsWith(expected)); if (!Pattern.matches(expectedRegex, rs.getString(2))) { fail("Conglomerate row "+rs.getString(2)+" does not match " + expectedRegex); } // GemStone changes END } assertTrue(nonEmptyResultSet); rs.close(); s.close(); }
Example 16
Source File: From gemfirexd-oss with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Transactions with indexes. */ public void testTransactionsAndIndexMaintenance() throws Exception { Connection conn= getConnection(); Statement st = conn.createStatement(); st.execute("create schema test"); st.execute("create table test.t1 ( PkCol1 int not null, PkCol2 int not null , " + "col3 int, col4 int, col5 varchar(10), Primary Key (PkCol1) ) "+ "Partition by column (PkCol1)"+getSuffix()); conn.commit(); st.execute("create index IndexCol4 on test.t1 (col4)"); conn.commit(); conn.setTransactionIsolation(getIsolationLevel()); final int rows = 1000; final CheckIndexOperations checkIndex = new CheckIndexOperations("Test.IndexCol4"); try { GemFireXDQueryObserverHolder.putInstance(checkIndex); PreparedStatement psInsert = conn.prepareStatement("insert into test.t1 " + "values (?,10,10,10,'XXXX1')"); for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) { psInsert.setInt(1, i); psInsert.executeUpdate(); conn.commit(); } checkIndex.checkNumInserts(rows); } finally { GemFireXDQueryObserverHolder.removeObserver(checkIndex); } //conn.commit(); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("select * from test.t1 where col4 = 10"); int numRows = 0; while ( { assertEquals("Should return correct result ", 10, rs.getInt("COL4")); numRows++; } assertEquals("Should return 1000 rows ", rows, numRows); rs.close(); PreparedStatement psUpdate = conn.prepareStatement("update test.t1 set " + "col3 = 20, col4 = 20, col5 = 'changed' where PkCol1=?"); try { GemFireXDQueryObserverHolder.putInstance(checkIndex); for(int i = 0; i < rows ; i++) { psUpdate.setInt(1, i); psUpdate.executeUpdate(); conn.commit(); } } finally { GemFireXDQueryObserverHolder.removeObserver(checkIndex); } // TODO fix the observer index maintenance increment logic with the new model. //checkIndex.checkNumInserts(2 * rows); //checkIndex.checkNumDeletes(rows); rs = st.executeQuery("select * from test.t1 where col4 = 20 " + "order by PkCol1 asc"); numRows = 0; while ( { assertEquals("Should return correct result ", 20, rs.getInt("COL4")); assertEquals("Should return correct result ", 20, rs.getInt("COL3")); assertEquals("Should return correct result ", "changed", rs.getString("COL5").trim()); assertEquals("Should return correct result ", numRows, rs.getInt("PKCOL1")); numRows++; } assertEquals("Should return 1000 rows ", rows, numRows); st.close(); conn.commit(); }
Example 17
Source File: From gemfirexd-oss with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
/** * Test multiple commit and rollback. * * @throws Exception */ public void testCommitAndRollBack() throws Exception { startVMs(1, 2); // TestUtil.loadDriver(); Properties props = new Properties(); props.setProperty(Attribute.TX_SYNC_COMMITS, "true"); final Connection conn = TestUtil.getConnection(props); conn.setAutoCommit(false); Statement st = conn.createStatement(); st.execute("create table T1 ( PkCol1 int not null, PkCol2 int not null , " + "col3 int, col4 int, col5 varchar(10), Primary Key (PkCol1, PkCol2)) " + "Partition by column (PkCol1)"+ getSuffix()); conn.commit(); conn.setTransactionIsolation(getIsolationLevel()); PreparedStatement psInsert = conn.prepareStatement("insert into t1 " + "values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { psInsert.setInt(1, i); psInsert.setInt(2, i); psInsert.setInt(3, i); psInsert.setInt(4, i); psInsert.setString(5, "XXXX" + i); psInsert.executeUpdate(); if ((i % 2) == 0) { conn.commit(); } else { conn.rollback(); } } // approx. 240 commits/rollbacks gets distributed across 2 nodes. adjust these numbers to a little lower value // if unbalanced commits/rollbacks happen. checkTxStatistics("commit-afterInserts", 240, 240, 240, 240, 500, 501); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("select * from t1"); int numRows = 0; while ( { numRows++; } assertEquals("Table should have 500 rows", 500, numRows); rs.close(); st.close(); conn.commit(); conn.close(); checkTxStatistics("commit-afterSelects", 240, 240, 240, 240, 500, 501); }
Example 18
Source File: From aliada-tool with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
/** Add an user to the DB. * @return String */ public String addUser() { HttpSession session = ServletActionContext.getRequest().getSession(); User us = new User(); // Save fields us.setUsername(this.usernameForm); us.setPassword(this.passwordForm); us.setRepeatPassword(this.repeatPasswordForm); us.setEmail(this.emailForm); us.setRole(String.valueOf(this.roleForm)); us.setType(String.valueOf(this.typeForm)); us.setOrganisation(String.valueOf(this.organisationForm)); session.setAttribute("newUser", us); Connection connection = null; try { connection = new DBConnectionManager().getConnection(); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM aliada.user WHERE user_name='" + getUsernameForm() + "'"); if (! { statement = connection.createStatement(); if (this.passwordForm.equals(this.repeatPasswordForm)) { // Encrypt password StrongPasswordEncryptor passwordEncryptor = new StrongPasswordEncryptor(); String encryptedPassword = passwordEncryptor.encryptPassword(this.passwordForm); statement.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO aliada.user VALUES ('" + this.usernameForm + "', '" + encryptedPassword + "', '" + this.emailForm + "', '" + this.typeForm + "', '" + this.roleForm + "', '" + this.organisationForm + "')"); addActionMessage(getText("")); rs.close(); statement.close(); connection.close(); getUsersDb(); session.setAttribute("newUser", null); } else { rs.close(); statement.close(); connection.close(); addFieldError("passwordForm", getText("userPassword.not.equals")); addFieldError("repeatPasswordForm", getText("userPassword.not.equals")); return ERROR; } } else { rs.close(); statement.close(); connection.close(); addFieldError("usernameForm", getText("err.duplicate.user")); return ERROR; } } catch (SQLException e) { logger.error(MessageCatalog._00011_SQL_EXCEPTION, e); return ERROR; } return SUCCESS; }
Example 19
Source File: From gemfirexd-oss with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
* Test 7 - Online compress test for fetching more rows than buffer limit.
* <p>
* For smaller row size, if number of rows per page is more than max buffer
* size, then check if the remaining rows are also fetched for Compress
* Operation
* <p>
private void test7(
Connection conn,
String test_name,
String table_name)
throws SQLException
beginTest(conn, test_name);
Statement s = conn.createStatement();
s.execute("create table " + table_name + "(keycol int)");
PreparedStatement insert_stmt =
conn.prepareStatement("insert into " + table_name + " values(?)");
for (int i = 0; i < 1200; i++)
insert_stmt.setInt(1, i);
catch (SQLException sqle)
"Exception while trying to insert a row");
throw sqle;
// delete the front rows leaving the last 200. Post commit may reclaim
// space on pages where all rows are deleted.
conn, "delete from " + table_name + " where keycol < 1000", true);
if (verbose)
testProgress("deleted first 1000 rows, now calling compress.");
callCompress(conn, "APP", table_name, true, true, true, true);
testProgress("delete rows case succeeded.");
executeQuery(conn, "drop table " + table_name, true);
endTest(conn, test_name);
Example 20
Source File: From spliceengine with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
* Test the firing order of triggers. Should be:
* Before operations
* after operations
* For multiple triggers within the same group (before or after)
* firing order is determined by create order.
* @throws SQLException
public void testFiringOrder() throws SQLException
Statement s = createStatement();
s.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE T(ID INT)");
int triggerCount = createRandomTriggers()[0];
List info = new ArrayList();
// Check ordering with a single row.
s.execute("INSERT INTO T VALUES 1");
int fireCount = assertFiringOrder("INSERT", 1);
s.execute("UPDATE T SET ID = 2");
fireCount += assertFiringOrder("UPDATE", 1);
s.execute("DELETE FROM T");
fireCount += assertFiringOrder("DELETE", 1);
assertEquals("All triggers fired?", triggerCount, fireCount);
// and now with multiple rows
s.execute("INSERT INTO T VALUES 1,2,3");
fireCount = assertFiringOrder("INSERT", 3);
s.execute("UPDATE T SET ID = 2");
fireCount += assertFiringOrder("UPDATE", 3);
s.execute("DELETE FROM T");
fireCount += assertFiringOrder("DELETE", 3);
// cannot assume row triggers were created so can only
// say that at least all the triggers were fired.
assertTrue("Sufficient triggers fired?", fireCount >= triggerCount);
// and then with no rows
assertTableRowCount("T", 0);
fireCount = assertFiringOrder("INSERT", 0);
s.execute("UPDATE T SET ID = 2");
fireCount += assertFiringOrder("UPDATE", 0);
s.execute("DELETE FROM T");
fireCount += assertFiringOrder("DELETE", 0);
// can't assert anthing about fireCount, could be all row triggers.